By Lindy Smith and Mark Puente
Collection Overview
Title: Morris and Barnard Young Music Business Records, 1832-1988

ID: 12/9/108
Primary Creator: Young, Morris N. (1909)
Extent: 50.25 cubic feet
Arrangement: Organized in seven series.
Date Acquired: 00/00/1995
Subjects: Music business, Music Publishers
Formats/Genres: Broadsides, Financial Records, Sheet music
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Morris and Barnard Young Business Records consists of financial records, correspondence, royalty statements, songsters and broadsides, radio logs, legal documents, periodicals, music manuscripts, and memorabilia (fliers, brochures, playbills, etc.) that were compiled by Morris N. Young, as part owner of several music publishing, marketing, producing, and artist representation enterprises owned and operated by the brothers between ca. 1934 and 1972. The collection contains legal reports and supporting documentation from key litigation cases that were filed by Barney Young in the 1950s and 1960s against Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) et. al., and the Walt Disney Corporation. The collection also includes periodicals and publications both generated by companies owned by one or both of the Young brothers and those that they collected. The final three series are publications and manuscripts, both musical and prose, created by associates of the Youngs.
See also record series number 35/3/68.
Biographical Note
Morris N. Young -- opthalmologist, author, and collector of books and artifacts on magic, mnemonics, and old sheet music -- was born July 20, 1909 in Lawrence, Massachusetts and died November 13, 2002 in Norwich, Connecticut at the aged of ninety-three. In addition to his vocational and avocational involvements, Young served as president of or was heavily involved with many music publishing companies and performer organizations such as Bomart Music Company, Ferris Records, National Juke Box Records, Godell Music, International Songwriters Association, and the Denton & Haskins Music Corporation which he and his brother, Bernard Young, purchased.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Method:
The UIUC Music Library purchased a related collection, the Morris Young Music Library of Early American Popular Music, in 1986 from rare book broker, J. Lubrano in New York. The business records were acquired in a subsequent gift from the collector's estate ca. 1995.
Box 127 transferred from MPAL: 4/12/2017
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Business Records and Personal Papers, 1936-1986],
Series 2: Litigation Files, 1936-1973],
Series 3: Barnard and Morris Young Music Company Periodicals and Publications, 1928-1966],
Series 4: Non-Young Company Periodicals and Publications, 1832-1988],
Series 5: Merle Kendrick Papers and Music, 1936-1956],
Series 6: George Whiting Papers, 1934-1941],
Series 7: E.M. Wickes papers, 1948-1951],
- Series 1: Business Records and Personal Papers, 1936-1986

- Consists of business and personal correspondence, royalty statements, ledgers, and artist photographs and press releasesl from all major company affiliations. These include Cavanaugh Radio & Television Productions, Denton & Haskins, Inc., Fargo Music, Ferris Records, Gem Music, Inc., Gloro Records, Intercollegiate Music League and Intercollegiate Syndicate, Life Music, Inc., National Juke Box Music, Operator's Music, Inc., Savannah Music, Inc., S.I.A.S., Song and Words Magazine, Song Fan Magazine, Song of the Month, Song Gems, Inc., and Song Greetings, Inc.
- Sub-Series 1: Business Records, 1926-1985

Records arranged by type and then alphabetical by company name (i.e., general records and account ledgers).
Of particular interest are the Intercollegiate Music League National Anthem materials found in boxes 4 and 5, a collection of correspondence and sheet music received by Barney Young in and around 1938 in response to his inquiries sent to countries all over the world.
- Box 1: Cavanaugh Radio & Television Productions and Denton & Haskins Business Records and Correspondence, 1936-1983

- Folder 1: Cavanaugh Cancelled check- Barry Valentino, Jan. 25, 1954

- Folder 2: Denton & Haskins Business records and correspondence, 1936-1939

- Folder 3: Denton & Haskins Business records and correspondence, 1940-1942

- Folder 4: Denton & Haskins Business records and correspondence, 1943-1985

- Folder 5: Denton & Haskins Financial records, 1940

- Folder 6: Denton & Haskins Financial records, 1940-1941

- Folder 7: Denton & Haskins Financial records, 1946-1949

- Folder 8: Denton & Haskins Financial records, 1949-1952

- Folder 9: Denton & Haskins Financial records, 1956-1958

- Folder 10: Denton & Haskins Royalty statements, 1956-1983

- Folder 11: Denton & Haskins Song lyric and music submissions, ca. 1926-1948

- Box 2: Fargo Music, Ferris Records, Gem Music Corp. Business Records and Correspondence, 1936-1982

- Folder 1: Fargo Music Phonograph Record Labor Agreement, 1964

- Publisher: American Federation of Musicians
- Folder 2: Fargo Music Correspondence, 1950-1953

- Folder 3: Fargo Music "Popular records by year: 1900-1936", undated

- Folder 4: Fargo Music Royalty statements, 1951-1954

- Folder 5: Fargo Music Royalty statements, 1955-1963

- Folder 6: Ferris Records, Inc. Business records, 1956-1969

- Folder 7: Gem Music Correspondence, 1938

- Folder 8: Gem Music Correspondence, 1939

- Folder 9: Gem Music Correspondence, 1940

- Folder 10: Gem Music Correspondence, 1941-1942

- Folder 11: Gem Music Correspondence, 1943-1982

- Folder 12: Gem Music Financial records, 1938-1958

- Folder 13: Gem Music Royalty statements, 1940

- Folder 14: Gem Music Royalty statements, 1941

- Folder 15: Gem Music Royalty statements, 1952-1959

- Folder 16: Gem Music Royalty statements, 1961-1966

- Box 3: Gem Music Corp., Gloro Records, Godell Music, Inc., Intercollegiate Music League, and Intercollegiate Syndicate Business Records and Correspondence, 1932-1966

- Folder 1: Gloro Records Business records, 1955-1956

- Folder 2: Godell Music, Inc. Broadcast surveys, 1950

- Folder 3: Godell Music, Inc. Broadcast surveys, 1951

- Folder 4: Godell Music, Inc. Business correspondence, 1947-1951

- Folder 5: Godell Music, Inc. Business correspondence, 1965-1966

- Folder 6: Godell Music, Inc. Royalty statements, 1953-1956

- Folder 7: Godell Music, Inc. Royalty statements, 1960-1961

- Folder 8: Godell Music, Inc. Royalty statements, 1961-1962

- Folder 9: Godell Music, Inc. Royalty statements, 1962

- Folder 10: Godell Music, Inc. Royalty statements, 1964

- Folder 11: Godell Music, Inc. Royalty statements, 1965

- Folder 12: Godell Music, Inc. Royalty statements, 1966

- Folder 13: Intercollegiate Music League Correspondence, 1932-1965

- Folder 14: Intercollegiate Syndicate, Inc. Financial records, 1954-1955

- Item 1: Gem Music Corp. Radio date log, 1938-1939

- Box 4: Intercollegiate Music League National Anthem Materials, 1938

- Folder 1: Lists of countries

- Folder 2: Albania

- Correspondence
- Folder 3: Australia

- "Australian Anthem" sheet music
- Folder 4: Austria

- "Oesterreichische Bundeshymne" and "Volkslied" (sheet music), "Volkische Musik Erziehung" (book), and correspondence
- Folder 5: Belgium

- Correspondence
- Folder 6: Bolivia

- Correspondence
- Folder 7: Bulgaria

- "Schumi Maritza (transliteration)" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 8: China

- "San Min Chu I" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 9: Colombia

- "Himno Nacional de la Republica de Colombia" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 10: Costa Rica

- "Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 11: Czechoslovakia

- Correspondence
- Folder 12: Denmark

- Correspondence
- Folder 13: Dominican Republic

- "La Patria en la Canción" (book) and correspondence
- Folder 14: Ecuador

- "Salve, Oh Patria" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 15: Egypt

- "Egyptian Royal Hymn" (band parts) and correspondence
- Folder 16: El Salvador

- Correspondence
- Folder 17: Estonia

- "Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõem!" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 18: Finland

- "Maamme" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 19: Great Britain

- Correspondence
- Item 1: Zira Cigarette National Flag "Silks", undated

- See also material in Series 1, Sub-Series 1, Oversize Portfolio Case 1.
- Box 5: Intercollegiate Music League National Anthem Materials, 1938

- Folder 1: Greece

- "Hymn to Liberty" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 2: Guatemala

- "Himno Nacional (Guatemala Feliz!)" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 3: Haiti

- "Port-au-Prince et Autre Villes d'Haiti" (book) and correspondence
- Folder 4: Hungary

- "Hymnusz" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 5: Ireland

- "The Soldier's Song" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 6: Italy

- "Inni e canzoni della patria fascista" (songbook- includes "La Giovinezza") and correspondence
- Folder 7: Japan

- Correspondence
- Folder 8: Latvia

- "Dievs, sveti Latviju" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 9: Lithuania

- "Lietuva Tevyne Musu" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 10: Luxemburg [sic]

- Correspondence
- Folder 11: Mexico

- Correspondence
- Folder 12: The Netherlands

- "Wilhelmus van Nassauwe" and "Mein Lipperland" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 13: Norway

- Correspondence
- Folder 14: Paraguay

- "Paraguayos, República o Muerte!" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 15: Peru

- "Somos libres!" (sheet music), Palacio torre tagle pamphlet, and correspondence
- Folder 16: The Philippines

- "Pangbansang Imno Pilipino" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 17: Poland

- Correspondence
- Folder 18: Portugal

- "A Portuguesa" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 19: Romania

- "Traiasca Regele" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 20: San Marino

- Correspondence
- Folder 21: Sweden

- "Du Gamla, Du Fria" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 22: Switzerland

- "Soldaten Liederbuch für die Schweiserische Armee" (1914 songbook) and correspondence
- Folder 23: Turkey

- "Istikal Marsi" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 24: U.S.A.

- Correspondence
- Folder 25: U.S.S.R.

- "The Internationale" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 26: Venezuela

- "Gloria al bravo pueblo" (sheet music) and correspondence
- Folder 27: Yugoslavia

- "Boze pravde" (sheet music)
- Folder 28: Zanzibar

- "Zanzibar National March" (band parts) and correspondence
- Box 6: Intercollegiate Syndicate, Inc. and Life Music Business Records and Correspondence, 1948-1973

- Folder 1: Intercollegiate Syndicate, Inc. Financial records, 1957-1958

- Folder 2: Intercollegiate Syndicate, Inc. Royalty statements, 1961-1964

- Folder 3: Life Music, Inc. Broadcast log surveys, 1952-1953

- Folder 4: Life Music, Inc. Broadcast log surveys-mailing list (sample cards)

- Folder 5: Life Music, Inc. Broadcast log surveys, May-June 1950

- Folder 6: Life Music, Inc. Broadcast log surveys, August-September 1950

- Folder 7: Life Music, Inc. Phonograph Record Labor Agreement- American Federation of Musicians, 1964

- Folder 8: Life Music, Inc. Post card correspondence, 1950-1952

- Folder 9: Life Music, Inc. Record of Meter Register Readings, 1958-1961

- Folder 10: Life Music, Inc. Record requests, 1949

- Folder 11: Life Music, Inc. Records, 1948-April 1950

- Folder 12: Life Music, Inc. Records, May-September 1950

- Folder 13: Life Music, Inc. Records, 1951

- Folder 14: Life Music, Inc. Records, 1952

- Folder 15: Life Music, Inc. Records, 1953

- Folder 16: Life Music, Inc. Records, 1954

- Folder 17: Life Music, Inc. Records, 1955-1973

- Folder 18: Life Music, Inc. Royalty statements, 1954-1963

- Box 7: Life Music, Inc. Performance Records, 1950-1952

- Box 8: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Radio Station Licenses, 1995

- Box 9: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Business Records and Correspondence, 1950-1964

- Folder 1: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Advertising materials (ephemeral stickers)

- Folder 2: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Correspondence, 1955

- Folder 3: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Correspondence, January-May 1956

- Folder 4: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Correspondence, May-November 1956, undated

- Folder 5: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Correspondence, 1957-1959

- Folder 6: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Ephemeral materials, 1950-1951

- Folder 7: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Financial Records, May-October 1952-1957

- Folder 8: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Radio scripts, 1955-1956, undated

- Folder 9: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Royalties statements, 1955-1964

- Box 10: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Business Records and Correspondence, 1955-1958

- Folder 1: National Jukebox Music Radio Stations and Mailing Addresses, 1956

- Folder 2: Million Dollar Records (National Jukebox Music, Inc.) Correspondence, 1955-1957

- Folder 3: Million Dollar Records (National Jukebox Music, Inc.) Correspondence, 1957

- Item 1: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Firm Mailing Book, 1956

- Item 2: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Firm Mailing Book, 1956-1957

- Item 3: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Firm Mailing Book, 1958

- Box 11: Operator's Music and Savannah Music, Inc. Business Records and Correspondence, 1956-1963

- Folder 1: Operator's Music Banking Statements, 1962

- Folder 2: Operator's Music Accounts receivable schedule and accounts payable, 1962-1963

- Folder 3: Operator's Music Payroll Taxes, 1962

- Folder 4: Operator's Music Request Letters, Mya-June 1962

- Folder 5: Operator's Music Royalties, 1961

- Folder 6: Savannah Music, Inc. Business Records, 1956-1962

- Box 12: Song and Words Magazine, Song Fan Magazine, and Song of the Month Business Records and Correspondence, 1953-1954

- Folder 1: Song and Words Magazine Publication proofs (text)

- Folder 2: Song and Words Magazine Publication proofs (photographs, half-tones)

- Folder 3: Song Fan Magazine (Life Music) Logging system records, 1953

- Folder 4: Song Fan Magazine (Life Music) Logging system records, 1953

- Folder 5: Song Fan Magazine Business records, 1954

- Folder 6: Song Fan Magazine Paste up masters

- Folder 7: Song Fan Magazine Pre-press materials, song lyrics

- Folder 8: Song Fan Magazine Pre-press materials

- Folder 9: Song Fan Magazine Shipping galley, July 1954

- Folder 10: Song Fan Magazine Pre-press materials, song lyrics, May 1954

- Folder 11: Song Fan Magazine Pre-press materials, song lyrics

- Folder 12: Song Fan Magazine Printing/publication bid

- Folder 13: Song Fan Magazine Song text sheets

- Folder 14: Song Fan Magazine Song text sheets

- Folder 15: Song of the Month Business records and correspondence, 1954

- Folder 16: Song of the Month Pre-press materials, paste-ups and proofs, July 1954

- Folder 17: Song of the Month Pre-press materials, paste-ups and proofs, July 1954

- Folder 18: Song of the Month Pre-press materials, paste-ups and proofs, July 1954

- Box 13: Song Gems, Inc. and Song Greetings, Inc. Business Records and Correspondence, 1953-1960

