Collection Overview
Title: Chester P. Siess Papers, 1933-2004

ID: 11/5/34
Primary Creator: Siess, Chester Paul (1916-2004)
Extent: 8.93 cubic feet
Arrangement: Content is arranged in four series: Series 1 contains biographical and personal materials; Series 2 contains files relating to Dr. Siess' correspondents; Series 3 contains materials concerning Dr. Siess' tenure at the University of Illinois as a professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Civil Engineering; and Series 4 contains Dr. Siess' articles, including drafts and notes relating to his articles, numbered job files, and information regarding his involvement in professional organizations, such as the American Concrete Institute (ACI). Folders in Series 1, 2, and 3 are arranged in alphabetical order. Folders in Series 4 are arranged chronologically in an attempt to preserve original order.
Date Acquired: 07/09/1967. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: American Concrete Institute, Building Codes, Concrete Analysis, Faculty Papers
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English, Spanish;Castilian
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Papers of Chester Paul Siess (1916-2004), M.S. 1939, Ph.D. 1948, including the American Concrete Institute Committee 318 files on the ACI Building Code Requirements for reinforced concrete, meeting minutes, membership lists, and subjects such as materials and testing, shear and bond, flexure, and columns. Dr. Siess served as a committee member from 1953-1997. Additions include files concerning Dr. Siess' work with the Chicago Parks District on the Grant Park Garage, Erico Cadweld rebar splices, Midwest Prestressed Concrete, Laclede Steel Company, Proctor and Gamble, and other companies as well as his involvement with the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), the American Concrete Institute (ACI), and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Materials concerning his tenure at the University of Illinois include class rosters, schedules, and notes. Correspondents file materials include letters, newspaper articles, greeting cards, business cards, and corporate publications. Correspondents include H. M. Newmark, Mehte Sozen, Joseph Colaco, and others. Personal materials include Dr. Siess' retirement scrapbook, photographs, and memorials. Also included in the collection are Dr. Siess' fieldbooks.
Biographical Note
Chester Paul Siess (1916-2004) was born in Alexandria, Louisiana and received his bachelor's degree in 1936 from Louisana State University. Following graduation, he worked for the highway department's statewide highway planning survey and later, spent a year on the LSU campus in a soils laboratory. Following his employment with the highway department, he received an assistantship at the University of Illinois for two years to pursue a graduate degree. He completed his master's in 1939 in structural engineering. After graduation, he worked in Chicago for the Chicago Department of Subways and Supherhighways in the Soils Laboratory. In 1941, he worked in the Bridge Office of the New York Central. He was then offered a job at the University of Illinois, where he worked in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. During his time with TAM, he made progress towards a PhD, completing his doctorate in 1948 in structural engineering. In 1949, he began working in the Department of Civil Engineering and became a full professor of Civil Engineering in 1955. From 1973 to 1978, he served as department head. He retired in 1978 and was appointed professor emeritus.
Dr. Siess was active in several professional organizations, including the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). He was awarded honorary membership in ACI in 1969 and served as president from 1974-1975. He served on Committee 318 from 1953-1997. The committee was responsible for creating the Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. He presented papers throughout his career at conferences not only in the United States, but also in Mexico, Sweden, Canada, and Peru.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Additions acquired on 06/20/2014.
Access Restrictions:
Materials in box 1 are restricted. Please contact the University Archivist for more information.
Other Note:
0 Pages
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Biographical, 1936-2004],
[Series 2: Correspondence, 1942-1998],
[Series 3: Teaching, 1936-2001],
[Series 4: Research, Publications, and Employment, 1939-2004],
[Series 5: Oversize Material, 1945-1966],
- Series 1: Biographical, 1936-2004

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Awards and certificates, 1936-2001

