Records Relating to Animal Science Department | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Animal Science Department" Show Name Authority File
8 7 2 Subject File, 1915-70

8 7 11 Scrapbook, 1938-77

8 7 806 Course Materials, 1941-

8 7 818 Beef Feedlot Handbook, 1964

8 7 823 Poultry Handbook, 1963-

8 7 825 Sheep Reports, 1928, 1960, 1963-

8 7 828 Sheep Handbook, 1964-

8 7 833 Swine Handbook, 1963-

8 7 834 Swine Reports, 1966-

8 7 835 Pork Industry Handbook, 1979-

8 7 836 Swine Research Reports, 1979-

8 7 840 Illinois Horse Report, 1990-