- Folder 1: Song Gems, Inc. Correspondence (Nathan Katz), 1953-1954

- Folder 2: Song Greetings, Inc. Business records, 1955-1958

- Folder 3: Song Greetings, Inc. Business records, March 1959

- Folder 4: Song Greetings, Inc. Business records, April-June 1959

- Folder 5: Song Greetings, Inc. Business records, July 1959- June 1960

- Folder 6: Song Greetings, Inc. Photographs and ephemera

- Box 14: Various Companies, Oversized Materials, 1951, undated

- Folder 1: Denton & Haskins "Somebody Stole My Gal" Paste-ups

- Folder 2: Life Music, Inc. Song greetings display art, ca. 1951

- Folder 3: Life Music, Inc. Song greetings display art

- Folder 4: National Jukebox Music, Inc. $1,000,000 Record Contest

- Folder 5: Sheet Music Cover Art- Young, Mitchell

- Folder 6: Song Fan Magazine Cover art and paste-ups

- Box 15: Cavanaugh Radio and Television Corp. and Denton & Haskins Corp. Ledgers, 1952-1959

- Item 1: Cavanaugh Radio and Television Corp. Cash Book, 1952-1955

- Item 2: Cavanaugh Radio and Television Corp. General Ledger, 1952-1954

- Item 3: Cavanaugh Radio and Television Corp. Journal, 1953-1955

- Item 4: Denton & Haskins Corp. Cash Book, 1955-1959

- Item 5: Denton & Haskins Corp. General Ledger, 1955-1957

- Item 6: Denton & Haskins Corp. Journal, 1955-1958

- Item 7: Denton & Haskins Corp. Paid Royalties, 1956-1957

- Item 8: Denton & Haskins Corp. Untitled Ledger, 1959

- Box 16: Intercollegiate Syndicate, Inc. and Life Music, Inc. Ledgers, 1949-1959

- Item 1: Intercollegiate Syndicate, Inc. General Ledger, 1954-1956

- Item 2: Intercollegiate Syndicate, Inc. General Ledger, 1957-1958

- Item 3: Life Music, Inc. Cash Book, January 1949-March 1951

- Item 4: Life Music, Inc. General Ledger, 1958-1959

- Item 5: Life Music, Inc. General Ledger, 1952

- Item 6: Life Music, Inc. General Ledger, 1953

- Item 7: Life Music, Inc. General Ledger, 1954-1955

- Item 8: Life Music, Inc. General Journal, 1955-1958

- Stamped as evidence
- Item 9: Life Music, Inc. Unidentified Ledger, 1951-1954

- Box 17: National Jukebox Music, Inc. and Song of the Month, Inc. Ledgers, 1954-1958

- Item 1: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Cash Book, 1955-1958

- Item 2: National Jukebox Music, Inc. General Ledger, 1955

- Item 3: National Jukebox Music, Inc. General Ledger, 1956-1957

- Item 4: National Jukebox, Inc. General Ledger, 1958

- Item 5: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Journal, 1955-1958

- Item 6: National Jukebox Music, Inc.? Unidentified Ledger, 1958

- Item 7: National Jukebox Music, Inc. Financial Records, 1955-1956

- Item 8: Song of the Month, Inc. Cash Book, 1954

- Item 9: Song of the Month, Inc. General Ledger, 1954

- Item 10: Song of the Month, Inc. Journal, 1954

- Box 18: S.I.A.S., Inc. and Song Gems, Inc. Ledgers, 1952-1955

- Item 1: S.I.A.S., Inc.? Cash Ledger, 1952-1955

- Item 2: S.I.A.S., Inc. General Ledger, 1952

- Item 3: S.I.A.S., Inc. General Ledger, 1953

- Item 4: S.I.A.S., Inc. General Ledger, 1954

- Item 5: S.I.A.S., Inc. General Journal, 1952-1954

- Item 6: S.I.A.S., Inc Royalty Accounts, 1952-1955

- Item 7: S.I.A.S., Inc. Social Security Time Book, 1952-1954

- Item 8: Song Gems, Inc. Cash Book, 1954

- Item 9: Song Gems, Inc. General Ledger, 1954

- Item 10: Song Gems, Inc. Journal, 1954

- Box 19: Life Music, Inc. Oversized Ledgers, 1953-1959

- Item 1: Life Music, Inc. Cash Book, April 1951-August 1953

- Item 2: Life Music, Inc. Cash Receipts and Cash Disbursements, 1953-1959

- Stamped as evidence
- Box 128

- Folder 5: National Association of Disc Jockey's (NADJ) Records, Vol. 1, no. 2, April 3, 1948

- Oversize Portfolio Case 1: Zira Cigarette National Flag "Silks", undated

Banner consisting of multiple silks patched together.
See also Series 1, Subseries 1, Box 4, Item 1.
- Sub-Series 2: Promotional Materials and Photographs, 1944-1957

- Consists of publicity photographs and press releases issued by CBS and NBC in the 1940s to promote their stars. The photographs and releases are organized in four groups: individuals, films, unidentified people or groups, and ephemeral. Within each group the materials are arranged alphabetically by either performer's last name or production title.
- Box 20: CBS and NBC Promotional and Printing Materials, 1946-1948

- Folder 1: CBS Pix, April 16, 1946

- Folder 2: CBS Pix, June 24, 1946

- Folder 3: CBS Pix, July 15, 1946

- Folder 4: CBS Pix, March 22, 1948

- Folder 5: CBS Pix, May 10 and 17, 1948

- Folder 6: CBS Pix, May 24, 1948

- Folder 7: CBS Pix, June 21, 1948

- Folder 8: CBS Pix, July 5, 1948

- Folder 9: CBS Pix, July 14 and 19, 1948

- Folder 10: CBS Pix, July 26, 1948

- Folder 11: CBS Pix, August 9, 1948

- Folder 12: CBS Woman's Page, 1946

- Folder 13: NBC News Features and Advance Program Service, 1945-1946

- Box 21: Promotional Photographs and Press Releases A-G

- Folder 1: Publicity Materials Adams-Autry

- Folder 2: Publicity Materials Baird-Cabot

- Folder 3: Publicity Materials Camp-Curtis

- Folder 4: Publicity Materials Una Mae Carlisle

- Folder 5: Publicity Materials Xavier Cugat

- Folder 6: Publicity Materials Dakota-Dunne

- Folder 7: Publicity Materials Eddy-Froman

- Folder 8: Publicity Materials Gable-Gregor

- Box 22: Promotional Photographs and Press Releases H-O

- Folder 1: Publicity Materials Hackett-Hutton

- Folder 2: Publicity Materials Ingle-Kyser

- Folder 3: Publicity Materials LaNier-Luke

- Folder 4: Publicity Materials Vincent Lopez

- Folder 5: Publicity Materials MacDonald-Murphy

- Folder 6: Publicity Materials Nelson-Nord

- Folder 7: Publicity Materials Oakie-Owen

- Folder 8: Publicity Materials Merle Oberon from "The Dark Angel"

- Box 23: Promotional Photographs and Press Releases P-Z

- Folder 1: Publicity Materials Page-Previn

- Folder 2: Publicity Materials Quine-Russell

- Folder 3: Publicity Materials Shaw-Taylor

- Folder 4: Publicity Materials Frank Sinatra

- Folder 5: Publicity Materials Pat Glenn Smith

- Folder 6: Publicity Materials Taylor-Tyler

- Folder 7: Publicity Materials Valentino-Wyn

- Folder 8: Publicity Materials Young-Younger

- Box 24: Press Release and Promotional Photographs (films) B-R, ca. 1946-1956

- Folder 1: Production Releases, 1946-1956

- Folder 2: Big Jack

- Folder 3: Brewster's Millions

- Folder 4: Cheatin' Woman Blues

- Folder 5: The Eddie Cantor Story

- Folder 6: "Escape Me Never" Elizabeth Bergner

- Folder 7: From Here to Eternity, 1953

- Folder 8: Fireside Theater- Gene Raymond

- Folder 9: Garden of Evil

- Folder 10: The Ghost Goes West

- Folder 11: Guiding Light

- Folder 12: "Hondo" John Wayne

- Folder 13: Knock on Wood

- Folder 14: "Let em have it"

- Folder 15: Little Lord Fauntleroy

- Folder 16: Little Women

- Folder 17: Lucky Me

- Folder 18: Modern Times

- Folder 19: Night and Day

- Folder 20: Pretty in Pink

- Folder 21: River of No Return

- Box 25: Press Releases and Promotional Photographs (films), Single Biographies, and Group Biographies, ca. 1957

- Folder 1: Press Releases A-B

- Folder 2: Press Releases C-G

- Folder 3: Press Releases H-Z

- Folder 4: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

- Folder 5: So This is Love

- Folder 6: Student Prince

- Folder 7: Take Me Out to the Ballgame

- Folder 8: Single Biographies A-R

- Folder 9: Single Biographies S-Z

- Folder 10: Group Biographies, 1957

- Box 26: Group Photographs, Unidentified Photographs, News Clippings about Artists

- Folder 1: Group Promotional Pictures and Press Releases

- Folder 2: Unidentified Promotional Pictures

- Folder 3: Unidentified Promotional Pictures

- Folder 4: Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings and Press

- Box 126: Ephemera

- Item 4: CBS Television Notebook, 1957

- Item 5: CBS Television Notebook, 1958

- Item 8: Edythe Wood Scrapbook, ca. 1944

- Item 9: CBS Lightbulb

- Box 128

- Folder 1: Hollywood's Golden Anniversary - Photographs and Captions, 1953

- Photos include candid photos of Barbara Lawrence, Marilyn Erskine, Tab Hunter, Lori Nelson, George Nader, Ursula Theiss, Steve Forrest, Debbie Reynolds, Hugh O'Brien, Sara Shane, Matha Hyer, and John Barrymore.
- Folder 2: Behind the Scenes Photographs from the Set of NBC's "Laughter in Paris", 1946

- Folder 3: Dotty Mack Publicity Photograph, 1953

- Folder 4: Publicity Photographs of Una Mae Carlisle, ca. 1950s

- Sub-Series 3: Radio Logs, 1950-1954

- Consists of radio logs documenting all programs broadcast by WNBC and WLS Chicago between 1950 and 1954.
- Box 27: Radio Logs WNBC, 1951

- Box 28: Radio Logs WNBC, April 22, 1950- May 25, 1953

- Box 29: Radio Logs WNBC, March 1950-August 1954

- Box 30: Radio Logs WNBC, May 26, 1953- July 6, 1953

- Box 31: Radio Logs WLS, March 1952-September 1952

- Folder 1: Radio Checking Service-WLS Chicago, March 1952

- Folder 2: Radio Checking Service-WLS Chicago, April 1952

- Folder 3: Radio Checking Service-WLS Chicago, May 1952

- Folder 4: Radio Checking Service-WLS Chicago, June 1952

- Folder 5: Radio Checking Service-WLS Chicago, July 1952

- Folder 6: Radio Checking Service-WLS Chicago, August 1952

- Folder 7: Radio Checking Service-WLS Chicago, September 1952

- Sub-Series 4: Barnard Young Papers and Correspondence, 1936-1964

- Consists of general and personal correspondence, newsclippings, and advertisements that were compiled by Barnard Young. The materials document Barnard's management of his and his brother's publication business.
- Box 32: Barnard Young Papers and Correspondence, 1936-41

- Folder 1: Notes and Correspondence, ca. 1937-1941

- Folder 2: Lease, 1936

- Folder 3: Correspondence, January 1938

- Folder 4: Transcription Company Lists, February 1938

- Folder 5: Correspondence and Documents, August 1938

- Folder 6: Correspondence, September 1938

- Folder 7: Correspondence, October 1938

- Folder 8: Correspondence and News Clippings, November 1938

- Folder 9: Correspondence and Receipt, December 1938

- Box 33: Barnard Young Papers and Correspondence, 1939

- Folder 1: Papers and Correspondence, January 1939

- Folder 2: Papers and Correspondence, February 1939

- Folder 3: Papers and Correspondence, March 1939

- Folder 4: Papers and Correspondence, April 1939

- Folder 5: Papers and Correspondence, May 1939

- Folder 6: Papers and Correspondence, June 1939

- Folder 7: Papers and Correspondence, July 1939

- Folder 8: Papers and Correspondence, August 1939

- Folder 9: Papers and Correspondence, September 1939

- Folder 10: Papers and Correspondence, October 1939

- Folder 11: Papers and Correspondence, November 1939

- Folder 12: Papers and Correspondence, December 1939

- Folder 13: Manuscript of Book on Songwriting

- Box 34: Barnard Young Papers and Correspondence, 1939-1941, 1954

- Folder 1: Correspondence, January-February 1940

- Folder 2: Correspondence, March-April 1940

- Folder 3: Correspondence, May-June 1940

- Folder 4: Correspondence, July-August 1940

- Folder 5: Correspondence, September-October 1940

- Folder 6: Correspondence, November-Decemeber 1940

- Folder 7: Correspondence, 1941

- Folder 8: Unsolicited Advertisements, 1939-1941

- Folder 9: Unsolicited Advertisements, 1939-1941

- Folder 10: Financial Records, 1954

- Folder 11: Check, Correspondence, and Thomas Electro-Autography Sample, 1954-1964

- Box 126: Ephemera

- Item 1: RIAA Fact Book, 1956

- Item 2: RIAA Year Book 1953

- Item 3: Personal Directory of Musicians

- Item 6: Warner's Calendar of Medical History, 1947

- Item 7: Song Title Directory

- Box 127

- Folder 1: Papers and Correspondence, 1949-1965

- Folder 2: Mutually Owned Society for Songwriters - Papers about Teresa Brewer, circa 1954

- Folder 3: Associated Amusement Machine Operators Annual Banquet Papers, 1955

- Folder 4: Directory of Discount Centers, Proofs, 1963

- Folder 5: Undated Correspondence and Advertisements, undated

- Folder 6: Una Mae Carlisle Sampler and Terry Waldo Cassette, circa 1990

- Folder 7: KEWB 91 - Fabulous Forty Survey, 1963-1964

- Folder 8: KFMB 540 - Playlists, 1963

- Folder 9: WRUM 790 - Top 40, 1963

- Folder 10: Unsolicited Advertisements, 1958-1965

- Sub-Series 5: Morris Young Papers and Correspondence, 1889-1984

- Consists of personal correspondence, photographs, playbills, postcards, and ephemera documenting Morris' connection to his brother's publication companies while an ophthalmologist.
- Box 35: Morris Young Papers and Correspondence, 1889-1983

- Folder 1: Alan C. Gershwin Correspondence, ca. 1978

- Contains Alan C. Gershwin photograph autographed and addressed to Morris Young, undated
- Folder 2: American Musician Supplement (fragment), 1889

- Folder 3: Annie June Johnson Ephemera

- Folder 4: A Bibliography of 19th Century Clown Songsters

- Folder 5: The Black Christ and Verse by Malchus M. Swuell, 1957

- Folder 6: The Bookroom- Book Dealer Catalog, Undated

- Folder 7: Catalog of Copyrights- Popular Music

- Folder 8: Duke Ellington Holiday Poster

- Folder 9: Fire Insurance Policy

- Folder 10: Five Composer Postcards

- Folder 11: Five Composer Postcards

- Folder 12: Five Composer Postcards

- Folder 13: Five Composer Postcards

- Folder 14: Five Composer Postcards

- Folder 15: French and Polyclinic Medical School Documents

- Folder 16: Modern Accompaniment Guide for Spanish Guitar by Nick Manoloff, Undated

