Collection Overview
Title: Jack R. & Harry V. Harlan Papers, 1905-85

ID: 8/6/25
Primary Creator: Harlan, Jack R. (Jack Rodney) (1917-)
Extent: 7.9 cubic feet
Arrangement: By individual, by type of materials, and chronological thereunder
Subjects: Agricultural History, Agriculture, United States Department of, Agronomy, Agronomy Department, Algeria - Agriculture and Natural Resources, American Relief Administration, Barley, Botany, Cereals, Chile - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Corn Breeding, Crop Evolution Laboratory, Crop Exploration, Crops, Ethiopia - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Evolution, Experimental Fields, Faculty Papers, Field Work, Food Administration, United States, Genetics, Geophagy, Grasses, Kashmir, Maize Genetics, Mali - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Melons, Music -- India - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Music -- Iran - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Music -- Peru - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oklahoma Grasslands, Oklahoma State University, Philippines - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Philippines - Education, Plant Breeding, Plant Communities, Plant Genetics, Plant Propagation, Poland - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Rice, Rumania - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Sorghum, Turkey - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vavilov, Nicholai I., Weeds, Wheat, World War I - Agricultural and Industrial Production and Construction, World War I - Military Government and Peace, Yugoslavia - Agriculture and Natural Resources
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English, French, Amharic
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Papers of Jack R. Harlan (1917-1998), Professor of Agronomy & Plant Genetics (1966-84), member of Crop Evolution Laboratory staff (1967-84) & USDA Near Eastern expeditions (1948, 1960), & Professor of Agronomy, Okla. State Univ. (1950-66), including Harlan's Grasslands of Oklahoma (ca. 1957, unpubl.) & dissertation "A Survey of the Genetic Variability in the Bromus carinatus Complex" (1942); collection lists, field notes & photographs from 1948 expedition to Turkey, Syria, Iraq, & Lebanon, 1960-61 expedition to Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, & Ethiopia, & 1967-72 expeditions to Africa, India, Australia, & the Philippines. The series includes genetics research correspondence about barley, corn, rice, & sorghum, recommendations for employment & awards, identifications of samples, responses to inquiries from anthropologists, correspondence with botanists & agronomists about the origin, evolution & dissemination of sorghum, wheat, barley, maize, & sesame; classification & numbering of collection, conservation of genetic materials, international cooperation, disease resistance, origins of Southwest Asian agriculture & USDA quarantine policies. Correspondents include George Beadle, Otto Frankel (Div. of Plant Industry, Canberra, Australia), J.B. Hawkes (Univ. of Birmingham), C.A. Reed (Univ. of IL-Chicago), Daniel Zohary (Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem) & Leon Croizat (Caracas, Venezuela). The series includes correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, & publications of Harry V. Harlan, USDA Agronomist (1909-44), relating to barley, crop exploration, & production & travel in the Philippines (1906-09); Peru (1913-14); Eastern Europe (1919); Algeria, India, & Ethiopia (1923); Necholai I. Vavilov & research stations in AZ & ID. This series also includes a VHS videotape copy of a film showing the construction of the addition (1977) to the Physics Research Laboratory.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
8/20/84; 10/25/85; 2/28/86, 7/9/2009
PDF Box/Folder List
PDF finding aid
for Jack R. & Harry V. Harlan Papers (8/6/25)
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Papers of Jack R. Harlan],
Series 2: Papers of Harry V. Harlan],
- Series 1: Papers of Jack R. Harlan

- Papers of Jack R. Harlan (1917- ), Professor of Agronomy & Plant Genetics (1966-84), member of Crop Evolution Laboratory staff (1967-84) & USDA Near Eastern expeditions (1948, 1960), & Professor of Agronomy, Okla. State Univ. (1950-66), including manuscripts, collection lists, field notes, photographs, genetics research correspondence about barley, corn, rice, & sorghum, recommendations for employment & awards, identifications of samples, responses to inquiries from anthropologists, correspondence with botanists & agronomists about the origin, evolution & dissemination of sorghum, wheat, barley, maize, & sesame; classification & numbering of collection, conservation of genetic materials, international cooperation, disease resistance, origins of Southwest Asian agriculture & USDA quarantine policies.
- Box 1

