Title: Davis Family. Papers, 1815-1983
Collection identifier: 1030
Primary Creator: Davis Family (1815-1983)
Extent: 0.4 cubic feet
Subjects: Clark County--Anderson Township (Ill.), Property
Forms of Material: Family papers
The collection documents the Davis family from Anderson Township, Clark County, Illinois, through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
William J. Davis (1822-1908) was born in Kentucky and moved to Clark County, Illinois, in the 1850s. The Davis family lived and farmed in Anderson Township for several decades.
This collection contains documents from several generations of the Davis family. It includes land grants, deeds, promissory notes, and a nearly complete set of tax receipts from 1849 to 1942. It also includes numerous photographs of family and friends, especially from the mid-twentieth century. Represented in the collection are William Davis (1822-1908), John William Davis (1858-1942), William Thomas Davis (1887-1964), Aria Davis Baker (1903-1990), Golda Davis Goekler (1910-1991) and (William) Ray Baker (1904-1988), among many others.
Hazel Baker Lee of Johnson City, Tennessee, who graduated from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with a Master's in Library and Information Science, donated the collection to the Library in 2013.
Repository: Illinois History and Lincoln Collections
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/ihlcsfa/davisfamily.pdf
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