- Folder 17: Markowitz, Joel Sheet Music Catalogs, 1983

- Folder 18: Music Copyists

- Folder 19: Otto A. Harbach and Salvatore T. Chiantia Eulogies

- Folder 20: Phonograph Record Trust Agreement

- Folder 21: The Playbill- Oklahoma!, March 31, 1943

- Folder 22: The Playbill-Carousel, April 14, 1945

- Folder 23: The Playbill- The Day Before Spring, November 2, 1945

- Folder 24: Six Composer Postcards

- Folder 25: Six Composer Postcards

- Folder 26: Sophie Tucker Correspondence

- Folder 27: Stan Tucker Correspondence, ca. 1930s

- Folder 28: Thurgood Marshall Luncheon

- Folder 29: Thurmond-Wright Campaign

- Folder 30: Unidentified Graduation Portrait, June 1940

- Box 126: Ephemera

- Item 10: Benny Goodman Pen, 1984

- Sub-Series 6: Published Music and Manuscript Submissions, ca. 1939-1941

- Consists of unpublished original sheet music and correspondence submitted by amateur composers and lyricists to Barnard Young for publication by one of his companies. Arranged alphabetically by title.
- Box 36: Sheet Music Contributions and Correspondence A-E

- Folder 1: "Aching" to "Aunt Matilda Told Me So"

- Folder 2: "Available" to "Birdie Birdie"

- Folder 3: "Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul" to "But for You"

- Folder 4: "Buy a Bond" to "Christmas"

- Folder 5: "Christmas in Upstate New York" to "Dance, Dance, Dance"

- Folder 6: "The Dancing Star" to "Down Boston Way"

- Folder 7: "Dreaming" to "Everything's Beautiful"

- Box 37: Sheet Music Contributions and Correspondence F-K

- Folder 1: "Falling for You" to "Golden Day"

- Folder 2: "Gone With the Wind" to "How Do I Know I Love You"

- Folder 3: "How Lovely You Are" to "I Regret that I Opened the Door"

- Folder 4: "I Take These Vows with a Heart True" to "If It's On My Mind It's You"

- Folder 5: "If the Fairies Could Only Sing" to "I'm Rip van Winkle"

- Folder 6: "I'm Smiling Through My Tears" to "I've Always Hated Sargents"

- Folder 7: "I've Got Ya Where I Want Ya Now" to "Keep Smiling"

- Box 38: Sheet Music Contributions and Correspondence L-R

- Folder 1: "The Last Straw Has Been Broken" to "Lyin' in the Sun"

- Folder 2: "Mama Told Me" to "Miracle of Spring"

- Folder 3: "The Moon Will Remember" to "My Heart Was Aching When You Said Good-Bye"

- Folder 4: "My Indian Maid" to "Nobody Knows"

- Folder 5: "Nobody Loves a Christmas Tree" to "Once Too Often"

- Folder 6: "One in a Million" to "Picknicking at the Beach"

- Folder 7: "Please Give Me the Key to Your Heart" to "Rosabel"

- Box 39: Sheet Music Contributions and Correspondence S-Z

- Folder 1: "Santa's Helpers" to "Shoes"

- Folder 2: "Silhouettes" to "Song of My Heart"

- Folder 3: "Staying in Tonight" to "Then I Hum an Old Song"

- Folder 4: "There Is a Sweet Someone It's You!" to "What a Shame"

- Folder 5: "What Am I Goin' to Do with You?" to "You Are the One I Love"

- Folder 6: "You Don't Quite Love Me Yet!" to "You Gotta Have Umph"

- Folder 7: "You Know Why" to "You've Got Me Down"

- Folder 8: Lyrics and Correspondence, 1939-1941

- Series 2: Litigation Files, 1936-1973

- Consists of legal briefs, reports, legal opinions, publications and supporting documentation for Barnard Young's lawsuit brought by Life Music, Inc. against BMI, ASCAP, SESAC, RCA, NBC, CBS, Columbia Records, Inc., Blackwood Music, Inc., Master Records, Inc. and April Music, Inc. In addition there are documents related to United States v. ASCAP, United States v. BMI, and Life Music, Inc., Barney Young (also known as Don Fenton) and Gloria Parker (also known as Patricia Smith) v. Wonderland Music Company, Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Records, Julie Andrews, Richard M. Sherman, Robert B. Sherman and BMI. Unarranged.
- Box 40: Legal Papers, 1951-1964

- Folder 1: Check Vouchers: BMI, 1957

- Folder 2: Life Music Royalties: BMI, 1956

- Folder 3: Notes, Correspondence: BMI; "Portrait of a 'Protector'": ASCAP, 1951-1957

- Folder 4: Legal Documents, Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings: BMI, 1964-1965

- Folder 5: Stenographer's Minutes and Other Legal Documents: BMI, 1965

- Folder 6: Legal Documents, Licenses, 1956

- Folder 7: Correspondence and Licenses: BMI, 1954

- Folder 8: Correspondence: BMI, 1954

- Folder 9: Correspondence: BMI, 1950-1954

- Folder 10: Legal Memoranda, Notes: BMI, 1954-1961

- Folder 11: Legal Documents: BMI, 1961-1962

- Folder 12: Notes, ABA Journal Article, Legal Documents: BMI, 1963

- Folder 13: Legal Documents: BMI, 1961-1964

- Folder 14: Legal Opinions: BMI, 1962

- Folder 15: Legal Documents: BMI, 1958-1959

- Folder 16: Affidavits: BMI, 1958-1959

- Folder 17: Exhibits: BMI, 1959

- Folder 18: Legal Documents: BMI, 1961

- Folder 19: Petition for Writ of Mandamus: BMI, 1964

- Folder 20: Notice of Motion: BMI, 1954-1964

- Folder 21: Legal Documents: BMI, 1964

- Folder 22: Notice of Motion: BMI, 1964

- Folder 23: Notes and Legal Documents: BMI, 1962

- Folder 24: Legal Documents: BMI, 1956

- Box 41: Legal Papers, 1948-1965

- Folder 1: Legal Documents: BMI, 1950-1954

- Folder 2: Legal Documents and News Clippings: BMI, 1948-1965

- Folder 3: Legal Documents: BMI, 1963-1964

- Folder 4: Legal Documents: BMI, 1958-1964

- Folder 5: Legal Documents: BMI, 1964

- Folder 6: Amendment to Communications Act of 1934 (exhibit): BMI, 1958

- Folder 7: Legal Documents: BMI and ASCAP, 1950-1954

- Folder 8: Exhibits: BMI, 1957

- Folder 9: Legal Documents: BMI, 1949-1954

- Folder 10: Legal Documents: BMI, 1952-1953

- Folder 11: Check Stubs: BMI, Undated

- Folder 12: Legal Documents: BMI, 1964

- Folder 13: Legal Documents: BMI and ASCAP, 1948-1960

- Folder 14: Legal Documents and Notes: BMI, 1954-1964

- Folder 15: Tax Documents: BMI, 1961

- Folder 16: Tax Documents: BMI, 1958-1961

- Folder 17: Tax Document Exhibits: BMI, 1951-1955

- Folder 18: Tax Document Exhibits: BMI, 1951-1955

- Folder 19: Tax Document Exhibits: BMI, 1951-1956

- Folder 20: Correspondence and Exhibits: BMI, 1949-1956

- Folder 21: Bank Statements and Legal Documents: BMI, 1951-1955

- Folder 22: Exhibits: BMI, 1956-1961

- Folder 23: Exhibits: BMI, 1956-1960

- Box 42: Legal Papers, 1964

- Folder 1: Legal Documents: BMI, 1964

- Folder 2: Legal Documents: BMI, 1964

- Box 43: Legal Papers, 1960-1973

- Folder 1: Notes, Legal Documents, and Photocopies: BMI, 1967-1972

- Folder 2: Providing for Royalties for Musical Compositions on Coin-Operated Machines (publication), 1963

- Folder 3: Legal Documents: BMI and Disney, 1961-1972

- Folder 4: Legal Documents and News Clippings: BMI, 1953-1973

- Folder 5: Legal Documents: BMI, ca. 1960

- Folder 6: Legal Documents: BMI, 1969-1973

- Box 44: Legal Papers, 1956-1971

- Folder 1: Legal Documents: BMI, 1964

- Folder 2: Legal Documents: BMI, 1956-1971

- Box 45: Legal Papers, 1958-1971

- Folder 1: Legal Documents and Notes: BMI, 1958-1971

- Folder 2: Legal Documents: BMI, 1965-1966

- Folder 3: Exhibits: BMI, 1965

- Box 46: Legal Papers, 1956-1965

- Folder 1: Broadcast Music, Inc. 1940-1960 (publication), 1960

- Folder 2: Legal Documents: BMI, 1956-1965

- Folder 3: Legal Documents: BMI, 1964-1965

- Folder 4: Legal Documents: BMI, 1961-1963

- Folder 5: Legal Documents: BMI, Undated

- Box 47: Legal Papers, 1953-1961

- Folder 1: Legal Documents and Advertisements: BMI, 1954-1961

- Folder 2: Correspondence and Notes: BMI, 1953-1956

- Folder 3: Legal Documents: BMI, 1954-1961

- Folder 4: Legal Documents: BMI, 1958-1961

- Folder 5: Notes and Legal Documents: BMI, 1960

- Box 48: Legal Papers, 1936-1964

- Folder 1: Legal Publications, 1936-1958

- Folder 2: Legal Documents: BMI, 1964

- Folder 3: Legal Documents: BMI, 1964

- Folder 4: Legal Documents: BMI, 1964

- Folder 5: Legal Documents: BMI, Undated

- Folder 6: Legal Publications: USA v. BMI, 1941

- Folder 7: Legal Documents: USA v. ASCAP, 1940-1949

- Item 1: Monopoly Problems in Regulated Industries (publication), 1957

- Series 3: Barnard and Morris Young Music Company Periodicals and Publications, 1928-1966

- Consists of music periodicals, publications, and printing plates produced by companies either owned or operated by Barnard and Morris Young between 1928 and 1966. Unarranged. Printing plates have been placed at the end of this series.
- Box 49: Cavanaugh Entertainment Publication Materials, ca. 1953

- Folder 1: 3-D Entertainment World Booklets, glasses, photographs, and proofs, ca. 1953

- Box 50: Denton and Haskins, Gem Music, and Intercollegiate Music Pre-Press Materials, 1939-1961

- Folder 1: Denton and Haskins: "Archie's Music Man" Printing paste-ups, 1966

- Music by Gloria Parker
- Folder 2: Gem Music: "Sam the Vegetable Man" Instrumental scores (copyist), ca. 1939

- Folder 3: Gem Music: "Sam the Vegetable Man" Printing paste-ups and manuscript materials, lyric sheet, 1939

- Folder 4: Gem Music: "Three Foot Skipper Jones" Published sheet music and instrumental parts, orchestral manuscript, 1939

- By George Whiting and Ken Byron
- Folder 5: Gem Music: "Archie's Paradise" Printing paste-ups, 1961

- By Archibald Palmer and Gloria Parker
- Folder 6: Gem Music: "The Magic of Love" Music manuscripts and printing materials, Undated

- By Harry Blackstone and Thomas-Ken Byron
- Folder 7: Gem Music: "Sam the Vegetable Man" Artwork, Undated

- Folder 8: Intercollegiate Syndicate: "Yellow Rose of Texas Merengue" Printing paste-ups and instrumental parts, 1955

- Box 51: Song Fan Magazine Publication Materials, Other Young Publications

- Folder 1: Published Sheet Music, 1936-1947

- Folder 2: Valentino Song Contest Entries, 1952

- Folder 3: Valentino Song Contest Entries, 1953

- Folder 4: Valentino Song Contest Entries, January-May 1954

- Folder 5: Valentino Song Contest Entries, June-December 1954

- Folder 6: Valentino Song Contest Entries, 1957, undated

- Folder 7: Valentino Song Contest Entry- Oversized, Undated

- Folder 8: Valentino Song Contest Entry- Oversized, Undated

- Folder 9: Valentino Song Contest Entry- Oversized, Undated

- Folder 10: Valentino Song Contest Prizes, selections, rules, Undated

- Folder 11: Song & Words Magazine, September 1954

- Folder 12: Song Fan Magazine, March 1954

- Folder 13: Song Fan Magazine, July 1954

- Folder 14: Song Fan Magazine, July 1954

- Folder 15: Song of the Month, May 1954

- Folder 16: Song of the Month, July 1954

- Folder 17: Top Hits, 1941

- Folder 18: Top Hits, 1942

- Box 52: Music Printing Materials and Published Music, 1928-1958

- Folder 1: Denton and Haskins- Published Music, 1928, 1955

- Folder 2: Denton and Haskins and Gem Music Printing paste-ups, 1955

- Songs composed by Edgar Battle and Jean Preston, Titles N-Y
- Folder 3: Denton and Haskins and Gem Music Printing paste-ups, 1954-1955

- Songs Composed by Rita Rose; Titles A-I
- Folder 4: Denton and Haskins and Gem Music Printing paste-ups, 1954-1955

- Songs composed by Rita Rose; Titles L-R
- Folder 5: Denton and Haskins and Gem Music Printing paste-ups, 1954-1955

- Songs composed by Rita Rose; Titles S-Y
- Folder 6: Gem Music Corp. Published Sheet Music, 1954, 1955

- Folder 7: Gem Music "Up and Down Mambo" Printing paste-up, 1955

- Song composed by Edgar Battle and Rita Rose
- Folder 8: Gem Music Printing paste-ups, 1955

- Songs composed by Edgar Battle; Titles B-M
- Folder 9: Gem Music Printing paste-ups, 1957-1958

- Folder 10: Godell Music Printing paste-ups, 1952

- Songs composed by Gloria Parker and Barney Young; One title by Una Mae Carlisle
- Folder 11: Intercollegiate Music and Life Music Printing paste-ups, 1938-1956

- Folder 12: Life Music Printing paste-ups, 1953

- Give in to me- Gloria Parker; The Lord Heard My Prayer- Gloria Parker and Barney Young
- Folder 13: National Juke Box Music Printing paste-ups, 1932-1955

- My Love- Ross Columbo; A Stairway to the Moon- Ginger Gaye and Pat Raymond; "The Golden Eggs" and "Story of NJBM"
- Folder 14: National Juke Box Music and Life Music- Published Sheet Music, 1932, 1949, 1950

