Search Results for "30" | University of Illinois Archives
Search Results for Language: Japanese [jpn]
- Business
Dean's Office
- Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
- Shozo Sato Papers, ca. 1930-2023
- Shozo Sato Papers, ca. 1930-2023
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
Dance Department
- Jan Erkert Papers, 1972-2022
- Jan Erkert Papers, 1972-2022
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
School of Music
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
University Bands
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
Asian Studies Center
- Japanese Tapes, 1929-2006
- Japanese Tapes, 1929-2006
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
School of Chemical Sciences
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
Entomology Department
- Willis Bruce Papers, 1938-2008
- Willis Bruce Papers, 1938-2008
- Applied Health Sciences
Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES)
- Timothy J. Nugent Papers, 1939-2007
- Publicity File, 1950-2007
- Timothy J. Nugent Papers, 1939-2007
- University Library
Departmental Library Services
- Student Affairs
Student Scrapbooks and Papers

- Search image thumbnails (800 or more images found)
- "Price of Bounty" Production File (Audiovisual Digital Surrogates)
- "Expanding Horizons", the History of Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services at the University of Illinois (Digital Surrogates)
- An Incident in the Temple, detail
- Nymph Fountain
- Partch: 30 Years of Lyrical and Dramatic Music, Side A and B
- Partch: 30 Years of Lyrical and Dramatic Music, Side B
- 2630002_ATH_2_7_FilmRoll_1_1
- 2630002_ATH_2_7_FilmRoll_6_33
- 2630002_ATH_2_7_FilmRoll_7_4
- 4th and 5th Jazz Numbers and Water! Water!
- 50th Anniversary Certificate
- A. Richard Williams (Digital Surrogates)
- AALS Amicus Curiae Briefs (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Annual Meeting Programs (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Annual Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops Audio Recordings (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- AALS Annual Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops Photographs (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Association Handbook (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- AALS Committee Publications File (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Conference and Workshop Publications Files (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Faculty Recruitment Conference Issuances and Announcements (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Open Letters to ABA (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Open Letters to Government Officials (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Placement Bulletin (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Presidents' Newsletter Messages (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Africa Publications (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Aging and the Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Associate Deans for Academic Affairs and Research Publications (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Civil Rights Publications (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Empirical Study of Legal Education and the Legal Profession Publications (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Publications (Born Digital Record and Digital Surrogate)
- AALS Section on European Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on International Human Rights Publications (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Labor Relations and Employment Law Publications File (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Law and Sports Publications (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Law and the Humanities Publications (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Leadership Publications (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Property Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Real Estate Transactions Publications (Born Digital Records)
- ACRL Student Chapter Records (Born Digital and Digital Surrogates)
- Ad Council 50th Anniversary File (Digital Surrogates)
- Ad Council Historical File (Digital Surrogates)
- Ad Council Media Monitoring Broadcast Clips (Audiovisual Digital Surrogates)
- Ad Council Radio Public Service Announcement Audio Recordings (Born Digital Records)
- Ad Council Records: Campaign Posters (Digital Surrogates)
- Ad Council Transit & Bus Shelter Ad Bulletins & Transit Ads (Digital Surrogates)
- Administrative Affairs Resource Directories (Born Digital Records)
- Admissions Jackets (Digital Surrogates)
- Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences Faculty and Staff File (Digital Surrogates)
- Albert Lybyer Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Alexander Schulz and Laocoon
- Alexander Schulz and Laocoon (1)
- Alumni and Faculty Biographical (Alumni News Morgue) File (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records)
