By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019

ID: 35/3/402
Extent: 155.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce, United States, Collective Bargaining, Commerce, United States Department of, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Communism, Economics, Economics Department, Education, Government, Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Immigration, Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Research Association, International Labor Organization, International Relations, Labor, United States Department of, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Education, Labor History, Labor Journalism, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Law, Law, College of, Management, New Deal, Political Science, Political Science Department, Psychology Department, Socialism, Social Psychology, Social Security, Sociology, Sociology Department, Strikes, Unions, Wage and Price Controls, War Labor Board, Workmen's Compensation
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish;Castilian, Russian, Swedish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Labor Library Vertical Subject File (1893 - 2019) contains scholarly, legal, political, journalistic and popular literature about labor relations and related topics collected by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library from labor unions, governments, international organizations, political parties, interest groups and scholars and academic institutions and pertaining to relations between employers and employees, the role of government in maintaining fair labor relations, the rights of workers to organize, the structure and function of labor organizations, and the interaction between labor relations and society.
This series includes source material from eras of labor history which presented unique issues and problems including the Progressive Era, the New Deal, World Wars I and II and Post-war Anticommunism.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Processing Information:
All documents in Boxes 1-8 are listed at the item-level in the finding aid.
For boxes 9-154, the finding aid is a combination of folder-level and item-level description. For these boxes, only selected documents were listed at the item-level. Documents have been selected for item-level description on the basis of factors including age, connection to important historical figures and events, lack of availability elsewhere, connection to now-defunct organizations and movements, and connection to the University of Illinois and the the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.
**Denotes subjects which have additional materials at the end of the record series, in the last boxes.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],
- Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Absenteeism**

- Item 1: Sample 1999 attendance calendar, circa 1999

- Creator: G. Neil Companies
- Item 2: Datagraph "Time off the job", April 12, 1979

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 3: Second Progress Report: Nationwide Study of prolonged illness, 1954

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 4: Datagraph "Employee Absences", October 11, 1990

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 5: Controlling Absenteeism, June, 1960

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 6: Controlling Absenteeism: A record of war plant experience, circa 1943

- Creator: US Labour Dept. - Div. of Labor Standards
- Item 7: Office Personnel Turnover: AMS Latest Findings, May, 1972

- Creator: AMS
- Item 8: Bulletin to Management, September 21, 1972

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 9: 1991 Attendance controller, circa 1991

- Creator: G. Neil Companies
- Item 10: Prolonged nonoccupational illness: a nationwide study among employed persons, 1952

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 11: Personality, Performance, and Absenteeism of Professionals: The Case of Public School Teachers, unknown

- Creator: T. Gregory Bergin
- Item 12: Personnel Policies Forum, June,1970

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 13: Absences and employee attitudes in an electric power company, circa 1952

- Creator: Floyd Mann and Howard Baumgartel
- Item 14: Faculty Working Papers, February, 1982

- Creator: Dept. of Economics and Business, NC State Univ.
- Item 15: Union Labor Report: Weekly Newsletter, October 11, 1990

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 16: How to cure those costly "I've got a cold" absences, circa 1960

- Creator: Management Magazines, inc.
- Item 17: Auditing Absenteeism, circa 1943

- Creator: US Labor Dept. Div. of Labor Standards
- Item 18: Bulletin to Management, March 2008-16

Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
17 Bulletin to Management issues relating to Absenteeism.
- Folder 2: Absenteeism Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Accidents, Industrial

- Item 1: Pysical environment, productivity, and injuries in underground coal mines, Spring 1974

- Creator: C.L. Christenson and W.H. Andrews
- Item 2: Work-related deaths in 1984, July 10, 1986

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 3: Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, 1982-1983, January 10, 1985

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 4: Fatal Occupational Injuries 1994, January, 1996

- Creator: Rhode Island Dept. of Health
- Item 5: Congressional Testimony: economic consequences of work-related injuries, May, 1992

- Creator: M. Susan Marquis
- Item 6: Making Steel and Killing Men, November, 1907

- Creator: William Hard
- Item 7: OHSA Enforcement, Industrial Compliance and Workplace Injuries, July, 1982

- Creator: Ann P. Bartel and Lacy Glenn Thomas
- Item 8: Injries to Crewmen on Inland Waterways, circa 1951

- Creator: United States Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Injury Rates by Industry, 1966 and 1967, circa 1969

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 10: Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in Nebraska by Industry, 1977, circa 1978

- Creator: Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Court
- Item 11: Employment Safety and Health Guide: The President's Report on Occupational Safety and Health for 1972 and Occupational Injuries and Illnesses July 1 - December 31, 1971, February 21, 1974

- Item 12: Injury Rates in the Construction Industry, New York State, 1966, November, 1967

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Item 13: Occupational Injury and Illness Information for 1977 Now Available from Supplementary Data System, March, 1980

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 14: Work Injury Report: An administrative report on accidents involving foot injuries, February, 1980

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 15: Work Injuries in the State of Michigan 1966, circa 1967

- Creator: Michigan Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Part of Body injured in work accidents, circa 1979

- Creator: National Safety Council
- Item 17: Work injuries in Michigan 1967, circa 1968

- Creator: Michigan Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Women and Job Safety, October 23, 1980

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 19: The Control of Industrial Accidents: Economic Theory and Empirical evidence, circa 1974

- Creator: James R. Chelius
- Item 20: The Blast in Centralia No.5: A Mine Disaster no one stopped, March, 1948

- Creator: John Bartlow Martin
- Item 21: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary service industries, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 22: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the wholesale and retail trade industries, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 23: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the construction industries, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 24: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the manufacturing industries, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 25: Accident Facts: At work and at home, August 23, 1984

- Creator: National Safety Council
- Item 26: Construction Goal: "A Workplace Free of Recognized Hazards", December 20, 1973

- Creator: Richard Ginnold
- Item 27: Injury and Illness Data available from 1980 Workers' Compensation Records, March, 1983

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 28: Characteristics of Recordable Occupational Injuries and Illnesses 1987, Dec., 1988

- Creator: Wyoming Labor Dept.
- Item 29: Accident Facts 1978 Edition, circa 1979

- Creator: National Safety Council
- Item 30: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience national emphasis program: foundries, circa 1976

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Folder 4: Accidents, Industrial--Canada

- Item 1: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1964, circa 1965

- Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
- Item 2: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1966, circa 1967

- Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
- Item 3: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1968, circa 1969

- Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
- Item 4: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1969, circa 1970

- Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
- Folder 5: Accidents, Industrial--Illinois

- Item 1: Primary Metal and Fabricated Metal Products Industries Compensible Work Injuries Reported in Illinois in 1964, February 9, 1967

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Work Injuries: State of Illinois Employees and their cost 1962-1963, September, 1964

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Annual Industrial Accident Cost in Illinois - An estimate, May, 1951

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Springfield-Decatur Area, May 3, 1965

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 5: East St. Louis-Alton-Belleville Area, May 5-7, 1965

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Work Injury Frequency Rates in Illinois, 1955-1958, March 1960

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Work Injury Frequency Rates in Illinois, 1954 and Compensable Work Injury Rates in Illinois, 1955, circa 1956

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Work Injury Frequency Rates 1948-1953, April 1955

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Folder 6: Accidents, Industrial--New York

- Item 1: Occupational Industries and Illnesses in New York State, 1974, April, 1976

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Work Injuries in New York State Agriculture 1970, February 1972

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Injury Rates: New York State Industries 1960, December 1961

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in New York State 1972 and 1973, July 1975

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Injury Rates in Factories: New York State 1970, December 1971

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Folder 7: Age & Employment

- Item 1: Who's Too Old to Work?, September 1950

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 2: Older People, 1949

- Creator: R.K. McNickle
- Item 3: Employment Opportunities in Later Years, 1960

- Creator: James R. Morris
- Item 4: Employment Problems of Older Workers, January 1959

- Creator: Jack F. Culley and Fred Slavick
- Item 5: Workers are Young Longer, circa 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Retirement, April 1954

- Creator: Journal of Business
- Item 7: Aging and Labor Force Participation: A Review of Trends and Explanations, 1990

- Creator: Robin L. Lumsdaine and David A. Wise
- Item 8: Employment Policies with Respect to Older Workers in South Dakota, March 1956

- Creator: Business Research Bureau
- Item 9: Old Age and Retirement in Connecticut I. East Haddam: A Summer Resort Community, June 1951

- Creator: Walter C. McKain, Jr. and Elmer D. Baldwin
- Item 10: Area Development Policies and the Older Worker, 1963

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Institute, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 11: Work Options for Older Employees, circa 1984

- Item 12: The Senescent in Industry: Medical Evaluation of His Employability and Maintenance, circa 1956

- Creator: National Advisory Committee, American Geriatrics Society
- Item 13: Economic Aspects of the Aging of Our Population, March 20, 1951

- Creator: Frank G. Dickinson
- Item 14: Findings and Recommendations of the New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging, 1949

- Creator: New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging
- Item 15: Safest Occupations for the Aged Worker, April 1926

- Creator: L.J. Carey
- Item 16: Working Environment in Sweden: The Aging Worker in Industrialized Society, July 1974

- Creator: Sven Forssman
- Item 17: Income Maintenance, August 1950

- Creator: National Conference on Aging
- Item 18: Tables of Working Life, August 1950

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 19: A Comparison of Age Levels of Farmers and Other Self-employed Persons, November 1967

- Creator: Economic Research Service, US Agriculture Dept.
- Item 20: The Age Problem in Research Workers from the Sociological Viewpoint, Fall 1950

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 21: Older Worker Employment Comes of Age: Practice and Potential, January 1985

- Creator: National Commission for Employment Policy
- Item 22: Old Age - An American Problem, October 1949

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 23: Utilization of Employees over 65 in Minnesota, October 18, 1950

- Creator: H. Fox
- Item 24: After Age 65 What?, October 1951

- Creator: University of Minnesota Industirla Relations Center
- Item 25: Employment Services Survey Job Prospects of Older Applicants, Undated

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 26: Older Workers Seek Jobs, August 1951

- Creator: Bureau of Employment Security
- Item 27: Age Changes in Psychomotor Capacity and Productivity, April 1954

- Creator: Robert W. Kleemeier
- Item 28: Employment of the Older Worker, March 1952

- Creator: Clark Tibbetts et al.
- Item 29: Aging and Income Security, 1960

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 30: The Productive Years: Ages 45-65, Undated

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 31: Employing Older Workers, May 1959

- Creator: Bureau of Employment Security
- Item 32: The "Aged" - Management's Dilemma, January 1960

- Creator: Office Management
- Folder 8: Age & Employment Bibilographies

- Folder 9: Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1967

- Item 1: 1978 Age Discrimination Act Ammendments, April 10, 1978

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Item 2: Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, As Amended, July 1978

- Creator: Congress
- Item 3: Uncapping the Age Discrimination in Employment Act: Consequences for Tenure and Higher Education, September 25, 1992

- Creator: ILIR
- Folder 10: Agri-Labor Cooperation

- Item 1: The Farmer and The Telephone Worker, Undated

- Creator: CIO-CCL
- Item 2: Breadwinners: A Statement on the Common Problems of Farmers and Workers, circa 1953

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Item 3: Why Farmers Should Get a Fair Break, March 15, 1955

- Creator: Testimony of Walter Reuther before the House Committee on Agriculture
- Item 4: Farmer-Labor Understanding --And Action, February 1952

- Creator: Education Conference of Farmers and Workers
- Item 5: Targeted for Extinction: Family Farms, February 1986

- Creator: UAW Education Department
- Item 6: Farmers and Workers Win Together, circa 1954

- Creator: CIO Department of Education and Research
- Item 7: Labor's Aims and What they mean to Agriculture, August 17, 1949

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Folder 11: Air Transportation Industry

- Item 1: Vol.17, no.21 of Chicago Business newspaper, May, 1994

- Creator: Crain's
- Item 2: Air Travel Comes of Age, 1956

- Creator: John Stuart
- Item 3: Labor Relations in the Air Transport Industry 1947-1957, November, 1958

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Institute of Aviation
- Item 4: Airline Dispute: Hearing before the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, United States Senate, July 27-28, 1966

- Creator: Congress
- Item 5: Labor Relations in the Air Transport Industry under the Amended Railway Labor Act, June 26, 1948

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Institute of Aviation
- Item 6: In the matter of representation of employees of Friedkin Aeronautics, Inc., March 18, 1954

- Creator: Natoinal Mediation Board
- Item 7: Session One: Airline Grievance Procedures: Some Observations and Questions, Undated

- Creator: Journal of Air Law and Commerce
- Item 8: In the matter of representation of employees of Pan American World Airways, inc., March 16, 1953

- Creator: National Mediation Board
- Item 9: In the matter of Representation of employees of Northwest Airlines, inc., August 28th, 1953

- Creator: National Mediation Board
- Item 10: Business Leadership in Air Transportation, circa 1960

- Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 11: Air Transportation, circa 1950

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 12: In the matter of representation of employees of National Airlines, inc., September 4, 1953

- Creator: National Mediation Board
- Item 13: Airlines: Investigate then invest, 1948

- Creator: Merill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane
- Item 14: Economics of Air Transport: An overview, circa 1970

- Creator: Air Transport Association of America
- Item 15: People Express, 1983

- Creator: Harvard Business School
- Folder 12: Aircraft Industry

- Item 1: Union Agreements in Aircraft Manufacturing, 1940

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 2: Union Agreements in the Airframe Industry, 1944, August, 1944

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 3: Work and Wage Experience of Willow Run Workers, December, 1945

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 4: Airframe Assemblers Average $1.52, November 23, 1949

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 5: St. Paul Aircraft Parts Workers in Wartime, December 1945

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 6: North American Aviation, 1941-, circa 1952

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 7: Wage Structure - Airframes 1949, late 1949

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 8: Aircraft, circa 1951

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 9: Aircraft and Air Transportation: Basic Industrial Data, 1952

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 10: Training in the Aircraft Industry, October 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Collective Bargaining - Aircraft Industry, January 1952

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 12: Wage Structure - Aircraft Engines and Parts 1945, June, 1946

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Folder 13: Alcoholism

- Item 1: Alcoholism and Employee Relations: A BNA Special Report, September 11, 1978

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 2: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, April 1992

- Creator: Research Society on Alcoholism
- Item 3: Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace: Costs, Controls and Controversies, 1986

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 4: Identifying the Problem Drinker on the job, circa 1957

- Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell Univ.
- Item 5: Alcoholism in the Workplace: What you can do, 1986

- Creator: Krames Communications
- Item 6: Alcoholism and Iowa Business and Industry, May 1957

- Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management, College of Commerce
- Item 7: The Alcoholic Employee, 1952

- Creator: The Alcohol Foundation
- Item 8: Decision in Labor-Management Case on Alcoholism Makes History, January 16, 1958

- Creator: not given
- Item 9: The Special Case of Women and Alcohol in the Workplace, November 1, 1984

- Creator: Fair Employment Practices
- Item 10: The Economic Cost of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1971, 31 March 1974

- Creator: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- Item 11: Studies on Alcohol: Development of Comprehensive Language on Alcoholism in Collective Bargaining Agreements, circa 1977

- Creator: Carl J. Schramm
- Item 12: The Problem Drinker in Industry, circa 1950

- Creator: Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company
- Item 13: Alcohol and Health (third special report to the US Congress), June 1978

- Creator: US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
- Item 14: Alcoholism: Group Factors in Etiology and Therapy, circa 1957

- Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell Univ.
- Box 2

- Folder 1: Alcoholism Bibliographies

- Folder 2: Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990

- Item 1: Facts and Figures: Discrimination, circa 2000

- Creator: Union Labor Report
- Item 2: Consequences of Employee Protection: The Case of the Americans with Disabilities Act, December 1997

- Creator: Daron Acemoglu and Joshua Angrist
- Item 3: The Evolution of the Americans With Disabilities Act: A Content Analysis of Federal District Court Cases, Octobe 16, 1995

- Creator: Dena Lynn Broughton
- Item 4: The Americans with Disabilities Act and Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector, circa 1993

- Creator: Nyemaster, Goode, Mclaughlin,Voigts, West, Hansell & O'Brien, P.C.
- Item 5: ADA: Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 Special Report, August 1, 1994

- Creator: Labor Relations Reporter
- Item 6: Fair Employment Practices: Summary of Latest Developments, August 15, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 7: Perspective: ADA and Union Contracts, December 12, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 8: ADA: Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 Text and Analysis, July 16, 1990

- Creator: Labor Relations Reporter
- Item 9: Americans with Disabilities Act, June 10, 1997

- Creator: Ballard, Rosenberg & Golper
- Item 10: ADA Checklist A: Allegation of Disability Discrimination, 1996

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 11: A closer look at the Americans With Disabilities Act: Does it create more problems than it solves?, June 28th, 1993

- Creator: Master's Tutorial of Sheryl Netherton
- Item 12: The Disabled in the Workplace: Analysis of the Americans With Disabilties Act, 1990

- Creator: Research Institute of America
- Item 13: The ADA Primer: A Concise Guide to the ADA, August 1990

- Creator: Personnel Policies and Practices
- Item 14: Lengthening the Arm of the ADA, June 13, 1994

- Creator: TakeOut
- Item 15: Fair Employment Practices: Summary of Latest Developments, June 24, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 16: The Americans With Disabilities Act: Questions and Answers, September, 1992

- Creator: US Equal Employment Opportunity Commision and US Justice Dept. Civil Rights Division
- Item 17: ADA Factsheet for Employers, April 15, 1993

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 18: Union Labor Report: Weekly Newsletter, March 14, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Folder 3: Anti-Injunction Act (Norris-Laguardia Act)

- Item 1: Public-no.64-72d Congress HR 5315 (the bill itself), 1932

- Creator: US Congress
- Folder 4: Anti-Union Activities

- Item 1: "Yellow Dog" Contract: Menace to American Liberties, 1930

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 2: The Anatomy of a Wildcat, May 1957

- Creator: National Right to Work Committee
- Item 3: Yellow Dog Contracts condemned by experts, 1930

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 4: Firms identified by AFL-CIO Department of Organization and Field Services as Engaging in Union Busting Tactics - 3 or more occasions, Undated

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: The Business Roundtable and American Labor, May 1979

- Creator: International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO
- Item 6: A Report on the Plight of the Collective Bargaining System, January 1984

- Creator: Nw York State Assembly Standing Committee on Labor
- Item 7: 200 Plus boycott Union-busting Firms, October 24, 1986

- Creator: Harvard Law Review
- Item 8: Conference of American Small Business Organizations: The President's Labor-Management Conference has Failed, Period., circa 1950

- Creator: Conference of American Small Business Organizations
- Item 9: "Marxist Left Produces a New Leader", April 1975

- Creator: Institute for American Democracy and AFL-CIO
- Item 10: "Today's Manager is Searching for Strategies Which Will Involve and Motivate Employees", no date

- Creator: Modern Management, Inc.
- Folder 5: Apprenticeships (Folder 1 of 6)

- Item 1: Apprenticeship, circa 1991

- Creator: United States Department of Labor
- Item 2: Apprenticeship past and present, circa 1991

- Creator: United States Department of Labor
- Item 3: Setting up an Apprenticeship Program, circa 1967

- Creator: US Dept. of Labor
- Item 4: Build your future with a career in construction: A 1996-1997 guide to apprenticeship programs in Northeastern Illinois, circa 1996

- Creator: Construction Indsutry Service Corporation
- Item 5: Apprenticeship Schedules covering Building and Construction Trades (includes shipbuilding), 1970

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: The National Apprenticeship Program, circa 1973

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Apprenticeship Policy Manual, Undated

- Creator: International Association of Machinists and Aerospae Workers
- Item 8: Getting a Good Trade: Apprenticeship, Industrial Relations and the Labor Market, July 1981

- Creator: Business Research Centre
- Item 9: Apprenticeship past and present, 1969

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Apprenticeship past and present, 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Apprenticeship Training in Nova Scotia, Undated

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labour Dept.
- Folder 6: Apprenticeships (Folder 2 of 6)

- Item 1: Apprentice Training: Sure way to a skilled craft, July 1970

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Women in Apprenticeship There's a Future in It!, 1980

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: The Resolution on Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Training, 1960

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: A Woman's Guide to Apprenticeship, 1980

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Blue Collar Trades Handbook for Women, February 1977

- Creator: Women Working in Construction
- Item 6: Apprenticeship 2000 Short Term Research Projects, August 1989

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Apprenticeship and Economic Change, 1964

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: An Economic Evaluation of Apprenticeship Training in Western Nigerian Small-scale Industries, 1979

- Creator: Adewale F. Mabawonku
- Item 9: Apprenticeship in foreign countries, 1980

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 7: Apprenticeships (Folder 3 of 6)

- Item 1: Training and Entry into Union Construction, 1975

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: An Appraisal of Machinist-Apprenticeship Training Programs by Means of a Follow-up Study of Trainees, June 13, 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Statistics, 1968

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Council for Apprenticeships in Arts and Crafts, May, 1980

- Creator: Council for Apprenticeships in Arts and Crafts
- Item 5: Apprenticeship and Training Program, circa 1968

- Creator: International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union of North America
- Item 6: Is Apprenticeship seen as Worthwhile?, circa 1970

- Creator: New Brunswick Labour Dept.
- Item 7: Registered Apprentice Separations 1949, June 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: 1951 Annual Report Bureau of Apprenticeship, circa 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Apprenticeship and Training in the Electircal Contracting Company, April 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 8: Apprenticeships (Folder 4 of 6)

- Item 1: Age and Veteran Status of Apprentices, November 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Employment of Apprentices, pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, March 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Apprenticeship 2000: The Public Speaks, August 1988

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Apprenticeship and Training Standards for Draftsmen, 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Gaining Skill A Report of an investigation into the training of industrial apprentices in western Germany, 1955

- Creator: Birmingham Productivity Association
- Item 6: A guide to productive apprenticeships, Undated

- Creator: The Maine State Apprenticeship Council
- Item 7: Setting up an Apprenticeship Program, 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: California Apprenticeship Council, 1958

- Creator: State of California Division of Apprenticeship Standards
- Item 9: Apprenticeship Standards, September 1, 1955

- Creator: Audomotive Body Division, Chrysler Corporation and CIO
- Item 10: Labor-Management Cooperation in Training Patternmakers, June, 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Joint National Apprenticeship Scheme, October 30th, 1952

- Creator: National Joint Council for the Building Industry
- Item 12: Apprenticeship Training in the Chicago Public Schools, June 30th, 1953

- Creator: Vocational Dept., Chicago Public Schools
- Item 13: New Mexico Apprenticeship Act and Rules of Procedure Governing the State Apprenticeship Council, July 1, 1958

- Creator: New Mexico State Apprenticeship Council
- Item 14: The Road Ahead, June 28, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Toward Broader Skills, September 19, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Raising the Quality of Apprenticeship, October 30, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 17: Apprenticeship Through Teamwork, September 25, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Importance of Related Instruction to Apprenticeship, December 4, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 19: Building a Skilled Workforce in the Construction Industry, October 27, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 20: Craft Training in the Bricklayer Trade, Octobe 13, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 21: Registered Apprentices in the United States - Detailed Occupation Distribution, June 1952, September 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 22: Registered Apprentices in the United States - Detailed Occupation Distribution, June 1954, October , 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 23: Registered Apprentices in the United States - Detailed Occupational Distriubtion June 1953, October 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 24: Special Report: Preventing Pirating, Undated

- Creator: Union Labor Report
- Item 25: News from the US Department of Labor: Apprenticeship meets modern needs, October 8, 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 26: Apprenticeship and Training in the Contract Tool and Die Industry, November 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 27: Sources of Assistane for Recruiting Women for Apprenticeship Programs and Skilled Nontraditional Blue-collar work, July 1978

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 9: Apprenticeship (Folder 5 of 6)

- Item 1: Union Participation in Apprenticeship in 32 Selected States and Territories, November 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Apprenticeship Program Today and Tomorrow, November 19, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Building a National Apprenticeship Program, October 29, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Occupation Statistics of Registered Apprentices December 1948, April 1949

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Machinist Apprenticeship Standards, October 21, 1941

- Creator: Representative Employers and International Association of Machinists
- Item 6: EEOC's Proposed Apprenticeship Report Form EEO-2 and Labor Organiztion Report Form EEO-3 and Instructions, February 20, 1967

- Creator: Labor Relations Reporter
- Item 7: Research on Skill Development in Industry, October 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: National Trucking Industry Apprenticeship Standards for Truck Mechanics, 1970

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Associated Retail Bakers of America National Apprenticeship and Training Policy, March 22, 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Apprenticeship Standards for Tool and Die Makers, June 26, 1956

- Creator: National Tool and Die Manufacturers Association
- Item 11: Apprenticeship Training in Vermont, circa 1955

- Creator: Vermont State Apprenticeship Council
- Item 12: National Pattern for local apprenticeship standards in the roofing industry, circa 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 13: National Apprenticeship and Training Standards for the Sheet Metal Industry, circa 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 14: National Painting and Decorating Apprenticeship and Training Standards, 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Evaluating Apprentices, World War II

- Creator: War Manpower Commission
- Item 16: Apprenticeship and on-the-job training for veterans, January, 1946

- Creator: Apprenticeship Committee
- Item 17: Apprenticeship Credit for Previous Experience, July 1, 1948

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Labor Education Advancement Program, 1967

- Creator: National Urban League
- Item 19: Standards of Apprenticeship, 1966

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 20: National Apprenticeship Standards Photoengravers, June 10, 1949

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 21: The Wartime Program of the Apprentice Training Service, 1943

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 22: National Policy of Apprenticeship for Machinist (Automatic Screw-Machines), 1969

- Creator: National Screw Machine Products Association
- Item 23: National Apprenticeship Policy for Orthalmic Finisher-Dispenser, 1970

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 24: Evaluating Apprentices, 1950s

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 25: Follow-up Study of Former Apprentices, December 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 26: Operating Engineer Apprenticeship, Undated

- Creator: International Union of Operating Engineers
- Item 27: National Carpentry Apprenticeship and Training Standards, 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 28: National Apprenticeship Standards and Training Standards for the Stained Glass Industry, 1968

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 29: Local Apprenticeship and Training Standards for the Utility Industry, Undated

- Creator: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- Item 30: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Text of the Equal Employment Opportunity Apprenticeship Information Report EEO-2, July 25, 1967

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 31: Apprenticeship Program, October 25, 1967

- Creator: UAW and Ford Motor Corp.
- Item 32: National Standards of Apprenticeship for the Lathing Industry, 1970

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 33: National Apprenticeship and Training Standards for Cement Masonry, Asphalt, and Composition Trade, 1969

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 34: Operating Engineers Apprenticeship Standards, circa 1968

- Creator: Allied Builders Assoc. et al. and International Union of Operating Engineers
- Folder 10: Apprenticeships (Folder 6 of 6)

- Item 1: Black Builders: A Job Program that Works, 1970

- Creator: League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 2: Negroes in Apprenticeship, August 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Workers Defense League letter and info, 1967

- Creator: Workers Defense League
- Item 4: State and Local Sources of Information and Programs Region V, July 1978

- Creator: Women's Bureau
- Item 5: The Negro Wage-earner and Apprenticeship Training Programs, 1960

- Creator: NAACP
- Item 6: Minority Workers in Apprenticeship Programs 1970-1975, November 11, 1976

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 7: Metal Working Trades, April 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Outreach: Skills for Minority Youth, April 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: National Lead Burner Apprenticeship Standards, 1968

- Creator: National Joint Lead Burner Apprenticeship Committee
- Item 10: Report on Apprentice Training Program of the Tennessee Valley Authority, July 1947

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Cancellations from the Tennessee Valley Authority Apprenticeship Program 1936-1948, June 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Craftsmanship Apprenticeship Training Program 1957, circa 1957

- Creator: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
- Item 13: Tenth Annual Report: Apprentice Training Program, circa 1960

- Creator: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
- Folder 11: Apprenticeship Bibliographies

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Arbitration, Labor**

- Folder 2: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 1 of 10)**

- Item 1: Arbitration Policy Under Collyer--Revised Guidelines, May 10, 1973

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 2: Chicago-Kent Law Review, 1990

- Creator: Symposium on Labor Arbitration
- Folder 3: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 2 of 10)**

- Item 1: The Role of Interest Arbitration in a Collective Bargaining System, 1976

- Creator: Industrial Relations Law Journal
- Item 2: The NLRB and Arbitration: Recent Developments, April 1979

- Creator: Labor Relations & Research Center, Univ. of Massachusetts
- Item 3: Arbitration in the Public Sector, Undated

- Creator: Robert G. Howlett
- Item 4: Arbitration Provisions in Union Agreements, April 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: The Arbitration of Discharge Dases: What Happens After Reinstatement, 1957

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 6: How to Avoid Grievance Arbitration, Fall 1989

- Creator: Rebecca Ballard and Michael D. Crino
- Item 7: Is Arbitration Addictive? Evidence From the Laboratory and the Field, January 1992

- Creator: Janet Currie and Henry S. Farber
- Item 8: Case Record Form, Undated

- Item 9: Ethical Concerns in Grievance Arbitration, 1992

- Creator: Robert A. Giacalone et al.
- Item 10: "Bargaining Techniques" and "Discipline and Discharge", Undated

- Item 11: Individual Employee Rights, August 29, 1989

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 12: Public Education Arbitration: Transferring Jurisdiction from the Circuit Courts, April 1989

- Creator: B. Douglas Anderson
- Item 13: The Future of Labor Arbitration - A Challenge, 1948

- Creator: an address by Edwin E. White
- Item 14: United States Supreme Court Holds a Union Liable for Backpay in a Duty of Fair Representation Suit, February 11, 1983

- Creator: Asher, Goodstein, Pavalon, Gittler, Greenfield and Segall, Ltd.
- Item 15: Sample Arbitration Decisions in the Postal Service, Undated

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 16: Arbitration Provisions in Union Agreements, Undated

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 17: Report of Committee on Law and Legislation, January 26, 1956

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 18: Arbitration of Labor Disputes: Public Utilities other than those under the Railway Labor Act, 1961

- Item 19: Untitled (a research paper on appealing arbitrator decisions, esp. for education professionals), Undated

- Creator: Ellen J. Alexander
- Item 20: Interest Arbitration: Measuring Justice in Employment, 1981

- Creator: Joseph M. Weiler, Univ. of British Columbia
- Item 21: Arbitration of Grievance and Salary Disputes in Professional Baseball: Evolution of a System of Private Law, August 1975

- Creator: Cornell Law Review
- Item 22: What's Different About AAA Labor Arbitration?, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Association
- Item 23: Arbitration: Methods and Costs, December 30, 1976

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 24: Deferral to Labor Arbitration in the Public Sector: Unclear Guidancee from the Private Sector., 1966

- Creator: Illinois Local Labor Relations Board
- Folder 4: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 3 of 10)**

- Item 1: A Profile of Arbitrators' Decisions in Cases involving National Labor Relations Act questions, Undated

- Item 2: Arbitrators and the National Labor Relations Board, Undated

- Item 3: Arbitration Handbook, Undated

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 4: Battle Report: The Problem of Stenographic Records in Arbitration, Undated

- Creator: Samuel H. Jaffee
- Item 5: The Labor Arbitration Process: 1943-1963, Summer 1964

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 6: Arbitration of Grievances, 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: The Arbitration of two "Management Rights" Issues: Work Assignments and Contracting out, 1960

- Creator: Cornell University
- Folder 5: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 4 of 10)**

- Item 1: National Academy of Arbitrators Oral History Project, Fall 1982

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 2: Understanding Grievance Arbitration in the Public Sector, 1974

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Discharge Cases, 1963-1967, circa 1968

- Creator: School of Business, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 4: Digest of Employee Protections: Urban Mass Transit Act 13(c) and Rail Passenger Service Act C1 & C2, 1980

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: The Law and Labor-Management Relations: Permanent Arbitration Systems, Undated

- Creator: Appeal Board, Chrysler Corp. and UAW-CIO
- Folder 6: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 5 of 10)**

- Item 1: Contributions of Grievance Arbitration to Industrial Relations and Industrial Peace, March 25, 1977

- Creator: Harry T. Edwards
- Item 2: Arbitration of Interest Disputes, 1979

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 3: Past and Current Trends in Negligence and Incompetence Arbitration, November 1979

- Creator: Personnel Journal
- Item 4: Labor Arbitration Procedures and Techniques, 1946

- Creator: American Arbitration Association
- Item 5: When and Where Issue of Arbitrability can be raised, July 23, 1962

- Creator: Herbert Schmertz
- Item 6: An Economic Analysis of Final-Offer Arbitration as a confilct resolution device, July 1980

- Creator: Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue Univ.
- Item 7: Stipulation to Arbitrate (blank form), January 1954

- Creator: Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 8: Demand for Arbitration (blank form), Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Association
- Item 9: Submission to Arbitration (blank form), Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Association
- Item 10: Reason, Contract and Law in Labor Relations, February 9, 1955

- Creator: Harry Shulman
- Item 11: Labor Arbitration and the Law in Utah, Fall 1953

- Creator: Univ. of Utah
- Item 12: The Supreme Court and Arbitration: The Musings of an Arbitrator, March, 1961

- Creator: Harold W. Davey
- Item 13: The Increasing Importance of Labor Arbitration, January 23, 1961

- Creator: George E. Strong
- Item 14: Defense of Jurisdiction by the National Labor Relatinos Board and the Arbitration Clause, October 1972

- Creator: A.C. Rosser
- Item 15: The Impact of Final Offer Interest Arbitration on Bargaining: The Case of Major League Baseball, June 1976

- Creator: James B. Dworkin
- Item 16: Arbitration and the Law, 1983

- Creator: Joel A. D'alba
- Item 17: Judicial Review of Labor Arbitration, circa 1953

- Creator: Clyde W. Summers
- Item 18: An Evaluation of Final Offer Arbitration in Massachusetts, November 1976

- Creator: Paul C. Somers
- Item 19: Sample Results of Duration and Cost Data in Arbitration, Fiscal Years 1971, 1972, 1973, and 1974, November 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 20: Evolution of Labor Protection Agreements, circa 1978

- Creator: Division of Employee Protections
- Item 21: Arbitration and the NLRB: A Second Look, March 3, 1967

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Folder 7: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 6 of 10)**

- Item 1: Problems of Procedural Irregularity in Labor Arbitration, 1961

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 2: Some Problems of Evidence Before the Labor Arbitrator, 1961

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 3: Arbitration of Job Evaluation Disputes, 1954

- Creator: Bureau of Labor and Mangement, College of Commerce
- Item 4: The Supervisor's Role in Aribtration, circa 1958

- Creator: American Arbitration Association
- Item 5: Voluntary Labor Arbitraton is Threatened!, March 1956

- Creator: Herbert M. Syme
- Item 6: Labor Arbitration Series: A Symposium Review, July 1953

- Creator: Stanford Univ.
- Item 7: The Conciliation and Arbitration of Labour Disputes in Canada, 1949

- Creator: Queen's Univ.
- Item 8: Arbitration Clauses in Connecticut Labor Contracts, November 1954

- Creator: Labor-Management Institute, Univ. of Connecticut
- Item 9: Arbitration in Britain, March 22, 1949

- Creator: British Information Service
- Item 10: Arbitration in the San Fransico Hotel and Restaurant Industries, 1952

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 11: The Well-Aged Aribtration Case, 1958

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 12: Connecticut Board of Mediation and Arbitration: Organization and Arbitration, October 1954

- Creator: Labor-Management Institute, Univ. of Connecticut
- Item 13: Transcript of Hearing on Bils 87-S and 94-A before the Joint Senate and Assembly Labor Committee - Madison, Wisconsin, February 23, 1949

- Creator: Wisconsin State Legislature and Wisconsin State Fed. Of Labor
- Item 14: Labor Relations and Arbitration, May 23, 1956

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 15: Arbitration and the Dilemma of Possible Error, 1960

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 16: Labor Arbitration and its Critics, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 17: On first looking into the Lincoln Mills Decision, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 18: Supreme Court Enforces Arbitrator's Award in Face of EEOC Conciliation Agreement With Employer, 1982

- Creator: Asher, Pavalon, Gittler, Greenfield and Segall, Ltd.
- Item 19: The Use of Arbitration on the West Coast, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 20: Labor Arbitration and the Individual Worker, May 1953

- Creator: Louis L. Jaffe
- Folder 8: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 7 of 10)**

- Item 1: Arbitration Institute, May 24-28, 1971

- Creator: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center
- Item 2: The Hart Schaffner & Marx Labor Agreement, 1916

- Creator: Hart, Schaffner & Marx, and Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
- Item 3: Industrial Arbitration as developed and practiced in the laundry industry, Undated

- Item 4: The First American Labor Case, December 1931

- Creator: Walter Nelles
- Item 5: Toward Effective Arbitration, 1946

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 6: Transfer and Sale of Plant Operations in Arbitration, May 16, 1962

- Creator: I. Robert Feinberg
- Item 7: Labor Arbitration in Wartime, 1941

- Creator: Industrial Arbitration Tribunal, American Arbitration Assoc.
- Folder 9: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 8 of 10)**

- Item 1: Selection and Tenure of Arbitrators in Labor Disputes, circa 1948

- Creator: Graduate Div. for Training in Public Service, NYU
- Item 2: Labor-Management Arbitration: "There Ought to be a Law" - Or Ought There?, January 1956

- Creator: Robert L. Howard
- Item 3: Facts for Bargaining: Financial and Administrative Practices of Arbitrators, September 22, 1977

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 4: Financial and Administrative Costs of Arbitrators, October 6, 1977

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 5: Arbitration and Federal Rights under Collective Agreements in 1970, circa 1970

- Creator: William B. Gould and James P. Kurtz
- Item 6: Arbitration and Federal Rights under Collective Agreements in 1968, circa 1968

- Creator: Edgar A. Jones and David G. Finkle
- Item 7: Alexander v Gardner-Denver Co.: The Supreme Court's Refusal to accommodate the Public Policy favoring Labor Arbitration with Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Dec. 18, 1974

- Creator: Fred Leffler
- Item 8: Mediation and Arbitration under the New York State Board of Mediation in 1947, November 1948

- Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Grievances and Arbitration: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Labor Relations Conference, April 13-14 1956

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, W. Virginia Univ.
- Item 10: Arbitration of Labor Disputes, circa 1947

- Creator: Wayne L. Morse
- Item 11: Labor Arbitration: A Current Appraisal, October 1, 1955

- Creator: Harold W. Davey
- Item 12: Problems in Labor Arbitration, April 2, 1948

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 13: The Arbitration Process, 1950

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 14: Compromise and Principle in the Decisions of Labor Arbitrators, circa 1957

- Creator: Univ. of Southern California
- Folder 10: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 9 of 10)**

- Item 1: Situation Ethics and the Arbitrator's Role, April 4, 1973

- Creator: Harold W. Davey
- Item 2: Labor Arbitration, 1951

- Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management
- Item 3: Arbitration Comes of Age, October 20, 1967

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 4: Current Problems in Labor Relations and Arbitration, April 12-13, 1955

- Creator: Cornell Univ.
- Item 5: Arbitration of Labor-Management Grievances: Bethlehem Steel Company and United Steelworkers of America 1942-1952, April, 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Procedures for Application of the Dubo Policy to Pending Charges, May 14, 1979

- Creator: NLRB
- Item 7: Advisory Arbitration: A conflict in terms?, 1970

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 8: Books: Symposium; Labor Arbitration, February 1967

- Creator: Stanford Law Review
- Item 9: Conference on Arbitration in Labor-Management Relations, October 16, 1952

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Box 4

- Folder 1: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 10 of 10)**

- Item 1: Labor Arbitration in the Federal Service, May 1977

- Creator: The George Washington Law Review
- Item 2: The Use of Tripartite Boards in Labor, Commercial, and International Arbitration, December 1954

- Creator: Harvard Law Review
- Item 3: Arbitration: A Study of Industrial Experience, 1954

- Creator: Fabian Society Research Series
- Item 4: Arbitration as an Industrial Relations Technique: The Bethlehem Experience, 1954

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
- Item 5: Report on the Comments and Suggestions ofMembers of the AAA Arbitration Law Committee on the Draft of a Uniform Arbitration Act Prepared by a Sub-Committee of the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws headed by Dean Maynard E. Pirsig of the University Of Minnesota, July 7, 1954

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 6: United States Labor Arbitration Act, November 24, 1959

- Creator: US Gov't.
- Item 7: Statement on behalf of The National Academy of Arbitrators concerning a proposed United States Labor Arbitration Act, circa 1960

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 8: Arbitration in a New Key, April 1957

- Creator: Kenneth F. Walker
- Item 9: The Peacemakers, 1957

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 10: Collective Bargaining Agreement and Arbitral Jurisdiction, September 7 1948

- Creator: American Federaion of Grain Millers
- Item 11: Arbitration as a part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, September 7, 1948

- Creator: Alli-Chalmers Mfg. Co.
- Item 12: An Advantageous Application of the Umpire System for Management and Labor Groups, 1956

- Creator: David A. Wolff
- Item 13: Model Arbitration Clauses to Protect Management Rights, 1961

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 14: Labor Arbitration Procedures and Techniques, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 15: Reducing the Risks of Labor Arbitration, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relaions, Univ. of California
- Folder 2: Arbitration, Labor--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Arbitration, Compulsory

- Folder 4: Arbitration, Compulsory (Folder 1 of 3)

- Item 1: Discussion of Michigan's Police and Fire Fighter Compulsory Arbitration Act, April, 1971

- Creator: Meyer S. Rider and Russell A. Smith
- Item 2: Australian Compulsory Arbitration 1900-1970, 1971

- Creator: Commisioner under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act of the Commonwealth
- Item 3: The Regulation of Negotiating Disputes: Interest Arbitration in Government, November 1984

- Creator: John Delaney et al.
- Item 4: Compulsory Interest Arbitration comes to Illinois, March 1986

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining, Interest Arbitration and Police Salaries, October 1984

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 6: Compulsory Arbitration and the Motive to Reach Agreement Through Negotiations--Recent Australian Experience in Federal Public Sector Arbitration, June 1, 1975

- Creator: Roger D. Beale, asst. secretary, Australia dept. of Urban and Regional Development
- Item 7: The Argument Against Compulsory Arbitration, Undated

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 8: Compulsory Arbitration in Public Sector Dispute Settlement: An Affirmative View, April 22, 1971

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
- Item 9: no title, it's a book with a table of contents, circa 1970

- Item 10: Compulsory Arbitration: A Broad View, 1965

- Creator: Paul L. Kleinsorge and Robert F. Smith
- Item 11: The Michigan Experience: An Analysis of last offer compulsory arbitration of police and fire labor disputes

- Item 12: Getting Nothing for Something: When Women Prevail in Employment Arbitration Awards, 2005

- Creator: Prof. Michael H. LeRoy, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Integrity Review of Statutory Arbitration Awards, January 2003

- Creator: Prof. Calvin William Sharpe, Case Western Reserve Univ. Law School
- Item 14: Ethical Concerns in Drafting Employment Arbitration Agreements After Circuit City and Green Tree, 2003

- Creator: Prof. Martin H. Malin, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Item 15: Where Are We Heading With Mandatory Arbitration of Statutory Claims in Employment, 1999

- Creator: Harry T. Edwards, Chief Judge, US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit
- Item 16: Compulsory Arbitration of Statutory Discrimination Claims Under a Collective Bargaining Agreement, Fall 1998

- Creator: Prof. David E. Feller, Univ. of California-Berkeley Law School
- Folder 5: Arbitration, Compulsory (Folder 2 of 3)

- Item 1: A Review of Compulsory Arbitration in Michigan, January 1972

- Item 2: Compulsory Arbitration, circa 1967

- Creator: Eastern Conference of Teamsters
- Item 3: An Outline of Conciliation and Arbitration in Australia, January 1974

- Creator: Central Industrial Secretariat
- Item 4: Compulsory Arbitration in Australia, March, 1938

- Creator: W. Ruper Maclaurin
- Item 5: Compulsory Arbitration in New Jersey, 1949

- Creator: NYU Institute of Labor Relations and Social Security
- Item 6: Compulsory Arbitration of Utility Disputes in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, 1951

- Creator: Princeton Univ.
- Item 7: Compulsory Arbitration Opposed: The Case Against Adoption, September 1947

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 8: Compulsory Arbitration in Action: The New Jersey Bell Telephone Case, 1951

- Creator: Bernard Cushman
- Item 9: Is Compulsory Arbitration Inevitable?, circa 1949

- Creator: George W. Taylor
- Item 10: Australian Arbitration System: An Analytical Description, August 1951

- Creator: Mark Perlman
- Folder 6: Arbitration, Compulsory (Folder 3 of 3)

- Item 1: The Effectiveness and Acceptability of Compulsory Arbitration for the Protective Services, January 19, 1974

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 2: Compulsory Interest Arbitration in New York State-- Experience Under the 1977 Amendments, February 1979

- Creator: Mary E. Gallo and Robert E. Doherty
- Item 3: Compulsory Arbitration in Britain, October 30, 1950

- Creator: British Information Services
- Item 4: Compulsory Arbitration in the Public Sector: A Selected Bibliography, May 1981

- Creator: Ontario Ministry of Labour
- Folder 7: Arbitration, Labor--Procedures

- Folder 8: Arbitration Procedures (Folder 1 of 2)

- Item 1: Questions and Answers on Resolving Employment Disputes, June 1989

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 2: Code of Ethics for Arbitrators, 1949

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 3: Preparing and Presenting Arbitration Cases: Selected Addresses from the 1954 Conference on Arbitration & Labor Relations, circa 1954

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 4: Labor Arbitration Procedures and Techniques, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 5: Guides for Labor Arbitration, 1953

- Creator: Labor Relations Council
- Item 6: Code of Ethics and Procedural Standards for Labor-Management Arbitration, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 7: Preparing and Presenting Your Arbitration Cases: A Manual for Union Representatives, September 1977

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 8: Labor Arbitration Procedures, 1957

- Creator: Dept. of Industrial Relations, Queen's Univ.
- Item 9: Hearing Observations Checklist, Undated

- Item 10: Arbitration Case A: (Denial of Step Increase) Local 56 vs. City of Rainbow, February, 1971

- Item 11: Arbitration Case H: (Contract Interpretation--Vacation Scheduling) Local 1645 vs. Noble Appliance Company, circa 1979

- Item 12: Case B: Fourteen Day Suspension, Failure to Take Proper Care to Avoid Personal Injury, circa 1980

- Item 13: Case A: Letter of Warning, Failure to use mail satchel, circa 1981

- Item 14: Case D In the matter of: US Postal Service, Metropolis, Michigan vs. APWU Local 84, circa 1978

- Item 15: Cas A Suspension of Thirty Days for Dereliction of Duty, circa 1983

- Folder 9: Arbitration Procedures (Folder 2 of 2)

- Item 1: Cross Examination Exercise, circa 1979

- Item 2: Cross-Examination Techniques, Undated

- Item 3: Notes on the Management Case and Cross-Examination, Undated

- Item 4: Sample Arbitration Case 1: Local 550 vs. Acme Iron Works (Proper Rate of Pay), circa 1975

- Item 5: Seniority vs. Ability: A Promotion Grievance, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 6: Background Facts for Arbitration between XYZ Company and Local 123, circa 1971

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 7: Closing Arguments and Briefwriting, circa 1977

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 8: Procedural and Substantive Aspects of Labor-Management Arbitration, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 9: Expedited Labor Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Assoc., circa 1971

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 10: Employee Benefit Plan Claims Arbitratin Rules, January 1, 1983

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 11: Voluntary Labor Arbitration Tribunals of the American Arbitration Assoc., April 30, 1941

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 12: Impartial Umpire Procedures for Arbitration between trustees of joint trust and pension funds, January 1, 1983

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 13: Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules, March 1, 1952

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 14: Resolving Employment Disputes: Model Employment Arbitration Procedures, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 15: Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes, circa 1974

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 16: Principles of Arbitration and Cross-Examination Workbook, Undated

- Creator: UAW
- Item 17: Presenting A Case for Arbitration, circa 1992

- Creator: Union Labor Report Weekly News
- Item 18: Proving Your Arbitration Case, 1961

- Creator: Boaz Siegel
- Item 19: How to Write an Arbitration Brief, 1970

- Creator: Samuel H. Jaffee
- Item 20: Materials on cross examination techniques, closing arguments, brief writing and post-hearing briefs used by the George Meany Center for Labor Studies in its Advanced Arbitration School, no date

- Creator: George Meany Center for Labor Studies
- Item 21: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center Arbitration Institute: Preparing An Arbitration Case, circa 1971

- Creator: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center
- Item 22: Investigation Procedures and Preparation for Discipline and Discharge Cases, no date

- Item 23: AFL-CIO Arbitration Conference, January 16, 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 10: Arbitrators

- Item 1: An Investigation into the Nature of Values and Attitudes of Labor Arbitrators as Influenced by Education, Age and Experience, 1975

- Creator: Eddie Wilson Bankston
- Item 2: The Education and Training of Labor Arbitrators, 1977

- Creator: Western Michigan Univ.
- Item 3: The Arbitration Profession in Transition: A Survey of the National Academy of Arbitrators, no date

- Creator: Michel Picher, Ronald L. Seeber and David B. Lipsky, Natl. Academy of Arbitrators
- Folder 11: Area Redevelopment Act 1961

- Item 1: Planning for New Growth - New Jobs, circa 1961

- Creator: US Commerce Dept.
- Item 2: Public Law 87-27 87th Congress, S.1 "Area Redevelopment Act", May 1, 1961

- Creator: Congress
- Item 3: An Evaluation of ARA in Southern Illinois as of June, 1963, circa June 1963

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 4: The "Little" Economies: Problems of US Area Development, May 29, 1958

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 5: Training for Jobs in Redevelopmen Areas, June 30, 1962

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Occupational Training: Pathway to Employment, circa 1962

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Share in Area Growth, April 1962

- Creator: US Commerce Dept.
- Folder 12: Artists

- Item 1: Selected Characteristics of Artists: Self Employment, Migration, Household and Family, November 1978

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Item 2: Artists Compared by Age, Sex, and Earnings in 1970 and 1976, January 1980

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Item 3: Minorities and Women in the Arts: 1970, January 1978

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Item 4: Employment and Unemployment of Artists: 1970-1975, April 1976

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Item 5: Artist Employment and Unemployment 1971-1980, January 1982

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Item 6: Understanding the Employment of Actors, September 1977

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Folder 13: Atomic Energy Industry

- Item 1: Report of the Department of Labor Atomic Energy Study Group on Labor Implications of Atmoic Energy, July 30, 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Report of the Atomic Power Investigating Commision of the State of Illinois, March 1, 1957

- Creator: State of Illinois
- Folder 14: Automation

- Folder 15: Automation (Folder 1 of 2)

- Item 1: Methods of Adjusting to Automation and Technological Change, Undated

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: The Computer and the Systems Age: The Second Industrial Revolution, Undated

- Creator: Communication Workers of America
- Item 3: Social Consequences of Automation, 1958

- Creator: International Social Sciences Bulletin
- Item 4: Strengthening Management for the New Technology, 1955

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Item 5: Progress Report Automation Committee, June 19, 1961

- Creator: Armour And Company, and AFL-CIO
- Item 6: Labor Looks at Automation and Civil Rights, February 1965

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Does Automation Raise Skill Requirements?, Fall 1958

- Creator: Harvard Business Review
- Item 8: Automation and the Prospects for the Automatic Reabsorption of Displaced Labor, Undated

- Creator: James G. Witte, Jr.
- Item 9: Automation, Production and Manpower Problems, circa 1964

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Rebuilding America: Workers' Technology Bill of Rights, Undated

- Item 11: Automation, Jobs and Manpower, September 20, 1963

- Creator: Charles C. Killingworth statement before Subcommittee on Employment and Manpower, United States Senate
- Item 12: Marking Time: Technology and Transition at the Work Place, July 1, 1978

- Creator: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
- Item 13: Cooperation of Conflict: European Experiences with Technological Change at the Workplace, March, 1981

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 16: Automation (Folder 2 of 2)

- Item 1: The Impact of Automation, 1957

- Creator: The Religion and Labor Foundation
- Item 2: Impact of Automation on Employment, June 1961

- Creator: US Congress
- Item 3: Cybernation and Social Change, April, 1964

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Meeting the Problems of Automation through Collective Bargaining, 1960

- Creator: International Association of Machinists
- Item 5: Automation: Its Impact on Business and Labor, May 1959

- Creator: National Planning Association
- Item 6: Automation, Skill and Manpower Predictions, September 1966

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Automation in Perspective, 1967

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 8: Automation and Major Technological Change: Impact on Union Size, Structure and Function, April 22, 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: Impact of Automation and Technological Change on Employment and Unemployment, September 1961

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Automation's Unkept Promise, June 1962

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 11: Cybernation: The Silent Conquest, 1962

- Creator: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions
- Item 12: Automation in the Perspective of Long-term Technological Change, December, 1966

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 13: Automation in the Railroad Industry, May 22, 1957

- Creator: Brotherhood of Railroad Trainsmen
- Item 14: 1960 Statement on Automation, submitted on request to Subcommittee on Automation and Energy Resources, Joint Congressional Committee on the Economic Report, July 25, 1960

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 15: Ralph J. Cordiner Testimony on Automation before the Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization, Joint Congressional Committee on the Economic Report, October 26, 1955

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 16: Automation, Employment and Unemployment, February 15, 1965

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Box 5

- Folder 1: Automation, Continued

- Folder 2: Automation, cont. (Folder 1 of 5)

- Item 1: Manpower Implications of Automation, September 1965

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Automation: Nationwide Studies in the United States, circa 1964

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 3: Report of the California Assembly on Automation and Technological Change, November, 1962

- Creator: Town Hall and American Assembly
- Item 4: Report of the Director-General Part I: Automation and Other Technological Developments, Labor and Social Implications, 1957

- Creator: International Labour Conference
- Item 5: The Meaning of Work in an Age of Automation, August 1957

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, ILIR
- Item 6: Facing the Future: AFSCME's approach to technology, 1985

- Creator: American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employes, AFL-CIO
- Item 7: The Human Factor in the factory of the future, November 1986

- Creator: Society of Manufacturing Engineers
- Item 8: Perception and Attitudes towards Automation: A Study of Local Union Leaders, 1967

- Creator: Steven E. Deutsch
- Item 9: Technology and People, June 25, 1964

- Creator: James E. Noe, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- Item 10: Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the Commision on Manpower, Automation and Technology, 1964

- Creator: State of California
- Item 11: Automation and the Employee, circa 1962

- Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Ctr., Michigan State Univ.
- Item 12: Manpower Adjustments to Automation and Technological Change in Western Europe, February 1966

- Creator: Michigan State Univ. School of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Item 13: Address of Albert Whitehouse, Director, Industiral Union Dept., AFL-CIO to the conference on automation and major technological change, April 22, 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 14: Labor's State Program to meet the problems of Automation, November 29, 1960

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 15: The Impact of Automation and the Workers, October 1955

- Creator: National CIO Headquarters Staff
- Item 16: Automation and Technological Change: A Challenge to the American Labor Movement, June 17, 1958

- Creator: Everett M. Kassalow, Professional, Technical & Salary Conference Board of the InternationalUnion of Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers, AFL-CIO
- Folder 3: Automation, Cont. (Folder 2 of 5)

- Item 1: Atomic Power and Automation, April 1956

- Creator: D.G. Arnott, J.D. Bernal, Les Cannon, Ron Francis and S. Lilley
- Item 2: Labor Looks at Automation, May, 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Automation Abstracts, circa 1966

- Creator: International Labour Office
- Item 4: Changes in Managerial Manpower with Mechanization of data-processing, April 1959

- Creator: Graduate School of Business, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 5: Automation: The President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy, January 11, 1962

- Creator: President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy
- Item 6: Adjusting to Automation, January 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: The effects of Automation on Job content, August 1972

- Creator: International Social Science Council
- Item 8: The effects of modernisation of office work on staff attitudes and behavior, July 1964

- Creator: International institute for labour studies
- Item 9: Labor Looks at Automation, December 1966

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Automation: A New Dimension to Old Problems, December 1954

- Creator: George B. Baldwin and George P. Schulz, MIT
- Item 11: Modern Science and Management Creating a New Industrial Revolution, December, 1954

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
- Item 12: Fact, Fallacy and Fantasy of Automation, 1958

- Creator: James Stern, UAW, AFL-CIO
- Item 13: Impact of Automation on Stability of Manufacturing Output, May 1958

- Creator: Julius Rezler
- Item 14: The Effects of Changing Industrial Methods and Automation on Personnel, circa 1961

- Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 15: Automation and Job Trends, October 1955

- Creator: Council for Technological Advancement
- Item 16: Office Automation and the non-manual worker, Undated

- Creator: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 17: Automation: Technology's new face, 1958

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 18: Life in the Automatic Factory, 1958

- Creator: The Technology Project of Yale University
- Item 19: Automation, Undated

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 20: The Industrial and Economic Implications of Automation, April 14, 1955

- Creator: Walter S. Buckingham, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Item 21: The Total Challenge of Automation, November 19, 1963

- Creator: John I. Snyder, Jr.
- Item 22: Industrial Relations and Automation, circa 1962

- Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State Univ.
- Folder 4: Automation, Cont. (Folder 3 of 5)

- Item 1: Impact of Automation on Wages and Working Conditions in Ford Motor Company - UAW Relationships

- Item 2: Luncheon Address to the Industrial Union Dept. Conference on Automation and Major Technological Change, April 22, 1958

- Creator: Industrial Union Dept.
- Item 3: The Impact of Advanced Technology on Managerial Decision-making, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 4: Measurement of Technological Change, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 5: The influence of advanced technology on the structure of management organization, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 6: Programming of Technical Changes and Manpower Adjustments, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 7: Technological advance in the Common Market Countries, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 8: Methods of Studying the Social and Economic Effects of Automation: A Report on the Meeting of Experts Convened by the I.L.O. 16-25 March 1964, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 9: A New Definition of Work and Leisure under advanced technology, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 10: The Relationship Between Full Employment and Technological Change in Western Europe, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 11: Changing Technology and the Supervisor, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 12: Background Paper: Survey of Literature on Social and Economic Effects of Technological Change, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 13: Advanced Technical Education in the Soviet Union, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 14: The Influence of Automation on Top Level Management, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 15: The Impact of Changing Technology on Employment in Yugoslavia, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 16: Technological Change in the Socialist Countries, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 17: Conference on Employment Problems of Arbitration and Advanced Technology Attendees, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 18: Educational Goals for an Age of Advanced Technology, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 19: The Problems of Consent for Change: The Fawley Refinery Case, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 20: Technological Changes and Skilled Manpower: The Household Appliance Industry, July 1964

- Creator: Department of Labour, Canada
- Item 21: Farm Mechanization and Technology as reported in the Press, circa 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 5: Automation, Cont. (Folder 4 of 5)

- Item 1: Automation, July 9th, 1956

- Creator: Dept. of Labour and National Service, Melbourne
- Item 2: Technology and a Changing Economy, November 1961

- Creator: National Conference of Labor Educators
- Item 3: Adjustments to the Introduction of Office Automation, May 1960

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: How automation has effected IBEW Members in the Electric Light and Power Industry, June 1957

- Creator: International Brotherhood of Electric Workers
- Item 5: An approach to Wage Incentive Problems associated with major technological change in the rubber industry, April 22, 1958

- Creator: United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 6: Statement of Joseph A Beirne, President of the Communication Workers of America, regarding automation-- before Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report, October 25, 1955

- Creator: Communication Workers of America
- Item 7: London Trade Union Seminar on Automation: Final Report, May 1956

- Creator: Trade Union Research and Information Service
- Item 8: Automation and the Longshoremen: A West Coast Solution, December 1960

- Creator: William Glazier, International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's union
- Item 9: How Necessary is Automation to america?, November 14, 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Human Factors in Automation (abstract), May 7, 1958

- Creator: Ted F. Silvey, American Society of Training Directors
- Item 11: Impact of Automation on Managerial Function, 1962

- Creator: Julius Rezlar
- Item 12: Automation and the Future of Society, March, 1956

- Creator: Arnold M. Rose, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 13: Correlates of Automation in Power Plants, circa 1956

- Creator: Institute for Social Research, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 14: Practical Approaches to the Problems Raised by Automation, May 1956

- Creator: Nat Weinberg
- Item 15: Automation in Relation to Community Planning, June 25 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 16: A Review of Automatic Technology, Spring 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 17: An inquiry into the effects of automation, January 1956

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 18: Automation in the Metal Trades, 1956

- Creator: International Labour Office
- Item 19: Automation and the Manager, June 26, 1957

- Creator: John Diebold
- Item 20: Impact of office Automation in the Internal Revenue Service, July 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 6: Automation, Cont. (Folder 5 of 5)

- Item 1: Twenty-first Annual Midwest Conference on Industrial Relations, May 20, 1955

- Creator: Industial Relations Association of Chicago and Univ. of Chicago School of Business
- Item 2: Man and automation: Report of the Proceedings of a Conference sponsored by the society for applied anthropology at Yale Univ., Dec. 1955

- Creator: The Technology Project, Yale Univ.
- Item 3: Technology and Cultural Lag, Februar 25, 1955

- Creator: Ted F. Silvey, CIO
- Item 4: Automation from the Viewpoint of Labor, March 9, 1956

- Creator: Ted F. Silvey, AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Labor in an Automatic Society, circa 1954

- Creator: Nat Weinberg
- Item 6: Implications of Automation, Dec. 27, 1955

- Creator: James Stern, UAW
- Item 7: Automation and the Second Industrial Revolution, April 1957

- Creator: UAW Constitutional Convention
- Item 8: Automation and Collective Bargaining, November 1956

- Creator: Victor G. Reuther, UAW
- Item 9: Steelworkers and Automation, circa 1961

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 10: Automation-- It touches all of us., February 26, 1955

- Creator: Gordon S. Brown, MIT
- Item 11: Mechanization - the Key to the future, November 15, 1955

- Creator: Sylvania Electric Products, inc.
- Item 12: Statement of Harold J. Gibbons, Executive Vice-president, International Brotherhood of Teamsters before the Subcommittee on Unemployment and the Impact of Automation of the House Committee on Education and Labor, April 12, 1961

- Creator: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
- Item 13: Information and Union Comment on the 1960 Mechanization and Modernization Fund Agreement between the Longshoremen of the Pacific coast and the Steamship and Stevedoring Employers, November 1960

- Creator: International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union
- Item 14: Keeping Pace with Automation: Practical Guides for the Company Executive, 1956

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Item 15: Office Automation in Japan, 1964

- Creator: Ida R. Hoos and Brownie Lee Jones
- Item 16: Automation and the Problems of Management, October 14, 1958

- Creator: Clarence H. Thayer, Sun Oil Company
- Item 17: The American Economy: An Appraisal of its Social Goals and the Impact of Science and Technology, circa 1957

- Creator: Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 18: Problems of Automation and Unemployment, November 12, 1963