- Folder 2: Biographical data, 1937-1982

- Folder 3: Memorial materials, 1957-2004

- Folder 4: Memorials and obituaries (1 of 2), 2004

- Folder 5: Memorials and obituaries (2 of 2), 1957-2004

- Folder 6: Personal planners (RESTRICTED), 1970-1992

- Prior to 50 years from the last date in this restricted file, access only with permission of University Archivist and the College of Engineering Dean's Office.
- Folder 7: Personal papers (1 of 2), 1956-2001

- Folder 8: Personal papers (2 of 2), 1986-2004

- Folder 9: Photographs, 1951-1997

- Folder 10: Scrapbook, 1954-1979

- Series 2: Correspondence, 1942-1998

- Box 2

- Folder 1: A correspondents, 1961-1998

- Folder 2: Abbasi, A. G. F., 1968-1994

- Folder 3: Abdul-Baki, F., 1951-1957

- Folder 4: Abeles, P. W., 1953-1964

- Folder 5: Akcaglilar, N., 1950-1995

- Folder 6: Aoyama, H., 1962-1996

- Folder 7: Appleton, J. H., 1948-1996

- Folder 8: Archibald, R., 1944-1963

- Folder 9: Atlas, A., 1959-1982

- Folder 10: Baker, A. L. L., 1948-1967

- Folder 11: Baron, M. J., 1957-1965

- Folder 12: Benjamin, I. A., 1955-1967

- Folder 13: Bennett, W. B., 1957-1988

- Folder 14: Bergman, S. G. A., 1954-1976

- Folder 15: Bernaert, S., 1956-1986

- Folder 16: Bozzo, Miguel, 1963

- Folder 17: Breen, J. E., 1986-1994

- Folder 18: Bresler, B., 1952-1994

- Folder 19: Brooks, D. S., 1958-1959

- Folder 20: Bruce, R. N., 1959-1990

- Folder 21: Burns, Ned H., 1960-1985

- Folder 22: Colaco, Joseph (1 of 2), 1963-1996

- Folder 23: Colaco, Joseph (2 of 2), 1963-1996

- Folder 24: Cowan, H. J., 1952-1987

- Folder 25: Craven, M. A., 1947-1974

- Folder 26: Crawford, R. E., 1960-1969

- Folder 27: Cullen, D. R., 1952-1956

- Folder 28: Dai, Peter K., 1961-1977

- Folder 29: Danner, E., 1951-1953

- Folder 30: Diaz de Cossio, Roger, 1959-1975

- Folder 31: Diaz-Gomez, C., 1982

- Folder 32: Dill, A. F., 1954-1975

- Folder 33: Dreyer, P., 1977

- Folder 34: Erickson, E. L., 1938-1991

- Folder 35: Ernst, G. C., 1955-1969

- Folder 36: Feldman, A., 1961-1986

- Folder 37: Ferguson, P. M., 1952-1986

- Folder 38: Flemming, C. J., 1960-1978

- Folder 39: Fluhr, W. E., 1977

- Folder 40: Gaston, J. R., 1953-1982

- Folder 41: Gamble, W. L., 1967-1983

- Folder 42: Haas, A. M., 1959-1969

- Folder 43: Hall, A. S., 1958-1974

- Folder 44: Hall, W. J., 1990-1993

- Folder 45: Haltinanger, J. D., 1983

- Folder 46: Hanson, W. E., 1952-1987

- Folder 47: Hawkins, Neil M., 1964-1995

- Folder 48: Hernandez, G., 1960-1980

- Folder 49: Hillerborg, A., 1959-1993

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Hilsdorf, H. K., 1959-1973

- Folder 2: Hognestad, E., 1953-1990

- Folder 3: Hopkins, H. J., 1957-1971

- Folder 4: Huntington, W. C., 1950-1965

- Folder 5: Iyengar, H., 1983

- Folder 6: Kemp, E. L., 1968-1989

- Folder 7: Kesler, C. E., 1955-1985

- Folder 8: Khan, F. R. (1 of 2), 1954-1998

- Folder 9: Khan, F. R. (2 of 2), 1954-1998

- Folder 10: Laupa, A., 1951-1973

