Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan | University of Illinois Archives

Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan
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Index to Agreement Concerning Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan and SUB Plan
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Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan
October 25, 1967
Selected pages from Benefit Plans and Agreements: UAW and the Ford Motor Company: Retirement Plan, Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan, Insurance Program: Agreements Dated October 25, 1967, including the 1967 Agreement Concerning Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan and Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan and its Index.
Found in RS 35/3/403, Box 16, Folder 01, Item 08
Phys. Desc:
PDF documents
37 pages and 3 pages
Original pages are 11 x 17.7 cm
3503403-Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan
University of Illinois Archives
Found in:
35/3/403 ILIR Library Union Vertical File, 1912-2001
Series 2: Automobile Workers - Cleaning and Dye House Workers
Box 16
Folder 1: Ford Motor Co. and the UAW
Item 8: Benefit Plans and Agreements, UAW and the Ford Motor Company: Retirement Plan, Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan, Insurance Program, October 25, 1967

United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library
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