- Creator: Thomas J. Watson, Chairman, IBM statement before US Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare
- Item 19: Automation Requires Changes in Economic and Employment patterns, March 27, 1961

- Creator: Ted F. Silvey, AFL-CIO
- Item 20: Technology and Cultural

- Folder 7: Automation--Bibliographies (two folders)

- Folder 8: Automobile Industry

- Item 1: Canadian Automobile Agreement: Sixth Annual Report of the President to the Congress on the Operation of the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965, February 1, 1973

- Creator: Committee on Finance, United States Senate
- Item 2: Canadian Automobile Agreement: Seventh Annual Report of the President to the Congress on the Operation of the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965, January 24, 1974

- Creator: Committee on Finance, United States Senate
- Item 3: Canadian Automobile Agreement: Eighth Annual Report of the President to the Congress on the Operation of the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965, November 1974

- Creator: Committee on Finance, United States Senate
- Item 4: Saturn: GM Finally has a Winner., August 17, 1992

- Creator: BusinessWeek
- Item 5: Lean Production: Myth and Reality, October 1992

- Creator: IMF Automotive Dept.
- Item 6: The Japanese Connection: Diamond-Star on the Prairie, July 1989

- Creator: Illinois Issues
- Item 7: Summary of the 1955 Settlements in the Automobile Industry, circa 1955

- Creator: AFL
- Item 8: Detroit South--Mexico's Auto Boom: Who wins, who loses, March 16, 1992

- Creator: BusinessWeek
- Item 9: US and Canadian Auto Policies in a changing world, July 1987

- Creator: Canadian-American Committee
- Item 10: Technological Change & Employment in the Automotive Industry, cicrca 1965

- Creator: Automobile Manufacturers Assoc., inc.
- Item 11: Nissan Makes a Stand in Dixie, September 15, 1984

- Creator: New York Times Magazine
- Item 12: The Future of the Automobile, 1984

- Creator: Harry Katz, Wolfgang Streeck, A. Altschuler et al.
- Item 13: Saturn: A different kind of company (a little basic company info/publicity material), Undated

- Creator: GM inc.
- Box 6

- Folder 1: Banks and Finance Agencies

- Item 1: Our Money: How it works, 1946

- Creator: Jerry Voorhis
- Item 2: Summary of State Laws prohibiting or regulating the business of debt pooling, November 1966

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 2: Banks and Financial Agencies--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Benefit Plans

- Folder 4: Benefit Plans (Folder 1 of 3)

- Item 1: BNA Pension Reporter: Exerpts from Labor Dept. Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration Enforcement Manual, January 9, 1989

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 2: BNA Pension and Benefits Reporter: IRS Worksheets for Field Agents' use in determining plan compliance with nondiscrimination requirements, May 2, 1994

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 3: BNA Pension and Benefits Reporter: IRS Non-Discrimination Regulations Package for Qualified Plans, September 13, 1993

- Item 4: Summary Plan Description: Group Insurance and Medical Benefits Plan for Hourly Employees Thermoid Division Amco Works, February 1, 1980

- Creator: H.K. Porter Company, inc.
- Item 5: Hospitalization Plan for Wage Employees, Undated

- Creator: B.F. Goodrich
- Item 6: Plan for Hospital Care for Employees of Western Electric Company, inc, Undated

- Creator: Western Electric Company, inc.
- Item 7: Sickness and Accident Benefit Plan for Wage Employees, Undated

- Creator: B.F. Goodrich
- Item 8: Flexible Spending Accounts: A Fact-sheet for Employees, June 22, 1995

- Creator: Bulletin To Management
- Item 9: Your Pension Plan (employees of Keystone Steel & Wire Company, Peoria Illinois), April 1, 1948

- Creator: Keystone Steel & Wire Company
- Item 10: Facts about the Benefit Plan for Bell Systems men and women, Undated

- Creator: Bell Companies
- Item 11: Plan For Employees' Pensions, Disability Benefits and Death Benefits, Western Electric Company, inc., July 1, 1947

- Creator: Western Electric Company, inc.
- Item 12: Payroll Deduction Plan for National Service Life Insurance Premiums, Western Electric Company, inc., August 1, 1946

- Creator: Western Electric Company, inc.
- Item 13: Plan for Employees' Pensions, Disability Benefits and Death benefits, The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, November 29, 1956

- Creator: The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company
- Item 14: Flexible Benefits: Will they work for you?, June 10, 1988

- Creator: Commerce Clearinghouse, inc.
- Item 15: Employee Benefits for American Workers: Research Report, June 1990

- Creator: The National Commission for Employment Policy
- Item 16: Pension Plan for wage employees, Undated

- Creator: B.F. Goodrich
- Item 17: Life Insurance and Survivor Income Plans for wage employees, Undated

- Creator: B.F. Goodrich
- Item 18: Impact of ADA on Health Benefits, May 20, 1993

- Creator: Fair Employment Practices
- Item 19: COBRA Benefit Plan Continuation Coverage: A Fact sheet for Employees, March 18, 1993

- Creator: Bulletin To Management
- Item 20: Work and Family Life, December 1990

- Creator: FOCUS
- Item 21: OPEB: The New Direction: Understanding and Applying FAS106, Undated

- Creator: Price Waterhouse
- Item 22: Employee Welfare and Benefit Programs, circa 1950

- Creator: Industrial Relations ctr., Univ. of Minnesota
- Folder 5: Benefit Plans, (Folder 2 of 3)

- Item 1: Employee Benefit Plans: Nationwide Survey, twelve metropolitan areas, May 1950

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 2: IRS Section 89 Rules: Some Relief, but complexity remains, March 30, 1989

- Creator: Bulletin to Management
- Item 3: Life after 89: Testing employee benefit plans for discrimination, November 30, 1989

- Creator: Bulletin to Management
- Item 4: Health, Welfare and Pension Programs under Wage Stabilization, October 22, 1951

- Creator: Tripartite Panel on Health, Welfare and Pension Programs
- Item 5: Facts for Bargaining: Part 2 of What's New in Collective Bargaining Negotiations and Contracts, March 25, 1976

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 6: Health and Welfare Plans in New York State, June 1954, May 6, 1955

- Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Employee Welfare: A lecture given February 9, 1942 in the Special Industrial Relations Course under the Auspicies of MIT, February 9, 1942

- Creator: William J. Barrett
- Item 8: Pension, Profit-sharing and Related Plans: Preliminary tabulation of reports received to date from members of the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, December 1946

- Creator: Federal Taxation Committee, Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 9: Employee Benefit Plans providing Hospital Surgical Medical Care, December 1951

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 10: Statement of George Meany, president, AFL-CIO before the subcommittee on Welfare and pension plan legislation of the Senate Committee on labor and public welfare, June 11, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 11: Administration of Health and Welfare Plans, July 1954

- Creator: Personnel Policies Forum
- Item 12: Controlling Health and Welfare Costs, October 1959

- Creator: Personnel Policies Forum
- Item 13: Highlights in the Development of Welfare Funds, 1958

- Creator: Personnel Benefit Plans
- Item 14: Private Employee Benefits in Distribution covering Retail, Wholesale, Service, Combination Business, 1954

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 15: Health and Life Insurance Benefit Plans, March 1984

- Creator: Personnel Policies Forum
- Item 16: Employee benefits, Undated

- Creator: Lever Brothers Company
- Item 17: Characteristics of 163,500 Plans filed as of July 1, 1965, circa 1966

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Report of Committee on Benefit Financing, September 1959

- Creator: Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies
- Folder 6: Benefit Plans, (Folder 3 of 3)

- Item 1: Controlling Employee Benefit and Pension Costs, 1957

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Item 2: The Role of Local Unions in Social Security, January 25, 1947

- Creator: William Smith, American Federation of Hosiery Workers (CIO)
- Item 3: Toward Worker Security: The Role of Management. Report of a Special Committee approved by the board of directors, 1951

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 4: 1949 Industrial Relagions Survey and "Fringe" benefits report, circa 1949

- Creator: Employers' Assoc. of Chicago
- Item 5: Your Employee Benefits: How to find out what they provide, circa 1969

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Pros and Cons of Insurance and Self-Insurance of Health and Welfare Benefits, October 1960

- Creator: Foundation on Employee Health, Medical Care and Welfare, inc.
- Item 7: Problems and Solutions of Health and Welfare Programs, May 1957

- Creator: Foundation on Employee Health, Medical Care and Welfare, inc.
- Item 8: Parts B and C: Service Benefits--and how to compare service vs. indemnity benefits, June 1958

- Creator: Foundation on Employee Health, Medical Care and Welfare, inc.
- Item 9: Royalties, Taxes and Assessments: Industry-paid and union-administered forLabor Welfare Benefits, August 1945

- Creator: Inter-Union Institute for Labor and Democracy
- Item 10: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, Chicago Metropolitan Area: A Complete Report, January 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 11: Employee Benefit Plans, Chicago Metropolitan Area: General Summary, September 1948

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 12: Employee Benefit Plans, Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area: A Preliminary Survey, December 1948

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 13: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, Indianapolis Metropolitan Area: A Complete Report, August 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 14: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, Houston Metropolitan Area: A Complete Report, November 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 15: The Midwest Survey of Employee Benefit Plans: Six Metropolitan Areas, August 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 16: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, St. Louis Metropolitan Area: A Complete Report, January 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 17: Administration of Health and Welfare Funds, circa 1954

- Creator: ILIR
- Folder 7: Benefit Plans: Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Benefit Plans Collectively Bargained

- Folder 9: Benefit Plans Collectively Bargained (Folder 1 of 3)

- Item 1: Decisions Decisions, Undated

- Creator: Blue Cross-Blue Shield
- Item 2: Economic Data and Issues affecting negotiated health benefit programs, Undated

- Item 3: The development of Health and Welfare Plans for Labor in the United States, with emphasis on collectively bargained plans since 1945, December, 1958

- Creator: Dept. of Research, School of Business, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute
- Item 4: Worker Welfare Funds, 1954

- Creator: Helen B. Shaffer
- Item 5: Health and Welfare Funds in the Building and Construction Trades in Washington, D.C. and vicinity as of June 30, 1953, 1953

- Creator: Washington Building and Construction Trades Council
- Item 6: Nineteen Employee Benefit Plans in the Airframe Industry, January, 1951

- Creator: Federal Security Agency, Social Security Administration
- Item 7: Labor Plans for Health: A study of Health and Welfare plans under collective bargaining among unions affiliated with the San Francisco Labor Council, June, 1952

- Creator: San Francisco Labor Council
- Item 8: Health, Insurance, Welfare and retirement plans under collective bargaining, July 1950

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 9: Some Issues Raised by Union Health and Welfare Plans, February 1955

- Creator: John M. Brumm
- Item 10: Employee Welfare and Security, February 9, 1943

- Creator: C.J. Walker, New England Power Service Company
- Item 11: Fifty Employee-Benefit Plans in the Basic Steel Industry, November 1947

- Creator: Federal Security Agency, Social Security Administration
- Item 12: Union and Union-management health insurance plans in New York State, January 1949, January 1949

- Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
- Folder 10: Benefit Plans Collectively Bargained (Folder 2 of 3)

- Item 1: Digest of Selected Health, Insurance, Welfare, and Retirement Plans under Collective Bargaining, August 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Company Medical and Health Programs, Copyright 1948

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board, inc.
- Item 3: Statement of John L. Lewis before the Subcommittee on Welfare and Pension Funds of the United States Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare and extracts from the Subcommittee's hearings on the United Mine Workers of America Welfare and Retirement Fund, November 28, 1955

- Creator: US Congress
- Item 4: Health Programs in Collective Bargaining, February 1949

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 5: Future Aspects of Benefit Plan Bargaining, November 29, 1967

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations
- Item 6: Union Management Welfare Plans, November 1947

- Creator: Robert J. Rosenthal, Johns Hopkins Univ.
- Item 7: Welfare Collective Bargaining in Action-- A Case Study, July 1949

- Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 8: A Community view of Health Plans under Collective Bargaining, January, 1961

- Creator: Anne R. Somers, American Public Health Assoc., Group Health Assoc.
- Item 9: Adequacy of Medical Benefits in Collectively Bargained Health Insurance Plans-Recent and Future Research, June 1958

- Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management, State Univ. of Iowa
- Item 10: Sick Benefit Plan By-laws for Local Unions which operate sickness benefit plans for their members, April 1, 1949

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 11: Labor-Management Negotiated Health and Welfare Plans, Northern California, May, 1954

- Creator: Div. of Labor Statistics and Research, California dept. of Industrial Relations and Dept. of Preventative Medicine, Stanford Univ. Medical School
- Item 12: Group Health Insurance and Sickness Benefit Plans in Collective Bargaining, 1945

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 13: Collective Bargaining Provisions - Employee Benefit Plans, circa 1949

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 14: Union Health and Welfare Plans, 1947

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Health and Welfare Funds in the Needle Trades, January 1948

- Creator: Adolph Held, international Ladies Garment Workers Union
- Item 16: Medical Care Plans Sponsored by Unions in the United States, September 1954

- Creator: Morris Brand, Sidney Hillman Health Center
- Item 17: Trends in Employee Benefit Clauses, 1949

- Creator: Collective Bargaining Negotiations and Contracts
- Item 18: Pensions, Proft-Sharing and the Labor Board, March 15, 1972

- Creator: Edward B. Miller, National Labor Relations Board
- Folder 11: Benefit Plans Collectively Bargained (Folder 3 of 3)

- Item 1: Labor Plans for Health: Conclusions of the San Francisco Labor Council Survey, 1951

- Creator: San Francisco Labor Council
- Item 2: Seventh Annual Labor-Management Conference: Benefit Plans in Collective Bargaining, April 26, 1955

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Item 3: Health and Welfare Benefits under collective bargaining, circa 1947

- Item 4: Winning New Benefits for Members Through Welfare Plans, Undated

- Creator: Building Service Employees' International Union
- Item 5: Employee-Benefit Provisions: Selected Excerpts from Collective Bargaining Agreements, March 1949

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 6: Summary Discussion of Union-Management Welfare Plans and their relatinship to Social Security at a Meeting between members of the Social Security Administration Staff and Region 4 Commissioners of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, November 10, 1949

- Creator: Wilbur J. Cohen, staff of Commisioner For Social Security
- Item 7: Health and Welfare Plans Part 1-Hospital, Maternity and outpatient diagnostic benefits; Paid Holidays, March 1967

- Creator: Div. of Labor Statistics and Research, California Department of Industrial Relations
- Folder 12: Benefit Plans, Collectively Bargained--Bibliographies

- Folder 13: Beverage Industry

- Item 1: Brewing and Distilling: Basic Industrial Data, 1956

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 2: The Alcoholic Beverage Industry in an Expanding Economy, circa 1964

- Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
- Item 3: Growth/Stability Responsibility: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, 1962, circa 1962

- Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
- Item 4: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, circa 1963

- Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
- Item 5: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, circa 1961

- Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
- Item 6: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, circa 1960

- Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
- Folder 14: Black Lung Benefits Act

- Item 1: Compliance Guide to the Black Lung Benefits Act, June 2002

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 15: Blue Collar Workers

- Item 1: Dissent--Special Issue: The World of the Blue Collar Worker, Winter 1972

- Creator: Dissent Magazine
- Folder 16: Bonuses

- Item 1: Analog Devices, Inc., 1980

- Creator: Harvard Business School
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining Bulletin: Facts & Figures, 2008

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Folder 17: Boycotts

- Item 1: Boycotts and Strikes, circa 1947

- Creator: AFL
- Item 2: Boycotts can Backfire!, August 19, 1956

- Creator: Thurman Sensing, Southern States Industrial Council
- Item 3: Management During a Boycott, May 1985

- Creator: Thomas W. Murphy
- Item 4: The Wrath of Grapes, April 1988

- Creator: Chris Hartmire, United Farm Workers
- Item 5: Big Labor Mounts and Offensive Game Plan, Winter 1985

- Creator: Tom Mechling
- Item 6: Consumer Boycotts and Consumer Sovereignty, circa 1987

- Creator: N. Craig Smith, Cranfield School of Management
- Item 7: Campbell Soup in Hot Water with Organized Labor, Summer 1983

- Creator: Jim Terry
- Item 8: The Boycott and Public Opinion, 1908

- Creator: American Anti-Boycott Assoc.
- Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Boycott, Secondary

- Item 1: Amendment to Section 8(b)(4) of the National Labor Relations Act as Amended, April 27, 1960

- Creator: US House of Representatives
- Item 2: Answers to your questions about Secondary Boycotts, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Labor's Dreaded Squeeze Play: The Secondary Boycott, 1956

- Creator: Lester Velie
- Item 4: How the Federal Courts and NLRB have dealt with Secondary Boycotts, February 1954

- Creator: Charles H. Tower
- Item 5: A Survey of Recent Legislation Regarding Secondary Boycotts, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 6: Secondary Boycott Picketing- A Labor Reform Loophole, 1960

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 7: Neutrality and Secondary Boycotts: An Economic Evaluation of a Legal Question, circa 1966

- Creator: School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 8: The Secondary Boycott Issue, March 14, 1957

- Creator: Ray Clymer, pres., Dension Poultry and Egg co.
- Item 9: A Businessman discusses: The Secondary Boycott, March 1956

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 10: Secondary Pressure and Consumer Boycotts, 1984

- Creator: the Michie Company
- Item 11: Oregon Law Review, February and June, 1956

- Creator: University of Oregon
- Item 12: Secondary Boycott Loopholes, Differences among Secondary Boycotts and the Taft-Hartley Act, circa 1959

- Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 13: Unfair Boycotts in the Electrical Industry and Other Industries, February 12, 1947

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 14: Boycotts as affected by the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947, June 24, 1947

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 15: More About Boycotts in the Electrical Industry, August 17, 1949

- Creator: Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Company
- Item 16: The Facts on Secondary Boycotts, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 17: Statement on Secondary Boycotts to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, February 3, 1954

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 18: Comments on Proposed Amendment to Boycott Provisions under Taft-Hartley, December 29, 1953

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 19: Prohibition of Secondary Boycotts Strengthened and Clarified by Supreme Court, July 10, 1951

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 20: Secondary Boycotts, circa 1954

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 21: The Law and Secondary Boycotts in perspective, February 12, 1960

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 22: Secondary Boycotts and your Freedom of Choice: How Union officials keep products off the market, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 23: Secondary Boycotts: How do you fight them?, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 24: The Facts on Secondary Boycotts, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 25: The Case Against Secondary Boycotts, circa 1954

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Folder 2: Business Ethics

- Item 1: Business Ethics Selected References, September 1967

- Creator: Princeton Univ.
- Item 2: Bibliography of Books on Socio-ethical issues, September, 1983

- Creator: Loyola Center for Values in Business
- Folder 3: Business Intelligence

- Item 1: Filing Rules and Competitive Intelligence in Germany, Undated, possibly circa 1990

- Creator: D-S Marketing
- Item 2: Advanced Hidden Company Research: Digging up dirt on divisions, subsidiaries and private companies, Undated

- Creator: Washington Information Group, ltd.
- Item 3: How to research a corporation, January 1980

- Creator: Union for Radical Political Economics
- Item 4: Building Profiles of Public and Private Companies: Manual of Corporate Investigation, circa 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Spying on your employer: A guide to researching your employer in your local public library (industrial corporations), Undated

- Creator: Labor Education and Research Project
- Item 6: Company Investigations: Planning and Performance, Undated

- Creator: Washington Researchers
- Item 7: Finding Information on Competitors, May-June, 1978

- Creator: Washington Researchers
- Item 8: Spying on your employer: A guide to researching your employer in your local public library (trucking companies), 1979

- Creator: Teamsters for a Democratic union
- Item 9: The Use of Corporate Financial Statements and Related Data by Organized Labor, November 1954

- Creator: Bureau of Business Research, Indiana Univ.
- Item 10: How to trace UK Company Information, Undated

- Creator: Manchester Public Library
- Folder 4: Business Services

- Item 1: Growth in the Business Services Industry, June 26, 1986

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Folder 5: Canning Industries

- Item 1: Productivity Trends in the Canning and Preserving Industries, 1939 to 1950, January 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Automation and Employment Trends in the Fruit and Vegetable Canning Industry, circa 1960

- Creator: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
- Folder 6: Chemical Industry

- Item 1: The United States Economy and the Chemical Industry in 1961, circa 1961

- Creator: International Chemical Workers Union
- Item 2: The United States Economy and the Chemical Industry: A Report on Employment Earnings Production and Profits, June 1971

- Creator: International Chemical Workers Union
- Item 3: The United States Economy and the Chemical Industry: A Report on Employment Earnings Production and Profits, June 1973

- Creator: International Chemical Workers Union
- Item 4: Chemicals and Allied Products I: A Statistical Compendium, 1960

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 5: Chemicals and Allied Products II: Soap and Related Products, Paints and allied products: A Statistical Compendium, 1960

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 6: Chemicals and Allied Products III: Gum and Wood Chemicals, Fertilizers, Vegetable and Animal Oils, Misc. Chemicals: A Statistical Compendium, 1960

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 7: Chemicals and Allied Products IV: Industrial Chemicals, Drugs, and Medicines: A Statistical Compendium, 1960

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 8: Chemicals and Allied Products: General Statistics, 1955

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 9: Foreign Competition in Chemicals and Allied Products, January 1965

- Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
- Item 10: Chemical Prices, Productivity, Wages and Profits, November 1964

- Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
- Item 11: Competition in the Chemical Industry, 1964

- Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
- Item 12: Chemicals in the National Economy, December 1964

- Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
- Folder 7: Child Labor (Folder 1 of 2)

- Item 1: Child Slave Labor--USA, September 1962

- Creator: Information: The Catholic Church in American Life
- Item 2: Why--Child Labor Laws?, 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: International Child Labor Problems, circa 1993

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: International Child Labor Study, circa 1994

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Danger: Children at Work: A Bibliographical Time Capsule, January 23, 1998

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Child Labor Fact Book 1900-1950, April 1950

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 7: The Changing Years: 1904-1954, circa 1954

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 8: The National Child Labor Committee, Founded 1904. What it is, what it does, Undated

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 9: Youth Employment: Opportunity and Protection, circa 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Child-Labor Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, circa 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Young Workers under 18: 1958 Supplement, 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Child Labor at the Mid-century, December 1950

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 13: Child Workers in Agriculture, 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 14: Design for Community Action, 1962

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Report of Work Injuries to Minors under 18 years of age, Undated

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Youth Employment Act, February 1963

- Creator: Sar A. Levitan
- Item 17: Children and Work: Protection and Opportunity, Summer 1971

- Creator: National Committee on Employment of Youth
- Item 18: My pinsetters and I: A guide to good practice, April 1954

- Creator: Bowling Proprietors Assoc. of America
- Item 19: An Abstract of Laws governing Employment of Minors in New York State, circa 1951

- Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
- Item 20: Child Labor: A Primer for Trade Unions and Study Classes, 1925

- Creator: AFL
- Item 21: Federal Regulation of Child Labor: A Criticism of the policy represented in the Beveridge-Parsons Bill, March 9, 1907

- Creator: Alabama Child Labor Committee
- Item 22: National Policy on Employment of School-age Youth, May 27, 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 23: Child Labor and Youth Employment in this nation's third year of war, December 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 24: Youth- The Nation's Richest Resource: Their education and Employment needs, 1951

- Creator: Interdepartmental Youth Committee, Federal Govt.
- Item 25: Child Labor: A Summary of New Jersey and Federal Laws, 1952

- Creator: Rutgers Univ.
- Item 26: The Child Labor Amendment, circa 1925

- Creator: Missouri Women's Legislative Committee
- Item 27: A Study of the Physical Examinations of Children Entering Industry, 1930

- Creator: National Tuberculosis Assoc.
- Item 28: Child Labor Amendment Argument for Ratification, April 1934

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 29: New York Committee for the Ratification of the Child Labor Amendment, Undated

- Item 30: When Children are injured in industry, 1933

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 31: Child Labor Law in New York State, Undated

- Item 32: Proposed modification of Child Labor Regulation 3, Hazardous Occupation Orders Generally, and Hazardous Occupation Orders 2,7, and 13 specifically, Undated

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 33: Labor Has Always Led: An Account of the accomplishments of organized labor in the United States, April 1948

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Item 34: "Children Preffered:" A study of Child labor in Pennsylvania, 1937

- Creator: Pennsylvania Labor Dept.
- Item 35: School or Work in Indiana?, 1927

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Folder 8: Child Labor (Folder 2 of 2)

- Item 1: Child Labor, 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Child Labor and the Law, April 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Policy and Reguations of the Department of Defense regarding employment of minors, August 24, 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept. and US Defense Dept.
- Item 4: Bulletin of National Consumers League for Fair Labor Standards, Winter 1951

- Creator: National Consumers League for Fair Labor Standards
- Item 5: History of the Federal Regulation of Child Labor, April 20, 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Summary of Findings and Reccomendations of Work Group on Working Conditions and Experiences as related to personality development of youth, December 7, 1950

- Item 7: Press Release: Secretary Tobin sets hearing October 11 on proposed hazardous occupations order for youths in occupations in and about mines, August 30, 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Employment Status of Youth, April 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Young workers under 18: Today and Tomorrow, circa 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: How good are YOUR State Child Labor Laws, circa 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Occupations particularly hazardous for the employment of minors between 16 and 18 years of age or detrimental to their health of well-being, January 1, 1962

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Child Labor, Undated

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Item 13: Are These Your Children, Undated

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Item 14: Labor Laws in New York State: Child Labor, 1947

- Creator: NY State Dept. of Labor
- Item 15: Child Labor, December 1945

- Creator: NY State Joint Legislative Committee on Industrial and Labor Conditions
- Item 16: The American Child: Testimony on Amendments to Federal Child Labor Law, February 1949

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 17: The Why and How of Amending the Federal Child Labor Law, January 1949

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 18: Child Labor after Ten Years of Federal Regulation, December 1948

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 19: Major Standards reccomended by the international association of governmental labor officials for state child-labor legislation and the extent to which existing state child-labor laws meet these standards., November 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 20: Ten Years' Progress in State Protection of Child Workers: Child-labor standards show net gain, 1939-48, April 1949

- Creator: Social Security Administration
- Item 21: Mayor's committee on Youth Employment Opportunities, October 1963

- Creator: City of Chicago
- Item 22: Youth Employment Act, February 9, 1963

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 23: Child Labor: Facing the twenty-first century, November 1992

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 24: Selected Current References on Child Labor and Youth Employment, November 1953

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 25: Early School Leavers: List of Reference Materials, circa 1955

- Item 26: Child Labor Law, April 1950

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 27: Handbooks on Labor Law: No.1 Child Labor, June, 1950

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 28: Child Labor and School Attendance in Illinois, circa 1953

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 29: Summary of State Child Labor Laws, circa 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 9: Church and Labor

- Folder 10: Church and Labor (Folder 1 of 2)

- Item 1: A dialogue between the Religious and Labor community on social and ethical concerns in a changing society, January 1989

- Creator: AFL-CIO, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Theological Seminary, Instotute for Mission in the USA, and the Washington Theological Consortium
- Item 2: Remembering the Labor priest, January 16, 2004

- Creator: Doug Pokorski
- Item 3: Organized Labor (adopted at the 96th Annual Convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis), June 1985

- Creator: Central Conference of American Rabbis
- Item 4: "On the condition of workers in 1991", June 10, 1991

- Creator: Dialogue Between Religious Community and Organized Labor
- Item 5: "Jewish Law commands us to uphold the dignity of all workers", November 1988

- Creator: Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
- Item 6: Jewish Labor Movement: A Living Legacy, Undated

- Creator: Jewish Labor Committee
- Item 7: Jewish Religious Tradition, Social Action, and Organized Labor, Undated

- Creator: Jewish Labor Committee
- Item 8: Resource List: Jewish Religious Tradition, Social Action and Organized Labor, Undated

- Creator: Jewish Labor Committee
- Item 9: Catholics and US Labor, September 1954

- Creator: Jubilee
- Item 10: Consultation on the Church and Labor-management Relations, June 1955

- Item 11: The Church: Labor's Southern Cross, October 1949

- Creator: David S. Burgess, Congregatonal-Christian Church and CIO
- Item 12: The Common Good: The Need for a Reaffirmation of its nature and claims, 1954

- Creator: The Rev. John J. Wright
- Item 13: The Church speaks on Labor Unions, Undated

- Creator: United Food and Commercial Workers
- Item 14: The 18th Annual Session of the Institute on Industry and Social Action, June 1954

- Creator: Social Action Dept. of the National Catholic Welfare Conference
- Item 15: Bishop Bernard J. Sheil's historic speech describing McCarthyism as morally evil, April 9, 1954

- Creator: UAW-CIO Education Conference
- Item 16: The guideposts of the almighty to Permanent Industrial Peace, Copyright 1946

- Creator: Archbishop of Boston
- Item 17: The Labor Problem: What it is, how to solve it. A Catechism of the Social Question, 1921

- Creator: National Catholic Welfare Conference
- Item 18: The Ethics of Labor, 1922

- Item 19: Rerum Novarum - Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII on the Condition of Labor, 1939

- Item 20: Quadragesimo Anno - Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XI on Reconstructing the Social Order, 1939

- Item 21: A Socialist Ritual, 1893

- Item 22: European Catholics and the Social Question, 1943

- Creator: Catholic Social Guild
- Item 23: Communism and Union Labor, October 21, 1937

- Creator: Raymond T. Feely, S.J.
- Item 24: Labor and Society: A Roundtable discussion on Catholic Social Thought, Undated

- Creator: The League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 25: The Catholic Church and the Labor Movement, 1933

- Item 26: Industrial Relations and Christian Ethics, September 15, 1950

- Creator: Social Action
- Item 27: Thirteen Years in a Labor School, 1953

- Creator: Cathedral College, NY
- Item 28: The Christian at his Daily Work, 1951

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 29: Report of the North American Lay Conference on The Christian and his Daily Work, February 1952

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 30: Christianity in Industry, Undated

- Creator: National Council of Catholic Men
- Item 31: Christian Principles and Assumptions for Economic Life, September 15, 1954

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 32: The Church and Labor-Management Relations of Our Day, October 1947

- Creator: Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Item 33: Economic Life: A Christian Responsibility, August 1947

- Creator: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
- Item 34: Human Rights for Working People, 1988

- Creator: Trade Union Leadership Institute, AFL-CIO
- Item 35: Report of the National Study Conference on The Church and Economic Life, February 1947

- Creator: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
- Item 36: "The Common Good" The Need for a Reaffirmation of its Nature and Claims, 1954

- Creator: Rev. John J. Wright, D.D., Bishop of Worcester
- Item 37: Responsibility at Mid-Century, October 9, 1956

- Creator: Rev. William T. Mulloy, D.D., Bishop of Covington
- Item 38: Seven Pillars of Industrial Orders, no date

- Creator: Rev. Francis J. Haas, C.C., Bishop of Grand Rapids
- Item 39: National Religion and Labor Foundation: What It Is, Purposes, Program, and What Can You Do?, possibly circa 1955

- Creator: National Religion and Labor Foundation
- Item 40: Walking Together: Religion and Labor, no date

- Creator: National Religion and Labor Foundation
- Item 41: Buiding Projects and Religions Values: Ethical Questions for Congregations to Ask Building Contractors, no date

- Creator: National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice
- Item 42: Equality and the Unions, February 1961

- Creator: Harry Fleischman, Religion and Labor Council of America and Jewish Labor Committee
- Folder 11: Church and Labor (Folder 2 of 2)

- Item 1: The Catholic Church and the Workingman, 1914

- Creator: Catholic Truth Society of Ireland
- Item 2: Conflict or Cooperation, 1949

- Creator: Industry Council Assoc.
- Item 3: On-the-job dilemmas of Christian Laymen, February 1952

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 4: A Subversive Revolution against constitutional government and Christian ethics, circa 1946

- Creator: Southern States Industrial Council
- Item 5: Seven Pillar of Industrial Order, circa 1953

- Creator: Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems
- Item 6: Social or anti-Social Wages?, 1937

- Creator: I.W. Cox, S.J.
- Item 7: Economic Theory and Practice in light of Basic Christian Principles, Undated

- Creator: National Protestant Council on Higher Education
- Item 8: The Wages and Hours of American Labor, 1937

- Creator: National Catholic Welfare conference
- Item 9: Social and Industrial Peacemaking: A Quaker Program, 1946

- Creator: American Friends Service Committee
- Item 10: Religion Speaks to Labor, January 1955

- Creator: CIO
- Item 11: What the Church Thinks of Labor, May 31, 1944

- Creator: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
- Item 12: The Church and Industrial Relations, 1950

- Creator: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
- Item 13: The Catholic and his Trade Union, 1958

- Creator: George E. Lucy
- Item 14: The Problem of the Worker in light of the Social doctrine of the Church, 1950

- Creator: Bishops and Archbishops of the Civil Provence of Quebec
- Item 15: Religion Speaks to Labor, Undated

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 16: The Church Believes in Unions, Undated

- Creator: UAW
- Item 17: You, Your Church and Your Job, Copyright 1955

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 18: The Camel and the Needle's Eye: Christian Conscience and the American Economy, August 1954

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 19: Problems of Labor, 1950

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 20: History of the Christian Labor Assoc., circa 1963

- Creator: School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 21: William Ellery Channing on Labor, May 25, 1937

- Creator: American Unitarian Assoc.
- Item 22: Christian Advocate Labor Sunday Message, September 3, 1953

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 23: Five Year Peace Pact in N.Y. Trucking Industry, February 1953

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 24: Migratory Labor in Michigan, October, 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 25: West Virginia Reports Progress, November 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 26: Cooperation in the Garment Industry, September 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 27: Our President honored at capitol, June 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 28: Necessity of Unions Especially in the South, May 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 29: American Trends toward Cooperation, April 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 30: 7 Million Women urge Labor-Management Conference, December 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 31: Message from the President, January 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 32: Thousands attend February lectures, March 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 33: 400 Lawyers endorse industry councils, February 195

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 34: The Taft-Hartley Law in Operation, January 31, 1948

- Creator: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
- Item 35: Presbyterian Institute of Industrial Relations pamphlets, Undateds

- Creator: Presbyterian Institute of Industrial Relations
- Item 36: Applying Christianity in the Day's Work, 1954

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 37: What Pulpit and Press are saying about the Church and Labor, 1954

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 38: Christian Action in Industrial Relations, December 1953

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 39: Recent Actions of the Churches concerning Unemployment and Labor-Management Relations, June 1958

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 40: Will Churches and Industry ever be brought together?, October 14, 1946

- Creator: Otto P. Cherdon
- Item 41: The University of Illinois The Catholic Church The Employer, April 1978

- Creator: Kenneth L. Schultz
- Folder 12: Church And Labor (Labor Letter), 1952

- Folder 13: Civil Rights Act, 1964

- Item 1: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 1964

- Folder 14: Civil Rights Act of 1991

- Item 1: Analysis of the Civil Rights Act of 1991, November 1991

- Creator: Warren Gorham Lamont
- Item 2: Civil Rights Act 1991 Summary and Full Text, November 11, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 3: Civil Rights Act 1991 Summary And Full Text Special Supplement, November 12, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 4: Civil Rights Act 1991 Summary and Full Text EEOC Compliance Manual

- Folder 15: Civil Service Reform Act, 1978

- Item 1: Civil Service Reform Act of 1978

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Civil Service Systems

- Item 1: State Merit Systems, 1972

- Creator: United States Civil Service Commission
- Item 2: Excellence in Public Service: Illinois' Challenge for the '90s, January 1991

- Creator: The Chicago Community Trust/Government Assistance Project and Illinois Commission on the Future of Public Service, State of Illinois
- Item 3: Nationwide Survey of Classification Reconsideration and Appeal Process, circa 1985

- Creator: Illinois State Central Management Services Dept.
- Item 4: State Civil Service (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 24 1/2 Paragraphs 1-37), Undated

- Creator: Illinois Revised Statutes
- Item 5: State Personnel and Employee Relations System, December 1968

- Creator: Oregon State Legislative Fiscal Committee
- Item 6: Sabatoge of the Merit System, 1939

- Creator: NY State Assoc. of State Civil Service Employees
- Item 7: Good Government: NCSL's "Model Law", Fall 1974

- Creator: National Civil Service League
- Item 8: State Universities Civil Serice System Statute and Rules, March 1980

- Item 9: The Government Personnel System, November 1960

- Creator: United States Civil Service Commission
- Item 10: The Merit System in Mobile County: 51st Annual Report of the Personnel Board for Mobile County, Alabama, February 14, 1991

- Creator: Supervisory Committee of the Mobile County Personnel Board
- Item 11: A Sketch of the History of Civil Service Reform in England, India and the United States, December 1904

- Creator: General Federation of Women's Clubs
- Item 12: Why We Need the Merit System: An Explanation of the principles of public personnel management, November, 1936

- Creator: Indiana League of Women Voters
- Item 13: The Civil Service: The Nation's Largest Business, circa 1938

- Creator: Union League Club of Chicago
- Item 14: The Responsibilities of a Civil Service Commissioner, 1959

- Creator: Public Personnel Assoc.
- Folder 2: Clerical Employees

- Item 1: Degraded and Deskilled: The Proletarianization of Clerical Work, October 1977

- Creator: Evelyn Glenn and Roslyn Feldberg
- Item 2: White Collar Office Workers (Their working conditions, benefits and status), April 1952

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs
- Item 3: Management Programs for the Salaried Worker, February 18, 1947

- Creator: Executive Seminar Series on Industrial Relations
- Item 4: Henry A. Wallace speaks to the White Collar Workers, February 19, 1946

- Creator: United Office and Professional Workers of America, CIO
- Item 5: Radical America: Women in Office Work, Work Place Organizing, Birth Control and Eugenics, circa 1974

- Creator: Radical America
- Item 6: Training Office Workers, circa 1955

- Creator: Earl P. Strong
- Item 7: White Collar Regulations under the Federal Wage and Hour Law, circa 1950

- Item 8: Worker Quality and Wage Dispersion: An analysis of a clerical labor market in Boston, Undated

- Creator: Robert Evans, Jr., MIT
- Item 9: White Collar Exemptions: Text of Final Regulations and Official Explanation under the Wage-Hour law together with BNA Editorial Analysis, December 28, 1949

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 10: Office Workers look at their trade, March 1947

- Creator: Office Employees International Union, AFL
- Item 11: "White Collar" Production up 35 per cent, July 1949

- Creator: American Business Magazine
- Item 12: Selected References on the White Collar Worker, circa 1951

- Creator: White Collar Workshops
- Folder 3: Clothing Industry

- Item 1: Statement of Lazare Teper, Director of Research, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union before the Subcommittee on Study of Monopoly Power, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, July 22, 1949

- Creator: International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and US Congress
- Item 2: National Coat and Suit Industry Recovery Board Reports and Resolutions, Fourteenth Annual Meeting, circa 1950

- Creator: National Coat and Suit Recovery Board
- Item 3: National Coat and Suit Industry Recovery Board Reports and Resolutions, Sixteenth Annual Meeting, circa 1952

- Creator: National Coat and Suit Recovery Board
- Item 4: National Coat an Suit Industry Recovery Board Reports and Resolutions Nineteenth Annual Meeting, circa 1955

- Creator: National Coat and Suit Recovery Board
- Folder 4: Coal Industry

- Folder 5: Coal Industry (Folder 1 of 3)

- Item 1: State's 1st coal mine located along Big Muddy, May 12, 2000

- Creator: Stu Fliege
- Item 2: Remembering Coal Country, September 1995

- Creator: Illinois Issues
- Item 3: Coal is a Dirty Word, November 1993

- Creator: Illinois Issues
- Item 4: Illinois Coal Facts '85, circa 1986

- Creator: Illinois Coal Assoc.
- Item 5: Illinois Coal and the Energy Crisis, December 1972

- Creator: Illinois Coal Operators Assoc.
- Item 6: The Inland Coal Mine: Sesser, Illinois, Undated

- Creator: Inland. Sesser, Illinois
- Item 7: Bituminous Coal Mining Towns: Pictoral story of their progress, December 1946

- Creator: Bituminous Coal Institute
- Item 8: Research Data on Productivity, Job Satisfaction and Health and Safety, August 31, 1982

- Creator: Conference on Productivity, job satisfaction, and health and safety in the coal industry: the participatory alternative
- Item 9: Good times and bad in Appalachia: Wrestlin' for a Livin' with King Coal, June 1983

- Creator: Michael E. King
- Item 10: The Threat of Western Coal, Undated

- Creator: United Mine Workers of America
- Item 11: Coal Periodicals, Undated

- Item 12: The Scoop: Coal holds its own in 1986, January 1987

- Creator: National Coal Assoc.
- Item 13: Productivity Trends in Pennsylvania Soft Coal Mining 1919-1946, circa 1947

- Creator: Charles M. James
- Item 14: Coal Information: A guide to locating published information on coal, Undated

- Creator: National Coal Assoc.
- Item 15: History of Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal, 1955

- Creator: Pennsylvania Mines Dept.
- Item 16: The Worker's Point of View: A Discussion of "Reporting Back" based on a study in a coalfield, 1952

- Creator: Acton Society Trust
- Item 17: Mine 32: Pittsburgh Consolidation coal mine in a magnificent West Virginia seam is among the best in the US, circa 1947

- Creator: Fortune
- Item 18: More Capital Equipment: Coal's Foremost Economic Need, July 1, 1948

- Creator: National Coal Assoc.
- Folder 6: Coal Industry (Folder 2 of 3)

- Item 1: Technological Change and Productivity in the Bituminous Coal Industry 1920-1960, November 1961

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: The Case for a National Fuels Policy Study, December 1959

- Creator: National Coal Policy Conference
- Item 3: Address by Charles O'Neill, President, Central Pennsylvania Coal Producers' Assoc. before the Coal Mining Institute of America, December 9, 1948

- Creator: Central Pennsylvania Coal Producers Assoc. and Coal Mining Institute of America
- Item 4: Sharing the Income of Soft Coal Mining, May 1947

- Creator: C.M. James
- Item 5: Statement of George M. Humphrey, Chairman, Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Company, before the Congressional Joint Committee on the Economic Report, July 15, 1947

- Creator: Pittsburgh Consolidated Coal Company and US Congress
- Item 6: Mines in Government Possession, 15 November 1946

- Creator: Coal Mines Administration, Interior Dept.
- Item 7: Bituminous coal Wages, Profits and Productivity, February 1950

- Creator: Southern Coal Producers Assoc.
- Item 8: The Economics of Strip Coal Mining, October 1948

- Creator: Herman D. Graham
- Item 9: Bituminous Coal movements in the United States, January 1942

- Creator: Illinois State Geological Survey
- Item 10: Manual of Statistical Information, 1944

- Creator: Anthracite Institute
- Item 11: Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal, June 1953

- Creator: Pennsylvania Commerce Dept.
- Item 12: Pennsylvania Anthracite, March 1952

- Creator: Pennsylvania Commerce Dept.
- Folder 7: Coal Industry (Folder 3 of 3)

- Item 1: Employment and Related Statistics of Mines and Quarries, 1935: Coal, July 1937

- Creator: Works Progress Administration
- Item 2: Survey of Conditions in the Anthracite Industry, circa 1922

- Creator: Richard J. Beamish
- Item 3: Pennsylvania's Coal Industry, 1954

- Creator: Robert D. Billinger
- Item 4: Pennsylvania Anthracite Minerals Yearbook review of 1940, 1941

- Creator: US Interior Dept.
- Item 5: Public Ownership of Coal is Imperative, November 1946

- Creator: People's Lobby Bulletin
- Item 6: Coal '74, February 17, 1974

- Creator: The Herald Advisor, Huntington, W. Va.
- Item 7: Coal Miners and the Economy, circa 1975

- Creator: United Mine Workers of America
- Folder 8: Coal Miners Research Project

- Item 1: This folder contains information relating to a Penn State research projects on the lives of coal miners and the communities they lived in. It was funded at least in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities., circa 1977

- Folder 9: Coal Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Co-determination

- Folder 11: Co-determination (Folder 1 of 2)

- Item 1: Workers and Management: The German Co-determination experiment, June 1, 1953

- Creator: Fabian Society Research Series
- Item 2: Co-determination in Iron and Steel Concerns in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1963

- Creator: International Metalworkers' Federation
- Item 3: Co-determination in Germany: Report on a visit by the Engineering Employers' Federation, August 1977

- Creator: Engineering Employers' Federation
- Item 4: Works Councils in Germany, March 1951

- Creator: United States High Commissioner for Germany, office of Labor Affairs
- Item 5: The Codetermination model of workers' participation: Where is it leading?, Spring 1977

- Creator: G. David Garson
- Item 6: Workers' Participation in Management in West Germamy: Impact on the Worker, the Enterprise and the Trade Union, Spring 1977

- Creator: Roy J. Adams and C.H. Rummel
- Item 7: Labor Relations and Industrial Democracy in the Federal Republic of Germany, Undated

- Creator: German Information Center
- Item 8: Industrial Democracy in Germany, June 1976

- Creator: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in London
- Item 9: Workers in Management: Myth or Reality?, April 1979

- Creator: Bruce Stokes
- Item 10: Co-determination in Sweden, March 1979

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 11: Negotiations in Co-determination, June 1977

- Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation
- Item 12: Trade Union Identity and Workplace Representation: Do Works-Councils Make a Difference?, May 1996

- Creator: Adelheide Hege
- Folder 12: Co-determination (Folder 2 of 2)

- Item 1: European Players in Global Competition, 1998

- Creator: Mitbestimmung special English Language Edition
- Item 2: Co-determination: A report of the Mission to Germany, July 1951

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 3: Codetermination Right of Labor in German Business Enterprises, circa 1953

- Creator: Ernest C. Steefel and Walter Herzfeld
- Item 4: Agreement on Rationalization, June 1, 1972

- Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation and Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions
- Item 5: The Right of Co-determination in heavy industry, February 11, 1951

- Creator: Neue Zuercher Zeitung
- Item 6: Workers' control of industry in Europe, 1958

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 7: Participative Management: A Debit or a Credit?, Undated

- Item 8: The hard hats in Europe's Boardrooms, June 1976

- Creator: Robert Ball
- Item 9: Worker Participation in Management, April 1973

- Creator: Committee on Worker Participation in Management, Adelaide, Australia
- Item 10: Speech by Premier of South Australia, September 25, 1973

- Creator: Labour and Industry Dept.
- Item 11: Worker Participation in Sweden - A Survey, September 1977

- Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation
- Item 12: Worker Participation: the Prospects for Australia, circa 1974

- Creator: Victorian Fabian Pamphlets
- Item 13: 1975 Policy Platform, Agenda Items, Committee Reports, June 1975

- Creator: Australian Labor Party
- Item 14: Sharing Power in the Private Sector, 1976

- Creator: Labor Council of New South Wales
- Item 15: Worker Participation- A New Policy, Undated

- Creator: The Radical
- Item 16: The Changing World of Work and Workers, circa 1975

- Creator: Labour and Industry Dept., South Australia
- Item 17: Works Councils in Sweden, August 1955

- Item 18: Works Councils in Sweden, December 1950 and January 1951

- Creator: Anglo-Swedish Review
- Item 19: Worker Participation in the Service, circa 1975

- Creator: B.N. Moore
- Item 20: Co-determination through collective agreements and legislation, February 1982

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 21: University Labor Education Association: Yugoslavia, circa 1973

- Creator: University Labor Education Assoc.
- Item 22: Personnel Opinions: Hourly Employees on the Board?, May 4, 1978

- Creator: Bulletin to Management
- Item 23: Highlights of Current Legislation and Activities in Mid-Europe: Workers' Self Government, May and June 1958

- Creator: Mid-European Law Project
- Item 24: Employers reveal their secret thoughts to Ruth Link on Co-decision and the labor movement and the Government who are forcing them to accept it., 1976

- Creator: Sweden Now
- Box 9

- Folder 1: Co-Determination Publications, 1951-77

- Folder 2: Co-Determination Bibliographies, 1978

- Creator: D.A. Richardson (M.I.T.); Ontario Ministry of Labour
- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Bureau of National Affairs Publications, 1945-2008, 2016

- Creator: BNA
- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Conference Proceedings, 1939-75

- Item 1: "Making the Collective Agreement Work", April 13, 1939

- Creator: William P. Clarke
- Item 2: "Collective Bargaining and Wage Policies", March 16, 1944

- Creator: F.V. Morley, F. Quigley, G. Connors, H. Wines
- Item 3: "The Economics of Collective Bargaining", 1948

- Creator: Sumner H. Slighter
- Item 4: "Outline of Lectures on Collective Bargaining Trends", 1950

- Creator: Rev. Van F. Christoph
- Item 5: "Labor Relations - The Practical View", September 20, 1956

- Creator: Georges Laverdure
- Item 6: Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference, Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers, May 14, 1957

- Creator: Rutgers University
- Item 7: Cornell Conference Report- "The Economic Climate and Collective Bargaining", May 8-9, 1957

- Creator: Cornell University
- Item 8: "Collective Bargaining Today" - Proceedings of 3rd Annual Industrial Relations Conference of the Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO, June 15-16, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: "The Future of Col.lective Bargaining", October 26, 1961

- Creator: R. Heath Larry
- Item 10: "The N.L.R.B. and Collective Bargaining", November 15, 1973

- Creator: Edward B. Miller
- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Course Materials, 1949-76

- Item 1: University of Wisconsin, School for Workers, Course in Economic and Historic Background for Collective Bargaining, October, 1949

- Creator: University of Wisconsin
- Item 2: Elements of Collective Bargaining - Material for Adult Education Classes, University of Illinois Extension, 1950

- Creator: University of Illinois
- Item 3: Power Balance in Collective Bargaining as Seen by 36 Labor Relations Men, ca. 1976

- Creator: ILIR 33, University of Illinois
- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - International Publications, 1957-81

- Item 1: International Labour Organisation, Asian Regional Conference, Labour-Management Relations, 1957

- Creator: International Labour Organisation
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining and Productivity, Final Reports on the Trade Union Seminar in Berlin, June 18-22, 1957

- Creator: Organisation for European Economic Co-Operation
- Item 3: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Manpower and Social Affairs Directorate, International Seminar Reports (2 editions), 1969, 1971

- Creator: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
- Item 4: "Collective Bargaining - Traditional Analysis and Empirical Findings", Undated

- Creator: J.Y. Tabb and A. Galin
- Item 5: International Labour Conference, Provisional Record, 67th Session, Geneva, 1981

- Creator: International Labout Conference
- Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - Journal and Review Reprints, 1935-83

- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - State of California Calendars of Collective Bargaining, 1963-67

- Creator: State of California, Department of Industrial Relations
- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Unidentified Publications

- Item 1: "Collective Bargaining", ca. 1947

- Creator: D. Carmell
- Item 2: "The Sources and Meaning of Economic Data for Collective Bargaining", ca. 1958

- Creator: B. Seligman
- Item 3: "Win-Win Bargaining: Thirty Days to a Contract", Undated

- Creator: K.M. Moriarty
- Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Union, Company, Organization and Association Publications, 1947-84

- Folder 11: Collective Bargaining - University Labor Institute Publications, Boston College - University of Illinois, 1948-81

- Item 1: "New Theories of Industrial Justic to Bring Freer, Fairer and More Civilized Collective Bargaining", April 23, 1963

- Creator: Stuart Rothman
- Item 2: "Some Trends in Collective Bargaining", ca. 1960

- Creator: Joseph Shister
- Item 3: "Labor: Hard Times, Little Radicalism", June 15, 1975

- Creator: Arnold R. Weber
- Item 4: "Versatility of Collective Bargaining", Undated

- Creator: Adolf Sturmthal
- Item 5: "Collective Bargaining", ca. 1949

- Creator: E.L. Warren and I. Bernstein
- Item 6: "Nonfactory Unionism and Labor Relations", 1955

- Creator: Van Duysen Kennedy
- Item 7: "Ideological Obsolescece in Collective Bargaining", September, 1963

- Creator: Jack T. Conway
- Item 8: "Mature Collective Bargaining: Prospects and Problems", 1952

- Creator: University of California
- Item 9: "Free and Responsible Collective Bargaining and Industrial Peace", May, 1962

- Creator: Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy
- Item 10: "Collective Bargaining at the Crossroads", January, 1963

- Creator: Edwin C. Pendleton
- Item 11: "Toward and Understanding of 'The Public Interest' in Collective Bargaining", May, 1968

- Creator: Harold S. Roberts
- Item 12: "The Effect of Reaganomics on Collective Bargaining", December, 1981

- Creator: Sam Kagel
- Item 13: "Goals of Effective Collective Bargaining" (2 editions), March, 1948

- Creator: George M. Harrison
- Item 14: "New Trends in Collective Bargaining", 1949

- Creator: Edward L. Phillips
- Item 15: "Master Agreements in Collective Bargaining", November, 1949

- Creator: W.E. Chalmers and S. MacEachron
- Item 16: "Union Decision-Making in Collective Bargaining", 1951

- Creator: Arnold R. Weber
- Item 17: "The Nursing Profession and Economic Security", 1959

- Creator: Frederick H. Harbison
- Item 18: "Union-Management Relations at the Plant Level in DeKalb, Illinois, July, 1956", Undated

- Creator: J.W. Lloyd and M. Derber
- Item 19: "New Challenges for Collective Bargaining", Undated

- Creator: R.W. Fleming
- Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - University Labor Institute Publications, University of Iowa - University of Wisconsin, 1941-82

- Item 1: "The Scope of Collective Bargaining", 1951

- Creator: Walter L. Daykin
- Item 2: "Innovation in Collective Bargaining", 1968

- Creator: Stanley Young
- Item 3: "The Structure of Collective Bargaining and Some of Its Determinants", December, 1966

- Creator: David H. Greenberg
- Item 4: "Concession Bargaining and the National Economy" (2 editions), December, 1982

- Creator: Peter Cappelli
- Item 5: "The Use of Informed Neutrals in Difficult Bargaining Situations", 1961

- Creator: George H. Hildebrand
- Item 6: "Collective Bargaining in the West Coast Paper Industry", January, 1941

- Creator: Princeton University
- Item 7: "Constructive Labor Relations: Experience in Four Firms", 1948

- Creator: R.A. Lester and E.A. Robie
- Item 8: "Union Decisions in Collective Bargaining", 1955

- Creator: Robert R. France
- Item 9: "The Future of Collective Bargaining in the United States", May, 1963

- Creator: Richard A. Lester
- Item 10: "Economic Basis of Collective Bargaining", 1948

- Creator: Ben Stephansky
- Folder 13: Collective Bargaining - US Government Publications, 1946-79

- Creator: Government of the United States of America
- Box 10

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Bibliographies, 1946-91

- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Agricultural Machine Industry, 1973-94

- Item 1: "Union-Management Relations: McCormick Harvesting Machine Company 1862-1886", Undated

- Creator: Robert Ozanne
- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Air Transportation Industry, 1948-97

- Item 1: "Labor Relations in the Air Transportation Industry Under the Amended Railway Labor Act", 1948

- Creator: E.B. McNatt
- Item 2: "Labor Relations in the Air Transport Industry, 1947-57", 1958

- Creator: E.B. McNatt
- Item 3: "Industrial Relations in the California Aircraft Industry", 1956

- Creator: A.P. Allen, B.V.H. Schneider
- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Amusements and Sports, 1971-95

- Item 1: "The NFL Owners v. The NFL Players Association: The Line of Scrimmage has been Drawn, But are They on the Same Field?", 1991

- Creator: Steve Bauer
- Item 2: "Labor Relations in Professional Sports: Baseball Salaries and Final-Offer Arbitration", Undated

- Creator: Creator Unknown
- Item 3: "Wage Determination and the Development of Collective Bargaining in Baseball", ca. 1976

- Creator: James G. Scoville
- Item 4: "'Defensive Manchester': A History of the Professional Footballers Association", 1977

- Creator: Braham Dabscheck
- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Atomic Energy Industry, 1954-59

- Item 1: "Changing Industrial Relations Problems in Atomic Energy", 1959

- Creator: Oscar S. Smith
- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Automobile Industry (Folder 1 of 2), 1950-93

- Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - Automobile Industry (Folder 2 of 2), 1934-93

- Item 1: Negotiating with the Automobile Employer Course Outline, 1934

- Creator: Creator Unknown
- Item 2: "Testing the Limits: Collective Bargaining and Industrial Policy Concerns", March, 1985

- Creator: Owen Bieber
- Item 3: "Industrial Relations and Industrial Change in the Motor Industry: An International View", 1985

- Creator: Wolfgang Streeck
- Item 4: "Volkswagen: The Challenge of Change", April, 1993

- Creator: International Metalworkers' Foundation
- Item 5: "Flat Rock, Home of Mazda: The Social Impact of a Japanese Company on an American Community", March, 1988

- Creator: R.C. Hill, M. Indergaard, K. Fujita
- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Chemical Industry, 1942-58

- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Clothing Industry, 1911-2004

- Item 1: "Industry Planning Through Collective Bargaining", 1941

- Creator: Julius Hochman
- Item 2: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City: Case Study 3 - Garment Manufacture, Undated

- Creator: Margaret K. Chandler
- Item 3: "Why This Strike", ca. 1912

- Creator: Julius Hochman
- Item 4: Womens' Trade Union League of Chicago - Official Report of the Strike Committee, 1911

- Creator: Women's Trade Union League of Chicago
- Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Coal Industry (Folder 1 of 2), 1916-81

- Folder 11: Collective Bargaining - Coal Industry (Folder 2 of 2), 1925-79

- Item 1: "The Anthracite Operators' Reply to the Miner' Demands", 1925

- Item 2: Statement by J.P. Brennan, President, Bituminous Coal Operator' Assn., Inc. befroe the President's Commission on Coal, March, 1979

- Creator: Joseph P. Brennan
- Item 3: Materials for the 1977-78 Wage Negotiations fo the Bituminous Coal Operators' Assn., Inc., ca. 1978

- Item 4: "The New Labor Contract in the Bituminous Coal Industry", July, 1947

- Creator: United States Steel Corp.
- Item 5: "National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1950", 1950

- Creator: United Mine Workers
- Item 6: "Collective Bargaining in the Bituminous Coal Mining Industry", April, 1953

- Creator: Harry M. Moses
- Item 7: "Experience Under National Wage Agreements: The Bituminous Coal and Flint Glass Industries of West Virginia", June, 1953

- Creator: Gerald G. Somers
- Item 8: "The Economic Impact of an Industry-wide Strike: A Case Study of the 1949-50 Coal Strike", July, 1950

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 9: "Historical Description of the 1920 Wage Change in the Bituminous Coal Industry", Undated

- Creator: Creator unknown
- Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - Construction Industry (Folder 1 of 2), 1962-98

- Folder 13: Collective Bargaining - Construction Industry (Folder 2 of 2), 1955-87

- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City: Case Study 5 - Building Construction, Undated

- Creator: Milton Derber
- Item 2: "Attitudes Toward Union Constuction", 1987

- Creator: Jeffrey Vincent
- Item 3: "Coming to Grips With Some Major Problems in the Construction Industry", 1974

- Creator: The Business Roundtable
- Item 4: "The Industrial Relations System in Construction: The Geographical Scope of Bargaining" (2 copies), 1960

- Creator: John T. Dunlop
- Item 5: Information relating to the Sardis Building Trades Agreement of CDLIX for the University of Illinois ILIR Program, Undated

- Item 6: "Industrial Relations in the Construction Industry", 1955

- Creator: G.W. Bertram, S.J. Maisel
- Item 7: "Report of a Study on Labour Relations in the Construction Industry in New Brunswick", August, 1968

- Creator: Ronald G. Storey
- Folder 14: Collective Bargaining - Electrical Equipment and Appliance Industry, ca. 1987

- Box 11

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Electronics Industry

- Item 1: A Practical Approach to Labor Relations, October 12, 1960

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 2: Addresses by Virgil B. Day, Vice President of Management Development and Employee Relations, General Electric., 1963-1967

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations and Economic Growth: The Role of Industry, December 5, 1963

- Address before the Congress of American Industry National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 2: Labor Management Relations in a Newly Competitive World, February 14, 1964

- Address before 1964 Midwinter Personnel Conference American Management Association
- Item 3: Truth in Bargaining and Free Speech: A General Electric View, February 4, 1965

- Address before the Cincinnati Personnel Association and Society for the Advancement of Management
- Item 4: Management Freedom and Responsibilities: Some Industrial Relations Issues, January 26, 1966

- Address before the Kansas City Personnel Management Association
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining - A Look Ahead, January 9, 1967

- Seminar Program Remarks, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 6: Pressures on Management and Management's Own Initiatives: A Two-Way Street, September 27, 1967

- Remarks delivered at the 20th Annual Roundtable Conference, Industrial Relations Committee of the Edison Electric Institute
- Item 3: Collective Bargaining and the "Suffocating Blanket", April 14, 1965

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 4: Materials on Boulwarism from GE

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 5: Westinghouse Industrial Relations, 1936-1937

- Creator: Westinghouse Co.
- Item 6: Industrial Relations Source Material: Employee Relations Newsletter and Report for Managers

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 7: General Electric Corp. Employee Relations News, January 1964 - December 1966

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Engineers

- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Farm Laborers

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining--Farm Laborers--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Government Employees

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining--Government Employees--Glossary

- Item 2: What public management can learn from the private sector, June 24, 1967

- Creator: Martin Wagner, Director of the UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Maine Collective Bargaining Contract Analysis: Municipal Sector, 1980

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Ed., Univ. of Maine at Orono
- Item 4: Citations to News Items about Public Employee Bargaining in Illinois

- Item 5: Public employee organization and bargaining in states without comprehensive legislation, February 27, 1973

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: The Emergence of Collective Bargaining in Local Government, April 15, 1980

- Creator: Paul F. Gerhart, Case Western Reserve Univ.
- Item 7: Employee Relations Workshop

- Creator: Public Employers' Association of Illinois
- Item 8: Public Sector Bargaining: Policy and Practice, Fall 1980

- Creator: Peter Feuille and John C. Anderson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: The Impact of Collective Bargaining on Park and Recreation Districts, September 15 and 16, 1978

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 10: Part Two: The Impact of Collective Bargaining on Park and Recreation Districts, October 1 and 2, 1978

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: Labor Relations and Disputes Settlement in the Public Service: Japan, February 1984

- Creator: Dr. Kazutoshi Kishiro, Economics Dept., Yokohama Natl. Univ.
- Item 12: Labour Relations in the Public Service and the Impact of Union Activity on Public Administration's Actual Organization and Functioning, March 1985

- Creator: Dr. Kazutoshi Kishiro, Economics Dept., Yokohama Natl. Univ.
- Item 13: Proseminar in Public Sector Labor Relations, June 8-9, 1978

- Creator: Northern Illinois Univ. Center for Governmental Studies
- Item 14: Steward Training and Collective Bargaining for State, County and Municipal Employees, September 1962, revised March 1963

- Creator: Joseph S. Smolen, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 15: Collective Bargaining for Public Employees: Problems from the Viewpoint of State and Local Govt. Agencies, December 9, 1966

- Creator: Frank P. Zeidler, Public Administration Consultant
- Item 16: Collective Bargaining in State and Local Government, March 29-31, 1973

- Creator: School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michgan State Universy; Institute of Labor and Industrial Relaions, Wayne State/Univ. of Michigan; The American Asembly, Columbia Univ.
- Item 17: Report from Serbia, 1985

- Creator: Jack G. Day
- Item 18: Collective Bargaining for State and Local Public Employees, December 9, 1966

- Creator: Illinois State AFL-CIO and UIUC ILIR
- Item 19: Collective Bargaining by State Governments in the Twelve Midwestern States, December 1974

- Creator: Milton Derber, Peter Pashler and Mary Beth Ryan, UIUC ILIR
- Box 12

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Government Employees (cont.)