- Folder 11: Legatos, N. A., 1958-1986

- Folder 12: Leonhardt, F., 1952-1983

- Folder 13: Liebman, J. C., 1981-1988

- Folder 14: Lin, T. Y., 1953-1984

- Folder 15: Lorentsen, Mogens, 1967-1968

- Folder 16: Losberg, Anders, 1968-1982

- Folder 17: Lyse, Inge, 1959-1981

- Folder 18: MacGregor, J. G., 1960-1999

- Folder 19: Marin, J., 1964-1996

- Folder 20: Martin, I., 1960-1996

- Folder 21: McLean, G., 1953-1977

- Folder 22: Moore, W. P., 1985-1992

- Folder 23: Moss, D. D., 1963-1981

- Folder 24: Moretto, O., 1947-1996

- Folder 25: Munse, W. H., 1983

- Folder 26: Murphy, H. L., 1954-1996

- Folder 27: Naruoka, M., 1949-1977

- Folder 28: Neville, A. M., 1958-1994

- Folder 29: Newmark, N. M. (1 of 2), 1944-1991

- Folder 30: Newmark, N. M. (2 of 2), 1944-1991

- Folder 31: Norman, R. G., 1956-1975

- Folder 32: Nylander, H., 1951-1984

- Folder 33: Oleszkiewicz, S., 1961-1991

- Folder 34: de Paira, H. A. R., 1964-1966

- Folder 35: Paxson, G. S., 1946-1964

- Folder 36: Peck, R. B., 1942-1987

- Folder 37: Pfrang, E. O., 1961-1994

- Folder 38: Rao, J. K. Sridhar, 1994-1993

- Folder 39: Reece, R. C., 1950-1980

- Folder 40: Reyes-Guerra, D. R., 1957-1990

- Folder 41: Richart, F. E., 1983-1986

- Folder 42: Rosenbleuth, E., 1953-1994

- Folder 43: Rusch, H., 1959-1977

- Folder 44: Sahlin, S., 1984-1996

- Folder 45: Salgo, M., 1950-1991

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Schweizer, C. B., 1959-1968

- Folder 2: Sen, B. R., 1957-1958

- Folder 3: Smith, R. G., 1995

- Folder 4: Sozen, M. A., 1957-1995

- Folder 5: Sozen, Mete, 1983

- Folder 6: Suvunnetr, S., 1960

- Folder 7: Szulczynski, Tadeusz, 1961-1975

- Folder 8: Taylor, R., 1964-1968

- Folder 9: Tedesko, A., 1993-1994

- Folder 10: Tejwani, Asan G., 1962-1971

- Folder 11: Thiruvengadam, T. R., 1969-1981

- Folder 12: Untrauer, Raymond, 1961-1970

- Folder 13: Uyarik, M. E., 1950-1959

- Folder 14: Viest, I. M., 1950-1996

- Folder 15: Warwaruk, J., 1957-1972

- Folder 16: Wastlund, G., 1949-1980

- Folder 17: Wilkes, L. W., 1947-1958

- Folder 18: Woodring, R. E., 1961-1991

- Folder 19: Yamashiro, R., 1962-1969

- Folder 20: Yao, J. T. P., 1982-1993

- Folder 21: Zwoyer, E. M., 1954-1988

- Series 3: Teaching, 1936-2001

- Box 4

- Folder 1: CE 366 Class, 1970-1974

- Folder 2: CE 366 Notes, 1949-1970

- Folder 3: CE 366 Notes-Shear & Bond, 1949-1958

- Folder 4: CE 466 Schedules, 1949-1969

- Folder 5: CE 467 Schedules and final exams, 1950-1969

- Folder 6: Miscellaneous CE 466-467, 1958-1974

- Folder 7: Students, ca. 1949-2000

- Folder 8: UIUC, 1936-2001

- Series 4: Research, Publications, and Employment, 1939-2004

- Sub-Series 1: Numbered Employment Files, 1942-1978

- Box 4

- Folder 1: CAAP Tests (1), 1942-1943

- Folder 2: Lewistown Pipe Co. (2), 1943

- Folder 3: Leavitt Corporation (3), ca. 1937-1949

- Folder 4: Orchard Airport (4), 1948-1949

- Folder 5: Flight Deck Analyses (5), 1949-1952

