Search Results | Illinois History and Lincoln Collections
Searching for Subject: Champaign County--Urbana (Ill.)

- Adams, Charles Francis (1857-1893). Diary, 1884-1887
- American Association of University Women, Champaign-Urbana Branch. Records, 1902-2013
- American Institute of Architects, Central Illinois Chapter. Records, 1917-1972
- Avner, Allen. Oral History Interviews, 2022-2023
- Ayars, James S. Papers, 1863-1864, 1911-1985
- Baker-Busey-Dunlap Family. Papers, 1866-1933
- Bates, J. Leonard. Papers
- Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan. Papers, 1757-1799
- Belting, Natalia M. Collection, 1954, 1976-1986
- Blair, Leverett, and Stifler Family Papers, 1805-2006
- Brannon, Mildred J., Photographs and Papers, 1988-1990
- Brichford, Maynard J. Political Ephemera Collection, 1953-2012
- Burnham Family. Clippings, 1894-97
- Busey-Yntema Collection, 1902-1999
- Central Illinois Jewish Federation. Jewish Community Journal, 1973-1974 and 1979-1981
- Champaign County Illinois Schools. Papers, Records, 1877-93, 1921-41
- Champaign Rotary Club. Scrapbook, 1976-78
- Champaign Urbana Jewish Federation. Records, 1934-2019
- Champaign-Urbana Area Home Economists, 1945-2003
- Champaign-Urbana Courier. Photographs and Clippings, 1930, 1956-1978
- Champaign-Urbana Peace Action. Collection, 1982-1991
- Champaign-Urbana Peace Council. Papers, 1951-1966
- Chapin, George. "Military History of the University of Illinois", 1923
- Cohen, Sol B. Papers, 1870-1988
- Course Papers. University Of Illinois. Student History Projects, 1962-1984
- Crabbs, Clarence Lincoln. Letters, 1886-1935
- Cramer-Roughton. Photographs, 1890s-1910s, 1950s
- Culmann, Karl (1821-81). Travel Account, 1850
- Cunningham Children's Home Records, 1895-2005
- Cunningham-Creamer-Miller-Housh Families. Papers, Business Records, and Photographs, 1855-2010
- Darby Family. Papers, 1820-1920
- Daughters of the American Revolution, Alliance Chapter 642. Records and Scrapbooks, 1923-1956
- Dewey Collection. Family and Business Papers, 1818-1923
- Fortnightly Club Of Urbana, Illinois, Records, 1895-2003
- Golden, Dorothy. Postcard Collection, mid-to-late twentieth century
- Greene, Evarts B. World War I Papers, 1916-1920
- Hammet-Talbot-Goodell Families. Papers, 1816-1921, 1994
- Hansen, Kathryn G., Collection, 1881-2005
- Hays, James Wellen (b. 1848). Notebooks, Record Book, Photograph, 1865-1900
- Holabird & Roche. Wesley Foundation, Urbana, Ill., 1925-1926
- Horner, Harlan Hoyt, and Henrietta Calhoun Horner. Papers, 1865-1968
- Illinois Bicentennial. Papers, 1973-1976
- Illinois Laws. Illinois Industrial University, Draft Bill, 1869
- Illinois National Guard, 9th Regt., 1st Brig., Co. D. Inspection Roll, 1878
- Illinois Writers Inc. Papers, 1976-1986
- Johnson v. Board of Education of Champaign (Unit 4) Records, 1991-2009
- Johnson, John Lee. Papers, 1964-2009
- Kuhn Family. Papers, 1871-2004
- Kummer and Novak. Historic Preservation Reports, 1995-2002
- Lang Family. Correspondence, Letters, 1940-41
- Larson, Laurence M., Papers, 1917-43
- League of Women Voters of Champaign County, Ill. Records, 1870, 1918-2009
- Love, Samuel Sharon. Diary, Account Book, Land Warrant, Certificate, 1850-74
- Martin, Thusenelda Gross. Papers, 1889-1978
- Montevideo Building, Urbana, Ill. Records, 1927-1978
- Pease, Theodore Calvin. Papers, 1903-1948
- Pond, Faytima A. Student Album on Illinois Places, 1926
- Rea Family. Papers, 1870-1950
- Red Herring Poets. Papers, 1975-1986
- Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Records, 1828-2022
- Riehl-Thompson Family. Papers, 1853-2010
- Scott, Roy V. Notes, 1953-1962
- Skagenberg, Richard. Bement (Ill.) Collection, 1940-2014
- Society for the Urban Residential Environment, Urbana, Ill. Newsletters, 1976-1980
- Stephens, Carl, and Charles W. Paape. "A History of the University of Illinois, 1867-1947", circa 1950
- Tucker, C. E., Jr., collector, Court and Financial Documents, 1855-1925
- Turner, Fred H. Wood Block Prints, 1946-1974
- Turner, Jonathan Baldwin. Papers, 1823-1924
- Twenty-Eight Club Records. Correspondence, Clippings, 1931-1970
- Urbana Association of Commerce. Records, 1914-1935
- Walton, Thomas William. Survey of Home Missions in Illinois, c.1914
- Werner, Raymond C. Papers, 1925-1950
- Whitney, Henry Clay. Legal Papers, 1854-1860
- Wilson, Wilbur M., Papers, 1898-1961
- Wingard-Forney-Vaky Family. Papers, 1834-2012
- Woman's Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U.) of Illinois. Local and State Records, 1874-1965
- Wood, Harlington, Jr. Papers, 1910-2004
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