- Item 1: Who Bargains for the Employer at the County Level?, no date

- Creator: Paper by James Baird; attorney at Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson
- Item 2: Public Sector Labor Law and Collective bArgaining, 1987

- Creator: Labor Education and Research Service
- Item 3: Labor Relations for Supervisors and Managers in the Michigan Civil Service System, March 4, 1986

- Creator: Lawrence J. Poe and Theodore H. Curry II, Scuhhol of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 4: The Other Fourteen Percent: Public Employees as Workers and Citizens in the US, circa 1965

- Creator: Al Bilik, pres., Cincinnati Central Labor Union
- Item 5: Public Sector Concession Bargaining: Lessons for the Private Sector, December 1982

- Creator: Prof. David Lewin, Columbia Univ.
- Item 6: Unionization of Institutions: A Therapeutic Event, 1970

- Creator: Dr.s Charles C. Cleland and Floyd S. Brandt
- Item 7: Problems of a State Public Employment Relations Law in Practice, circa 1965

- Creator: Robert G. Howlett, Chairman of the Michigan Labor Relations Board
- Item 8: The Present Status of Municipal Employee Negotiations in Iowa

- Creator: Tom Gilroy and Richard Simon
- Item 9: Labor Relations in State and Local Governments, 1970

- Creator: Prof. Felix Nigro, Political Science Dept. , Univ. of Georgia at Athens
- Item 10: Collective Bargaining in the Public Service: A Reappraisal, 1972

- Creator: Organized by Prof. Felix Nigro
- Item 11: Collective Bargaining? Professional Negotiations?, circa 1968

- Creator: Cook County Educational Digest
- Item 12: Public Employee Union Contracts, June 6, 1945

- Creator: A.E. Garey, civil servce counsel, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
- Item 13: Union Agreements in Municipal Employment, Febraruy 1948

- Creator: Rollin B. Posey, dean and prof. of Political Science, Northwestern Univ.
- Item 14: Labor Relations in Public Employment, April 19, 1958 and February 7, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California at Berkeley
- Item 15: The US Experience in Collective Bargaining in Public Employment, August 22, 1966

- Creator: Arvid Anderson, commissioner of the Wisconsin Employment Relations Board
- Item 16: Collective Dealing by Units of Local Government in Connecticut, May 1960

- Creator: Robert L. Stutz, Labor-Management Institute, Univ. of Connecticut
- Item 17: Public Employee Unionization in Texas, 1962

- Creator: Prof. Chester A Newland, Univ. of Texas
- Item 18: New Patterns for Bargaining in the Public Service, June 12, 1967

- Creator: Saul Frankel, vice dean of social sciences, McGill Univ.
- Item 19: A Management View of Public Management Responsibilities (negotiating at the Local Government Level)

- Creator: Robert C. Garnier, City Personnel Director, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 20: Government Labor Relations in the United States: Some Issues and Alternatives, October 21, 1969

- Creator: Prof. Martin Wagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 21: Municipal Collective Bargaining: A Model an Analysis of Bargaining Outcomes, June 1976

- Creator: James B. Dworkin and Stuart A. Youngblood
- Item 22: Some Impacts of Collective Bargaining on Local Government: A Diversity Thesis

- Creator: Raymond D. Horton, David Lewkin and James W. Kuhn, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University
- Item 23: Public-Private Sector Multi-Employer Collective Bargaining: The Role of the Employer Representative, June 1971

- Creator: Cyrus F. Smythe, Jr., Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 24: Future Developments in the Public Service and the Implications for the Trade Union Movement, October 10, 1973

- Creator: Rudolf Meidner
- Item 25: Collective Bargaining in American Government, May 1972

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA
- Item 26: Collective Bargaining in the Quasi-Public Sector: A Survey of Policies and Practices in the United States, 1969

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derper, UIUC ILIR
- Item 27: State Legislation Affecting Labor Relations in State and Local Government, 1968

- Creator: James E. Young and Betty L. Brewer, Kent State Univ.
- Item 28: Labor-Management Conflict in Local Government -- What Lies Ahead?, June 1970

- Creator: Louis Ancel
- Item 29: Collective Bargaining and Dispute Settlement in the Public an Private Sectores: A review and evaluation, July 31, 1969

- Creator: Harold S. Roberts and John B. Ferguson, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Hawaii
- Item 30: An Overview of Recent Developments in Public Employee Bargaining, August 15, 1962

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derper, UIUC ILIR
- Item 31: Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector, April 8, 1970

- Creator: E. Wight Bakke, prof. of Economics, Yale Univ.
- Item 32: New York State Public Employment Labor Relations, April 1968

- Creator: edited and compiled by Edward Levin
- Item 33: Problems of Employment and Industrial Relations in the Public Sector, November 1971

- Creator: Guy Routh, prof. of Univ. of Sussex
- Item 34: Analysis of the 1968 New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act, April 14, 1971

- Creator: Leon J. Loichle
- Item 35: Canadian Review: Vol.2, No.2, July - December 1969

- Creator: Canadian International Center of Research and Information on Public and Cooperative Economy
- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining--Government Employees--Bibliographies

- Box 13

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Government Employees (federal)

- Item 1: A Manual for Employee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Service, August 1964

- Creator: Edited by Harold S. Roberts
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining and the Federal Civil Service, 1964

- Creator: B.V.H. Schneider, Univ. of California
- Item 3: Collective Bargaining, no date

- Creator: American Federation of Government Employees
- Item 4: Unionism in Federal Employment, no date

- Creator: Dr. Louis L. Friedland, prof. of Political Science, Wayne State Univ.
- Item 5: Federal Labor-Management Relations: A Program in Evolution, Spring 1972

- Creator: Robert E. Hampton
- Item 6: Section 7106: Management Rights. A Qualitative and Statistical Analysis of the Negation of Feceral Sector Collective Bargaining under the Civil Service Reform Act, July 11, 1991

- Creator: Cole A. Meisinger
- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Government Employees (state)

- Item 1: Labor-Mnagement Relations in the Illinois State Service, 1954

- Creator: Richard C. McFadden, UIUC ILIR and Institute of Government and Public Affairs
- Item 2: New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations, 1986

- Creator: Prof. Harry F. Stark, Rutgers Univ. Institute of Management and Labor Relations
- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Govt. Regulation and Policy

- Item 1: The Role of the State in Collective Bargaining, September 1960

- Creator: Joseph Shister, Prof. and Chairman of Industrial Relations, Univ. of Buffalo
- Item 2: Proceedings of the Conference on Labor Law, November 28-29, 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and College of Law
- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Hospitals

- Item 1: Issues Confronting Unionized Health Care Workers: Report of the Health Care Employee Union Representative Conference, March 10-12, 1985

- Creator: edited by Ronald J. Peters and Neil Vandevord
- Item 2: Unionization and the Health-Care Industry: Hospital and Nursing Home Employee Union Leaders' Conference Report, August 1980

- Creator: edited by Ronald J. Peters, Helen Elkiss and Helen T. Higgins
- Item 3: Hospitals and Collective Bargaining, March 1959

- Creator: Illinois Nurses Association
- Item 4: Labor-Management Relations in the Health Care Industry in the Chicago Area, October 1981

- Creator: Frank A. Marcin
- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining--Hospitals--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Issues

- Item 1: Babies and Bargaining: Working Parents Take Action, Novembe 1987

- Creator: by Mindy Fried
- Item 2: Outline of UAW-CIO Collective Bargaining for Supplementary Security Programs, March 1949

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Item 3: Formulation of Social Security pRograms under Collective Bargaining, January 1949

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Item 4: Collective Bargaining and Social Security, January 31, 1950

- Creator: Prof. Arthur M. Ross, Univ. of California
- Item 5: Library Trends: Employee Organizations and Collective Bargaining in Libraries, October 1976

- Creator: edited by Margaret A. Chaplan
- Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - Libraries

- Item 1: Employee Relations in Libraries: The Current Scene, November 10, 1974

- Creator: Archie Kleingartner, prof. of industrial relations, UCLA and Jean R. Kennelly, prof. of Librarianship, Univ. of Washington
- Item 2: Academic Librarian Contract Clauses, various

- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Meat Packing Industry

- Item 1: History of Vienna Sausage Mfg. Co., Inc., no date

- Creator: Terry Nolen
- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Metal Products Industry

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining in US Metalworking, September 1970

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Metropolitan Transportation Industry

- Folder 11: Collective Bargaining--Metropolitan Transportation Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - Mining Industry

- Folder 13: Collective Bargaining - Missiles and Space Industry

- Folder 14: Collective Bargaining--Motion Picture Industry--Bibliography

- Box 14

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Petroleum Industry

- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Multi-Unit

- Item 1: Towards a European System of Collective Bargaining? Perspectives before and after Maastricht, June 30, 1994

- Creator: Berndt Keller
- Item 2: Experience Under National Wage Agreements: The Bituminous Coal and Flint Glass Industries of West Virginia, June 1953

- Creator: Gerald G. Somers
- Item 3: Wide-area Coordinated Employer Bargaining: The Solution to the Major Problems in the Construction Industry?, 1976

- Creator: David F. Jasinski
- Item 4: Unions and Multinational Companies, 1984

- Creator: Klaus von Beyme
- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining--Multi-Unit--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Newspaper Industry

- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Performing Arts

- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Physicians and Surgeons

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining and the Young Doctor, January 15, 1972

- Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - Policemen

- Item 1: Hostility and Conflict Spiral: A Study of Police and Firefighter Negotiations, 1981

- Creator: Peter Daniel Sherer
- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining--Policemen--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Procedures

- Item 1: Bargaining Committee Training, December 14-16, 1999

- Creator: Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Extension
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining: Procedures and Issues for Labor Unions, revised 1973

- Creator: Herman Erickson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Negotiating the Labor Contract, March 18, 1947

- Creator: Franzy Eakin, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Collective Bargaining: The terms and procedures which are used, no date

- Creator: Margaret W. Dagen
- Item 5: Computer Assistance in Labor-Management Negotiations, April 1981

- Creator: Niall M. Fraser and Keith W. Hipel, dept. of Systems Design Engineering, Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario
- Box 15

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Professional Employees

- Item 1: Bibliography, Spring 1982

- Creator: Mary Pat O'Connell
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining for Professional and Technical Employees, May 20-21, 1965

- Creator: hosted by UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Unions of Professionals: Prototypes for coming decades?, no date

- Creator: George W. Zinke and Earl Madsen, Center for Labor Education and Research, Univ. of Colorado
- Item 4: The Nursing Profession and Economic Security, no date

- Creator: Herbert Blumer, Univ of California at Berkeley
- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining--Professional Employees--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Professors and Instructors

- Item 1: AAP Almanac 2001: A Compendium of Information for Academic Professionals at UIUC, 2001

- Creator: Assn. of Academic Professionals
- Item 2: A Comparison of Economic and Non-Economic Factors in Predicting Faculty Vote Preference in a Union Representation Election, no date

- Creator: Mary D. Zalesny, Dept. of Psychology, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 3: Developing Trends of Faculty Unionism in Higher Education, 1977

- Creator: Dean W. Collinwood, Dept. of Education, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 4: Report of the Committee on General Policy, February 21, 1968

- Creator: Chicago Circle Fed. Of Teachers
- Item 5: Report of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee to study the Question of Faculty Collective Bargaining, February 11, 1980

- Creator: UIUC
- Item 6: The Determination of the Appropriate Collective Bargaining Unit in Higher Education: NLRB vs. Michigan Employment Relations Commission

- Creator: Martin Jay Galvin
- Item 7: Faculty Pay Negotiations, August 1973

- Creator: Hilary W. Moore, Univ. Office of Nonacademic Personnel
- Item 8: Administrative Employee Job Satisfaction and Collective Bargaining: The Case of Higher Education, July 1974

- Creator: Paul F. Gerhart and Charles Maxey, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, October 29, 1970

- Creator: Milton Derber and Martin Wagner, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining--Professors and Instructors--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Public Utilities

- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Radio and TV Broadcasting

- Folder 7

- Item 1: Frustrations in the face of Victory, June 1972

- Creator: Ronald J. Zabinski
- Item 2: Deregulation and Labor Relations Outcomes in the Regional Railroad Industry, May 18, 1989

- Creator: Laurence J. Pearlman
- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Retail Stores

- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining--Retail Stores--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Shipping Industry

- Item 1: A Study of Comparative Industrial Relations Systems on the Sydeny and San Francisco Waterfronts; a proposal for continuing research in the United States and Australia

- Creator: Frank Stevens, Economics Dept., Univ . Of California Riverside
- Folder 11: Collective Bargaining - Simulations

- Folder 12: Collective Bargaining--Simulations--Bibliographies

- Box 16

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Social Workers

- Item 1: Labor Relations and the Unionization of Professional Social Workers: A Neglected Area in Social Work Education, March 1, 1977

- Creator: Gary L. Shaffer, prof., UIUC School of Social Work
- Item 2: Social Work Unionization: Current Perceptions and Contract Trends, 1983

- Creator: Gary L. Shaffer and Kathleen Ahearn, UIUC School of Social Work
- Item 3: Preparation of Social Workers for Unionization an Collective Bargaining Practice, 1983

- Creator: Gary L. Shaffer and Kathleen Ahearn, UIUC School of Social Work
- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Steel Industry

- Item 1: Living the First Labor Agreement: A Case History, May 11, 1966

- Creator: Harry Olson
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining in the Basic Steel Industry: An Analysis of the 1971 Steel Negotiations, Fall 1971

- Creator: Terry R. Hindmarch
- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Teachers

- Item 1: Professionalism, Unionism and Collective Negotiation: Teacher Negotiations Experience in California, July 1970

- Creator: James A. Craft
- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining--Teachers--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Telecommunications Industry

- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in the Telephone Industry, January 10, 1949

- Creator: Robert Leopold
- Item 2: Wage Structure in the Telephone Industry, 1943

- Creator: Melvin K. Bers
- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Textile Industry

- Item 1: Causes of Industrial Peace under Collective Bargaining, 1953

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 2: Labor Relations in the United States Textile Industry, 1957

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 3: Taft-Hartleyism in Southern States: Feudalism with a new face, October 9, 1950

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Folder 7: Collective Bargaining--Textile Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Transportation Industry

- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Trucking Industry

- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City: Case Study No.4 - Trucking

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Documents used in negotation of Central State On-the-road Motor Freight Agreement, 1949, 1949

- Creator: Stephens, Cannon, Bieberstein & Cooper, Attorneys at Law
- Folder 10: Collective Bargaining Unit

- Item 1: IELRB Decisions Define Scope of Representation Procedures, no date

- Creator: Illinois Education Labor Relations Board
- Item 2: Industrializing the Construction Workforce, October 1976

- Creator: Frederick J. Ruppel
- Folder 11: Collective Bargaining Unit--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - Railroad Industry

- Folder 13: Collective Labor Agreements

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining: The Legal Enforceability of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, March 1945

- Creator: National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 2: The Collective Bargaining Agreement on Paper and in Practice, no date

- Creator: Milton Derber, W.E. Chalmers and Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Sardis Building Trades Agreement [text of the oldest known collective bargaining agreement, ~459 AD], January 14, 1980

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Folder 14: Collective Labor Agreements--Bibliographies

- Box 17

- Folder 1: Collective Labor Agreements - Administration

- Folder 2: Collective Labor Agreements - Canada

- Folder 3: Collective Labor Agreements - Provisions

- Item 1: Some Sample Provisions sor Collective Bargaining Agreements, 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Bargaining on Women's Issues and Family Concerns: Clauses from ACTWU Contracts, November 1990

- Creator: Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union
- Item 3: Selected Clauses from Police Collective Bargaining Agreements, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Determinants of Negotiated Agreements for Public School Teachers, Fall 1979

- Creator: Univ. of Kansas School of Business
- Item 5: A Statistical Analysis of Agreements in California Local Govt., 1979

- Creator: Univ. of California Berkeley Institute of Industrial Relations
- Item 6: Memorandum of Understanding between the State of Illinois and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, July 22, 1977

- Creator: Illinois and Amer. Fed. Of State, County and Municipal Employees
- Item 7: Method of Indexing Provisions of Collective Labor Agreements, circa 1963

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, California Institute of Technology
- Item 8: An Analysis of Teacher-School Board Agreements in Nineteen Southwestern Michigan Communities, circa 1967-1968

- Creator: Ilse H. Burke, Kalamazoo College, MI
- Item 9: Collective Bargaining Agreements in New Jersey Educational Institutions, January 1970

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Folder 4: Collective Labor Agreements - Ratification

- Item 1: The Contract Rejection Problem, January 5, 1972

- Creator: Jean Russo
- Folder 5: Collective Labor Agreements--Ratification--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: College Graduates in Industry

- Item 1: The Effects of Educational Attainment on Labor Market Experiences, circa 1972

- Creator: Robert E. Allen and Thomas G. Gutteridge
- Item 2: The Surplus of College Graduates, Spring 1971

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 7: College Graduates in Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Color in Industry* (refers to the colors which work environments are painted, and the effect on safety, communication, etc.)

- Folder 9: Communication in Industry

- Item 1: Cross-Cultural Perspecives - Context: Internal and External Environments, no date

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, UIUC and Rosita D. Albert Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 2: Communications in Business and Industry, March 1, 1949

- Creator: summary of a conference with operating executives of Johnson & Johnson, Inc.
- Item 3: The Union Leader as a Communicator, 1964, reprinted 1982

- Creator: Prof. Halbert E. Gulley, UIUC ILIR
- Box 18

- Folder 1: Communication in Industry (cont.)

- Item 1: Second Meeting of the Industrial Communication Council, July 30 - August 3, 1956

- Creator: Cornell Univ.
- Item 2: Communication in Industry (A Study of Principles and Current Practices), January 1949

- Creator: Esso Standard Oil Company
- Item 3: Transmitting Information through management and union channels: Two Case Studies, 1949

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 4: Proceedings of the Conference on Improving Communications, May 17, 1956

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, San Jose State College
- Folder 2: Communication in Industry: Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Community Relations

- Item 1: Elements of a Steel Company's Community Relations Program, no date

- Creator: American Iron and Steel Institute
- Item 2: Preparing a Community Profile: The Methodology of a Social Reconaissance, May 1952

- Creator: Bureau of Community Service, Univ. of Kentucky
- Item 3: The Public Responsibility of Big Companies, November 8, 1948

- Creator: Address by Eugene Holman, pres., Standard Oil Co.
- Item 4: Fourth Annual Seminar in Community Relations for Business and Industry, July 23-27, 1956

- Creator: Cornell Univ.
- Item 5: Community Relations for Business and Industry, July 18-22, 1955

- Creator: Cornell Univ.
- Folder 4: Community Relations--Bibloigraphies

- Folder 5: Company Unions

- Item 1: The Company Union in Plan and Practice

- Folder 6: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act

- Folder 7: Conference Method

- Item 1: The Union Leader as a Communicator, July 1958

- Creator: Steelworkers Summer Institute, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: How to Run a Conference, no date

- Creator: Anne H. Nelson, Institute of Women and Work, Cornell Univ.
- Folder 8: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

- Box 19

- Folder 1: Construction Industry

- Item 1: Dango Comes to Kentucky, December 1990

- Creator: Kentucky State Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Blacks in The Construction Trades and Effect on Connecticut Economy, June 1970

- Creator: Labor Education Center, Univ. of Connecticut
- Item 3: Manpower in Construction: A Profile of the Industry and Projections to 1975, April 1968

- Creator: J.T. Dunlop and D. Q. Mills, Harvard Univ.
- Item 4: Cisco, Construction News Briefs, 2012-16

- Creator: Construction Industry Service Corporation
- Folder 2: Construction Industry: Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Consultants

- Folder 4: Convict Labor

- Item 1: Sunfighter, Vol.2, No.4, July-August 1974

- Item 2: The Outlaw Vol.3, No.5, August-September 1974

- Folder 5: Cooperative Enterprises

- Item 1: Self-Management in Kibbutz Industry: Organizational Patterns and Psychological Effects, no date

- Creator: Menahem Rosner, Center for Social Research on the Kibbutz Givat Chaviva
- Item 2: Ideology and Organization - the Case of Kibbutz Industrialization, no date

- Creator: Menachem Rosner and Michal Palgi, Institute for Research and Study of the Kibbutz and the Cooperative Idea
- Folder 6: Cost and Standard of Living

- Item 1: Irreversability of Consumer Behavior in Terms of Numerical Preference Fields, December 1964

- Creator: Kotaro Tsujimura and Tamotsu Sato, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
- Item 2: Consumption: Key to Full Prosperity, circa 1957

- Creator: Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 3: Family Budget Data and the Market Analysis, 1961

- Creator: K. Tsujimura, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 4: A Study of the Honolulu Consumer Price Index, 1960

- Item 5: Intercity Wage and Cost-of-Living Differentials in the United States, 1889-1939, April 1974

- Creator: Lonny L. Wilson, William Penn College
- Item 6: Labor and Taxes, 1967

- Creator: Allan J. Harrison and Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: CPI and Consumer Expenditure Forms, no date

- Item 8: Prices and Earnings Around the Globe, 1979-1980

- Creator: Union Bank of Switzerland
- Folder 7: Cost and Standard of Living--Bibliographies

- Box 20

- Folder 1: Cost-Saving Incentive Plans

- Item 1: Social Services and Work: Initiation of Social Workers into Labor and Industry Settings

- Folder 2: Employee Counseling Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Credit Unions

- Item 1: Credit Union Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Decertification

- Item 1: Decertification in Mass Transit: A Case Study Analysis of the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District and the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1090, May 6, 1945

- Creator: Sally Obringer
- Folder 5: Decision Making

- Item 1: Bounded Rationality, Ambiguity and the Engineering of Choice, October 1977

- Creator: James G. March
- Folder 6: Decision Making--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Disability Benefits

- Item 1: Report of the Univ. of Illinois Committee on Accident Compensation, July 1, 1961 - June 30, 1962

- Creator: UIUC Committee on Accident Compensation
- Folder 8: Disability Insurance

- Item 1: State Disability Insurance 1951, April 1951

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Stability
- Item 2: Provision for Permanent Disability, May 1948

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Stability
- Folder 9: Disability Insurance--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Disadvantaged Workers

- Item 1: Help Wanted or is it? A look at white collar job inequalities for minorities and women, no date

- Creator: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Item 2: Employment Reports by the National Alliance of Businessmen, 1971, 1971-1972, 1973, 1984 and 1985

- Creator: National Alliance of Businessmen
- Item 3: Black and White Hardcore ahnd Middle Class Subjective Cultures: a Cross-Validation, April 1972

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, David Weldon and Jack Feldman, Univ. of Illinois
- Folder 11: Discharges

- Item 1: Termination of Employment Relationships: Legal Situation in the Member States of the European Union, April 1997

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 2: Retaliatory Discharge: Whether the Illinois Supreme Court Should Allow the Unionized Employee to Sue in Tort for Retaliatory Discharge, October 7, 1983

- Creator: Helen T. Higgins
- Folder 12: Discharges--Bibliographies

- Box 21

- Folder 1: Discipline

- Item 1: Discipline and Discharge in the United States Postal Service: Adverse Action and Appeal, no date

- Creator: Harry R. Blaine, Eugene C. Hagburg and Frederick A. Zeller
- Item 2: Industrial Relations in Supervision: Discipline, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: What a Foreman Should Know About Constructive Discipline, 1965

- Creator: The Dartnell Corporation
- Folder 2: Discrimination in Employment

- Item 1: Multinational Firms, National Culture and Employment Discrimination, September 1994

- Creator: John J. Lawler, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Item 2: Work Design as an Approach to Person-Environment Fit, 1987

- Creator: Carol T. Kulik of Carnegie Mellon Univ., Greg R. Oldham of UIUC and J. Richard Hackman of Harvard
- Item 3: Double Standard on Appeal: An empirical analysis of employment discrimination cases in the US Courts of Appeals, July 16, 2001

- Creator: Theodore Eisenberg and Stewart J. Schwab, Cornell Univ. Law School
- Item 4: Physical Attractiveness: Effects on Selection, April 18, 1999

- Creator: Scott D. Rozzi, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
- Item 5: The Aye of the Beholder: Susceptibility to Sexism and Beautyism in the Evaluation of Managerial Applicants, 1985

- Creator: Thomas F. Cash and Robert N. Kilcullen, Old Dominion Univ.
- Item 6: Citizens First: Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men in the European Union, no date

- Creator: Information Programme for the European Citizen
- Item 7: Adam and Even, 1972

- Creator: Elizabeth Blake
- Item 8: Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO Seminar on Sexual Harassment, May 19, 1993

- Creator: Transport Wkrs. Union of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 9: The Impact of Sexism and Racism on Employment Status and Earnings, with Addendum, no date

- Creator: Jessie Bernard, Research Scholar Honoris Causa, Pennsylvania State Univ.
- Item 10: The Social Construction of Organizational Tokens, no date

- Creator: Thomas Reed et al., Texas A&M Univ.
- Item 11: Black Labor, the NLRB and the Developing Law of Equal Employment Opportunity, April 1975

- Creator: NAACP
- Item 12: Step by Step: Affirmative Action for Women, 1971

- Creator: A Womanpower Publication
- Item 13: Human Relations in Chicago: Reports of Commissions and Charter of Human Resources, October-November, 1945

- Creator: Chicago Conference on Home Front Unity, Mayor's Committee on Race Relations
- Item 14: The Negro's Stake in the Future of American Industry, possibly circa 1950

- Creator: Mark Starr, Educational Directory, Intl. Ladies Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 15: Memo from the US Postal Service Labor Law Div. to employee relations directors regarding recent appelate court rulings, January 27, 1976

- Creator: United States Postal Service
- Item 16: Discrimination Against Women: Theory and Evidence, April 1982

- Creator: Prof. Francine D. Blau, UIUC ILIR
- Item 17: A Test of Human Capital Theory and an Indirect Estimate of Discrimination - the Travel Agent Occupation, November 14, 1988

- Creator: Rose Marie Schmidt
- Item 18: Compound Discrimination: The Interaction of Race and Sex in Employment Discrimination, November 1980

- Creator: Prof. Elaine W. Shoben, UIUC Law School
- Item 19: Race Discrimination in Employment: What Price Equality?, 1976

- Creator: Harry T. Edwards
- Item 20: From Discrimination to Affirmative Action: Public Attitudes 1935-1977, circa 1977

- Creator: Seymour Martin Lipset and William Schneider
- Item 21: Developing Concepts in Anti-Discrimination Law, September 29, 1976

- Creator: Prof. Kenneth T. Lopatka, UIUC Law School
- Item 22: Merit Employment in Chicago, February 1956

- Creator: Mayor's Committee on Community Welfare, subcommittee on Employment and Community Service
- Item 23: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: Negro Employment in the Birmingham Metropolitan Area, April 1954

- Creator: National Planning Assoication
- Item 24: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: 3 Southern Plants of Intl. Harvester Company, September 1953

- Creator: National Planning Assoication
- Item 25: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: 4 Studies of Negro Employment in the Upper South, October 1953

- Creator: National Planning Assoication
- Item 26: Cracking the Color Line

- Creator: Congress of Racial Equality
- Item 27: We Open the Gates: Labor's Fight for Equality, September 1958

- Creator: National Labor Service
- Box 22

- Folder 1: Discrimination in Employment (cont.)

- Item 1: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: 2 Plants-Little Rock, 3 Companies-New Orleans Area, May 1954

- Creator: National Planning Association
- Item 2: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: Negro Employment Practices in the Chattanooga Area, December 1954

- Creator: National Planning Association
- Item 3: Report of Progress, 1957

- Creator: New York State Commission Against Discrimination
- Item 4: The War's Greatest Scandal! The Story of Jim Crow in Uniform, 1943

- Creator: March on Washington Movement
- Item 5: Recent Development in Employment Discrimination Based on National Origin, April 1978

- Creator: John D. Blackburn, Ohio State Univ.
- Item 6: Unemployment Among Negroes, March 1958

- Creator: Chicago Urban League Report
- Item 7: Report on Eighteen State Anti-Discrimination Agencies and the Laws they Administer, November 1959

- Creator: Commission on Law and Social Action of the American Jewish Congress
- Item 8: A View from the National Labor Relations Board, April 11, 1974

- Creator: Remarks of Edward B. Miller before the Kansas City Bar Assn.
- Item 9: Five Years of Progress: 1953 - 1958, 1958

- Creator: Report to President Eisenhower by the President's Committee on Government Contracts
- Item 10: The Influence of Discrimination on Minority Group Members in its relation to Attempts to Combat Discrimination, June 1948

- Creator: Gerhart Saenger, New York Univ. and Norma S. Gordon, New School for Social Research
- Item 11: Some Factors Influencing Union Racial Practices, December 1961

- Creator: Ray Marshall, Louisiana State Univ.
- Item 12: The trend since 1944 on The Color Line in Industry, December 1951

- Creator: The Public Opnion Index for Industry
- Item 13: Reducing the Pervasiveness of Discrimination, no date

- Creator: Prof. Barbara R. Bergman, Economics Dept., Univ. of Maryland
- Item 14: Customer Reactions to the Integration of Negro Sales Personnel, no date

- Creator: Gerhart Saenger, New York Univ. and Emily Gilbert, Columbia Univ.
- Item 15: The Negro Wants Full Equality, 1944

- Creator: Roy Wilkins, NAACP
- Item 16: A More Productive Role for the Negro in the South's Economy, no date

- Creator: W. Ellison Chalmers
- Item 17: Testimony of Herbert Hill, Labor Secretary, NAACP before the New York City Commission on Human Rights, September 26, 1966

- Creator: NAACP
- Item 18: Intergroup Relations Within Labor and Industry, 1949

- Creator: National Conference of Christians and Jews
- Folder 2: Discrimination in Employment--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Dismissal Compensation

- Folder 4: Dismissal Compensation--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Labor Disputes

- Item 1: The Pacific Coast Longshoremen's Strike of 1934: Statement of Waterfront Employers Union President Thomas G. Plant of San Francisco to the National Longshoremen's Board, July 11, 1934

- Creator: Waterfront Employers Union of San Francisco and Natinoal Longshoremen's Board
- Folder 6: Labor Disputes--Adjustment Procedures

- Item 1: ADR in the Public Sector: The Case of Illinois, May 1986

- Creator: Miriam K. Mills, New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Item 2: Impasse Resolution in the Police and Fire Services, December 5, 1975

- Creator: Raymond M. Forster
- Box 23

- Folder 1: Labor Disputes--Adjustment Procedures (cont.)

- Item 1: Original ENA Agreement, no date

- Folder 7: Labor Disutes--Adjustment Procedures--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Domestic Service Employees

- Folder 9: Domestic Service Employees--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Donations

- Folder 11: Drug Abuse

- Folder 12: Drug Free Workplace Act (1988)

- Folder 13: Earnings

- Item 1: The Effects of Metropolitan Job Growth on the Size Distribution of Family Income, June 1991

- Creator: Timothy J. Bartik, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
- Folder 14: Economic Aspects of Education

- Item 1: Does the Human Capital/Educationa. Sorting Debate Matter for Development Policy?, April 1992

- Creator: Kevin Lang, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
- Item 2: Postsecondary Education as Triage: Returns to Academic and Technical Programs, June 1992

- Creator: Kevin Hollenbeck, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
- Item 3: Education: The Key to Job Market Success, 1990

- Creator: Dr. Janet L. Norwood
- Item 4: How Convincing is the Evidence Linking Education and Income?, 1991

- Creator: Orley Ashenfelter
- Item 5: Education and the Decline of the American Economy: Guilty or Not?, 1989

- Creator: Clark Kerr
- Item 6: Levels of Nineteenth Century American Investment in Education, 1967

- Creator: Albert Fishlow, Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ of California at Berkeley
- Item 7: Planning Models of Education Requirements for Economic Development, September 1963

- Creator: J. Tinbergen, L. Emmerij, J. Blum and G. Williams,
- Folder 15: Economic Development

- Item 1: Does Schooling Cause Growth or the Other Way Around?, September 1997

- Creator: Prof. Mark Bils, Economics Dept., Univ. of Rochester and NBER and Peter J. Klenow, Graduate School of Business, Univ. of Chicago and NBER
- Item 2: Toward a Service-oriented Growth Strategy, 1981

- Creator: Prof. Werner Baer, UIUC and Prof. Larry Samuelson, Syracuse Univ.
- Item 3: Technology, Employment and Development: Empirical Findings, 1976

- Creator: Prof. Werner Baer, UIUC
- Item 4: Competitiveness Index 1990, circa 1990

- Creator: Council on Competitiveness
- Item 5: Science Education and Economic Growth, no date

- Creator: Ingvar Svennilson, prof. of Economics, Univ. of Stockholm
- Item 6: Political Community and Group Interests in Modern India, September 16, 1966

- Creator: Joseph R. Gusfield
- Item 7: Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 1959

- Creator: Hoffman & Campe Verlag
- Item 8: The Role of the Universities in the Economic Development of the West, November 19-21, 1961

- Creator: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
- Item 9: Income Distribution and Ecnomic Development: A Survey, and tests for selected Latin American Cities, October 1973

- Creator: William R. Cline, the Brookings Institution
- Item 10: Relaxation of Tensions Through the Industrialization of Underdeveloped Countries, September 1958

- Creator: P.C. Mahalanobis
- Item 11: Educational Institutions in the Process of Economic and National Development, September 19, 1966

- Creator: Joseph R. Gusfield
- Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia

- Box 25

- Folder 1: Education and Business

- Item 1: Undereducated Uncompetitive USA, 1989

- Creator: Corporate Task Force on Education
- Item 2: Who Will Do The Work? A Business Guide for Preparing Tomorrow's Workforce, 1989

- Creator: National Alliance of Business
- Folder 2: Education and Labor

- Item 1: Building Labor-Campus Alliances, November 30 - December 1, 1989

- Creator: Labor/Higher Education Council
- Item 2: Unions and Youth: A Step in the Right Direction, circa 1977

- Creator: Les Cupper, lecturer in Industrial Relations, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia
- Item 3: The Role of Organized Labor in Effecting School Integration, June 21-26, 1955

- Creator: Herbert Hill, Labor Secretary, NAACP
- Item 4: Unions, Education and Employment, December 1972

- Creator: John A. Sessions, AFL-CIO Education Dept.
- Item 5: Proceedings of the National Meeting of the Labor/Higher Edcation Council, September 19-20, 1985

- Creator: Labor/Higher Education Council
- Item 6: Labor and Education: Report of American Federation of Labor Committee on Edeucation on Social Studies in the Public Schools, August 28, 1923

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 7: Labor and Education: A brief outline of the resolutions and pronouncements of the American Federation of Labor in support of the general principles and practices of education from 1881-1938, circa 1938

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 8: Labor and Education: Yearly Convention Reports, 1939-1957

- Creator: American Federation of Labor/AFL-CIO
- Folder 3: Education and Labor--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Educational Assistance

- Item 1: Where are the Women? A Study of Worker Underutilization of Tuition Refund Plans, December 1977

- Creator: Mimi Abramovitz, Project Research Director, New York State School of Industrial Relations
- Item 2: The Economics of a Zero State Funding of EOP Programs at San Diego State Univ., May 15, 1972

- Creator: Waymon Johnson, George Baca and Nancee Williamson, Institute of Labor Economics, Sand Diego State Univ.
- Item 3: Negotiating Educational Opportunities for Workers and Their Families, January 12, 1972

- Creator: Prof. Herbert A. Levine, Director of the Labor Education Center at Rutgers Univ.
- Folder 5: Educational Institutions

- Folder 6: Electronic Data Processing

- Folder 7: Electronics Industry

- Item 1: Perspectives in an Age of Protest, October 2, 1968

- Creator: L.I. Wood, Vice President-Washington Relations, General Electric Co.
- Folder 8: Emergency Employment Act of 1971

- Item 1: Some Questions Concerning Certification of the Disadvantaged under the Emregency Employment Act, Spring 1973

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek and William N. Cook, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Folder 9: Employee Attitudes

- Item 1: Minnesota Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation XII: Manual for the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, October 1967

- Creator: Univ. of Minnesota Industrial Relations Center
- Item 2: Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey, 1975

- Creator: Richard Hackman, Yale Univ. and Greg R. Oldham, UIUC
- Item 3: Employer-Employee Attitudes in Iowa's Economy: Proceedings of the First State Univ. of Iowa Labor-Management Conference, June 22-23, 1951

- Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management, State Univ. of Iowa
- Item 4: Beliefs about an object and the attitude toward that object, circa 1960

- Creator: Martin Fishbein
- Item 5: A Comparative Study on Conceptual Differences between the Japanese and American Workers, 1962

- Creator: Mitsuo Ando, Tohoku Univ., Japan
- Folder 10: Employee Attitudes--Bibliographies

- Folder 11: Employee Attitudes: Surveys

- Item 1: Triple Audit Sample Report to a Firm, August 1954

- Creator: Univ. of Minnesota Industrial Relations Center
- Item 2: Triple Audit: Employee Attitude Scale Development and Preliminary Norms, December 1954

- Creator: Univ. of Minnesota Industrial Relations Center
- Item 3: Final Report on an Employee Attitude Survey of the Illinois Central Railroad, June - August 1950, February 13, 1951

- Creator: David R. Flebbe and Edward V. Wood, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Worker Commitment Interview Schedule, 1957

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Box 26

- Folder 1: Employee Attitudes: Surveys--Bibliographies

- Folder 2: Employee Investigation

- Folder 3: Employee Investigation--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Employee Ownership

- Item 1: Three Existing Democratized Enterprises in the US and Britain, 1972

- Creator: Paul Bernstein
- Item 2: Rath Packing Company Tutorial Research, November 21, 1986

- Creator: John Wallace Roslansky
- Folder 5: Employee Polygraph Protection Act, 1988

- Folder 6: Employee Publications

- Folder 7: Employee Publications--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Employee Representation

- Item 1: Employee Representation: The Story of the Goodyear Industrial Assembly, 1935

- Creator: Hugh Allen
- Item 2: The Goodrich Coopeartive Plan, by and for Factory Employees of B.F. Goodrich Co., October 1, 1935

- Creator: B.F. Goodrich Co.
- Item 3: Works Councils in Germany, March 1951

- Creator: Paul Fisher, Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany
- Item 4: Worker Participation in Management in Israel, with some General Speculations, November 1962

- Creator: Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 9: Employee Representation--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 1974

- Item 1: Memorandum to members of the FMCS (Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service) from the Office of Arbitration Services concerning arbitrators' fiduciary responsibility

- Item 2: Evaluating ERISA, May 1984

- Creator: Beverly M. Klimowski, Intl. Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
- Folder 11: ERISA--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Employers' Associations

- Item 1: A Theory of the Origin and Development of Employer Associations, no date

- Creator: Kenneth M. McCaffree, Univ. of Washington
- Item 2: The Local Chamber of Commerce and Labor Relations, June 23, 1946

- Creator: Henry H. Bolz, Secretary-General Manager, Assn. of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 3: Influences of Employer Bargaining Associations in Manufacturing Firms, no date

- Creator: Max S. Wortman, Jr., Univ. of Iowa
- Folder 13: Employers' Associations--Bibliographies

- Box 27

- Folder 1: Employment

- Item 1: Employment in Europe, 1997

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 2: Forum Special: Jobs Summit, 1997

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 3: Energy, Environment and Jobs, June 11-12, 1981

- Creator: Gladys W. Gruenberg, St. Louis Univ.
- Item 4: Symposium on Full Employment Issues, Energy, Environment and Jobs, June 11-12, 1981

- Creator: International Union of Operating Engineers
- Item 5: Employment and Income of Rural Families in Southern Illinois, August 1954

- Creator: J.E. Wills and Harold L. Koeller, UIUC Agricultural Experiment Station
- Item 6: Schooling and Urban Employment Growh: 1980-1984, December 1987

- Creator: Peter V. Schaeffer and William Sander, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, UIUC
- Folder 2: Employment--Bibliographies

- Item 1: An Indigenous-based Employment Strategy for African Economies: Conceptual Framework and Policy, March 1978

- Creator: Mudiayi Ngandu, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 3: Employment: Africa--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Employment: Arizona

- Folder 5: Employment: California

- Box 28

- Folder 1: Employment: Canada

- Item 1: New Brunswick Labor Force Report, March 1982

- Creator: New Brunswick Labour Market Services Branch, Dept. of Labour and Manpower
- Folder 2: Employment: Developing Countries

- Folder 3: Employment: Engineers

- Item 1: Interdisciplinary Occupational Employment Profiles, no date

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, UIUC
- Item 2: Labor Market Experience for Engineers During Periods of Changing Demand, August 1973

- Creator: Trevor Bain, Queens College of the City Univ. of New York
- Folder 4: Employment: Farm Laborers

- Folder 5: Employment: Georgia

- Folder 6: Employment: Germany

- Item 1: Statistical Report, September 1949

- Creator: Labour Department of the Combined Zones, Allied Occupation
- Item 2: Preliminary Report on Employment and Unemployment, Federal Republic of Germany and Western Berlin, September 1951

- Creator: Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany
- Folder 7: Employment: Great Britain

- Item 1: The Unemployed Problem, The Socialist Solution, December 1892

- Creator: D. Campbell, SDF.
- Item 2: The Trade Unionist and Full Employment, 1955

- Creator: John Vaizey, St. Catherine's College, Cambridge
- Folder 8: Employment: Illinois

- Item 1: Labor Area Trends, Peoria Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, March-August, 1977

- Creator: Illinois State Employment Service
- Item 2: Monitoring Manufacturing Employment Trends in Chicago and Illinois: Implications for NAFTA Impacts, May 1994

- Creator: University of Illinois at Chicago Center for Urban Economic Development
- Item 3: Minority Employment in Chicago, October 1, 1971

- Creator: Fred Dansereau, Ian McAndrew and Anthony L. Redwood, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Minority Employment Patterns in an Urban Labor Market: The Chicago Experience, no date

- Creator: Robert B. McKersie, Univ. of Chicago
- Box 29

- Folder 1: Employment: Indiana

- Box 30

- Folder 1: Employment: Iowa

- Folder 2: Employment: Israel

- Item 1: Unemployment, Vacancies and Matching in the Israeli Economy, April 10 and 11, 1992

- Creator: Eli Berman, Harvard Univ. and Eran Yashiv, NYU
- Folder 3: Employment: Japan

- Item 1: The Need for and the Process of Employment Adjustment in Japanese Electrical and Electronic Industries, April 1982

- Creator: Prof. Koji Taira, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 2: The Structure of the Labor Supply in Japan

- Creator: Keio Econometric Research Project on the Structure of Labor Force in Japan
- Item 3: Employment in the Japanese Small and Medium Enterprises, 1957

- Creator: Prof. Tokutaro Yamanaka, Economics Dept. of Hitotsubashi Univ. and Prof. Takeshi Mizuno, asst. prof. in the Economics Dept. of Kobe Univ.
- Item 4: Materials for LIR Colloquium '82: "Employment Adjustment in Japanese Industry", September 17, 1982

- Creator: Prof. Koji Taira, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 5: Japan's Lifetime Employment Revisited, April 1985

- Creator: Prof. Koji Taira, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Folder 4: Employment: Louisiana

- Folder 5: Employment: Maine

- Folder 6: Employment: Massachusetts

- Folder 7: Employment: Michigan

- Box 31

- Folder 1: Employment: Minnesota

- Folder 2: Employment: Minority Groups

- Folder 3: Employment: Nevada

- Folder 4: Employment: New Jersey

- Item 1: Employment Growth Projections for Six Counties Surrounding Bernards Township, New Jersey, April 1977

- Creator: James C. Ohls and Peter Bearse, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 2: Post-War Trends in Employment and Earnings in New Jersey, May 1960

- Creator: Rutgers Univ. Institute of Management and Labor Relations
- Folder 5: Employment: New York

- Folder 6: Employment: Ohio

- Box 32

- Folder 1: Employment: Oklahoma

- Folder 2: Employment: Oregon

- Folder 3: Employment: Pakistan

- Item 1: Employment 1961 and Tentative Patterns of Employment 1961-90, June 1967

- Creator: Prepared by Mr. K. Ruud, UN Manpower Planning Project
- Item 2: Programme for Projecting Manpower Requirements of the Fourth Plan, December 30, 1966

- Creator: Prepared by Mr. K. Ruud, UN Manpower Planning Project
- Folder 4: Employment: Pennsylvania

- Folder 5: Employment: Performing Arts

- Item 1: Artist Employment and Unemployment 1971-1980, circa 1984

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Folder 6: Employment: Philippines

- Item 1: Current Labor Statistics, Second Quarter 2002

- Creator: Dept. of Labor and Employment, Philippines
- Item 2: Employment Effects of Multinational Enterprises in the Philippines, 1979

- Creator: Chita Tanchoco-Subido, Presidential Committee on Agricultural Credit, Philippines
- Folder 7: Employment: Public Utilities

- Folder 8: Employment: Service Sector

- Folder 9: Employment: South Carolina

- Folder 10: Employment: South Dakota

- Folder 11: Employment: Statistics

- Folder 12: Employment: Sweden

- Item 1: Safeguarding Employment, February 1977

- Creator: Ministry of Labor, Intl. Secretariat, Sweden
- Item 2: Employment Tomorrow: Terms of Reference for a Royal Commission on Long-Term Employment Policy, May 1974

- Creator: Ministry of Labor, Intl. Secretariat, Sweden
- Item 3: Working Party on Employment: Inventory of short-term measures taken in the light of the employment situation, April 1976

- Creator: Ministry of Labor, Sweden
- Item 4: Swedish Employment Policy 1975/76, circa 1976

- Creator: National Labour Market Board/County Labour Boards/Employment Service
- Item 5: Swedish Employment Policy 1974/75 and 1976/77, circa 1977

- Creator: National Labour Market Board/County Labour Boards/Employment Service
- Folder 13: Employment: Tennessee

- Folder 14: Employment: Texas

- Box 33

- Folder 1: Employment: Utah

- Folder 2: Employment: Virgin Islands

- Folder 3: Employment: Virginia

- Folder 4: Employment: Washington

- Folder 5: Employment: Wisconsin

- Folder 6: Employment Act 1946

- Item 1: A Full Employment Program, circa 1946

- Creator: John H.G. Pierson, Consultant on Postwar Employment Policy, US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: The Employment Act of 1946, April 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Folder 7: Employment Agencies

- Item 1: Channels of Employment: Influences on the Operations of Public Employment Offices and Other Hiring Channels in Local Job Markets, 1952

- Creator: Prof. Murrey Edelman, Political Science Dept., UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Public Employment Exchanges: The Committee Appointed by the Trustees of the City Club of New York to inquire into the need of public employment exchanges in New York, 1914

- Creator: The City Club of New York
- Item 3: Jobs and Workers, circa 1955

- Creator: Women in Industry Committee of the League of Women Voters
- Item 4: Proceedings of the forty-third and forty-first annual conventions of the International Associations of Personnel in Employment Security, June 1956 and June 1954

- Creator: Intl. Assn. of Personnel in Employment Security
- Folder 8: Employment Agencies - Public

- Item 1: Employment Policy in Norway: A Survey, May 1950

- Creator: The Norwegian Joint Committee on International Social Policy
- Item 2: Correspondence between Senator Vance Hartke and the United States Labor Dept. concerning Employment Service Operations, circa 1971

- Creator: US Labor Dept. and Senator Vance Hartke
- Item 3: A Case Study of the Neglect of the Local State Employment Service in Serving Disadvnataged Job Seekers, November 1972

- Creator: William N. Cook, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Statement of Position in respone to "Falling Down on the Job," report of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, November 1971

- Creator: Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies
- Box 34

- Folder 1: Employment Agencies - Public (cont.)

- Folder 2: Employment Agencies - Public--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Employment Opportunities

- Item 1: Job Opportunities and Job Security: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Industrial Relations Center Labor Conference, June 1955

- Creator: edited by Walter H. Uphoff, Indusrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 2: Opportunities for Women Trained in Home Economics, 1928

- Creator: Prof. William H. Stead, School of Business Admin., Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 3: School Subjects and Jobs, 1950

- Creator: Science Research Associates, Inc.
- Item 4: Bulletin to Management, 2008-16

Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
18 Bulletin to Management Issues relating to Empolyment Opportunities
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Bulletin, Facts & Figures, 2008

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Folder 4: Employment Opportunities--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Employment Opportunities: Latin America

- Item 1: Reflections on Employment Opportunities in Latin America, Spring 1971

- Creator: Mahmood A. Zaidi, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Folder 6: Employment Policies

- Folder 7: Employment Procedures

- Item 1: Methodological Analysis of Interview Data fo Personnel Selection, 1957

- Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
- Item 2: Report on the IMRUP Personnel Selection Program, 1957

- Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
- Item 3: Reccomendations for Personnel Selection in India based on the British Selection Methods in the Civil Service and Industry, 1957

- Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
- Item 4: Social Science Research Reports, Vol. II: Selection and Placement, 1962

- Creator: Standard Oil Co.
- Item 5: Pilot Project in Personnel Selection: Hindustan Aircraft (Private) Ltd., 1957

- Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
- Item 6: Factors Affecting Employee Selection in Two Cultures, no date

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 7: Factors in Selecting Engineering and Science Graduates for Employment, 1954

- Creator: Alfred L. Johnson, California Institute of Technology
- Item 8: Comparison of the Leaderless Group Discussion and the Individual Interview in the Selection of Sales and Management Trainees, 1949

- Creator: Bernard M. Bass
- Folder 8: Employment Procedures--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Employment Stabilization

- Item 1: Community Full Employment, August 1981

- Creator: Robert Friedman
- Item 2: Toward Worker Security: The Role of Management. Report of a Special Committee approved by the board of directors, 1951

- Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Item 3: Key Policies for Full Employment, September 1962

- Creator: Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 4: Toward More Production, More Jobs and More Freedom, circa 1945

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 5: A Postwar Federal Tax Plan for High Employment, circa 1945

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 6: Notes on the Meaning, Measurement and Implications of Full Employment, August 1945

- Creator: Emile Benoit-Smullyan, Edgar E. Poulton and John H.g. Pierson, US Labor Dept. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 7: Public Works Planning and Development in Illinois, January 1961

- Creator: Jerome L. Kaufman, Bureau of Community Planning, UIUC
- Item 8: Education for Maintaining Full Employment, March 1945

- Creator: Roland W. Bartlett, UIUC
- Item 9: Less Unemployment Through Stabilization of Operations, November 1930 and June 1931

- Creator: The Governor's Commission on Unemployment Problems for the State of New York
- Item 10: Stable Employment and Flexible Wages, August 1940

- Creator: Prof. Charles A. Myers, MIT
- Item 11: Employment Stabilization and the Wisconsin Act, December 1939

- Creator: Prof. Charles A. Myers, MIT
- Item 12: Sixty Million Jobs, 1945

- Creator: Henry A. Wallace, US Secretary of Commerce
- Item 13: The Effects of Employment Tax Credits, January 1976

- Creator: Gary C. Fethke and Samuel H. Williamson, Univ. of Iowa
- Folder 10: Employment Stability--Bibliographies

- Box 35

- Folder 1: Engineers

- Item 1: A Profile of the Woman Engineer, 1977

- Creator: Society of Women Engineers
- Folder 2: Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1964

- Folder 3: Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972

- Folder 4: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

- Item 1: Justice Denied: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Under the Reagan Administration, February 1986

- Creator: Women Employed Insitute
- Folder 5: Equal Pay Act of 1963

- Folder 6: Equal Pay for Equal Work

- Item 1: Fair Pay For Women: Unions Making the Vision a Reality, circa 1993

- Item 2: Questions and Answers: Pay Equity in the Workplace, circa 1992

- Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Commission
- Item 3: Radio Public Service Announcements on "Fair Pay", no date

- Item 4: A Code of Practice on the Implementation of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value for Men and Women, 1996

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 5: Step by Step to Pay Equity: Vol.3, circa 1994

- Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Commission
- Item 6: Special Report: Ontario Pay Equity Legislation for Broader Public and Private Sectors, November 27, 1986

- Creator: CCH Canadian Limited
- Item 7: The Case for and Economic Consequences of Comparable Worth: Analytical, Empirical and Policy Questions, September 1983

- Creator: Mark R. Killingsworth, Economics Dept. Rutgers Univ.
- Item 8: National Committee on Pay Equity Update, October 5, 1981

- Creator: National Committee on Pay Equity
- Item 9: Pay Equity Commission Folder, no date

- Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Commission
- Item 10: Commission on the Status of Women: Pilot Project, June 1983

- Creator: Illinois State Commission on the Status of Women
- Item 11: Report of the National Conference on Equal Pay, March 31 - April 1, 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: "Separate but Equal" - Job Segregation and Pay Equity in the Wake of Gunther, 1981

- Creator: Winn Newman and Jeanne M. Vonhof
- Item 13: Pay Equity Reports: Vol.3, 1992

- Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal
- Folder 7: Equal Pay for Equal Work--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Equity Theory

- Item 1: Perceptions of Income Equity, no date

- Creator: R.T. Curtin
- Item 2: Equity, Equality and Need: What determines which value will be used as the basis of distributive justice?, 1975

- Creator: Morton Deutsch
- Item 3: New Directions in Equity Research, no date

- Creator: Elaine Walster, G. William Walster and Ellen Bershceid
- Item 4: Comparing "Fair" and Actual Distributions of Income: A Test of Functionalist and Marxist Theories of Stratification, 1977

- Creator: Theodore D. Kemper, Leon Glachman, Angela Ryan and Edward J. Werring
- Item 5: Statistics of Ideal and Actual Income Distribution for 22 Occupations, no date

- Folder 9: Equity Theory--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Executives

- Item 1: Opinions of the Japanese Top Company Executives on the Social Conditions Closely Relating to the Long-Range Development of Business and Industry

- Item 2: The Measurement of Executive Success, October 1962

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Cornell Univ.
- Item 3: Do Management Attitudes Determine Union-Managemeht Relations?, February 1955

- Creator: Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Businessmen in Fiction: The Capitalist and Executive in American Novels, 1955

- Creator: Prof. Robert Kavesh, Economics Dept., Dartmouth College
- Item 5: How Can Teamwork Among Managers Be Improved?, 1959

- Creator: Reuben J. Robertson, Jr., Bureau of Industrial Relations, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 6: Personal Value Systems and Expected Behavior of Managers: A Comparitive Study in Japan, Korea and the United States, September 1971

- Creator: George W. England, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Folder 11: Executives: Appraisal

- Folder 12: Executives: Appraisal--Bibliographies

- Folder 13: Executive Compensation

- Folder 14: Executive Compensation--Bibliographies

- Box 36

- Folder 1: Executive Compensation (cont.)

- Item 1: Provigo Inc. Management Incentives for Superior Performance, Nov. 17, 1985

- Creator: Harvard Business School
- Item 2: United Airlines Memorandum to all Function Level Managers and Above, concerning the 1985 Merit Program for Management Employees, March 11, 1985

- Creator: United Airlines
- Item 3: Executive Pay Dispersion: Measurement Issues and Evidence, no date

- Item 4: Product Diversification, Performance Criteria and Compensation at the Corporate Manager Level, October 1984

- Creator: Nancy Knox Napier, Univ. of Washington and Mark Smith, Louisiana State Univ.
- Item 5: Correlates of Managerial Preferences for Selected Salary Criteria, May 1976

- Creator: Lee Dyer, Cornell Univ. and Roland D. Theriault, Univ. of Montreal
- Item 6: Managerial Considerations in Salary-Increase Forecasting, 1980

- Creator: D.M. Gluntz, General Electric Co.
- Item 7: The Stock Options Scandal, August 1959

- Creator: Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO
- Item 8: Some Aspects of Executive Compensation, November 1955

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Folder 2: Executive Development

- Item 1: Trends in University-Based Continuing Management Education, September 1976

- Creator: John F. Sullivan, School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 2: Management Extension, May 1973

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: "The purpose of this report is to present the results of a study of succession/replacement planning practices and programs", no date

- Item 4: Perspectives in Management, November 1967

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 5: Cultural and Social Handicaps to Management Development in Iraq, October 1966

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 6: Management Training: A Course Construction Guide, October 1966

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 7: An Alternative Approach to Resources and Development, October 1964

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 8: Learning the Skills of Learning, September 1968

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 9: An International Perspective in Management, no date

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 10: Improving the Effectiveness of Management, 1950

- Creator: Herman .S. Hall, UIUC College of Commerce and Business Administration
- Item 11: Counseling Executives After Merit Rating or Evaluation: A Project in Executive Development, 1957

- Creator: Earl G. Planty, UIUC and Carlos E. Efferson Chicopee Mfg. Corp.
- Item 12: Case Studies in Executive Development II, 1950

- Creator: Earl G. Planty, Johnson & Johnson Co.
- Item 13: Recognition - Beyond Salary, February 8, 1955

- Creator: D.R. Davies, Vice Pres., Illinois POWer Co.
- Item 14: A Survey of Needs and Methods in Executive Development Emphasizing the Method of Directed Guidance, circa 1951

- Creator: Earl G. Planty, Johnson & Johnson Co., and Carlos A. Efferson, Chicopee Mfg. Corp.
- Folder 3: Executive Development--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Executives: Selection

- Folder 5: Exit Interviews

- Folder 6: Eyesight Conservation

- Folder 7: Fact Finding Boards

- Item 1: Fact Finding in Labor Boards, 1946

- Creator: John T. Dunlop, Harvard Univ.
- Item 2: Observations on the Process of Fact-Finding in Michigan Public Education Teacher-School Board Disputes, Agustu 21, 1968

- Creator: Charles T. Schmidt, Jr., Univ. of Rhode Island
- Folder 8: Fair Employment Practices

- Item 1: Equal Opportunities for Women in the Community, 1993

- Creator: European Community
- Item 2: Statistical Report of Minority and Female Employment in Higher Education, September 1978

- Creator: State of Illinois Board of Higher Education
- Box 37

- Folder 1: Fair Employment Practices (cont.)

- Item 1: State "Educational" Fair Employment Practice Laws, February 1960

- Creator: Illinois Legislative Council
- Item 2: The Labor Market Implications of an Economy-Wide Affirmative Action Program, March 1976

- Creator: George E. Johnson, Univ. of Michigan and Finis Welch, UCLA and the Rand Corp.
- Item 3: Affirmative Action Project for the East Central Illinois Area to Provide Equal Employment Opportunity in the Construction Industry

- Folder 2: Fair Employment Practices--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Fair Labor Standards Act

- Item 1: Appendix to Statement of George Meany, AFL-CIO President, before the General Labor Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and Labor on Legislation to Amend the Fair Labor Standards Act, June 15, 1965

- Creator: George Meany, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Statement of George Meany, President, AFL-CIO before the General Labor Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and Labor, on Legislation to Amend the Fair Labor Standards Act, June 15, 1965

- Creator: George Meany, AFL-CIO
- Folder 4: Family and Medical Leave Act

- Folder 5: Farm Laborers

- Item 1: Special Report: Farm Labor Committee, Mexican-American Political Association, October 1967

- Creator: Mexican-American Political Association
- Item 2: Stockton's Annual Spring Starving, May 12 1967

- Creator: Mexican-American Political Association
- Item 3: The CIO and the Farmers: Extracts from Speeches by John L. Lewis, John Prophy, Donald Henderson, James Patton and John Bosch, July 10, 1937

- Creator: CIO
- Item 4: Survey of Agricultural Living Conditions in Livingston County, Illinois, October 1937

- Creator: Tom Vasey, Farm Security Administration and Josiah C. Folsom, Bureau of Agricultural Economics
- Item 5: Postwar Farm Jobs and Farmers' Purchase Intentions: An Illinois Survey of Rural Employment Opportunities, October 1945

- Creator: A.T. Anderson and R.C. Ross, UIUC College of Agriculture Extension Service
- Item 6: Making the Most of Available Labor, January 1943

- Creator: Dept. of Agricultural Economics, UIUC
- Folder 6: Farm Laborers--Bibliographies

- Box 38

- Folder 1: Farmers

- Folder 2: Featherbedding

- Folder 3: Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act, 1969

- Folder 4: Federal Employees Compensation Act

- Folder 5: Federal Labor Relations Authority

- Folder 6: Federal Mediation & Reconciliation Service

- Folder 7: Federal Pay Comparability Act, 1970

- Folder 8: Folklore of Labor

- Item 1: Working Americans and the Bicentennial, circa 1976

- Creator: Div. of Performing Arts, Smithsonian Institution
- Item 2: Leadership Training and Planning a Culture Program: Using Clulture to Build the Labor Movement, October 19, 1990

- Creator: Charles Stott, AFL-CIO; Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations & Labor Heritage Foundation; UIC
- Folder 9: Food Products Industry

- Item 1: Guide to Civil Defense Management in the Food Industry

- Folder 10: Food Products Industry--Bibliography

- Folder 11: Forced Labor

- Item 1: Translation by Alex Garber of Michael Rosanov's "Conquerors of the Waste Land: A Personal Account of Russian Forced Labor", December 1947

- Creator: translated from the Russian by Prof. Alex Garber, Univ. of Colorado
- Item 2: Map of the Gulags, 1951

- Creator: AFL Free Trade Union Committee
- Item 3: Stalin's Slave Camps: An Indictment of Modern Slavery, 1951

- Creator: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
- Item 4: Slave Labor in the Soviet World, circa 1953

- Creator: AFL Free Trade Union Committee
- Item 5: Kolmya: Gold and Forced Labor in the USSR, 1949

- Creator: Silvester Mora, Foundation for Foreign Affairs
- Item 6: Slavery Old and New, circa 1951

- Creator: Matthew Woll, AFL Free Trade Union Committee
- Item 7: Forced Labor in the Soviet Union, 1952

- Creator: US State Department
- Item 8: The Economic Role of Forced Labor in Eastern Europe, June 28, 1954

- Creator: Richard Carlton, Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 9: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Romania, 1952

- Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 10: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Hungary, 1952

- Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 11: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Czechoslovakia, 1952

- Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 12: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Bulgaria, 1952

- Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 13: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Yugoslavia, 1952

- Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 14: United Nations Bulletin: Forced Labor-Call for World Survey; Progress of Economic and Social Council; Teaching About the United Nations; The Indonesian Situation; Trusteeship in Action; Renewed Efforts Towads Reducing Armaments; Two Membership Bids From Korea, March 1, 1949

- Creator: United Nations Dept. of Public Information
- Item 15: Slave Labor in Russia: The Case Presented by the American Federation of Labor to the United Nations, 1949

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 16: Reparation Labor: A Preliminary Analysis, May 1946

- Creator: Journal of Quarterly Economics
- Item 17: Tell the West: An Eyewitness Account, 1948

- Creator: by Jerzy Gliksman, reprinted/published by National Committee for a Free Europe, Inc.
- Item 18: The Economics of Slave Labor, 1949

- Creator: David J. Dallin, published as part of the Human Affairs Pamphlets
- Item 19: Forced Labor in the Soviet Orbit: A Selective Bibliography, March 15, 1954

- Creator: George Stolz, National Committee for a Free Europe
- Folder 12: Foreign-Born Employees

- Item 1: Relative Earnings of Immigrans and Natives under Changes in the US Wage Structure, 1970-1990: A Quantile Regression Approach, March 28, 2000

- Creator: Maria Tannuri
- Item 2: Profiles of Undocumented Aliens in New York City: Haitians and Dominicans, 1978

- Creator: Charles B. Keely, Patricia J. Elwell, Austin T. Fragomen Jr., and Silvano M. Tomasi, Center for Migration Studies
- Item 3: Managing Immigrants in the Workplace, 1998

- Creator: Zapatito Jiminez, UIUC
- Folder 13: Foreign-Born Employees: Europe

- Item 1: The Economic Impact of Immigrant Workers in Western Europe, 1974

- Creator: Stephen Drewer
- Folder 14: Foreign Branch Employees

- Item 1: Expatriate Relocation and Adjustment: A Case Study, December 12, 1996

- Creator: Karen Kosinski, UIUC
- Folder 15: Foremen and Supervisors

- Item 1: Short Course on Development of Supervisors as Members of Management, circa 1958

- Creator: Martin Wagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Foreman Development in Japan '60, circa 1960

- Creator: Foreman Development Study Team, Japan Productivity Center, International Cooperation Administration
- Item 3: DRAFT: First-Line Supervisors: Facilitators or Victims of Shop Floor Involvement?, September 1983

- Creator: Janice A. Klein
- Item 4: Foreman's Status, 1950

- Creator: Earl C. Wolfe, UIUC ILIR Extension Service
- Item 5: How the Foreman Can Control Costs, March 1956

- Creator: H. Skerry Hall, UIUC College of Commerce and Business Administration
- Item 6: In Re Carnegie Illinois Steel Corp., Gary Sheet and Tin Mill vs. Foreman's Assoc. of America (Ind.) Chapter 42: Brief for Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp. and Abstract of Reord, no date

- Creator: Paul R. Conaghan, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp.
- Folder 16: Foremen and Supervisors--Bibliographies

- Folder 17: Former Offenders

- Folder 18: Fringe Benefits

- Item 1: Employee Benefits and Industrial Relations, 1984

- Box 39

- Folder 1: Fringe Benefits (cont.)