- Folder 6: El Paso Trainway (6), 1949-1950

- Folder 7: Jobs for Peck-Bills (7), 1952-1958

- Folder 8: Jobs for Peck-Reports (7), 1950-1953

- Folder 9: Hillel Foundation (8), ca. 1951

- Folder 10: Neff Concrete Products (9), 1952-1958

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Shutt Elevator, Girard, Illinois (10), 1952-1956

- Folder 2: Hulcher Elevator, Virden, Illinois (11), 1953-1955

- Folder 3: Pawnee Elevator (12), 1954-1955

- Folder 4: Bender Bros. (13), 1955

- Folder 5: Morris Elevator (14), 1953-1955

- Folder 6: American Bridge Company (16), 1955-1960

- Folder 7: R. C. P. Co. (17), 1955-1961

- Folder 8: R. C. P. Co. Ultimate Strength (17), 1956-1957

- Folder 9: R. C. P. Co. Static Tests (17), 1955-1956

- Folder 10: R. C. P. Co. Dynamic Tests (17) (1 of 2), 1950-1959

- Folder 11: R. C. P. Dynamic Tests (17) (2 of 2), 1950-1959

- Folder 12: Nelsen Precast Bridge Slab (18), 1955-1959

- Folder 13: Lake Washington Bridge (19), 1955-1956

- Folder 14: Proctor and Gamble-Lexington Plant (22), 1956

- Folder 15: Harrison Park Apartments (23), 1954-1957

- Folder 16: Kuwait Quay Wall (24), 1957

- Folder 17: ADM Elevator, Topeka, Kansas (25), 1957

- Folder 18: Laclede Steel (26), 1957

- Folder 19: Proctor and Gamble (27), 1956-1986

- Folder 20: Newmark Deep Beams (29), 1958

- Folder 21: R. C. P. Co. Pittsburgh (28), 1958

- Folder 22: Nelsen Concrete Culvert Co. (30), 1958-1959

- Folder 23: Earthquake Design PCA Newmark (31), 1959-1960

- Folder 24: PCA Earthquake correspondence (31) (1 of 2), 1958-1961

- Folder 25: PCA Earthquake correspondence (31) (2 of 2), 1958-1961

- Folder 26: PCA Earthquake reports and data (31), 1958-1959

- Folder 27: Neff Concrete Products Joist Deflections (32), 1960

- Folder 28: CENTRHUM (33), 1961-1965

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Raymond International-Guayaquil, Ecuador (34), 1961-1963

- Folder 2: US Navy Civil Engineering Lab (35) (1 of 2), 1962-1966

- Folder 3: US Navy Civil Engineering Lab (35) (2 of 2), 1962-1966

- Folder 4: SOM (Skidmore, Owings, Merrill) UAL (United Air Lines) (37), 1962

- Folder 5: SOM (Skidmore, Owings, Merrill) Evergreen Plaza (38) (1 of 2), 1962-1964

- Folder 6: SOM (Skidmore, Owings, Merrill) Evergreen Plaza (38) (2 of 2), 1962-1964

- Folder 7: University of New Mexico Air Force Shock Tube Facility (39), 1963-1968

- Folder 8: Chicago Parks District South Garage floor cracks (40), 1965

- Folder 9: Chicago Park District North Garage columns (40), 1963-1964

- Folder 10: Chicago Park District South Garage Destruction and Construction (40), 1963-1964

- Folder 11: Cadweld Creep Tests (42), 1966

- Folder 12: National Steel (43), 1966

- Folder 13: Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill 500 N. Michigan "Tests of Concrete-Filled Spiral Welded Pipe" (44), 1947-1966

- Folder 14: Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill 500 N. Michigan (44), 1960-1967