- Box 53: Printing Plates

- Item 1: Angel's Prayer- 2 plates

- Item 2: What God Made Mothers For- 1 plate

- Box 54: Printing Plates

- Item 1: Somebody Stole My Gal- 3 plates

- Box 55: Printing Plates

- Item 1: That Big Rock Candy Mountain- 2 plates

- Box 56: Printing Plates

- Item 1: Who Am I- 2 plates

- Box 57: Printing Plates

- Folder 1: Somebody Stole My Gal- 3

- Folder 2: Somebody Stole My Gal- 4

- Folder 3: Somebody Stole My Gal- 5

- Folder 4: Somebody Stole My Gal- 6

- Folder 5: Who Am I- 2

- Folder 6: Who Am I- 3

- Folder 7: Who Am I- 4

- Folder 8: Who Am I- 5

- Folder 9: That Big Rock Candy Mountain- 2

- Folder 10: That Big Rock Candy Mountain- 3

- Folder 11: That Big Rock Candy Mountain- 4

- Folder 12: That Big Rock Candy Mountain- 5

- Folder 13: Angel's Prayer- 1

- Folder 14: Angel's Prayer- 2

- Folder 15: Angel's Prayer- 3

- Folder 16: Angel's Prayer- 4

- Folder 17: Angel's Prayer- 5

- Series 4: Non-Young Company Periodicals and Publications, 1832-1988

- Consists of music periodicals and publications collected by Barnard and Morris Young. The materials are organized two sub-series: the first contains serials, sheet music, songsters, and other related music publications, and the second subseries contains information related to the business of music publication and United States copyright law.
- Sub-Series 1: Periodicals and Other Publications, 1832-1985

- Periodicals and publications arranged alphabetically in groups of 20th century periodicals, 19th century periodicals, externally published sheet music, contest entries, and songsters. The contents of boxes 67 and 68 are also available online through the Internet Archive: www.archive.org.
- Box 58: Periodicals- Accent-Melody