- Item 1: Notes on Fringe Benefits: Class with East ST. Louis AFL-CIO Union Groups taught by S. Moody, 1956

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Employee Benefits, 1984

- Creator: Prof. Jan Jonczyk, Univ. of Wroclow, visiting at UIC
- Folder 2: Fringe Benefits--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Funeral Homes

- Folder 4: Garnishment of Wages

- Item 1: Assignment and Garnishment of Wages in Illinois, December 4, 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Item 2: Assignment, Garnishment and Consumer Credit in Illinois, April 1958

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Folder 5: General Strikes

- Item 1: The Truth About the Paterson Strike, January 31st, 1914

- Creator: Remarks by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, as recorded by Robert E. Park
- Folder 6: General Strikes--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Glass Industry

- Item 1: Survey of the Glass Container Industry, December 5, 1938

- Creator: Submitted to the Temporary National Economic Committee by the Glass Container Assn. of America
- Folder 8: Government Employees

- Item 1: The Government As Employer, August 1958

- Creator: Alan T. Peacock and T.L. Johnson, Dept. of Political Economy, Univ. of Edinburgh
- Item 2: What Municipal Employees Want from Work: A Pilot Study in Five Suburban City Governments, April 1973

- Creator: F. Gerald Brown and Richard Heimovics
- Item 3: Training for the Public Service: Council-Management Government, 1955

- Creator: Herbert W. Thompson, Robert E. Giltner and Marvin A. Andrews, interns, edtied by Gilbert Y. Steiner, Research Associate Prof., UIUC Institute of Govt. and Public Affairs
- Item 4: The Constitution and Loyalty Programs, December 1954

- Creator: Alan Westin, published by The Carrie Chapman Catt Memorial Fund, inc.
- Folder 9: Government Employees: Federal

- Folder 10: Government Employees: Illinois

- Item 1: Can Anyone Run a City?, 1969

- Creator: By Gus Tyler, Saturday Evening Review
- Item 2: Manpower Trends in Illinois State Government, circa 1971

- Creator: Illinois State Dept. of Personnel
- Folder 11: Government Employees: Municipal

- Item 1: Loyalty Oaths for Municipal Employees, May 1954

- Creator: American Municipal Association
- Folder 12: Government Employees: State

- Item 1: The Vertical and Horizontal Division of Whites and Non-Whites in Employment in Washington State Government, November 1973

- Creator: Gerard Baptiste, Minority Student Coalition of Evergreen State College and Thurston County Urban League
- Item 2: State Workers: How Many? Where? How Well Paid?, December 1975

- Creator: Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, Inc.
- Box 40

- Folder 1: Government Ownership

- Item 1: Is British Socialism a Failure?, October 28, 1948

- Creator: Prof. Roland Gibson, Univ. of Illinois Dept. of Economics
- Item 2: Nationalised Industry: Relations with the Public, 1953

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 3: Nationalised Industry: The Worker's Point of View - A discussion of 'reporting back' based on a study in a coalfield, 1952

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 4: Natinoalized Transport Operations in Great Britain, 1952

- Creator: Assn. of American Railroads, Bureau of Railroad Economics
- Item 5: Some Observations on the Nationalization of Railways in Great Britain/Britain's Great Experiment: Three Months of Socialised Transport, May 1948

- Creator: E.G. Plowman and G. Lloyd Wilson/Christine R. Taylor
- Item 6: Nationalised Industry: The Powers of the Minister, 1952

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 7: Nationalised Industry: Accountability to Parliament, 1950

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 8: Nationalised Industry: The Extent of Centralisation - A discussion based on a case study in the coal industry, 1951

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 9: Industry and Society: Labour's Policy on Future Public Ownership, July 1957

- Creator: Labour Party, United Kingdom
- Item 10: Nationalised Industry: Patterns of Organisation, 1951

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 11: Nationalised Industry: The Future of Unions, 1951

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 12: Nationalised Industry: The Framework of Joint Consultation, 1952

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 13: Das Britische Verstaatlichungsexperiment, 1950

- Item 14: Problems of Public Ownership, August 1952

- Creator: Ernest Davies MP, Labour Party
- Item 15: Socialism and Nationalisation, July 1956

- Creator: High Gaitskell, MP
- Item 16: Public Ownership: An Interim Report, 1953

- Creator: Trades Union Congress
- Folder 2: Government Service

- Folder 3: Grain Mill Products Industry

- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City, Case Study No.1: Grain Processing, circa 1948

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 4: Grievance Procedures

- Item 1: Workplace Grievances: A Case Study in Employee Grievance Activity With and Without Union Representation, Spring 1994

- Creator: Richard A. Wilburs, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: An Empirical Test of the Determinants of the Effectiveness of Workplace Complaint Procedures, july 7, 1988

- Creator: Karen E. Boroff
- Item 3: Grievance Administration: A Training Conference for Local Union Officers and Grievance Representatives, no date

- Creator: United Gas Coke and Chemical Workers of America (CIO) and Pennsylvania State College
- Item 4: Adjustment of Grievances, 1949

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 5: Grievance Principles and Problems, 1948-1949

- Creator: University of Chicago
- Item 6: The Handling and Writing of the Grievance, 1964

- Item 7: The Grievance as an Unfair Labor Practice, 1980

- Creator: Prof. Edgar Moore, Ohio State Univ. Labor Education and Research Service
- Item 8: Handling Grievances: An Outline Manual for Union Shop Stewards and Grievance Committeemen, 1951

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Grievance Procedures in Health Care Establishments, May 1979

- Creator: Prof. Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 10: Why Are People Saying Such Wonderful Things About Grievance Mediation?, November 1990

- Creator: Peter Feuille, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 5: Grievance Procedures--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Group Dynamics

- Box 41

- Folder 1: Group Insurance

- Item 1: Paying More and Losing Ground: How Employer Cost-Shifting is Eroding Health Coverage of Working Families, circa 1996

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Life Insurance Fact Book 1953, circa 1953

- Folder 2: Guaranteed Employment & Wage Plans

- Item 1: Progress Report on the Guaranteed Annual Wage, 1953

- Creator: United Automobile Workers, CIO
- Item 2: Some Problems of Annual Wage Guarantees, 1953

- Creator: Boris Shishkin, Research Director, AFL
- Item 3: Guaranteed Annual Employment, New York State, 1955

- Creator: NY State Dept. of Labor
- Item 4: The Economics of the Guaranteed Wage, 1953

- Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Item 5: Preparing a Guaranteed Employment Plan that Fits UAW Members Like a Glove, 1954

- Creator: United Automobile Workers, CIO
- Item 6: Guaranteed Wages: Report to the President by the Advisory Board, January 31, 1947

- Creator: Office of War Mobilization and Deconversion, Office of Temporary Controls
- Item 7: Le Salaire Annuel Garanti, 1953

- Creator: Emile Bouvier, S.J.
- Item 8: Sixth Annual Mangement Conference: The Guaranteed Wage, April 6, 1954

- Creator: Rutgers Univ. Institute of Management and Labor Relations
- Item 9: Address by Arthur S. Thornbury at the Illinois Manufacturers Assn., March 20, 1947

- Item 10: The Guaranteed Annual Wage, circa 1954

- Creator: Prof. James W. Leonard, Economics, UIUC
- Item 11: Here It Is! The contract changes which make up your new and improved UAW-Ford Agreement, no date

- Creator: United Automobile Workers, CIO
- Folder 3: Guaranteed Employment & Wage Plans--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Guaranteed Income

- Item 1: Mathematica Policy Analysis and Technical Analysis Series

- Folder 5: Guaranteed Income: Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Guards and Watchmen

- Item 1: Plant-Protection Employees Under Current Federal Legislation, June 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Folder 7: Handicapped Workers

- Item 1: Percpetion Survey given by Tim Puszkiewicz, UIUC ILIR Student, for information for his tutorial, concerning individuals' percpetions of the physically disabled., no date

- Creator: Tim Puszkiewicz, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Handbook for State and Community Comittees, 1956-1957

- Creator: President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped
- Item 3: A Bibliography With Notes on the subject of: The Employment Handicaps of Older Persons, October 1929

- Creator: Research Bureau, Welfare Council of New York City
- Item 4: The Glass Ceiling and Persons With Disabilities, September 1994

- Creator: David Braddock and Lynn Bachelder, UIC Institute on Disability and Human Development
- Item 5: Defining Disability: A Cross-Country Study of Belgian, French, Dutch, West German, British and Swedish definitions of Disability, 1975

- Creator: Lois S. Copeland, US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
- Box 42

- Folder 1: Handicapped Workers (cont.)

- Item 1: Meeting Minutes: President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 1949-1955

- Creator: President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped
- Folder 2: Handicapped Workers--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Hatch Act

- Item 1: The Hatch Act: A Civil Libertarian Defense, circa 1975

- Creator: John R. Bolton
- Folder 4: Health Insurance

- Item 1: Hospital Insurance For The Aged: The Conservative Approach, January 5, 1965

- Creator: Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare
- Item 2: The Invisible Providers: Public Sector Primary Care and Medicaid, February 1988

- Creator: James W. Fossett, John A. Peterson and Mary C. King, Institute of Govt. and Public Affairs, UIUC
- Item 3: National Health Insurance: What is it? How would it work? Why is it needed? Alternatives?, 1956

- Creator: Michael M. Davis, Ph.D., League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 4: How Shall We Pay for Health Care?, 1949

- Creator: Oscar R. Ewing and George F. Lull, MD., Public Affairs Committee, Inc.
- Item 5: Health Services in Britain, August 1948

- Creator: British Information Services
- Item 6: How a National Health Program Would Serve the South, May 1949

- Creator: Committee on Research in Medical Economics
- Item 7: A barrier on the road to health: Catastrophic Illness Insurance, May 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: The British Health Service, 1952

- Creator: Julius Manson, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 9: A Refutation of False Statements in Propaganda for Compulsory Health Insurance, October 1919

- Creator: Committee on Constructive Plan Social Insurance Dept., National Civic Federation
- Item 10: Cleveland Asks Better Health For the Nation: Public Hearing on the National Health Bill of 1945, June 21 and 22, 1946

- Creator: Consumers League of Ohio
- Item 11: Materials from the Research Council for Economic Security, circa 1948

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Box 43

- Folder 1: Health Insurance (cont.)

- Item 1: Changing Costs of Medical Care and Voluntary Health Insurance, December 28, 1956

- Creator: Herbert E. Klarman, Associate Director, Hospital Council of Greater New York
- Item 2: A Guide for CIO Representatives on the Governing Boards of Blue Corss Plans, February 1954

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: The British National Health Service: The First Two Years, May 1951

- Creator: H.W. Steinhaus, Ph.D., Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 4: Proceedings of the Conference on Health and Welfare and Pension Plans, sponsored by the Chicago Fed. Of Labor, January 9, 1951

- Creator: Chicago Federation of Labor
- Item 5: Economic Aspects of Prolonged Illness, Autumn 1951

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 6: Organized Labor and Social Security, August 2, 1950

- Creator: Harry Becker, dir., UAW-CIO Social Security Dept.
- Folder 2: Health Insurance--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

- Folder 4: Health Service Occupations

- Item 1: Women In Health, circa 1975

- Creator: The Women's Work Project
- Item 2: Human Services Manpower Career Center: The First Year, 1970

- Creator: Human Services Manpower Career Center, State of Illinois
- Folder 5: Holidays

- Folder 6: Industrial Homework

- Item 1: Electronic Homework: Problems and Prospects from a Human Resources Perspective, September 1987

- Creator: Steven S. Wakakami, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Industrial Homework: An Old Problem Lingers On, circa 1959

- Creator: Milton Derber and Gilbert Donahue, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 7: Industrial Homework--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Hosiery Industry

- Item 1: The Hosiery Industry and the National Economy, December 2, 1951

- Creator: North Jersey District Council of American. Fed. Of Hosiery Wkrs., AFL and Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Folder 9: Hospitals and Clinics

- Item 1: Diagnosing Human Relations in Organizations: A Case Study of a Hospital, 1956

- Creator: Chris Argyris, Labor and Management Center, Yale Univ.
- Folder 10: Hotels and Motels

- Folder 11: Hours of Work

- Item 1: Statistics and News, 1996

- Creator: Bureau of European Studies on Time
- Item 2: Eight Hour Day for Women, 1962

- Creator: Illinois State Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Does Labor Supply Explain Fluctuations in Average Hours Worked?, March 1990

- Creator: Joshua D. Angrist, National Bureau of Economic Research/Harvard Univ.
- Item 4: Income Transfer and Work Effort: The Netherlands and the United States in the 1970s, 1984

- Creator: Barbara L. Wolfe, UW-Madison et al.
- Item 5: The Duration, Structure, Reduction and Flexibilisation of Working Time in Australia, May 1989

- Creator: Peter Dawkins and Meredith Baker, Murdoch Univ./Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Item 6: Picture, Country by Country and Branch by Branch, of the actual Duration of Time Worked, September 1972

- Creator: D. Maric, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 7: Prospective View on Patterns of Working Time, September 1972

- Creator: G. Rehn, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 8: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972

- Creator: Bernhard Teriet, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 9: Working Hours per Day and Week, September 1972

- Creator: Heinz Allenspach, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Box 44

- Folder 1: Hours of Work (cont.)

- Item 1: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972

- Creator: Lennart Bratt, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 2: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972

- Creator: Jean Hallaire, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 3: Evaluation of General Choices: Policy Problems Involved, September 1972

- Creator: J.A.P. Van Hoof, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 4: Evaluation of General Choices: Policy Problems Involved, September 1972

- Creator: Albert S. Glickman, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 5: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972

- Creator: Archibald Evans, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 6: Economic Development in the 1970s and its Implications for Employment, September 1972

- Creator: Maurice Rustant, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 7: Welfare in Australia, Vol.2, No.9, Winter 1979

- Creator: The Australian Institute of Welfare Officers
- Item 8: Work Less- Or Earn More?, 1936

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 9: Hours of Work, December 1980

- Creator: Confederation of Australian Industry, National Employers' Industrial Council
- Item 10: Working Hours and Employment, February 1983

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 11: The Medical, Psychological and Social Consequences of the Scheduling of Working Hours, December 1978

- Creator: Carina Nilsson, Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 12: The Shorter Work Week and the Constructive Use Of Free Time: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual AFL-CIO National Conference on Community Services, March 31 - April 4, 1963

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 13: Hours Laws in New York State, no date

- Item 14: The Thirty-Hour Week, 1935

- Creator: William Green, AFL
- Item 15: The Eight Hour Bill, circa 1920?

- Creator: Women's Joint Legislative Conference of New York
- Item 16: 40 Hour Week, 1945

- Creator: Institute of Public Affairs, Australia
- Item 17: Can the Work Week Shrink and Wages Grow?, 1928/1935

- Creator: Katherine H. Pollack, Affiliated Schools for Workers Inc.
- Item 18: The Issue of the Shorter Work Week, 1961

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 19: Do Long Work Hours Contribute to Divorce?, March 2000

- Creator: John H. Johnson, IV, UIUC College of Commerce and Business Administration, Office of Research
- Folder 2: Hours of Work--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Housing of Workers

- Item 1: AFL-CIO Survey of Union-sponsored Housing, February 1991

- Creator: Frank Parente, Economic Research Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Report on European Rent Policy, 1953

- Creator: H. Umrath, Standing Housing Committee of the European Regional Orgnization of the Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 3: Report on the European Housing Conference organised by the European Regional Organisation of the ICFTU, February 1952

- Creator: International Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 4: Homes for America: The End of a Slum, December 1, 1953

- Creator: David Dubinsky, Intl. Ladies Garment Workers Union
- Item 5: Activities of the European Labor Movement in the Housing Field, December 1952

- Creator: Heinz Umrath
- Item 6: European Labor Movement and Housing, circa 1953

- Creator: H. Umrath, Standing Housing Committee of the European Regional Orgnization of the Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 7: The Practicability of Improving the Dewllings of the Labouring Classes, with Remarks on the Law of Settlement and Removal of the Poor, 1854

- Creator: Cheyne Brady
- Item 8: Non-white Housing in Illinois, June 1953

- Creator: State of Illinois Commission on Human Relations
- Item 9: Wohnungen, Wohnungen und Nochmas Wohnungen, 1956

- Item 10: Workers' Housing Problem in Japan, 1953

- Creator: Ministry of Construction, Tokyo
- Item 11: Labor's Program for Better Housing, no date

- Creator: CIO
- Item 12: A Guide to Postwar Housing Policy, circa 1946

- Creator: Jean Copeland and Aneurin Bevan, MP, Minister of Health, Labour Party, UK
- Item 13: Address of Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, Secretary of the Interior at the Closing Session of the Presiden'ts Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership, December 4, 1931

- Creator: Dr. Ray L. Wilbur, Interior Secretary
- Item 14: Housing of the Working Classes in France: Cheap, Up-to-date Dwellings in 1915, 1915

- Item 15: Housing in Canada, no date

- Creator: Social Service Council of Canada
- Item 16: The Housing Situation in England and the United States, no date

- Creator: F.T. Miller, President, F.W. Dodge Co.
- Item 17: Speech by H. Umrath on Housing Needs and Social-Economic Development, October 28-29, 1964

- Creator: H. Umrath, Standing Housing Committee of the European Regional Orgnization of the Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 18: Memorandum on Current Litigation Before the United States Supreme Court Involving Race Restrictive Housing Covenants, April 32, 1948

- Creator: National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials
- Folder 4: Housing of Workers--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Human Capital

- Folder 6: Human Engineering

- Item 1: Strains and Sprains: A Worker's Guide to Job Design, July 1985

- Creator: United Auto Workers
- Folder 7: Human Relations in Industry

- Item 1: Improving Intergroup Relations in Industry, circa 1949

- Creator: National Conference of Christians and Jews
- Item 2: The Human Factor in Production, 1948

- Creator: Phillips Bradley, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: An Evaluative Focus on Human Relations, 1954

- Creator: Robert Tannenbaum, Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA
- Item 4: Human Relations: Rare, Medium, or Well-Done?, 1948-1954

- Creator: Harvard Univ.
- Item 5: An Experimental Study of a Human Relations Training Program, 1949

- Creator: Ralph Raymond Canter Jr.
- Box 45

- Folder 1: Human Relations in Industry (cont.)

- Item 1: Joint Consultation in a Liverpool Manufacturing Firm: A Case Study in Human Relations in Industry, 1950

- Creator: W.H. Scott, BA, Fellow of the University of Liverpool
- Item 2: Man to Man on the Job: A Series of Meetings for Foremen and Executives, 1943

- Creator: General Motors Inc.
- Item 3: Conference on the Development of Desirable Attitudes in Industrial Human Relations, July 31 - August 1, 1947

- Creator: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 4: Proceedings of the Institute on Human Problems in Industry, May 27, 1954

- Creator: Mental Health Committee of the Rotary Club of Montreal and the Montreal Council of Social Agencies
- Item 5: To and Fro: Human Relations in American Industry Seen Through Dutch Eyes, June 1954

- Creator: Contactgroep Opvoering Productiviteit
- Item 6: Research Frontiers in Human Relations, February 6-7, 1948

- Creator: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol.92, No.5
- Item 7: The Will To Work: The Greatest Resource of American Industry, 1948

- Creator: Prof. Phillips Bradley, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 2: Human Relations in Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Humanization of Work

- Folder 4: Hygiene, Industrial

- Item 1: Tuberculosis Labor and Management, 1944

- Creator: William Arkwright Doppler, National Tuberculosis Association
- Item 2: The Worker and His Health, circa 1945

- Creator: Office of Defense Mobilization
- Item 3: Recent Trends in Occupational Disease Legislation, May 1951

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Item 4: Industrial Health Dept. Functions and Relationships, 1948

- Creator: C.O. Sappington, Industrial Hygiene Foundation
- Item 5: Health Problems in Industry, December 1, 1948

- Creator: Commerce and Industry Assn. of New York, NY Academy of Medicine, NY County Medical Society, Institute of Industrial Medicine
- Item 6: 1969 Occupational Safety and Health Conference, 1969

- Creator: Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Occupational Deafness: Real or Imaginary?, no date

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpes, AFL
- Item 8: At Your Service: Dept. of Public Health, Div. of Industrial Hygiene, circa 1949

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Public Health
- Item 9: About County Health Depts., 1945

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Public Health
- Item 10: General Motors Industrial Hygiene Service, September 1946

- Creator: Frank A. Patty, Industrial Hygiene Association
- Item 11: The Adjustment of the Nervous Veteran in Industry, November 1945

- Creator: Meyer Brown, Industrial Welfare Dept., Zurich Insurance Co.
- Item 12: Transactions of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Industrial Hygiene Foundation, 1946

- Creator: Industrial Hygiene Foundation
- Item 13: Wartime Working Conditions: Minimum Standards for Maximum Production, 1943

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 14: Why You Should Vote for a County Health Department, circa 1948

- Creator: Illinois Statewide Public Health Service
- Item 15: Industrial Health Dept. Functions and Relationships, 1944

- Item 16: Industrial Hygiene Meeting, May 28, 1947

- Creator: Mellon Institute
- Item 17: For Better Work from Healthier Workers: Air Condition in Textile Mills, the case for temperature and humidity control to provide comfort, health, safety and optimum production, 1948

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Of America, CIO
- Item 18: Labour Protection and Industrial Hygiene in Western Germany, 1952

- Creator: Verlag Handelsblatt, Dusseldorf, Germany
- Folder 5: Illinois

- Folder 6: Illness, Non-Occupational

- Item 1: Prolonged Non-Occupational Illness: A Nationwide Study Among Employed Persons, 1952

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 2: Summary: Uniform Demographic and Economic Data, August 1973

- Creator: Illinois State Bureau of the Budget
- Folder 7: Immigration

- Item 1: Immigration, a neglected source of American economic growth: 1790-1912, March 1972

- Creator: Larry Neal and Paul Uselding
- Item 2: The Use of Transfer Payments by Immigrants, April 1981, revised January 1983

- Creator: Prof. Francine D. Blau, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Current Developments in Business Immigration Law and Procedure, August 30, 1989

- Creator: Paul L. Zulkie
- Item 4: Illegal Aliens in the United States Labour Market, 1983

- Creator: Barry R. Chiswick
- Item 5: The Impact of Immigration on the Human Capital of Natives, 1989

- Creator: Carmel U. Chiswick, UIC
- Item 6: The German Working Class of Chicago in 1900, no date

- Creator: Harmut Keil, Chicago Project
- Item 7: German Workers in Chicago's Manufacturing Industries: 1880-1900, no date

- Creator: John B. Jentz, Chicago Project
- Item 8: The Great War Sinks Chicago's German Kultur, circa 1981

- Creator: Prof. Melvin Holli, UIC
- Item 9: German Working Class Culture in Chicago: Problems of Definition and Research, circa 1981

- Creator: Klaus Ensslen, Heinz Ickstadt and Ruth Seifert, Chicago Project
- Item 10: Community Stability and Change: The German Neighborhood on Chicago's North Side, circa 1981

- Creator: Christiane Harzig, Chicago Project
- Item 11: Packingtown Polonia: The Polish Worker and the Development of Community in Chicago's Stockyard District, October 10, 1981

- Creator: Dominic A. Pacyga, Chicago Project
- Item 12: Community-Building in the Town of Lake, October 1981

- Creator: Louise C. Wade, Chicago Project, sponsored by the Univ. of Munich and the Newberry Library
- Item 13: Industrialization, Class and Competing Cultural Systems: Detroit Workers, 1875-1900, circa 1981

- Creator: Richard J. Oestreicher, Univ. of Pittsburgh
- Item 14: The Relation Between Working-Class Cultures and Mass Culture: A View from Late 19th-Early 20th Century Pittsburgh, circa 1981

- Creator: Francis G. Couvares, Clark Univ.
- Item 15: Occupational Patterns of German-Americans in the Nineteenth Century, circa 1981

- Creator: Nora Faires, Univ. of Texas at Arlington, for the Chicago Project
- Item 16: Immigrant Workers and Early Mass Production Industry: Work Rationalization and Control Conflicts in Chicago's Packing Houses 1900-1904, 1981

- Creator: James R. Barrett, North Carolina State Univ. for the Chicago Project
- Item 17: Immigrants, Class and Politics: Chicago's German Population in the Era of the Civil War, 1981

- Creator: Bruce Levine, City Univ. of New York for the Chicago Project
- Item 18: The German Question in Chicago, 1917-1918, 1981

- Creator: Leslie V. Tischauser, UIC for the Chicago Project
- Folder 8: Immigration--Bibliographies

- Box 46

- Folder 1: Immigration: Europe

- Item 1: Current Sweden: Changes in Attitudes Towards Immigrants, April 1992

- Creator: Charles Westin, Center for Research in Intl. Migration and Ethnic Relations, Univ. of Stockholm
- Folder 2: Immigration Reform and Control Act, 1986

- Folder 3: Incentives

- Item 1: Motivating the Employee on Today's Production Front, with a paper on collective bargaining and its effect on over-all planning, circa 1952

- Creator: American Management Association
- Item 2: When Wage Incentive Plans?, September 1954

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Director of Research, Textile Workers Union of America
- Item 3: Science and Incentives in Russia, August 1946

- Creator: Irving Langmuir
- Folder 4: Incentives--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Independent Unions

- Folder 6: Induction

- Folder 7: Induction--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Industrial Conflict

- Folder 9: Industrial Courts

- Item 1: An Argument Against the Passage of a Bill to Create a So-Called Industrial Court, circa 1923

- Creator: Published by the Intl. Union of the United Mine Wkrs. Of America
- Folder 10: Industrial Democracy

- Item 1: Histadrut and Industrial Democracy in Israel: An Interpretive Essay from an American Perspective, circa 1973

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: "Industrial Democracy" as an Organizing Concept for a Theory of Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Some Further Thoughts on the Historical Study of Industrial Democracy, Fall 1973

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Fackforeningsrorelsen och Foretagsdemokratin, 1961

- Creator: Foretagsnamndsutredningen
- Item 5: An Experiment in Industrial Democracy: The Result of Thirteen Years of Self-Government, possibly circa 1935

- Creator: William P. Hapgood, Pres., The Columbia Conserve Co.
- Item 6: Towards Democracy at the Workplace: New Legislation on the Joint Regulation of Working Life, January 1977

- Creator: Sweden Ministry of Labour
- Item 7: Industriell Demokrati at Diskussioninlagg av Torvald Karlbom, 1946

- Item 8: Industrial Democracy in the Affluent Society, no date

- Creator: Prof. Adolf Sturmthal, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Worker Democracy in Socialist France, November 1, 1989

- Creator: Bernard E. Brown, City Univ. of New York
- Item 10: Unions and Industrial Democracy, May 1977

- Creator: Prof. Adolf Sturmthal, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: New Focus on Industrial Democracy in Britain, May 1977

- Creator: Prof. Andrew W.J. Thomson, Univ. of Glasgow
- Item 12: Industrial Democracy in Scandinavia, May 1977

- Creator: Prof. Bernt Schiller, Roskilde Univ., Denmark
- Item 13: Should Labor Have a Direct Share in Management, Fall 1946

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 14: The Idea of Industrial Democracy in America 1898-1915, May 1964

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 15: Industrial Democracy Newsletter, April 1976 - November 1977

- Creator: Unit for Industrial Democracy, Australia
- Item 16: Annual State Confention: Working Environment Committee Report and Recommendations, June 13-16, 1975

- Creator: Australian Labour Party
- Item 17: Industrial Democracy in the Context of Conciliation and Arbitration, no date

- Creator: J.E. Isaac
- Item 18: Managerial Control and Industrial Democracy: Myths and Realities, August 20, 1973

- Creator: Hon. Clyde R. Cameron, MP, Australian Minister of Labour
- Item 19: Industrial Democracy: Industrial Relations - What Are We Talking About?, August 15, 1976

- Creator: Prof. John Niland, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 20: Grappling with the Giants: Multinational Corporations and Industrial Democracy, July 27, 1973

- Creator: Hon. Clyde R. Cameron, MP, Australian Minister of Labour
- Item 21: Industrial Democracy: Program adapted by the 1971 Congress of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, 1971

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 22: Democracy in Industry: The Problem of Workers Control, January 1944

- Creator: John Price, workers Educational Association
- Item 23: The Democractic Firm, July 1964

- Creator: Prof. Norman Ross, Univ. of Birmingham
- Item 24: Industrial Democracy: Incl. supplementary evidence to the Bullock Committee, 1977

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 25: Bullock and the Aftermath, no date

- Creator: Prof. Adolf Sturmthal, UIUC ILIR
- Item 26: Industrial Democracy: TUC Policy Statement, 1978

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 27: Industrial Democracy-Wirtschafts Demokratie-Democratie Industrielle, 1971

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 28: TUC Report, 1973

- Item 29: Hearing the Worker on the Working Environment

- Item 30: TUC Guide to the Bullock Report on Industrial Democracy, 1977

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Folder 11: Industrial Democracy--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Industrial Engineering

- Item 1: Industrial Engineering for Department Stores, January 1949

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Bulletin
- Item 2: IE In Japan, 1959

- Creator: International Cooperation Administration, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 3: The Case Against Intuition

- Item 4: Union Attitides Toward Industrial Engineering, possibly circa 1952

- Creator: William Jacko, United Steelworkers of America
- Item 5: Statistical Procedures in Industrial Engineering: A Trade Union Point of View, December 1955

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Union of America, in collaboration with Sumner Shapiro
- Item 6: New Labor Approaches to Indusrial Engineering, February 1955

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 7: A Half-Century of Interaction Between Scientific Management and Industrial Government, 1948

- Creator: William Knowles, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Folder 13: Industrial Engineering--Bibliographies

- Folder 14: Industrial Relations

- Item 1: Strategic Choice and Industrial Relations Theory and Practice, October 1983

- Creator: Prof. Peter Cappelli, UIUC ILIR, and Profs. Thomas A. Kochan and Robert B. McKersie, MIT
- Item 2: Right and Wrong in Labor Relations, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Protection of the Public in Labor and Management Relations, circa 1946

- Creator: E. Wight Bakke, Yale Labor and Management Center
- Item 4: Industrial Relations Theory: A Critical Review, November 1970

- Creator: A.N.J. Blain and John Gennard, London School of Economics
- Item 5: Summarized Minutes of NPA Meeting on Industrial Relations: A Special Report to Members, circa 1946

- Creator: National Planning Association
- Item 6: "This paper compares and contrasts five theoretical approachs to the study of industrial relations", no date

- Item 7: Industrial Relations Systems in Europe and North America, October 1990

- Creator: Prof Roy J. Adams, McMaster Univ.
- Item 8: Dunlop After Two Decades: Systems Theory as a framework for organizing the field of industrial relations, December1977

- Creator: Prof Roy J. Adams, McMaster Univ.
- Item 9: Some Major Labor Problems Looming Ahead in 1957, circa 1957

- Creator: National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 10: Environmental Variables and Union-Management Accommodation, possibly circa 1957

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, W. Ellison Chambers and Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: Strategic Factors in Industrial Relations Systems: The Metalworking Industry, April 1974

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 12: Union-Management Relations in East St. Louis, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Twentieth Annual Midwest Conference on Industrial Relations, May 14, 1954

- Creator: Univ. of Chicago School of Business/Industrial Relations Assn. of Chicago
- Box 47

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations (cont. I)

- Item 1: Strategic Factors in Industrial Relations Systems: The Metalworking Industry, April 1974

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: What To Do When Labor Problems Confront You: A ready reference for employers in labor relations matters, 1966

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Transcript of the Government-Industry Conference: Talks by the Hon. John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Luther H. Hodges, Arthur J. Goldberg, Ivan A. Nestingen and Dean Rusk, February 13, 1961

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 4: English Summary of Industrial Relations in the US, circa 1958

- Creator: International Cooperation Administration, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 5: The Balance of Power in Management-Union Relations: An address by Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ. Business School, June 22, 1948

- Creator: National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 6: What's Ahead in Labor-Management Relations: Brief of an address given before the Southern California Meeting of the California Personnel Management Assn. and the Personnel Section of the Western Management Assn., 1952

- Creator: Fred A. Hartley, Jr. (Co-author of the Taft-Hartley Law)
- Item 7: Twenty-Second Annual Midwest Conference on Industrial Relations, May 11, 1956

- Creator: Univ. of Chicago School of Business/Industrial Relations Assn. of Chicago
- Item 8: Union-Management Relations at the Plant Level in Dekalb, Illinois, July 1956

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR and John W. Lloyd, Northern Illinois Univ.
- Item 9: Industrial Relations at the Plant Level in Three Downstate Illinois Communities, 1958

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, W.E. Chalmers and Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 10: A Comparative Factorial Analysis of Job Semantic Structure of Managers and Workers, circa 1958

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: The Operating Man's View of Industrial Relations, April 16, 1954

- Creator: K.B. Nagler
- Item 12: A President's Problems in Labor Relations, September 13, 1954

- Creator: John L. McCaffrey, President of Intl. Haverster Co.
- Item 13: A Theory of Employer Attitudes and Behaviour Towards Trade Unions in Western Europe and North America, February 1981

- Creator: Prof. Roy J. Adams, McMaster Univ.
- Item 14: Industrial Relations, October 1956

- Creator: Bureau of Naval Personnel
- Item 15: Proceedings of the 21st Anniversary Conference, 1958

- Creator: Dept. of Industrial Relations, Queens Univ., Ontario, Canada
- Item 16: Assessing Union-Management Relationships, Fall 1961

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, W. Ellison Chambers and Milton Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 17: Industrial Relations at the Plant Level in Three Illinois Communities, Fall 1958

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, W. Ellison Chambers and Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 18: The Social Control of Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ.
- Item 19: Conflict and Contrat: Industrial relations and the political community in times of crisis, 1975

- Creator: Prof. Ralf Dahrendorf, London School of Economics, published by the Liverpool Univ. Press
- Item 20: Uniformities and Differences in Local Union-Management Relationships, December 1957

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, W. Ellison Chambers and Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 21: Seventy Questions on the Labor-Management Relations in the United States, 1960

- Creator: Labor-Management Relations Team, Japan Productivity Center, Intl. Cooperation Admin.
- Item 22: Univ. of Illinois Law Forum: Labor Relations (II), Spring 1955

- Creator: College of Law, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 23: Plant Administration of Labor, July 1919

- Creator: Paul H. Douglas, reprinted from the Journal of Political Economy, Vol.27 No.7
- Item 24: The Political Quarterly Special Number: Employers and Labour Problems, July-September 1956

- Creator: Turnstile Press Ltd., London
- Item 25: Industrial Relations Survey: 600 Participating Companies Covering 353,736 Employees, 1948

- Creator: Employers' Assn. of Chicago
- Item 26: Sociologie du Travail, Aux Editions du Seuil, no date

- Item 27: Study Program in the field of Industrial Relations: A Discussion Paper, December 1968

- Creator: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 28: Final Report: Conference of European University Specialists in Industrial Relations Within the Framework of IIRA, March 7-9, 1973

- Creator: Institute for Empirical Sociology
- Item 29: Competing Values in American Industrial Relations, September 1987

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 30: Changing Values in American Industrial Relations 1933-1985, December 1986

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 31: Management and Union Rights in Industrial Establishments, 1960

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 32: Changing Concepts of Industrial Relations and their Challenge to the Public, to Government, To Labor and To Management, October 1, 1959

- Creator: Speech given by Roy Rollins, Vice Pres. Of Industrial Relations at A.E. Staley Co.
- Item 33: Proceedings of the 9th Annual Labor-Management Conference, April 10-11, 1959

- Creator: West Virginia Univ.
- Box 48

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations (cont. II)

- Item 1: Proceedings of the Eight Annual Labor-Management Conference, April 11-12, 1958

- Creator: West Virginia Univ.
- Item 2: Unions in the Workplace, no date

- Item 3: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Labor-Management Conference, April 12-13, 1962

- Creator: West Virginia Univ.
- Item 4: Third Annual Conference on Industrial Relations: Approaches to the Solution of Employer-Employee Problems, November 1952

- Creator: Univ. of Utah
- Item 5: Ninth Annual Industrial Relations Conference, April 12-13, 1951

- Creator: Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 6: Right and Wrong in Labor Relations, circa 1958

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: The Great Transformation in Union-Management Relatinos: 20 Years in Retrospect, possibly circa 1959

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations--Bibliographies I

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations--Bibliographies II

- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Africa

- Item 1: Backward-Sloping Labor Supply Functions in Dual Economies - The Africa Case, 1961

- Creator: Eliot J. Berg, Inter-Univ. Studies of Labor Problems in Economic Development
- Item 2: Grievances Over Labour Agreement INterpretation, April 1967

- Creator: Intl. Institute for Labour Studies, East African Seminar on Labour Problems in Economic Development, Univ. of Nairobi
- Item 3: A Demarcation Dispute, April 1967

- Creator: Intl. Institute for Labour Studies, East African Seminar on Labour Problems in Economic Development, Univ. of Nairobi
- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Africa--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Antigua and Barbuda

- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Argentina

- Item 1: Labor Relations in the Metal Trades Industries - Argentina, no date

- Creator: Ridhard P. Gale, Univ. of Oregon
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Australia

- Item 1: Australian Industrial Relations Systems, 1980

- Creator: Australian Dept. of Industrial Relations
- Item 2: Integrating Technology, Work Organisation and Skill Formation: Lessons from Manufacturing for Ports, 1990

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 3: Integrating People, Process and Place- the Workplace of the Future, no date

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 4: Technology Transfer, Technocultures and Skill Formation: Learning from Australian Experience, Summer 1991

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 5: A Learning Society: Japan Through Australian Eyes, September 1985

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 6: Union Initiatives to Restructure Industry in Australia, no date

- Creator: Max Ogden
- Item 7: Grievance Procedures and Australian Arbitration, no date

- Creator: David H. Plowman, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 8: Technology, Women and Employment: The Australian Experience, possibly circa 1981

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 9: Industry and Society: A Discussion Document, April 1974

- Creator: Australian Central Industrial Secretariat
- Item 10: Industrial Relations Aspects and Implications of Manpower Policies, September 3-7, 1979

- Creator: John Niland, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 11: ALP Blueprint for Better Industrial Relations, and Party Policy on Percentage Pay Raises, August 6, 1973

- Creator: Hon. Clyde R. Cameron, MP Australian Minister of Labour
- Item 12: Australian Broadcasting Commissio Heresies: The Increasing Isolation of Traditional Decision Makers from the Industrial Workers of Australia, July 25, 1975

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 13: Who Gets What Job: The Changing Ground Rules in Ownership and Control of Labour Market Opportunities, March 27-31, 1983

- Creator: John Niland, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 14: Employer Associations in New South Wales, May 13, 1981

- Creator: David H. Plowman, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 15: A Comparative Assessment of Labour Market Regulation Through Collective Bargaining and Compulsory Arbitration, May 17-19, 1982

- Creator: John Niland, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 16: Industrial Relations in Australia, November 1963

- Creator: Commonwealth of Australia
- Item 17: Cost and Benefits of Industrial Conflict, October 1968

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 18: Managers and Workers at the Crossroads: A Critique, June 1979

- Creator: Howard Gill, Business Researche Centre, North Brisbane College of Advanced Education
- Item 19: Work and Negotiation in the Broken Hill Mining Industry, 1966

- Creator: H.A. Cubbon, G.J. Gardner, O.A. Oeser and R.C.S. Trahair, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Melbourne
- Item 20: The Scientific Study of Industrial Relations: A Framework for Interdisciplinary Research, September 1955

- Creator: Prof. K. F. Walker, Psychology Dept., Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 21: The Western Australian System of Industrial Relations -and- Recent Changes in the Western Australian Arbitration System, April 1963 and July 1964

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 22: Industrial Relations and ANZAAS, March 1974

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 23: State Government Management: Union Relations in Victoria and New South Wales, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 24: International Comparisons of Industrial Conflict: An Appraisal, July 1965

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 25: "Our objective in writing this book was to provide a text on wages theory under Australian conditions", March 12, 1958

- Creator: Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 26: Public Service Board: Annual Report 1969, 1969

- Creator: Commonwealth of Australia
- Item 27: Six Turbulent Years, possibly circa 1975

- Item 28: How We Ran the Barriar Industrial Council at Broken Hill, no date

- Creator: W.S. O'Neil, Industrial Relations Society of Victoria
- Item 29: Aspects of the Contract of Employment, no date

- Creator: Prof. E.I. Sykes, Industrial Relations Society of Victoria
- Item 30: Industrial Relations in the Metal Trades in Australia, 1966

- Creator: Engineering Employers' Federation
- Item 31: An Introduction to Industrial Relations, 1975

- Creator: Personnel and Industrial Services Div., Industrial Relations Dept.
- Item 32: Procedures to Settle Disputes Over Alleged Wrongful Dismissal, 1966

- Creator: R.L. Green, Victoria Univ. of Wellington
- Item 33: Breaking New Ground: Research for the Green Paper on Industrial Democracy, Winter 1984-1985

- Creator: Employee Participation News, Dept. of Employment and Industrial Relations, Australia
- Item 34: Industrial Relations in the Pilbara Iron Ore Industry, 1984

- Creator: Dr. N.F. Dufty, Western Australian Institute of Technology
- Item 35: The Dispute at Mount Isa, June 1965

- Creator: G. H. Sorrell, Lecturer in Industrial Relations at the Univ. of Sydney
- Item 36: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Australia and the Role of the Central Industrial Secretariata and its Constituent Multi-Industry Organisations, 1974

- Creator: Geoffrey A. Bennett, Asst. Dir., Central Industrial Secretariat
- Item 37: Australia at Risk: An Underskilled and Vulnerable Society, 1984

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 38: Human Resource Development in Australia and the Balance of Skills, September 1982

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 39: Trends in Australian Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Prof. J.E. Isaac, Economics Dept., Univ. of Melbourne
- Item 40: Settling Industrial Disputes-Economic Capacity: Are the Concepts Compatible?, August 1968

- Creator: G. Polites, Industrial Relations Society of Victoria
- Item 41: The Future of Collective Bargaining in Australia, December 1968

- Creator: Prof. Kevin Hince, Economics Dept., Univ. of Melbourne
- Item 42: "Long Service Leave (Metalliferous Mining Industry) Act, 1963", 1963

- Creator: Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly, New South Wales, Australia
- Item 43: Alternatives to Arbitration: Overview of the Debate, 1984

- Creator: Prof. Charles Mulvey, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 44: The Management of Redundancy: A Consideration of the Employers' Position, 1984

- Creator: Ray Fells, Lecturer, Univ. of Western Australia
- Folder 1: Economic Education

- Item 1: How Our Economy Works, no date

- Creator: Herman Erickson, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 2: Economic Literacy in a Free Society, March 1964

- Creator: Special issues of Challenge Magazine
- Item 3: Educating for Economic Competence, 1960

- Creator: National Education Association and Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation
- Item 4: Economic Education Experiences of Enterprising Teachers, 1962

- Creator: Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation
- Item 5: Kaleidoscope of the New Capitalism, 1958

- Creator: Challenge Magazine
- Item 6: Special Issue: Economic Education, March 1960

- Creator: special issue of The Councilor, publication of the Illinois Council for the Social Sciences
- Folder 2: Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

- Folder 3: Adult Education

- Item 1: Leadership Pamphlets #s 1-18, no date

- Creator: Adult Education Association of the USA
- Item 2: Adult Education and the Nation's Problems, 1980

- Creator: Fred Harvey Harrington
- Item 3: Proceedings of the Invitaional Conference on Continuing Education, Manpower Policy and Lifelong Learning, January 10 and 11, 1977

- Creator: National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education
- Item 4: Adult Learning and the Social Crisis, no date

- Creator: Albert R. Verri
- Item 5: The Battle of the Curriculum, 1958

- Creator: C. Scott Fletcher, the Fund for Adult Education
- Item 6: Adult Education: A New Imperative for our Times, 1961

- Creator: Adult Education Association of the USA
- Item 7: Unfinished Business: Continuing Education for Women, 1961

- Creator: Commission on the Education of Women, American Council on Education
- Item 8: Notes and Essays on Education for Adults #s 20-21, 23, 25-32, no date

- Creator: Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults
- Item 9: Adult Education - A Polemic, October 1959

- Creator: Peter E. Siegle and Andrew P. Torrence
- Item 10: The Part Time College Teacher, 1961

- Creator: D.B. Gowin and George H. Daigneault, Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults
- Item 11: The Next Human Nature, October 16, 1960

- Creator: R.J. Blakely, the Fund for Adult Education
- Folder 4: Education, Higher

- Item 1: Teacher Supply and Demand in Colleges and Universities, 1955-1957

- Creator: National Education Association
- Item 2: The Changing University

- Creator: edited by George H. Daigneault, Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults
- Item 3: Equal Opportunity for Higher Education, January 4-5, 1962

- Creator: Proceedings of a Conference sponsored by the AFL-CIO and the Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
- Folder 5: Higher Education--Bibliographies

- Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain

- Box 49

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Austria

- Item 1: Ich Darf Nicht Schweigen

- Item 2: Probleme Des Osterreichischen Arbeitsmarkets

- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Barbados

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Bangladesh

- Item 1: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Bangladesh and the Role of the Employers' Assn. of Bangladesh, 1974

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Belgium

- Item 1: Corporatism Run Amok: Job Stability and Industrial Policy in Belgium and the United States, April 10 and 11, 1992

- Creator: Johnathan Leonard, Univ. of California at Berkeley and Marc Van Audenrode, Univ. of Quebec
- Item 2: Belgium, August 31, 1996

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Catholic Univ., Leuven, Belgium
- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Bermuda

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Bolivia

- Item 1: Report to the Congress of Industrial Organizations: Labor Conditions in Bolivia, 1943

- Creator: Martin Kyne, United Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Employees of America, CIO
- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Brazil

- Item 1: Memorial do II Encontro Interamericano da FITIM: "Metalurgicos Lotam Por Uma Vida Melhor", January 20-24, 1963

- Creator: Federacao Internacional Dos Trabalhadores Metalurgicos
- Item 2: Principios Basicos da Organizacao Sindical, no date

- Creator: Federacao Internacional Dos Trabalhadores Metalurgicos
- Item 3: Alguns Aspectso Da Industria Automobilistica Brasileira, no date

- Folder 8: Indudstrial Relations in Burma

- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Cambodia

- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Canada

- Item 1: First Contract Arbitration in Canada, 1987

- Creator: Jean Sexton, Laval Univ.
- Item 2: Industrial Relations and the Economic Crisis: Canada Moves Towards Europe, January 1985

- Creator: Prof. R.J. Adams, McMaster Univ.
- Item 3: An Insider's View of Canadian Bargaining, November-December 1983

- Creator: Donald C. Savage, Pres., Canadian Association of Univ. Teachers
- Item 4: New Brunswick Industrial Relations Council

- Item 5: Recent Developments in the Canadian Industrial Relations System, no date

- Creator: Morley Gunderson and Noah M. Meltz, Univ. of Toronto
- Item 6: Research and Collective Bargaining in the 1980s: The Need for New Information and New Knowledge, December 1980

- Creator: Felix Quinet, Pay Research Bureau
- Item 7: Industrial Relations in Canada and the United States: From Univormity to Divergence, 1991

- Creator: Pradeep Kumar, Queens Univ. at Kingston
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Canada--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Industrial Relations Cases

- Item 1: Industrial Relations Case Studies: A Selected List of Recent Studies, May 1954

- Creator: Compiled by Ralph E. McCoy, Librarian, UIUC ILIR for the Labor Market Committee, Social Science Research Council
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations in Chile

- Item 1: El Desempleo en Chile: Una Estmacion de la Probabilidad de Empleo Para Varones, August 1983

- Creator: Sholeh Maani, Contificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
- Item 2: La Duracion Del Desempleo Y El Salario De Reserva de Varones Desempleados: El Caso Chileno, April 1983

- Creator: Sholeh Maani, Contificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
- Item 3: Chile: Bulletin of the Intl. Trade Union Committee of Solidarity with the Workers and People of Chile, June 1974 - August 1981

- Creator: World Federation of Trade Unions, Intl. Confed. of Arab Trade Unions, Organisation of African Trade Union Unity, Latin American Workers' Standing Trade Union Unity Congress and United Workers Centre of Chile
- Folder 14: Industrial Relations in China

- Item 1: Changing Pattenrs of Rural Women's Employment, Production and Reproduction in China, March 1984

- Creator: Elisabeth Croll, Intl. Labour Office
- Item 2: Crisis Over China, April 1955

- Creator: American Friends Service Committee
- Item 3: Labor Conditions in China, January 1945

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Industrial Development of Mainland China 1912-1949, 1967

- Creator: John K. Chang, Social Science Research Council
- Item 5: Glimpses of People's China, 1954

- Creator: Foreign Language Press, Peking, China
- Item 6: Mainland China in the World Economy: Report of the Joint Economic Committee, US Congress, June 19, 1967

- Creator: US Congress
- Box 50

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Colombia

- Folder 2: Industrial Relations Community Agencies

- Item 1: The Toledo Plan for Industrial Harmony, circa 1955

- Creator: Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee
- Item 2: The O'Dwyer Plan for Industrial Peace, circa 1949

- Creator: Mayor's Committee for The Settlement of Labor Disputes
- Item 3: Annual Report of the Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee for 1954, March 15, 1955

- Creator: Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee
- Item 4: Annual Report of the Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee for 1952, 1953

- Creator: Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee
- Item 5: Annual Reports of the Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committees for 1949-1951, circa 1949-1952

- Creator: Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee
- Item 6: Living, 1951 (The People Act) Episode #13 "Our Partner: The Public", February 28 and March 3, 1951

- Creator: Lou Hazam, Wade Arnold, Edward King, et al.
- Item 7: Municipal Mediation Plans, October 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Item 8: Local Progress in Labor Peace, 1941

- Creator: William L. Nunn, Univ. of Newark, for the National Municipal League
- Item 9: The City's Role in Strikes, 1937

- Creator: International City Manager's Assn.
- Item 10: Labor-Management Cooperation in the St. Louis/East Illinois Metropolitan Area, 1985

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Area Labor-Management Committees: 1985, circa 1985

- Creator: Decatur Area Labor-Management Committee
- Folder 3: Industrial Relations Community Agencies--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Costa Rica

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Cote d'Ivoire

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Cuba

- Item 1: Cuba: The Invasion and the Consequenes, June 1961

- Creator: Dissent Publishing Assn.
- Item 2: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Cuba, May 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Summary of the Labor Situation in Cuba, December 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Czechoslovakia

- Item 1: Towards a Better Life: Social Welfare in Czechoslovakia, no date

- Creator: Edtied by Jan Sejhar, printed in Czechoslovakia
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Denmark

- Item 1: Leaders and Laggards: Who Goes First in Bargaining Rounds?, April 30, 1991

- Creator: Steen Scheuer, Leverhulme Visiting Senior Fellow, Univ. of Warwick
- Item 2: Labor Conditions in Denmark, November 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Industrial Relations in Denmark: Basic Collective Agreements on Labour Disputes, 1947

- Creator: Socialt Tidsskrift, Copenhagen
- Item 4: Shop Stewards in Danish Industry, 1963

- Creator: Danish Natl. Institute of Social Research
- Folder 9: Industrial Relations Dept.

- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Developing Countries

- Item 1: Labor-Management and Economic Growth: Proceedings of a Conference on Human Resources and Labor Relations in Underdeveloped Countries, 1954

- Creator: Cornell Univ. Institute of International Industrial and Labor Relations
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Developing Countries--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Industrial Relations Dictionaries

- Item 1: Vocabulario Sindical: Trade Union Vocabulary, circa 1960

- Creator: Organizacion Regional InterAmericana de Trabajadores
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations Directories

- Item 1: Industrial Relations Degree Programs Offered at Colleges and Universities in the United States and Canada: A Directory 1971-1972, May 1972

- Creator: Committee of University Industrial Relations Librarians
- Folder 14: Industrial Relations in Dominica

- Folder 15: Industrial Relations in the Dominican Republic

- Folder 16: Industrial Relations in the East Carribean

- Folder 17: Industrial Relations in Egypt

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Egypt, July 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Some Labor Problems of Industrial Relations in Egypt, May 1956

- Creator: F.H. Harbison and I.A. Ibrahim, Princeton Univ.
- Folder 18: Industrial Relations in El Salvador

- Item 1: Worker Rights in El Salvador, June 9, 1988

- Creator: American Institute for Free Labor Development/AFL-CIO
- Folder 19: Industrial Relations in Europe

- Item 1: A Report on the Forum: Working on European Social Policy

- Item 2: Europe 1992: The Human Resource Issues, circa 1992

- Creator: William M. Mercer Companies, Inc., London
- Item 3: Eastern Europe: The Human Resource Issues, circa 1992

- Creator: William M. Mercer Companies, Inc., London
- Item 4: Foreign Labor Information: Legislation and Practices Relating to the Employment of Industrial Production Workers in Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, October 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 20: Industrial Relations in Fiji

- Item 1: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Fiji and the Role of the Fiji Sugar Corporation Ltd., November 20-24, 1974

- Creator: Fiji Sugar Corp. Ltd. And Intl. Labour Office
- Folder 21: Industrial Relations in Finland

- Item 1: Metal Industriy's Yearbook 1980 (Jahrbuch Der Finnischen Metallindustrie), 1980

- Creator: Federation of Finnish Metal and Engineering Industries
- Item 2: Industry and the Rise in the Standard of Living, no date

- Creator: The Confederation of Finnish Industries
- Item 3: Social Services in Finland: Labour Protection, December 1964

- Creator: Finland Ministry of Social Affairs
- Item 4: Social Services in Finland: Social Welfare, December 1964

- Creator: Finland Ministry of Social Affairs
- Item 5: Finnish Employers' Confederation: What and Why, 1980

- Creator: Finnish Employers' Confederation
- Item 6: A Brief Outline of Labour Market Relationships in Finland, 1976

- Creator: Finnish Employers' Confederation
- Item 7: A Brief Outline of Labour Market Relationships in Finland, 1978

- Creator: Finnish Employers' Confederation
- Box 51

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Foreign Countries

- Item 1: Labor Participation in Management: Some Impressions of Experience in the Metalworking Industries of Britain, Israel and the United States, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Our Future Industrial Society: A Global Vision, July 1961

- Creator: Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Foreign Countries--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in France

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in France, May 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in France--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Germany

- Item 1: Association-Level Agreements and Favourability Principle, February 2000

- Creator: ZERP: Zentrum Fur Europaische Rechtspolitik an der Universitat Bremen
- Item 2: The Dilemmas of Diffusion: Social Embeddedness and the Problems of Institutional Change in Eastern Germany, March 1997

- Creator: Richard M. Locke and Wade Jacoby
- Item 3: On the Job in the Federal Republic of Germany, no date

- Creator: German Information Center, NYC
- Item 4: Labor News and Social Policy, 1973-1978

- Creator: Federal Republic of Germany
- Item 5: Gross Flows in a Labour Market in Transition: Panel Data Estimates from Eastern Germany, April 10 and 11, 1992

- Creator: Lutz Bellmann, Institute for Employment Research, Nuremburg, Saul Estrin, Hartmut Lehmann and Johnathan Wadsworth, London School of Economics
- Item 6: Development of Labor Relations in the Federal Republic of Germany Since World War II, August 3, 1959

- Creator: Geo. T. Fonda
- Item 7: How Nazi Germany has Mobilized and Controlled Labor, 1940

- Creator: Prof. L. Hamburger, Brookings Institution
- Item 8: Vor Etscheidungen Fur Jahrzehnte!!, 1952

- Creator: Erich Ollenhauer
- Item 9: Soll Deutschland Rusten? Die SPD Zum Wehrbeitrag, no date

- Creator: Fritz Erler
- Item 10: Kurt Schumacher, no date

- Item 11: Arbeit und Freiheit, October 1952

- Item 12: Die Grundlagen des Sozialen Gesamtplanes der SPD, no date

- Item 13: On the Job in the Federal Republic of Germany, no date

- Creator: German Information Center, NYC
- Item 14: "The Story of Germany Today Can Be Told at Many Levels", June 15, 1950

- Item 15: Industrial Relations in Germany 1945-1949: An account of the post-war growth of employers' and workers' organisations in the British Zone of Germany, circa 1950

- Creator: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, House of Commons, UK
- Item 16: Aktions-Program der SPD/Action Program of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, September 28, 1952

- Creator: German Social Democratic Party
- Item 17: Industrial Relations in the Federal Republic of Germany, no date

- Creator: Heinz Hartmann and Wolfgang Conrad, Univ. of Munster
- Item 18: Some Impressions Regarding German Labor Relations, no date

- Creator: William H. McPherson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 19: Labor Relations in Postwar Germany, June 1957

- Creator: William H. McPherson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 20: Die Gewerkschaften Und Die Sozialpolitik, 1953

- Item 21: Die Gewerkschaften Und Das Arbeitsrecht, 1953

- Item 22: Our Objectives: Address by Georg Leber before the sixth regular convention of the construction workers union in Berlin's Congress Hall, June 27, 1963

- Creator: Georg Leber
- Item 23: The Right to work in the GDR, 1986

- Item 24: Handwerk in der DDR, circa 1988

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Ghana

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Ghana, October 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 7: Industrial Relations Glossaries

- Item 1: Dictionary of Labor Law Terms, 1949

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 2: An Annotated List of Terms and Abbreviations Used in Industrial Relations in Australia, May 1979

- Creator: Paul Sutcliffe and Ron Callus, North Brisbane College of Advanced Education
- Item 3: Ein Kleines Technisches Woerterbuch Fuer Industrial Und Labor Relations Trainees, circa 1952

- Creator: Zusammengestellt fuer die Teilnehmer des Kurses an der Universitaet Von Illinois im Schuljahr 1952-1953
- Item 4: Glossary of Currently Used Labor-Management Terms/Glosario de Terminos Corrientes Utilizados en Las Relaciones Entre Gerencias y Obreros, 1975

- Creator: edited by Marcia Kijewski, Chicago Labor Education Program, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations at the Univ. of Illinois at Chicago
- Item 5: Labor Terms in English, French, German and Spanish, circa 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: A Career in Industrial Relations with a glossary of industrial relations terms, circa 1952

- Creator: Arthur O. England, Wright-Patterson AFB and Harry Laurent, Jr., Case Western Reserve Univ.
- Box 52

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Great Britain

- Item 1: Race Relations in Great Britain, circa 1960

- Creator: Peace News Ltd.
- Item 2: IDS Focus: The New Agenda, May 1997

- Creator: Incomes Data Services Ltd
- Item 3: First Findings from the 1990 Workplace Industrial Relations Survey, September 1992

- Creator: Neil Millward, Mark Stevens, David Smart and W.R. Hawes
- Item 4: Industrial Relations Procedures, circa 1975

- Creator: Norman Singleton, Dept. of Employment, UK
- Item 5: Labour Relations and Conditions of Work in Britain, no date

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 6: Reflections on Whitleyism in English Local Government, Spring 1958

- Creator: L. Kramer, Royal Institute of Public Administration
- Item 7: Report of the Commission on Industrial Relations in Great Britain with Appendices, 1938

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: A Concise Guide to Industrial Relations, revised for the Industrial Dispures Order 1951, circa 1951

- Creator: T. Wylie, College of Technology, Birmingham/Industrial Administration Group
- Item 9: Industrial Relations in England and Sweden: Report of the President's Commission, December 1938

- Creator: National Consumers' League
- Item 10: Industrial Relations in Britain, June 1972

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 11: Labour Relations and Working Conditions in Britain, February 1951

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 12: Manpower and Employment in Britain, December 1976

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 13: The Future of Private Industry, October 1952

- Creator: Labour Pary, UK
- Item 14: Labour Relations and Working Conditions in Britain, August 1953

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 15: Interdepartmental Committee on Social and Economic Research, Guides to Official Sources, No.1: Labour Statistics, August 1950

- Creator: Ministry of Labour/National Service
- Item 16: Industrial Relations Policy at Arthur Guinness Son & Co., Ltd., St. James' Gate Brewery, Dublin, January 1948

- Creator: Prof. J.F. Halterman, Univ. of California
- Item 17: Labor and Industry in Britain: A Monthly Review. Vol.IV, No.12, December 1946

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 18: The Moral of the Railway Wage Cuts, November 1934

- Creator: Ashley Brown, General Secretary of the British Railway Stockholder's Union
- Item 19: Good Industrial Relations: A guide for negotiators, 1971

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 20: Labor Relations in British Metalworking, April 1955

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 21: Industrial Relations: A Fresh Look, no date

- Creator: SDP, UK
- Item 22: The Legitimation of Protest: A Comparative Study, April 1960

- Creator: Gaston V. Rimlinger, Princeton Univ., published by Mouton & Co., The Hague, Netherlands
- Item 23: British Industrial Relations Research in the Sixties and Seventies, no date

- Creator: Derek Robinson
- Item 24: Manpower Policy and Industrial Relations in Britain, no date

- Creator: T.L. Johnson
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Great Britain--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Greece

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Greece, December 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Grenada

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Guatemala

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Guyana

- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Haiti

- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Honduras

- Item 1: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Honduras, November 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Hong King

- Item 1: The 50th Anniversary of the Labour Department 1946-1996, circa 1996

- Creator: Hong Kong Labour Department
- Item 2: Annual Departmental Reports 1956-1957 and 1957-1958, circa 1957 and 1958

- Creator: Commissioner of Labour and Commissioner of Mines, Hong Kong
- Item 3: Annual Departmental Reports 1957-1958, circa 1958

- Creator: Hong Kong Registrar of Trade Unions
- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Hungary

- Item 1: Labour Conflicts of Privatization, circa 1991

- Creator: L. Neumann, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest
- Item 2: A Day in the Life of a Worker, 1952

- Creator: Legation of the Hungarian People's Republic
- Item 3: The Position of the Hungarian Worker between January 1950 and April 1953, May 1953

- Creator: Dr. Laszlo Varga, Natl. Committee for a Free Europe
- Item 4: The Industrial Relations System in Hungary after the Economic Reform, circa 1972-1973

- Creator: Julius Rezler, Universite de Strasbourg, France
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Iceland

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Iceland, July 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Iceland, August 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 12: Industrial Relations in India

- Item 1: India, 1989

- Creator: Dr. C.K. Johri, Fellow of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study
- Item 2: Recent Trend in Industrial Relations in India: Jamshedpor Profile, no date

- Item 3: Summary of Labor Conditions in India, January 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Wage Determination in Indian Engineering, no date

- Item 5: Industrial Relations in Indian Engineering: A Note, September 1969

- Creator: Prof. Pramod C. Verma, Economics Dept., Sacramento State College
- Item 6: The Bombay Cotton Mill Worker, no date, almost certainly pre-1947

- Creator: R.G. Gokhale, Millowners Assn., Bombay
- Item 7: The Regulation of Wages and Other Problems of Industrial Labour in India, 1954

- Creator: D.R. Gadgil, Patna Univ.
- Item 8: Industrial Relations in India, possibly circa 1937

- Creator: N.N. Kaul, Delhi School of Economics
- Item 9: Labour Relations, possibly circa 1937

- Creator: N.N. Kaul, Delhi School of Economics
- Item 10: Materials from the Metal Box Co. of India, no date

- Creator: Metal Box Co., India
- Item 11: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in India and the Role of the All-India Manufacturers' Organisation, 1974

- Creator: Prof. Vasudeva B. Kamath, for the Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 12: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in India with Particular Reference to Collective Bargaining, Third Party Intervention in Labour Disputes, Workers' Participation in Decisions Within Undertakings, and Participation of Employers' Organisations in Economic and Social Development, 1974

- Creator: Naval H. Tata, for the Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 13: An Input-Output Analysis of Key Sectors in the Indian Economy, circa 1972-1973

- Creator: Raghav Gaiha and Prem Vashishtha, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi
- Item 14: Economic Indicators For India, October-December 1972

- Creator: Economic Affairs Div., USAID
- Item 15: Industrial Relations Teaching in the Indian Universities, 1965

- Creator: K.N. Vaid
- Item 16: Industrial Disputes in India, 1965

- Creator: K.N. Vaid
- Item 17: The Story of a Strike, May 1958

- Creator: The Tata Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
- Item 18: Labour in India, possibly circa 1930

- Creator: John Scurr
- Item 19: Industrial Production in India, 1965

- Creator: K.K. Ludhera and K.N. Vaid
- Item 20: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in India, July 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 21: A Select Bibliograhy of Books on Labour and Industrial Relations in India, April 1971

- Creator: R.D. Seth and Kedar Nath, Library, Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations, New Delhi
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations in Indonesia

- Item 1: Survival Strategies of Rural Women Traders -or- A Woman's Place is in the Market, January 1981

- Creator: Nancy Lee Peluso, original paper presented to ILO Jakarta for use by the Dept. of Manpoer, Gov't of Indonesia
- Item 2: Keadaan Angkatan Kerja di Indonesia (Labour Force Situation in Indonesia), 1982

- Creator: Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
- Item 3: Keadaan Buruh/Pekerja di Indonesia (Labours/Employees Situation in Indonesia), 1982

- Creator: Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
- Item 4: Summary of Labor Conditions in Indonesia, December 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Summary of the Labor Situation in Indonesia, July 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Survey Instrument for a Study of the Urban Informal Sector: The Case of Jakarta, February 1975

- Creator: S.V. Sethuraman, Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 7: Indonesia Development News, Vol.4, No.6 - Vol.6, NO.5, February 1981 - January 1983

- Creator: National Development Information Office, Rep. of Indonesia
- Box 53

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Iran

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Iran, October 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Iran and the Role of the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines as the Top Employers' Organisation of the Country, 1974

- Creator: Hushang Varzanden, Iranian Employers Group, for the Intl. Labour Office
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Ireland

- Item 1: Industrial Relations Policy at Arthur Guinness Son & Co., Ltd., St. James' Gate Brewery, Dublin, January 1948

- Creator: Prof. J.F. Halterman, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara
- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Israel

- Item 1: Kav La Oved (Protection of Workers Rights) Materials on Migrant Workers, Circa May 2003

- Creator: Kav La Oved
- Item 2: Israel, March 1988

- Creator: Prof. R. Ben-Israel, Tel Aviv Univ.
- Item 3: Settlement of Labour Disputes in Israel, 1961

- Creator: R. Shari, Chief Labour Relations Officer, Ministry of Labour, Israel
- Item 4: Histadrut and Industrial Democracy in Israel: An Interpretive Essay from an American Perspective, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Middle East Labor Bulletin, Vol.1, No.4, Summer 1989

- Creator: Labor Committee on the Middle East
- Item 6: Histadrut, a Profile: Achievements and Challenges of Israel's Unique Labor Movement, November 1974

- Creator: Dan Giladi and Sarah Morris, American Histadrut Cultural Exchange Institute
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Italy

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Italy, November 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Labor Conditions in Liberated Italy, May 1945

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Italy: An Economic Profile, 1963

- Creator: Commercial Office of the Italian Embassy
- Item 4: Italy: An Economic Profile, 1965

- Creator: Commercial Office of the Italian Embassy
- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Jamaica

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Japan

- Item 1: The Current Labor Economy in Japan, 1995 - 1999

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 2: The Sociological Study of Japan, April 11 and 12, 1969

- Creator: Prof. Bernard Karsh, UIUC
- Item 3: Commentaries on Japan, 1986

- Creator: Prof. Bernard Karsh, UIUC
- Item 4: Japanese Economy and Labor Series Nos. 1-5: Shunto Wage Offensive, Human Resource Development, Employment Insurance Law, Japanese Employment Practices and Japanese Industrial Relations, 1996 - 2000

- Creator: Akira Takanashi, Kazuo Koike, Taishiro Shirae et al, Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 5: The Labor Situation in Japan, 2001

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 6: Labour-Management Relations in Japan, 1996

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 7: The Labour Situation in Japan, 2000

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 8: Labour-Management Relations in Japan, 1997

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 9: Labour-Management Relations in Japan, 1995

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 10: Labour-Management Relations in Japan, 1993

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 11: Creating a Dynamic and Appealing Society, 1999

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 12: Searching for a Third Way Out of the Crisis, 1998

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 13: The Choices We Face in a New Era: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions, 1991

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 14: Creating a Dynamic Economy Through Structural Reform, 1996

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 15: The Issues Today: Ensuring Employment in a Service Recession, 1994

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 16: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: Becoming a Responsible Industrialized Nation, 1988

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 17: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: Coping with the Hollowing of Industry and Employment Problems, 1987

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 18: Summary of the Labor Situation in Japan, August 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 19: Labor-Management Communication at the Workshop Level, 1983

- Creator: Prof. Takeshi Inagami, Hosei Univ./Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 20: Labor Unions and Labor-Management Relations, 1983

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 21: Social Security, 1987

- Creator: Prof. Nagahisa Hiraishi, Gifu College of Economics/Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 22: Social Security, 1980

- Creator: Prof. Nagahisa Hiraishi, Gifu College of Economics/Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 23: The Industrial Relations in Japan, March 1957

- Creator: Hiroshi Gotoh, Genl. Sec. of the Japan Fed. Of Employers Assn.s
- Item 24: Management and Labor in Japanese Enterprises -with emphasis on their characteristics-, possibly circa 1955

- Creator: Prof. Susumu Takamiya, Hitotsubashi Univ.
- Item 25: Labor Relations and Disputes Settlement in the Public Service: Japan, circa 1984

- Creator: Prof. Kazutoshi Koshira, Economics Dept., Yokohama Natl. Univ.
- Item 26: An Analysis of Industrial Relations Policies in the Japanese Ammonium Sulphate Industry, November 29, 1956

- Creator: Toshio Tsurumaki, for a class taught by Prof. Rosen at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 27: The Characteristics of Labour-Management Relations in Japan and Their Historical Formation, April 1966

- Creator: Eitaro Kishimoto, published in the Kyoto Univ. Economic Review, Vol.36, No.80
- Item 28: Industrial Relations in Japan, July 1982

- Creator: Prof. Hideo Ishida, Keio Univ.
- Item 29: Structural Reform - The Search for a Third Option: Employment Stability and Improved National Quality of Life, 1997

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 30: Industrial Relations in the New Japan, December 1957

- Creator: Prof. Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 31: Management and Industrial Relations in Postwar Japan, March 1956

- Creator: Prof. Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 32: Japan's Tripartite Labor Relations Commissions, September 1955

- Creator: Prof. Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 33: Wage Bargaining in the US and Japan, April 10 and 11, 1992

- Creator: Fumio Ohtkae, Osaka Univ. and Joseph Tracy, Yale Univ., for the Natl. Bureau of Economic Research
- Item 34: Stability and Change in Japanese Industrial Relations: Three Views, February 1966

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, Hisashi Kawada and Solomon B. Levine, published by the Institute of Management and Labor Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 35: Japanese Automobile Industry in the Future: Toward Coexistence with The World, Consumers and Employees, February 1992

- Creator: Confed. of Japan Automobile Wkrs. Union
- Item 36: Toward a Market Economy With a Human Face, 2000

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 37: Problems and Difficulties of Japanese Wkrs. Today: Towards the Extraction of Needs, September 1989

- Creator: Tatsuru Akimoto
- Item 38: The Basic Structure of Japanese Labor Relations: The Research Series of the University of Tokyo Labor Relations Research Group, February 6, 1963

- Creator: Masumi Tsuda, Visiting Research Associate, UIUC ILIR
- Item 39: Labor in the Twentieth Century: Japan, June 1977

- Creator: Taishiro Shirai, Hosei Univ. and Haruo Shimada, Keio Univ.
- Box 54

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Japan (cont.)

- Item 1: Labor Trends in Japan, 1983, circa 1983

- Creator: American Embassy, Tokyo
- Item 2: Labor Trends in Japan, 1982, circa 1982

- Creator: American Embassy, Tokyo
- Item 3: An Outline of Contemporary Japanese Labor Relations: Appendix to "The Basic Structure of Japanese Labor Relations", April 2, 1963

- Creator: Masumi Tsuda, Visiting Research Associate, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Traditionalism and Democracy in Japanese Industry, September 1962

- Creator: Prof. Kunio Odaka, Univ. of Tokyo
- Item 5: A Brief Sketch of the Relations Between Large Factories and Small Factories in Japan (One of the Main Characteristics of Japan's Industry), 1956

- Creator: Kazutaka Watanabe, submitted to the Social Problems Div. of the Institute on the Mission of the Church of the United Church of Christ in Japan
- Item 6: The Impact of Rapid Economic Growth on the Employment Structure in Japan, circa 1963

- Creator: Taishiro Shirai, Research Associate at ILIR
- Item 7: The Similarities and the Differences of Labor Relations in the Early Days Between the United States and Japan, no date

- Creator: Augustine H. Suhikubo, Visiting Scholar, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: "When Japan was a less developed nation, research in labor economics was one of the many disciplines heavily influenced by the thinking in the advanced nations, however, Japan had a particular way in which she reacted to these ideas", possibly circa 1980

- Creator: Mikio Sumiya
- Item 9: Industrial Relations in the Japanese Automobile Industry, 1982

- Creator: Prof. Kazutoshi Koshiro, Economics Dept., Yokohama Natl. Univ.
- Item 10: Industrial Relations in Japanese Metal Industries, no date

- Creator: K. Koike, Nagoya Univ.
- Item 11: Analysis of the Japanese Labor Economy, 1956

- Creator: Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 12: Review of Labor Conditions in Japan, December 1952

- Creator: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo
- Item 13: "Yahata Seitetsu-Yahata Plant: I. Major Collective Bargaining Issues between Management and Union", no date

- Item 14: Outline of Management: Data for Mr. Hughes, May 6, 1957

- Creator: Head Office, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.
- Item 15: The Labor Relations in the Integrated Chemical Industry in Japan, 1961

- Creator: Intl. Cooperation Admin., Japan Productivity Center
- Item 16: Analysis of Labor Economy in Japan, 1950

- Creator: Labor Statistics and Research Div., Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 17: Outline of Postwar Labor Economy, 1949

- Creator: Labor Statistics and Research Div., Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 18: Analysis of Labour Economy in 1949, 1949

- Creator: Labor Statistics and Research Div., Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 19: Characteristics and Problems of Industrial Relations in Japan: Viewed from the Practice of the Toyo Koatsu Industries, Inc., January 1954

- Creator: Toshi Tsurumaki
- Item 20: Labour Situation of Cotton Spinning Industry in Japan, January 1953

- Creator: All Japan Cotton Spinners Assn.
- Item 21: Labor-Management Relations in Japan, 1960, 1961 and 1963

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 22: Shukan-Kodo-News (Weekly Labor News), January 1, 1967

- Item 23: Memorandum: In Re Japanese Impressions, circa 1964

- Creator: Joe Swire, Intl. Union of Electrical, Racio and Machine Wkrs.
- Item 24: Internal Labor Markets and Industrial Relations Systems on the Shop Floor in Japan, no date

- Creator: Kazuo Koike, Nagoya Univ./Visiting Scholar at the Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 25: The Government, Industrial Relations and Economic Development in Japan, November 1964

- Creator: Hisashi Kawada,
- Item 26: The Characteristics of Labour-Management Relations in Japan and Their Historical Formation (1 and 2), October 1965 and April 1966

- Creator: Prof. Eitaro Kishimoto, Economics Dept., Kyoto Univ.
- Item 27: Types of Joint Consultation and their Relations to Collective Bargaining in the Industrial Relations in Japan, 1966

- Creator: Akira Kakami
- Item 28: Conditions of Labor Economy in Japan, September 1979

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employes Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 29: Conditions of Labor Economy in Japan, 1973 - 1982

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employes Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 30: Occupational Mobility in Japanese Society: Analysis of Labor Market in Japan, April 1962

- Creator: Ken'ichi Tominga
- Item 31: Resolution of Shop Floor Dipsutes in Japan: Formal and Informal Processes and the Role of Third Party Neutrals, 1985

- Creator: Kazuo Subeno and Kazutoshi Koshiro
- Item 32: Capital Versus Labour Under High Growth, March 1969

- Creator: Yoshiro Kmizuka
- Item 33: Changing Pattenrs of Japanese Life, Summer 1970

- Item 34: Revitalizing the Economy: Issues for Employers and Labor, 1995

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 35: Choices for Reform and Renewal, 1993

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 36: Changing Realities: Toward a Better Society, 1992

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 37: Toward Sound Growth, 1990

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 38: Achieving Genuine Prosperity, 1989

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 39: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: The Productivity Standard Principle: The Basis for Stability and Vitality, 1986

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 40: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: Toward a More Vital Society, 1985

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 41: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: Toward the Solution of Accumulated Problems, 1983

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 42: Avoiding the Syndrome of the Advanced Nations, 1982

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Japan--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Jordan

- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Kenya

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Korea

- Item 1: Korea Labor Newsletter, October - December 1990

- Creator: Korea Research and Information Center
- Item 2: Industrialization and Korean Blue-Collar Workers, 1985

- Creator: Kyu Han Bae
- Item 3: The Labor System and Labor-Management Relations in Korea, April, 1987

- Creator: Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Washington DC
- Item 4: Labor Conditions in Korea (North), 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Labor Conditions in the Republic of Korea, 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Interest Conflict and Political Control in South Korea: A Study of the Labor Unions in Manufacturing Industries, 1961-1980, August 1983

- Creator: Jang Jip Choi, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 7: Manpowe Policies in Korea: A Preliminary Analysis, no date

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Kuwait

- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Latin America

- Item 1: Study Conference on Collective Bargaining in the Iron, Steel, Aluminium and Copper Industries in Latin American and the Caribbean, July 1969

- Creator: IMF
- Item 2: Workers of the Americas, 1946

- Creator: Pan-American Union, Washington, DC
- Item 3: Documents of the IMF Regional Conference on Metalworkers' Problems in Latin America and the Caribbean, February 1967

- Creator: IMF
- Item 4: Labor Conditions in Latin America--Latin American Series Nos.23 and 24, August 1945 - May 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Latin America--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Lebanon

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Lebanon, August 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Liberia

- Item 1: Foreign Labor Information: Liberia, May 1960

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Libya

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Libya, June 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 12: Industrial Relations in Malaysia

- Item 1: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Malaysia and the Role of the Malayan Agricultural Producers Assn., 1974

- Creator: William Fernando, Dir., Malayan Agricultural Producers Assn., for the Intl. Labour Office
- Item 2: Summary of the Labor Situation in Malaya, May 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Malayan Labour, Merdeka and After, July-September, 1958

- Creator: Charles Gamba, Indian Council of World Affairs
- Box 55

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Mexico

- Item 1: Human Rights Watch/Americas writes to President Clinton urging NAFTA summit on Human Rights (newsletter Vol.V, No.10), October 1993

- Creator: Americas Watch- A Division of Human Rights Watch
- Item 2: Las Empresas de Servicios Publicos y La Ley Federal Del Trabajo, 1950

- Creator: ITESM
- Item 3: Politica Del Departamento de Personal, 1950

- Creator: ITESM
- Item 4: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Mexico, May 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Summary of the Labor Situation in Mexico, November 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in the Middle East

- Item 1: The Arab Labour Organization, October 1983

- Creator: Dr. A. Boudahrain, published by Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, Netherlands
- Item 2: Freedom of Association and Industrial Relations in the Countries of the Near and Middle East, 1955

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 3: Critique of Trade Union Rights in Countries Affiliated with the League of Arab States, May 1990

- Creator: Michael S. Perry, Asst. Dir., Jewish Labor Committee
- Item 4: A Summary Analysis of the Labor Movement in the Middle East and North Africa, January 1973

- Creator: Middle East Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc.
- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in the Middle East--Bibliographies

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Morocco, June 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Namibia

- Item 1: The Struggle for Trade Union Rights in Namibia, 1984

- Creator: SWAPO of Namibia
- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in the Netherlands

- Item 1: Social and Cultural Report 1994, circa 1994

- Creator: Dutch Social and Cultural Planning Office
- Item 2: Foundation of Labour in the Netherlands, no date

- Creator: Dutch Foundation of Labour
- Item 3: Industrial Relations in the Netherlands, Autumn 1960

- Creator: W.F. de Gaay Fortman
- Item 4: Statutory Organisation of Industry in the Netherlands, May 1966

- Item 5: The Netherlands During the German Occupation, 1946

- Creator: Prof. N.W. Posthumus, Univ. of Amsterdam (ed.),
- Item 6: Foundation of Labour: The Netherlands builds a new road to industrial peace through voluntary cooperation, 1950

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in New Zealand

- Item 1: The New Zealand System of Industrial Relations, 1985-1989

- Creator: Victoria Univ. of Wellington, Industrial Relations Centre
- Item 2: Industrial Relations in the Public Sector, 1985

- Creator: D.N.L. Randle, Victoria Univ. of Wellington Industrial Relations Centre
- Item 3: New Zealand: The Sacrificial Lamb on the Altar of Economic Purity?, September 12, 1988

- Creator: Lecture Delivered at Massey Univ. by the Rt. Hon. Sir Wallace Rowling
- Item 4: New Zealand's Labor Government at Work, January 1940

- Creator: League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 5: Industrial Relations in Transport: Proceedings of a Seminar, November 29, 1985

- Creator: Chartered Institute of Transport in New Zealand and Victoria Univ. of Wellington, Industrial Relations Centre
- Item 6: Outline History of the New Zealand Labour Movement, no date

- Creator: Sid Scott
- Item 7: Labour in New Zealand, 1944

- Creator: A.E.C. Hare, Victoria Univ. of Wellington
- Item 8: The Settlement of Labor Disputes in New Zealand, 1953

- Creator: Arthur Tyndall, Justice of the Court of Arbitration in New Zealand, published by the Mass. Inst. Of Technology
- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Nicaragua

- Item 1: Urgent Action Alert: Mil Colores Company, Las Mercedes Free Trade Zone, Nicaragua, April 2000

- Creator: National Labor Committee in Support of Worker and Human Rights
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Nigeria

- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Nigeria--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Norway

- Item 1: Labor Conditions IN Norway, September 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Industrial Workers and their Employers in Norway Around 1900, 1954

- Creator: Edvard Bull,
- Item 3: Trade Union Influence Through the Labour- Management Cooperation Agreements

- Item 4: The Relationship of the Norwegian Labor Party to the Trade Unions, April 1960

- Creator: Bruce Millon
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Oregon

- Folder 12: Industrial Relations in Pakistan

- Item 1: The Labor Situation in Pakistan, June 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Summary of the Labor Situation in Pakistan, August 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Alternatives in Pakistan Trade Union Developments and Ideologies, circa 1966

- Creator: Prof. M. Ali Raza, UCLA
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations in Panama

- Item 1: Cooperacion Empleado-Patronal, 1979

- Creator: Gobierno de la Zona del Canal, Compania del Canal de Panama
- Folder 14: Industrial Relations in Peru

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Peru, October 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: La Solidaridad de la orit Con Los Trabajadores del Peru, September 1953

- Creator: ORIT Peru
- Folder 15: Industrial Relations in the Philippines

- Item 1: Issues in the Philippine Electronics Industry: A Global Perspective, 1985

- Creator: Rosalinda Pineda-Ofreneo, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 2: An Analysis of the Semiconductur Industry, 1985

- Creator: Nastional Productivity Commission, Philippines
- Item 3: Mabuhay Intl. Monitor, Vol.II, Nos.2 and 3, October - December 1992

- Item 4: Journal of Philippine Development, Vol.III, No.5 - Vol.VII, No.1, 1976-1980

- Item 5: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in the Philippines, December 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: On Labor-Management Relations, August 1958

- Creator: Univ. of the Philippines Labor Education Center
- Item 7: Voluntary Arbitration as an Instrument for Industrial Peace

- Item 8: The Labor Digest, Vol.IV, No.3, February 15, 1959

- Creator: Dept. of Labor, Republic of the Philippines
- Item 9: Philippine Labor Alert, October 1989-February 1990

- Creator: Philippine Workers Support Committee
- Item 10: Collective Bargaining in Selected Mining Establishments in Benguet, Mountain Province: An Exploration Study, 1982

- Creator: Julie Q. Casel, Mauel C. Inoc, F G. Cristobal and Alebard S. Santos, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 11: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- The Changing Industrial Relations Scene in the Philippines (and the role of the Personnel Management Assn. of the Philippines in Relation to it.), 1974

- Creator: Rafael K. Hernaez, Personnel Management Assn. of the Philippines, for the Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 12: Philippine HRD Yearbook, 1985

- Folder 16: Industrial Relations in Poland

- Item 1: Polish Journey: Reports from Trade Union Delegates Recently Returned from a visit to Poland, circa 1954

- Creator: British-Polish Friendship Society
- Item 2: Labor Conditions in Poland, July 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: In Poland Today: Reports from Trade Union Delegates Recently Returned from a Visit to Poland, no date

- Creator: British-Polish Friendship Society
- Item 4: Union-Management Relations and Worker Appeal Procedures in Poland, August 1980

- Creator: Prof. Ronald L. Miller, UIC College of Business
- Item 5: Transition in Poland: An Evaluation of the Effects of Communism, Labor Unions and Privatization on Today's Polish Workers, December 2, 1996

- Creator: Pal Prokop
- Folder 17: Industrial Relations in Portugal

- Box 56

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations and Public Interest

- Item 1: Remarks by the Hon. Senator Harrison Williams, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, no date

- Item 2: Emergency Strikes, Union Power & The Public Interest, no date

- Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States/National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 3: National Emergency Disputes: Some Current Proposals, no date

- Creator: Benjamin Aaron, UCLA
- Item 4: Emergency Disputes Involving Privately Owned Local Level Services, no date

- Creator: Benjamin J. Taylor, Arizona State Univ.
- Item 5: Sixty-Day Report to the President on the Labor Dispute Involving the Longshore Industry on the Pacific Coast, December 5, 1971

- Creator: Paul D. Hanlon, Rolf Valtin, Jacob Seidenberg and J. Keith Mann, Board of Inquiry as Created by Exectuvie Order 11621
- Item 6: Report to the President, October 6, 1971

- Creator: Paul D. Hanlon, Rolf Valtin, Jacob Seidenberg and J. Keith Mann, Board of Inquiry as Created by Exectuvie Order 11621
- Item 7: Philosophy and the Public Interest, May 1, 1959

- Creator: Wayne A.R. Leys and Charner Marquis Perry, for a symposium of the American Philosophical Assn.
- Item 8: Labor Law in the Public Interest, 1953

- Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Item 9: Economic Imperative for Industrial Peace, April 2, 1948

- Creator: Arthur A. Hood and William B. Klee, Jr., from the proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Economic and Business Foundation
- Item 10: "What Makes for Industrial Peace?" Proceedings of a Conference on the Topic, November 26, 1949

- Creator: Ivan Willis, Vice Pres. Of Intl. Harvester Co., and Clinton Golden, ECA Advisor and David Cole, Attorney and Arbitrator as featured speakers, conference sponsored by the Univ. of Wisconsin
- Folder 2: Public Interest in Industrial Relations--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Qatar

- Folder 4: Industrial Relations Research

- Item 1: Response Error: A Review of Findings and Methods, September 1976

- Creator: Gordon Wyner, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 2: Social Experimentation, Truncated Distributions and Efficient Estimation, no date

- Creator: Jerry A. Hausman and David A. Wise, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 3: Research in Union-Management Relations: Past and Future, December 29, 1956

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Discussion: Research in Union-Management Relations, December 29, 1956

- Creator: Jack Barbash, Research and Education Director, AFL-CIO
- Item 5: "The purpose of this paper is to analyze and assess research on employer-union relations in terms of the following five items", possibly circa 1954

- Item 6: Suggested Research Projects: Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, June 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Suggested Research Problems: Business & Economics, 1950

- Creator: US Commerce Dept.
- Item 8: Academic Research on Labour: Strengthening Union-University Links, May 1989

- Creator: Pradeep Kumar, School of Industrial Relations, Queen's Univ., Ontario
- Item 9: Research for Work and Democracy, September 1980

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 10: Research on Labor-Management Relations: Report of a conference held at the Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ., February 24-25, 1949

- Creator: Charles A. Myers, MIT and John G. Turnbull, Social Science Research Council
- Item 11: "TO: Conference Members on Research in Labor-Management Relations, Princeton, NJ. Attached is a statement - Value premises in Labor-Management Relations - which I have prepared", February 24-25, 1949

- Creator: F.H. Harbison, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 12: Comments on the Research Function of University Labor Centers, March 30 - April 1, 1966

- Creator: Don Vial, Chairman of the Center for Labor Research and Education, Univ. of California Berkeley
- Item 13: Contributions of Industrial Relations Research, May 1968

- Creator: Herbert G. Heneman, Jr.
- Item 14: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference on Research in Industrial Relations, June 11 and 12, 1951

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 15: Sixth Annual Conference on Research in Industrial Relations, May 9 and 10, 1950

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 16: Fifth Annual Conference on Research in Industrial Relations, May 18-20, 1949

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 17: Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Research in Industrial Relations, August 1948

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 18: Tentatitve Directory: Current Industrial Relations Research, September 1957

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 19: Criticality, Sensitivity and Accessability: Do These Issues Raise Problems for Organizational Research?, August 1987

- Creator: Prof. Huseyin Leblebici, Dept. of Business Admin., and Prof. Peter Sherer, ILIR, UIUC
- Item 20: Comparative Research in Industrial Relations: Three Papers, March 23, 1966

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, Hisashi Kawada and Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 21: Divergent Tendencies in Industrial Relations Research, July 1964

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 22: Research in Union-Management Relations: Past and Future, possibly circa 1954

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 23: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Labor-Management Relations, April 1951

- Creator: Staff of the UIUC ILIR
- Item 24: Some Methodological Problems in Industrial Relations Research, 1954

- Creator: Robert Dubin, UIUC
- Item 25: The Estimation of Simultaneous Probability Models, June 1977

- Creator: Charles D. Mallar, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 26: Selection Bias in the Estimation of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Effects, May 1977

- Creator: Robert A. Moffitt, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 27: A Survey of Research in the Field of Industrial Relations, June 8, 1928

- Creator: Herman Feldman, Social Science Research Council
- Box 57

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations Research (cont.)

- Item 1: University of Michigan Survey Research Center Interviewer Notebook, no date

- Creator: Univ. of Michigan
- Item 2: Conference on Follow-up Studies in Educational Research, November 18-19, 1965

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Institute, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 3: The Study of Process in Union-Management Relations at the Establishment Level, April 12, 1955

- Item 4: Interviewer Knowledge in Household Surveys: A Review of Folklore and Practices, August 1975

- Creator: Cheri T. Marshall and Mark A Boada, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 5: Industrial Relations Research and Social Theory, 1950

- Item 6: Research Frontiers in Human Relations, November 12, 1948

- Creator: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
- Item 7: A Program of Research on the Fundamental Problems of Organizing Human Behavior, March 1, 1947

- Creator: Survey Research Center, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 8: Catalog of Current Industrial Relations Research, January 1959

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Association
- Item 9: External Research: Labor Problems in Foreign Areas, December 1954

- Creator: US State Dept., Office of Intelligence Research
- Item 10: Some Implications of Industrial Relations Research for Theory, possibly circa 1950

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: BLMR Research Opportunities: A series of suggested outlines for new labor research projects, circa 1962

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Philosophy of Science: Vol.16, No.3, containing a series of articles on "Applied Social Research in Policy-Formation, July 1949

- Creator: Philosophy of Science Association
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations Research--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Romania

- Item 1: Labor Conditions in Romania, December 1943

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in St. Kitts and Nevis

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Senegal

- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Sierra Leone

- Item 1: Labour Administration and Industrial Relations in Sierra Leone, 1971

- Creator: Hugh E. Conway, Lecturer in Industrial Relations at Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Singapore

- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Slovenia

- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in South Africa

- Item 1: Judicial Review of Arbitration Awards Under the New South Africa Labour Relations Act of 1995, Summer 2001

- Creator: Calvin William Sharpe, published in the Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, Vol.33, No.3
- Item 2: Metalworkers in South Africa: The Struggle for Freedom, 1984

- Creator: International Metalworkers' Federation
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Spain

- Folder 12: Industrial Relations in Sri Lanka

- Item 1: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Sri Lanka and the Role of the Employers' Federation of Ceylon, 1974

- Creator: E.S. Appadurai, Secretary of the Employers' Federation of Ceylon, for the International Labour Office
- Item 2: Summary of the Labor Situation in Ceylon, April 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Income and Wealth Distribution: An Examination of Evidence Pertaining to Post-1960 Experience, December 1980

- Creator: W.D. Lakshman, Univ. of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, for the Intl. Development Center of Japan
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations State Agencies

- Item 1: Annual Report: Connecticut State Board of Mediation and Arbitration, Department of Labor, July 1, 1951 - June 30, 1952

- Creator: Connecticut State Board of Medation and Arbitration
- Item 2: Functions and Appropriations of State Labor Departments, Prepared for the International Association of Governmental Labor Officials, September 1, 1950

- Creator: International Association of Government Labor Officials
- Item 4: Department of Industrial Relations Report for the Governor's Council (California), October 1944

- Creator: Paul Scharrenberg, Director of Industrial Relations
- Item 5: Peace in Industry: How the New York State Labor Relations Board serves employees and employers, January 1944

- Creator: State of New York Labor Relations Board
- Folder 14: Industrial Relations Study and Teaching

- Item 1: Changing Patterns of Research in the Industrial Relations Centers, possibly circa 1963

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Industrial Relations and the Cirriculum, November 1945

- Creator: Phillips Bradley, published in Social Research Vol.12, No.4
- Item 3: Work Training for College Students in Industrial and Labor Relations, December 1946

- Creator: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 4: The Teaching of Industrial Relations, June 1961

- Creator: Prof. Kingsley Laffer, Univ. of Sydney
- Item 5: Revue Francaise des Affaires Sociales: Les Centres de Relations Industrielles Universitaires des Etats-Unis, April-Juin 1974

- Creator: Marie Meller, Ministrie du Travail/Ministrie de la Sante
- Item 6: Higher Education and Organized Labor, no date

- Creator: Mark Starr, Educational Director of the Intl. Ladies' Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 7: "School Program: Early Unions - Forms of Protection", no date

- Item 8: "Presentation to High School Students: I'm not going to give you a long talk on what unions are all about", no date

- Item 9: Livonia Public Schools Workshop Project: Introdution to Labor Unions, 1960

- Creator: Terrence Connors, Bentley High School
- Item 10: Labor Education on the Campus, no date

- Creator: Herbert A. Levine, Labor Education Center at Rutgers Univ.
- Item 11: The IR Degree: A Step Towards Professionalism?, July 1963

- Creator: Industrial Relations News Special Report
- Item 12: Report on Joint Mission on the Teaching of Management/Labour Relations in America and Europe, no date

- Creator: William Monaghan, Royal College of Science and Technology in Glasgow, for the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation
- Item 13: Graduate Training in Industrial Relations: An Early Look, September 1960

- Creator: Robert J. Nelson and George W. England
- Item 14: The Changing Nature of University Industrial Relations Programs, no date

- Item 15: Teaching About Labor-Management Relations in High School Social Studies: A survey of selected schools of the State of Illinois, 1951

- Creator: John W. Hanson, Homer L. Gammill and C.W. Sanford
- Item 16: What Kind of Training is Desirable for Students Headed for Jobs in Industrial Relations, December 29, 1955

- Creator: R.W. Fleming, Wight Bakke Nelson Bortz, M.P. Catherwood, Lawrence Rogin and George W. Torrence, Industrial Relations Research Association
- Item 17: Final Report: German Industrial Relations Trainee Program, 1953-1954, July 1954

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 18: Changing University Industrial Relations Programs: On-Campus Teaching, December 16, 1962

- Creator: Dale Yoder, IRRA
- Item 19: "Teaching About Labor in High School: I.Aims and Objectives", no date

- Item 20: The Changing Nature of Management Education in Industrial Relations Programs, December 27, 1962

- Creator: Prof. George S. Odiorne, Univ. of Michigan, presented to the IRRA
- Item 21: Directory of Paths to Higher Education in Industrial Relations Subjects, no date

- Creator: National Fluid Power Assn.
- Box 58

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations Study and Teaching (cont.)

- Item 1: Teaching and Theory Innovation of Industrial and Labor Relations, January 13, 1972

- Creator: Prof. J. Yanai Tabb, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 2: The Role of Industrial Relations Centers: Proceedings of a Regional Meeting of the International Industrial Relations Association, May 1968

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assn.
- Item 3: 3rd Annual Conference on the Teaching of Labor Economics, September 1949

- Creator: New York State School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 4: Second Annual Conference on the Teaching of Labor Economics, August 1948

- Creator: New York State School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 5: Report of the Second Midwestern Conference: Teaching of Industrial Relations and Labor Economics, June 12-14, 1970

- Creator: Sponsored by UIUC ILIR, Ohio State Univ. and St. Louis Univ.
- Item 6: Report of the First Midwestern Conference: Teaching of Industrial Relations and Labor Economics, June 13-15, 1949

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assn.
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Suriname

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Sweden

- Item 1: Towards a Society of Free Choice, 1977

- Creator: Gosta Rehn, Swedish Institute for Social Research
- Item 2: The Swedish Work Environment Act and the Swedish Work Environment Ordinance, March 1992

- Creator: Ministr of Labour, Sweden (arbetsmarknadsdepartementet)
- Item 3: Industrial Relations: Sweden Shows the Way, May 1963

- Creator: Fabian Society
- Item 4: Working Environment in Sweden: A Question of Partnership, 1987

- Creator: Siv Soderlund, Swedish Work Environment Fund
- Item 5: Sweidhs Industrial Relations System, circa 1974

- Creator: Stig Gustafsson, MP, Head of the Legal Dept. of the Cetnral Organisation of Salaried Employees, Sweden
- Item 6: This is How an Agreement Comes into Being, October 1978

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 7: International Encyclopedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations, September 1997

- Creator: edited by Prof. R. Blanpain
- Item 8: The Swedish Development Programme for New Technology, Working Life and Management, October 1986

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 9: Sweden: A Model Crisis, no date

- Creator: Joseph B. Board, for the Swedish Institute
- Item 10: The Evolution of Social Welfare Policy in Sweden, 1984

- Creator: Mats Forsberg, the Swedish Institute
- Item 11: Cooperation between the Governent and Workers' and Employers' Organizations on Labour Market Policy in Sweden, 1984

- Creator: Gosta Rehn
- Item 12: Fact Sheets on Sweden, 1976 - 1986

- Creator: The Swedish Institute
- Item 13: Working Life in Sweden, May 1977 - January 1990

- Creator: Swedish Information Service, Swedish Consulate in New York
- Item 14: Current Sweden, October 1973 - November 1992

- Creator: The Swedish Institute
- Item 15: Government Unions and Civil Servants' Collective Bargaining Rights in Sweden, July 22, 1968

- Creator: American Fed. Of Govt. Employees Summer Institute, held at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 16: Labor Peace: Sweden's Formula, September 1963

- Creator: Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Item 17: A Survey of Social and Labour Conditions in Sweden, October 1945

- Item 18: The Swedish Industrial Relations System: Reproduction of lectures given at the London School of Economics on November 14, 1963 by the following representatives of the government, employers and workers of Sweden- Mr. Ernst Michanek, Under-secretary of State for Social Affairs; Mr. Bertil Kugelberg, managing director of the Swedish Employers' Confed.; Mr. Arne Geijer, pres. of the Swedish Confed. of Trade Unions, November 1963

- Creator: Messrs. Ernst Michanek, Bertil Kugelberg and Arne Geijer
- Item 19: Labor Peace and Full Employment in Sweden, 1964

- Creator: Ernst Michanek, Undersecretary of State for Labor and Social Affairs, Sweden
- Item 20: Labor Relations and Wage Policy in Sweden, 1963

- Creator: T.L. Johnston, visiting prof. of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Item 21: How Sweden Handles Management and Labor Relations, November 18, 1946

- Creator: Dr. Folke Schmidt, Prof. of Law, Univ. of Lundt, Sweden
- Item 22: Perspective on Labour Conditions in Sweden, 1962

- Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation
- Item 23: Perspective on Labour Conditions in Sweden, 1954

- Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation
- Item 24: The Labor Front in Sweden, possibly circa 1946

- Creator: American-Scandinavian Foundation
- Item 25: The Welfare State Model Under Siege: Sweden in the 90s, September 15, 1995

- Creator: Sven Olsson Hort, Swedish Information Service
- Item 26: The Trade Unions in Figures, 1993

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 27: Industrial Relations in Sweden, 1962

- Creator: Dr. Alfred R. Badger, Industrial Relations Officer of the Gas Council of Great Britain
- Item 28: For and Against the Welfare State, October 1963

- Creator: Ernst Michanek, Undersecretary of State for Labor and Social Affairs, Sweden
- Item 29: The New Swedish Act on Collective Bargaining: Papers presented at a conference sponsored by the Institute of Industrial Relations in cooperation with the Royal Swedish Embassy, Washington, D.C., October 8-9, 1975

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA
- Item 30: Role of Workers' and Employers' Organizations in Sweden, no date

- Creator: Ture Flyboo, Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions
- Item 31: The Trade Union Movement and the Social Policy

- Item 32: Swedish Textile Employers' Association: Collective Agreements for Textile Workers and Other Workes, 1946

- Creator: Sveriges Textilindustriforbund
- Item 33: A Swedish Case Study on Personnel Relations, 1951

- Creator: Sune Carlson and Per Ernmark, Stockholm School of Economics
- Item 34: Enforcement of Collective Bargaining Agreements in Swedish Law, February 1947

- Creator: Folke Schmidt and Henry Heineman
- Item 35: Agreement between Time and Motion Studies Concluded by the Swedish Employers Confederation and the Confederation of Swedish Trade Unions, 1954

- Creator: Swedish Employers Confederation and Confederation of Swedish Trade Unions
- Item 36: Sweden's Labor Program, 1948

- Creator: Tage Lndbom, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 37: Cross Currents at Yxtaholm: A glimpse of the activities at the college of the Swedish Employers Confederation, 1951

- Creator: Swedish Employers Confed.
- Item 38: Agreements Concerning General Rules for the Organization of Local Workers' Protection and the Workers' Protection Board, concluded by the Swedish Employers Confed. and the Confed. of Swedish Trade Unions, 1951

- Creator: Swedish Employers Confederation and Confederation of Swedish Trade Unions
- Item 39: Report of the Commission on Industrial Relations in Sweden, 1938

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 40: Swedish Labor and Industry Disagree on Policy, March 27, 1947

- Creator: Axel Iveroth and Tage Lindbom, Commercial and Financial Chronicle
- Item 41: Social Change in Sweden: Integration of Family Policy and Labor Market Policy in Sweden, December 1978

- Creator: Rita Liljestrom, Swedish Information Service
- Item 42: Viewpoint Sweden: Swedish Labor During the 1990s, November 1991

- Creator: Knut Rexed, Swedish Information Service
- Item 43: Viewpoint Sweden: Sweden and the New Europe, March 1991

- Creator: H.E. Anders Thunborg, Swedish Ambassador to the United States
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Sweden--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Switzerland

- Item 1: Switzerland, 1984

- Creator: Prof. Alexandre Berenstein, Univ. of Geneva, published by Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, the Netherlands
- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Switzerland--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Syria

- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Taiwan

- Item 1: Taiwan Industrial Relations Bulletin, September 2002 - January 2003

- Creator: Chung Hua Institute for Industrial Relations
- Item 2: The Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, Rep. of China, June 30, 1993

- Creator: Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, Rep. of China
- Item 3: Newsletter: Labor Policy and Labor Force, July - August, 2000

- Creator: Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, Rep. of China
- Item 4: Summary of the Labor Situation in Taiwan, November 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Searching for the Institutionalization of Labour Disputes in Developing Countries: A case study of the Republic of China, 1984

- Creator: Cheng Wei-Yuan, Dept. of Sociology, Natl. Taiwan Univ.
- Item 6: Adjustments of the Taiwan Economy Since the 1973 Oil Crisis, April 16-17, 1985

- Creator: Shirley W.Y. Kuo, Natl. Taiwan Univ.
- Item 7: An Introduction to the Manpower Development Plan 1980-1989: A Secotral Plan of the Ten-Year Economic Development Plan, October 1981

- Creator: Rep. of China
- Item 8: Technological Progress, Employment Structure and Income Distribution in Taiwan, June 1983

- Creator: Paul K.C. Liu, director of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Item 9: Factors and Policies Contributing to Urbanization and Labor Mobility in Taiwan, May 1983

- Creator: Paul K.C. Liu, director of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Item 10: Trends in Female Labor Force Participation in Taiwan: The Transition Toward Higher Technology Activities, March 1983

- Creator: Paul K.C. Liu, director of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Item 11: The Role of Education in Fertility Transition in Taiwan, September 1983

- Creator: Paul K.C. Liu, director of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Item 12: Higher Education and Manpower Planning in Taiwan, the Republic of China, April 30, 1980

- Creator: Pei-Chi Chang
- Item 13: Auto Industrial Policy in Taiwan, October 3-4, 1986

- Creator: Walter Arnold, Political Science Dept., Miami Univ. of Ohio
- Item 14: Manpower Planning and Development in Taiwan (cont.), September 1976

- Creator: Chi-ming Hou
- Item 15: Contributions of Women in the Labor Force to Economic Development in Taiwan, the Republic of China, August 1985

- Creator: K.T. Li, Minister in the govt' of the Rep. of China
- Item 16: Labor Mobility and Utilization in Relation to Urbanization in Taiwan, June 1962

- Creator: Paul K.C. Liu, director of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Item 17: American and Chinese Managers in US Companies in Taiwan: A Comparison, 1985

- Creator: Samuel K.C. Chang
- Item 18: Foreign Economic Trends and their Implications for the United States, December 1984

- Creator: American Institute, Taipei
- Item 19: Human Recources and Development in Taiwan, ROC, November 1981

- Creator: Pei-Chi Chang
- Box 59

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Thailand

- Item 1: Labor Conditions in Thailand, 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Thailand, June 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Regional Tehcnical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Thailand and the Role of the Board of Trade of Thailand, 1974

- Creator: Vari Virangkura, Dir. Of the Board of Trade of Thailand, for the Intl. Labour office in Geneva
- Item 4: Modernization and Industrialization of Thai Society: A Sociological Analysis, March 1970

- Creator: Ken-Ichi Tominaga, Hiroshi Komai, Hideo Okamoto and Michiko Ise
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Trinidad and Tobago

- Item 1: General Industrial Conditions and Labour Relations in Trinidad, 1954

- Creator: F.W. Dalley
- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Tunisia

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Tunisia, March 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Turkey

- Item 1: The Development of Industrial Relations in Turkey, 1980

- Creator: Dr. Toker Dereli and Dr. Nusret Ekin
- Item 2: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Turkey, February 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Summary of the Labor Situation in Turkey, May 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Labor Digest: Labor Conditions in Turkey, November 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in the United Arab Emirates

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Uruguay

- Item 1: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Uruguay, June 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Social Legislation in Uruguay, March 1949

- Creator: Alberto Sanguinetti Freire, Deputy Dir. Of the Uruguayan Natl. Labour Institute, for the International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 3: Uruguay: A Little Historic Narration, circa 1950

- Creator: Uruguay's Beet and Sugar Workers Society
- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in the USSR

- Item 1: Soviet Trade Unions Ensure the Worker's Participation in Socialist Production Management, 1972

- Creator: Ivan Vladychenko, Secretary, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions
- Item 2: USSR: Working People in Production Management, no date

- Creator: V. Dzhelomanov, published by the Novosti Press Agency Publishing House in Moscow
- Item 3: Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in the Soviet Union, 1958

- Creator: B.C. Robert, Reader in Industrial Relations at the Univ. of London, and Maria Feingold, Research Student at the London School of Economics
- Item 4: KAS-KOR Monthly Digest, April - June, 1993

- Creator: Labour Information Centre
- Item 5: Russian Labour Review, 1993

- Creator: Labour Information Centre KAS-KOR
- Item 6: The Development of an Employment Promotion System in Russia in the Period of Market Transformation, no date

- Creator: Tatjana Ozernikova, Irkutsk State Academy of Economics
- Item 7: Russian Delegation Report, July 1953

- Creator: Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers, Manchester, UK
- Item 8: Russia: Report from a FIET fact-finding mission to Moscow in October 1992, October 1992

- Creator: Intl. Fed. Of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees
- Item 9: The Local Union in Soviety Industry: Its Relations with Members, Party and Management, January 1960

- Creator: Emily Clark Brown, Inter-University Study of Labor Problems in Economic Development
- Item 10: The Trade Union in Soviet Social Insurance: Historical Development and Present Functions, April 1961

- Creator: Gaston V. Rimlinger, Inter-University Study of Labor Problems in Economic Development
- Item 11: Grievance Procedures in Soviet Factories, July 1957

- Creator: Prof. Janusz K. Zawodny, Political Science Dept., Princeton Univ.
- Item 12: Workers in Stalin's Russia, 1944

- Creator: M.L. Berneri, Freedom Press, London
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in the USSR--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Venezuela *NB Contains a profile of Industrial Relations in the United States as Well

- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Vietnam

- Item 1: Union Rivalry in Vietnam, July 1958

- Creator: Free Labour World
- Item 2: Summary of the Labor Situation in the Republic of Vietnam, February 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Yugoslavia

- Item 1: The Worker as a Personality, 1962

- Creator: S. Kavcic, Editorial Office, Yugoslav Trade Unions
- Item 2: Topical Problems of the International Trade Union Movement, 1962

- Creator: S. Vukmanovic, Editorial Office, Yugoslav Trade Unions
- Item 3: The Yugoslav Worker: Who is he? What does he think? What does he aspire to?, 1962

- Creator: A. Deleon, Yugoslav Trade Unions
- Item 4: Yugoslav Experience- Questions Answered: Basic Aims and Principles of Workers' Training, 1964

- Creator: Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Item 5: Workers Self-Management in Factories, 1962

- Creator: R. Romac and J Franic, Yugoslav Trade Unions
- Item 6: Tendencije U Razvoju Radnickog Samoupravljanja U Jugoslaviji, 1967

- Creator: Drago Gorupic
- Item 7: Yugoslav Experience- Questions Answered: Why the Trade Unions Have Been Reorganized, 1964

- Creator: Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Item 8: Yugoslav Experience- Questions Answered: Social Insurance and How it Functions, 1964

- Creator: Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Item 9: Yugoslav Experience- Questions Answered: Socio-Economic Scope of Yuguslav Trade Union Action, 1964

- Creator: Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Item 10: Yugoslav Experience- Questions Answered: How Do the Working Collectives Distribute Created Values?, 1964

- Creator: Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Folder 12: Industrial Relations in Zaire

- Item 1: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in the Belgian Congo, July 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations in Zimbabwe

- Folder 14: Industrial Relations Departments

- Item 1: Industrial Relations Report: For the first time in Granite City Steel History, a three-year labor agreement was negotiated between the company and the United Steelworkers, 1956

- Item 2: Industrial Behaviour and Personnel Management, 1964

- Creator: Prof. Tom Lupton, Univ. of Leeds, for the Institute of Personnel Management in London
- Item 3: Evaluating the Personnel Department, April 1965

- Creator: Robert D. Gray, American Management Assoc.
- Item 4: Functions of the Labor Relations Section Personnel Staff, General Motors, June 17, 1946

- Creator: General Motors Corp.
- Item 5: The Role of the Industrial Relations Executive, January 11, 1943

- Creator: Bryce Stewart
- Item 6: A Career in Industrial Relations with a glossary of industrial relations terms, circa 1951

- Creator: Arthur O. England, Personnel Planning Office, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Harry Laurent, Jr., Technical Associate and Vocational Counselor, Western Reserve Univ.
- Item 7: Reporting the Work of the Personnel Dept., 1949

- Creator: Prof. Dale Yoder, Economics Dept., Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 8: For The People readings on the occasion of the nation's bicentennial from the American Society for Personnel Administration, circa 1976

- Creator: American Society for Personnel Administration
- Item 9: "Position and Responsibilities of the Personnel Department in a German Company" --Point 1 of the AGenda from the International Labour Organisation Technical Meeting Concerning Certain Aspects of Industrial Relations Inside Udertakings, December 10-19, 1959

- Creator: Otto Esser, Employer Delegate of the Federal Republic of Germany/Director, Kelsterbach Plant, Vereinigte Glanzstoff-Fabriken AG
- Item 10: Reappraisal of the Industrial Relations Driector's Job, September 23,25, 1957

- Creator: A.L. Belcher, Director of Industrial Relations, Pillsbury Mills, Inc. for the American Management Assoc. Personnel Conference
- Item 11: Factors Influencing the Recommendations of Personnel Managers, no date

- Folder 15: Industrial Relations Departments--Bibliographies

- Folder 16: Industrial Relations Policies

- Item 1: Banned Books, August 26, 1986

- Creator: Newsclipping from the Wall Street Journal
- Item 2: Executive Planning if an A-Bomb Falls, September 1950

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board, Inc.
- Folder 17: Industrial Relations Policies--Bibliographies

- Box 60

- Folder 1: Industrialization and Labor

- Item 1: Industrialization and Educatinal Investment in the Meiji Era (1868-1912), February 1964

- Creator: Hisashi Kawada, Keio Univ., Japan
- Item 2: High Growth of the Japanese Economy and the Problems of Small Enterprises, March 1964

- Creator: Taikichi Ito, Keio Univ., Japan
- Item 3: Werner Plum Recits d'ouvriers sur les debuts du monde moderne du travail, 1976

- Creator: Werner Plum
- Item 4: Werner Plum Industrialization and Mass Poverty: Points from two centuries of debate, 1977

- Creator: Werner Plum
- Item 5: Werner Plum Working Men's Reports on the Beginnings of the World of Industrial Labour, 1976

- Creator: Werner Plum
- Item 6: The Labour Problem in Economic Development: A Framework for a Reappraisal, 1955

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 7: Our Future Industrial Society: A Global Vision, September 1961

- Creator: Prof. Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: Problems of Manpower and Industrialization in the USSR, no date

- Creator: Warren W. Eason
- Item 9: On the International Division of Labour, 1970

- Creator: Fan Tinbergen, Fed. Of Swedish Industries
- Item 10: The Economic Background of Social Policy Including Problems of Industrialization, 1947

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 11: The Roles of Workers, Employers and Governments in Economic and Social Development: Objectives, Priorities, Policies and Costs, April 1967

- Creator: Univ. College of Nairobi, Intl. Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 12: Labour Problems in the Economic and Social Development of Uganda, April 1967

- Creator: Univ. College of Nairobi, Intl. Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 13: World Employment Programme: Education and Employment Project (developing countries) Progress Report NO.3, December 1975

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 14: World Employment Programme: Education and Employment Project Research Outline, October 1974

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 15: Industrialization and Labour Markets in Asia: A Comparative Study of Ten Spinning Factories in Five Asian Countries, no date

- Creator: Y. Nihei, D.A. levin and M. Ohtsu, Univ. of Saskatchewan
- Folder 2: Industrialization and Labor--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Injunctions

- Item 1: Equity versus Taft-Hartley Injunctions, January 1951

- Creator: Morris D. Forkosch
- Folder 4: Insurance

- Item 1: A Guide to Life Insurance for Women Only, March 1976

- Creator: Institute of Life Insurance
- Item 2: Sets, Probability and Statistics: The Mathematics of Life Insurance, 1975

- Creator: Institute of Life Insurance
- Folder 5: Insurance--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Insurance Business

- Item 1: Freedom!, September 10, 1952

- Creator: Laurence F. Lee, President of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Before the National Assn. of Life Insurance Underwriters
- Folder 7: Intellectuals and Labor

- Item 1: The Impact of the Political Left, 1958

- Creator: Profs. Bernard Karsh and Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 8: International Affairs and Labor

- Item 1: Problems in International Labor Affairs Reccomended for Research and Analysis, September 1960

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: The CIO and World Affairs: A Summary of CIO Policy Statements on Labor's Position and Role in International Affairs, April 1951

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: International Trade: Report of the Economic Policy Committee to the AFL-CIO Executive Council, February 1970

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Study Abroad: The International Exchange of Workers, Enquiries by the Intl. Labour Office and UNESCO, 1949

- Creator: UNESCO
- Item 5: "Shirtsleeve Diplomats", circa 1952

- Creator: Economic Cooperation Administration
- Item 6: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions: European Regional Organization Conference, November 1954

- Creator: Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 7: United States Unions and Third World Workers, March 1987

- Creator: Ronald J. Peters, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: The Truth Crushes Commie Lies, circa 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Recognition of Soviet Russia Opposed by AFL: Verbatim Discussion on Resolution No.50 at the Detroit Convention of the AFL, October 12, 1926

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 10: The German Problem, circa 1952

- Creator: Rt. Hon. Kenneth Younger, MP, for the Fabian Society
- Item 11: German-American Trade Union Solidarity in the Struggle Against Fascism: 1933-1945, How the American Trade Unions Helped Their Persecuted German Colleagues, circa 1984

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 12: Free Trade Unions in the Fight for African Freedom, 1961

- Creator: John Riddell, Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions, and H.P. Abedola, Pres. Of African Regional Organization, ICFTU
- Item 13: For Peace and Freedom: Report of the Executive Council of the AFL on the International Situation and the Report of the Committee on Internatinal Labor Relations, September 21-25, 1953

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 14: CIO Resolution on Foreign Policy, November 1951

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 15: Disarmament: The American Federation of Labor, its Declaractions and Actions in Support of Disarmament and International Peace, October 1921

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 16: Labor and UNESCO, January 15, 1949

- Creator: John D. Connors, Director of the Workers Education Bureau of America
- Item 17: Peace, Jobs and Freedom: A Report of a Conference Held in Chicag, Illinois, April 14-15, 1961

- Creator: American Friends Service Committee
- Item 18: World Revolution: TVA Shows the Way, August 1951

- Creator: William O. Douglas, reprinted from "The Progressive"
- Item 19: National Citizens' Commission: Report of the Committee on Labor, November 28-December 1, 1965

- Creator: White House Conference on Internatinal Cooperation
- Item 20: "Interest Getters" on World Affairs: Getting Acquainted with the rest of the world, 1952

- Creator: Inter-University Labor Education Committee, Inc.
- Box 61

- Folder 1: International Affairs and Labor (cont.)

- Item 1: "These Are Tense Days" Selections from a speech before the National Press Club, December 19, 1952

- Creator: George Meany, pres., American Fed. Of Labor, published by the UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: US Labor's Single Standard on Dictatorships, November 1985

- Creator: American Institute for Free Labor Development, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Sandinista Deception Reaffirmed: Nicaragua Coverup of Trade Union Repression, August 30, 1985

- Creator: American Institute for Free Labor Development, AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Are Nicaragua's Trade Unions Free? A response to the American Institute for Free Labor Development (AFL-CIO) Report "Nicaragua, A Revolution Betrayed: Free Labor Persecuted", April 1985

- Creator: US Labor Lawyer's Delegation to Nicaragua
- Folder 2: International Affairs and Labor--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: International Labor Activities

- Item 1: IMF Japan Council, February 1971

- Creator: International Metalworkers' Federation, Japan Council
- Item 2: One, Two, Three, Many New Internationalisms! On a new third world labour internationalism and its relationship to those of the west and the east, March 1990

- Creator: Peter Waterman, Insitutte of Social Studies, The Hague
- Item 3: After Twenty Years, the International Labor Organization, November 14, 1939

- Creator: Washington Branch, Intl. Labor Organization
- Item 4: The United States in the International Labor Organization, 1939

- Creator: Ethel M. Johnson, Washington Branch, Intl. Labor Organization
- Item 5: Report of the CIO Delegates to the World Trade Union Conference, February 1945

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 6: The ILO and Women, 1953

- Creator: International Labor Office, Geneva
- Item 7: The ILO and Youth, 1952

- Creator: International Labor Office, Geneva
- Folder 4: International Labor Activities--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: International Trade: Report of the Economic Policy Committee to the AFL-CIO Executive Council

- Item 1: Estados Unidos Mexicanos, circa 1991

- Creator: Office for Free Trade Agreement Negotiations, Embassy of Mexico, Washington, DC
- Item 2: The Future Role of the Japanese Economy in the Pacific Rim, July 24, 1991

- Creator: Prof. Atsushi Maki, visiting fellow, New Zealand Centre for Japanese Studies, Massey Univ.
- Item 3: Labor and Tariff Issues in the Major Party Platforms, 1900-1932 (abstract of a dissertation submitted to the faculty), 1953

- Creator: Ssiter Marie Elizabeth Lynch, Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People, Catholic Univ. of America
- Folder 6: International Trade--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Interviewing

- Item 1: Conductingf the Lawful Employment Interview: When interviewing job candidates, how to avoid charges of discrimination, 1974

- Creator: Executive Enterprises Publications, Inc.
- Item 2: Methods of Interviewing, circa 1960

- Creator: Earl C. Wolfe, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: Applicant Reactions to the Employment Interview and Recruiter Behavior, September 23, 1988

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Barbara A. Bareis, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Selection Interview Use: The Paradox Explained, January 23, 1987

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Susan Lynn Michalec, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: A Comparison of the Relative Predictive Validity of Computer-Based and Face-to-Face Employment Interviews, May 1996

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Rainee Kosmoski, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: Self-Similarity and Impression Management in the Selection Interview, Spring 1992

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Joan Colleen Perkins, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: The Use of Panel Interviews in the Selection Process, July 30, 1993

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Jodi J. Dully, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: Sex-Stereotyped Questions in the Employment Interview: An Analysis of the Impact on Candidate Responses to Employers, January 1998

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Jennifer C. Mitchell, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 8: Job Analysis

- Item 1: City of Urbana, IL Classification and Pay Plan Report, November 9, 1973

- Creator: Charles Maxey
- Item 2: Job Analysis as a Basis for Effective Personnel Management, October 1-2, 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: A Methodological Study of Job Analysis, no date

- Creator: P.N. Kalra and K.N. Sharma, Indian Statistical Institute
- Box 62

- Folder 1: Job Analysis (cont.)