- Folder 15: Washington Metro (45), 1976-1978

- Sub-Series 2: Employment Files, 1946-1984

- Box 6

- Folder 16: Engineering Report on Stability, Deformations, and Structural Behavior, Puerto Nuevo Wharf, Guayquil, Ecuador, undated

- Folder 17: Early Proposals-Floor Slabs, 1946-1956

- Folder 18: Bond Tests with AE Concrete, 1948-1949

- Folder 19: Michigan Test on Rolled Beam Bridge Using H20-S16 Loading, 1951-1952

- Folder 20: Evaluation of Steel H-Beam Piling, 1954

- Folder 21: ORDL Administrative, 1954-1967

- Folder 22: Test on Concrete and Reinforcing Bars, 1955

- Folder 23: East Peoria High School, 1955

- Folder 24: Standard Vacuum Building, 1955-1986

- Folder 25: Proctor and Gamble, 1956

- Folder 26: Danley Machine Foundations, 1956-1957

- Folder 27: Dynamic Tests of Pre-Stressed Cylinder Piles, 1958

- Folder 28: Newspaper clippings (ASCE), 1967-1993

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Axial Tension Test of Concrete-Filled Corrugated Steel Shell Pile, 1959

- Folder 2: Brunswick Building (1 of 2), 1962-1966

- Folder 3: Brunswick Building (2 of 2), 1962-1966

- Folder 4: Midwest Prestressed Concrete, 1965-1966

- Folder 5: Chicago Circle Union Roof, 1966-1968

- Folder 6: Chicago Park District Grant Park Garage North floor repairs, 1966-1969

- Folder 7: Cadweld Abbasi Tests, 1966-1969

- Folder 8: Cadweld Splices, Correspondence regarding, 1967-1973

- Folder 9: Erico Cadweld Rebar Splices (1 of 2), 1968-1970

- Folder 10: Erico Cadweld Rebar Splices (2 of 2), 1968-1970

- Folder 11: OCE (Office of the Chief of Engineers) Consultant, 1973-1975

- Folder 12: Billings-Contracts, CUTD (Chicago Urban Transporation District), 1973-1979

- Folder 13: WJE (Wiss, Janney, Elstner) Grant Park Garage, 1982-1983

- Folder 14: Sea Tac Tower II, 1982-1984

- Folder 15: WJE (Wiss, Janney, Elstner) King Saud University, 1983-1984

- Sub-Series 3: Papers, Lectures, and Conferences, 1943-1987

- Box 7

- Folder 16: American Concrete Institute paper, Two-Way Slabs, undated

- Folder 17: Tratman's Engineering News Record article discussion, 1943

- Folder 18: Muhlenbruch's American Society for Testing Materials paper discussion, 1946-1949

- Folder 19: ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) paper on composite construction, miscellaneous notes [sic], ca. 1947

- Folder 20: ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) paper on composite construction, correspondence, 1947-1949

- Folder 21: Wessman's American Concrete Institute paper discussions, 1947

- Folder 22: ACI (American Concrete Institute) paper on two-way slabs, correspondence, 1947-1949

- Folder 23: Manuscript: ACI (American Concrete Institute) paper on two-way slabs-Newmark and Siess, 1948

- Folder 24: Discussion: ACI (American Concrete Institute) paper on two-way slabs, 1949

- Folder 25: Specifications for two-way slabs, correspondence, 1949

- Folder 26: Specifications for two-way slabs, calculations and notes, 1949-1950

- Folder 27: Copies of other papers [sic], 1951-1952

- Folder 28: Talk: MIT conference on prestressed concrete, 1951

- Folder 29: Extra copies of talk: MIT conference on prestressed concrete, 1951

- Folder 30: Paper: MIT conference on prestressed concrete, 1951

- Folder 31: MIT conference on prestressed concrete, 1951-1952

- Folder 32: Paper: Highway Research Board symposium on slab and girder bridges, 1951-1952