- Folder 1: Biographical

- Folder 2: Publication List

This folder contains the complete bibliography of Jack R. Harlan as produced by T.H. Hymowitz [Plant Breeding Reviews 8:1-17, 1990] and updated and edited by Dorothea Bedigian in 1998. The digital bibliography which contains a list of the articles by Jack R. Harlan the the University of Illinois Archives holds as part of the Harry V. and Jack R. Harlan Papers and can be accessed via the following link:
- Folder 3: Jack R. Harlan Publications (Folder 1 of 4), 1945-54

- Folder 4: Jack R. Harlan Publications (Folder 2 of 4), 1955-57

- Folder 5: Jack R. Harlan Publications (Folder 3 of 4), 1958-61

- Folder 6: Jack R. Harlan Publications (Folder 4 of 4), 1962-86

- Folder 7: Publications not authored by Jack R. Harlan (Folder 1 of 4), 1906-56

- These publications refer to subjects of study undertaken by Jack R. Harlan, although the publications are not authored by him.
- Folder 8: Publications not authored by Jack R. Harlan (Folder 2 of 4), 1957-59

- These publications refer to subjects of study undertaken by Jack R. Harlan, although the publications are not authored by him.
- Folder 9: Publications not authored by Jack R. Harlan (Folder 3 of 4), 1960

- These publications refer to subjects of study undertaken by Jack R. Harlan, although the publications are not authored by him.
- Folder 10: Publications not authored by Jack R. Harlan (Folder 4 of 4), 1961-80

- These publications refer to subjects of study undertaken by Jack R. Harlan, although the publications are not authored by him.
- Box 2

- Folder 35: Grasslands of Oklahoma, ca. 1957

- by Jack R. Harlan (unpublished)
- Folder 39: Leon Croizat Correspondence, 1968-69

- Includes several letters debating the origin and dispersal of maize and a reprint of Croizat article, "A Note on the Origin of Zea Mays."
- Folder 53: Archaeological Materials Received and Related Correspondence, 1968-83

- Includes correspondence with Ann Stemler (Davis, California) concerning "hazards and pitfalls" archaeobotany and assorted identifications of samples sent to Crop Evolution Laboratory
- Folder 54: Collection Lists (Near Eastern Expedition), Phytosanitary Certificate, 1948, 1960, 1974

- Includes numbered listings from 1948 Near East expedition
- Folder 55: Collection List (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Ethiopia); West Africa Notes; Sorghum Numbers (University of Illinois), 1961, 1968, 1983

- Folder 56: Terminal Report of Jack R. Harlan: Agricultural Research at Njala University College, Sierra Leone, 1969

- University of Illinois A.I.D. Project, Contract A.I.D. / Afr-293
- Folder 57: "A Survey of the Genetic Variability in the Bromus carinatus Complex", May, 1942

- Harlan Doctoral Dissertation (Department of Genetics, University of California)
- Sub-Series 1: Anthropology Correspondence

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Letter File, 1961-63, 1965

- Correspondents include faculty of University College of Ibadan, Nigeria, and Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Folder 2: Letter File, 1966

- Folder 3: Letter File, 1967

- Folder 4: Letter File, 1968

- Folder 5: Letter File, 1969

- Folder 6: Letter File, 1970

- Folder 7: Letter File, 1971

- Folder 8: Letter File, 1972

- Folder 9: Letter File, 1973

- Contains correspondence with K.C. Change (Dept. of Anthropology, Yale University) concerning the domestication of the peanut in China
- Folder 10: Letter File, 1974

