Records Relating to Consumer Sciences & Agricul... | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Consumer Sciences & Agricultural Economics Department" Show Name Authority File
8 4 2 Subject File, 1922-86

8 4 51 ISPFMRA Archives, 1928-1998

8 4 802 Weekly Outlook, 1941-2008

8 4 803 Illinois Farm Economics, 1935-57

8 4 805 Economics for Agriculture, 1959-

8 4 806 Research Reports, 1954-

8 4 811 Testimonials & Memorials, 1924

8 4 828 Market Notes, 1954-58

8 4 833 Local Government Notes, 1949-57

8 4 835 Newsletters, 1967-

8 4 842 The Community Leader, 1937-50

8 4 845 The ISEIRD File, 1973-84

8 4 858 Teaching Publications, 1969-

8 4 861 Technical Publications, 1967-

8 4 863 Senior Brochures, 1971-1998

8 4 866 AE Publication Series, 1931

8 4 914 Cost Reports & Studies, 1925-47