- Folder 2: Job Corps, circa 1951

- Item 1: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the IN-School and Sumer Neighborhood Youth Corps, May 1971

- Creator: Ernest W. Stromsdorfer, Indiana Univ.
- Folder 3: Job Creation

- Item 1: "Jobs can only be created through hard work", October 28, 1997

- Creator: from the Corriere Della Sera, in response to French PM Lionel Jospin's statements about the 35-hr. work week
- Item 2: Creating More JobsNow, April 1961

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 3: Production Techniques and Employment Creation in Underdeveloped Economies, August 1958

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Folder 4: Job Descriptions

- Item 1: Approaches to the Prediction of Job Success: The Descriptive Inventory, February 1953

- Creator: UIUC Contract NO. AF 33(038)-25726/Memorandum Report A-3
- Item 2: Employer Utilization of Job Descriptions to Resolve Compliance Issues for the Americans with Disbilities Act, no date

- Creator: Karen Olach, advised by Prof. Elissa Perry, at the UIUC ILIR
- Folder 5: Job Engineering

- Item 1: Job Redesign: Technique for an era of full employment, possibly circa 1947

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Dir. Of Research, Textile Wkrs. Union of America, CIO
- Item 2: Job Design: Meeting the Manpower Challenge, January 1958

- Creator: George H. Hieronymus, Society for Personnel Administration
- Folder 6: Job Enlargement

- Item 1: Job Redesign for Office Workers: Opportunities and Dangers for Labor, 1993

- Creator: Natinoal Assoc. of Working Women
- Item 2: Democratization and Reorganization, circa 1974

- Creator: Erik Karlsson
- Item 3: The Utilization of Human Resources in Mining, February 20, 1975

- Creator: Ted Mills, Dir. National Quality of Work Center
- Folder 7: Job Enrichment

- Item 1: A New Strategy for Job Enrichment, May 1974

- Creator: J. Richard Hackman, Yale Univ. and Greg Oldham, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 2: Humanisierung der Arbeit und Partizipation, 1979

- Creator: Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Statistik Universitat Knostanz
- Folder 8: Job Evaluation

- Item 1: Job Evaluation, August 1968

- Creator: Profs. L.C. Pigage and J.L. Tucker, UIUC
- Item 2: Classification in a Nutshell, July 1951

- Creator: US Agriculture Dept.
- Folder 9: Job Evaluation--Bibliographies

- Box 63

- Folder 1: Job Rotation

- Folder 2: Job Search

- Item 1: "Chapter 7. Initial Placement: Search Methods. In many countries the public authorities, including educational institutions, regard it as a particular responsibility to assist young people"

- Item 2: Job Search Strategies of Dual Career Couples, November 1, 1984

- Creator: Janet Snow-Godfrey, paper fro LIR 292 at UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Job Search Training: Passport from Education to Work - A Proposal, May 1981

- Creator: Work in America Institute, inc.
- Item 4: Formal versus Informal Job Search Methods: Use and Effectiveness for Undergraduate Students Searchin for Internships, May 1997

- Creator: Caroline E. Carlson, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 3: Job Security

- Item 1: Job Redundancy: The Impact of Key Market Institutions on the Economic Flexibility of the Japanese Economy, February 1987

- Creator: Kazuo Koike, Kyoto Univ., Japan
- Item 2: Job Security: Redundancy Arrangements and Practices in Japan, January 1985

- Creator: Kazutoshi Koshiro, Yokohama Natl. Univ., Japan
- Folder 4: Job Specifications

- Folder 5

- Item 1: The Federal Budget and Shrinking Resources for Job Training, April 25, 1985

- Creator: Illinois Unemployment and Job Training Research Project, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 2: Civil Rights, the New Federalism and the Job Training Partnership Act

- Creator: Illinois Unemployment and Job Training Research Project, Univ. of Chicago
- Folder 6: Job Vacancies

- Item 1: Feasibility Study of Problems in the Collection of Data on Job Vacancies, March 1964

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Labor
- Folder 7: Journey to Work

- Item 1: Commuting Patterns in Illinois: Statistical Summary, 1990 Census, circa 1991

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 2: Commuting Patterns in Illinois: Analysis and Statistical Summary Based on 1980 Census Data, circa 1981

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Folder 8: Labor Conditions

- Item 1: Problems and Answers, 1945

- Creator: United Automobile Wkrs.
- Item 2: The Conference on the Breakdown of Industrial Standards, December 12, 1932

- Creator: National Consumers' League
- Item 3: A Study of Living Conditions of Self-Supporting Women in New York City, 1915

- Creator: Esther Packard, Young Women's Christian Assoc.
- Folder 9: Labor Conditions in Argentina

- Item 1: Miseria de la Riqueza Argentina, no date

- Creator: Juan Antonio Solari, International Labour Office, Geneva
- Folder 10: Labor Costs

- Item 1: The Components of Changes in New York City Government Labor Costs 1965-1972: Police, Fire and Environmental Protection, August 1972

- Creator: Richard D Gustely, Maxwell Research Project on the Public Finances of New York City, Syracuse Univ.
- Item 2: A Comparison of Changes in City Government Labor Costs Among the Ten Largest US Cities 1966 - 1971, November 1972

- Creator: Richard D Gustely, Maxwell Research Project on the Public Finances of New York City, Syracuse Univ.
- Item 3: Labor Cost in the Puerto Rican Economy, December 1950

- Creator: Simon Rottenberg, Director of the Labor Relations Institute, Univ. of Puerto Rico
- Folder 11: Labor Courts

- Item 1: Why Not Labor Courts?, 1939

- Creator: Louis Kirshbaum
- Item 2: Les Conseils de Prud'Hommes: Une Analyse de Leur Fonctionnement, January 1962

- Creator: Prof. William H. McPherson, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 12: Labor Day

- Item 1: May Day vs. Labor Day, 1936

- Creator: Olive M. Johnson, Socialist Labor Party
- Folder 13: Labor Economics

- Item 1: Reprint from The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 1962

- Creator: Indian Society of Labour Economics
- Item 2: Theories of Labour Revisited, no date

- Creator: Frak Moulaert, Asst. Director, Johns Hopkins European Center for Regional Planning and Research
- Box 64

- Folder 1: Labor Education

- Item 1: Ethical and Moral Standards in Labor Education: The Final Report of the Ethical and Morals Standards Project, December 1961

- Creator: Wayne A.R. Leys and Peter Senn, Natl. Institute of Labor Education
- Item 2: Teaching Arbitration to Labor Educators: An Analysis of Methods and Techniques, no date

- Creator: John J. Mikrut, Jr., Univ. of Missouri
- Item 3: The Labor Educator's Role in Teaching Controversial Subjects, April 3, 1975

- Creator: Jack Russell
- Item 4: Using Education in your Union, June 5-7, 1952

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension and Illinois St. Fed. Of Labor
- Item 5: American Workers' Education: Its Meaning, Methods and Policies, 1936

- Creator: Mollie Ray Carroll and Spencer Miller, Jr., Workers Education Bureau Press
- Item 6: Education: Why and for What?, December 3, 1939

- Creator: Mark Starr, Ed. Dept., Intl. Ladies' Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 7: Workers' Education, 1927

- Creator: Arthur Gleason and Spencer Miller, Jr., Workers Education Bureau Press
- Item 8: How to start Workers' Study Classes, 1922

- Creator: Broadus Mitchell, Johns Hopkins Univ. and Baltimore Labor College, published by the Workers' Education Bureau of America
- Item 9: Education and the Worker-Student: A book about workers' education based upon the experience of teachers and students, 1934

- Creator: Jean Carter and Hilda W. Smith, Affiliated Schools for Workers, Inc.
- Item 10: Workers' Education Today and Tomorrow, December 1933

- Creator: Brookwood Labor College
- Item 11: Materials for Union Discussions on: 1.) Voting Records 2.) Schools 3.) Farm Problems 4.) Power 5.) Health, 1955

- Creator: CIO Dept. of Ed. And Research
- Item 12: Materials for Union Discussions on: 6.) Civil Liberties and FEPC 7.) Anti-Labor Legislation 8.) Cushions Against Recession 9.) Taxes, Minimum Wage and Housing 10.) World Affairs 11.) Educational Materials, 1955

- Creator: CIO Dept. of Ed. And Research
- Item 13: What's Wrong With Workers Education - And What's Right?, 1972

- Creator: Prof. Al Nash, NY St. School of Industrial & Labor Relations
- Item 14: The Workers' Educational Association in Denmark, no date

- Creator: Arbejdernes Oplysningsforbund
- Item 15: Diploma Course in Trade Unionism: Prospectus, no date

- Creator: Bombay Labour Institute (Government of Maharashtra)
- Item 16: Report on the Asian Seminar on Workers' Education, October 1958

- Creator: Labor Education Center, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 17: Labor Education in Germany/Arbeiterbildung in Deutschland, June 1950

- Creator: Office of the US High Commissioner for Germany
- Item 18: Assessment of Existing Labor Education Programs and the Structure and Function of Uganda College, March 1962

- Creator: Clement K. Lubembe, Kenya Fed. Of Labor
- Item 19: Speech of the Director of Trade Union Training, Institute of The Workers Education Society of Pakistan, made on the occasion of the Inauguration Ceremony of the Teachers Training Course, no date

- Item 20: The Formal Training of Leaders for German Trade Unions, Spring 1965

- Creator: Robert E. Belding
- Item 21: University Labor Education: Ideas and Experiences from a Prairie State to a Prairie Province, November 7, 1980

- Creator: Ronald J. Peters, Head of Labor Education, UIUC ILIR
- Item 22: Analysis of Examination Given Local Union Legislative Representatives of the United Steelworkers of America, April 1957

- Creator: Milferd Lieberthal and Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 23: Preliminary Proposal for a Long-Term Non-Residential Study Program for Trade Union Leaders in the Chicago Area, October 3, 1962

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 24: Who's Who in Workers' Education

- Creator: Biographical Sketches from the Workers' Education Bureau Newsletter
- Item 25: Educational Institutions and Internatinoal Labor: Proceedings of a Land-Grant Centennial Conference, 1962

- Creator: Michigan State Univ.
- Item 26: Outline for a course: "LIR 895: American Labor Education", Summer 1976

- Creator: Ron Peters
- Item 27: The Chicago Labor Education Program and Chicago Labor Leaders, October 1973 - November 1992

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Chicago
- Item 28: Brookwood Labor College: Its goals, philosophies and conflicts

- Creator: Prof. Thomas W. Zimmerer, Florida Atlantic Univ.
- Item 29: On University and Labor, November 1958

- Creator: Labor Education Center, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 30: Asian Trade Union College and Workers' Education Centre: A Brief Report Nov. 1952 - October 1958, circa 1959

- Creator: International Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 31: Women Workers View Their Learning, circa 1981

- Creator: Jean M. Golaszewski and Joyce L. Kornbluth, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 32: Symposium on the Role of Universities in Workers' Education, November 1973

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Box 65

- Folder 1: Labor Education (cont.)

- Item 1: Trade Union Information, no date

- Creator: European Productivity Agency
- Item 2: Delegates to the Third CIO Scandinavian Labor Education Workshop, 1954

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: Industrial Relations and the Curriculum, November 1945

- Creator: Phillips Bradley, reprinted from Social Science Research
- Item 4: Labor Education in Universities: A Study of University Programs, 1946

- Creator: Caroline F. Ware, American Labor Education Service
- Item 5: Workers Abroad (supplement to Study Abroad), 1951

- Creator: UNESCO
- Item 6: Labor Education Functions in University Extension Services, no date

- Creator: Anthony Luchek, Pennsylvania State College
- Item 7: Report on Workers Education in Singapore, 1961

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 8: First ICFTU World Conference on Education in the Labour Movement, 1967

- Creator: International Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 9: Union Leadership Manual

- Item 10: Adult and Workers' Education in the Gold Coast and Nigeria, June 1952

- Creator: Thomas Hodgkin, UNESCO
- Item 11: The Educational Work of the Israel Federation of Labour (Histadrut), July 1952

- Creator: Rachel Adiv, UNESCO
- Item 12: Workers Education in Greece, August 1952

- Creator: Apostolos Voyatzis, UNESCO
- Item 13: Workers Education in Haiti, August 1952

- Creator: Dantes P. Colimon, UNESCO
- Item 14: Outline Report on the Socialist Workers Education Movement in Belgium, July 1952

- Item 15: Workers Education in Iran, no date

- Item 16: Workers Education in New Zealand, July 1952

- Item 17: Trade Union Education in the British West Indies, July 1952

- Creator: Gloria Gumper
- Item 18: The Educational Work of the Austrian Trade Unions, Jly 1952

- Creator: Educational Dept. of the Austrial Trade Union Fed. And UNESCO
- Item 19: Some Trends in Workers Education in India, June 1950

- Creator: V.S. Mathur, UNESCO
- Item 20: The School for Members of Joint Production Committees in Copenhagen, July 1952

- Creator: Poul Hansen, UNESCO
- Item 21: Extracts from Workers Education in France, July 1952

- Creator: Georges Vidaleno, UNESCO
- Item 22: Summary Report on Workers' Education in Germany, July 1952

- Creator: Dr. Margo Bergmann and Dr. Franz Deus, UNESCO
- Item 23: Workers Education in Switzerland, July 1952

- Creator: UNESCO
- Item 24: Workers Education in India, July 1952

- Creator: Sohan Singh, UNESCO
- Item 25: Workers Education in Greece, August 1952

- Creator: Constantin Aliforis, UNESCO
- Item 26: Education of the Working Class in Yugoslavia, September 3, 1952

- Creator: A. Deleon, UNESCO
- Item 27: The Educational Work of th Austrian Socialist Party, July 1952

- Creator: Robert Erber, UNESCO
- Item 28: The University Providing Service to the People in an Industrial State, May 5, 1948

- Creator: Dean Albert E. Meder, Jr., Rutgers Univ.
- Item 29: Manual de la FIET para Los Instructores Sindicales/FEIT Handbook for Trade Union Educators, circa 1987

- Creator: International Fed. Of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees
- Item 30: Public Funded Trade Union Education: The Australian Experience, February 1979

- Creator: Les Cupper, Univ. of Melbourne
- Item 31: Instructor's Manual for Steward Training: A Labor Education Instructor's Manual, 1970

- Creator: Mil Lieberthal and Stanley Roisen, UIUC ILIR
- Item 32: The Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations (ILIR) and Labor Education, March 1985

- Creator: Prof. Phillips Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 33: Folder Containing Materials related to a Labor Extension Service in the US Labor Dept.

- Folder 2: Labor Education--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Education in Great Britain

- Item 1: Trade Unions and Workers Education, 1957-1958

- Creator: I.A. Marsh
- Item 2: Development of Educational Services for Trade Unionists, no date

- Creator: Trades Union Congress
- Item 3: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year Trade Union Studies, 1953-1954

- Creator: A.J. Cornfield, MA, Univ. of London
- Item 4: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: Second Year Economics, 1953-1954

- Creator: B. Roberts, MA, Univ. of London
- Item 5: Trade Union Education: A report from a working party set up by the Workers Educational Association, 1953

- Creator: Workers Educational Assn.
- Item 6: Jubilee Addresses on Adult Education, 1953

- Creator: Workers Educational Assn.
- Item 7: The Story of Ruskin College 1899-1949, circa 1949

- Item 8: Adult Education and the Industrial Community, 1965

- Creator: National Institute of Adult Education, London
- Item 9: 31st Annual Report: The Workers' Educational Trade Union Committee, 1951

- Creator: Workers Educational Trade Union Committee
- Item 10: WEA 48th Annual Report, 1951

- Creator: The Workers Educational Association
- Item 11: WEA Annual Report, 1955

- Creator: Workers Educational Association
- Item 12: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year Trade Unionism, 1952-1953

- Creator: Ben Roberts, B.A., Univ. of London
- Item 13: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year Economic and Social History, 1954-1955

- Creator: J.P. Carruthers, M.A., Univ. of London
- Item 14: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year Trade Union Studies, 1955-1956

- Creator: R.B. Davidson, B.Sc. (Econ), Ph.D., Univ. of London
- Item 15: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: Second Year Trade Union Studies, 1954-1955

- Creator: A.J. Cornfield, M.A., Univ. of London
- Item 16: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: Third Year Trade Union Studies, 1954-1955

- Creator: B.A. Roberts, M.A., Univ. of London
- Item 17: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: Third Year Trade Union Studies, 1955-1956

- Creator: A.J. Cornfield, M.A., Univ. of London
- Item 18: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year Psychology, 1955-1956

- Creator: E.M. Eppel, M.A., Ed.B., Univ. of London
- Item 19: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year International Relations, 1955-1956

- Creator: Miss E.M. Monkhouse, B.A., Univ. of London
- Item 20: Ruskin College Magazine No.10, 1954

- Creator: Ruskin College
- Item 21: Application for Scholarship for Study at Ruskin College, 1955-1956

- Creator: Committee on Labor Scholarships in the United Kingdom, NY
- Item 22: Announcement of the Committee on Labor Scholarships in the United Kingdom, circa 1954

- Creator: Institute of International Education
- Item 23: Labor Education in Britain, 1955, circa 1955

- Creator: Mark Starr, Ed. Dir., Intl. Ladies Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 24: The Teaching of Trade Unionists in Great Britain, July 1952

- Creator: Ellen McCullough, UNESCO
- Item 25: Trade Union Education in the United Kingdom, June 1952

- Creator: J.H. Mathews, UNESCO
- Item 26: Report of the Survey Team in Adult and Workers Education for the United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom, October 1956

- Creator: United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom
- Item 27: WEA Retrospect 1903-1953: A Record Published to Commemorate the Jubilee of the Workers Educational Association, circa 1953

- Creator: Workers Educational Association
- Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act

- Box 66

- Folder 1: Labor Education in Japan

- Item 1: Observations on the Japanese Labor Movement and Leadership Education for the Nihon Rodo Kyokai Zasshi (Japan Institute of Labor magazine), July 1964

- Creator: Prof. Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Workers Education in Japan, June 1952

- Creator: Iwao Ayusawa, Ph.D., Christian Univ., Tokyo
- Folder 2: Labor Education in Sweden

- Item 1: Trade Union Education in Sweden Today, no date

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 2: The Brunnsvik Folk High School, Sorvik, Sweden, 1947

- Item 3: Adult Education and Swedish Political Leadership, September 1966

- Creator: Herman Erickson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Education- Preparing for Work and Democracy: Report presented to the 1976 Congress of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, 1976

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 5: Labor Education in Sweden, March 1962

- Creator: Thorbjorn Carlsson, Labor Attache at the Swedish Embassy
- Item 6: Crona Straket Backby

- Item 7: Co-Operative Education in Sweden, July 1952

- Creator: David E. Sonquist
- Item 8: Workers Education in Sweden, June 1952

- Creator: Hans Haste, UNESCO
- Folder 3: Labor Force

- Item 1: Dynamic Determinants of Labor Force Participation: Some Evidence from Gross Change Data, August 14, 1973

- Creator: Ralph E. Smith, The Urban Institute
- Item 2: A Community Labor Survey, 1931

- Creator: University of Illinois Bulletin
- Item 3: Population and Labor Force Projections for the United States, 1960 to 1975, circa 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Alternate Manpower Forecasts for the Coming Decade: Second-Guessing the US Department of Labor, November 1972

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 5: Interindustry Occupational Employment Profiles, Winter 1974

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, UIUC
- Item 6: Alternate Forecasts of the Job Content and Skill Requirements of the American Economy in 1980, 1973

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek and Barry Getzel
- Item 7: The Detroit Riot: a profile of 500 Prisoners, March 1968

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Lectures on the Labour Force and its Employment, 1963

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies, Geneva
- Item 9: The Self-Employed in the United States, 1962

- Creator: Joseph D. Phillips
- Item 10: Long-Range Projections of Labor Force, September 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Memorandum for Social Scientists-Subject: longitudinal data banks on labor force behavior and work activities, no date

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Changes in the Industrial Distribution of Employment 1919-19059, August 1961

- Creator: John P. Henderson
- Item 13: A Test of the Markovian Approach to Forecasting Internal Manpower Supply, circa 1971

- Creator: Kendrish M. Rowland, James B. Kirk and Henry L. Beekley
- Item 14: The Shifting Patterns in the Available Labor Force in the United States, December 1952

- Creator: Charles D. Stuart, Asst. Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Long-Term Projections of the Labor Force, May 25, 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Labor Force--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Labor Force in Africa

- Item 1: African Labour Efficiency Survey, 1949

- Creator: edited by C.H. Northcott, Colonial Office, London, UK
- Item 2: Migrant Labour in Africa South of the Sahara, no date

- Creator: Hans E. Panofsky, Northwestern Univ.
- Folder 6: Labor Force in Arizona

- Folder 7: Labor Force in Arkansas

- Folder 8: Labor Force in Asia

- Folder 9: Labor Force in Brazil

- Folder 10: Labor Force in Canada

- Box 67

- Folder 1: Labor Force in Canada (cont.)

- Folder 2: Labor Force in China

- Item 1: La Situation Demographique et la Politique de l'Emploi en Chine, October 1973 - November 1992

- Creator: Prof. Peter Schran, UIUC Economics Dept.
- Folder 3: Labor Force in Colombia

- Folder 4: Labor Force in Connecticut

- Folder 5: Labor Force in the District of Columbia

- Folder 6: Labor Force in Egypt

- Item 1: Manpower and Population Planning in the Arab Republic of Egypt, 1971

- Creator: Prof. John Waterbury, Univ. of Michigan/American Universities Field Staff
- Folder 7: Labor Force in Florida

- Folder 8: Labor Force in France

- Item 1: Labor Statistics Series (revised as of latter 1952): FRANCE, circa 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept., Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Folder 9: Labor Force in Georgia

- Folder 10: Labor Force in Idaho

- Folder 11: Labor Force in Illinois

- Item 1: Who wins in the boom? Not the worker, February 2000

- Creator: from "Illinois Issues," Univ. of Illinois at Springfield
- Item 2: A Human Resource and Labor Market Analysis of the Champaign-Urbana Area, November 1987

- Creator: Prepared for the Greater Urbana-Champaign Economic Development Corporation and the Central Illinois Corridors of Opportunity Council
- Item 3: County Labor Force Report 1984-1993, circa 1993

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 4: Illinois Labor Market Information Directories, 1978-1908

- Creator: Illinois Bureau of Employment Security
- Item 5: Labor Force Information for Affirmative Action Programs: Danville Area, 1978

- Item 6: Affirmative Action Information: LaSalle-Ottawa Area, 1984

- Creator: Illinois Bureau of Employment Security
- Item 7: Total Workforce, Employment and Unemployment in Illinois Jan. 1958 - July 1963, October 1963

- Creator: Illinois State Employment Service
- Item 8: Policy Forum: An Economic Perspective of Illinois' Labor Force Dynamics, 1989

- Creator: UIUC Institute of Government and Public Affairs/College of Agriculture Extension Service
- Item 9: Labor Force Development in Illinois, April 1987

- Creator: Reed Olsen, Illinois Business Review
- Item 10: Will Future Labor Demand Fit Supply?, May 1990

- Creator: Daniel T. Layzell, Illinois Issues no.17
- Item 11: Reccomendations of the Committee to Study Preparation of the Workforce, November 1991

- Creator: State of Illinois Board of Higher Education
- Item 12: County Labor Force Summary 1984 - 1991, circa 1991

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 13: 1970 - 1986 Labor Force Statistics for Metropolitan Chicago, circa 1986

- Creator: John Coulter, Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry
- Item 14: Illinois Labor Market Information Directory, 1982

- Creator: Illinois Bureau of Employment Security
- Item 15: Long-Range Forecasting of Regional Manpower Requirements: The State of Illinois in 1980, circa 1980

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, UIUC
- Item 16: Illinois Labor Force Projections for 1970, circa 1970

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Labor
- Item 17: The Labor Supply of Southern Illinois, circa 1948

- Creator: Prof. E.B. McNatt, Economics Dept., UIUC and Virginia H. Cies, Research Asst., Bureau of Economic and Business Research, UIUC
- Item 18: Special Inquiry into Labor Market Conditions in Saline County, Illinois, July 1947

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Labor
- Item 19: College-Educated Manpower in the State of Illinois, 1970-1980, no date

- Creator: R. Bezdek, H. Folk, A. Graziano and G. Russell
- Item 20: Affirmative Action Information, 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Folder 12: Labor Force in Indiana

- Folder 13: Labor Force in Kentucky

- Item 1: Womanpower in the United States and in Kentucky, September 1977

- Creator: B. Ryle Huelsman, Dept. for Human Resources, Kentucky
- Folder 14: Labor Force in Louisiana

- Item 1: Manpower Outlook to 1985, September 1968

- Creator: Louisiana Dept. of Employment Security
- Folder 15: Labor Force in Massachusetts

- Box 68

- Folder 1: Labor Force in Michigan

- Folder 2: Labor Force in New Hampshire

- Folder 3: Labor Force in New Jersey

- Folder 4: Labor Force in New Mexico

- Folder 5: Labor Force in New York

- Item 1: The Manpower Future in New York State, 1965

- Creator: NY St. Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Manpower Projections: New York State 1970-1980, January 1975

- Creator: NY St. Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Occupational Projections: New York State 1974-1985, January 1978

- Creator: NY St. Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Labor Force Statistics on Minorities and Women, Auigust 1973

- Creator: NY St. Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Manpower Directions 1965-1975, March 1968

- Creator: NY St. Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Industrial and Occupational Trends in New York State, June 15, 1944

- Creator: Edmund H. Crane, NY St. Education Dept.
- Folder 6: Labor Force in New Zealand

- Item 1: New Zealand's Labour Supply in a Long Term Perspective, August 22, 1990

- Creator: Keith Rankin, Economic History Group, Victoria Univ. of Wellington, New Zealand
- Folder 7: Labor Force in North Carolina

- Folder 8: Labor Force in North Dakota

- Folder 9: Labor Force in Oklahoma

- Folder 10: Labor Force in Oregon

- Folder 11: Labor Force in Pennsylvania

- Folder 12: Labor Force in the Philippines

- Item 1: Changing Labor Force in the Philippines, December 1984

- Creator: Lita J. Domingo and Imelda Z. Feranil, Council for Asian Manpower Studies, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 2: The Philippine Statistical Survey of Households Bulletin: October 1956 to October 1957, June 1958

- Creator: Philippine National Economic Council
- Item 3: Quarterly Labor Statistics, March 1958

- Creator: Philippine Dept. of Labor
- Folder 13: Labor Force in South Dakota

- Folder 14: Labor Force Statistics

- Item 1: Long-Term Manpower Projection, June 25-26, 1964

- Creator: R.A. Gordon, editor, proceedings of a conference held at the Univ. of California Berkeley
- Item 2: A Critical Estimate of Employment and Earnings Data from the Points of View of the Practicioner and Theorist, 1959

- Creator: Prof. Amritdhari Singh, Patna Univ.
- Folder 15: Labor Force in Tennessee

- Box 69

- Folder 1: Labor Force in Tennessee (cont.)

- Item 1: Projections of Population and Labor Force: Tennessee, Regions and Counties 1975-2000, October 1972

- Creator: Center for Business and Economic Research, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville
- Folder 2: Labor Force in West Virginia

- Folder 3: Labor Force in Wisconsin

- Folder 4: Labor in Art

- Item 1: Badges of Pride: Symbols and Images of American Labor, 1989

- Creator: Smithsonian Institution
- Item 2: For Labor, About Labor, By Labor: Our Struggles in the US from the '70s to the '90s, no date

- Creator: San Francisco Art Institute
- Item 3: Labor in Art: An Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture and Prints sponsored by the Baltimore Fed. Of Labor and held at the Baltimore Museum of Art, September 5-30, 1938

- Creator: Baltimore Federation of Labor
- Item 4: Art and Paranoia in the Soviet Union, Winter 1986

- Creator: Babs Repas
- Item 5: Buttons and Ribbons as Labor Memorabilia, February 12, 1985

- Creator: Glenn A. Zipp, letter to Prof. William Adelman, head of the Chicago Labor Education Program, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 6: Images of the American Worker 1930-1940, May 26-July 10, 1983

- Creator: Univ. of Minnesota
- Folder 5: Labor in Literature

- Item 1: Night Shift in a Pickle Factory, 1980

- Creator: Steve Turner, pub. By Singlejack Little Books
- Item 2: "The Labor Theatre takes a look at Power: A cast of six revue performers poke some holes in the shroud of mystery and confusion", 1977

- Creator: The Labor Theatre, Inc.
- Item 3: 200 RPM: A Musical Drama featuring some lesser sung heroes and heroines of our American Bicentennial, circa 1976

- Creator: The Labor Theatre, Inc.
- Item 4: "Dear Friend: Labor Theatre has been an important tool to educate union members regarding the history and issues of the labor movement", November 8, 1979

- Creator: Chicago Labor Education Program
- Item 5: Touring News from the Labor Theatre, no date

- Creator: The Labor Theatre, Inc.
- Item 6: Who Needs Political Theatre?, circa 1980-1981

- Creator: NY Street Theatre Caravan, Modern Times Theatre and The Labor Theatre
- Item 7: Labor Puts on a Show for its Hospital Workers, March 14, 1980

- Creator: Wall Street Journal
- Item 8: The Labor Theatre, Inc. Presents: "Singly None - An evening with John L. Lewis", May 20, 1975

- Creator: C.R. Portz, Labor Theatre, Inc.
- Item 9: Focus on the People, June 1997

- Creator: Cornell Univ., with Theatre for Change
- Item 10: Paper, Scissors, Stone, no date

- Creator: Poem by Tom Wayman, taken from "For a Living: The Poetry of Work"
- Item 11: Selected Poems by Hilda Worthington Smith, 1977

- Creator: Institute for Education and Research on Women and Work, NY School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 12: American Labor: A Selected List of Nonfiction Books Compiled to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Chicago Haymarket Riot, circa 1984

- Item 13: Discrimination for Everybody! An Adapatation for stage of the radio script "Created Equal", December 8, 1947

- Creator: Edward Mabley, Samuel French Publishing Co.
- Item 14: Longshoring on the San Francisco Waterfront, 1978

- Creator: Reg Theriault, pub. By Singlejack Little Books
- Item 15: Steelmill Blues, 1978

- Creator: Steve Packard, pub. By Singlejack Little Books
- Item 16: The Grievance: Poems from the Shop Floor, 1980

- Creator: Martin Glaberman, pub. By Singlejack Little Books
- Item 17: Foundry Foreman, Foundrymen, 1980

- Creator: Lloyd Zimpel, pub. By Singlejack Little Books
- Item 18: Comrades All: Poems for the People, 1945

- Creator: Bartlett Adamson, Current Book Distrib., Sydney
- Item 19: Blood on the Coal and other poems for the people, 1946

- Creator: John Graham, Current Book Distrib., Sydney
- Item 20: The Novel in the Study of the American Labor Movement, January 1953

- Creator: Kenneth McCartney and John G. Turnbull
- Item 21: Sociology and Social Literature: Work Alienation in the Plays of Arthur Miller, no date

- Creator: Paul Blumberg, Queens College of the City Univ. of New York
- Item 22: Your Cooperation is Expected Asarco

- Item 23: American Labor Lore: Its Meanings and Uses, February 1965

- Creator: Archie Green, Librarian at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 24: Alternative Library Literature, 1988-1989, circa 1989

- Creator: edited by Sanford Berman and James P. Danky
- Item 25: Straight Talk, no date

- Creator: Bob Feldman
- Item 26: Virtue Rewarded -or- Company Union Gets the Gate: A Farce Hans Peters, Dorothy Lorio, Sophia Good, Fanian Sonkin and Louis Moon, circa 1936

- Creator: Brookwood Labor Publications
- Item 27: Guncotton: An Anti-War Play in One Act, by Mickey Harris, 1936

- Creator: Brookwood Labor Publications
- Item 28: A Worker Reads History, no date

- Creator: Bertolt Brecht
- Item 29: Labor and the Bible, 1972

- Folder 6: Labor in Literature--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Labor in Music

- Item 1: Celebrating America's Working Heroes (CD with two songs on it), Labor Day, 2002

- Creator: Chicago Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: The Original Talking Union with the Almanac Singers and Other Union Songs, with Pete Seeger and Chorus, 1955

- Creator: Folkways Records
- Item 3: Old Folks Ain't All The Same, no date

- Creator: Jo Glazer and Friends
- Item 4: Songs for Union Teachers, July 1967

- Creator: AFT Leadership Seminar, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 5: Working Women's Music: The Songs and Struggles of Women in the Cotton Mills, textile Plants and Needle Trades, 1976

- Creator: Evelyn Alloy, New England Free Press
- Item 6: The Labor Heritage Songbook, no date

- Creator: The Labor Heritage Foundation
- Item 7: 24th International Convention Songbook, 1980

- Creator: American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, compiled by Joe Glazer
- Item 8: 23rd International Convention Songbook, 1978

- Creator: American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, compiled by Joe Glazer
- Item 9: AFL-CIO Songbook, 1974

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Movement Songbook: Songs of Socialism, Labor, Women, Civli Rights, Peace, 1975

- Creator: Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee
- Item 11: CIO Song Book, 1951

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 12: Songs for Seamen, September 1947

- Creator: National Maritime Union, CIO
- Item 13: Steelworkers Song Book, no date

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 14: IWW Songs, May 1964

- Creator: Industrial Workers of the World
- Item 15: AFL-CIO Songbook, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 16: Everbody Sings, no date

- Creator: International Ladies Garment Workers Union
- Item 17: ICW Song Book, no date

- Creator: International Chemical Workers Union, AFL-CIO
- Item 18: URW Song Book, no date

- Creator: United Rubber Workers, AFL-CIO
- Item 19: Let's Sing: UPWA-CIO Songs, 1955

- Creator: United Packinghouse Workers of America, CIO
- Item 20: Sing Amalgamated: A Singing Union is a Winning Union, no date

- Creator: Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America
- Item 21: Brookwood Chautaugua Songs, no date

- Creator: Brookwood Labor Publications
- Item 22: A Discography (LP) of American Labor Union Songs, Februar y1962

- Creator: Archie Green, Librarian at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 23: Joe Hill, IWW Songwriter, 1979

- Creator: Dean Nolan and Fred Thomspon, IWW
- Item 24: Local 34 Songbook, 1984

- Creator: Federation of University Employees, Local 34
- Item 25: Resources on American Labor Music

- Item 26: Unions Sing, but not the same old songs, September 19, 1995

- Creator: From the Wall ST. Journal
- Item 27: Everyday Songs for Labour Festivals, no date

- Item 28: Songs for Labor, circa 1955

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 29: "Labor Gets Unity Song: All Together Now" in honor of the AFL-CIO Merger, circa 1955

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 30: On a Note of Triumph (excerp from the poem), circa 1945

- Creator: Norman Corwin, VE Day Broadcast.
- Item 31: "It's Together That Counts: Why join the union? Listen, bud, were you ever in a crowd", possibly circa 1950

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 32: More Labor Songs, circa 1951

- Item 33: "Solidarity Forever (tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic): When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run", no date

- Item 34: A Singing Union is a Winning Union, no date

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 35: Songs of the Eight-Hour Movement, no date

- Creator: Philip Foner, from "American Labor Songs of the Nineteenth Century"
- Item 36: Assorted newsclippings, April 6, 1976

- Creator: The Wall St. Journal
- Item 37: Our Own Show: Organizing Cultural Programs for Working People, no date

- Creator: District 199 Bread and Roses Publications
- Item 38: Ballads for Sectarians: Program Notes, no date

- Creator: Labor Arts
- Item 39: Songs of Freedom: Famous Labor Songs from Appalachia, no date

- Creator: Appalachian Movement Press
- Folder 8: Labor Journalism

- Item 1: A Survey of Publications of Trade Unions in the Field of Typography in the Columbia University Libraries, August 6, 1945

- Creator: Dorothy E. Ryan, term paper for LS s330
- Item 2: It's 1996 -- Do you know where your Labor Television and Radio Are?, circa 1996

- Creator: Committee for Labor Access
- Item 3: Notes on the Kankakee Conference on Public Relations, May 7, 1966

- Creator: Barbara Dennis, editor, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Getting Started, August 1986

- Creator: ILCA Editor's Update
- Item 5: The Management Consultant Looks at the Labor Press, May 1960

- Creator: Robert Newcomb and Marg Sammons, Newcomb and Sammons Conlustants, for the Midwest Labor Press and UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 6: Give Your Readers a Break: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Labor Journal Editor's Conference, April 1950

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and School of Journalism
- Item 7: Third Annual Conference on Problems of Labor Editors, November 29-30, 1952

- Creator: California State Fed. Of Labor, AFL with the Institute of Industrial Relations and the School of Journalism, UCLA and UC Berkeley
- Item 8: Proceedings of the Conference of Labor Journal Editors, April 23-24, 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and School of Journalism
- Item 9: Collective Bargaining and the Labor Press: A Closer Look, no date

- Creator: Institute of Collective Bargaining and Group Relations, Intl. Labor Press Assn., AFL-CIO/CLC
- Item 10: What's Wrong With Labor Papers?, March 1-2, 1952

- Creator: Sam Sherman, Conference on Labor Papers, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 11: The Labor Press and Industrial Peace, September 16, 1950

- Creator: Speech by George F. Smith, president of Johnson & Johnson Co., before the 39th Convention of the Intl. Labor Press of America
- Item 12: The Labor Press: A Critical Examination of its Politics, Needs, Progress and Opinions of Labor Editors on Topics Vital to the Labor Movement, 1951

- Creator: R.L. Thistlethwaite, Univ. of Iowa
- Item 13: Winning Your Readers' Interest: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Labor Journal Editors' Conference, May 23-24, 1952

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and School of Journalism
- Item 14: How to Appraise and Improve your Daily Newspaper: A Manual for Readers, circa 1980

- Creator: David Bollier, with a foreward by Ralph Nader
- Item 15: The Trade Union Press: An Analysis of 45 Publications, circa 1957

- Creator: Management News
- Item 16: Television: Labor's New Challenge, September 7-8, 1954

- Creator: National Labor Service, American Fed. Of Labor, and Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 17: Labor: The Railroad Workers' National Weekly Newspaper, circa 1960

- Creator: Railway Labor Organizations
- Item 18: ILPA Press Relations Guide, no date

- Creator: Intl. Labor Press Association
- Box 70

- Folder 1: Labor Journalism (cont.)

- Item 1: Second-Class Mailing Privileges for Labor Newspapers, April 1951

- Creator: Labor Journalism Handbook Series, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Publicity Manual to aid CIO Locals to gain good publicity, circa 1950

- Creator: Michigan CIO Council
- Item 3: Pro-Labor Quotes for use in Union Publications, Organizational Leaflets and Speeches, 1949

- Creator: Building Service Employees International Union
- Item 4: Advertising for Labor Newspapers, April 1951

- Creator: Labor Journalism Handbook Series, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: How to Write for Your Union Paper, 1943

- Creator: Morris Watson, ILWU Dispatcher
- Item 6: Report on the March of Labor, December 22, 1954

- Creator: Committee on Un-American Activities, US House of Representatives
- Item 7: The Radical and Labor Periodical Press in Chicago: Its Origin and Development to 1890, 1949

- Creator: Edward L. Sheppard, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: The Labor Press: Fifteen Million Readers Plus, no date

- Creator: Ben Pearse
- Folder 2: Labor Journalism--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation

- Item 1: Law for the Layman (everything you wanted to know about law and couldn't afford to ask), March 1982

- Creator: Paul T. Manion, Attorney-at-Law and Prof. Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Privacy and Personality in the Employment Relationship, 1992

- Creator: Prof. Matthew W. Finkin, Univ. of Illinois Law School, given as part of the Benjamin Aaron Annual Lecture Series on the role of public policy in the employment relationship, UCLA
- Item 3: Privacy in the Workplace: How Well Does American Law Reflect American Values, April 9, 1996

- Creator: Prof. Alan F. Westin, Columbia Univ., given as the 18th Annual Piper Lecture, Instittue for Law and the Workplace, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Item 4: Dates in the History of Labor Law, no date

- Creator: Chicago Labor Education Program, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Chronology of Labor Relations and Personnel Law 1866-1899, no date

- Item 6: Government and Labor-Management Relations, no date

- Creator: Prof. Murray Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: Fact Sheet: Railroad Labor, no date

- Item 8: Sunshine Laws in the Public Sector, no date

- Item 9: Declaration of Employee Rights in the Employee Bill of Rights Act of 1977, July 1977

- Item 10: Statement of US Rep. John N. Erlenborn of Illinois concerning the Employee Bill of Rights Act of 1977, July 14, 1977

- Creator: US Rep. John N. Erlenborn
- Item 11: Supreme Court Decision on Labor, 1948-1949, March 1950

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 12: Federal Labor Legislation 1947, March 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Federal Court Decisions on Labor 1947-1948, December 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 14: The Development of Labor Legislation and its Effect Upon the Welfare of the American Workman, October 31, 1954

- Creator: Prof. Edwin E. Witte, Univ. of Wisconsin, given at the UIUC ILIR Conference on Government and Public Affairs
- Item 15: Current Developments in Labor Law and Legislation, no date

- Creator: Archibald Cox, Natl. Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 16: Labor and Social Legislation, 1949

- Creator: Prof. Edwin E. Witte, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 17: Needed: A Positive Labor Policy, December 6, 1946

- Creator: Richard P. Doherty, Director of Employer-Employee Relations, Natinal Association of Broadcasters
- Item 18: Labor's Neglected Weapon: Concepts Contained in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, no date

- Creator: Stan Weir
- Item 19: Conference on Labor Law (proceedings), November 28-29, 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and College of Law
- Item 20: Recent Labor Legislation of Interest to Labor, July 9, 1948

- Creator: Prof. Edwin E. Witte, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 21: Labor's Legislative Program in the 81st Congress, March 11-12, 1949

- Creator: University College
- Item 22: The Role of Legislation in Industrial Relations, March 3-4, 1949

- Creator: Conference of National Organizations
- Item 23: A Study Supported by Factual Documentation Presenting Basic Fundamentals and Legislative Proposals in Support of Them Which Must Be Included in Any Fair Labor-Management Relations Code, no date

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 24: Labor Legislatin (Social and Protective), 1950

- Creator: Prof. Edward L. Phillips, UIUC ILIR
- Item 25: Labor's Legislatie Goals, December 4-5,1964

- Creator: Reuben G. Soderstrom, Pres., Illinois State AFL-CIO
- Item 26: United States of America, January 1983

- Creator: Prof. Alvin L. Goldman, Univ. of Kentucky
- Item 27: Unions and the Decline of Individual Rights, no date

- Creator: Howard Jensen, Vice Pres. And General Counsel, Lone Star Steel Co./National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 28: Progress Through Labor Law Reform, no date

- Creator: William F. May, Chairman and CEO, American Can Co./National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 29: Labor Law Reform: Management Flexibility for a Growth Economy, no date

- Creator: Algie A. Hendrix, Vice Pres., General Dynamics Corp./National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 30: The Expanding Scope of Industrial Conflict, no date

- Creator: Carl Hageman, Vice Pres., Union Carbide Corp./National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 31: The Public Interest and Labor Law Reform, no date

- Creator: W.P. Gullander, Pres., National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 32: United States of America, 1979

- Creator: Prof. Alvin L. Goldman, Univ. of Kentucky
- Item 33: US Labor Policy at the Fork of the Road, June-July, 1946

- Creator: Inter-Union Institute
- Item 34: The Evolution of Our Labor Laws, November 17, 1947

- Creator: Andrew J. Percival
- Item 35: A New Hope for a Collective Bargaining Law, January 1977

- Creator: NEA Reporter
- Item 36: A Proposed Model State Collective Bargaining Law for Employees in the Public Sector and Employees in Non-Profit Institutions Financially Aided from Public Funds, November 6, 1970

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 37: A Proposed Model State Anti-Injunction Law for Employees in the Public Sector, no date

- Item 38: What Sort of Labor Law Should We Have?, May 15, 1949

- Creator: The Northwestern Univ. Reviewing Stand: Broadcast on WGN Radio, discussion with Arthur J. Goldberg (General Counsel, CIO), Alfred P. Haake (Economist, Industrial Consultant and Mayor of Park Ridge, Illinois) and mediated by Robert Buchanan (director, The
- Item 39: Letter from Charles E. Wilson to the Hon. Andrew Jacobs, Member, House Committee on Education and Labor, March 10, 1949

- Creator: Charles E. Wilson, Pres., General Electric Co.
- Item 40: A Fair Labor Law: Statement of Charles E. Wilson before the House Committee on Education and Labor, March 15, 1949

- Creator: Charles E. Wilson, Pres., General Electric Co.
- Item 41: The Dead Hand of Regulation, no date

- Creator: James Q. Wilson
- Item 42: Development of Major US Labor Legislation, no date

- Box 71

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation (cont.)

- Item 1: The Outlook for Labor and Social Legislation, October 31, 1957

- Creator: Address by Sen. John F. Kennedy before the Convention of the Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Address by the President of the American Association for Labor Legislation to the Annual Meeting, December 28, 1909

- Creator: Henry W. Farnam
- Item 3: The Drive Against Labor: An analysis of recent legislative proposals to restrict union activity, possibly circa 1947

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 4: Labor Legislation: A Brief Outline, no date

- Creator: Prof. Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Labor Legislation and Administration, no date

- Item 6: Address delivered by Sen. Joseph H. Ball before the Natl. Coop. Milk Producers Fed., November 14, 1946

- Creator: Sen. Joseph H. Ball
- Item 7: The Role of Government in Industrial Relations, March 20, 1947

- Creator: Address Delivered by William M. Leiserson, Univ. of California Institute of Industrial Relations
- Item 8: Workers Speak Their Minds About Labor-Law Changes, June 1947

- Creator: Factory Management and Maintenance, McGraw-Hill Co.
- Item 9: Government and Union-Employer Relations: An analysis of statutes and administrative regulations, 1945

- Creator: Leifur Magnusson, Public Administration Service
- Item 10: Labor Under Federal Law: A Summary, October 30, 1946

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 11: The Worker, His Job and His Government: An introduction to federal labor laws, 1942

- Creator: US Labor Dept., US Office of Education and Federal Security Agency
- Item 12: US Labor Policy at the Fork of the Road, 1946

- Creator: Inter-Union Institute
- Item 13: Trends in Important Labor Issues and Legislation, possibly circa 1971

- Creator: John H. Fanning, National Labor Relations Board
- Item 14: Act of 27th June, 1947 respecting measures to promote employment, 1947

- Creator: Labor Law from Norway, reprinted from the Intl. Labor Organization Legislative Series
- Item 15: Government and Labor-Management RElations, circa 1949

- Creator: Prof. Murray Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 16: Labor and the Law: A Correspondence Study Course, 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 17: Selected Materials and Cases on Labor and the Law, 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 18: A Federal Bargaining Act for State and Local Employees: Testimony in support of HR 8677, circa 1973

- Creator: Coalition of American Public Employees
- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in Alabama

- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Alaska

- Item 1: Alaska Labor Laws, August 1954

- Creator: Alaska Territorial Dept. of Labor
- Item 2: Compilation of Laws Relating to Employment Security, circa 1952

- Creator: Alaska Territorial Dept. of Labor
- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Arizona

- Item 1: A Pair For Repeal: Arizona's Own Right-to-Work Law, Arizona's Own Anti-Picketing Law, no date

- Creator: Arizona ST. Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Arkansas

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Asia

- Item 1: Comparative Labor Law: Vol.6, No.2, Spring 1984

- Creator: US Natl. Branch, Intl. Society for Labor Law and Social Security/UCLA
- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Australia

- Creator: Prof. B.T. Brooks, Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
- Item 1: Australia, 1988

- Item 2: Equal Opportunity Act Review: Second Discussion Paper, March 1990

- Creator: Law Reform Commission of Victoria
- Item 3: Conciliation and Arbitration Bill: Second Reading Speech, 1973

- Creator: Mr. Clyde R. Cameron, Minister for Labour
- Item 4: Lawyers and Industrial Relations, 1972

- Creator: J.E. Isaac, Deputy pres. Of the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 5: Conciliation and Arbitration Regulations (unofficial consolidation prepared by the Industrial Registrar), May 1975

- Item 6: Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1904-1974 (unofficial consolidation prepared by the Dept. of Labor and Immigration, October 1974

- Item 7: Conciliation and Arbitration Act (ministerial statement by the Minister for Labour and Natinoal Service, December 7, 1971

- Creator: Hon. Phillip Lynch, MP
- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in Austria

- Item 1: Kollektivvertragsgesetz im Anhang die Einigungsamts-Geschaftsordnung, 1956

- Creator: Verlag des Osterreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes
- Item 2: Betriebsrategesetz, 1955

- Creator: Verlag des Osterreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes
- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in Basutoland (Lesotho)

- Item 1: Intl. Labour Office Legislative Series: Basutoland 1, 1964

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in Belgium

- Item 1: Belgium, August 1990

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium, with the collaboration of Prof. C. Engels, Univ. of Leuven
- Item 2: Belgium, March 1985

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium
- Item 3: Belgium, July 1988

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium, with the collaboration of Prof. C. Engels, Univ. of Leuven
- Item 4: Belgium, July 1979

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium, rewritten by P. Stirling, LL.B.
- Item 5: Legislation Belgium, December 1986

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium, with the collaboration of Prof. C. Engels, Univ. of Leuven
- Box 72

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in California

- Item 1: A Few Essentials for Effective Legislation in California, February 2, 1967

- Creator: Saul Wallen, delivered at the Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA
- Item 2: An Employee Relations Ordinance for Los Angeles County: Report and reccomendations of the consultants' committee, circa 1968

- Item 3: State of California Labor Camps: Labor Code, Div. 2, Part 9, Ch.1, Article 4, circa 1950

- Creator: California Dept. of Industrial Relations, Div. of Housing
- Item 4: Workmen's Compensation Benefits for Disaster Service Workers, March 5, 1946

- Creator: State of California
- Item 5: Initiative Measure to be Presented to the Legislature of the State of California: Regulation of Labor Relations an Labor Organizations, no date

- Creator: Atty. Gen., State of California, initiative by Women of the Pacific
- Item 6: Analysis of Labor Initiative Sponsored by Women of the Pacific and Submitted to Legislature, no date

- Item 7: The Sacramento Story: Labor and the California Legislature, 1951

- Creator: California State Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in Canada

- Item 1: Le Travail, Une Responsabilite Collective: Rapport final de la commission consultative sur le travail et la revision du code du travail, 1985

- Creator: Government of Quebec
- Item 2: Decision Information No.102, June 1997

- Creator: Canada Labour Relations Board
- Item 3: Canada, 1988

- Creator: Prof. H.W. Arthurs, York Univ., Ontario, et al.
- Item 4: Canada, 1984

- Creator: Prof. H.W. Arthurs, York Univ., Ontario, et al.
- Item 5: Canada, 1980

- Creator: Prof. H.W. Arthurs, York Univ., Ontario, et al.
- Item 6: Industrial Inspectors' Course: Visual Instruction, no date

- Creator: Canada Labour Dept.
- Item 7: Legislative Trends in Canadian Labour Policy, circa 1984

- Creator: Kurt Wetzel, Univ. of Saskatchewan
- Item 8: A Lay Man's Summary of the Employment and Social Insurance Act, 1935

- Creator: Canadian Welfare Council, Ottawa
- Item 9: A Criticism of the Insurance Features of the Workmen's Compensation Act of Nova Scotia, possibly circa 1916

- Creator: P. Tecumseh Sherman
- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in China

- Item 1: Legislation: Republic of China, 1986

- Creator: Dr. Chen Chi-sen, Fu-Jen Catholic Univ., Taiwan
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Colorado

- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Connecticut

- Item 1: NLRB and Court Interpretations of the Taft-Hartley Act, December 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Good Faith Bargaining: Supreme Court reaffirms "Freedom of Contract" principle but declines to upset NLRB's "Objective" criteria for bargaining in good faith (the Second Circuit's General Electric Decision); Ervin Subcommittee report issued charging misuse of power by the NLRB and the Courts, March 10, 1970

- Creator: Machinery and Allied Products Institute
- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Delaware

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Denmark

- Item 1: Denmark, February 1989

- Creator: Per Jacobseon, Lecturer at Aarhus Universitet
- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in the Dominican Republic

- Item 1: Dominican Republic, April 1988

- Creator: Dr. Lupo Hernandez Rueda
- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in Ecuador

- Item 1: Ecuador, January 1979

- Creator: Prof. Hugo Valencia, Univ. of Quito
- Item 2: Labor Legislation of Ecuador, November 1931

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in Europe

- Item 1: Comparative Labor Law: Vol.6, No.4, Winter 1984

- Creator: US Natl. Branch, Intl. Society for Labor Law and Social Security/UCLA
- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in the European Community

- Item 1: Employment Regulation and Patterns of Work in EC Countries, Winter 1993

- Creator: David Grubb and William Wells, OECD Economic Studies No.21
- Item 2: European Labour Law, June 1993

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain and Prof. C. Engels, Catholic Univ., Leuven, Belgium
- Item 3: European Communities, January 1990

- Creator: Prof. Gerhard Schnorr and DR. Johann Egger, Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria
- Item 4: The Emerging Social Dimension of Europe 1992, April 14, 1989

- Creator: Seamus O'Cleireacain, pub. By City Univ. of New York
- Item 5: Etude Comparative des Sources du Droit du Travail dans les Pays de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de L'acier, 1957

- Creator: European Coal and Steel Community
- Item 6: Booklet of Bibliographies on Labor Laws and Legislation in the European Community

- Box 73

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Finland

- Item 1: Finland, February 1980

- Creator: Prof. A.J. Suviranta, Univ. of Helsinki
- Item 2: Finland, March 1987

- Creator: Chief Justice A.J. Suviranta, Supreme Administrative Court of Finland
- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in Florida

- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in France

- Item 1: France, May 1979

- Creator: Prof. Michel Despax, Univ. des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse, and Prof. Jacques Rojot, INSEAD, Fontainebleau
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Georgia

- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Germany

- Item 1: Federal Republic of Germany, May 1979

- Creator: Prof. Th. Ramm, Fernuniversitat Hagen
- Item 2: Federal Republic of Germany, September 1986

- Creator: Prof. Manfred Weiss, J.W. Goethe Univ.
- Item 3: Das Betriebsverfassungsgesetz im Bundestag, no date

- Item 4: Germany (Federal Republic Of) Works Constitution Act, October 11, 1952

- Creator: Legislative Series, Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 5: The Laws on Works Constitution and Co-Management in Private Industries, no date

- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Great Britain

- Item 1: Great Britain, March 1986

- Creator: Prof. Bob Hepple, Univ. of London at Univ. College and Sandra Fredman, Lecturer in Labour Laws, Kings College, Univ. of London
- Item 2: Industrial Relations Act 1971: Rights of the Individual, February 1972

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 3: Industrial Relations, Labour Law and Employment, May 30, 1989

- Creator: Silvana Sciarra, Visiting Prof. in European Industrial Relations, University of Warwick
- Item 4: Code of Practice: Draft Code of Practice lais before Parliament under the Industrial Relations Act, 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 5: Industrial Relations Code of Practice, 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 6: Great Britain, May 1980

- Creator: Prof. Bob Hepple, Chairman of Industrial Tribunals (England and Wales) and Honorary Prof. of Law, Univ. of Kent at Canterbury
- Item 7: The Role of Government, 1978

- Creator: UK Central Office of Information, Her Majesty's Stationery Office
- Item 8: The Rights of British Trade Union Members, April 7, 1958

- Creator: Hugh A. Clegg
- Item 9: Code of Industrial Relations Practice: Consultative Document, June 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 10: Penal Clauses in Labour Relations Legislation: The Case of the British Industrial Relations Act 1971-1974, August 1975

- Creator: J.E. King, Lecturer in Economics, Univ. of Lancaster and visiting fellow in Economics at La Trobe Univ.
- Item 11: Industrial Relations Act, 1971

- Creator: Act of Parliament, UK, published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office
- Item 12: Legislated Early Shop Closing in Britain, 1961

- Creator: Simon Rottenberg, Univ. of Buffalo
- Item 13: Reason: The Case Against the Government's Proposals on Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Trades Union Congress
- Item 14: Industrial Relations: a Guide to the Industrial Relations Act 1971, circa 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 15: Industrial Relations Act 1971: Registration, circa 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 16: Industrial Relations Act 1971: Agency Shop Requirements, circa 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 17: Disclosure of Information to Trade Unions for Collective Bargaining Purposes, 1977

- Creator: Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, UK Gov't.
- Item 18: This is the CIR, no date

- Creator: Commission on Industrial Relations
- Item 19: Guide to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, circa 1974

- Item 20: Draft Code of Practice: Time Off for Trade Union Duties and Activities, no date

- Creator: Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, UK Gov't.
- Item 21: A TUC Guide to the Employment Protection Act: 1-Recognition, 2-Redundancy, 3-Maternity, 4-Unfair Dismissal, March 1976-April 1977

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Guinea

- Item 1: Guinea Labour Code, 1960

- Creator: International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Hawaii

- Item 1: Labor Laws Enacted by the 27th Legislature, July 1953

- Creator: Hawaii Employers Council
- Item 2: Manual for Mediation and Emergency Boards, 1947

- Creator: published pursuant to the Hawaii Public Utility Labor Act
- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in Hong Kong

- Item 1: Hong Kong, February 1990

- Creator: Mr. Ng Sek-Hong, Univ. of Hong Kong
- Item 2: Hong Kong, March 1982

- Creator: Prof. D. Lethbridge, Univ. of Deakin (formerly Univ. of Hong Kong) and Mr. Ng Sek-Hong, Univ. of Hong Kong
- Item 3: Hong Kong, March 1979

- Creator: Prof. D. Lethbridge and Mr. Ng Sek-Hong, Univ. of Hong Kong
- Folder 10: Labor Law and Legislation in Hungary

- Item 1: Hungary, March 1981

- Creator: Prof. L. Nagy, Univ. of Szeged, rewritten by Dr. Frances Millard
- Item 2: Hungary, January 1978

- Creator: Prof. L. Nagy, Univ. of Szeged, rewritten by Dr. Frances Millard
- Item 3: Hungary, September 1984

- Creator: Prof. L. Nagy, Univ. of Szeged, with copy editing assistance by Dr. Frances Millard
- Item 4: Legislation Hungary, July 1989

- Creator: Prof. Laszlo Nagy, Univ. of Szeged
- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in Idaho

- Folder 12: Labor Laws and Legislation in Illinois

- Item 1: A Guide to the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, November 1983

- Creator: Prof. Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Outline Guide to the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, no date

- Creator: Peter Feuille, Allan Harrison and Tiothy J. Reardon, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Chicago and Illinois Freedom of Information Acts, no date

- Item 4: Illinois Freedom of Information Act: A Citizen's Guide, no date

- Creator: Common Cause Illinois
- Item 5: Activity in Illinois Regarding Legislation for Public Employment Relations and the Right to Strike, no date

- Creator: Sandra L. Perry, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 6: The Educational Labor Relations Act and the Rules and Regulations, August 1990

- Creator: Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board
- Item 7: Civil Service Employee Regulations, December 1981

- Creator: Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities
- Item 8: State Universities Civil Service System, February 1982

- Creator: State of Illinois
- Item 9: Executive Order No. 6: Public Employee Collective Bargaining, 1973

- Creator: State of Illinois Executive Dept.
- Item 10: Memorandum from Prof. Joel Seidman, Industrial Relations Dept., Univ. of Chicago, to the Subcommittee on Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector of the Illinois State Legislature, January 29, 1971

- Creator: Prof. Joel Seidman, Univ. of Chicago
- Box 74

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Illinois (cont.)