- Folder 11: Letter File, 1975

- Folder 12: Letter File, 1976

- Includes Harlan's review of Ping-Ti Ho's The Cradle of the East: An Inquiry into the Indigenous Origins of Techniques and Ideas of Neolithic and Early Historic China 5000-1000 B.C.
- Folder 13: Letter File, 1977

- Folder 14: Letter File, 1978

- Folder 15: Letter File, 1979

- Includes correspondence with Charles Reed (University of Illinois-Chicago Circle) and Fred Wendorf (Southern Methodist University) concerning the origins of domesticated barley
- Folder 16: Letter File, 1980

- Folder 17: Letter File, 1981

- Folder 18: Letter File, 1982

- Sub-Series 2: General / Student Correspondence

- Box 2

- Folder 19: Letter File, 1967

- Includes letters of recommendation for employment and awards, correspondence concerning student research, and invitations to present papers.
- Folder 20: Letter File, 1968

- Folder 21: Letter File, 1969

- Folder 22: Letter File, 1970

- Folder 23: Letter File, 1971

- Folder 24: Letter File, 1972

- Folder 25: Letter File, 1973

- Folder 26: Letter File, 1974

- Folder 27: Letter File, 1975

- Folder 28: Letter File, 1976

- Folder 29: Letter File, 1977

- Folder 30: Letter File, 1978

- Folder 31: Letter File, 1979

- Folder 32: Letter File, 1980

- Includes letter to Vice Chancellor E.L. Goldwasser urging that the World Heritage Museum not be downgraded or dispersed.
- Folder 33: Letter File, 1981

- Includes Harlan's "Social and Ethical Dimensions of Plant and Animal Genetic Research with Respect to Food and Environment" (4 pp.)
- Folder 34: Letter File, 1982

- Sub-Series 3: Agronomy / Botany Correspondence

- Box 2

- Folder 36: Letter File, 1965-67

- Includes correspondence with Robert Braidwood (Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) concerning "weed" and "wild" barley and with Daniel Zohary (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) concerning findings of Iranian visits. Also includes Harlan's "The Origin and Evolution of Cultivated Plants" which proposes a laboratory for biosystematic studies.
- Folder 37: Letter File, 1968

- Includes correspondence with Theodore Buila (Southern Illinois University) concerning the bringing of seed materials into the U.S. and with Stanley Jensen (Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Company) concerning temperature response in selection, Njala University College Terminal report, 1968
- Folder 38: Letter File, 1969

- Includes correspondence with O.H. Frankel (International Biological Programme, Canberra City, Australia) concerning conservation of genetic materials and with Charles Brown (College of Agriculture, University of Illinois) concerning the need for a research facility in the tropics
- Folder 40: Letter File, 1970

- Includes correspondence with H.I. Oka (National Institute of Genetics, Misima, Japan) concerning the history of sorghum in Africa and China and with David Timothy concerning the collection and maintenance of germ plasm
- Folder 41: Letter File, 1971

- Includes correspondence with Walton Galinat (University of Massachusetts-Waltham) concerning the "tripartite hypothesis" of the origin of maize
- Folder 42: Letter File, 1972

- Includes correspondence with George Beadle concerning teocintle in Mexico
- Folder 43: Letter File, 1973

- Includes correspondence with L.F. Randolf concerning maize-Tripsacum derivatives and with C.F. Konzak concerning collecting difficulties in Ethiopia
- Folder 44: Letter File, 1974

- Includes background paper ("Exploration: Africa") used as a research proposal and list of Chinese rice varieties obtained on China trip by Harlan and N.C. Brady. Also includes correspondence with Peter Lawrence (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Hyderabad, India) concerning numbering systems for accessions, with Richard Frederickson (Texas A & M University) concerning effects of USDA quarantine policies on germ plasm supplies, and with Peter Jennings (Centro International De Agricultura Tropical) concerning centers of origin and the success of exotic crops
- Folder 45: Letter File, 1975

