Records Relating to Dean's Office | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Dean's Office" Show Name Authority File
8 1 1 Letterbooks, 1888-1911

8 1 6 Budget Files, 1922-1955

8 1 7 Car Book File, 1954-1955

8 1 25 Theresa B. Miller Papers

8 1 51 Historical Material, 1904-75

8 1 811 Standing Committees Lists, 1947-

8 1 812 Faculty and Staff Lists, 1913-

8 1 825 Illinois Farm Page, 1913,1915

8 1 826 The Corn-Belter, 1912, 1914-1915

8 1 827 Press Bulletins, 1894, 1912-1917

8 1 837 Campus News Briefs, 1965

8 1 839 India at Illinois, 1957-1958

8 1 840 Illinois in India, 1955-1963

8 1 846 Partners with India, 1974

8 1 847 Indian Newsletters, 1957-1969

8 1 848 India and Illinois, 1956-1963