- Item 1: Illinois OSHA & Workmen's Compensation Laws: A Summary, no date

- Creator: Illinois Industrial Commission
- Item 2: Public Employee Labor Legislation: A Study of the Unsuccessful ttempt to Enact a Public Employee Bargaining Statute in Illinois, 1969

- Creator: R. Theodore Clark, Jr.
- Item 3: The Lost Decade: An Analysis of Illinois Civil Rights Legislation 1949-1959, circa 1960

- Creator: American Jewish Congress
- Item 4: Attorney General's Opinions on Prvailing Wage Law, September 15, 1941

- Creator: Frank Annunzio, Dir. Of Labor, Illinois State Atty. Gen.
- Item 5: Report and Reccomendations: Governor's Advisory Commission on Labor-Management Policy for Public Employees, March 1967

- Creator: Governor's Advisory Commission on Labor-Management Policy for Public Employees
- Item 6: Laws Relating to Labor and Employment, 1953

- Creator: Illinois State Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Illinois Occupational Safety and Health Laws, November 1972

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept. and Industrial Commission
- Item 8: Health And Safety Act and Health and Safety Rules, circa 1955

- Creator: Illinois Industrial Commission
- Item 9: Health and Safety Act and the Health and Savety Rules, September 1, 1944

- Creator: Illinois Industrial Commission
- Item 10: Alphabetic Index of Position Titles, July 1, 1988

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services
- Item 11: Report of the Commission on State Employment, May 1, 1965

- Creator: State of Illinois
- Item 12: Alphabetic Index of Position Titles, July 1, 1969

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 13: Pay Plan: 80 Illinois Administrative Code 310, July 1, 1988

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services
- Item 14: Pay Plan, July 1, 1981

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 15: Pay Plan, July 1, 1978

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 16: Pay Plan, October 1, 1965

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 17: A Guide to the Illinois Public Employee Collective Bargaining Act, November 1983

- Creator: Prof. Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 18: Memorandum to all depts., boards and commissions concerning entrance salaries, October 4, 1966

- Creator: Maude Myers, Dir., Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 19: City of Chicago Collective Bargaining Ordinance, no date

- Creator: City of Chicago
- Item 20: Chicago Labor Relations Ordinance, no date

- Creator: City of Chicago
- Item 21: Personnel Rules of the Dept. of Central Management Services, January 1, 1983 - May 23, 1984

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services
- Item 22: Rules of the Illinois Dept. of Personnel, September 1, 1978 - September 1, 1980

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 23: The Personnel Code as amended by the 82nd Assembly, Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services, June 1, 1983

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services
- Item 24: The Personnel Code as amended by the 82nd Assembly, Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services, no date

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 25: Report on Labor Legislation, January 18, 1949

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 26: Labor Legislation Enacte in 1967, September 1967

- Creator: Esther Espenshade, Illinois Dept. of Labor
- Item 27: Determination of Bargaining Units Under the IELRA, no date

- Creator: Fred B. Lifton of Robbins, Schwartz, Nicholas, Lifton & Taylor Ltd.
- Item 28: The Scope of Bargaining Under the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, 1984

- Creator: R. Theodore Clark, Jr.
- Item 29: The Merit Employment Code as enacted by the 80th General Assembly, July 1, 1988

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 30: Illinois Educatoinal Labor Relations Act, no date

- Item 31: Letter from the Office of the Governor to the 83rd General Assembly, concerning Senate Bill 536 (An act regulating labor relations between public employers and employees and creating the Illinois Labor Relations Board in connection therewith), September 23, 1983

- Creator: Office of the Governor of Illinois
- Item 32: Letter from the Office of the Governor to the 83rd General Assembly, concerning House Bill 1530 (An act to establish the right of educational employees to organize and bargain collectively, to define and resolve unfair labor practice disputes and to establish the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board in connection therewith), September 23, 1983

- Creator: Office of the Governor of Illinois
- Item 33: Legal Implications, Privileges and Restraints on Collective Bargaining in Illinois Schools, September 1967

- Creator: Louis Ancel, Presented at the Illinois Bar IASB Leadership Seminar, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 34: Collective Bargaining for Teachers and Other Education Workers, no date

- Creator: Illinois Federation of Teachers
- Item 35: The Propsed Illinois Plan, March 26, 1968

- Creator: R. Theodore Clark, Jr.
- Item 36: Proposal for an Ordinance for Collective Bargaining for Public Employees

- Creator: City of Champaign
- Item 37: Rules and Regulations of the Director of Personnel for Public Employee Collective Bargaining, pursuant to Executive Order No.6, no date

- Item 38: Report of the February 6 IRRA Meeting, no date

- Creator: IRRA
- Item 39: Letter concerning suggested amendments to Illinois House Bill 1530, May 16, 1983

- Creator: Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, Illinois
- Item 40: The Constitutionality of Extending Collective Bargaining Rights to Employees of the Judicial Branch of Government, no date

- Item 41: Impact of a State Minimum Wage Law in Illinois, February 1971

- Creator: Prof. Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 42: Summary of Amendments to the Illinois Workmen's Compensation and Occupational Diseases Acts, July 7, 1975

- Creator: Tom Keefe of Keefe, DePauli & Sweeney, Attys. At Law
- Item 43: Report of IRRA Chicago March 5th Meeting, poss. March 5, 1989

- Creator: IRRA
- Item 44: Synopsis of Legislative Activities in Illinois, August 17, 1947

- Creator: Frank Annunzio, Illinois Legislative Director, United Steelworkers of America
- Item 45: An Outline of the Possible Impact of Federal and State Legislative Proposals on Educational Negotiations in the State of Illinois, August 1975

- Creator: Prepared for the Illinois Office of Education by Daniel G. Gallagher, Graduate Research Assistant at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 46: Legislation by Collective Bargaining: The Agreed Bill in Illinois Unemployment Compensation Legislation, no date

- Creator: Gilbert Y. Steiner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 47: The Agreed Bill Process in the Formation of Illinois Unemployment Compensation Legislation, October 1950

- Creator: Gilbert Y. Steiner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 48: Handbook on Labor Laws: No.1) Child Labor No.2) Wage Payment No.3) Hours and Days of Work, 1950

- Creator: Fern R. Rauch, Illinois Dept. of Labor and W. Ellison Chambers, UIUC ILIR
- Item 49: Illinois Ten Hour Law: Brief by Samuel A. Harper, Of. Counsel for Edgar T. Davies, State Factory Inspector, 1909

- Creator: Illinois State Supreme Court
- Item 50: Illinois Unemployment Compensation Act, updates, May 24, 1939 - August 24, 1965

- Creator: State of Illinois
- Item 51: Illinois Workmen's Occupational Diseases Act, July 1, 1945

- Creator: Illinois Industrial Commission
- Item 52: Illinois Workmen's Compensation Act, July 9, 1951 - an undated but presumably recent edition

- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in Illinois - Bibliographies

- Box 75

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Indiana

- Item 1: Lecture by Maurice T. Harrell, Chairman of the Industrial Board of Indiana, February 27, 1950

- Creator: Mr. Maurice T. Harrell
- Folder 2: International Labor Laws and Legislation

- Item 1: International Labour Law, May 1978

- Creator: Nicala Valticos, Asst. Dir. Gen. and advisor for international labour standards at the Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in Iowa

- Item 1: The Legality of Collective Bargaining by Governmental Units in Iowa, April 3, 1968

- Creator: Prof. Richard F. Dole, Jr., Univ. of Iowa College of Law
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Ireland

- Item 1: Ireland, November 1983

- Creator: Dr. Mary Redmond, Chirst's College, Cambridge
- Item 2: Ireland, September 1986

- Creator: Dr. Mary Redmond, solicitor, formerly of Chirst's College, Cambridge
- Item 3: Ireland, August 1991

- Creator: Dr. Mary Redmond, solicitor, formerly of Chirst's College, Cambridge
- Item 4: Ireland, October 1986

- Creator: Dr. Mary Redmond, solicitor, formerly of Chirst's College, Cambridge
- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Israel

- Item 1: State of Israel Ministry of Labour: Labour Laws, 1961

- Creator: State of Israel Ministry of Labour
- Item 2: State of Israel Ministry of Labour: Labour Laws, 1964

- Creator: State of Israel Ministry of Labour
- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Italy

- Item 1: Labor Practices and Regulations in Italy: Privately-operated manufacturing industries, October 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Italy, August 1985

- Creator: Prof. T. Treu, Univs. Of Pavia and Milan
- Item 3: Italy, May 1978

- Creator: Prof. T. Treu, Univs. Of Pavia and Milan, rewritten by Mrs. Monica Smith
- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Japan

- Item 1: Public Employee Strikes Demanding Their Legislation and Their Safety: A Comparative Study on Japanese and US Laws, 1981

- Creator: Masahiro Ken Kuwahara, ex-visiting scholar at Cornell Univ. and Univ. of Michigan
- Item 2: Termination of Contract of Employment under Japanese Labor Law: Dismissal in General and Career Fraud, 1983

- Creator: Masahiro Ken Kuwahara
- Item 3: The Adjudication of Social Insurance Claims in Japanese Legal System, October 1985

- Creator: Masahiro Ken Kuwahara
- Item 4: Japan, August 1978

- Creator: Prof. T.A. Hanami, Sophia Univ., Tokyo, rewritten by Paula Stirling, LL.B
- Item 5: Progress of the Labor Legislation: Japan, December 1952

- Creator: Japan Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 6: Japanese Studies on Industrial Relations and Labor Law (1), circa 1977

- Creator: Masahiro Ken Kuwahara
- Item 7: Japanese Labor Relations Law in Comparison with Canadian Acts, 1971

- Creator: Masahiro Ken Kuwahara
- Item 8: Labor Legislation of Japan, 1952

- Creator: Japan Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 9: Eight Annual Report of Labor Relations Commissions for the Fiscal Year April 1953 - Mach 1954, August 1954

- Creator: Central Labor Relations Commission, Tokyo
- Item 10: The Department of State Bulletin: Labor Policy in Japan (Vol.XXI, No.525), July 25, 1949

- Creator: US State Dept.
- Item 11: Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Labor: Labor Policies and Programs in Japan, July 29, 1946

- Creator: General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Forces
- Item 12: Labor Relations Commissions of Japan: What They Are, What They Do, March 1956

- Creator: Central Labor Relations Commission, Tokyo
- Item 13: Labor Standards Law (Law No.49, 1947), 1968

- Creator: Gov't. of Japan
- Item 14: Labour Law: The Japan Annual of Law and Politics, 1963

- Creator: Second Div., Science Council of Japan
- Item 15: Japanese Codes on Labor Union and Labor Adjustment, 1968

- Creator: Gov't. of Japan
- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation Jurisdiction

- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation Jurisdiction--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in Kansas

- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in Kentucky

- Folder 12: Labor Laws and Legislation in Korea

- Item 1: South Korea, May 1985

- Creator: Prof. Chi Sun Kim, Seoul Natl. Univ.
- Item 2: Labour Laws: The Recent Enacted and Amended Laws, November 1987

- Creator: Ministry of Labour, Rep. of Korea
- Item 3: Labor Standard Act, no date

- Creator: Rep. of Korea
- Item 4: Labour Law of Korea, no date

- Creator: Office of Labor Affairs, Seoul
- Item 5: Vocational Training Act, no date

- Creator: Office of Labor Affairs, Seoul
- Folder 13: Labor Laws and Legislation in Latin America

- Item 1: Comparative Labor Law Vol.6, No.1, Winter 1984

- Creator: Comparative Labor Law
- Item 2: General Industry Law, Industrial Community Law, no date

- Creator: Ministry of Economy and Finance, Peru
- Item 3: Foreign Labor Information: Latin American Labor Legislation - Comparative Summaries of Selected Provisions, August 1956

- Creator: US State Dept.
- Folder 14: Labor Laws and Legislation in Louisiana

- Box 76

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Maine

- Item 1: A Maine Guide to Employment Law: Educators' Manual, 1996

- Creator: Univ. of Maine
- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in Malaysia

- Item 1: Annual Report of the Labour Department: Colony of Singapore, 1954

- Creator: British Commonwealth Office
- Item 2: Annual Report of the Labour Department: Colony of Singapore, 1955

- Creator: British Commonwealth Office
- Item 3: The Employment Act and You, 1981

- Creator: National Trades Union Congress, Singapore
- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in Maryland

- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Massachusetts

- Item 1: The Massachusetts Workmen's Compensation Act is Better for Injured Workmen than the Ohio Act, August 14, 1923

- Creator: Hon. Joseph A. Parks, Industrial Accident Board of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Mexico

- Item 1: The Foreigner and the Mexican Tax System, no date

- Item 2: Mexico, February 1979

- Creator: Prof. E. Alvarez Del Castillo, Univ. of Mexico, rewritten by Monica Smith
- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Michigan

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Minnesota

- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Missouri

- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in Montana

- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in Nebraska

- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in the Netherlands

- Item 1: The Netherlands, August 1979

- Creator: Prof. H.L. Bakels, Univ. of Groningen, rewritten by P. Stirling, LL.B
- Item 2: The Netherlands, September 1987

- Creator: Prof. H.L. Bakels, Univ. of Groningen
- Item 3: The Netherlands, April 1993

- Creator: Prof. M.G. Rood, Univ. of Leyden
- Folder 12: Labor Laws and Legislation in Nevada

- Folder 13: Labor Laws and Legislation in New Hampshire

- Folder 14: Labor Laws and Legislation in New Jersey

- Box 77

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in New Mexico

- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in New York

- Item 1: The New York Disability Law- The First Five Years, 1955

- Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Item 2: Practices and Procedures under the Taylor Law: A Practical Guide in Narrative Form, 1974

- Creator: Grace Sterrett Aboud and Robert E. Doherty, NY St. School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in New Zealand

- Item 1: Legislation New Zealand, May 1986

- Creator: Martin N.A. Vranken, Victoria Univ., New Zealand
- Item 2: New Zealand, February 1992

- Creator: Prof. John M. Howells, Economics Dept., Univ. of Otago at Dunedin
- Item 3: New Zealand, January 1980

- Creator: Prof. John M. Howells, Economics Dept., Univ. of Otago at Dunedin
- Item 4: Evaluating the Labour Relations Act 1987, October 18, 1989

- Creator: edited by Raymond Harbridge, Industrial Relations Centre, Victoria Univ. of Wellington
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Nigeria

- Item 1: Federal Republic of Nigeria, January 1980

- Creator: Prof. E.E. Uvieghara, Univ. of Lagos
- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in North Carolina

- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Norway

- Item 1: Act of 5th May, 1927 respecting Labour Disputes, circa 1959

- Creator: Reprint from the International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Item 2: Act of 18th July 1958 respecting Public Service Disputes, circa 1958

- Item 3: Act of 14th July 1950 respecting Apprentices in Handicrafts, Industry, Commerce and Office Work, February 23, 1951

- Creator: Translated by the Norwegian Joint Committee on International Policy
- Item 4: Act of 19th June 1936 respecting Workers' Protection, July 28, 1949

- Item 5: Equal Rights and Obligations for Migrant Workers/Samme Rettigheter og Plikter for Fremmedarbeidere, no date

- Creator: Norewgian Directorate of Labour Inspection
- Item 6: The Labor Court in Norway, 1952

- Creator: Steve M. Slaby
- Item 7: Workers Protection Act, December 7, 1956

- Creator: Translated by the Norwegian Joint Committee on International Social Policy
- Item 8: The Norwegian Workers' Protection Act: A Survey, 1949

- Creator: Norewgian Directorate of Labour Inspection
- Item 9: Act of 14th November 1947 respecting Holidays with Pay, November 1947

- Creator: Reprint from the International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Item 10: Act of 19th December 1952 respecting Wage Committees in Labour Disputes, December 1952

- Creator: Translated by the Norwegian Joint Committee on International Social Policy
- Item 11: Act of 27th June 1947 respecting Measures to Promote Employment, June 1947

- Creator: Reprint from the International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Item 12: Norway 2: Trade Union Rights of Supervisory Staff, 1951

- Creator: Reprint from the International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Item 13: Statutes for the Norwegian Employers' Confederation, 1951

- Creator: Norwegian Employers' Confederation
- Item 14: Act of 5th May, 1927 respecting labour disputes, as amended to 12th December 1947, December 1947

- Creator: Reprint from the International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Ohio

- Item 1: Opinion Rendered By the Attorney General of the State of Ohio concerning collective bargaining by employees of the Ohio State University, September 1967

- Creator: Ohio Atty. Gen.
- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Oklahoma

- Box 78

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Oregon

- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in Pakistan

- Item 1: The Industrial Disputes Ordinance of 1959, October 1959

- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in Pennsylvania

- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in the Philippines

- Item 1: Philippine Labor Laws and Regulations, 1983

- Creator: Institute of Labor and Manpower Studies, Manila, Philippines
- Item 2: The Industrial Peace Act: What it Means to Labor, Employers and Government, 1953

- Creator: Dept. of Labor, Republic of the Philippines
- Item 3: Compilation of Effective Labor Legislation in the Philippines, January 1958

- Creator: Intl. Cooperation Administration, Dept. of Labor, Philippines
- Item 4: Adjudicatory machinery and appeals system in the settlement of labor disputes under the labor code of the Philippines, June 19, 1975

- Creator: Philippine Govt.
- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Poland

- Item 1: Social Policy of Poland, 1948

- Creator: Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Warsaw
- Item 2: Legislation Poland, September 1987

- Creator: Prof. M. Matey, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
- Item 3: Workmen's Protective Legislation in Poland: 20 Years of Cooperation with the International Labor Organization, October 1941

- Creator: Congress of Polish Trade Unions, London, with a preface by Jan Stanczyk, Polish Minister of Labor
- Item 4: Labour Legislation in the Polish Republic, 1921

- Creator: Gustaw Simon
- Folder 6: Railroad Labor Laws and Legislation

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Rhode Island

- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Romania

- Item 1: Romania, May 1980

- Creator: Prof. Sanda Ghimpu, Univ. of Bucharest, rewritten by Dr. Frances Millard
- Item 2: Romania, October 1985

- Creator: Prof. Sanda Ghimpu, Univ. of Bucharest, with copy editing assistance by Dr. Frances Millard
- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in South Africa

- Item 1: South Africa: Workers Under Apartheid, 1969

- Creator: Alex Hepple, Intl. Defence and Aid Fund
- Item 2: South Africa, June 1986

- Creator: Prof. J. Piron and Prof. P.A.K. Le Roux, Univ. of South Africa
- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in South Carolina

- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in South Dakota

- Box 79

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Spain

- Item 1: Spain, September 1977

- Creator: Prof. Manuel Alonso Olea, Univ. of Madrid, rewritten by Mrs. Monica Smith
- Item 2: Spain, September 1983

- Creator: Prof. Manuel Alonso Olea, Univ. of Madrid, updated by Prof. Fermin-Rodriguez-Sanudo, Univ. of Sevilla, rewritten by Mrs. Monica Smith
- Item 3: Spain, January 1988

- Creator: Prof. Manuel Alonso Olea, Univ. of Madrid and Prof. Fermin Rogriguez-Sanudo, Univ. of Sevilla
- Folder 2: State Labor Laws and Legislation

- Item 1: Public Employees Bargain for Excellence: A Compendium of State Public Sector Labor Relations Laws, 1993 - 1997

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employees Dept.
- Item 2: State Labor Legislation, January 1950

- Creator: Prof. Edwin E. Witte, Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 3: The Future of State Labor Legislation, March 1947

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Summary of State Labor Laws for Women, March 1969

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Trends in State Labor Laws: A Compilation of Sureys of Recent State Labor Legislation, March 1948

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 6: Bulletin to Management, 2015

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Folder 3: Study and Teaching of Labor Laws and Legislation

- Item 1: Labor and the Law: A Correspondence Study Course, 1948

- Creator: Alvin L. Park, Donald L. Puckett, E.B. McNatt and Richard N. Sullivan, UIUC
- Item 2: Selected Materials and Cases on Labor and the Law, 1948

- Creator: Alvin L. Park, Donald L. Puckett, E.B. McNatt and Richard N. Sullivan, UIUC
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Sweden

- Item 1: The Swedish Act on Codetermination at Work, 1985

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 2: Towards Democracy at the Workplace: New Legislation on the Joint Regulation of Working Life, March 1977

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 3: The Swedish Work Environment Act and the Swedish Work Environment Ordinance, March 1992

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 4: Sweden, December 1984

- Creator: Prof. Alex Adlercreutz, Univ. of Lund
- Item 5: Workers' Protection Act and Workers Protection Ordinance, September 1974

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 6: New Labour Laws: Security of Employment, the Status of Shop Stewards and Industrial Litigation, no date

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 7: The Swedish Act on Board Representation for the Employees in Joint Stock Companies and Co-operative Associations, January 1985

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 8: The Swedish Act on an Employee's Right to Educational Leave, January 1985

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 9: The Act on the Position of a Trade-Union Representative at the Work Place, January 1985

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 10: Acts and Agreements concerning Labour Relations in Sweden, 1963

- Creator: Reprint from "Folke Schimdt: The Law of Labour Relations in Sweden"
- Item 11: Enforcement of Collective Bargaining Agreements in Swedish Law, February 1947

- Creator: Prof. Folke Schmidt, Univ. of Lund and Prof. Henry Heineman, Illinois Bar Assn., former attache at the United States Embassy in Stockholm
- Item 12: New Swedish Collective Bargaining Act, April 10, 1975

- Creator: Birger Vilund, Labor Attache at the Swedish Embassy in Washington
- Item 13: Employment Security in Sweden, no date

- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Taiwan

- Item 1: Labor Standards Law of the Republic of China, January 1985

- Creator: Ministry of the Interior, Dept. of Labor
- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Thailand

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Tennessee

- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Texas

- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in Turkey

- Item 1: Turkey, August 1982

- Creator: Prof. T. Dereli, Univ. of Istanbul, rewritten by P. Stirling, Ll.B.
- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in Uruguay

- Item 1: Uruguay, September 1977

- Creator: Dr. Hector-Hugo Barbagelata, rewritten by Frances Millard and Paula Stirling
- Item 2: Uruguay, February 1981

- Creator: Dr. Hector-Hugo Barbagelata, rewritten by Frances Millard and Paula Stirling
- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in the USSR

- Item 1: Elements of Soviet Labor Law: Penalties facing Russian workers on the job, 1951

- Creator: Vladimir Gsovski, Monthly Labor Review, US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Soviet Law on Teenage Labour, no date

- Creator: Yuri Korshunov, Novosti Moscow Press Agency
- Item 3: The Rights of Factory and Office Trade Union Committees, 1971

- Creator: Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet
- Item 4: Labour Legislation in the USSR, 1972

- Creator: Novosti Moscow Press Agency
- Item 5: Recent Trends in Labor Controls in the Soviet Union, December 1962

- Creator: Edmund Nash, US Labor Dept., reprinted from "Dimensions of Soviet Economic Power," and hearings before the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress
- Folder 12: Labor Laws and Legislation in Utah

- Item 1: Utah Labor Relations Act (Title 49-1, Utah Code Annotated 1943 as amended 1947), and rules and regulations of the Utah Labor Relations Board, May 13, 1947

- Creator: Utah Labor Relations Board
- Folder 13: Labor Laws and Legislation in Venezuela

- Item 1: Venezuela, March 1985

- Creator: Prof. Mireya Caldera Pietri, Univ. Simon Bolivar, Caracas with copy editing assistance by Monica Smith
- Item 2: Venezuela, September 1993

- Creator: Prof. Mireya Caldera Pietri, Univ. Simon Bolivar, Caracas with copy editing assistance by Monica Smith
- Item 3: Labor Law of Venezuela/Ley del Trabajo, 1952

- Creator: W. Poulsen and Gilbert Grace Cover, Translation Services
- Folder 14: Labor Laws and Legislation in Vermont

- Folder 15: Labor Laws and Legislation in Virginia

- Folder 16: Labor Laws and Legislation in Washington

- Box 80

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Washington (cont.)

- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in West Virginia

- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in Wisconsin

- Item 1: The Effect of the Senate Bill 15 Amendments to the Municipal Employment Relations Act, December 1, 1980

- Creator: Study by the Wisconsin Center for Public Policy, submitted to the Wisconsin Legislative Council
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Wyoming

- Folder 5: Labor-Management Cooperation

- Item 1: How Can Labor and Management Leaders Plan for Economic Growth in the Decatur Area?, April 22, 1983

- Creator: Agenda for a conference held at Millikin Univ.
- Item 2: How Can Labor and Management Leaders Plan for Economic Growth in the Decatur Area?, April 22, 1983

- Creator: Proceedings from a conference held at Millikin Univ., prepared by Linda B. Oldham and Vernon G. Talbott, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: 11th Annual Labor-Management Conference: LMC Best Practices in the Philippines, May 29-31, 2002

- Creator: Philippine League of LMC Practicioners,Inc. and National Conciliation and Mediation Board
- Item 4: Caring for our Children: Labor's role in Human Services Reform, 1996

- Creator: Arnie E. Casey Foundation and Public Employee Dept. of the AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Organization and By-Laws for Collective Bargaining Committees, circa 1917

- Creator: Instituted by the National War Labor Board for Washington, DC
- Item 6: The Dunlop Commission Fact-Finding Report, May 1994

- Creator: Ellis Boal, Labor Notes
- Item 7: An Exploratory Survey of Attitudes Toward Union-Management Relations in Northwest Ohio 1986-1987, circa 1987

- Creator: Northwest Ohio Center for Labor-Management Cooperation
- Item 8: Recent Initiatives in Labor-Management Cooperation, Februar y1976

- Creator: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life
- Item 9: Directory of Labor-Management Committees (edition 2), Spring 1978

- Creator: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life
- Item 10: Directory of Labor-Management Committees (edition 1), October 1976

- Creator: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life
- Item 11: Report on Local 1170 of the Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-CIO and the Defense Supply Agency, Defense Depot Mechanicsburg, in Mechanicsburg, PA, no date

- Creator: Roger E. Dahl, Asst. Dir., Labor-Management Relations Service
- Box 81

- Folder 1: Labor-Management Cooperation (cont.)

- Item 1: Industrial Relations Handbook: Joint Consultation in INdustry (supplement no.3), December 1949

- Creator: Ministry of Labour and National Service, UK
- Item 2: Nationalised Industry: The Workers Point of View - A discussion of 'reporting back' based on a study in a coalfield, 1952

- Creator: The Acton Society Trust
- Item 3: Joint Consultation in Practice (A Survey in British Industry), no date

- Creator: European Productivity Agency, Organization for European Economic Cooperation, Paris
- Item 4: Nationalised Industry: The Framework of Joint Consultation, 1952

- Creator: The Acton Society Trust
- Item 5: Conciliation and Cooperation in Collective Bargaining, 1940

- Creator: Phillips L. Garman (Intl. Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of N. America), John R. Steelman (US Natl. Conciliation Service), Merrill Shepard (Pope and Ballard) and G.L. Patterson (National Labor Relations Board)
- Item 6: Co-operation: Lessons of Practical Experience from Alfa-Laval, Eriksberg, IBM, Ifo, Kockums, PLM, Saab-Scania, Sunds and Volvo, no date

- Creator: Swedish Engineer Employes Assn. et al.
- Item 7: Teamwork: The Cooperative Program of the Tennessee Valley Trades and Labor Council and the Tennessee Valley Authority, December 1955, revised May 1960

- Creator: The Labor-Management Cooperative Committee
- Item 8: Seminar on Labour Management Cooperation, January 31-February 1, 1958

- Creator: Government of India Ministry of Labour and Employment
- Item 9: Labor's View of Union Management Cooperation, July 1926

- Creator: Taken from the official proceedings of the Seventh Convention of the Railway Employees Dept., American Fed. Of Labor, published by the Univ. of Pennsylvania
- Item 10: Can Labor Sit in the Office? Sociological Aspects of Union-Management Cooperation, 1948

- Creator: Goetz A. Briefs, American Affairs Pamphlets
- Item 11: Production Guide for Labor-Management Committees: Ways of handling production problems, circa 1945

- Creator: War Production Board
- Item 12: Should Labor Have a Direct Share in Management, Fall 1946

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 13: Industrial Democracy at Work, 1952

- Creator: Canada Dept. of Labour
- Item 14: The Short Road to Industrial Cooperation, January 1948

- Creator: British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education
- Item 15: Union Participation in Plant Decision-Making, October 1961

- Creator: Milton Derber, W.E. Chalmers and Milton T. Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 16: What Organized Labor Expects of Management/What Management Expects of Organized Labor, possibly circa 1955

- Creator: Articles by George Meany and Charles R. Sligh, Jr. Published by the National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 17: Promoting Mutual Interests on Sweden's Labour Market, no date

- Creator: Swedish Employers Confederation and Confederation of Swedish Trade Unions
- Item 18: Publications of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's Labour/Management Programme, October 1972

- Creator: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris
- Item 19: The Labor Management Conferences, August 1950

- Creator: Thomas Holland
- Item 20: Union-Management Cooperation, 1925

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 21: Shop Committees: Substitute for, or supplement to, Trades-Unions?, February 1921

- Creator: The Journal of Political Economy Vol.29, No.2
- Item 22: Representation for Labor, February 13, 1919

- Creator: Charles Snelling Robinson, vice pres. Of the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., address before the National Conference of State Manufacturers' Associations
- Item 23: Industrial representation: Experience of Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) in its refineries, June 1921

- Item 24: Workmen's Representation in Industrial Government, Fall 1922

- Creator: Prof. Earl J. Miller, Economics Dept., UIUC, published in the Univ. of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences Vol.X No.3 and 4
- Item 25: Labor and Management in a Democracy, Fall 1943

- Creator: The Public Opinion Quarterly
- Item 26: Joint Workshops to Facilitate Labor-Management Cooperation, February 28, 1977

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 27: Union-Management Cooperation and Productivity, January 1949

- Creator: Prof. Robert Dubin, UIUC ILIR
- Item 28: Should Labor Be Given a Direct Share in the Management of Industry, November 18, 1946

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 29: The Balance of Power in Management-Union Relations: An address by Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ. Business School, June 22, 1948

- Creator: Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ.
- Folder 2: Labor-Management Cooperation--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor-Management Cooperation in Japan

- Item 1: J-K Activity (Autonomous Self-Management Activity): A key to high productivity at Nippon Steel Corporation, May 9, 1980

- Creator: Yutaka Takeda, executive vice pres. Of Nippon Steel Corp., published by the Japan Society
- Item 2: Labor-Management Cooperation in Japan, 1959

- Creator: International Cooperation Administration, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 3: Der Betriebsausschuss in Japan, September 1957

- Creator: Takao Hirata, Osaka Economic Papers
- Item 4: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: Securing employment and holding down inflation throug h extensive labor-management cooperation, 1984

- Creator: Japan Federation ofEmployes' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 5: Labor-Management Cooperation in Japan, 1960

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center, Labor Section
- Item 6: Participative Work Practices in the Japanese Auto Industry: Some Neglected Considerations, March 16, 1982

- Creator: Prof. Yoshitaka Fujita, Economics Dept., Asia Univ., Tokyo
- Folder 4: Labor-Management Cooperation in Production

- Item 1: The Scanlon Approach to Improving Productivity Through Employee Participation and Garnishing, September 1987

- Creator: Barbara J. Kessel, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Use of Japanese Quality Control Circles at an American Surface Coal Mine: The Captain Mine Pilot Program, August 31, 1982

- Creator: Steve Edwards, Quality Circle Facilitator, Arch Mineral Corporation
- Item 3: Producing for Victory: A Labor Manual for Increasing War Production, 1942

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 4: Production Guide for Labor-Management Committees: Ways of handling production problems, circa 1945

- Creator: War Production Board
- Item 5: Basic Guide for Labor-Management Committees: Ways of Operating a Labor-Management Production Conference, circa 1945

- Creator: War Production Board
- Item 6: War Production, June 1942

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Box 82

- Folder 1: Labor-Management Cooperation in Production (cont.)

- Folder 2: Labor-Management Cooperation in Production--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor-Management Cooperation in Safety

- Folder 4: Labor-Management Cooperation in Safety--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Labor-Management Relations Act (1947)

- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations Act - 1947 (Taft-Hartley Law) as amended by Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 and other amendments in 1969, 1970, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 2: Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947 (Taft-Hartley Law): Text of the act and its provisions, possibly circa 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: The AF of L Case For a Just Labor Law, April 1953

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 4: The CIO Case Against Taft-Hartley, circa 1955

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 5: Taft-Hartley: A CIO Appraisal, no date

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 6: Your Government Conducts an Election For You-On The Job: Information for voters in Labor Board Elections, circa 1977

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 7: Summary of the Labor-Management Relations Act as amended through 1959 (Taft-Hartley Act), circa 1960

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 8: Labor Law in the Public Interest: Based on chamber testimony before Congressional committees, 1953

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 9: Taft-Hartley: Prospects for 1954, circa 1954

- Creator: Sohn Shott, Senior Economist at the Public Affairs Institute
- Item 10: Taft-Hartley in Act in Action -and- Essentials of a New Labor Policy, circa 1955

- Creator: Jack Barbash, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 11: Proposed Amendments to the Taft Hartley Law, with special reference to strikes and lockouts affecting national safety and welfare, April, 1953

- Creator: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Item 12: Free Speech and the Taft-Hartley Law, June 1958

- Creator: Jacob I. Kaufman, Penn. St. Univ.
- Item 13: Worse than Taft-Hartley, February 1954

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 14: Some Effects of the Taft-Hartley Act, October 1949

- Creator: Dale E. Good, UIUC ILIR
- Item 15: Speech by John L. Lewis in opposition to the Taft-Hartley Statute, October 14, 1947

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 16: Administration of the Taft-Hartley Act, June 1949

- Creator: Alvin L. Park, UIUC ILIR
- Item 17: Management Experience under the Labor-Management Relations Act, February 1948

- Creator: E.H. van Delden, Dir. Of Industrial Relations, Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co.
- Item 18: "To All Delegates to the 95th Convention of the International Typographical Union", July 8, 1953

- Creator: Intl. Typographical Union
- Item 19: Statement on the Proposed National Labor Relations Act by James O. Monroe of Collinsville, IL, delivered before the House Committee on Education and Labor in Washington, DC, March 12, 1949

- Creator: James O. Monroe
- Item 20: What's Ahead in Labor-Management Relations: Brief of an address given before the Southern California Meeting of the California Personnel Management Assn. and the Personnel Section of the Western Management Assn., 1952

- Creator: Fred A. Hartley, Jr., co-author of the Taft-Hartley Law
- Item 21: Industrial Relations and the Taft-Hartley Act, April 30, 1948

- Creator: Address by Dr. Edwin E. Witte, chairman, Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Wisconsin, before the Institute on Labor Legislation for Attorneys, Detroit Bar Assn.
- Item 22: The New Federal Labor Law: How will it affect your business?, July 9, 1947

- Creator: Chicago Assn. of Commerce
- Item 23: United States Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare: Minutes of Feb. 7, 1947, February 7, 1947

- Creator: United States Senate
- Item 24: Comparison of the original provisions of the National Labor Relations Act (1935) with the provisions of the Labor-Management Relations Act (1947) which amend the NLRA, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 25: Implications for Executives in the 1947 Labor-Management Relations Act, circa 1947

- Creator: An address by John R. Bangs and James W. Townsend, The Budd Co.
- Folder 6: Labor-Management Relations Act--Bibliographies I

- Folder 7: Labor-Management Relations Act--Bibliographies II

- Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York

- Box 83

- Folder 1: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (1959)

- Item 1: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959: Text of the law and index to its provisions, 1959

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: The National Union in Federal Labor Legislation, March 19, 1963

- Creator: Prof. Herbert J. Lahne, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Analysis of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosures Act of 1959, September 14, 1959

- Creator: Plato E. Papps, Chief Counsel of the Intl. Assoc. of Machinists
- Item 4: Analysis of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosures Act of 1959, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Democracy and Ethics in the Government of Unions, no date

- Creator: Simon Rottenberg, Tulane Univ. School of Law
- Item 6: NAM Law Dept. Reviews the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, September 1959

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 7: Title IV: An Evaluation of the Election Provisions of the Landrum-Griffin Act, Decmber 1973

- Creator: Fred Leffler, term paper for LIR 447 taught at the UIUC ILIR by prof. Garman
- Item 8: Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947 (Taft-Hartley Law) as amended by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959: Text of the act and an index to its provisions, circa 1959

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Folder 2: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (1959)--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Market

- Item 1: Forecast 78, circa 1977

- Creator: Ross E. Azevedo, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 2: Labor Markets and Rural Community Development, 1972

- Creator: Prof. James R. Prescott, Economics Dept., Iowa St. Univ. and Prof. William C. Lewis, Economics Dept., Utah St. Univ.
- Item 3: A Community Labor Survey, 1931

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Item 4: Labour and Work in Small-Scale Enterprises, April 1990

- Creator: Henk Thomas, Institute of Social Studies, Hague, The Netherlands
- Item 5: The Changing Character of American Industry: Papers delivered at the Conference on the Changing Character of American Industry, sponsored by the AFL-CIO, January 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: Enterprise Methods for Meeting Labour Shortages, B.2: Time Cycle use of techniques for different groups of occupations in some individual enterprises, October 1967

- Creator: Peter B. Doeringer, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 7: Estimating Asymmetric Information Equilibrium Labor Market Modesl from Aggregate Time Series Data, August 1987

- Creator: Kenneth Shang-Kai Lin, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taipei
- Item 8: Optimal Long Term Labor Contracts When Workers Have Heterogenous Oportunities, June 1985

- Creator: Prof. Lanny Arvan, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 9: Investment for Jobs, 1950

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 10: What New Industrial Jobs Mean to a Community, 1954

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 11: The Labor Force in Wartime America: Our Economy in War, March 1944

- Creator: Clarence D. Long, National Bureau of Economic Research
- Item 12: The American Legion Program for Maximum Employment, circa 1945

- Creator: American Legion Natl. Employment Committee
- Item 13: Needed by 1975: 150,000 technicians, 70,000 engineers, 28,000 scientists, 66,000 technologists, April 1971

- Creator: Environmental Science and Technology, Vol.5, No.4
- Item 14: The Structure of Labor Market Segmentation of Occupations: Some Evidence from Factor Analysis, February 19, 1973

- Creator: Robert C. Dauffenbach, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 15: The Labor Market: Freedom and Regulation, December 1967

- Creator: Prof. Richard C. Bernhard, Economics Dept., Univ. of Utah
- Item 16: Allocation of PH.D. Manpower in the Academic Labor Market, May 1972

- Creator: Prof. John R. Niland, Economics Dept., Australian National Univ., Canberra
- Item 17: The CAC Economic and Manpower Forecasting Model: Documentation and User's Guide, October 15, 1971

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek et al., Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 18: Simulating the Employment Impacts of the Urban Coalition's Counterbudget, October 15, 1971

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek and James G. Scoville, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 19: Occupational Manpower Impacts of Shifting National Priorities, July 21, 1971

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 20: Manpower Analysis Within an Interindustry Framework: Theoretical Potential and Empirical Problems, September 1, 1971

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 21: Long-Range University Planning in the Face of Variable Demands for Educated Manpower, September 1, 1971

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 22: Manpower Impacts of Shifting National Goals and Priorities: Programmatic Analysis of the Effects of Federal Expenditures, December 28, 1971

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek and James G. Scoville, Depts. Of Economics and ILIR, UIUC
- Item 23: The Secondary Labor Force and the Measurement of Unemployment, September 1954

- Creator: Richard C. Wilcock, UIUC ILIR
- Item 24: Government Control of Labor Supply, January 12, 1943

- Creator: Arthur C. Gernes, US War Manpower Commission
- Item 25: Special Problems of Labor Supply, January 13, 1943

- Creator: H.C. Houghton, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp.
- Box 84

- Folder 1: Labor Market (cont.)

- Folder 2: Labor Market--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Market in Developing Countries

- Item 1: Fourth Item on the Agenda: Industrial Relations and Labour Markets in Developing Countries, September 1976

- Creator: Subbiah Kannappan, 4th world congress of the International Industrial Relations Assoc.
- Item 2: Unemployment, Labor Market Segmentation, the Opportunity Cost of Labor and the Social Returns to Education, June 1976

- Creator: Intl. Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- Item 3: Memorandum in re the Thai Labor Market Segmentation and Stratification by Nationality of the Firm: An Exploratory Note, August 31, 1976

- Creator: Koji Taira, UIUC ILIR, to members of the Urban Labor Market Task force and LIR 458
- Item 4: The Role and Function of the Traditional Industrial Sector: Some preliminary evidence, September 1976

- Creator: James G. Scoville, UIUC ILIR, for the 4th world congress of the International Industrial Relations Assoc.
- Folder 4: Labor Market in Greece

- Folder 5: Labor Market in Illinois

- Folder 6: Labor Market in India

- Item 1: The RAS as a method of projecting the occupational structure of employment: sopme results for India, 1978

- Creator: Raghav Gaiha, Institute of Economic Growth
- Item 2: Occupational Structure of Employment in Indai: A Cross Section Analysis, 1973

- Creator: Raghav Gaiha, Institute of Economic Growth
- Item 3: A Comparative Analysis of Educational Profiles of Workers in Private and Public Sector Manufacturing Industries: A Cross-Section Analysis, 1975

- Creator: Raghav Gaiha, Prem Vashishtha and Sharif Mohammed, Institute of Economic Growth
- Item 4: Employment and Income Distribution in India-Some Preliminary Results, 1975

- Creator: Raghav Gaiha, Prem Vashishtha and Sharif Mohammed, Institute of Economic Growth
- Item 5: Pocket Book of Labour Statistics, 1976

- Creator: Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, India
- Item 6: Labour Problems of Rationalisation: The Experience of India, May 1956

- Creator: Charles A. Myers, MIT
- Item 7: The Migration of the Worker, March 1951

- Creator: S.K. Saxena, Birla College
- Item 8: Regional Labour Mobility: An Inter-Industry Analysis, October 1972

- Creator: C.K. Johri and V.N. Misra
- Item 9: Labor Mobility, Unemployment and Economic Change: An Indian Case, December 1959

- Creator: Ralph C. James, MIT
- Item 10: The Casual Labor Problem in Indian Manufacturing, 1960

- Creator: Ralph C. James, MIT
- Item 11: Aspects of Working Force in India, 1965

- Creator: Dr. Ashish Bose, Institute of Economic Growth
- Folder 7: Labor Market Information Systems

- Folder 8: Labor Market in Japan

- Item 1: Labor and Product Markets as Wage Determiners: A Local Market Study, September 1966

- Creator: Yohko Sano and Toshiaki Izeki, Institute of Management and Labor Studies, Keio Univ., Japan
- Item 2: Keio Economic Society Discussion Paper Series, September 1982

- Creator: Prof. Haruo Shimada, Economics Dept., Keio Univ., Japan
- Item 3: The Japanese Labor Market, no date

- Creator: Walter Galenson, Cornell Univ. and Komosuke Odaka, Hitotsubashi Univ.
- Folder 9: Labor Market in Maine

- Folder 10: Labor Market in New Hampshire

- Folder 11: Labor Market in New York

- Folder 12: Labor Market in North Dakota

- Folder 13: Labor Market Research

- Item 1: New Facts and Interpretations in Labor Market Analysis, no date

- Creator: Robert J. Lampman
- Item 2: Estimating the Labor Supply in a Rural Community, 1954

- Folder 14: Labor Market in Sudan

- Item 1: The Urban Labor Market in Sudan: Some implications for current theorizing, no date

- Creator: Prof. Subbiah Kannappan, Economics Dept., Michigan St. Univ.
- Folder 15: Labor Market in Sweden

- Item 1: Female Labor Supply and Taxes in Sweden: A Comparison of Estimation Approaches, 1991

- Creator: Susanne Ackum Agell and Mikael Apel, Economics Dept., Uppsala Univ.
- Item 2: Unemployment Flows, Welfare and Labor Market Efficiency in Sweden and the United States, 1975

- Creator: Nancy S. Barrett, American Univ. and Bo Sodersten, Univ. of Gothenburg
- Item 3: Annual Report: The Labour Market in 1989/90, International Perspective, Knowledge and Competence Needed for the Nineties, The Empoyment Service-Helping the Market, Rehabilitation and Work Service, The Growing Importance of Counseling, circa 1990

- Creator: Arbetsmarknadsverket (Labour Market Administration)
- Item 4: The Swedish Labour Market: Annual Report by the Swedish Labour Market Adminstration 1985/1986, circa 1986

- Creator: Arbetsmarknadsverket (Labour Market Administration)
- Item 5: The Employment Situation in Sweden: Some Main Issues Looking Ahead to the 1980s, June 1979

- Creator: Bo Ericsson, Swedish Information Service, Consulate General, New York
- Item 6: Swedish Labor Market Policy, March 1976

- Creator: Swedish Institute
- Item 7: LO and Labour Market Policy Since the Second World War, 1974

- Creator: Berndt Ohman, Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 8: The Common Nordic Labor Market, 1970

- Creator: Gunnar Olsson, Swedish Institute
- Item 9: IUI 40 Years 1939-1979: The Firms in the Market Economy, circa 1980

- Creator: Swedish Institute for Economic and Social Research
- Item 10: SAF and the Swedish Labor Market, 1976

- Creator: SAF
- Folder 16: Labor Market in Thailand

- Item 1: Labor Absorbption in Thailand, June 1975

- Creator: Nyle Spoelstra and Chirayu Isarangkun, Council for Asian Manpower Studies, Univ. of the Philippines and Natl. Institute of Development Admin., Thailand
- Folder 17: Labor Market in the USSR

- Item 1: Unemployment in the USSR and the Struggle Against It, 1927

- Creator: Commission for Foreign Relations of the Central Council of the Trade Unions of the USSR
- Item 2: The Soviet Labor Market, January 1957

- Creator: Prof. Emily Clark Brown, Economics Dept., Vassar College
- Item 3: "IV. Labor Force Reports and Special Surveys", no date

- Folder 18: Labor Mobility

- Item 1: Wage Drift, Fringe Benefits and Manpower Distribution: A study of employer practices in a full employment labour market, 1968

- Creator: Derek Robinson, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 2: Government Financial Aids to Geographical Mobility in OECD Countries, 1967

- Creator: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 3: Illinois Migrants: Where They Go and Where They Come From, 1984

- Creator: Prof. Curtis C. Roseman, Geography Dept., UIUC
- Item 4: The Outlines of the Projects of Research and Model Plants with Objects to Solve the Problems of the Escessive Population of Japan, April 6, 1959

- Item 5: Economic Integration: Worldwide, Regional, Sectoral, August 1974

- Creator: Hilde Wander, Institute of World Economics, Kiel
- Item 6: Relocation in Illinois: A Final Report, January 20, 1969

- Creator: Samuel E. Bernstein, Admin. And Walter E. Parker, Superintendant, Illinois St. Labor Dept.
- Item 7: New Firms and the Labor Supply in Small Communities, November 1954

- Creator: Richard C. Wilcock, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: Intra-Plant Mobility of Negroes: Some Industry Differences, December 1967

- Creator: Prof. Herbert R. Northrup, Industry Dept., Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, Univ. of Pennsylvania
- Item 9: Occupational Mobility in the United States 1930-1960, 1954

- Creator: A.J. Jaffe and R.O. Carleton
- Item 10: Race, Income and Inter-Metropolitan Labor Flow 1960-1965, February 1973

- Creator: John Rodney Lemon, Center for Manpower Studies, Memphis State Univ. and Univ. of Mississippi
- Item 11: A Conceptual Approach to the Brain Drain Problem, 1968

- Creator: Enrique Oteisza, Instituto Torcuato di Tella, Centro de Investigaciones Economicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item 12: Emigration of Highly Qualified Personnel from Argentina: A Latin-American "Brain Drain" Case, August 1967

- Creator: Enrique Oteisza, Instituto Torcuato di Tella, Centro de Investigaciones Economicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Box 85

- Folder 1: Labor Mobility (cont.)

- Item 1: Conditions and Motivations of the migration of talent from the Arab countries into the United States: Findings and Policy Considerations, September 1973

- Creator: Farouk A. Shaaban, Middle Tennessee State Univ.
- Folder 2: Labor Mobility--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Monopoly

- Item 1: A Businessman Looks at the Antitrust Laws, August 13, 1963

- Creator: Crawford H. Greenewalt, E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
- Item 2: Labor and Anti-Trust Laws, December 20, 1961

- Creator: United Mine Workers
- Item 3: Criminal Conspiracy and Early Labor Combinations in New York, March 1937

- Creator: Richard B. Morris, College of the City of New York
- Item 4: Labor and Antitrust, 1958

- Creator: Arthur J. Goldberg, General Counsel, AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Labor and Wages IV: Monopoly of Labor, 1920

- Creator: J. Laurence Laughlin, Prof. Emeritus of Political Economy, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 6: The Economic Analysis of Labor Union Power, January 1958

- Creator: Edward H. Chamberlain, Amerian Enterprise Assoc., Inc.
- Item 7: Monopoly Power as Exercised by Labor Unions: A Problem for Every Citizen, no date

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Folder 4: Labor Monopoly--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Labor Movement

- Item 1: Labor in the United States, 1929

- Creator: Sidney Hillman, General Pres., Amalgamted Clothing Wkrs. Of America
- Item 2: Labor's Decisive Decade, no date

- Creator: Address by James B. Carey, secretary-treasurer, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: The Jewish Labor Movement: A Living Legacy, no date

- Creator: JLC National Trade Union Council
- Item 4: Labor in the New Deal Decade, 195

- Creator: Intl. Ladies' Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 5: An Empirical Theory of the Labor Movement: W. Stanley Jevons, January 1948

- Creator: Milton R. Konvitz, reprinted from "The Philosophical Review"
- Item 6: Oganized Labor Movement, 1929-1937, circa 1937

- Creator: Monthly Labor Review
- Folder 6: Labor Movement--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Labor Movement in Africa

- Item 1: Free Trade Unions in Africa: Fourth African Regional Conference of the Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions, April 1964

- Creator: ICFTU-AFRO
- Item 2: Free Labour in a Free Africa, circa 1964

- Creator: ICFTU-AFRO
- Item 3: African Labour Moves Ahead, April 1964

- Creator: ICFTU-AFRO
- Item 4: The Role of Trade Union Movement in Africa, March 1962

- Creator: Clement K. Lubembe, Dep. Sec. Genl., Kenya Fed. Of Laobur
- Item 5: International Educational Materials Exchange, March 1968

- Creator: Intl. Institute for Labour Studies
- Folder 8: Labor Movement in Alabama

- Folder 9: Labor Movement in Argentina

- Item 1: Instituto de Capacitacion y Formacion Social Sindical Curso de Adiestramiento Sindical Superior, no date

- Creator: Comision Nacional Reorganizadora Y Normalizadora
- Folder 10: Labor Movement in Asia

- Item 1: What is Happening in South-East Asian Trade Unions?, December 5, 1950

- Creator: F.W. Dalley, Chairman of the ICFTU Delegation to South-East Asia, published by the British Information Services
- Folder 11: Labor Movement in Asia--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Labor Movement in Australia

- Item 1: The Australian Teachers' Federation: Report of the thirty-third annual Council Meeting and forty-first annual conference, Januay 1961

- Creator: Australian Teachers' Federation
- Folder 13: Labor Movement in Austria

- Item 1: Ferdinand Hanusch: Ein Leben fur den socialen Aufstieg (1866-1923), 1973

- Creator: Europaverlag/Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts fur geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
- Item 2: Im Schatten der Arbeiterbewegung, 1977

- Creator: Europaverlag/Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts fur geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
- Item 3: Der Aufstand der Osterrechischer Arbeiter, no date

- Creator: Otto Bauer, Sozialistische Hefte
- Item 4: Die Langfristige Entwicklung von Lohnen und Gehaltern in Wien: Eine studie der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Abteilung der Wiener Kammer fur Arbeiter und Angestellte, 1963

- Creator: Verlag des Osterreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes
- Item 5: Die Osterreichische Arbeiterbewegung vom Vormarz bis 1945: Sozialokonomische ursprunge ihrer ideologie und politik, 1974

- Creator: Europaverlag/Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts fur geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
- Item 6: Nationalismus und Internationalismus: Die Osterreichische Arbeiterbewegung for dem Ersten Weltkrieg, 1976

- Creator: Helmut Konrad, Europaverlag/Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts fur geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
- Item 7: "Sozialismus" der Propaganda: Das erben des "Volkischen Beobachters" um die Osterreichische Arbeiterschaft 1938-1939, 1975

- Creator: Robert Schwarz, Europaverlag/Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts fur geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
- Folder 14: Labor Movement in Austria--Bibliographies

- Folder 15: Labor Movement in Belgium

- Item 1: Belgium in Transition, 1946

- Creator: Smith Simpson, American Embassy, Brussels, published by the Annals of the American cademy of Political and Social Science
- Folder 16: Labor Movement in California

- Item 1: Copy of "San Mateo County Union Gazette" from September 13, 1957. Headline story: "Up Through the Years with the Calif. State Federation of Labor", September 13, 1957

- Creator: California Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 17: Labor Movement in Canada

- Item 1: The Canadian Labour Movement, 1902-1960, 1975

- Creator: Irving Abella, Canadian Historical Assoc.
- Item 2: Canadians Find Security With Freedom, 1949

- Creator: Thomas C. Douglas, published by the League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 3: Canadian Progressives on the March: The story of the rise of the CCF, 1945

- Creator: M.J. Coldwell, MP, published by the League for Industrial Democracy
- Folder 18: Labor Movement in China

- Folder 19: Labor Movement in Connecticut

- Item 1: The Early Labor Movement in Connecticut: 1790-1860, 1972

- Creator: Nelson R. Burr
- Folder 20: Labor Movement in Cuba

- Item 1: Trade Unions and People of Cuba Against Despotism, January 1961

- Creator: ORIT-ICFTU
- Folder 21: Labor Movement in Developing Countries

- Folder 22: Labor Movement in Developing Countries--Bibliographies

- Folder 23: Labor Movement in Egypt

- Item 1: The Labor Movement in Egypt, 1955

- Creator: Abdel Raouf Abou Alam, Labor and Social Attache, Egyptian Embassy, Washington, DC
- Item 2: Address by President Gamal Abdel Nasser at the Intl. Labourers' Day Festivities, May 1, 1964

- Creator: Information Dept., Govt. of the United Arab Republic
- Folder 24: Labor Movement in Europe

- Item 1: Central and Eastern Europe: The Revolutions of 1989 and the Trade Union Movement, circa 1990

- Creator: Intl. Fed. Of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees
- Item 2: Klassenkampf in der Diaspora: zur geschichte der judischen arbeiterbewegung, 1975

- Creator: John Bunzl, Europaverlag/Ludwig-Boltzmann-Instituts fur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
- Item 3: Recent Labor Political Action in Western Europe, no date

- Creator: David J. Saposs
- Item 4: Trade Unions in Eastern Europe, no date

- Creator: International Center of Free Trade Unionists in Exile
- Item 5: Recent Research on Western European Labor Movements, December 28, 1954

- Creator: Val R. Lowin, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 6: Labor in the European Community Series: 1-13, 1964-1965

- Creator: European Community Information Service Washington Office
- Folder 25: Foreign Labor Movements--Bibliographies

- Folder 26: Labor Movement in France

- Item 1: Lessons of Defeat: The policies of the French and British labor movements examined, April 1939

- Creator: Pierre Robert, Militant Socialist International/International Publishing Co.
- Item 2: The French Trade Union Movement Past and Present, 1953

- Creator: Georges Vidalenc, International Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 3: The Trade Union Movement in the Framework of French War Economy 1939-1940, August 1944

- Creator: Henry W. Ehrmann
- Item 4: The Basis of Trade Unionism, no date

- Creator: Emile Pouget, French General Confed. of Labor
- Item 5: Labor's Chance in France, 1953

- Creator: Prof. T. Noel Stern, Boston Univ.
- Item 6: Les Conseils de Prud'hommes (French Labor Courts), January 1962

- Creator: Prof. William H. Mcpherson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: Party and Mass Organization, the PCF and CGT 1944-1972, October 1972

- Creator: Prof. George Ross, Sociology Dept., Brandeis Univ.
- Box 86

- Folder 1: Labor Movement in Great Britain

- Item 1: Labor Relations in British metalworking, May 1955

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Two Centuries of Trade Unionism, 1953

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 3: Industrial Unrest: The Reports of the Commissioners (July 1917) Collated and Epitomised, 1917

- Creator: Sir William Chance, Bt. M.A., Chairman of the Committee of the British Constitution Association, published for the British Constitution Association by P.S. King and Son, Ltd.
- Item 4: Conference of Representatives of National Federations of the Trade Unions of the Entente Powers, September 10 and 11, 1917

- Creator: General Fed. Of Trade Unions
- Item 5: How to Conquer Unemployment: Labour's Reply to Lloyd George, possibly circa 1929

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Item 6: The Living Wage and the Law of Supply and Demand: A letter to the Colliers by Robert Blatchford (Nunquam), 1895

- Creator: Clarion Pamphlet No.2 by Robert Blatchford, Nunquam
- Item 7: English Women in the Labor & Cooperative Movements: Three speeches delivered before the Seventh Biennial Convention of the National Women's Trade Union League, Philadelhia (Women and the Labor World by Margaret Bondfield, Women as Co-operators by Eleanor Barton and Women Workers of England by Mary Macarthur), June 1919

- Creator: National Women's Trade Union League of America
- Item 8: Sweated Imports and International Labour Standards, no date

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Item 9: Labour Laws for Women and Children in the United Kingdom, 1909

- Creator: Miss E.C. Harvey, Women's Industrial Council
- Item 10: Working Women and the Poor Law, 1909

- Creator: B.L. Hutchins, Women's Industrial Council
- Item 11: Out of Work: The Problem of the Unemployed, no date

- Creator: Fred Hammill, published by J. Dowling and Sons
- Item 12: The Right to Work, no date

- Creator: H. Russell Smart, published by the Independent Labour Party
- Item 13: Free Labour: The First Condition of Free Trade, 1870

- Creator: Charles Wilson Felt, formerly of Salem, Massachusetts, USA
- Item 14: Old Age Pensions and the Poor Law: A paper read at the North Midland Poor Law Conference, October 13-14, 1908

- Creator: Sir William Chance, Bt. M.A., Chairman of the Committee of the British Constitution Association, published for the British Constitution Association by P.S. King and Son, Ltd.
- Item 15: The British Strike: Its Background, Its Lessons, no date

- Creator: William F. Dunne
- Item 16: The Responsibility of Trade Unions in Relation to Industry: A lecture delivered before the Industrial Reconstruction Council, February 19, 1919

- Creator: Rt. Hon. J.R. Clynes,MP and Industrial Reconstruction Council
- Item 17: The Future of Labor: A Lecture, March 2, 1886

- Creator: A.A. Bumpus
- Item 18: Conditions of Dock Labour: A Plea for the Docker, no date

- Creator: James Sexton, Labour Correspondent to the Board of Trade
- Item 19: The Machine Monster! A warning to skilled workers, possibly circa 1909

- Creator: Frank Rose, reprinted from the Glasgow Forward
- Item 20: The Romance of a Great Movement, no date

- Creator: George Brame, Secretary of the Clitheroe Weavers, Winders and Warpers Assoc. with a foreword by The Rt. Hon. Tom Shaw, CBE, JP, Secretary of the Intl. Fed. Of Textile Wkrs. Assoc.
- Item 21: A Short History of British Trade Unionism, 1947

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 22: Trade Unionism, its Origins, Growth and Role in Modern Society, June 1952

- Creator: Herbert Tracey, Labour Party Educational Series
- Item 23: Trade Unions in Britain, 1960

- Creator: distributed by the British Information Services
- Item 24: British Labour Movement - Retrospect and Prospect, April 1951

- Creator: G.D.H. Cole, Ralph Fox Memorial Lecture Committee
- Item 25: The Trade Unionist in Britain, September 1952

- Creator: British Information Services
- Item 26: Recent Trends in British Trade Unionism: A report of TUC on post-war Reconstruction, March 1945

- Creator: Published by the League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 27: Trade Unions, 1977

- Creator: British Information Services
- Item 28: The British Trade Union Movement, no date

- Creator: Herbert Tracey, published by the Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 29: Trade Unions in Britain, December 1949

- Creator: British Information Services
- Item 30: An Unauthorised Programme, showing how to abolish poverty, no date

- Creator: R.J. Derfel
- Item 31: The Great English Strike: Its Three Lessons, 1926

- Creator: Gabriel Wells
- Item 32: National Guilds: An Appeal to Trade Unionists, 1915, 1917 and 1920

- Creator: National Guilds League, UK
- Item 33: An Open Letter to Birmingham Sheet-Metal Workers (and other unions): A Criticism of Wage-Cut Meetings, 1921

- Creator: A.C. Webb (one of the rank and file)
- Item 34: The British Industrial Crisis, 1920

- Creator: Prof. J. Laurence Laughlin, Political Economy Dept., Univ. of Chicago
- Item 35: "Set My People Free!", no date

- Creator: William C. Owen, published by the Commonwealth Land Party
- Item 36: Unemployment and Opportunity: Some Practical Suggestions, no date

- Creator: National Council of Social Service
- Item 37: Women's Wages and the Conditions Under Which They Are Earned, 1893

- Creator: Isabella O. Ford, Humanitarian League
- Item 38: Lancashire: Report of the Labour Party's Commission of Enquiry into the Distressed Areas, September 1937

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Item 39: Central Scotland: Report of the Labour Party's Commission of Enquiry into the Distressed Areas, July 1937

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Item 40: Durham and the North East Coast: Report of the Labour Party's Commission of Enquiry into the Distressed Areas, April 1937

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Item 41: West Cumberland: Report of the Labour Party's Commission of Enquirty into the Distressed Areas, March 1937

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Item 42: South Wales: Report of the Labour Party's Commission of Enquiry into the Distressed Areas, May 1937

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Item 43: A Note on the Knights of Labour in Liverpool, 1889-1890, Winter 1972

- Creator: Ronald Bean, reprinted from Labor History Vol.13, No.1
- Item 44: The Political Quarterly, Vol.XXVIII, No.I: Special Number on Trade Union Problems, First Quarter 1956

- Creator: The Political Quarterly
- Item 45: The Daily Mirror Spotlight on Trade Unions, no date

- Creator: Daily Mirror
- Item 46: Labour Women's Report on Socialism and Our Standard of Living, 1938

- Creator: Labour Women
- Item 47: A Secret History of the NCLC, no date

- Creator: Defence Fund
- Item 48: Trade Unionism: A New Model, 1919

- Creator: R. Page Arnot, Independent Labour Party
- Item 49: Trade Unionism: Some Problems and Proposals, no date

- Creator: Harold E. Clay, Socialist League
- Item 50: The Industrial Revolution and Child Slavery, 1948

- Creator: Arthur Gardiner
- Item 51: The Wreck of Modern Industry and its Re-organisation, no date

- Creator: Edward Carpenter, National Labour Press
- Item 52: The Eight Hours Day, 1912

- Creator: C. Morgan Webb, MA, for the Standing Joint Committee of the Independent Labour Party and Fabian Society
- Item 53: Labour and the Costs of War, January 1916

- Creator: J.A. Hobson, Union of Democratic Control
- Item 54: Labour and the Money Problem, 1920

- Creator: John Barr, Labour Pioneer Press
- Item 55: A Minimum Income for all Blind Workers, 1920

- Creator: Ben Purse, Natl. League of the Blind
- Item 56: On the Wages and Hours of Labour (speech given at South Leeds), November 12, 1891

- Creator: Rt. Hon. Sir Lyon Playfair, MP, published by Cassell & Co.
- Item 57: The Workman's Question: Why is he poor?, December 1890

- Creator: J. Sketchley
- Item 58: How They Won: The Wtrike of the Warsaw Tramwaymen, possibly circa 1933

- Creator: Red Intl. of Labour Unions
- Item 59: Higher Wages and Shorter Hours: A lecture delivered before the Industrial Reconstruction Council, May 28, 1919

- Creator: Lord Leverhume, Industrial Reconstruction Council
- Item 60: The Great London Meat Strike, possibly circa 19387

- Creator: Smithfield Strike Committee
- Item 61: The Facts Behind the Lockout: A study of Labour and Capital in Engineering (Vol.I of a series of studies prepared by the Labour Research Dept.), no date

- Creator: Amalgamatyed Engineering Union
- Item 62: Industrial Salvation, October 1918

- Creator: Christabel Pankhurst, LL.B., Women's Party
- Item 63: The Workers' Resolve: An interview with W.A. Appleton, 1917

- Creator: Joseph W. Griogg of the New York World
- Folder 2: Labor Movement in Great Britain--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Movement in Hawaii

- Folder 4: Labor Movement in Hungary

- Item 1: Labor Discipline in Hungary, January 11, 1954

- Creator: Fred S. Pieky, Free Europe Committee Inc.
- Folder 5: Labor Movement in Illinois

- Item 1: The Labor Trail: Chicago's history of working-class life and struggle, no date

- Item 2: Irish Railroad Workers Monument: Funk's Grove Cemetary, McLean Co., IL, no date

- Creator: Irish Railroad Workers Monument Committee
- Item 3: Illinois History Vol.11, No.2: Labor in Illinois, November 1957

- Creator: Issue of "Illinois History" magazine
- Item 4: Illinois History Vol.18, No.8: Labor in Illinois, May 1965

- Creator: Issue of "Illinois History" magazine
- Item 5: Railroad Strikers in Court, Summer 1956

- Creator: Elwin W. Sigmund, reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society
- Item 6: The Memorial Day Massacre of 1937, no date

- Creator: William Adelman, Illinois Labor History Society
- Item 7: We Shall Fight Until We Win: A slide show about the history of woring women in Chicago, May 29, 1986

- Creator: Movie Premiere sponsored by the Chicago Women's Labor History Project
- Item 8: Haymarket and the Hull-House Neighborhood, 1986

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Museum
- Item 9: Labor Bicentennial Rally, May 1, 1976

- Creator: Haymarket Commemoration Committee
- Item 10: History of Chicago Jewry 1911-1986, circa 1986

- Creator: Joseph M. Jacobs, published by Sentinel Publishing Co.
- Item 11: Timeline of Labor History in Chicago

- Item 12: Labor Education Program Haymarket Centennial Tour

- Item 13: Remember Memorial Day: May 30, 1937, May 30, 1979

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 14: Touring Pullman, 1972

- Creator: William Adelman, Illinois Labor Historical Society
- Item 15: On The Job in Illinois: Then and Now, 1976

- Creator: Illinois Labor History Society
- Item 16: The Union Miners Cemetary: A Spirit-Thread of Labor History, 1980

- Creator: Illinois Labor History Society
- Item 17: The Parable of Pullman, no date

- Creator: Illinois Labor History Society
- Item 18: Short Summary of Illinois Labor History, no date

- Item 19: Labor and Haymarket Scrapbook: 1873-1919, no date

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 20: Ethnicity in the Formation of the Chicago Carpenters Unio: 1855-1890, no date

- Creator: Thomas J. Suhrbur
- Item 21: The Origins of the Modern Capitalist State in Chicago 1871-1879, September 23, 1981

- Creator: Richard Schneirov
- Item 22: Haymarket 1886! The Origins and Impact of Chicago's Great Labor Upheaval, April 27-December 31, 1986

- Creator: Chicago Historical Society
- Item 23: Gov. John Peter Altgeld's Pardon of the Anarchists and hist Masterly Review of the Haymarket Riot, no date

