Browse By Series Title | University of Illinois Archives
Holdings Beginning With "S"
15/24/26 S. Charles Kendeigh Papers, 1919-85
28/2/804 Sales Literature, September 1982
41/20/192 Sally Mohr Duchow Papers, 1963-1967
26/20/38 Samson Raphaelson Papers, 1921-1976
41/20/20 Samuel A. Bullard Papers, 1873-1881
10/14/20 Samuel A. Kirk Papers, 1933-1969
26/20/4 Samuel Abrams Scrapbook, 1902-06
11/4/27 Samuel I. Stupp Papers, 1978-85
21/1/20 Samuel K. Gove Papers, 1948-93
10/12/23 Steve Sanderson Papers, 1955-57
11/5/826 Sanitary Engineering Series, 1969-
12/12/21 Shozo Sato Papers, 1964-2010
13/3/810 Satyr, 1942
41/64/55 Scandinavian Club Records, 2011-2016
39/2/32 Scanned Photograph File, 1868-
41/67/140 Scarab Records, 1953-71
31/13/807 Schedules of Events, 1968-
12/5/62 Thomas Schleis Papers, 1972-2012
25/6/805 Scholarship Publications, 1942-
14/1/802 Scholarship Announcements, 1958-1959
17/1/803 Scholarship Day Programs, 1965-67
30/1/802 Scholarship File, 1923-
12/4/807 School Evaluation Report, 1976
10/10/12 School Survey Reports, 1947-1948
10/1/817 School Surveys, 1948-1958
26/20/242 Schulz Family Papers, 1900-1957
7/4/13 Science,Technology, and Society/History and Philosophy of Science Program Files, 1974-1980, 1982, 1983
2/13/814 Scope and Mission Statement, 1973-74
48/1/52 Scott Bennett Papers, 1981-89
12/8/20 Scott Keyes Papers, 1920-1978
26/20/83 Scott Mutter Papers, 1977-94
41/20/42 Scott Williams Scrapbook, 1889-1891
8/7/11 Scrapbook, 1938-77
9/1/10 Scrapbook, 1923-25
12/5/809 Scrapbooks, 1945-1962
37/6/14 Scrapbooks, 1941-1947
12/1/12 Scrapbooks, 1929-59
28/1/10 Scrapbooks, 1930-76
27/3/8 Scrapbooks, 1923-33, 1941-56
26/40/106 Secretary's Papers, 1915-62
26/40/107 Secretary's Papers, 1911, 1931, 1961-71
14/83/310 Section on Education Law Publications, 1979, 1984-88, 1994, 1997-2000, 2002, 2004-05, 2008-10, 2012-15, 2017-19
14/83/45 Section on Aging and the Law Publications, 1985, ca. 1987-93, 1995, 1997-2010, 2016, 2018-19
14/83/90 Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation Publications, 1982, 1985-88, 1995, 1997-ca. 2004
14/83/165 Section on Civil Procedure Publications, ca. 1983-85, 1987-91, 1993, 1995, 1997-2010, 2016
14/83/195 Section on Commercial and Related Consumer Law Publications, ca. 1985-86, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999-2000, 2003-04, 2017-18
14/83/780 Section on Communication, Media and Information Law Publications, 1988-91, ca. 2005, 1997-2000, 2019
14/83/285 Section on Criminal Justice Publications, 1975-78, 1981, 1983-89, 1992-93, 1995, 1997-2011, 2015-21
14/83/312 Section on Empirical Study of Legal Education and the Legal Profession Publications, 2017-21
14/83/313 Section on Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Publications, 1997, 2003, 2008, 2010, 2019
14/83/315 Section on Employment Discrimination Law Publications, 1985, 1988-92, 1995, 1997-2001, 2003, 2005-14, 2016-17, 2019