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Correspondence: Highway Research Board symposium on slab and girder bridges, 1951-1953

- Folder 2: Talk: Highway Research Board symposium on slab and girder bridges, 1952

- Folder 3: Notes: ACI (American Concrete Institute Symposium on ultimtae load design, 1951-1952

- Folder 4: Paper: ACI (American Concrete Institute) symposium on ultimate load design, 1951-1952

- Folder 5: Copies of other papers: ACI (American Concrete Institute) Symposium on ultimate load design, 1952

- Folder 6: Talk: ACI (American Concrete Institute) symposium on ultimate load design, 1952

- Folder 7: Correspondence: ACI (American Concrete Institute) symposium on ultimate load design, 1952-1953

- Folder 8: Extra copies of paper: Western Conference on Prestressed Concrete, 1952

- Folder 9: Paper: Western Conference on Prestressed Concrete, 1952

- Folder 10: Correspondence: Western Conference on Prestressed Concrete, 1952-1953

- Folder 11: Outlines, notes, etc. [sic]: Highway Research Board summary of slab investigation, 1953-1954

- Folder 12: Correspondence: Highway Research Board summary of slab investigation, 1953-1954

- Folder 13: Copies of paper: Highway Research Board summary of slab investigation, 1954

- Folder 14: ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) paper on strength of concrete, 1954-1956

- Folder 15: Notes: CACA (Cement and Concrete Association) paper, 1955-1956

- Folder 16: Drafts: CACA (Cement and Concrete Association) paper, strength of pre-stressed concrete members, 1956

- Folder 17: Paper: Strength of pre-stressed concrete members, 1956

- Folder 18: American Concrete Institute ultimate strength design, 1956

- Folder 19: HRB (Highway Research Board) paper-composite bridge specs, 1956-1957

- Folder 20: Sozen-Larsen discussion of L/D ratio, 1957

- Folder 21: AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) conferece, 1958

- Folder 22: ACI (American Concrete Institute) flat slab moments, 1958-1959

- Folder 23: ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)-Broms and Viest, 1958-1959

- Folder 24: ACI (American Concrete Institute) paper-culverts, 1959-1960

- Folder 25: ACI (American Concrete Institute)-bond in flat slabs, ca. 1960

- Folder 26: Multiple panel slabs, Stockholm-Mexico (1 of 2), 1961

- Folder 27: Multiple panel slabs, Stockholm-Mexico (2 of 2), 1961

- Folder 28: Restrained long columns, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), 2 papers-Pfrang, 1963-1964

- Folder 29: Rho-Mu-Phi characteristics, ACI (American Concrete Institute) paper-Pfrang, Siess, Sozen, 1963-1965

- Folder 30: Beam-column connections, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) papers-Burns and Siess, 1964-1966

- Folder 31: Influence surfaces for continuous plates, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) paper-Woodring, Siess, 1964-1968

- Folder 32: Tensile cracks in beams, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) paper-Krahl, Khachaturian, Siess, 1965-1967

- Folder 33: Splices in beam-column connections, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) paper-Colaco and Siess, 1966-1967

- Folder 34: Bond stress distribution ACI (American Concrete Institute) paper-Colaco and Siess, 1967

- Folder 35: Restrained R/C beams, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) paper-Gurfinkel, Siess, 1967-1968

- Folder 36: ACI-CEB Symposium, 1976

- Folder 37: Rangan and McMullen's ACI (American Concrete Institute) paper discussion, 1978

- Folder 38: Siess talks and interviews, 1960-2000

- Folder 39: Lecutres-1940s and 1950s, 1941-1974

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Lectures-1960s (1 of 2), 1960-1967

- Folder 2: Lectures-1960s (2 of 2), 1960-1967

- Folder 3: Lectures-1970s and 1980s (1 of 2), 1971-1987

- Folder 4: Lectures-1970s and 1980s (2 of 2), 1971-1987

- Sub-Series 4: Professional Materials, 1939-2004

- Box 9

- Folder 5: ACRS (Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards), 1967-2003

