Records Relating to Plant Pathology Department | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Plant Pathology Department" Show Name Authority File
8 13 1 Faculty Minutes, 1975-92

8 13 5 Subject File, 1942-2000

8 13 10 Seminars File, 1972-92

8 13 13 Building Committee File, 1967-79

8 13 22 David Gottlieb Papers, 1940-1982

8 13 25 Henryk Jedlinski Papers, 1959-87

8 13 27 Richard E. Ford Papers, 1970-73

8 13 29 Arthur L. Hooker Papers

8 13 805 Reports on Plant Diseases, 1957-

8 13 809 Departmental Publications, 1964-

8 13 827 Couse Materials, 1965-