- Item 1: Accent, November/December 1978

- Item 2: Allegro, November 1955

- Item 3: Amateur Songwriter, September-October 1953

- Item 4: ASCAP Journal, November 1937

- Item 5: ASCAP Journal, February-March 1938

- Item 6: ASCAP News, January 1963

- Item 7: ASCAP News, January 1963

- Item 8: ASCAP News, April 1962

- Item 9: ASCAP News, November 1961

- Item 10: ASCAP News, May 1963

- Item 11: ASCAP News, July 1965

- Item 12: ASCAP News, July 1965

- Item 13: ASCAP News, February 1961

- Item 14: ASCAP News, October 1963

- Item 15: ASCAP News, November 1964

- Item 16: ASCAP News, February 1964

- Item 17: ASCAP News, March 1965

- Item 18: ASCAP News, July 1965

- Item 19: ASCAP News, August 1961

- Item 20: ASCAP News, July 1964

- Item 21: ASCAP News, July 1964

- Item 22: ASCAP News, February 1960

- Item 23: ASCAP News, February 1960

- Item 24: ASCAP News, April 1962

- Item 25: ASCAP News, May 1960

- Item 26: ASCAP News, February 1964

- Item 27: ASCAP News, May 1960

- Item 28: ASCAP News, September 1959

- Item 29: ASCAP News, October 1962

- Item 30: Band Leaders, November 1945

- Item 31: Banjo Newsletter, August 1980

- Item 32: Best Songs, November 1945

- Item 33: Best Songs, November 1945

- Item 34: Best Songs, December 1945

- Item 35: Best Songs, July 1952

- Item 36: Best Songs, October 1945

- Item 37: Best Songs, November 1951

- Item 38: Best Songs, September 1953

- Item 39: Best Songs, October 1953

- Item 40: Big Song Magazine, September 1941

- Item 41: Big Song Magazine, November 1941

- Item 42: Big Song Magazine, November 1941

- Item 43: BMI Music Memo, August 1953

- Item 44: Bonanza, 1965

- Item 45: Broadcast Songs, October 1946

- Item 46: The Cash Box, Decemebr 26, 1953

- Item 47: The Cash Box, February 6, 1954

- Item 48: The Cash Box, May 7, 1955

- Item 49: Continental Songster, Undated

- Item 50: Dutch Popular Music, December 1953

- Item 51: Emcee, Winter 1948

- Item 52: Famous New Hit Tunes, ca. 1944

- Item 53: Famous New Hit Tunes, ca. 1944

- Item 54: 400 Songs to Remember, September 1942

- Item 55: Gay Nineties Sing Along, Undated

- Item 56: Gay Nineties Sing Along, Undated

- Item 57: Hillbilly and Cowboy Hit Parade, 1953

- Item 58: Hit Parader, January 1946

- Item 59: Hit Parader, February 1946

- Item 60: Hit Parader, March 1945

- Item 61: Hit Parader, April 1946

- Item 62: Hit Parader, May 1946

- Item 63: Hit Parader, December 1944

- Item 64: Hit Parader, September 1952

- Item 65: Hit Parader, November 1953

- Item 66: Hit Parader, November 1953

- Item 67: Hit Parader, December 1953

- Item 68: Hit Parader, January 1954

- Item 69: Hit Parader, February 1954

- Item 70: Hit Parader, March 1954

- Item 71: Hit Parader, April 1954

- Item 72: Hollywood Note, March 1946

- Item 73: The Hollywood Reporter, May 18, 1960

- Item 74: I Love Lucy, 1953

- Item 75: International Musician, March 1953

- Item 76: Jazzways, 1945

- Item 77: Latest Broadcast Song Hits, October 1941

- Item 78: Latest Broadcast Song Hits, october 1941

- Item 79: Latest Broadcast Song Hits, December 1941

- Item 80: Latest Broadcast Song Hits, November 1941

- Item 81: Latest Broadcast Song Hits, November 1941

- Item 82: Latest Broadcast Song Hits, February 1942

- Item 83: Latest Flash Song Hits, Undated

- 24 issues- some duplication
- Item 84: Latest Hit Songs, October-November 1943

- Item 85: Latest Hit Songs, March-April 1944

- Item 86: Latest Hit Songs, September 1944

- Item 87: Latest Hit Songs, December 1944

- Item 88: Latest Hit Songs, January 1945

- Item 89: Latest Hit Songs, February 1945

- Item 90: Latest Hit Songs, February 1945

- Item 91: Latest Hit Songs, March 1945

- Item 92: Latest Hit Songs, July 1945

- Item 93: Latest Hit Songs, November 1945

- Item 94: Latest Hit Songs, April 1945

- Item 95: Latest Hit Songs, December 1945

- Item 96: Latest Hit Songs, June 1946

- Item 97: Latest Popular Songs, January 1946

- Item 98: Latest Popular Songs, October 1945

- Item 99: Latest Popular Songs, November 1945

- Item 100: Latest Popular Songs, November 1945

- Item 101: Latest Radio Hit Songs, April 1944

- Item 102: Latest Song Hits, Undated

- Item 103: Latest Song Hits, Undated

- Item 104: Latest Song Hits, Undated

- Item 105: Latest Song Hits, Undated

- Item 106: Latest Song Hits, Undated

- Item 107: Latest Song Hits, Undated

- Item 108: Latest Song Hits, Undated

- Item 109: Latest Songs, Undated

- Item 110: Latest Songs, Undated

- Item 111: Magazine Sing Along, 1961

- Item 112: Magazine Sing Along, 1961

- Item 113: Melody, September 1935

- Box 59: Periodicals- Metronome-Rhythm and Blues, 1940-1985

- Item 1: Metronome, January 1940

- Item 2: Metronome, May 1942

- Item 3: Miscellaneous Periodicals and Ephemeral Materials

- Item 4: Movie Life Year Book, 1946

- Item 5: Music Box, April 1956

- Item 6: Music Business, February 1946

- Item 7: Music Business, February 1946

- Item 8: Music Business, March 1946

- Item 9: Music Business, March 1946

- Item 10: Music Business, April 1946

- Item 11: Music Business, May 1946

- Item 12: Music Business, May 1946

- Item 13: Music Business, June 1946

- Item 14: Music Business, July 1946

- Item 15: Music Business, August 1946

- Item 16: Music Business, September 1946

- Item 17: Music Business, October 1946

- Item 18: Music Business, August 1948

- Item 19: Music Business, January 1947

- Item 20: Music Business, September 1947

- Item 21: Music Business, February 1948

- Item 22: Music Business, July 1948

- Item 23: Music Business, May 1949

- Item 24: Music Business, June 1952

- Item 25: Music Business, July 1952

- Item 26: Music Business, July 1952

- Item 27: Music Business, August 1952

- Item 28: Music Business, August 1952

- Item 29: Music Business, September 1952

- Item 30: Music Business, September 1952

- Item 31: Music Business, October 1952

- Item 32: Music Business, October 1952

- Item 33: Music Business, November 1952

- Item 34: Music Business, November 1952

- Item 35: Music Business, December 1952

- Item 36: Music Business, December 1952

- Item 37: Music Business, January 1953

- Item 38: Music Business, February 1953

- Item 39: Music Business, February 1953

- Item 40: Music Business, March 1953

- Item 41: Music Business, March 1953

- Item 42: Music Business, April 1953

- Item 43: Music Business, April 1953

- Item 44: Music Business, May 1953

- Item 45: Music Business, June 1953

- Item 46: Music Business, July 1953

- Item 47: Music Business, January 1953

- Item 48: Music Business, July 1953

- Item 49: Music Business, June 1953

- Item 50: Music Business, June 1953

- Item 51: Music Business, August-September 1953

- Item 52: Music Business, August-September 1953

- Item 53: Music Business, August-September 1953

- Item 54: Music Dealer, July 1947

- Item 55: Music Dealer, January 1948

- Item 56: Music Dealer, February 1948

- Item 57: Music Educators Journal, September-October 1941

- Item 58: The Music Publisher's Association Newsletter, June 1983

- Item 59: The Music Publisher's Association Newsletter, January 1984

- Item 60: The Music Reporter, June 8, 1957

- Item 61: The Music Reporter, June 22, 1957

- Item 62: The Music Reporter, May 25, 1957

- Item 63: The Music Reporter, November 1957

- Item 64: The Music Reporter, November 11, 1957

- Item 65: The Music Reporter, November 18, 1957

- Item 66: The Music Reporter, December 9, 1957

- Item 67: The Music Reporter, December 16, 1957

- Item 68: The Music Reporter, May 15, 1961

- Item 69: The Music Trades, November 1953

- Item 70: The Music Trades, February 1963

- Item 71: The Music Trades, April 1963

- Item 72: The Music Trades, August 1963

- Item 73: The Music Trades, November 1963

- Item 74: The Music Trades, December 1940

- Item 75: Music Vendor, December 14, 1963

- Item 76: Music Vendor, March 7, 1964

- Item 77: Musigram, January 1965

- Item 78: National Folio, Undated

- Item 79: NMPA (National Music Publishers' Association) Bulletin, Autumn 1978

- Item 80: NMPA Bulletin, November 1976

- Item 81: NMPA Bulletin, Autumn 1978

- Item 82: NMPA Bulletin, Winter 1982-1983

- Item 83: NMPA Bulletin, Summer 1979

- Item 84: NMPA Bulletin, Spring 1980

- Item 85: NMPA Bulletin, Spring 1980

- Item 86: NMPA Bulletin, Summer 1980

- Item 87: NMPA Bulletin, Summer 1981

- Item 88: NMPA Bulletin, Winter 1979-1980

- Item 89: NMPA Bulletin, Fall 1980

- Item 90: NMPA Bulletin, Spring 1981

- Item 91: NMPA Bulletin, Fall 1981

- Item 92: NMPA Bulletin, Fall 1981

- Item 93: NMPA Bulletin, Winter 1980-1981

- Item 94: NMPA Bulletin, Spring 1982

- Item 95: NMPA Memorandum, August 12, 1982

- Item 96: NMPA Bulletin, Summer 1982

- Item 97: NMPA Bulletin, Fall 1982

- Item 98: NMPA Bulletin, Fall 1982

- Item 99: NMPA Bulletin, Winter 1981-1982

- Item 100: NMPA Bulletin, Summer 1983

- Item 101: NMPA Bulletin, Fall 1983

- Item 102: NMPA Bulletin, Spring 1984

- Item 103: NMPA Bulletin, Summer 1984

- Item 104: NMPA Bulletin, Fall 1984

- Item 105: NMPA Bulletin, Winter 1983-1984

- Item 106: NMPA Bulletin, Winter 1983-1984

- Item 107: NMPA Bulletin, Spring 1985

- Item 108: NMPA Bulletin, Spring 1985

- Item 109: NMPA Bulletin, Summer 1985

- Item 110: NMPA Bulletin, Winter 1984-1985

- Item 111: NMPA Bulletin, Winter 1986

- Item 112: The New Baton, February-March 1945

- Item 113: The New Baton, February-

- Item 114: The New Baton, June-July 1944

- Item 115: The New Baton, August-September 1944

- Item 116: The New Baton, August-September 1944

- Item 117: Open Mike, Thanksgiving 1962

- Item 118: Open Mike, Christmas 1962

- Item 119: Open Mike, Christmas 1962

- Item 120: Open Mike February 2, 1963

- Item 121: Open Mike, February 9, 1963

- Item 122: Open Mike, February 23, 1963

- Item 123: Open Mike, February 23, 1963

- Item 124: Open Mike, March 9, 1963

- Item 125: Open Mike, March 23, 1963

- Item 126: Open Mike, March 23, 1963

- Item 127: Open Mike, April 3, 1963

- Item 128: Open Mike, May 18, 1963

- Item 129: Open Mike, Jeny 24, 1963

- Item 130: Open Mike, June 24, 1963

- Item 131: Open Mike, July 18, 1963

- Item 132: Open Mike, July 18, 1963

- Item 133: Open Mike, August 7, 1963

- Item 134: Open Mike, Undated

- NARA Convention Issue
- Item 135: Open Mike, Undated

- NARA Convention Issue
- Item 136: Open Mike, September 18, 1962

- Item 137: Open Mike, October 9, 1963

- Item 138: Open Mike, October 24, 1963

- Item 139: Open Mike, November 4, 1942

- Item 140: Open Mike, April 29, 1964

- Item 141: Open Mike, May 25, 1964

- Item 142: Open Mike, July 15, 1964

- Item 143: Open Mike, August 20, 1964

- Item 144: Open Mike, December 1964

- Item 145: Our World, April 1951

- Item 146: Over 245 Well-Known Songs, ca. 1947

- Item 147: Picture (RCA Victor Record Review), May 1950

- Box 60: Periodicals- Popular Hit Songs-Writer's Index, 1934-1965

- Item 1: Platter Chatter, November 1945

- Item 2: Popular Hit Songs, October 1946

- Item 3: Popular Song Hits, July 18, 1934

- Item 4: Popular Song Hits, December 26, 1934

- Item 5: Popular Song Sheet, 1944

- Item 6: Popular Song Sheet, 1944

- Item 7: Popular Song Hits, October 1935

- Item 8: Popular Songs, July 1935

- Item 9: Popular Songs, August 1935

- Item 10: Popular Songs, October 1935

- Item 11: Popular Songs, December 1935

- Item 12: Popular Songs, February 1936

- Item 13: Popular Song, January 1937

- Item 14: Popular Song Folio, ca. 1946

- Item 15: Preview, October-November 1945

- Item 16: Preview, December 1961

- Item 17: Recording Rights Journal, June 1965

- Item 18: Recording Rights Journal, June 1965

- Item 19: Recording Rights Journal, September 1965

- Item 20: Recording Rights Journal, September 1966

- Item 21: Recording Rights Journal, March 1966

- Item 22: Recording Rights Journal, June 1966

- Item 23: Recording Rights Journal, June 1966

- Item 24: Recordland, September 1954

- Item 25: Recordland, September 1954

- Item 26: Rhythm and Blues, August 1952

- Item 27: Rhythm and Blues, October 1952

- Item 28: Rhythm and Blues, October 1953

- Item 29: Rhythm and Blues, December 1953

- Item 30: Rhythm and Blues, February 1954

- Item 31: Rhythm and Blues, April 1954

- Item 32: Rhythm and Blues, September 1955

- Item 33: Screen Album, Winter 1935

- Item 34: Screen Songs, November 1945

- Item 35: Screen Songs, January 1946

- Item 36: Screen Songs, January 1946

- Item 37: Screen Songs, February1946

- Item 38: Sing, January 1948

- Item 39: Song & Saddle, April 1947

- Item 40: Song Hit Folio, ca. 1934

- Item 41: Song Hit Folio, August 1935

- Item 42: Song Hit Folio, July 1935

- Item 43: Song Hits, Connecticut Folio

- Item 44: Song Hits, July 1941

- Item 45: Song Hits, December 1941

- Item 46: Song Hits, March 1943

- Item 47: Song Hits, August 1944

- Item 48: Song Hits, September 1944

- Item 49: Song Hits, September 1944

- Item 50: Song Hits, November 1944

- Item 51: Song Hits, December 1944

- Item 52: Song Hits, February 1945

- Item 53: Song Hits, March 1945

- Item 54: Song Hits, April 1945

- Item 55: Song Hits, December 1945

- Item 56: Song Hits, June 1946

- Item 57: Song Hits, February 1947

- Item 58: Song Hits, September 1952

- Item 59: Song Hits, November 1953

- Item 60: Song Hits, November 1953

- Item 61: Song Hits, January 1954

- Item 62: Song Hits, February 1954

- Item 63: Song Hits, April 1954

- Item 64: Song Hits, November 1955

- Item 65: The Song Hits of Tomorrow, 1950

- Item 66: Song Leader, November 1941

- Item 67: Songmaker's Magazine, September-October 1953

- Item 68: Songmaker's Magazine, March-April 1954

- Item 69: Songmaker's Magazine, May-June 1954

- Item 70: Songmaker's Magazine, November 1949

- Item 71: Song Parade, February 1946

- Item 72: Song Parade, March 1942

- Item 73: Song Parade, September 1941

- Item 74: Song Parade, June 1945

- Item 75: Song Parade, December 1945

- Item 76: Song Parade, January 1946

- Item 77: Song Parade, May 1941

- Item 78: Song Parade, April 1946

- Item 79: Song That Will Live Forever, March 1954

- Item 80: Song Time, June 1953

- Item 81: Song Time, April 1946

- Item 82: Song Time, April 1946

- Item 83: Song Time, June 1946

- Item 84: Song Time, June 1946

- Item 85: Song Time, June 1946

- Item 86: Song Time, May 1946

- Item 87: Song Time, May 1946

- Item 88: Song Time, July 1946

- Item 89: Song Time, July 1946

- Item 90: Songwrited, June 1936

- Item 91: Songwriter's Guide, Early Spring 1954

- Item 92: Songwriter's Nation, March-April 1952

- Item 93: Songwriter's Nation, March-April 1952

- Item 94: Songwriter's Review, March 1946

- Item 95: Sound Business, Early Fall 1949

- Item 96: Sound Business, January-February 1952

- Item 97: Sound Business, March-April 1951

- Item 98: Sound Business, March-April 1952

- Item 99: Sound Business, Early Spring 1949

- Item 100: Sponsor, 28 February 1949

- Item 101: Star Folio, Undated

- Item 102: Star Songs, September 1942

- Item 103: Stop! Look! Read!, 1941

- Item 104: Stop! Look! Read!, Undated

- Item 105: Stop! Look! Read!, Undated

- Item 106: Stop! Look! Read!, Undated

- Item 107: Stop! Look! Read!, Undated

- Item 108: Stop! Look! Read!, Undated

- Item 109: Stop! Look! Read!, Undated

- Item 110: Stop! Look! Read!, Undated

- Item 111: Stop! Look! Read!, Undated

- Item 112: Stop! Look! Read!, Undated

- Item 113: Stop! Look! Read!, Undated

- Item 114: Swing, Undated

- Item 115: TelePrompTings, December 1964

- Item 116: Television Digest, May 24 1958

- Item 117: TelePrompTings, November 1964

- Item 118: 3 D Movie, September 1953

- Item 119: 3 D Movie, October 1953

- Item 120: Tin Pan Alley, 1945

- Item 121: Top 40 Reviewer, August 21, 1965

- Item 122: Top 40 Reviewer, August 21, 1965

- Item 123: Top 40 Reviewer, August 28, 1965

- Item 124: Top 40 Reviewer, September 4, 1965

- Item 125: Top 40 Reviewer, September 4, 1965

- Item 126: Top 40 Reviewer, September 11, 1965

- Item 127: Top 40 Reviewer, September 11, 1965

- Item 128: Top 40 Reviewer, September 18, 1965

- Item 129: Top 40 Reviewer, September 18, 1965

- Item 130: Top Notch Songs, 1941

- Item 131: Top Tunes, ca. 1945

- Item 132: Treasure Chest Community Songster, 1936

- Item 133: TV Song Stars, January 1954

- Item 134: Twist, 1962

- Item 135: Twist, 1962

- Item 136: Victor Record Review, 1942

- Item 137: Weekend Reporter, March 10, 1948

- Item 138: The Writer's Index, April-May 1937

- Box 61: Periodicals- Brockton's Piano Store Musician-Kunkel's Musical Review

- Folder 1: Brockton's Piano Store Musician and Delany's Song Book, July 1909; undated

- Folder 2: Century Edition Sheet Music Catalog, ca. late 1800s

- Folder 3: Dwight's Journal of Music, 1873

- Folder 4: Ev'ry Month and Folio, January 1900; October 1881

- Folder 5: Folio, September 1892; May 1893

- Folder 6: Herald of Music, Holloway's Musical Monthly and Hulbert's Musical and Home Journal, August 1897; February 1868; March 1898

- Folder 7: Irish Songs and Kunkel's Music Review, 1903; October 1892, December 1892

- Folder 8: Kunkel's Musical Review, September 1893, April 1894, October 1896

- Folder 9: Kunkel's Musical Review, May 1897, February 1901, March 1901

- Box 62: Periodicals- Ladies Floral Cabinet-The Musician

- Folder 1: Ladies Floral Cabinet, Lauter Co.'s Musical Journal, and Loomis' Musical and Masonic Journal, 1876, November 1896, April 1886

- Folder 2: Melody, Munro's 5 ct. Musical Library, Music and Youth, January 1918; 1881, ca. 1879, undated; September 1926

- Folder 3: Musical Herald, Musical Record and Review, and Musical World, May 1883; September 1903; ca. 1902

- Folder 4: The Musician, February 1899, June 1904, January 1909

- Folder 5: The Musician, March 1896- November 1986, May 1897, June 1897, September 1897

- Bound
- Box 63: Periodicals- The New York Mirror

- Folder 1: The New York Mirror, ca. 1832-1837

- Folder 2: The New York Mirror, ca. 1838

- Box 64: Periodicals- The New York Mirror-Violin and Piano Quarterly Journal

- Folder 1: The New York Mirror, ca. 1934

- Folder 2: New York Musical Echo, Our Monthly Musical Gem, July 1892; February 1893, October 1896

- Folder 3: Our Musical Friend, Piano Music Magazine, Richardson's Music Hours, ca. 1859; May 1901; December 1878

- Folder 4: The Seaon's Successful Songs, The Strand Musical Magazine, Thomas Brothers' Musical Journal, ca. 1903; ca. 1898; September 1887

- Folder 5: Thomas Brothers' Musical Journal, Trifet's Monthly Galaxy of Music, May 1880; April 1887, May 1888

- Folder 6: Trifet's Monthly Galaxy of Music, The Vox Humana, Woodward's Musical Monthly, September 1894; March 1876; November 1882

- Folder 7: The Violin and Piano Quarterly Journal, 1876

- Complete and bound
- Box 65: Published Music and Manuscripts

- Folder 1: "One of Us" Joe Weitz and Charles Chancer- Instrumental parts (published), 1940

- Folder 2: "Tennessee Fish Fry" Arthur Schwartz- Instrumental parts (published), 1940

- Folder 3: Sheet Music Selections (Published), 1918-1969

- Folder 4: Sheet Music Selections (Published) South Pacific Star Publishing Co., 1948-1949

- "It is Crosby" (Coldrey, Jeff), "Just My Horse and I" (Flynn, Peter), "Mexican Senorita" [sic], "Rio Rose" [Fox Trot], "Romance Together," "Satisfied" [Slow Fox Trot], "Will You Marry Me" [Novelty Fox Trot] (O'Brien, Patrick and Ralph King), Ephemeral materials
- Folder 5: "The Caissons Go Rolling Along (Artillery Song) March Fox Trot" Edmund L. Gruber, Frank Skinner (arr), 1921

- Folder 6: "Dream Rendezvous" Dave Katz and George C. MacKinnon- Instrumental parts, published score, manuscript, 1938

- Folder 7: "Schön Rosmarin" Fritz Kreisler, Chas. J. Roberts (arr)- Instrumental parts/score (published), 1914

- Folder 8: "Star Spangled Banner," "America," "Hail to the Chief" Albert Chiaffarelli (arr) (published), 1941

- Box 66: Orchestra World- Isham Jones "Song Search" Entries

- Folder 1: Orchestra World- Isham Jones "Song Search" Entries

- Folder 2: Orchestra World- Isham Jones "Song Search" Entries

- Folder 3: Orchestra World- Isham Jones "Song Search" Entries

- Folder 4: Orchestra World- Isham Jones "Song Search" Entries

- Folder 5: Orchestra World- Isham Jones "Song Search" Entries

- Box 67: Wehman's Songs

- Folder 1: Wehman's Songs Binding

- Folder 2: Wehman's Irish Songster No. 1

- Folder 3: Wehman's Song Book No. 1

- Folder 4: Wehman's Collection of 95 Songs No. 2

- Folder 5: Wehman's Collection of 97 Songs No. 3

- Folder 6: Wehman's Collection of 99 Songs No. 4

- Folder 7: Wehman's Collection of 99 Songs No. 4

- Folder 8: Wehman's Collection of 101 Songs No. 5

- Folder 9: Wehman's Collection of 96 Songs No. 6

- Folder 10: Wehman's Collection of 94 Songs No. 7

- Folder 11: Wehman's Collection of 104 Songs No. 8

- Folder 12: Wehman's Collection of 106 Songs No. 9

- Folder 13: Wehman's Collection of 106 Songs No. 9

- Folder 14: Wehman's Collection of 98 Songs No. 10

- Folder 15: Wehman's Collection of 102 Songs No. 11

- Folder 16: Wehman's Collection of 91 Songs No. 12

- Folder 17: Wehman's Collection of 93 Songs No. 13

- Folder 18: Wehman's Collection of 93 Songs No. 13

- Folder 19: Wehman's Collection of 92 Songs No. 14

- Folder 20: Wehman's Collection of 90 Songs No. 15

- Folder 21: Wehman's Collection of 90 Songs No. 15

- Folder 22: Wehman's Collection of 89 Songs No. 16

- Folder 23: Wehman's Collection of 101 Songs No. 17

- Folder 24: Wehman's Collection of 98 Songs No. 18

- Folder 25: Wehman's Collection of 103 Songs No. 19

- Folder 26: Wehman's Collection of 110 Songs No. 20

- Folder 27: Wehman's Collection of 93 Songs No. 21

- Folder 28: Wehman's Collection of 96 Songs

- Folder 29: Wehman's Collection of 96 Songs No. 22

- Folder 30: Wehman's Collection of 95 Songs No. 23

- Folder 31: Wehman's Collection of 104 Songs No. 24

- Folder 32: Wehman's Collection of 111 Songs No. 25

- Folder 33: Wehman's Collection of 99 Songs No. 26

- Folder 34: Wehman's Collection of 104 Songs No. 27

- Folder 35: Wehman's Collection of 126 Songs No. 28

- Folder 36: Wehman's Collection of 120 Songs No. 29

- Folder 37: Wehman's Collection of 120 Songs No. 29

- Folder 38: Wehman's Collection of 127 Songs No. 30

- Folder 39: Alphabetical Catalog of Songs Nos. 1-31 inclusive

- Box 68: Wehman's Songs

- Folder 1: Wehman's Collection of 113 Songs No. 31

- Folder 2: Wehman's Song Book No. 32

- Folder 3: Wehman's Collection of 146 Songs No. 33

- Folder 4: Wehman's Collection of 152 Songs No. 34

- Folder 5: Wehman's Collection of 157 Songs No. 35

- Folder 6: Wehman's Collection of 168 Songs No. 36

- Folder 7: Wehman's Collection of 145 Songs No. 37

- Folder 8: Wehman's Song Book No. 38

- Folder 9: Wehman's Song Book No. 39

- Folder 10: Wehman's Song Book No. 40

- Folder 11: Wehman's Song Book No. 41

- Folder 12: Wehman's Song Book No. 42

- Folder 13: Wehman's Song Book No. 43

- Folder 14: Wehman's Song Book No. 44

- Folder 15: Wehman's Song Book No. 45

- Folder 16: Wehman's Song Book No. 46

- Folder 17: Wehman's Song Book No. 47

- Folder 18: Wehman's Song Book No. 48

- Folder 19: Wehman's Song Book No. 49

- Folder 20: Wehman's Song Book No. 50

- Folder 21: Wehman's Song Book No. 51

- Folder 22: Wehman's Song Book No. 52

- Folder 23: Wehman's Song Book No. 53

- Folder 24: Wehman's Song Book No. 54

- Folder 25: Wehman's Song Book No. 55

- Folder 26: Wehman's Song Book No. 56

- Folder 27: Wehman's Song Book No. 57

- Folder 28: Wehman's Song Book No. 58

- Folder 29: Wehman's Song Book No. 58

- Folder 30: Wehman's Song Book No. 59

- Folder 31: Wehman's Song Book No. 60

- Folder 32: Wehman's Song Book No. 61

- Sub-Series 2: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents, 1916-1988

- Contains documents on music publication and copyright that were published by AFTRA, ASCAP, BMI, CPRSA, NMPA, RIAA. Arranged alphabetically by company name and then chronologically within.
- Box 69: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents

- Folder 1: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP, 1916-1939

- Folder 2: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP, 1940

- Folder 3: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP, 1941

- Folder 4: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP, 1942-1949

- Folder 5: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP, 1950-1952

- Folder 6: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP, 1953-1954

- Folder 7: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP, 1959-1961

- Folder 8: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP, 1962-1963

- Folder 9: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP, 1971-1981

- Folder 10: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP, 1983-1984

- Folder 11: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP Register of Theme Songs and Musical Signatures, 1938

- Box 70: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents, 1934-1988

- Folder 1: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents, 1936-1941

- Folder 2: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents, 1947-1959

- Folder 3: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents, ca. 1960s

- Folder 4: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- AFTRA, 1954-1963

- Folder 5: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- AFTRA, 1963-1965

- Folder 6: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- Boston Musicians' Protective Association, 1936

- Folder 7: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- BMI, 1964

- Mexican copyright
- Folder 8: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- NMPA, 1969-1980

- Folder 9: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- NMPA, 1982-1988

- Folder 10: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- RIAA, 1952-1955

- Folder 11: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- RIAA, 1958-1966

- Folder 12: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- Songwriter's Protective Association, 1934

- Bulletin Quarterly
- Box 71: ASCAP Publications and Ephemera, 1940-1959, Undated

- Folder 1: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP: The ASCAP Story, Undated

- Folder 2: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP Fliers, ca. 1940, undated

- Folder 3: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP Newspaper collages, ephemera, Undated

- Folder 4: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP Newspaper collages, ephemera, Undated

- Folder 5: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP Newspaper collages, ephemera, Undated

- Folder 6: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP Newspaper collages, ephemera, 1940

- Folder 7: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- ASCAP Newspaper collages, ephemera, 1940-1959

- Box 72: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents

- Folder 1: Jubilee Songs (as sung by the Jubilee Singers of Fisk University) New York: Biglow and Main

- Folder 2: Statistics of Negro Colleges and Universities- U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1951-1954

- Folder 3: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- Jubilee and Plantation Songs- Oliver Ditson

- Folder 4: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- CPRSA- Related articles and ephemera, ca. 1966-1971

- Folder 5: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- CPRSA- Repertory Title Index, Undated

- Folder 6: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- Perry Bradford Publishing Co. "Dixie to Harlem" Flier

- Folder 7: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- Scott Joplin articles and ephemera, ca. 1968-1983

- Folder 8: Music Publishing and Copyright Documents- Promotional material: "Mo 'n' Les", Undated

- Series 5: Merle Kendrick Papers and Music, 1936-1956

- Consists of original music arrangements and manuscripts by Merle Kendrick that were created for several radio broadcast shows. The materials are organized by broadcast title and then arranged alphabetically by selection title. Included are radio scripts, published scores and arrangements, press materials, and personal correspondence.
- Sub-Series 1: Bringing Up Father

- Box 73: Bringing Up Father Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Agitato #3

- Folder 2: Animated Chatter; Anticipated Crash

- Folder 3: Bridges #6, 7

- Folder 4: Bridges #8, 9

- Folder 5: Bridges #10, 10a

- Folder 6: Bridges #11, 11a

- Folder 7: Bridges #12, 14

- Folder 8: Bridges #15, 16

- Folder 9: Bridges #17, 18

- Folder 10: Bridges #19, 20

- Folder 11: Bridges #21, 22

- Folder 12: Bridges #23, 24

- Box 74: Bringing Up Father Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Bridges #25, 26

- Folder 2: Bridges #27, 29

- Folder 3: Bridges #30, 31

- Folder 4: Bridges #32, 33

- Folder 5: Bridges #34, 35

- Folder 6: Bridges #36, 37

- Folder 7: Bridges #38, 39

- Folder 8: Bridges #40, 41

- Folder 9: Bridges #42, 43

- Folder 10: Bridges #44, 45

- Folder 11: Bridges #46, 47

- Folder 12: Bridges #48, 49

- Folder 13: Bridge #52

- Box 75: Bringing Up Father Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Bridge #53

- Folder 2: Bridge #54

- Folder 3: Bridge #55

- Folder 4: Bridge #56

- Folder 5: Bridge #57

- Folder 6: Bridge #58

- Folder 7: Bridge #59

- Folder 8: Bridge #60

- Folder 9: Bridge #61

- Folder 10: Bridge #62

- Folder 11: Bridge #63

- Folder 12: Bridge #64

- Folder 13: Bridge #65

- Folder 14: Bridge #66

- Folder 15: Bridge #67

- Folder 16: Bridge #68

- Folder 17: Bridge #69

- Folder 18: Bridge #70

- Folder 19: Bridge #71

- Folder 20: Bridge #72

- Folder 21: Bridge #3

- Folder 22: Chatter Bridge

- Box 76: Bringing Up Father Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Commerical Intro into Nora Theme

- Folder 2: Curtain #1

- Folder 3: Curtain #2

- Folder 4: Curtain #3

- Folder 5: Curtain #4

- Folder 6: Curtain #7

- Folder 7: Curtain #8

- Folder 8: Dinty

- Folder 9: Dinty Moore Bridge

- Folder 10: Dinty Moore Bridge #2

- Folder 11: Dinty Moore Theme

- Folder 12: Dinty Moore Theme #Ia

- Folder 13: Dinty Moore Theme #Ib

- Folder 14: Dinty Moore Theme #2

- Folder 15: Fanfare #1

- Folder 16: Introduction to Signature #1

- Box 77: Bringing Up Father Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Introduction to Opening Signature #2

- Folder 2: Jiggs Theme (Long and Short)

- Folder 3: Kerry Dance (Themes)

- Folder 4: Londonderry Air

- Folder 5: Machine Music and Machine Music Ia

- Folder 6: Maggie Chord

- Folder 7: Maggie and Jiggs Music

- Folder 8: Mood Music #I, Mood Music #II

- Folder 9: #18 Nora Theme

- Folder 10: #22 Ominous Music

- Folder 11: Opening (Before Theme)

- Folder 12: Opening, Opening #I

- Folder 13: Opening (John Salacan)

- Box 78: Bringing Up Father Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Opening Signature

- Folder 2: Broad Playoff #1

- Folder 3: Playoff

- Folder 4: Playoff #2

- Folder 5: Playoff #3

- Folder 6: Brigth Playoff #4

- Folder 7: Playoff #5

- Folder 8: Playoff #9

- Folder 9: Playoff #12

- Folder 10: Playoff #14

- Folder 11: Playoff #15

- Folder 12: Script Theme

- Folder 13: Signature #5

- Folder 14: Signature

- Folder 15: Sustained Note and Crash

- Folder 16: Program Theme

- Folder 17: Program Theme and Commercial Intro

- Folder 18: Theme

- Folder 19: Theme #10, 10a, 10b

- Folder 20: Theme #11

- Folder 21: Theme- closing

- Folder 22: Theme

- Box 79: Bringing Up Father Scripts and Cue Sheets

- Folder 1: Bringing Up Father Radio Script and Cue Sheet

- Folder 2: Bringing Up Father Radio Script and Cue Sheet

- Folder 3: Bringing Up Father Radio Script and Cue Sheet

- Folder 4: Bringing Up Father Radio Script and Cue Sheets

- Folder 5: Bringing Up Father Radio Scripts

- Folder 6: Bringing Up Father Radio Script and Cue Sheet

- Folder 7: Bringing Up Father Radio Script and Cue Sheet

- Folder 8: Bringing Up Father Radio Script and Cue Sheet

- Folder 9: Bringing Up Father Radio Script and Cue Sheet

- Folder 10: Bringing Up Father Radio Script and Cue Sheet

- Folder 11: Bringing Up Father Radio Script and Cue Sheet

- Folder 12: Bringing Up Father Radio Script and Cue Sheet

- Folder 13: Bringing Up Father Radio Script

- Folder 14: Bringing Up Father Radio Scripts

- Sub-Series 2: Cheers From the Camps

- Box 80: Cheers from the Camps Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Air for G String (Bach)

- Folder 2: Assembly #1; Attention

- Folder 3: Il Bacio

- Folder 4: Ballata

- Folder 5: Blue Ridge

- Folder 6: Body and Soul

- Folder 7: Bridge #1

- Folder 8: Bridge #2

- Folder 9: Bridge #3

- Folder 10: Bridge #4

- Folder 11: Bridge #5

- Folder 12: Bridge #6

- Folder 13: Bridge #7

- Folder 14: Bridge #8

- Folder 15: Bridge #9

- Box 81: Cheers from the Camps Manuscripts

- Box 1: Bridge #10

- Box 2: Bridge #11

- Box 3: Bridge #12

- Box 4: Bridge #13

- Box 5: Bridge #14

- Box 6: Bridge #15

- Box 7: Bridge #16

- Box 8: Bridge #17

- Box 9: Bridges #18, #19

- Box 10: Bridge #20

- Box 11: Bridge #21

- Box 12: Bridge #22

- Box 13: Bridge #23

- Box 14: Bridge #24

- Box 15: Bridge #25

- Box 16: Bridge #27

- Box 82: Cheers from the Camps Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Bridge #28

- Folder 2: Bridge #28 Punctuation Chords

- Folder 3: Bridge #29

- Folder 4: Bridge #30

- Folder 5: Bridges #31, #32

- Folder 6: Bridge #33

- Folder 7: Bridge #34

- Folder 8: Bridge #36

- Folder 9: Bridge #37

- Folder 10: Bridge #38; Bugle #2

- Folder 11: Caissons Go Rolling Along

- Folder 12: Chord in C

- Folder 13: Closing

- Folder 14: Concerto Theme A

- Box 83: Cheers from the Camps Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Concerto Themes B and C

- Folder 2: Curtain #1

- Folder 3: Curtain #2

- Folder 4: Curtains #3 and #4

- Folder 5: Curtain #5

- Folder 6: Curtain #6

- Folder 7: Curtain #7

- Folder 8: Curtain #8

- Folder 9: Curtain #10

- Folder 10: Curtain #13

- Folder 11: Daybreak

- Folder 12: Deep River

- Folder 13: Drum Roll, Revielle [sic], and 3 Raps

- Folder 14: Everything I Love (Cole Porter)

- Folder 15: Fanfares #1, #2, and #3

- Folder 16: Fanfares #4, #5, and #6

- Folder 17: Fanfares #7, #8, and #9

- Box 84: Cheers from the Camps Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Fanfares #10, #11, #12

- Folder 2: God Bless America

- Folder 3: Happy Birthday

- Folder 4: Here You Are

- Folder 5: I Love A Parade

- Folder 6: I'll See You To-morrow

- Folder 7: In Sunny Tennessee

- Folder 8: Intro #1

- Folder 9: Intro #2

- Folder 10: Intro #3

- Folder 11: Intro #4

- Folder 12: Intro #5

- Folder 13: Intro #6

- Folder 14: Intro #7

- Folder 15: Intro #8

- Box 85: Cheers from the Camps Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Intro #11

- Folder 2: Intro #12

- Folder 3: Intro to Tennessee

- Folder 4: Junk Ain't Junk Anymore

- Folder 5: Keep Home Fires Burning

- Folder 6: Liberty Under God

- Folder 7: Lily Lou

- Folder 8: The Lord's Prayer

- Folder 9: Mighty Like a Rose

- Folder 10: Mme from Armentieres

- Folder 11: My Buddy

- Folder 12: Missouri Waltz

- Folder 13: Mood Music #1

- Folder 14: Mood Music #2

- Box 86: Cheers from the Camps Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Mood Music #3

- Folder 2: Mood Music #4

- Folder 3: Mood Music #5

- Folder 4: Mood Music #6

- Folder 5: Mood Music #7

- Folder 6: Mood Music #8

- Folder 7: Mood Music #9

- Folder 8: Mood Music #10

- Folder 9: Mood Music #11

- Folder 10: Mood Music #12

- Folder 11: Mood Music #13

- Folder 12: Mood Music #14

- Folder 13: Mood Music #15

- Folder 14: Mood Music #16

- Folder 15: Mood Music #17

- Folder 16: Mood Music #18

- Box 87: Cheers from the Camps Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Mood Music #19

- Folder 2: Mood Music #20

- Folder 3: Mood Music #22

- Folder 4: Mood Music #23

- Folder 5: Mood Music #24

- Folder 6: Mood Music #25

- Folder 7: Mood Music #26

- Folder 8: Mood Music #27

- Folder 9: Onward Christian Soldiers

- Folder 10: Pack Up Your Troubles

- Folder 11: Phoney Overture

- Folder 12: Ol' Man River

- Folder 13: Over There

- Folder 14: Playoff #1

- Box 88: Cheers from the Camps Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Playoff #2

- Folder 2: Playoff #3

- Folder 3: Playoff #4

- Folder 4: Playoff #5

- Folder 5: Playoff #6

- Folder 6: Playoff #7

- Folder 7: Playoff #8

- Folder 8: Playoff #8A

- Folder 9: Playoffs #8B and 8C

- Folder 10: Playoff #9

- Folder 11: Prisoner's Song

- Folder 12: Pack up Your Troubles

- Folder 13: Rigoletto

- Folder 14: Roll Out the Beer Barrel

- Folder 15: The Rosary

- Box 89: Cheers from the Camps Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Softly As In the Morning Sunrise

- Folder 2: Stage Door Canteen

- Folder 3: Stage Door Canteen

- Folder 4: Tea for Two

- Folder 5: Theme "A"

- Folder 6: Theme "B"

- Folder 7: Themes "C" and "D"

- Folder 8: Theme (closing)

- Folder 9: Theme (middle)

- Folder 10: Thine Alone

- Folder 11: Vocalizing

- Folder 12: Volga Boatmen

- Folder 13: When Day Is Done and Lily Lou

- Folder 14: William Tell #2

- Folder 15: The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise

- Box 90: Cheers from the Camps Scripts

- Folder 1: Cheers from the Camps, August 19, 1941

- Folder 2: Cheers from the Camps Script, June 9, 1942

- Folder 3: Cheers from the Camps, June 30, 1942

- Folder 4: Cheers from the Camps, July 7, 1942

- Folder 5: Cheers from the Camps, July 14, 1942

- Folder 6: Cheers from the Camps, July 21, 1942

- Folder 7: Cheers from the Camps, July 28, 1942

- Folder 8: Cheers from the Camps, August 4, 1942

- Folder 9: Cheers from the Camps Script, August 11, 1942

- Folder 10: Cheers from the Camps, August 18, 1942

- Folder 11: Cheers from the Camps, August 25, 1942

- Folder 12: Cheers from the Camps, September 1, 1942

- Folder 13: Cheers from the Camps, September 8, 1942

- Folder 14: Cheers from the Camps, September 15, 1942

- Folder 15: Cheers from the Camps, September 22, 1942

- Sub-Series 3: DuMont Television, Undated

- Box 91: DuMont TV and Let's Play Tune Detective

- Folder 1: DuMont TV Cue #2

- Folder 2: DuMont TV Cue #4 (Fanfare #1)

- Folder 3: DuMont TV Cue #6 (theme)

- Folder 4: DuMont TV Cue #10

- Folder 5: DuMont TV "Window on the World" Script #1, Jan. 20, 1949

- Folder 6: DuMont TV Scripts #2 and #3, January 27, 1949 and February 3, 1949

- Sub-Series 4: Let's Play Tune Detective, Undated

- Box 91: DuMont TV and Let's Play Tune Detective

- Folder 7: Let's Play Tune Detective- "A Hunting We Will Go"

- Folder 8: Let's Play Tune Detective- Chatter Playoff

- Box 92: Let's Play Tune Detective and Life with the Wolleys

- Folder 1: Let's Play Tune Detective- Opening

- Folder 2: Let's Play Tune Detective- Theme

- Folder 3: Let's Play Tune Detective- Audition, April 29, 1941

- Sub-Series 5: Life with the Wolleys, Undated

- Box 92: Let's Play Tune Detective and Life with the Wolleys

- Folder 4: Life with the Wolleys- Bridge #1

- Folder 5: Life with the Wolleys- Bridge #2

- Folder 6: Life with the Wolleys- Bridge #3

- Folder 7: Life with the Wolleys- Clock intro and B.G.

