By Laura Grigg and Christopher J. Prom
Collection Overview
Title: Timothy J. Nugent Papers, 1939-2007

ID: 16/6/20
Primary Creator: Nugent, Timothy J. (1923-)
Extent: 28.3 cubic feet
Arrangement: By subject and chronological or alphabetical thereunder.
Date Acquired: 02/07/2007. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Accessibility Standards, Delta Sigma Omicron, Paralympics/World Wheelchair Games, Photographs, Rehabilitation Education, Students with Disabilities, Wheelchair Athletics, Wheel Chair Basketball
Formats/Genres: Financial Records, Motion Pictures/Videotapes, Other Pictorial, Papers
Languages: English, German, Japanese, Swedish, French
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Papers of Timothy J. Nugent, Director of the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services (1948-85), includes biographical records, correspondence, consulting materials, reports, newsletters, journals, publications, brochures, newspaper clippings, presentations, lectures, conference proceedings, meeting minutes, reference material, photographs, slides, videotape, film, scrapbooks, drawings by Wesley Queypo, and artifacts concerning the personal and professional life of Timothy J. Nugent, including his early life and education; research concerning architectural barriers, accessibility standards, transportation, and recreation; involvement in the administration and activities of the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services, Delta Sigma Omicron, National Wheelchair Basketball Association (1949-2002), National Wheelchair Athletic Association (1959-93), American National Standards Institute (1959-92), National Center for a Barrier Free Environment (1975-89), National Paraplegia Foundation (later the National Spinal Cord Injury Association) (1965-2005), Paralyzed Veterans of America (1972-2007), Paralympic planning committees, steering committees, advisory boards, foundations, and alumni associations; activities as a lecturer, consultant, and publisher; participation in the coaching and organization of sporting events such as the National Wheelchair Basketball Tournaments, National Wheelchair Games, National Veterans Wheelchair Games, and Paralympics.
Biographical Note
Timothy J. Nugent, born January 10, 1923, founded the first comprehensive program of higher education for individuals with disabilities in 1948. He served as Professor of Rehabilitation Education and Director of the Rehabilitation Education Center and the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services at the University of Illinois. He retired in 1985. He founded the National Wheelchair Basketball Association in 1949 and served as Commissioner for the first 25 years. He also founded Delta Sigma Omicron, a national rehabilitation service fraternity. He was President of the National Paraplegia Foundation (now National Spinal Cord Injury Association) for four terms. He has been an international lecturer and consultant, as well as an advocate, publisher, and researcher on behalf of people with disabilities. He was a leader in the development of architectural accessibility standards, public transportation, adaptive equipment, and recreation activities for people with disabilities. He has been and continues to be active in many professional organizations, including the American National Standards Institute, the Illinois State Legislative Commission on the Hospitalization of Spinal Cord Injured, the Committee on Technical Aids, Housing and Transportation of Rehabilitation International, and the Institute for the Advancement of Prosthetics. He holds degrees from Tarleton State University, Texas; University of Wisconsin at LaCrosse, Wisconsin; and the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wisconsin. He also has honorary degrees from Springfield College in Massachusetts and Mount Mary College in Wisconsin.
Subject/Index Terms
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Biographical Information],
Series 2: Early Life and Education],
Series 3: Correspondence],
[Series 4: Subject Files],
Series 5: Professional Service Activities],
Series 6: Consulting],
Series 7: Lectures, Conferences, and Events],
Series 8: Publications],
Series 9: Newsletters],
Series 10: Reference Materials],
Series 11: Audiovisual Materials],
Series 12: Personal Correspondence],
Series 13: News Clippings],
Series 14: Scrapbooks],
Series 15: Oversized Materials],
- Series 4: Subject Files

- Includes correspondence, financial information, reports, research, memorandums, and meeting minutes regarding the administration and activities of the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services.
- Box 3

- Folder 16: Accessibility, 1968-84

- Folder 17: Administration - Longstanding, 1948-56

- Folder 18: Admissions, 1969-84

- Folder 19: Alumni Information, 1983-84

- Folder 20: Annual Report, 1978-79

- Folder 21: Applied Life Studies (ALS), College of, 1987-92

- Folder 22: Applied Life Studies (ALS), College of, 1987-96

- Folder 23: Applied Life Studies (ALS), College of, 1993-2002

- Folder 24: Applied Life Studies (ALS), College of - Dean's Grant Proposal, 1978

