By Chris Prom, Emma Lincoln, John Milano
[Printer Friendly] | [ Email us about these records]Title: Rehabilitation Films and Videotapes, 1949-2008
ID: 16/6/14
Extent: 8.4 cubic feet
Arrangement: by canister size and chronologically thereunder
Date Acquired: 10/11/2007. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Intercollegiate Athletics, Olympics, Rehabilitation Education, Sports, Vocational Rehabilitation, Wheelchair Athletics
Formats/Genres: Motion Pictures/Videotapes
Rehabilitation Films and Videotapes (1949-), includes promotional news clips, interviews with DRES students (Glen and Sylvia Bellows, Tom Jones, and Clarence Crooks), and informational videos and films concerning employment opportunities, job placement, physical therapy, exercise, daily living training for DRES students, adaptive equipment, and athletic events (including the Paralympic Games, the National Wheelchair Games, the Prairie State Games, International Games for the Disabled and the National Wheelchair Basketball Tournament).
Intercollegiate Athletics
Rehabilitation Education
Vocational Rehabilitation
Wheelchair Athletics
Repository: University of Illinois Archives
Access Restrictions: Access will be provided to the DVD copies of the films, not the original films themselves.
Acquisition Source: DRES, Carla Thorpe and Maureen Gilbert
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