- Folder 6: ACI (American Concrete Institute), 1973-1985

- Folder 7: ACI (American Concrete Institute), 1974-2004

- Folder 8: ACI 318-63 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, 1961-1963

- Folder 9: ACI Committee 318-56, General, 1952-1955

- Folder 10: ACI Committee, Minutes of Meeting, 1952-1957

- Folder 11: ACI Committee 318, Membership Lists, 1951-1962

- Folder 12: ACI Committee 318-56, Subject 2 - Materials and Testing, 1952-1955

- Folder 13: ACI Committee 318-56, Subjects 3, 4, 5, 1953-1955

- Folder 14: ACI Committee 318-56, Subject 6 - Flexure, 1950-1956

- Folder 15: ACI Committee 318-56, Subject 8 - Shear and Bond, 1953-1956

- Folder 16: ACI Committee 318-56, Subject 11 - Columns, 1952-1957

- Folder 17: ACI Committee 318-56, Subject 10 - Flat Slaks and Subject 12 - Footings, 1951-1955

- Folder 18: ACI Committee 318-56, Subject 14 - Prestressed Concrete, 1953-1954

- Folder 19: ACI Committee 318-56, Subject 15 - USD Appendix, 1955-1956

- Folder 20: ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Honorary Membership, 1978

- Folder 21: ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) Committee C-9, 1949-1951

- Folder 22: Chi Epsilon, 1994

- Folder 23: Diaries, 1945-1954

- Folder 24: Diaries, 1941-1960

- Folder 25: Diary, 1941-1945

- Folder 26: Employment, misc. [sic], 1939-1974

- Folder 27: IMCYC (Instituto Mexicano del Cemento y del Concreto/Mexican Institute of Concrete and Cement), volume 22, 1985

- Folder 28: Miscellaneous jobs [sic], 1955-1982

- Folder 29: National Academy of Engineering, 1967

- Folder 30: South America trip, 1973

- Box 10

- Item 1: Slides, ca. 1938-1959

- Series 5: Oversize Material, 1945-1966

- Box 11 (OS)

- Item 1: Procter and Gamble plans for Mezzanine 115 and 116, 1956

- 2 plans.
- Item 2: Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill plans for Evergreen Plaza, 1964

- Item 3: Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill plans for United Air Lines, 1960-1962

- 2 plans.
- Item 4: Brunswick Building plans, ca. 1962

- 5 plans.
- Item 5: Grant Park Garage plans, 1952-1966

- 4 plans.
- Item 6: Harrison Park Apartments plans, 1955

- Item 7: Highway Department of Georgia plans, 1956

- Item 8: Nelsen Concrete Culvert Company plans, undated

- Item 9: Hulcher Elevator plans, undated

- Item 10: Leavitt Corporation plans, 1945

- Box OS-32

- Item 1: Louisiana State University Pi Sigma Phi Fraternity certificate, 1933

- Item 2: Louisiana State University Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity certificate, 1936

- Item 3: Tau Beta Pi certificate, 1936

- Item 4: American Society of Civil Engineers Research Prize, 1956

- Item 5: Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute prize, 1956

- Item 6: Henry C. Turner Medal Award, 1964

- Item 7: National Academy of Engineering Award, 1967

- Item 8: American Concrete Institute Honorary Member Certificate, 1969

- Item 9: American Society of Civil Engineers Raymond C. Reece Award, 1970

- Item 10: American Society of Civil Engineers Reinforced Concrete Research Council Arthur J. Boase Award, 1975

- Item 11: American Society of Civil Engineers Honorary Membership Certificate, 1978

- Item 12: Reinforced Concrete Research Council Resolution of Appreciation, 1980

Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Biographical, 1936-2004],
[Series 2: Correspondence, 1942-1998],
[Series 3: Teaching, 1936-2001],
[Series 4: Research, Publications, and Employment, 1939-2004],
[Series 5: Oversize Material, 1945-1966],