- Folder 25: Audit Report, 1961

- Folder 26: Ball State University, 1972

- Folder 27: Beckwith Living Center, 1974-78, 1982

- Folder 28: Boston University, 1967-68

- Folder 29: Budget - Biennial Budget, 1965-67

- Folder 30: Budget, 1966-67

- Folder 31: Budget, 1967-68

- Folder 32: Budget, 1968-69

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Budget, 1969-70

- Folder 2: Budget, 1969-70

- Folder 3: Budget - Biennial Budget, 1969-71

- Folder 4: Budget, 1970-71

- Folder 5: Budget, 1971-72

- Folder 6: Budget, 1971-72

- Folder 7: Budget, 1972-73

- Folder 8: Budget, 1973-74

- Folder 9: Budget, 1973-74

- Folder 10: Budget, 1974-75

- Folder 11: Budget, 1975-76

- Folder 12: Budget - Analysis and Tabulation of Wages, 1976

- Folder 13: Budget, 1976-77

- Folder 14: Budget, 1977-78

- Folder 15: Budget, 1978-79

- Folder 16: Budget, 1979-80

- Folder 17: Budget, 1980-81

- Folder 18: Classes Taught and Program Participation, 1977-82

- Folder 19: College Name Change Proposal, 1969-74

- Folder 20: "College Programs for the Disabled", 1976

- Folder 21: Correspondence - Division of Rehabilitation Education Services, 1965-85

- Folder 22: Correspondence - Division of Rehabilitation Education Services, 1977-79

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Correspondence - Students, 1963-84

- Folder 2: Council on Program Evaluation (COPE), 1972-81

- Folder 3: COPE, 1978

- Folder 4: COPE, 1981-84

- Folder 5: COPE Report, 1980

- Folder 6: COPE Task Group, 1980

- Folder 7: Course Outlines, 1963-64, 1975

- Folder 8: Course Syllabus - Automated Measurements, 1981

- Folder 9: Delta Sigma Omicron (DSO), Disabled Students Organization, 1963-79

- Folder 10: DSO - Honorary Life Membership Certificates, 1958-60

- Folder 11: Department of Leisure Studies, 1974-85

- Folder 12: Departmental Charges, 1977-80

- Folder 13: Dr. Pepper Letters, 1965

- Folder 14: Driver Education Program, 1968

- Folder 15: Electric Wheelchair Users

- Folder 16: Equipment - On Loan or Relocation, 1968-84

- Folder 17: Equipment - Stainless Specialties, Inc., 1965-67

- Folder 18: Equipment - Wheelchair Evaluations and Purchase, 1965-78

- Folder 19: Equipment Requests, 1978-80

- Folder 20: Federally Sponsored Agreements - Vice Chancellor for Research, 1978

- Folder 21: Films: "Bowel and Bladder Technique" and Bus Transportation System Film, 1973

- Folder 22: Funding, 1977-85

- Folder 23: Graduate Assistant Program, 1979, 1985

- Folder 24: Graduate Faculty Membership, 1979

- Folder 25: Grant Application - Strength Levels Needed for Common Tasks, 1965

- Folder 26: Greyhound Bus Project, 1965-67, 1972

- Folder 27: Grievances - Martin Cox, 1976, 1984

- Folder 28: Half-way House Program: Greenbriar, Tanbrier, Beckwith, 1965, 1973-80