14/83/330 Section on Environmental Law Publications, 1980, 1985-ca. 1987, 1989, 1992, ca. 1998, 2019
14/83/360 Section on Family and Juvenile Law Publications, 1986-88, 1990-93, 1995, 1997-2002, 2005, 2008-19
14/83/381 Section on Financial Institutions and Consumer Financial Services Publications, 1988, 1999, 2012, 2016
14/83/420 Section on Graduate Programs for Non-U.S. Lawyers Publications, 1988-93, 1995-96, 1998, 2000-02, 2005-06, 2015, 2017
14/83/805 Section on Indian Nations and Indigenous Peoples Publications, 1987-89, ca. 1991-95, 2013-17
14/83/480 Section on Intellectual Property Publications, 1983, 1985, 1987-88, 1995, ca. 1997-2001, 2017
14/83/490 Section on International Human Rights Publications, 2001-ca. 2003, 2006-08, 2011, 2013-16, 2018-19
14/83/495 Section on International Law Publications, 1983-84, 1990-93, 1997-ca. 1999, 2001, 2003, 2009, 2013, 2015
14/83/510 Section on International Legal Exchange Publications, 1973, 1986-87, 1989-92, 1998-2002, 2004-06, 2017
14/83/540 Section on Labor Relations and Employment Law Publications, 1991-93, 1997-98, 2006, 2008-09, 2016
14/83/620 Section on Law and Mental Disability Publications, 1985-ca. 1986, 1988-89, ca. 1993, ca. 1995, 1997-2001, 2013-17, 2019
14/83/590 Section on Law and the Humanities Publications, 1980, 1982-83, 1986, 1990-91, 2000-05, ca. 2009-10, 2013, 2015
14/83/615 Section on Law, Medicine and Health Care Publications, ca. 1981, ca. 1983-84, ca. 1992, 1995, 1997-2001, 2005, 2009-19
14/83/705 Section on Legal Writing, Reasoning and Research Publications, 1974-76, 1978-2017, 2019, 2021
14/83/735 Section on Legislation and Law of the Political Process Publications, 1983, 1985-89, 1991-95, 1997, ca. 1999, 2013, 2015-18
14/83/750 Section on Litigation Publications, ca. 1982, ca. 1987, 1993, 1998, 2001, 2008-09, 2014-16
14/83/795 Section on Minority Groups Publications, 1971, 1974, 1978-81, 1986, 1989-93, 1995, 1997-2011, 2013, 2020
14/83/825 Section on Poverty Law Publications, 1986-87, 1993, 1997, 1999-2001, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2016-2019
14/83/850 Section on Pro Bono and Public Service Opportunities Publications, 2000-02, 2008, 2014, 2016-21
14/83/405 Section on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues Publications, 1985-95, 1997-2002, 2005-09, 2011-12, 2018, 2020
14/83/895 Section on State and Local Government Law Publications, ca. 1980, 1982-85, 1988, 1990-93, 1995, 1997-2006, 2010, 2012-18
14/83/960 Section on Torts and Compensation Systems Publications, 1987-ca. 1989, 1993, ca. 1998-ca. 2002, ca. 2004-ca. 2005, 2007-19
43/4/810 Section Publications, 1982-
43/5/810 Section Publications, 1903-
43/7/810 Section Publications, 1963
43/2/810 Section Publications, 1966-
43/3/810 Section Publications, 1914-19, 1965-
11/8/21 Seichi Konzo Papers, 1958-1993
25/50/9 Self-Studies, 1959-1986
11/15/803 Seminar Proceedings, 1991-1991
8/13/10 Seminars File, 1972-92