- Alwin Schaller Scrapbook (Digital Surrogates)
- Announcements and Pamphlets (Born Digital Records)
- Archives Exhibits File (Digital Surrogates)
- Audio-Visual Aids Service
- Bill Westcott
- Chancellor's Office Restricted Subject File (Digital Surrogates)
- Chancellor's Office Subject File (Digital Surrogates)
- Clowns at the Circus
- College of Business Communications Office Photograph File (Digital Surrogates)
- College of Engineering Historical File (Digital Surrogates)
- Communicable Disease Materials: Smallpox notice (Digital Surrogates)
- Computational Science and Engineering Subject File (Born Digital Records)
- Concert Band
- Concert Band
- Concert Band
- Concert Band, "Sonata, Opus 167," Saint Saens
- Concert Band, 80th Anniversary Concerts
- Concert Band, 80th Anniversary Concerts
- Concert Band, Commencement
- Concert Band, Commencement Concert
- Concert Band, Commencement Concert
- Concert Bands
- Council of Administration Records (Digital Surrogates)
- Crowd Outside RKO Orpheum Theatre
- Curriculum Laboratory Reports (Digital Surrogates)
- Daniel Curley Papers: Audio Recordings (Digital Surrogates)
- Deleterious Presentation of a Black Man
- Department of Mathematics History (Digital Surrogates)
- Department of Physics Annual Reports Records (Digital Surrogates)
- East Texas State University Composition Symposium: A Concert of works by Karel Husa
- Engineering Photographs and Negatives (Digital Surrogates)
- Engineering Scrapbooks (Digital Surrogates)
- Exterior of the Virginia Theatre
- Faculty and Staff Press Releases File (Digital Surrogates)
- Faculty Organization Publications (Digital Surrogates)
- Faculty Reports (Digital Surrogates)
- Faux President's Car Hobo Parade
- Faux President's Car Hobo Parade (2)
- First Concert Band
- Flute
- Football Games Films and Videotapes (Audiovisual Digital Surrogates)
- Guide For New Students (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records)
- Hans Frauenfelder Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Hardy Cross Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Harlan D. Fairchild Photographic Collection (Digital Surrogates)
- Harold M. Westergaard Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Harris F. Fletcher Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Hillel Post, Hillel Bulletin, and Hillel Magazine (Digital Surrogates)
- Homer D. Wilkes Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Hotel Tilden-Hall
- Hubert L. Allen Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Illini Airport
- Illini Forensic Society Records: Debate Audio Recordings (Digital Surrogates)

- Agricultural Engineering Extension Annual Reports, 1923-1924
- Avery Brundage Additions
- Ayars and Baker Family Papers
- Barbara A. Yates Papers
- BCL Publications, 1960s-1970s
- Bennett Tarleton, small addition to personal papers
- Bruce D Nesbitt African American Cultural Center Records Addition
- Burnet Hobgood Papers, 1978-94
- Charles D. Terry scrapbook, 1893-96
- Charles P. Slichter Papers
- Coles County Extension Records, 1880s-1990s
- College of ACES Senior Brochure, 1972
- Computer Science Programs and Announcements, 1977
- CSL Technical Reports, 1970-1999
- Cyril G. Hopkins Papers
- David Pines Papers, 1940-1990
- Delta Phi Records (Born Digital/Digitial Surrogates)
- Delta Tau Delta addition, 1910s
- Digital Projects and Programs Administrative Files
- Donald Crummey Papers
- Donna J. Cox Papers--addition, 1980s-2010s
- Edwin Goldwasser Papers, 1970s-2000s
- Ernest D. Rutenber Current Events Newspaper Clippings, 1908
- Farm Progress Publications Readership Studies
- Fred Rodkey Interview Tapes, 1970s?
- Gerald Arthur McWorter Papers, 8/26/2024
- Hand-tinted lantern slides of Japan and China
- Harriett Green Papers, 2010-2018
- Home Economics Subject File
- Horticulture Buildings and Landscape Architecture Drawings
- Horticulture Experiment Records, 1913-14
- Hunleth Music Store Sheet Music and Photograph Collection, ca. 1880-1970
- Illinois Club Records, 1972-2013
- James R. Anderson papers
- Joel Stebbins papers
- John McLaughlin Papers
- John R. Laughnan Papers, 1950s-1980s
- Julia Kellman papers
- Kappa Delta Pi Subject File
- Ken Wilson Papers, ca. 1970s-1900s
- Krannert Center Performance Contracts, 1970s
- Lillian G. Katz papers
- Marvin C. Stippes Papers
- Melody M. Allison papers
- mom's association, 2000s
- NCSA Negatives and Photographs, 1990
- Nick Holonyak, Jr. Papers, 1952-2004
- north american interfraternity conference
- Paul C. Schroeder Papers--addition 2, ca. 1970
- Paul D. Coleman Papers
- Paul E. Mayes Papers, 1930-1997
- Photographic Subject File, Photo CDs
- Robert Patterson Papers
- Roger Ebert Papers-Press Kit Slides, 1991-2007
- Siskel and Ebert at the movies video tapes
- Sound Recordings, ?
- Subject file and other materials, 1920s-1950s
- WILL Photograph File, 1980-2008
- Willam T. Greenough Papers, 1970s-1990s
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