Illinois Fire Service Institute Records (Digital Surrogates) | University of Illinois Archives
Illinois Fire Service Institute Records (Digital Surrogates)
1956, 1598
Digital Surrogates from the audiovisual records of the Illinois Fire Service Institute, contain digitized film of registration day at the UIUC YMCA (1956) and fire demonstrations at the future site of Assembly Hall (1958). Video recordings cover subject matters as conductivity of fire streams, controlling L.P. gas exposed to heat and involved in fire, heat resistant clothing, wet water foam and protein foam as firefighting techniques; as well as plane crash fire rescue demonstrations.
Access copy available upon request.
Administrative access to preservation, nearline, and access files are available to archives staff at
Phys. Desc:
Contains 528 megabytes of files in VOB format
University of Illinois Archives
Found in:
31/10/809 Subject Files, 1957-2011

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