60/20/1 Senate Minutes, 1958-63
50/20/1 Senate Minutes, 1958-61, 1963
8/4/863 Senior Brochures, 1971-1998
15/10/10 Senior Honors Theses, 1973-1980
15/1/38 Senior Surveys, 1973-1980
15/11/112 Sepkoski Grant Files, 1995-2012
15/23/20 Severina E. Nelson Papers, 1939-67
41/8/820 Shaft, 1947-1955
11/8/26 Shao Lee Soo Papers, 1949-2006
41/20/300 Sharon Plowman Papers, 1945-2016
11/10/51 Shau-Jin Chang Papers, 1964-2000
8/7/828 Sheep Handbook, 1964-
8/7/825 Sheep Reports, 1928, 1960, 1963-
41/20/143 Sheldon B. Rubin Papers, 1962-67, 2001
11/4/25 Sherman D. Brown Papers, 1959-90
41/63/71 Shi Ai Records, 1924-1991
9/10/807 Shopping Habits Surveys, 1947-63
44/1/815 Short Course Announcements, 1959
15/3/23 Sidney Rosen Papers, 1955-1992
41/67/547 Sigma Alpha Iota Annual American Composers Update Subject File, 1933-1935, 1945-1980, 1986, 2009
41/67/546 Sigma Alpha Iota Chapter Files, 1903-
41/67/845 Sigma Alpha Iota Publications, 1924 -
41/67/142 Sigma Delta Chi Records, 1926-83
41/67/143 Sigma Delta Epsilon Records, 1923-76
41/67/196 Sigma Iota Epsilon, 1977
41/72/9 Sigma Kappa Records, 1915-2011
41/71/123 Sigma Lambda Beta Records, 1990-2002
41/71/73 Sigma Nu Records, 1903-2005
41/71/74 Sigma Phi Delta, 1928-94
41/71/75 Sigma Phi Epsilon Records, 1939-2015
41/71/818 Sigma Rho Bulletin, 1/29-11/46, 2001-
41/72/807 Sigma Sidelights, 10/34-3/46, 1993, 1996
41/63/80 Sigma Xi Nominations File, 1904-1958
41/20/224 Simon Family Papers, 1940-1984
26/20/261 William Skidmore University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra Latin America Tour Reunion Records and Personal Papers, 1930-2024
12/6/8 Slide Files, 1948-1991
26/1/11 Slide Shows, 1970-79
11/6/29 H. Gene Slottow Papers, 1942-89
8/2/14 Sludge Reports, 1974-75
37/6/814 Small Spaces, 1971-
12/9/30 Gary E Smith Papers, 1926-2007
12/5/5 Thomas J. Smith Letter, 1913
41/67/190 Social Work Administration Club
8/2/813 Soil Reports, 1911-1976
8/6/811 Soil Survey History, 1967
52/1/821 Solicitations, 1968-
26/20/217 Laurie Solomon Photographs, 1930-2018
11/13/805 Some Historical Highlights, 1964, 1967
10/12/812 Songs and Yells, 1923
26/20/208 Toby Sonneman Papers, 1970-2012
8/11/28 Sonya Salamon Papers, 1971-2007
41/82/806 Sorority Handbooks, 1913-31
13/6/5 Sound Recordings, 1927-1999
9/11/807 Southern Illinois Booklets, 1948-49
15/22/805 Spanish Applied Linguistics, 1997-
50/12/808 Speakers Bureau Brochure, ca. 1960
31/8/802 Special Announcements, 1956, 1961
13/6/804 Special Program Announcements, 1937-
8/11/812 Special Publications, ca 1923-
23/6/806 Special Reports, 1968-1996
24/5/814 Special Studies, 1963-
26/20/212 Glenna Spitze Papers, 1942-1978
0/1/808 Sports Interviews, 1967
16/3/812 Sports Line, 1979-
28/5/819 Sports Media Guides, 1972-
28/5/6 Sports Photographs, 1903-85
28/5/802 Sports Publications, 1980-
16/1/11 Sports Slides, 1900-35
26/1/814 Stadium Drive Publications, 1920-24
26/1/14 Stadium Drive Record, 1921