- Folder 8: Life with the Wolleys- Closing Theme

- Folder 9: Life with the Wolleys- Dinner Music

- Folder 10: Life with the Wolleys- Middle Theme

- Folder 11: Life with the Wolleys- Playoff #1

- Folder 12: Life with the Wolleys- Playoff #2

- Folder 13: Life with the Wolleys- Script Theme

- Folder 14: Life with the Wolleys- Audition

- Sub-Series 6: Listen America, Undated

- Box 93: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: America the Beautiful

- Folder 2: Auto Bridge #1

- Folder 3: Bridge #1

- Folder 4: Bridge #2

- Folder 5: Bridge #3

- Folder 6: Bridge #4

- Folder 7: Bridge #5

- Folder 8: Bridge #6

- Folder 9: Bridge #7

- Folder 10: Bridge #8

- Folder 11: Bridge #8A

- Folder 12: Bridge #9

- Folder 13: Bridge #9A

- Folder 14: Bridge #10

- Folder 15: Bridge #11

- Folder 16: Bridge #12

- Folder 17: Bridge #13

- Folder 18: Bridge #14

- Folder 19: Bridge #15

- Box 94: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Bridge #16

- Folder 2: Bridge #17

- Folder 3: Bridge #18

- Folder 4: Bridge #19

- Folder 5: Bridge #20

- Folder 6: Bridge #21

- Folder 7: Bridge #22

- Folder 8: Bridges #23, #24, and #25

- Folder 9: Bridge #26

- Folder 10: Bridge #27

- Folder 11: Bridge #28

- Folder 12: Bridge #29

- Folder 13: Bridge #30

- Folder 14: Bridge #31

- Folder 15: Bridge #32

- Folder 16: Bridge #33

- Folder 17: Bridge #34

- Box 95: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Bridge #35

- Folder 2: Bridge #36

- Folder 3: Bridge #37

- Folder 4: Bridge #38

- Folder 5: Bridge #39

- Folder 6: Bridges #40 and #40A

- Folder 7: Bridge #41

- Folder 8: Bridge #42

- Folder 9: Bridge #43

- Folder 10: Bridge #44

- Folder 11: Bridge #45

- Folder 12: Bridge #46

- Folder 13: Bridge #47

- Folder 14: Bridge #48

- Folder 15: Bridge #49

- Box 96: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Bridge #50

- Folder 2: Bridge #51

- Folder 3: Bridge #52

- Folder 4: Bridge #53

- Folder 5: Bridge #54

- Folder 6: Bridge #55

- Folder 7: Bridge #56

- Folder 8: Bridge #57

- Folder 9: Bridge #58

- Folder 10: Bridge #59

- Folder 11: Bridge #60

- Folder 12: Bridge #61

- Folder 13: Bridge #62

- Folder 14: Bridge #63

- Folder 15: Bridge #64

- Folder 16: Bridge #65

- Folder 17: Bridge #66

- Box 97: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Bridge #68

- Folder 2: Bridge #69

- Folder 3: Bridge #70

- Folder 4: Bridge #72

- Folder 5: Bridge #73

- Folder 6: Chatter Background

- Folder 7: Chime Introduction

- Folder 8: Curtain #1

- Folder 9: Curtain #2

- Folder 10: Curtain #2A

- Folder 11: Curtain #4

- Folder 12: Curtain #5

- Folder 13: Curtain #6

- Folder 14: Curtain #7

- Folder 15: Curtain #8

- Folder 16: Curtain #9

- Folder 17: Curtain #10

- Box 98: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Victory Curtain #11

- Folder 2: Curtain #12

- Folder 3: Curtain #14

- Folder 4: Curtain #16

- Folder 5: Curtain #17

- Folder 6: Curtain #18

- Folder 7: Curtain #19

- Folder 8: Broad Curtain #20

- Folder 9: Curtain #21

- Folder 10: Curtain #22

- Folder 11: Curtain #23

- Folder 12: Curtain #24

- Folder 13: Death Music #6

- Folder 14: Fanfare #1

- Folder 15: Fanfare #2

- Folder 16: Fanfare #3

- Folder 17: Fanfare #4

- Folder 18: Fanfare #5

- Folder 19: Fanfare #6

- Folder 20: Fanfare #8

- Box 99: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Filter Background

- Folder 2: Football Song #I, II, III

- Folder 3: Good Health to you

- Folder 4: Hail to Denver University

- Folder 5: Interlude #1

- Folder 6: Interlude #2

- Folder 7: Interlude #3

- Folder 8: Interlude #4

- Folder 9: Introduction and theme

- Folder 10: Introduction #1

- Folder 11: Introduction #2

- Folder 12: Introduction #3

- Folder 13: Introduction #4

- Box 100: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Introduction #5

- Folder 2: Introduction #6

- Folder 3: Introduction #7 and #7A

- Folder 4: Introduction #8

- Folder 5: Introduction #9

- Folder 6: Introduction #10

- Folder 7: Introduction #11

- Folder 8: Introduction #12

- Folder 9: Introduction #13

- Folder 10: Introduction #14

- Folder 11: Introduction #15

- Folder 12: Introduction #16

- Folder 13: Introduction #17

- Box 101: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Introduction #18

- Folder 2: Introduction #19

- Folder 3: Introduction #20

- Folder 4: Introduction #21

- Folder 5: Introduction #22

- Folder 6: Introduction #23

- Folder 7: Introduction to "Theme"

- Folder 8: I've Had Too Much to Dream

- Folder 9: Jingles- Vitamin Song

- Folder 10: Keep Em Flying #I, II, III

- Folder 11: Manhatten Night

- Folder 12: March

- Folder 13: Montage Music #1

- Folder 14: Montage Music #2

- Folder 15: Montage Music #3

- Folder 16: Montage Music #4

- Box 102: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Mood Music #1

- Folder 2: Mood Music #1 Playoff

- Folder 3: Mood Music #2

- Folder 4: Mood Music #3

- Folder 5: Mood Music #6

- Folder 6: Mood Music #7

- Folder 7: Mood Music #8

- Folder 8: Mood Music #9

- Folder 9: Mood Music #10

- Folder 10: Mood Music #11

- Folder 11: Mood Music #12

- Folder 12: Mood Music #13

- Folder 13: Mood Music #14

- Box 103: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Mood Music #15

- Folder 2: Mood Music #16

- Folder 3: Mood Music #17

- Folder 4: Mood Music #19

- Folder 5: Mood Music #20

- Folder 6: Mood Music #21

- Folder 7: Mood Music #22

- Folder 8: Mood Music #23

- Folder 9: Mood Music #24

- Folder 10: Mood Music #25

- Folder 11: Mood Music #26

- Folder 12: Mood Music #27

- Folder 13: Mood Music #28

- Folder 14: Mood Music #29

- Folder 15: Mood Music #30

- Folder 16: Mood Music #31

- Box 104: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Mood Music #33

- Folder 2: Mood Music #34

- Folder 3: Mood Music #35

- Folder 4: Mood Music #36

- Folder 5: Mood Music #37

- Folder 6: Mood Music #38

- Folder 7: Mood Music #39

- Folder 8: Mood Music #40

- Folder 9: Mood Music #41

- Folder 10: Mood Music #42

- Folder 11: My Own United States

- Folder 12: Mysterioso #3

- Folder 13: Nit Wit Serenade

- Folder 14: On Guard, America!

- Folder 15: Opening Into Theme

- Folder 16: Plant a Little Garden in Your Own Back Yard

- Box 105: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Playoff #1

- Folder 2: Playoff #2

- Folder 3: Playoff #4

- Folder 4: Playoff #7

- Folder 5: Playoff #10

- Folder 6: Playoff #14

- Folder 7: Chord Playoff #21

- Folder 8: Playoff #26

- Folder 9: Radio Bugle

- Folder 10: Ridicule Music

- Folder 11: Rule Britannia

- Folder 12: Scene Orientali

- Folder 13: Scream and Down Music

- Folder 14: Sea Music #1

- Folder 15: Sea Music #1A

- Folder 16: Sea Music 1B

- Folder 17: Sea Music #1C

- Folder 18: Sea Music #2

- Box 106: Listen America Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Semper Paratus

- Folder 2: Sky Music

- Folder 3: Starvation Music

- Folder 4: Telegraph Music

- Folder 5: Theme

- Folder 6: Closing Theme

- Folder 7: Introduction to Closing Theme

- Folder 8: Closing Theme

- Folder 9: Theme- March

- Folder 10: Opening Theme

- Folder 11: Ticker Effect

- Folder 12: Tickers Music

- Folder 13: Ticker Report

- Folder 14: Walking Song

- Box 107: Listen America Scripts

- Folder 1: June 13, 1941

- Folder 2: June 20, 1941

- Folder 3: July 11, 1941

- Folder 4: July 18, 1941

- Folder 5: July 25, 1941

- Folder 6: August 1, 1941

- Folder 7: August 8, 1941

- Folder 8: August 15, 1941

- Folder 9: August 22, 1941

- Folder 10: August 29, 1941

- Folder 11: September 5, 1941

- Folder 12: September 12, 1941

- Folder 13: September 19, 1941

- Folder 14: September 26, 1941

- Folder 15: November 23, 1941

- Folder 16: November 30, 1941

- Folder 17: December 7, 1941

- Folder 18: December 14, 1941

- Folder 19: December 21, 1941

- Folder 20: December 28, 1941

- Folder 21: January 4, 1942

- Folder 22: January 11, 1942

- Folder 23: January 18, 1942

- Folder 24: January 25, 1942

- Folder 25: February 1, 1942

- Folder 26: February 8, 1942

- Box 108: Listen America Scripts

- Folder 1: February 15, 1942

- Folder 2: February 22, 1942

- Folder 3: March 1, 1942

- Folder 4: March 8, 1942

- Folder 5: March 15, 1942

- Folder 6: March 22, 1942

- Folder 7: March 29, 1942

- Folder 8: June 12, 1942

- Folder 9: April 5, 1942

- Folder 10: April 12, 1942

- Folder 11: April 19, 1942

- Folder 12: April 26, 1942

- Folder 13: May 3, 1942

- Folder 14: May 10, 1942

- Folder 15: May 17, 1942

- Folder 16: May 24, 1942

- Folder 17: May 31, 1942

- Folder 18: June 19, 1942

- Folder 19: June 26, 1942

- Folder 20: July 3, 1942

- Folder 21: July 10, 1942

- Folder 22: July 17, 1942

- Folder 23: July 24, 1942

- Sub-Series 7: Ruggles of Red Gap, Undated

- Box 79: Ruggles of Red Gap Scripts and Cue Sheets

- Folder 1: Ruggles of Red Gap Two Scripts and Music Cue Sheet

- Folder 2: Ruggles of Red Gap Original Script and Cue Sheet

- Box 109: Ruggles of Red Gap Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Auto Bridge #1

- Folder 2: Auto Bridge #2

- Folder 3: Elevator Bridge

- Folder 4: Fanfares (4)

- Folder 5: Intro to Script Theme #2

- Folder 6: Morning Bridge #1 and #2

- Folder 7: Mysterioso #1

- Folder 8: New Intro to Script Theme #2

- Folder 9: Opening

- Folder 10: Playoff #1

- Folder 11: Playoff #2

- Folder 12: Theme (Hosanna)

- Folder 13: Theme #1

- Folder 14: Theme #2

- Folder 15: Western Bridge

- Sub-Series 8: Saturday Night Bond Wagon, Undated

- Box 110: Saturday Night Bond Wagon Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Battle Hymn of the Republic

- Folder 2: Bridge #1

- Folder 3: Bridge #2

- Folder 4: Bridge #3

- Folder 5: Bridge #12

- Folder 6: Bridge #13

- Folder 7: Bridge #15

- Folder 8: Bridge #16

- Folder 9: Bridge #17

- Folder 10: Bridge #18

- Folder 11: Bridge #18A

- Folder 12: Bridge #19

- Box 111: Saturday Night Bond Wagon Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Bridge #20

- Folder 2: Bridge #21

- Folder 3: Bridge #23

- Folder 4: Bridge #30

- Folder 5: Curtain #8

- Folder 6: Curtain #12

- Folder 7: Hearts and Flowers

- Folder 8: Hip Hip Hooray

- Folder 9: Intro #6

- Folder 10: March #2

- Folder 11: March #5

- Box 112: Saturday Night Bond Wagon Manuscripts and Scripts

- Folder 1: Mood Music #6

- Folder 2: Mood Music #7

- Folder 3: Mood Music #10

- Folder 4: Mood Music #12

- Folder 5: Mood Music #26

- Folder 6: Moonlight Mood

- Folder 7: Thunderin' Wonderin'

- Folder 8: Yankee Doodle

- Folder 9: You're a Lucky Little Fellow

- Folder 10: You're a Lucky Little Fellow

- Folder 11: Script, December 12, 1942

- Folder 12: Script, December 19, 1942

- Folder 13: Script, December 26, 1942

- Folder 14: Script, January 16, 1943

- Folder 15: Script, January 23, 1943

- Folder 16: Script, January 30, 1943

- Sub-Series 9: Scores and Manuscripts, Undated

- Box 113: Scores and Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Accent, Anvil Chorus

- Folder 2: Be Still My Soul, Bridal Mambo

- Folder 3: Battle Hymn of the Republic

- Folder 4: Bridge #1

- Folder 5: Intro- Brother John

- Folder 6: Can This Be Love?

- Folder 7: Closing Theme (Crazy Rhythm)

- Folder 8: Comedy Music (#9)

- Folder 9: Comedy Playoff

- Folder 10: Cradle Song

- Folder 11: Curtain #1

- Folder 12: Don't Blame Me, Falling in Love With Someone

- Folder 13: Fanfare

- Folder 14: Fanfare (A)

- Folder 15: Fanfare and Theme #8

- Folder 16: Fanfare and Theme #10

- Box 114: Scores and Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Final Playoff

- Folder 2: First Mysterioso, Forgive Me For Getting Forgetful, Foxtrot Rumba, Garibaldi's Hymn

- Folder 3: The Girl in the Little Green Hat

- Folder 4: Grand Slam, Hold Me

- Folder 5: Hot Time

- Folder 6: I'll Be Seeing You

- Folder 7: I Love You Truly

- Folder 8: In My Merry Oldsmobile

- Folder 9: It's Love, Love, Love

- Folder 10: I've Had Too Much to Dream, Jingle Bells

- Folder 11: Laura, Old Folks at Home

- Box 115: Scores and Manuscripts

- Folder 1: My Buddy, My Buddy Paraphrase

- Folder 2: Old Grey Mare

- Folder 3: Ol' Man River #1

- Folder 4: Oklahoma!

