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Beginning with "M"
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Creators Beginning with "M"
Maack, Stephen
Macklin, Georgia S.
Macklin, Hall (Hall Mcintyre) (1908-1991)
MacMurdo, James R.
Madak-Erdogan, Zeynep
Magyar, Gabriel (1914-2011)
Maher, Terry
Makah Tribe (Coast Salish)
Malcolmson, David S. (1889-1970)
Malkmus, William (1900-1980)
Malmgren, Carol E.
Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara (Sahnish) Nation (Fort Borthold)
Manion, Michael (1952-2012)
Mann, Glenn
Manning, Thurston E. (1926-)
Mapes, Irene Hope Berkley
Mapother, Dillon E. (Dillon Edward) (1921-)
March for Science Champaign-Urbana
Marjorie Laird "Marge" Richmond (1929-2017)
Mark Tucker
Marley, Clement F.
Marmion Walsh
Marshall, Albert P. (Albert Prince) (1914-)
Martens, Ann
Martens, Rainer (1977-2012)
Marti Briggs Brown
Martin, Arthur T. (Arthur Theodore) (1902-)
Martin, James C.
Martin, Lynn (1939-)
Martinis, Susan
Martirano, Salvatore (1927-1995)
Marwick, Robert
Marx, Werner (1923-1965)
Mary Beth Allen
Mary Mallory
Mary Sleator Temperley (1925-2018)
Mascagni, Pietro (1863-1945)
Mask and Bauble
Mason, Arthur H.
Masters, George
Mathematical Club
Matheny, R. Norman
Mathews, Robert E. (Robert Elden) (1894-1983)
Mathis, Russell (1926-2014)
Matthews, James Newton (1852-1910)
Matthews. David O. (1920-)
Mautz, Louis P.
Mayer, Robert Wallace (1909-)
Mayes, Paul Eugene (1931-1972)
Maze, Glen L. (1928-2002)
McAllister, Minnette
McAllister, Walter Ginder (1897-1976)
McBride, Glen C.
McBurney, William H. (William Harlin) (1919-1967)
McCammon, George A. (1905-1999)
McCann, Jack
McCarty, John
McClure, Ora D.
McCristal, King James (1907-)
McDermott, Thomas Charles (1927-)
McDonald, Edward M.
McDowell, Austin J. (1920-2013)
McEntee, Kenneth (1921-2005)
McGee, Gladys V. England (1905-deceased)
McHenry, Dean E. (1939-)
McHugh, William A.
McIntyre, Charles John
McKelvey, Frank H. (1882-)
McKinley Hall
McKinley, Eric
McLaughlin, John B
McLure, William P. (1910-2002)
McMillen, George B.
McNatt, Emmett B. (1902-1974)
McPherson, Gary
McPherson, William H. (William Heston) (1902-1994)
McVittie, George C. (George Cunliffe) (1904-1988)
Means, Jo Miller
Mech, Edmund V.
Medicare 7, 8 or 9 (1969-2000)
Meduna, Ladislas Joseph (1896-1964)
Memory Lane Photography
Mendel, Ferdinand A. (1895-1917)
Mendel, Frederick A. (1895-1917)
Mendenhall, Ruby
Mendes, Clarion
Men's Independent District Association
Men's Residence Hall Association
Menzel, Carl A. (1894-1987)
Mermel, Thaddeus Walter A.
Merrill, Harriet Bell (1863-1915)
Merritt, H. Thomas (1883-1969)
Merritt, Richard L. (1933-)
Meryl Morgan (1885-)
Mesloh, Otto (1867-1923)
Metcalf, Clell Lee (1888-1948)
Metcalf, Lawrence E. (1915-1989)
Metcalf, Robert Lee (1916-)
Metro News
Mexican Student Association
Meyer, Michael L.
Michael Cameron (1959-2022)
Michael Faiman (1935-2004)
Michaelson, A.G.
Michalove, Peter A (1951-2013)
Michaud, Regis (1880-1939)
Mickel, Jere C. (1905-1985)
Midwest Archivists' Conference
Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities
Mildred A. Hummel Richmond (1894-1988)
Miles, Frederick Dean
Miles, Russell Hancock (1895-1983)
Miller Brown, Terry
Miller, George Abram (1863-1951)
Miller, Ivan (1925-)
Miller, Jerome K. (1975-1983)
Miller, Larry
Miller, Myrtle
Miller, Robert B. (Robert Barclay)
Miller, Theresa B. (1932-2007)
Miller, Van (1947-)
Miller, Vernon X. (1902-1986)
Miller, Virginia
Miller, Wendell
Mills, Douglas
Mills, Floyd E.
Milner, Reid Thompson (1903-)
Miner, Florence Hood
Mineral Resources and Engineering
Mischnick, Marvin (1919-2018)
Mitchell, Harold Hanson (1886-1966)
Mitchell, Philip M. (1916-1999)
Mitziga, Walter (1914-2005)
Moeller, Therald
Molano-Flores, Brenda
Moms Association
Monroe, Walter Scott (1882-1961)
Montage Arts Journal (1996-2017)
Monypenny, Philip (1914-)
Moody, Warren K.
Moore Carter, Frances (1925-2022)
Moore, A. Doyle (1931-2013)
Moore, J. Mack (John Mack) (-1954)
Moore, Marjorie Deane (1922-1972)
Moreland, Steve
Morey, Benjamin Franklin
Morey, Lloyd (1886-1965)
Morgan, Robert (1942-)
Morgan, Ruth Bennett, Dr. (1878-1955)
Morgan, W. Thomas
Morris, Arthur Marvin
Morris, Clara Cronk
Morris, Eddie (1887-1932)
Morris, William T.
Morrison Photographer
Morrow, George Espy (1840-1900)
Mortar Board (Society)
Mosely, Philip E. (1905-1972)
Moses, David J. (1915-1998)
Moses, Don V. (1936)
Mosher, Martin Luther (1882-)
Mosley, John W.
Mountz, John Jacob (September 5, 1898 - November 1, 1967)
Mowrer, Orval Hobart (1907-1982)
Moyer, Frederic D.
Mueller, Justus Frederick (1902-)
Muhlenbruch, Carl W.
Muir, Lester
Mumford, Herbert W. (Herbert Windsor) (1871-1938)
Muntyan, Miodrag (1914-)
Murdock, Robert S.
Murphy, Catherine J.
Murphy, Frank D.
Murphy, Lawrence W. (1924-1964)
Murphy, Richard (1903-1985)
Mu-San (Fraternity)
Muslim Student Association
Muster, Bill
Mutter, Scott (1944-)
Mutti, Ralph Joseph (1917-)
Myers, George William (1864-1931)
Myers, James Edward (1913-2001)
Mykins, Perry H.
Mynard, Frank H.
Mynne Kuhn Schmidt (1925-2019)
Myron Wormley (1932-2006)
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