22/1/813 Staff & Student Handbooks, 1965-
15/17/2 Staff Appointments File, 1947-70
35/1/810 "Staff Bulletin.", 1942-1978
50/11/815 Staff Directories, 1939-
38/1/805 Staff Directories, 1894-1901, 1905-15, 1918-20, 1956-67, 1967-68, 1969-73, 1973-2012, 2013-
9/5/11 Staff Files, 1937-74
11/5/807 Staff Lists, 1963
25/7/810 Staff Lists, 1976-
8/11/808 Staff Manuals, 1953-
35/1/809 Staff Manuals, 1947-
49/1/804 Staff Meeting Minutes, 1947-1949
13/6/803 Staff Memoranda, 1939-
8/2/3 Staff Minutes, 1893-1903
36/1/808 Staff Notes, 1957-1960
35/1/818 Staff Notes, 1984-
41/1/810 Staff Notes, 1967-
36/1/805 Staff Observer, 1966-1981
2/13/13 Staff Subject File, 1960-76
15/71/826 NCTE/Standards Consensus Series, 1995-
15/71/828 NCTE/Standards in Practice, 1996
8/1/811 Standing Committees Lists, 1947-
41/1/21 Stanley A. Levy Papers, 1943-98
26/20/35 Stanley L. Kaufman Papers, 1932-50
41/20/142 Stanley Ray Dallas Papers, 1935-1938
20/4/20 Stanley Roscoe Papers, 1946-1999
22/2/26 Stanley Rosen Papers, 1959-93
15/5/50 Stanley Smith Papers, 1957-2006
12/4/23 Stanley White Papers, 1925-1977
41/68/159 Star Wars Club Records, 2017-2020
44/3/804 State and Regional Maps, 1967-
31/1/803 Statewide Campus Reports, 1962-
8/2/808 Station News, 1982-
15/4/5 Statistical Reports, 1964-71
18/1/4 Statistical Reports, 1917-43
6/1/12 Statistical Studies, 1925-74
24/13/813 Stenographic Services Issuances, 1955-
41/20/116 Stephen F. Jablonsky Papers, 1974
15/18/38 Stephen P. Cohen papers
15/20/20 Stephen P. Hill Papers, 1936-2010
41/20/314 Steve and Jean Kaplan Papers, 1968-1972
12/9/154 Old Town School of Folk Music Banjo Exhibition Records and Samuel Swaim Stewart Banjos, 1819-2001
11/6/840 Stock Room Catalogs, 1962-68
41/1/16 Stoddard Installation File, 1947
31/11/816 String News, April, 1948 - January, 1950
12/9/128 Charles Strothkamp Papers, 1896-1983
11/5/816 Structural Research Series, 1950-
15/18/34 Stuart Nagel Papers, 1944-2003
15/7/21 Stuart Sherman Papers, 1903-26
7/13/20 Stuart Umpleby Papers, 1969-97
41/18/817 Student Advocate, 1975-1977
41/1/802 Student Affairs, 1963-1979
22/1/821 Student Award Essays, 1986-
18/1/851 Student Awards, 1973-74
14/1/817 Student Directories, 1962-1984
12/1/7 Student Files, 1932-84
5/1/821 Student Governance Report, 1966
41/62/11 Student Government Records, 1870-83
63/1/805 Student Handbook, 1969
41/3/805 Student Handbook, 1961-1971
49/12/801 Student Handbooks, 1947-1949
15/19/809 Student Handbooks, 1953-
18/1/850 Student Handbooks, 1965-
37/6/801 Student Housing Handbooks, 1941-
8/5/809 Student Issuances, 1965-
15/24/10 Student Laboratory Guides, 1893
25/3/44 Student Ledger Books, 1868-1903
25/3/17 Student Ledger Cards, 1896-1982
25/3/7 Student Ledger Index, 1903
41/2/16 Student Lists, 1894-1901
5/9/12 Student Lists, 1966-
11/1/807 Student Newsletters, 1974-
41/3/4 Student Records, 1958-1968
41/62/12 Student Senate Files, 1948-2009
12/2/815 Student Studies, 1965-