- Folder 29: Hawaii Tour - Gizz Kids, 1968-69

- Folder 30: Information Received, 1972-79

- Folder 31: Information Requests, 1966

- Folder 32: Information Requests, 1966-68

- Folder 33: Information Requests, 1966-68

- Folder 34: Information Requests, 1970

- Folder 35: Information Requests, 1970-79

- Folder 36: Information Requests, 1980-85

- Folder 37: Instructional Resources, 1978

- Folder 38: Job Applications, 1972-81

- Folder 39: Letters of Recommendation, 1971-79

- Folder 40: Medical Services Forms

- Folder 41: Memorandums, 1959-83

- Folder 42: Memphis State University, 1965-66

- Box 6

- Folder 1: New Student Orientation, 1970-85

- Folder 2: Notices to Students, 1960

- Folder 3: Occupational Therapy Curriculum

- Folder 4: Office of Services for the Blind and Deaf - Bibliography

- Folder 5: Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) Grant, 1979

- Folder 6: Pre-Registration, 1953-55

- Folder 7: President's Reports, 1965-72

- Folder 8: Press Releases, 1967-76

- Folder 9: Program Review Questionnaire, 1972

- Folder 10: Promotion and Tenure, 1964-65, 1981

- Folder 11: Ramp Construction, 1966, 1978

- Folder 12: Regional Evaluation Centers for the Blind in Illinois, 1967

- Folder 13: Rehabilitation and Vocational Counseling Curriculum - Planning

- Folder 14: Rehabilitation Center - General Information, 1955-83

- Folder 15: Research, 1955-78

- Folder 16: Research, 1960-84

- Folder 17: Research - Highway Traffic Study, 1974

- Folder 18: Research - Rehabilitation and Recreation, 1968-74

- Folder 19: Research Proposals and Reports, 1965-81

- Folder 20: Rutgers Medical School - Neurological Research, 1973

- Folder 21: Safety Measures, 1956-60, 1978

- Folder 22: SAT, ACT, SCAT, MMPI - Raw Scores and Decites by Colleges, 1978-86

- Folder 23: School of Basic Medical Sciences, 1973

- Folder 24: Senior Citizens, 1974-76

- Folder 25: South Africa Tour, 1962

- Folder 26: Spalding Schools, 1966

- Folder 27: Special Statements, Tid bits

- Folder 28: Spinal Cord Injury Centers, 1984

- Folder 29: Staff - Special Events, 1964-66

- Folder 30: Staff Meeting Minutes, May 1962 - March 1963

- Folder 31: Staff Meeting Minutes, April 1963 - May 1964

- Folder 32: Staff Meeting Minutes, Sept. 1964 - April 1965

- Folder 33: Staff Recommendations for Phase II Building Plan, 1972-73

- Folder 34: Staff Vacations, 1966

- Folder 35: Staffing Budget, 1970-81

- Folder 36: Student Papers, 1976-84

- Folder 37: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Admissions Policy, 1958-71

- Folder 38: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Budget Increase

- Folder 39: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Letter to Provost, 1963

- Folder 40: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Meetings and Minutes, 1955-71

- Folder 41: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Membership, 1971-73

- Folder 42: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Miscellaneous, 1959-66

- Folder 43: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Out-of-State Students, 1965

- Folder 44: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Policy on Public Events, 1970-71

- Folder 45: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Public Law 565, Funding, 1961

- Folder 46: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Reference Materials, 1959-64

- Folder 47: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Related Reports and Materials, 1959-63

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Reports and Correspondence, 1955-81

- Folder 2: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Requests and Chancellor Reponse, 1965-81

- Folder 3: Student Rehabilitation Center - Development Proposal and Summary, 1958

- Folder 4: Student/Staff Aides, 1985

- Folder 5: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Air France, 1974-75

- Folder 6: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Correspondence: Scandinavian Seminar, 1973-75

- Folder 7: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Correspondence: Students, 1973-77

- Folder 8: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Finances, 1975

- Folder 9: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Finances, 1975-78

- Folder 10: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - General Information, Brochures, 1974-76

- Folder 11: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Institut Franco-Scandinave, 1975

- Folder 12: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Student Travel Information, 1974

- Folder 13: Summer Pre-College Program for the Blind, 1965

- Folder 14: Summer Programs - Unit 4 Schools, Grades 5-8, 1966-68

- Folder 15: Summer Recreation Program, 1968

- Folder 16: Supervisor of Medical Science Negotiations, 1972-74

- Folder 17: Tables of Organization - DRES, ALS, College of Physical Education

- Folder 18: Teachers and Counselors

- Folder 19: Television Program on Rehabilitation Center, 1965

- Folder 20: Thesis Proposals, 1965-70

- Folder 21: Third Party Cooperative Agreement, 1983-84

- Folder 22: Transportation, 1973-84

- Folder 23: University of Illinois Foundation - Reports, 1984-85

- Folder 24: University of Illinois Foundation - Rough Drafts

- Folder 25: University of Michigan, 1970, 1979

- Folder 26: Visits/Tours, 1967-84

- Folder 27: Wheelchair Athletics - Early, 1951-56

- Folder 28: Wheelchair Athletics - Rules

- Folder 29: Wheelchair Football, 1977

- Folder 30: Wheelchair Squaredancing

- Folder 31: Wheelchair Track and Field, 1969

- Box 37

- Folder 1: Correspondence - Dirksen, Senator Everett M., 1969

- Folder 2: Correspondence - GI Bill of Rights, 1948-49

- Folder 3: Correspondence - Illinois House Bill #233, 1966

- Folder 4: Correspondence - Illinois House Bill #2416, 1967

- Folder 5: Correspondence - Rehabilitation Legislation

- Folder 6: Correspondence - United States Senate Bill 1525, 1965

- Folder 7: Correspondence - Veterans Administration contracts, 1949-55

- Folder 8: Correspondence - Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Demonstration Grant Program, 1957

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Biographical Information],
Series 2: Early Life and Education],
Series 3: Correspondence],
[Series 4: Subject Files],
Series 5: Professional Service Activities],
Series 6: Consulting],
Series 7: Lectures, Conferences, and Events],
Series 8: Publications],
Series 9: Newsletters],
Series 10: Reference Materials],
Series 11: Audiovisual Materials],
Series 12: Personal Correspondence],
Series 13: News Clippings],
Series 14: Scrapbooks],
Series 15: Oversized Materials],