- Includes correspondence with Frank Press (Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China, National Academy of Sciences) concerning future scholarly exchanges and topics for exploration, with Ali Kambel (Plant Breeding Institute, Cambridge, England) concerning Sudanese sorghums, and with K.H. Asay (Utach State University concerning grass breeding
- Folder 46: Letter File, 1976

- Includes Harlan biographical sketch prepared for Agronomy Journal and correspondence with C.R. Vinycomb concerning naked barleys
- Folder 47: Letter File, 1977

- Includes review copy of Domenic Fuccillo's "What is a Weed?" and correspondence with Victor Patino (Cali, Columbia) concerning possible maize-Tripsacum interaction
- Folder 48: Letter File, 1978

- Includes Harlan letter to Edward Browning Award Committee recommending Earnest Sears and correspondence with D. Brezhev (Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry, Leningrad) concerning problems in preserving Vavilov collections
- Folder 49: Letter File, 1979

- Includes correspondence with Haldore Hanson (Londres, Mexico) concerning inadequacy of U.S. plant genetics resources program and with Fred Miller (Texas A & M University) concerning twin-seeded sorghum and origins of sorghum. Also includes assorted correspondence relating to Crop Evolution Laboratory study of sesame.
- Folder 50: Letter File, 1980

- Includes correspondence with Anatolii Martynov (Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Washington, D.C.) concerning possible shared research interests between Crop Evolution Laboratory and colleagues in USSR
- Folder 51: Letter File, 1981

- Folder 52: Letter File, 1982-84

- Includes correspondence with Patrick Hayes (University of Minnesota) concerning synchrous flowering in wild rice, with Richard Matthews (British Broadcasting Corporation) concerning "The Living Planet" series, and with Malla Padidan (University of Saskatchewan) concerning "Plant Breeding in 2000 AD"
- Sub-Series 4: General Correspondence

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Calendar of Letters Written, 1959-65

- Folder 2: A, 1966-85

- Folder 3: B, 1966-76

- Folder 4: B, 1977-85

- Folder 5: C, 1966-85

- Folder 6: D, 1967-85

- Folder 7: E, 1967-85

- Folder 8: F, 1967-84

- Folder 9: G, 1967-85

- Folder 10: H, 1967-84

- Folder 11: I, 1972-84

- Folder 12: J, 1966-85

- Box 4

- Folder 1: K, 1967-85

- Folder 2: L, 1967-86

- Folder 3: M, 1966-85

- Folder 4: Mc, 1967-84

- Folder 5: N, 1967-85

- Folder 6: O, 1967-82

- Folder 7: P, 1968-85

- Folder 8: Q, 1968-81

- Folder 9: R, 1966-85

- Folder 10: S, 1966-76

- Folder 11: S, 1977-85

- Folder 12: T, 1966-85

- Folder 13: U, 1970-79

- Folder 14: V, 1967-83

- Folder 15: W, 1966-85

- Folder 16: X-Y-Z, 1967-84

- Sub-Series 5: Field Notes and Collections Lists

- Box 5

- Item 1: Collections # 1-1500, 1948

- USDA expedition to Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon
- Item 2: Collections # 1501-3000, 1948

- USDA expedition to Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon
- Item 3: Collections # 3001-4500, 1948

- USDA expedition to Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon
- Item 4: Collections # 4501-6241, 1948

- USDA expedition to Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon; 6241-6500 are missing
- Item 5: Collections # 6501-10,000, 1948

- USDA expedition to Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon
- Item 6: Collections # 1-1440, 1960

- 34 booklets form USDA expedition to Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Ethiopia
- Item 7: Collections # 1441-2122, 1960

- 1 Field Notebook
- Item 8: Senegal, Mali, Upper Volta, Nigeria, Brussels, Florence, 1967-68

- Item 9: Sudan, Chad, Nigeria, Niger, 1968

- Item 10: Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, 1969-70

- Item 11: Palestine, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, 1970

- Item 12: India, Burma, Malaya, Philippines, Australia, 1972

- Sub-Series 6: Subject File

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Field Trip - Texas, New Mexico, 1946