15/33/815 Studies, 1973-
24/1/808 Studies and Reports, 1985-
16/5/804 Studies and Surveys, 1962-63, 1972
15/2/818 ITARP Studies in Archaeology, 1997-
15/32/816 Studies in Language Learning, 1975-
15/1/53 Study Abroad File, 1968-2001
25/3/11 Study Lists, 1972-83
31/14/806 Subject Catalogs, 1958-92
5/7/3 Subject File, 1958-1977
6/1/6 Subject File, 1913-2002
2/7/5 Subject File, 1930-1933
52/5/1 Subject File, 1968-2012
15/11/1 Subject File, 1917-79
2/8/5 Subject File, 1933-1934
5/1/1 Subject File, 1932-71
15/15/5 Subject File, 1957-59
12/3/1 Subject File, 1903-2006
35/2/2 Subject File, 1917-2005
8/13/5 Subject File, 1942-2000
41/2/30 Subject File, 1952, 1963-1984
43/1/5 Subject File, 1879-1931
21/1/5 Subject File, 1949-78
8/4/2 Subject File, 1922-86
8/11/5 Subject File, 1898-1995
10/2/1 Subject File, 1942-1984
38/1/1 Subject File, 1951-1979
34/1/1 Subject File, 1914-70
37/1/1 Subject File, 1901-1977
7/15/1 Subject File, 1954-1978
8/12/3 Subject File, 1898-1984
7/25/5 Subject File, 1985-93
8/2/1 Subject File, 1942-1999
11/4/2 Subject File, 1906-86
11/16/1 Subject File, 1951-2001
2/14/5 Subject File, 1979-1997
2/13/5 Subject File, 1955-1979
12/1/1 Subject File, 1931-1986
41/3/1 Subject File, 1909-1980
41/7/1 Subject File, 1969-2003
8/7/2 Subject File, 1915-70
36/1/1 Subject File, 1940-1968
41/8/2 Subject File, 1921, 2011
2/6/5 Subject File, 1919-1930
2/4/4 Subject File, 1894-1904
11/2/1 Subject File, 1909-77
41/69/322 YMCA Subject File, 1886-2009
12/8/1 Subject File, 1931-1969
20/1/1 Subject File, 1942-65, 1971
32/1/1 Subject File, 1944-82
26/1/5 Subject File, 1928-95
15/13/1 Subject File, 1897-2002
26/2/5 Subject File, 1886-2017
2/10/5 Subject File, 1945-1953
2/11/5 Subject File, 1953-57
2/9/5 Subject File, 1934-1949
15/42/5 Subject File, 1948-2009
2/12/5 Subject File, 1851-1975
9/11/1 Subject File, 1955-99
9/10/1 Subject File, 1949-74
12/6/5 Subject File, 1944-2002
41/84/3 Subject Files, 2005-2012
41/85/3 Subject Files, 2002-2023
31/10/809 Subject Files, 1957-2011
35/1/33 Subject Files, 2002-2004
26/21/13 Subject Files, 1837-1972
2/5/5 Subject Files, 1904-1918
41/83/3 Subject Files, 1931-73
30/1/804 Summer Parent Meetings File, 1961
6/1/806 Summer Session Budgets, 1944-
18/1/826 Summer Session Reports, 1931-42
28/1/809 Summer Sports Camps Brochures, 1980-
15/1/804 Summer Study Programs, 1962-
36/1/817 Supervisor's Bulletin, 1973-1975
41/66/110 Support Salaita Records, 2014
67/3/801 Survey Questionnaires, ca. 1969
31/12/808 Survey Reports, 1964, 1965
7/15/810 Survey Research Newsletter, 1969-
11/5/808 Surveying Field Instructions, 1897
2/9/806 Surveys, 1942-1943
41/30/11 Susan E. Thompson Notebooks, 1889-90
41/20/264 Susan Laura Groner Papers, 1952-1953
8/12/12 Sweet Pea Color Plates, 1908
8/7/833 Swine Handbook, 1963-
8/7/834 Swine Reports, 1966-
8/7/836 Swine Research Reports, 1979-
11/10/17 Symposium Recordings, 1976
62/1/815 Symposium Proceedings, 1967