Records Relating to Horticulture Department | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Horticulture Department" Show Name Authority File
8 12 1 Farm Journals, 1869-1874

8 12 2 Nursery Record, 1871, 1878

8 12 3 Subject File, 1898-1984

8 12 4 Clippings File, 1901-1936

8 12 8 Budget File, 1915-1949

8 12 9 Office Manual, 1953-1956

8 12 12 Sweet Pea Color Plates, 1908

8 12 16 Fruit Paintings, 1903-1907

8 12 18 Grape Reports, 1904, 1911

8 12 24 John W. Lloyd Papers, 1899-1940

8 12 27 Gail M. Fosler Papers, 1951-1983

8 12 40 Truck Farming Reports, 1913

8 12 51 Floriculture Scrapbook, ca. 1921

8 12 802 Horticulture Facts, 1963-

8 12 816 Pomology Course Material, 1924-1932