- Folder 2: Illustrations, Turkey, 1948

- Folder 3: Pistacea Culture in Turkey with Special Reference to Grafting, 1949

- by Jack Harlan
- Folder 4: Let's Talk Turkey, 1950

- Folder 5: Fruit Trees and Vines in Turkey, 1950

- Folder 6: Turkish Melons and Cucurbit, 1950

- Folder 7: Trebi Trail, 1950

- Folder 8: American Society of Range Management - Formation of Kansas-Oklahoma Section, 1950

- Folder 9: Grasslands of Oklahoma, ca. 1960

- by Jack Harlan
- Folder 10: Oklahoma State University, 1965-66

- Folder 11: Portraits, 1966-67, 1975

- Folder 12: FAO Meeting - Rome, Sep., 1967

- Photographs, Map of Ethiopia
- Folder 13: Coprolites - Geophage, 1967-68

- Folder 14: Mali - Delta Zone Agriculture, 1968

- Folder 15: Origin of Maize Meeting, Sep., 1969

- Folder 16: Martin Hohensee (Age 12), 1971

- Folder 17: Oryza Distribution - Wild Rice - T.T. Chang, 1973

- Folder 18: Genetic Recall, ca. 1973-76

- Folder 19: Plant Studies Group - China Visit, 1974

- Folder 20: Chinese and Indian Agriculture, 1975

- Folder 21: Vavilov, N.I., 1974-78

- Folder 22: "Genetic Resources of Crops that Feed the World", ca. 1977

- by Jack Harlan
- Folder 23: International Agronomy Award - Meyer Medal, 1976

- Folder 24: 10 Years of Crop Evolution Laboratory (CEL) - Annual Staff Review, 1977

- Folder 25: Denmark, 1978

- Accepted but never published
- Folder 26: "A New Genetics Emerging", 1984

- Speech given at University of Kentucky, Lexington
- Sub-Series 7: Personal Subject File

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Personnel Actions - Jack R. Harlan, 1942, 1949-66

- Folder 2: J.R. Harlan Correspondence, 1942-43, 1966, 1973-84

- Folder 3: Passports - J.R. Harlan, 1948, 1960, 1968, 1971, 1976

- Folder 4: Photographs, ca. 1942-80

- Folder 5: Photographs - Turkey (Thrace), Istanbul, Kirklareli, Edirne, (Black Sea),Sinop, Ordu, Unye

- Folder 6: Photographs - Turkey (Northeast), Karsd, Rize, Artvin, Trabzon, Gumushane

- Folder 7: Photographs - Turkey (East), Agri, Van, Hakkari

- Folder 8: Photographs - Turkey (Aegean), Canakkale, Izmir, Manisa, Bursa

- Folder 9: Photographs - Turkey (West / Southwest), Aydin, Mugla

- Folder 10: Photographs - Turkey (Southwest), Antalya, Burdur

- Folder 11: Photographs - Turkey (Southeast), Diyarbakir, Mardin, Urfa, Maras, Malatya, Mus

- Folder 12: Photographs - Turkey (Central), Tokat, Erzinean, Amasya, Kayseri (Urgup)

- Folder 13: Photographs - Afghanistan and Pakistan, 1960

- Folder 14: Photographs - Iran, 1960

- Folder 15: Photographs - Expedition Negatives, 1960

- Folder 16: Cayonu, Turkey Archaeological Excavation, 1964

- Folder 17: National Academy of Sciences Election Congratulations, 1972

- Folder 18: Photographs - International Genetics Congress - Moscow, Copenhagen, 1978

- Folder 19: Nagoya University Sabbatical, 1979

- Folder 20: Photography - Wheat Harvesting - Ethiopia and Osage Indians; Wheat Sickling in Southeast Turkey, Undated

- Folder 21: Photography - Origins of Agriculture Seminar - Charles A. Reed, 1973

Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Papers of Jack R. Harlan],
Series 2: Papers of Harry V. Harlan],