- Folder 5: Opening Fanfare and Theme

- Folder 6: Opening #2

- Folder 7: Opening Theme

- Folder 8: Opening Theme- Crazy Rhythm

- Folder 9: Opening Theme "Life With the Wolleys"

- Folder 10: Playoff #3

- Folder 11: Rock A Bye Baby

- Box 116: Scores and Manuscripts

- Folder 1: In a Window in a House, in Caroline

- Folder 2: Rag-Tag Muskateers

- Folder 3: 'Round My Heart

- Folder 4: Sam the Vegetable Man

- Folder 5: Skater's Waltz

- Folder 6: Stars and Stripes Merengue

- Folder 7: Theme- Orchestra Parts

- Folder 8: Theme and Finale #21

- Folder 9: Two Good Feet

- Folder 10: War Theme #1

- Folder 11: War Theme #2

- Folder 12: War Theme #3

- Folder 13: War Theme #4

- Folder 14: Wedding March, You Gotta Have Umph

- Folder 15: William Tell

- Folder 16: You Tell Me Your Dream

- Folder 17: Handwritten Sheet Music, ca. 1987

- Acquired by the Music and Performing Arts Library on January 16, 2024. Handwritten sheet music for oboe, bass, and violin parts. Titles include "Hot Chocolate Soldiers"; "Margarita - Unico Ansor!"; "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" excerpt; "Samson and Delilah"; "September in the Rain"; "Shall We Dance" overture; "Some of These Ways"; "Summer Night"; "Swing Time"; "That Old Feeling"; "Whispering"; "Wiga-Wiga-Wo"; "WHO"; "Yankee Doodle."
- Sub-Series 10: Correspondence, Papers, and Miscellaneous Scripts

- Box 117: Radio Scripts, 1937-1953

- Folder 1: Beth Holland Show, June 29, 1953 to July 3, 1953

- Folder 2: Beth Holland Show, July 6, 1953 to July 10, 1953

- Folder 3: Beth Holland Show, July 13, 1953 to July 17, 1953

- Folder 4: Beth Holland Show, July 20, 1953 to July 24, 1953

- Folder 5: Beth Holland Show, July 27, 1953 to July 31, 1953

- Folder 6: Beth Holland Show, August 3, 1953 to August 7, 1953

- Folder 7: Beth Holland Show, August 10, 1953 to August 14, 1953

- Folder 8: Beth Holland Show, August 17, 1953 to August 21, 1953

- Folder 9: Beth Holland Show, August 24, 1953 to August 28, 1953

- Folder 10: Beth Holland Show, August 31, 1953 to September 4, 1953

- Folder 11: Beth Holland Show, September 10, 1953 to September 28, 1953

- Folder 12: Beth Holland Show, September 29, 1953 to October 5, 1953

- Folder 13: Beth Holland Show, October 6, 1953 to October 12, 1953

- Folder 14: Beth Holland Show, October 13, 1953 to October 22, 1953

- Folder 15: Beth Holland Show, October 23, 1953 to October 29, 1953

- Folder 16: Beth Holland Show, October 30, 1953 to November 5, 1953

- Folder 17: Beth Holland Show, November 6, 1953 to November 13, 1953

- Folder 18: Beth Holland Show, November 16, 1953 to November 26, 1953

- Folder 19: Beth Holland Show, November 27, 1953 to December 2, 1953

- Folder 20: Beth Holland Show, December 3, 1953 to December 8, 1953

- Folder 21: Casa Morales, December 17, 1955 to January 28, 1956

- Folder 22: Chico Marx Audition

- Folder 23: Raisin' Day (or Good Times)

- Folder 24: They That Might Live, April 18, 1943

- Folder 25: Your True Adventures (Audition Script), November 3, 1937 to November 14, 1937

- Box 118: Personal Correspondence, March 14, 1943 to February 17, 1947

- Box 119: Correspondence and Papers, May 7, 1936 to July 6, 1936

- Folder 1: Correspondence from Ted Lewis to Kendrick, May 9, 1936 to June 2, 1936

- Folder 2: Correspondence from William Joyce to Phil Albright, May 25, 1936 to July 6, 1936

- Folder 3: Correspondence from Phil Albright and Ted Lewis to William Joyce, May 7, 1936 to June 1, 1936

- Folder 4: Correspondence from Phil Albright to Ted Lewis, May 7, 1936 to June 23, 1936

- Folder 5: Inventory of Arrangements, Articles and Papers

- Folder 6: Newspaper Clipping- Wedding Photo of Mrs. Edmund Hopkinson Kendrick

- Folder 7: Marketing Materials for "Ring up the Curtain"

- Folder 8: Merle Kendrick and his All-Star Orchestra Profile and Photo

- Series 6: George Whiting Papers, 1934-1941

- Consists of music manuscripts, published music, radio scripts, and papers created by and relating to lyricist George Whiting. Content is arranged first by type and then alphabetically by title.
- Box 120: Correspondence, Financial Records, Photographs, and Radio Scripts

- Folder 1: Correspondence, 1936-1941

- Folder 2: Financial Records, ca. 1934-1939

- Folder 3: Newspaper Articles and Ephemera

- Folder 4: Photographs, No I.D.

- Folder 5: Radio Scripts: Charley's System Episodes 1-3

- Folder 6: Radio Scripts: Charley's System Episodes 4-6

- Folder 7: Radio Scripts: Charley's (Jimmy's) System Episodes 7-9

- Folder 8: Radio Scripts: Charley's System Episodes 10-12

- Folder 9: Radio Scripts: Charley's System Episodes 13-15

- Folder 10: Radio Scripts: Charley's System Episodes 16-18

- Folder 11: Radio Scripts: Charley's System Episodes 19-21

- Folder 12: Radio Scripts: Charley's System Episodes 22-24

- Folder 13: Radio Scripts: Charley's System Episodes 25-27

- Folder 14: Radio Scripts: Charley's System Episodes 28-31

- Folder 15: Radio Scripts: Fritz and Charley Episodes 1-3

- Folder 16: Radio Scripts: Fritz and Charley Episodes 4-5

- Folder 17: Radio Scripts: Fritz and Charley Episodes 7-11

- Folder 18: Radio Scripts: Fritz and Charley Episodes 12-14, two unnumbered

- Folder 19: Radio Scripts: Fritz and Fred

- Folder 20: Scripts: Frog Hollow

- Folder 21: Song Lyric Sheets Titles A-M

- Folder 22: Song Lyric Sheets Titles P-Y

- Box 121: Manuscripts and Published Music

- Folder 1: Ephemeral Material Found Inside Ledger, ca. 1936

- Folder 2: Ledger and Financial Records, ca. 1936

- Folder 3: Manuscripts and Lyric Sheets: Coocoo-Doo to Keep Hoin'

- Folder 4: Drummer Don- Instrumental Parts

- Folder 5: Manuscripts and Lyric Sheets: Lola O'Brien to You're Never Too Old (fragments)

- Folder 6: Published Music

- Series 7: E.M. Wickes papers, 1948-1951

- Consists of manuscripts, papers, periodicals, and ephemera related to writings of E. M. Wickes, a music critic and historian. Also includes a subseries of music manuscripts by Lou Singer. Items are arranged alphabetically by title.
- Sub-Series 1: Manuscripts and Published Newspaper Columns

- Box 122: Manuscripts and Publications

- Folder 1: Ballad Hit of 1951

- Folder 2: Best Sellers Lists, March 25, 1946 to March 29, 1946

- Folder 3: Changes and Surprises

- Folder 4: An 8-bar View of Tin Pan Alley

- Folder 5: Hoosier Hot Shots- Story and Pictures

- Folder 6: Is Radio Advertising a Mirage?

- Folder 7: Made--Not Born

- Folder 8: Manuscripts

- Folder 9: Milking Melodies

- Folder 10: Millions in Melody

- Folder 11: New Songs and Revivals

- Folder 12: Out of Control

- Folder 13: Pale Moon

- Folder 14: Plugging Songs

- Folder 15: Pop Songs are Assembled

- Folder 16: Pop Songs Sprout Like Mushrooms

- Folder 17: Song Immortal

- Folder 18: Song Lines

- Folder 19: Song Pluggers

- Folder 20: Song Stuff

- Folder 21: Songs-- Not A La Hoyle

- Folder 22: Stein Song

- Folder 23: Story Behind "The Prisoner's Song"

- Folder 24: Story Behind the Song

- Folder 25: Tin Pan Alley's Coin and Curriculum

- Folder 26: Tin Pan Alley's Gold

- Folder 27: They Wrote Hit Songs and Then Drifted Apart

- Folder 28: Vagrant Tune

- Folder 29: Vaughn Norton: Ex-Coal Miner

- Folder 30: Where Are Canada's Hit Song Writers?

- Folder 31: Writing the Popular Song Manuscript (partial), 1916

- Folder 32: American Magazine, October 1916

- Folder 33: Literary Digest, October 7, 1916

- Folder 34: People's Favorite Magazine, May 1920

- Folder 35: The Songwriter's Guide (pamphlet)

- Folder 36: True Stories of Famous Songs, Vol. 1, Undated

- Folder 37: Newspaper Articles and Ephemera

- Folder 38: BMI- Licensed Record Titles by Artists

- Folder 39: Michaels, Edward- In the Bag (incomplete)

- Folder 40: Song Hits Magazine, 1941

- Folder 41: If I Should Lose You- Robin, Leo and Ralph Rainger

- Box 123: Newspaper Columns

- Photocopies- not originals
- Folder 1: Boston Traveler, July 22, 1938

- Folder 2: The Morning Telegraph, January 10, 1926

- Folder 3: The Morning Telegraph, August 12, 1928

- Folder 4: NY Enquirer: Miscellaneous Clippings, Undated

- Folder 5: NY Enquirer, August 15, 1931

- Folder 6: NY Enquirer: Miscellaneous Clippings, 1937-1942

- Folder 7: NY Enquirer, January 2, 1938

- Folder 8: NY Enquirer, July 10, 1939

- Folder 9: NY Enquirer, May 27, 1940

- Folder 10: NY Enquirer, October 7, 1940

- Folder 11: NY Enquirer, January 12, 1942

- Folder 12: NY Enquirer, February 16, 1942

- Folder 13: NY Enquirer, March 9, 1942

- Folder 14: NY Enquirer, March 16, 1942

- Folder 15: NY Enquirer: Miscellaneous Clippings, 1943

- Folder 16: NY Enquirer, November 15, 1943

- Folder 17: NY Enquirer: Miscellaneous Clippings, 1944

- Folder 18: NY Enquirer: News-Reviews of Song World, 1944-1946

- Folder 19: NY Enquirer, May 14, 1945

- Folder 20: NY Enquirer, May 21, 1945

- Folder 21: NY Enquirer, May 28, 1945

- Folder 22: NY Enquirer, July 2, 1945

- Folder 23: NY Enquirer, July 23, 1945

- Folder 24: NY Enquirer: Miscellaneous Clippings, 1946-1948

- Folder 25: NY Enquirer, June 10, 1946

- Folder 26: NY Enquirer, December 23, 1946

- Folder 27: NY Enquirer, December 30, 1946

- Folder 28: NY Enquirer: News-Reviews of Song World and Did You Know Them When?, 1947 and undated

- Folder 29: NY Enquirer, April 14, 1947

- Folder 30: NY Enquirer, May 12, 1947

- Folder 31: NY Enquirer, June 30, 1947

- Folder 32: NY Enquirer, October 13, 1947

- Folder 33: NY Enquirer, October 20, 1947

- Folder 34: NY Enquirer, October 27, 1947

- Folder 35: NY Enquirer, November 10, 1947

- Folder 36: NY Enquirer, November 28, 1947

- Folder 37: NY Enquirer, December 1, 1947

- Folder 38: NY Enquirer, December 8, 1947

- Folder 39: NY Enquirer, December 29, 1947

- Box 124: Newspaper Columns

- Photocopies- not originals
- Folder 1: NY Enquirer: News-Reviews of Song World, 1948-1949

- Folder 2: NY Enquirer, August 16, 1948

- Folder 3: NY Enquirer, January 3, 1949

- Folder 4: NY Enquirer, March 21, 1949

- Folder 5: NY Enquirer, April 4, 1949

- Folder 6: NY Enquirer, May 2, 1949

- Folder 7: NY Enquirer, June 20, 1949

- Folder 8: NY Enquirer, June 27, 1949

- Folder 9: NY Enquirer, Junly 25, 1949

- Folder 10: NY Enquirer, October 3, 1949

- Folder 11: NY Enquirer, October 24, 1949

- Folder 12: NY Enquirer, October 31, 1949

- Folder 13: NY Enquirer, December 5, 1949

- Folder 14: NY Enquirer: News-Reviews of Music-Radio, 1950-1952

- Folder 15: NY Enquirer, January 23, 1950

- Folder 16: NY Enquirer, February 13, 1950

- Folder 17: NY Enquirer, April 10, 1950

- Folder 18: NY Enquirer, May 22, 1950

- Folder 19: NY Enquirer, August 14, 1950

- Folder 20: NY Enquirer, January 15, 1951

- Folder 21: NY Enquirer, April 16, 1951

- Folder 22: NY Enquirer, May 14, 1951

- Folder 23: NY Enquirer, July 9, 1951

- Folder 24: NY Enquirer, July 16, 1951

- Folder 25: NY Enquirer, July 23, 1951

- Folder 26: Unidentified Newspaper Fragment, Undated

- Box 126: Ephemera

- Item 11: The Billboard Date Book, 1927-1928

- Sub-Series 2: Lou Singer, Undated

- Musical scores
- Box 125: Lou Singer Scores

- Folder 1: A Bath is a Wonderful Thing

- Folder 2: Jenny Was Only Jaywalking

- Folder 3: Oh the Flies Keep A-Buzzin'

- Folder 4: Oom-Dida-Boom-Boom; Keep Your Eyes on the Road

- Folder 5: Oh Please Be Careful; There Was a Man Who Drove a Car; The Coffee Boils Over; Careless Kate

- Folder 6: Up a Ladder; Can't You See the Children; Jim Was a Reckless Driver

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Business Records and Personal Papers, 1936-1986],
Series 2: Litigation Files, 1936-1973],
Series 3: Barnard and Morris Young Music Company Periodicals and Publications, 1928-1966],
Series 4: Non-Young Company Periodicals and Publications, 1832-1988],
Series 5: Merle Kendrick Papers and Music, 1936-1956],
Series 6: George Whiting Papers, 1934-1941],
Series 7: E.M. Wickes papers, 1948-1951],