- Creator: Lucy E. Parsons
- Item 24: Haymarket Heritage, circa 1986

- Creator: Anatoly Repin, FSM
- Item 25: The Influence of British Trade Unionists on the Regulation of the Mining Industry in Illinois, 1872, Summer 1973

- Creator: Amy Zahl Gottlieb, reprinted from Labor History Vol.19, No.3
- Item 26: Management Looks at the Local (Peoria) Labor Movement, October 3, 1953

- Creator: Daniel Scheinman, speech given at the Regional Conference for Management Men in Peoria and Central Illinois, Peoria Assn. of Commerce
- Item 27: Maymarket Revisited, no date

- Creator: Michael B. Matejka
- Item 28: The Haymarket Riot and the Trial of the Anarchists, no date

- Creator: Francis X. Busch, Dean Emeritus of the De Paul Univ. Law School, address delivered before the Illinois State Historical Society
- Folder 6: Labor Movement in India

- Item 1: India, the United States and the Free World, April 5, 1956

- Creator: Text of a speech delivered by Walter Reuther, Pres. Of the UAW (AFL-CIO) before the Indian Council on World Affairs
- Item 2: Bombay Labour Journal, July 1962

- Creator: Bombay Labour Institute
- Folder 7: Labor Movement in Indiana

- Item 1: Labor History Map of Indianapolis, no date

- Creator: Indiana Univ. Division of Labor Studies
- Folder 8: Labor Movement in Israel

- Item 1: Histadrut: Labor Federation of Israel, circa 1951

- Creator: Boris Stern, US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Swords into Plowshare: 1953 Report on Israel, 1953

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: Shalom Magazine Special Issue: Labour and Development, 1976

- Creator: Shalom Magazine
- Item 4: Histadrut: Shaping a New Society, 1971

- Creator: American Histadrut Cultural Exchange Institute
- Item 5: We Saw Israel A report of a visit by American trade unionists, circa 1955

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 6: We Saw Israel A report of a visit by American trade unionists, circa 1955

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 7: Delegation to Israel: A Report by Walter P. Reuther, Pres., CIO, September 1955

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 8: Report on Israel, circa 1950

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 9: Histadrut: Program, Problems, Prospects, January 1966

- Creator: Aharon Becker, Secretary-General of Histadrut
- Item 10: Organizational Structure of Histadrut, no date

- Creator: Histadrut
- Item 11: The Israel Labor Movement: Ideals, Problems and Achievements (draft curriculum for studies at United States Universities), no date

- Item 12: Israel's Persisting Wage Differential Problem, October 4, 1962

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Teaching About Labor in the Middle East, no date

- Creator: Workers Ed. Local 189
- Folder 9: Labor Movement in Italy

- Item 1: Italy After Mussolini, May 1945

- Creator: John Hewetson, Freedom Press, UK
- Folder 10: Labor Movement in Jamaica

- Folder 11: Labor Movement in Japan

- Item 1: Observations on the Japanese Labor Movement and Leadership Education for the Nihon Rodo Kyokai Zasshi (Japan Institute of Labor magazine), circa 1965

- Creator: Prof. Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: The Labor Movement and Economic Development in Japan, no date

- Creator: Prof. Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Present Dilemmas of the Japanese Labor Movement, Spring 1962

- Creator: Bernard Karsh and Solomon B. Levine
- Item 4: The Labor Movement in 1961, June 1962

- Creator: Robert J. Ballon, Sophia Industrial Relations Center, Sophia Univ., Tokyo
- Item 5: The Labor Movement in Japan from the Viewpoint of Christianity, Januar 5, 1954

- Creator: Committee for Study of Special Problems, United Church of Christ in Japan
- Item 6: The Domination of Syndicalism over Labor Movements in Prewar Japan: A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Intl. Christian Univ. for the Baccalaureate Degree, no date

- Creator: Hirotoshi Tsuchida
- Item 7: The Present Situation of the Japanese Labor Movement, January 1959

- Creator: Theodor Jaeckel, Industrial Evangelism Committee, United Church of Christ in Japan
- Item 8: Labor in a Prosperous Japan, April 1964

- Creator: Prof. Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Japan's Problems, August 1953

- Creator: Public Information and Cultural Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo
- Item 10: On the Present Conditions of the Labour Movement in Japan, May 15, 1953

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers' Associations
- Item 11: Labor Movement in Japan, 1958

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers' Associations
- Item 12: Trade Union Movement of Japan, February 25, 1958

- Creator: General Council of Trade Unions of Japan (SOHYO)
- Item 13: Labor Unions in the Far East: Working people of the Orient fight "cheap labor" standards, 1945

- Creator: Eleanor H. Lattimore, American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations
- Item 14: Trade Union Movement of Japan, 1959

- Creator: General Council of Trade Unions of Japan (SOHYO)
- Item 15: Kyoto Univ. Economic Review Vol.XXI, No.1, April 1951

- Creator: Economics Dept., Kyoto Univ., Japan
- Item 16: Labor in Modern Japan, March 1958

- Creator: Kazuo Okochi, Science Council of Japan
- Item 17: Japan's PRoblems, March 1954

- Creator: Public Information and Cultural Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo
- Item 18: The Japanese Labor Movement (1957 - 1960), October 1960

- Creator: Robert J. Ballon, Sophia Industrial Relations Center, Sophia Univ., Tokyo
- Item 19: Summary of the Labor Situation in Japan, August 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 20: The Japanese Labor Boss System (Innterim Technical Report No.3), June 1952

- Creator: Iwao Ishino and John W. Bennett, Ohio State Univ. Research Foundation
- Folder 12: Labor Movement in Latin America

- Item 1: Second Inter-American Trade Union Forum on Economic and Social Problems (Alliance for Progress) called by the ORIT, July 1964

- Creator: ORIT
- Item 2: Labour Movements in Latin America, December 1947

- Creator: Robert J. Alexander, Fabian Publications, London
- Item 3: Latin America: Armed Terror Against Trade Unions, no date

- Creator: World Federation of Trade Unions
- Item 4: Labor Parties of Latin America, possibly circa 1941

- Creator: Robert Alexander, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 5: The Labor Movement and the Critical Issues in Latin America, April 1962

- Creator: Prof. Clarence Senior, Sociology Dept., Brooklyn College, for a conference on New Directions and Needs in International Labor Training at The American Univ.
- Item 6: Coloquio Sobre: Sindicalismo en America Latina, October 27-November 1, 1972

- Creator: Universidad Nacional de la Plata Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales
- Item 7: Integration for Liberation, August 1971

- Creator: from "CLASC News: The voice of revolutionary trade unionism in Latin America"
- Item 8: Summary of the Labor Situation in Brazil, December 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept
- Box 87

- Folder 1: Labor Movement in Latin America--Bibliographies

- Folder 2: Labor Movement in Massachusetts

- Folder 3: Labor Movement in Mexico

- Item 1: The Mexican Labor Movement and Article 123 of the Mexican Constitution of 1917, March 1961

- Creator: Earl Madsen, paper for LIR 446, taught by Prof. Adolf Sturmthal at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: A Report from Mexico, no date

- Creator: Rosendo Salazar
- Item 3: Some Reflections on Economic Development in Mexico and the Labor Movement, no date

- Creator: Prof. Adolf Strumthal, Roosevelt Univ.
- Folder 4: Labor Movement in Michigan

- Item 1: Union Town: A Labor History Guide to detroit, no date

- Creator: Workers Education Local 189/Detroit Labor History Tour Project
- Folder 5: Labor Movement in Minnesota

- Item 1: A Summary of Minnesota Labor's First Hundred Years, July 1960

- Creator: Curtis S. Miller, editor of the Duluth Labor World and Mark Starr, former education director, Intl. Ladies' Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 2: Organized Labor in Minnesota: A Brief History, no date

- Creator: Joseph S. Smolen, Labor Education Service, Univ. of Minnesota
- Folder 6: Labor Movement in New York

- Item 1: The History of Labor in New York State: A poster map of the most important events in labor history from 1600 to the present day, no date

- Creator: New York Labor History Association
- Folder 7: Labor Movement in New York--Bibliography

- Folder 8: Labor Movement in New Zealand (empty)

- Folder 9: Labor Movement in Norway

- Item 1: Does Norwegian Labor Seek the Middle Way?, June 1957

- Creator: Finn Moe, Foreign editor of the "Arbeiderbladet," for the League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 2: The Trade Union Movement in Norway, January 1951

- Creator: Arbeidernes Faglige Landorganzisasion
- Item 3: The Norwegian Labor Movement: A Decade of Changing Ideology 1918-1928, April 1961

- Creator: Glenn Parker, paper for LIR 446, course taught by Prof. Adolf Sturmthal at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Directions for the Use of Time - Studies, 1952

- Creator: Norwegian Employers' Confederation and Norwegian General Confed. of Trade Unions
- Item 5: The Trade Union Movement in Norway, 1987

- Creator: European Trade Union Institute
- Folder 10: Labor Movement in Ohio

- Item 1: Guide to Primary Sources in Ohio Labor History, 1980

- Creator: Roger A. Meade and Marjorie J. Myers, Ohio Labor History Project and Ohio Historical Society
- Folder 11: Labor Movement in Pennsylvania

- Item 1: Homestead: The Story of a Steel Town, no date

- Creator: Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania
- Item 2: Cradle of Steel Unionism: Monongahela Valley, PA, 1972

- Creator: George Powers, published by Ellis Book Stores, Chicago
- Item 3: Toil & Turmoil: Labor History Sites in Pittsburgh, no date

- Creator: United Steel Workers of America
- Folder 12: Labor Movement in the Philippines

- Item 1: You and Unions, 1953

- Creator: Dept. of Labor, Republic of the Philippines
- Item 2: The Hitsory of the Labor Movement in the Philippines, no date

- Creator: Eduardo T. Rondain
- Item 3: Newsclippings from the NYTimes on the relationship between Protestant Churches and Trade Unions in the Philippines, January 11, 1959

- Creator: New York Times
- Item 4: Labor Review Vol.1, No.3, Janury 1965

- Creator: Asian Labor Education Center, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 5: Philippine Trade Unionism: A Situationer, 1985

- Creator: Philippine Labor Monitor (Vol.1, No.2)
- Folder 13: Labor Movement in Puerto Rico

- Item 1: Decalogo de Buena Practica Financiera en las Uniones, no date

- Creator: Instituto de Relaciones del Trabajo, Universidad de Puerto Rico
- Item 2: Movimiento Economico del mes en Puerto Rico, April 1958

- Creator: Negociado de Conomia y Estadisticas (Bureau of Economics and Statistics, Puerto Rican Gov't.)
- Item 3: Dispersion of Puerto Rican Migration, May 7, 1953

- Creator: Clarence Senior, Chief of the Migration Div. of the Puerto Rico Labor Dept.
- Item 4: A Summary in Facts and Figures: 1.) Progress in Puerto Rico 2.) Puerto Rican Migration, April 1958

- Creator: Puerto Rico Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Orientaciones del Instituto de Relaciones del Trabajo, 1973

- Creator: Universidad de Puerto Rico
- Item 6: Issues of "Trabajo en Puerto Rico", February 1972 - August 1973

- Creator: Universidad de Puerto Rico
- Item 7: Employment and Unemployment in Puerto Rico, December 1966

- Creator: Puerto Rico Labor Dept.
- Folder 14: Labor Movement in South Africa

- Item 1: The South African Independent Trade Union Movement: A Challenge to the Existing Industrial Relations Framework?, June 1984

- Creator: By Carleen McElroy, tutorial for LIR 492, taught at the UIUC ILIR by Prof. Melvin Rothbaum, Prof. Peter Cappelli and Prof. Bernard Karsh
- Item 2: Black Labor as a Swing Factor in South Africa's Evolution, Spring 1979

- Creator: Roy Godson, Intl. Labor Program, Georgetown Univ.
- Item 3: South Africa's Black Unions, January 1983

- Creator: Princeton Univ. Industrial Relations Section
- Folder 15: Labor Movement in Switzerland

- Item 1: The Trade Unions in Switzerland, September 1947

- Creator: Eduard Weckerle, english edition by Pippa Harris
- Folder 16: Labor Movement in the United States

- Item 1: Labor and Nation Vol.V, No.2, incl a discussion: "Living With, Not Under, Communism in One World" by Adolf Sturmthal et al., March-April 1949

- Creator: Labor and Nation Magazine
- Item 2: To Build a New World: A brief history of American Labor, 1965

- Creator: Thomas R. Brooks, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 3: Lumberjacks and Longshoremen: the IWW in Louisiana, Winter 1972

- Creator: Merl E. Reed, reprinted from Labor History
- Item 4: Comments on Selig Perlman's "A Theory of the Labor Movement", July 1951

- Creator: Prof. Adolf Sturmthal, UIUC ILIR, reprinted from "Labor Relations Review, Vol.4, No.4"
- Item 5: Mother Jones in Appalachia, no date

- Creator: Keith Dix, Peoples' Appalachian Research Collective
- Item 6: "The Balance of Power in Management-Union Relations:" Address to the 15th Natl. Assn. of Manufacturers Institute on Industrial Relations, June 22, 1948

- Creator: Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ. Business School
- Item 7: The Jewish Labor Movement in America: Two Views, May 1958

- Creator: Israel Knox and Irving Howe, Jewish Labor Committee
- Item 8: Introduction to Labor Problems, 1936

- Creator: Joel Seidman, Brookwood Labor Publications and United Auto Wkrs.
- Item 9: Where is the Labor Movement Headed?, 1948

- Creator: Prof. W. Ellison Chambers, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 10: Comment from an International Perspective, December 28, 1950

- Creator: Philip M. Kaiser, Asst. Sec. of Labor, for a joint meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Assn. and the American Economic Assn. on "Theory of the Labor Movement--A Reappraisal"
- Item 11: A New Philosophy for Labor, 1959

- Creator: Gus Tyler, Fund for the Republic
- Item 12: Three Interpretations of the American Trade Union Movement, December 1943

- Creator: Russell Bauder, reprinted from "Social Forces Vol.22, No.2"
- Item 13: New Politics Vol.VII, No.3: The American Labor Movement, Summer 1968

- Creator: New Politics Magazine
- Item 14: Joe Worker and the Story of Labor, circa 1950

- Creator: Nat Schachner and Jack Alderman, National Labor Service
- Item 15: The Labor Movement and the Development of Unions, 1950

- Creator: Margaret W. Dagen
- Item 16: Labor Problems and Sketch of American Labor Movement, August 1936

- Creator: Joel Seidman, Brookwood Labor College, for the United Auto Wkrs.
- Item 17: The Basic Philosophy of the American Labor Movement, March 1951

- Creator: Selig Perlman
- Item 18: The Labor Movement Today, 1934

- Creator: Joel Seidman, Brookwood Labor College
- Item 19: Why am I in the Labor Movement: by 15 Labor Leaders, January 1949

- Creator: National Planning Association
- Item 20: The Labor Movement and the NRA (National Recovery Administration), circa 1934

- Creator: Dressmakers Union Local 22, ILGWU
- Item 21: Recent Developments in Trade Unionism, 1921

- Creator: George Soule, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
- Item 22: Did Labor Support Jackson? The Boston Story, 1949

- Creator: Edward Pessen, published by the Academy of Political Science
- Item 23: The Story of American Labor, 1952

- Creator: Kelley Loe, Oregon St. Fed. Of Labor
- Item 24: Labor, Deefense and Democracy, circa 1941

- Creator: Senator Robert M. La Follette, JR. et al., published by the Wkrs. Defense League
- Item 25: The American Labor Movement, 1954

- Creator: Samuel Gompers, American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 26: The Nature of Trade Union Power, 1957

- Creator: James Roosevelt, published by the Teamsters Joint Council
- Item 27: The Decline of the Labor Movement and What Can be Done About It, 1961

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, for the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions
- Item 28: Where is Organized Labor Going?, 1949

- Creator: Donald R. Richberg, for the Autumn 1949 Number of American Affairs
- Item 29: Labor Speaks for Itself!, February 7, 1936

- Creator: Workers Education Bureau Press
- Item 30: Organized Labor and American Ethics, 1955

- Creator: Kermit Eby, reprinted from The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
- Item 31: The American Labor Movement: Its Makeup, Achievements and Aspirations, no date

- Creator: Samuel Gompers, American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 32: Rights of the American Worker, 1952

- Creator: American Technical Society
- Item 33: Southern Workers Outside the Legislative Pale, 1942

- Creator: American Labor Education Service, inc. and Southern School for Workers
- Item 34: The Way American Works: Dutch Trade-Unionists Visit USA, 1949

- Creator: Dutch Trade Unions
- Item 35: The Trade Union Situation in the United States: Report of a Mission from the International Labour Office, 1960

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 36: Personal Histories of the Early CIO, May-June 1971

- Creator: taken from "Radical America Vol.5, No.3"
- Item 37: Labor Planks in the Political Platforms of the Republican and Democratic Parties and the Records of the Candidates for President and Vice-President, 1936

- Box 88

- Folder 1: Labor Movement in the United States (cont.)

- Item 1: Looking Forward: Discussion Outlines, 1935

- Creator: League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 2: America in the Depression: Supplement of "How America Lives", 1935

- Creator: League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 3: Notes for Speakers: Roosevelt's Relief Record, 1936

- Creator: Blanche Bernstein, Labor Research Front
- Item 4: City Projects Council and your WPA Job, 1936

- Creator: City Projects Council, New York City
- Item 5: Labor in the New Deal Decade, 1945

- Creator: Lectures Given by Prof. Selig Perlman, Economics Dept., Univ. of Wisconsin before the ILGWU Officers in 1934-1935
- Item 6: The New Deal: Lecture delivered at the study center of the institute of welfare and social reforms at Havana, July 29, 1937

- Creator: Dr. Juan Clemente Zamora, Political Science Depts. Of Univ. of Miami and Havana, givenat the Instituto Nacional de Prevision y Reformas Sociales
- Item 7: The New Deal for the Forgotten Man, Februar y1933

- Creator: Copley Clarke and Albert A. Handel
- Item 8: Forgotten Men, What Now?, circa 1935

- Creator: Abe Bluestein, Libertarian Publishers
- Item 9: Continental Congress Edition: The Yankee Primer, 1933

- Creator: The American Guardian
- Item 10: The Labor Record of Franklin D. Roosevelt, circa August 1932

- Creator: National Democratic Campaign Committee
- Item 11: A Handbook for Project Workers, no date

- Creator: Herbert Benjamin
- Item 12: President Roosevelt Admits!, April 1937

- Creator: Peoples' Labor Party
- Item 13: Labor After the War, 1943

- Creator: Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ., reprinted from "Postwar Economic Problems"
- Item 14: LABOR: A Special Guide for Elementary Grades, circa 1970

- Creator: Alabama Labor Council, AFL-CIO
- Item 15: The Southern Labor Story, circa 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 16: Trade Unions: Their origin and objects, influence and efficacy, with an appendix showing the history and aims of the American Federation of Labor, 1928

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 2: Labor Movement in the United States--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: History of the Labor Movement in the United States

- Item 1: Writing Your Local Union History, November 1966

- Creator: UAW Education Dept. and Walter P. Reuther Labor History Archives, Wayne State Univ.
- Item 2: Problems and Resources of Research in American Labor History, December 23, 1971

- Creator: Elizabeth Doupe Goldberg, for LS 427 taught by Prof. Donald Krummel
- Item 3: Some Highlights in the History of US Public Sector Collective Bargaining, no date

- Creator: John T. Delaney, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Highlights in History of American Collective Bargaining, no date

- Creator: V.G. Talbott, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: American Labor History, March 4 - April 22, 1986

- Creator: William J. Adelman, Moraine Valley College Ridgeland Center, Worth, IL
- Item 6: Facts about the Seamen's Trade Union Movement, USA, October 19, 1956

- Creator: Seafarers' Intl. Union of North America, AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Labor History Rediscovered: A Slide Presentation, February 9, 1974

- Creator: William J. Adelman, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 8: American Labor History: Critical summaries written for an interdisciplinary seminar at the University of Wisconsin, 1970

- Creator: Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 9: American Shoemakers 1648-1895: A Sketch of Industrial Evolution, 1909

- Creator: John R. Commons, reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.XXIV
- Item 10: The American Labor Movement: A New Beginning, May 1, 1990

- Creator: Libertarian Labor Review
- Item 11: The Great Bisbee IWW Deportation of July 12, 1917, no date

- Creator: Industrial Workers of the World
- Item 12: Press Kit on effort by Illinois Labor History Society and Others to obtain a posthumous pardon for Joe Hill, 1985

- Creator: Illinois Labor History Society
- Item 13: Labor on New Fronts, 1938

- Creator: Robert R.R. Brooks, Public Affairs Committee, Inc
- Item 14: Labor and the New Deal, April 1936

- Creator: Public Affairs Committee, Inc.
- Item 15: The Labor Movement in the South During Slavery, no date

- Creator: Herbert Aptheker, Intl. Publishers
- Item 16: Labor's Charter of Rights, 1935

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 17: Report of F.J. Dillon, General Organizer, representing the American Fed. Of Labor in the automobileindstruy, submitted to the first constitutional convention of the United Auto Workers, August 26, 1935

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 18: The Impact of the Political Left, 1958

- Creator: Bernard Karsh and Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 19: Labor Organization and Labor Politics 1827-1837, February 1907

- Creator: John R. Commons, reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.XXI
- Item 20: Unions Make History, circa 1950

- Creator: Intl. Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Wkrs., CIO
- Item 21: The American Labor Movement, 1946 reprint

- Creator: Samuel Gompers, American Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 4: History of the Labor Movement in the United States--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Labor Movement in the USSR

- Item 1: Unemployed Councils in St. petersburg in 1906, 1931

- Creator: Sergei Malyshev, Workers Library Publishers
- Item 2: How Workers Became Engineers in the USSR, 1932

- Creator: V. Druzhinin, Co-operative publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR
- Item 3: The Strike of the Dredgin Fleet: 1905, 1932

- Creator: Peter Nikiforov
- Item 4: Socialist Competition, 1931

- Creator: K. Sokolov, Centrizdat
- Item 5: Soviet Employers in the ILO: Experience of the 1930, no date

- Creator: John P. Windmuller, New York State School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 6: Soviet Womanpower as a Professional Resource, October 1964

- Creator: John B. Parrish, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: All Power to the Workers! Four speeches delivered at the Tenth Congress, Russian Communist Party (1921) by Lenin, Radek, Krestinsky and Zinoviev, circa 1921

- Creator: Published by the Information Bureau, Third International, Petrograd, printed vy Kirkwood & Co., Glasgow, Scotland
- Item 8: The First Business Accounting Brigade, 1932

- Creator: Kapkov, Guren, Seryagin, Afanasiev, Chudnovsky, Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR
- Item 9: What are M.T.S.? (machine and tractor stations), 1932

- Creator: L. Valershtein and A. Leontiev, Co-operatie Publishing Society Foreign Workers in the USSR
- Item 10: Labor and the Soviet System, no date

- Creator: Romuald Szumski, Natl. Committee for a Free Europe
- Item 11: Problems of Communism: The Future Communist Society -and- The Soviet Worker, 1960

- Creator: United States Information Agency
- Box 89

- Folder 1: Labor Movement in Vietnam

- Item 1: Vietnamese Labor, 1968

- Creator: Part of "Viet-nam Bulletin: A Weekly Publication of the Embassy of Viet-nam in Washington, DC"
- Folder 2: Comparative Labor Movements

- Item 1: Economic Development and the Labour Movement, no date

- Creator: Adolf Sturmthal
- Item 2: From the Fifteenth Edition of Encyclopedia Britannica: "Trade Unionism", 1974

- Creator: Adolf Sturmthal
- Item 3: Labour Movements in Canada and the United States: Are They Really That Different?, 1983

- Creator: Noah M. Meltz, Centre for Industrial Relations, Univ. of Toronto
- Item 4: Industrial Relations in America and Britain: A review article with some comparative reflections, no date

- Creator: Greg Bamber
- Item 5: Le tendenze di fondo della contratazzione collettiva, 1958

- Creator: Franco Archibugi, Estratto da "Politica Sindacale"
- Item 6: Report from Europe by the Rank and File Delegation of the Intl. Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, 1949

- Creator: Intl. Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union
- Item 7: An Essay on Comparative Collective Bargaining, no date

- Creator: Adolf Sturmthal
- Item 8: Labor Under the Isms, 1937

- Creator: Transportation Association of America
- Item 9: Workplace Reform in Britain and the United States: An Essay in the Dialectics of Power and Knowledge, January 1977

- Creator: Stephen J. Frenkel, Industrial Relations Dept., Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 10: Managerial Ideology and Worker Cooperation: The US and Japan, December 1982

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, UIUC ILIR, presented to the 35th annual meeting, Industrial Relations Research Assn.
- Item 11: American Industrial Relations: Some Comparisons with Japan, circa 1961

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, UIUC ILIR and prof. of Sociology and visiting lecturer, Keio Univ., Japan
- Folder 3: Comparative Labor Movements--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Labor Political Parties

- Item 1: American Workers Need a Labor Party, November 1944

- Creator: Joseph Hansen, Pioneer Publishers
- Item 2: Labour's Colonial Policy: The Plural Society (one) and Economic Aid (two), July 1956

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 3: Challenge to Britain, 1953

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 4: Personal Freedom: Labour's Policy for the Individual and Society, 1956

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 5: Signposts for the Sixties: A Statement of Labour Party home policy to be submitted by the Natl. Executive Committee, October 1961

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 6: Marching On 1900-1950: Golden Jubilee of the Labour Party, 1950

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 7: The Labour Party Bulletin Vol.7, No.5, May 1949

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 8: Australian Labour Party Year Book (New South Wales Branch) 1966, 1966

- Creator: Australian Labour Party
- Item 9: The Question of Unity Between the Workers Party and the Socialist Workers Party, 1947

- Creator: Albert Goldman
- Item 10: How We Live, 1951

- Creator: Indian Socialist Party
- Item 11: We Accuse: Labour's indictment of Tory economic policy, March 1956

- Creator: Harold Wilson, Douglas Jay and Hugh Gaitskell, Labour Party, UK
- Item 12: Labour Youth Sections Handbook, no date

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 13: Political Education: A plan for the Labour Party, 1956

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 14: Welcome, no date

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 15: The Labour Way is the Better Way: The Labour party Manifesto 1979, 1979

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 16: New Deal for Science, 1948

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 17: Proud Heritage, 1949

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 18: Let Us Win Through Together: A declaration of Labour policy for the consideration of the nation, 1950

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 19: Fifty Years of Service: Labour Women's Jubilee, 1950

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 20: Programme for Prices, May 1955

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 21: The High Cost of Toryism, January 1955

- Creator: Rt. Hon. Hugh Gaitskell, Labour Party
- Item 22: Towards Equality: Labour's Policy for Social Justice, 1956

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 23: Home Secure Home: A Charter for Private Tennants, 1977

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 24: Jobs and Prices: A statement by the natl. executive committee of the Labour Party, 1975

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 25: Why Some Do and Some Don't: Some Determinants of Radicalism Among British and American Coal Minerse, 1872-1924, november 10, 1973

- Creator: John H.M. Laslett, paper read before the Society for the Study of Labour History, London
- Item 26: A Pictoral History of the Labour Party 1900-1975, 1975

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 27: "The Illinois Labor Party presents An Article by Joseph Schlossberg", no date

- Creator: Illinois Labor Party
- Item 28: You Labor Voter! Labor's Non-Partisan League of Illinois, circa 1936

- Creator: Labor's Non-Partisan League of Illinois
- Item 29: The Communists and the Farmer-Labor Progressive Federation, 1936

- Creator: Communist Party
- Item 30: Program of the American Labor Party, October 1936

- Creator: American Labor Party
- Item 31: Labor in England and America: A Significant Contrast, 1924

- Creator: American Labor Party
- Item 32: Issues of "The Labor Voter" Newspaper, circa 1936

- Creator: Labor's Non-Partisan League of Illinois
- Folder 5: Labor Political Parties--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Labor Standards

- Item 1: The International Labour Organization's Standards and the African Labour Laws, March 1986

- Creator: Prof. Isik Urla Zeytinoglu, Personnel and Industrial Relations Dept., McMaster Univ., Ontario
- Item 2: The Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (The ILO Declaration), February 1980

- Creator: Intl. Labour Organization
- Item 3: The Relation of US Labor Standards to ILO Standards, April 1, 1955

- Creator: Prof. Edwin E. Witte, Economics Dept., Univ. of Wisconsin
- Folder 7: Labor Statistics

- Item 1: Labor Statistics Series: In Belgium in 1952, July 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Memorandum for Economists, Psychologists and Sociologists. Subject: New Sources of Information on Labor Force Behavior and Work Attitude, October 16, 1972

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Memorandum for Social Scientists-Subject: longitudinal data banks on labor force behavior and work activities, circa 1975

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Essential Labour Market Data Resource, no date

- Creator: Statistics Canada
- Item 5: Understanding Labour Market Data: A guide to choosing the best data source for your needs, June 1989

- Creator: Statistics Canada
- Item 6: "Stikproveundersogelse af Arbejdsstyrken", 1977

- Creator: Eurostat (Statistical Office of the European Communities)
- Item 7: Gaps, Limitations and Recent Changes in Economic Statistics Commonly Used by Trade Union Researchers (preliminary version), May 15-17, 1989

- Creator: Andrew Sharpe, Canadian Labour Market and Productivity Centre
- Item 8: Attrition and the Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Force Behavior: Avoidance, Control and Correctinon, no date

- Creator: Patricia Rhoton, Center for Human Resource Research, Ohio St. Univ.
- Item 9: Accuracy of Response in Labor Market Surveys: Evidence and Implications, December 1982

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Labor Force Measurement in a Pre-Industrial Economy, October 1951

- Creator: Simon Rottenberg, Labor Relations Institute, Univ. of Puerto Rico
- Item 11: The Early History of Labor Statistics in the United States, circa 1969

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Midwestern States Conference on Labor Statistics, November 18-20, 1953

- Creator: Miss Esther Espenshade, Illinois Dept. of Labor
- Item 13: Midwestern States Conference on Labor Statistics, October 15-17, 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 14: Northeastern States Conference on Labor Statistics, June 23, 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Guide to Employment Statistics of BLS, circa 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Techniques of Preparing Major BLS Statistical Series, circa 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 8: Labor Statistics--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Labor Unions

- Item 1: The Truth About Unions, 1946

- Creator: Leo Huberman, Pamphlet Press Books
- Item 2: Can the American Labor Movement Survive Re-Gomperaization?, December 28, 1982

- Creator: Prof. Michael J. Piore, Economics Dept., MIT
- Item 3: Efficien Labour Organization: Incentives, Power and the Transactions Cost Approach, no date

- Creator: Prof. James M. Malcomson, Univ. of York
- Box 90

- Folder 1: Labor Unions (cont.)

- Item 1: Lectures on Trade Unions and Industrial Relations, 1963

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 2: The American Labour Movement: Its makeup, achievements and aspirations, no date

- Creator: Samuel Gompers
- Item 3: The Labor Crisis in the United States, 1938

- Creator: George E. Sokolsky
- Item 4: Capital Labor Unions: Its not what we are but what we ought to be, 1905

- Creator: Daniels the Printer (H.C. Daniels)
- Item 5: Labor Unions, 1907

- Creator: Edited by Alton B. Parker, Former Chief Justice, NY St. Court of Appeals
- Item 6: A Competitive Theory of Monopoly Unionism, August 1981

- Creator: Edward P. Lazear, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 7: Special Double Issue: National Rank-and-File Conference, September 1970

- Creator: Labor Today magazine, Vol.9, No.5/6
- Item 8: The Insecurity of Labor Unions: The New Society, Pt. III, 1949

- Creator: Peter F. Drucker, Harper's Magazine
- Item 9: Big Labor in the Democratic Society, June 15, 1950

- Creator: Address by William T. Gossett, Vice-Pres. And Gen. Counsel of Ford Motor Co., before the annual meeting of the Chicago Bar Assoc.
- Item 10: From the Fifteenth Edition of Encyclopedia Britannica: "Trade Unionism", 1974

- Creator: Adolf Strumthal
- Folder 2: Labor Unions--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Unions in Africa

- Item 1: African Trade Unions, January 1983

- Creator: Regional Economic Research and Documentation Center
- Item 2: Early African Trade Unions, no date

- Creator: Prof. Charles A. Orr, Economics Dept., Roosevelt Univ.
- Folder 4: Labor Unions in Argentina

- Folder 5: Attitudes of Members of Labor Unions

- Item 1: The Union Makes Use of the Social Scientist, February 1952

- Creator: Annetta Dieckmann, Illinois Dept. of Labor
- Item 2: The Problems of Local 517, no date

- Item 3: Packinghouse Workers' Dual Allegiance to Company and Union, no date

- Creator: Theodore V. Purcell, Loyola Univ.
- Item 4: The Effect of a World Affairs Film Discussion Program on The Opinions of Union Members, May 1954

- Creator: Roosevelt Colege Labor Educ. Division
- Item 5: The Rank and File View Their Union, no date

- Item 6: A Trade Union and its Medical Service Plan, July 1954

- Creator: Nathan M. Simon and Sanford E. Rabushka, ST. Louis Labor Health Institute
- Item 7: Some Characteristics of Satisfied, Dissatisfied and Undecided Members on the District Level, January 1953

- Creator: Report to Business Representations, Dist. 9, IAM-AFL by the UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: Union Traditions and Membership Apathy, October 1958

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Men and Unions, 1953

- Creator: John G. Mapes, Group Attitudes Corporation
- Item 10: Commitment to the Union: I. A Criterion for a "Union Psychology" II> Characteristics of Committed Union Membesr III. Relationships Among Union Commitment, Attitudes Toward the Union and Job Satisfaction, no date

- Creator: Michael E. Gordon et al., Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville
- Item 11: What the Members of Marshall Local 641 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 12: What the Membership of the Cities Service Group Local 210 OWIU Thinks About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 13: What the Members of Service Pipe Line Group of Local 210 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 14: What the Members of Socony-Vacuum Group of Local 210 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 15: What the Members of East St. Louis Local 644 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 16: What the Members of Prestonburg Local 584 and Local 510 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 17: What the Members of Local 420, Local 450 and Local 501 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 18: What the Members of Local 513 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 19: What the Members of St. Louis Local 540 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 20: What the Members of Lawrenceville Local 368 and Bridgeport Local 482 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 21: What the Members of Muskegon Local 390 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 22: What the Members of Detroit Local 389 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 23: What the Members of Chicago Local 402, Grand Rapids Michigan Local 582, St. Joseph Michigan Local 613 and West Branch Michigan Local 616 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 24: What the Members of Toledo Local 346 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 25: What the Members of Local 214 and Local 505 Have to Say About Their Union, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 26: What the Membership of Local 222 OWIU Thinks, no date

- Creator: Union Education Service, Univ. of Chicago
- Folder 6: Labor Union in Australia

- Item 1: Future of Unionism in Australia, no date

- Creator: Max Ogden
- Item 2: New South Wales Industrial Gazette, 1961

- Item 3: Trade Union Effectiveness: Some Community Views, no date

- Creator: Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Item 4: Short History of the Trade Union Movement in Australia, no date

- Creator: Federated Ironworkers Association of Australia
- Item 5: Union Purpose and Structure: The Question of Amalgamation, April 1981

- Creator: Business Research Centre, North Brisbane College of Advanced Education
- Item 6: Trade Unions in Australia, August 1974

- Creator: Phiip Bentley, Institute of Labour Studies, Flinders Univ. of S. Australia
- Item 7: A Survey of Functional and Structural Relationships in the Australian Trade Union Movement 1952, circa 1952

- Item 8: Experiences of the Australian Labor Movement Under Governmental Control, April 21, 1958

- Creator: James R. McClelland
- Item 9: Ten Years of Research Into the Australian Labour Movement, 1957

- Creator: L.C. Churchward
- Item 10: We Remember! Efforts of Men to Establish Unionism, April 1956

- Creator: Melbourne Trades Hall Council
- Item 11: White Collar Unions in Australia, no date

- Creator: R.M. Martin
- Item 12: Slaves to our own Apathy: The growth and decline of the shop committee movement in Australia, July 1979

- Creator: Business Research Centre, North Brisbane College of Advanced Education
- Item 13: Stronger Trades Unions, 1943

- Creator: E. Thornton, Federated Ironworkers Assoc. of Australia
- Item 14: Australia Trade Unionism, July 1956

- Creator: Australian News and Information Bureau
- Item 15: The Australian Labor Movement, Spring 1959

- Creator: K.F. Walker, South Atlantic Quarterly
- Item 16: Report of the Committee of Inquiry on Co-ordinated Industrial Organisations, 1974

- Creator: The Hon. John Bernard Sweeney, Judge of the Australian Industrial Court
- Folder 7: Labor Union Benefit Plans

- Item 1: Health Care Objectives (remarks of Mr. David J. McDonald, pres., United Steelworkers of America, before the annual conference of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans), April 13, 1953

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, CIO
- Item 2: Social Security Dept. of the Laundry Workers' International Union, AFL, no date

- Creator: Laundry Wkrs. Intl. Union, AFL
- Item 3: UAW-CIO Retirement and Health Security Program, April 1954

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Folder 8: Labor Unions in Bulgaria

- Item 1: Trade Unions and Labor Legislation in Bulgaria (1878-1953), December 14, 1953

- Creator: L.A.D. Dellin, National Committee for a Free Europe, Inc.
- Folder 9: Labor Union Business Enterprises

- Item 1: Cooperatives USA 1963-1964, circa 1964

- Creator: Cooperative League of the USA
- Item 2: The Importance of Commonweal Enterprise Within the German Economy, 1970

- Creator: Walter Hesselbach, Series Comonweal Economy
- Item 3: Commonweal Enterprise, 1970

- Creator: Walter Hesselbach, Series Comonweal Economy
- Item 4: Collaboration Within the Commonweal Sector, 1970

- Creator: Gerhard Neuenkirch, Series Commonweal Economy
- Item 5: The Principles of a Theory of the Commonweal Economy, 1970

- Creator: Theo Thiemeyer, Series Commonweal Economy
- Item 6: Gemeinwirtschaft: Commonweal Economy, 1971

- Creator: German Trade Union Confederation
- Item 7: A Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses on Cooperatives, October 1965

- Creator: Walter Furbay and Wendell McMillan, Farmer Cooperative Service, US Agriculture Dept.
- Folder 10: Labor Unions in California

- Folder 11: Labor Unions in Canada

- Item 1: Canadian Labour Union Catalogue, January 1985

- Creator: Newman Industrial Relations Library
- Item 2: Organized Labour in Canada and the United States: Similarities and Differences, 1987

- Creator: Pradeep Kumar, School of Industrial Relations, Queen's Univ. at Kingston
- Item 3: Changing Unionism in Canada, 1987

- Creator: Pradeep Kumar and Megan Slobodin, School of Industrial Relations, Queen's Univ. at Kingston
- Box 91

- Folder 1: Labor Unions in Canada (cont.)

- Folder 2: Communist Problem in Labor Unions

- Item 1: The Cold War Explusions and the Movement of the 1960s, no date

- Creator: Staughton Lynd, Labor Solidarity Pamphlet Series
- Item 2: The Communist Party and the Trade Unions, 1958

- Creator: British Communist Party
- Item 3: 100 Things You Should Know About Communism and Labor, 1948

- Creator: House Un-American Activities Committee
- Item 4: The Communist Party and the CIO: A Study in Power Politics, no date

- Creator: Dr. Max M. Kampelman, Investigator for the United States Senate
- Item 5: Communist Domination of Certain Unions Part II: Atomic Energy Commission Reply to Subcommittee Questionnaire -and- Report of the Subcommittee on Labor and Labor-Management Relations of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, United States Senate, 1952

- Creator: United States Senate
- Item 6: What to do about Communism in Unions, July 8, 1952

- Creator: Statement by L.R. Boulware, G.H. Pfeif and W.J. Barron, Generaly Electric Co., before a subcommittee of the United States Senate
- Item 7: Trade Unionism and the Communists: American and International Experiences, 1963

- Creator: John E. Hutchinson, Institute of Industrail Relations, Univ. of California Berkeley
- Item 8: Communist Trade Union Trickery Exposed!, 1949

- Creator: Karl Baarslag, Argus Publishing Co.
- Folder 3: Labor Unions and Community Relations

- Item 1: Training Young Union Leaders in Community Problem Solution, no date

- Item 2: Labor's Role in the War on Poverty, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: The Trade Unions and th Family, 1970

- Creator: Bokforlaget Prsima Stockholm and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 4: Organizaed Labor, Management and the Community, December 1, 1947

- Creator: Prof. John W. McConnell, Industrial and Labor Relations Dept., Cornell Univ.
- Item 5: The Public Interest in Internal Affairs of Unions, July 12, 1957

- Creator: John T. Dunlop
- Item 6: How Community Action Succeeds in East ST. Louis, March 1956

- Creator: reprint from "The International Teamster"
- Item 7: Labor Unions and the Community, 1946

- Creator: Fannia M. Cohn, Workers Education Bureau of America
- Item 8: CIO and the Community, 1951

- Creator: Louis Hollander, NY State Council, Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 9: "Labor and the Community" discussion guides, no date

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 10: "Unions in the Community" booklets, September 1950

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 11: "Labor and the Community" Instructor's Manual, no date

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 12: Labor Unions and Community Relations--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Labor Union Constitutions and By-Laws

- Folder 5: Labor Unions in the Construction Industry

- Folder 6: Labor Union Counsellors and Counseling

- Item 1: Union Counselor's Casebook: Nineteen Stories from the Files of Union Counselors, no date

- Creator: Natl. CIO Community Services Committee
- Item 2: Training Course Manual for the Union Counselling Program, no date

- Creator: Natl. CIO Community Services Committee
- Item 3: Union Counselling: Out of plant services for workers- a practical program for the local unions, circa 1943

- Creator: War Policy Div., UAW-CIO
- Item 4: Union Counselling (community services program guide no.4), no date

- Creator: Natl. CIO Community Services Committee
- Item 5: Union Counseling: A new CIO service for industrial workers, no date

- Creator: National CIO War Relief Committee
- Folder 7: Labor Unions in Czechoslovakia

- Item 1: The Czech-Slav Trades Union Commission in Prague and the Central Committee of the Czech-Slav Social Democratic Labour Party in Austria to the Intl. Congress of Copenhagen, 1910

- Creator: Czech-Slav Trades Union and Intl. Congress of Copenhagen
- Folder 8: Labor Union Directories

- Item 1: Chicago Fed. Of Labor Union Directory: Fiftieth Edition, 1946

- Creator: Chicago Federation of Labor
- Folder 9: Economic Policies of Labor Unions

- Item 1: Eight Ways Out of the Impasse, no date

- Creator: Robert Kutner, Intl. Metalworkers' Federation
- Item 2: Reagan's Unbalanced Budget, February 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Government Spending and the Economy, February 1986

- Item 4: Proceedings of the International Economic Conversion Conference, June 22-24, 1984

- Creator: Boston College
- Item 5: Economic Programs and Policies for the '60s, circa 1960

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 10: Educational Activities of Labor Unions

- Item 1: Building Your Union, 1950

- Creator: Union Leadership Training Project, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 2: Labor in the Schools: How to do it!, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: AFL-CIO Guide to Union Sponsored Scholarships, Awards and Student Financial Aid, 1987

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: "Education for and about Workers, Part 1", 1979

- Creator: "Options in Education" radio series, No.226, National Public Radio and the Institute for Education Leadership, George Washington Univ.
- Item 5: Training for Union Service, 1940

- Creator: Intl. Ladies Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 6: World Affairs and Your Union Education Program, 1957

- Creator: American Labor Education Service
- Item 7: Using Education in Your Union, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: Cultural Barriers Affecting International Labor Training in the United States, April 7, 1962

- Creator: Sydney Minta, Yale Univ.
- Box 92

- Folder 1: Educational Activities of Labor Unions (cont.)

- Item 1: AFL-CIO Guide to Union Sponsored Scholarships, Awards and Student Financial Aid, 1981-1982

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Report of the First Session of the Labour College of Canada June 3 - July 19, 1963, circa 1963

- Creator: Labour College of Canada
- Item 3: UAW-GM Human Resource Center, 1986

- Creator: UAW and General Motors
- Folder 2: Labor Union Employment Services

- Item 1: Hiring Arrangements and the Rule-Making Process in Certain European Ports and in the Port of New York, no date

- Creator: Prof. Vernon H. Jensen, NY School of Industrial and Labor Relations
- Item 2: Earnings, Productivity and the Preferential Hiring Hall in the Construction Industry, September 1960

- Creator: Prof. Kenneth M. McCaffree, Economics Dept., Univ. of Washington
- Folder 3: Labor Union Employment Services--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Labor Union Environmental Policies and Programs

- Folder 5: Labor Unions in Europe

- Folder 6: Factionalism of Labor Unions

- Item 1: To The Point of Production: An interview with John Watson, founder of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers in Detroit, Michigan, 1969

- Creator: Radical Education Project
- Item 2: Working Conditions in GM: A Bird's Eye View, no date

- Creator: John Anderson, UAW
- Item 3: DRUM (Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement) Vol.3, No.9, no date

- Creator: Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement
- Item 4: Wildcat: Dodge Truck, June 1974, circa 1974

- Creator: Black & Red
- Item 5: Spear: The Voice of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers Vol.1, No.1, no date

- Creator: League of Revolutionary Black Workers
- Item 6: Call to an Illinois Trade Union Rank-and-File Action Conference, October 25, 1970

- Creator: Illinois Rank-and-File Conference on Trade Union Activity
- Item 7: Issues of "Inner City Voice", November 1969 - October 1970

- Creator: League of Revolutionary Black Workers
- Item 8: Seattle Semi Vol.2, No.4, June 1973

- Creator: Teamster Rank-and-File
- Item 9: RPM (Revolutions Per Minute), December 1970

- Item 10: The South End Vol.27, No.62, January 23, 1969

- Folder 7: Labor Union Factionalism--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Federation of Labor Unions

- Item 1: To Clear the Record: AFL-CIO Executive Council Report on the Disffiliation of the UAW, circa 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: The Unity Issue Among Railroad Engineers and Firemen, October 1956

- Creator: George R. Horton and Ellsworth Steele
- Item 3: Conference of International Officers, Amer. Fed of Labor, for the purpose of discussing proposed merger and constitution for merged federation, August 12, 1955

- Creator: Amer. Fed. Of Labor
- Item 4: The Merged AFL-CIO Federation: Current Issues, Problems and Prospects, no date

- Creator: Prof. E.B. McNatt, Economics Dept., Univ. of Illinois
- Item 5: Is Merger Between the ICWU, OCAW and Dist. 50 Desirable, And If So, Why Have Attempts to Merge Been Unsuccessful?, December 5, 1974

- Creator: Paper by Ward M. Peters III for LIR 447 class taught by Prof. Philips Garman at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: The Merger of the AFL and the CIO and its Effect on the Economy of the South, May 10-11, 1956

- Creator: Daniel H. Kruger, Commerce Extension Services, Univ. of Alabama
- Folder 9: Labor Unions in Fiji

- Item 1: Trade Unions and Trade Law in Fiji: A Preliminary Study, 1977

- Creator: G.J. Anderson, Massey Univ., New Zealand
- Item 2: Trade Unionism in Fiji, no date

- Creator: K.W. Hince, Univ. of Melbourne
- Folder 10: Labor Union Finances

- Item 1: Analysis of Investment Policies of Trade Unions, June 5, 1952

- Creator: Nathan Belfer
- Item 2: Duties of Local Union Financial Officers, March 1947

- Creator: George F. Addes, Secretary-Treasurer of the UAW-CIO
- Item 3: "Why don't Labor Unions use stock ownership as a means to participate in corporate management?", January 12, 195

- Creator: J. Scott Milne, Intl. Pres., IBEW-AFL
- Item 4: Dues and Initiation Fees in Labor Unions, February 1946

- Creator: Philip Taft, reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of Economics
- Item 5: The Unions and Their Wealth, April 1962

- Creator: A.H. Raskin, NYTimes and Atlantic Monthly
- Item 6: Keeping the Records Straight! A manual for secretarial and financial officers of local unions, October 1951

- Creator: Building Service Employees Intl. Union, AFL
- Folder 11: Labor Unions in Germany

- Item 1: The AF of L at work: Towrads Democracy in Germany, 1947

- Creator: Amer. Fed. Of Labor
- Item 2: Labor Under Hitler, 1935

- Creator: Research Dept., Chest for Liberation of Workers of Europe
- Item 3: Labor's Struggle for Freedom, 1937

- Creator: Chest for the Relief and Liberation of Workers in Europe
- Item 4: Foreign Policy Reports: Social Democracy and Labor in Germany, November 15, 1950

- Creator: Sidney Lens, Foreign Policy Assn., Inc.
- Item 5: Labor News from the US, May 1959

- Creator: United States Information Service
- Item 6: Unions in Democractic and Soviet Germany, January 1953

- Creator: Theodore Lit, Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Labor Dept.
- Folder 12: Labor Union Government Regulation and Policy

- Item 1: Democracy in Trade Unions: A survey, with a program of action, May 1949

- Creator: American Civil Liberties Union
- Item 2: The Role of Legislation in Internal Union Affairs, December 1958

- Creator: Prof. Clyde Summers, Yale Univ. Law School
- Item 3: Oposition to Union Officers in Elections, February 1944

- Creator: Philip Taft
- Item 4: The New Labor Laws, no date

- Creator: Rev. Benjamin L. Masse, S.J. and Prof. Charles Anrod, Loyola Univ. Chicago
- Item 5: Union Powers and Union Functions: Toward a better balance, March 1964

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 6: Labor Economics Conference, November 13-14, 1979

- Creator: ORIT, AFL-CIO and AIFLD
- Folder 13: Labor Union Government Regulation and Policy--Bibliographies

- Folder 14: Labor Unions in Great Britain

- Item 1: Assault on the Unions, Summer 1984

- Creator: Counter Information Services
- Item 2: Trade Unions for Managers?, no date

- Creator: Greg Bamber, Steel Industry Management Association and Senior Research Officer, Heriot-Watt Univ.
- Item 3: The Story of the Dorchester Labourers, 1974

- Creator: British Trades Union Congress
- Item 4: Reprint from "The Manchester School": The TUC Jurisdictional Dispute Settlement, 1924-1957, September 1958

- Creator: Shirley Lerner, Univ. of Manchester
- Item 5: Trade Unions and Productivity: Report and recommendations of a team of British Trade Union officials who investigated the role of unions in increasing productivity in the United States of America, circa 1952

- Creator: British Trades Union Congress
- Item 6: Labour in Britain and the Six, 1962

- Creator: Val Schur, The Economist
- Item 7: Nationalised Industry: The Future of the Unions, 1951

- Creator: The Acton Society Trust
- Item 8: Trade Union Membership, July 1962

- Creator: Political and Economy Planning
- Item 9: I am a Trade Unionist, 1952

- Creator: Herbert Tracey, prepared for the Colonial Office
- Item 10: The Daily Mirror Spotlight on Trade Unions, Spring 1956

- Creator: The Daily Mirror
- Item 11: The Growth of White-Collar Unionism in Great Britain, no date

- Creator: George Sayers Bain, Nuffield College, Oxford
- Item 12: Trade Unions and the Individual, December 1957

- Creator: Cyril Grunfield, the Fabian Society
- Item 13: The Structure and Organisation of British trade unions, December 1963

- Creator: Political and Economy Planning
- Item 14: Trade Unions in a Changing Society, June 1963

- Creator: Political and Economy Planning
- Folder 15: Labor Unions in Great Britain--Bibliographies

- Folder 16: Labor Unions in Hawaii

- Item 1: Writing the History of Hawaiian Labor Unions, May 1967

- Creator: Edward D. Beechert, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Hawaii
- Folder 17: Labor Unions in Hungary

- Item 1: The Bolshevization of the Hungarian Trade Unions, February 1952

- Creator: Robert Gabor, Hungarian Research and Information Center and National Committee for a Free Europe
- Folder 18: Labor Unions in Illinois

- Item 1: Illinois Labor Leaders, 1973, as corrected by Dept. of Labor, June 1973

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Labor
- Item 2: Ethnic Labor Organization Chicago, no date

- Item 3: Directory of Union Printing Offices of Chicago and Vicinity, June 1949

- Creator: Chicago Allied Printing Trades Council
- Item 4: Directory of Labor Organizations and Union Contractors, October 1969

- Creator: East Central Illinois Building and Construction Trades Council
- Folder 19: Labor Unions in India

- Item 1: International Press Correspondence related to India References in World Congresses, ECCI and RTLU Proceedings, 1921-1929

- Box 93

- Folder 1: Labor Unions in India (cont.)

- Item 1: Labour Organisation in India, no date

- Creator: Kastur Chand Lalwani, Artha Vanijya Gabesana Mandir
- Item 2: Trade Unions in India, 1965

- Creator: K.N. Vaid, Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations
- Item 3: Work Behavior of Trade Union Leaders, July 1981

- Creator: K.G. Agrawal and T.K. Pachal, Natinal Labour Institute
- Folder 2: Labor Unions in India--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Union Informal Organization

- Item 1: Organisation Theory and Trade Unions, August 1963

- Folder 4: Labor Unions in Israel

- Item 1: Backdrop Histadrut, Novemer 1984

- Creator: National Committee for Labor Israel
- Item 2: Union Structure and Rank and File Revolt: The Israeli Experience, February 1974

- Creator: Abraham Friedman, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 3: Labor News from Israel Vol.1, Nos.2 and 3, February - March 1977

- Creator: Embassy of Israel, Washington, DC
- Item 4: The Associates, May 1973

- Creator: Israel Histadrut Associates
- Folder 5: Labor Union in Japan

- Item 1: Directory of Labour Administration, Major Trade Unions and Employers' Associations in Japan, December 1999 - February 2000

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 2: Directory of Labour Administration, Major Trade Unions and Employers' Associations in Japan, December 1995 - February 1996

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 3: Labor Unions in Postwar Japan, June 1960

- Creator: Makoto Sakurabayashi, Sophia Univ.
- Item 4: Some Characteristics of the Japanese Teachers Union, June 30, 1964

- Creator: Taishiro Shirai, Research Associate, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: All Japan Federation of Electrical Machines Workers Union (EWU-Denk--roren): General Information, no date

- Creator: All Japan Fed. Of Electrical Machines Wkrs.
- Item 6: Japanese Labour Unions, no date

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 7: United Steelworkers of America Report: Steelworkers' Mission to Japan, May 16 - June 6, 1960

- Creator: Joseph Germano and Lester H. Thornton, United Steelworkers of America
- Item 8: Appeal to the World on the Matsukawa Frame-Up Case - A Rosenberg Case in Japan, circa 1957

- Creator: Matsukawa Case Committee
- Item 9: Rodo Kyoyakusho (Collective Bargaining Agreement) NB this document is entirely in Japanese Kanji, Apri 1, 1958

- Item 10: The Labor Union Movement in Postwar Japan, 1954

- Creator: Daily Labor Press, Inc.
- Item 11: Appeal on Infringement of Japanese Workers' Rights of Organization and United Action (Documents for Discussion at 40th ILO Session), June 1, 1957

- Creator: General Counsel of Trade Unions of Japan
- Item 12: Present Problems of Japanese Trade Union Movement -Appeal to the Workers of All Countries-, 1959

- Creator: General Counsel of Trade Unions of Japan
- Item 13: Report of the Steelworkers Strike Tactics Mission to Japan, May 16 - June 6, 1960

- Creator: Joseph Germano and Lester H. Thornong, United Steelworkers of America
- Item 14: Japanese Labor Unionism: Hybrid Plant in Strange Soil, November 24, 1953

- Creator: Ruth Barrett
- Item 15: Central Organization of Japanese Trade Unions, November 1954

- Creator: Occupational Evangelism Committee, Church of Christ in Japan
- Item 16: Struggles of Metal and Engineering Workers of Japan: Report to the second Intl. Conference of Metal and Engineering Wkrs., no date

- Creator: Second Internatinal Conference of Metal and Engineering Wkrs.
- Item 17: Prospects of Japanese Labor, May 1954

- Creator: Prof. Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR, published by the American Institute of Pacific Relations
- Item 18: Summary of the Labor Press in Japan, no date

- Folder 6: Labor Union Jurisdiction

- Item 1: Plan For Settling Jurisdictional Disputes Nationally and Locally, January 1958 - June 1975

- Creator: Building and Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Procedural Rules and Regulations of the National Joint Board for Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes, Building and Construction Industry, April 1962 - June 1975

- Item 3: Resolution on Enforcement Procedures in Jurisdictional Dispute Cases Under the Plan for Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes in the Construction Industry, no date

- Item 4: The Resolution of Jurisdictional Disputes in the Building Trades and Economic Prospects for the Industry: Proceedings of a conference, June 28, 1957

- Creator: Frank Bonadio et al, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 5: AFL-CIO No-Raiding Agreement, June 10, 1954

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 6: Competitive Unionism in the Chemical Industry, October 1959

- Creator: Arnold R. Weber
- Item 7: Organizational Rivalry Among American Unions, January 1960

- Creator: Joseph Krislov
- Item 8: Work Rules Agreement, June 1, 1973

- Creator: Building and Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 9: Statistical Report, National Joint Board for Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes, 1972 - 1973

- Creator: Impartial Jurisidictional Disputes Board
- Item 10: Jurisdictional Problems in Construction, February 21, 1974

- Creator: Business Roundtable
- Item 11: Dictionary of Women in the Labor Movement, December 3, 1974

- Creator: Betty Hunter, United Retail Wkrs. Union, for an independent study as part of the Chicago Labor Education Program, UIUC ILIR
- Item 12: Wimpy: Can a Loud-Mouthed Auto Mechanic from Cleveland be the Great Pink Hope?, January 1979

- Creator: Ron Chernow, Mother Jones Magazine
- Item 13: Joe Hill: Poet and Agitator, November 1990

- Creator: Ingvar Soderstrom, Swedish Information Service
- Item 14: George Meany's Way Isn't the President's, January 1972

- Creator: A.H. Raskin, NYTimes Magazine
- Item 15: Mother Jones, Woman Organizer, and her relations with miners' wives, working women and the suffrage movement, no date

- Creator: Priscilla Long
- Item 16: Gene Debs: Magnificent Rebel, no date

- Item 17: ILIR Colloqium 1985: Owen Bieber, Pres., Intl. Union UAW, March 1985

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 18: How Powerful is Labor Leadership? An NBC radio discussion with C. Wright Mills, Joel Seidman and Lee C. Shaw, May 8, 1949

- Creator: Univ. of Chicago Roundtable
- Item 19: Pioneers of Labor, 1949

- Creator: Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, AFL
- Item 20: The Name is Hoffa: A Profile of Detroit's James R. Hoffa, Vice-Pres. Of the Intl. Bro. of Teamsters, April 20, 1956

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Teamsters
- Item 21: Officers' Guide, Intl. Assoc. of Machinists, no date

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Machinists
- Item 22: Biographical File on Harold J. Gibbons

- Item 23: Biographical File on Harry R. Bridges

- Item 24: Federation News Special: Centennial of Samuel Gompers' Birth, September 2, 1950

- Creator: Amer. Fed. Of Labor
- Item 25: Harry Bridges: A discussion of the latest effort to deport civil liberties and the rights of American labor, March 1941

- Creator: Dalton Trumbo, League of American Writers
- Item 26: The Law and Harry Bridges, Febraury 1952

- Creator: Bridges-Robertson-Schmidt Defense Committee
- Folder 7: Labor Unions in Korea

- Item 1: Korean Labor Union Statistics (almost entirely in Korean), 1992

- Creator: possibly the Korean Labor Institute
- Item 2: Die Strategie der Gewershaft in der Republik Korea, 1987

- Creator: Prof. Jong-Tae Choi, Seoul Natl. Univ.
- Folder 8: Labor Unions in Latin America

- Item 1: Face to Face: An Inside View of Labor in Nicaragua, circa 1982

- Creator: American Labor Education Center
- Item 2: Trade Union Rights, Peace and Democracy in Central America: Report of a Delegation of AFL-CIO Union Presidents to Nicaragua nad El Xalvador, September 1987

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 9: Leaders and Leadership of Labor Unions

- Item 1: Joseph Daniel Keenan - 60 Years of Membership, 20 Years as Secretary, no date

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Electrical Wkrs.
- Item 2: The Characteristics of Female and Male Local Union Officers, October 1986

- Creator: Gary N. Chaison et al, Univ. of Windsor
- Item 3: John L. Lewis: Samson of Labor, no date

- Item 4: Dorothy Day: Journalist, Anarchist Saint?, December 1999

- Creator: Chicago Tribune Magazine
- Item 5: John L. Lewis Exposed!, 1937

- Creator: Eric Haas, Socialist Labor Party
- Item 6: John L. Lewis: Labor's Strong-Willed Organizer, 1973

- Creator: Gerald Kurkland
- Box 94

- Folder 1: Leaders and Leadership of Labor Unions (cont.)

- Item 1: Luigi Antonini: His Influence on Italian-American Relations, 1950

- Creator: John Stewart Crawford: Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Arts Degree, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 2: Storm over Bridges, September 1941

- Creator: Leo Huberman, Harry Bridges Defense Committee
- Item 3: "In the matter of Harry R. Bridges", August 1941

- Creator: Citizens Committee for Harry Bridges
- Item 4: Citizens for Harry Bridges: Production Soldier, November 1942

- Creator: Leo Huberman, Harry Bridges Defense Committee
- Item 5: Union Leadership: IUMSWA, no date

- Creator: Intl. Union of Marine Shipbuilding Wkrs. Of America, CIO
- Item 6: Union Leadership: IUMSWA, 1947

- Creator: Jack Barbash
- Item 7: Unions and Union Leaders of their Own Choosing, December 1957

- Creator: Clark Kerr, Fund for the Republic
- Item 8: George Meany: The making of a freedom fighter, November 1979

- Creator: Natl. Trade Union Council for Human Rights, Jewish Labor Committee
- Folder 2: Leaders and Leadership of Labor Unions--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Unions in Malaysia

- Item 1: The Registration and Control of Trade Unions in West Malaysia, no date

- Creator: K.S. Nijhar
- Item 2: Relationship Between Trade Unionism and Cooperation in Developing Countries, June 1966

- Creator: L.J. Fredericks and K.S. Nijhar
- Item 3: "Trade Union Movement A Success in Malaya", August 1, 1957

- Creator: Derrick Sington, British Information Service
- Folder 4: Labor Unions in Massachusetts

- Folder 5: Members and Membership of Labor Unions

- Item 1: Industrial Relations in Canada and the United States: Uniformity andDivergence, 1991

- Creator: School of Industrial Relations, Queen's Univ. at Kingston
- Item 2: Large Gains in California Union Membership, February 5, 1965

- Creator: California St. Dept. of Industrial Relations
- Item 3: State of the Unions: Addressing Diversity Confounds Organized Labor, July/August 1991

- Creator: Luis M. Corral, Chicago Enterprise
- Item 4: Survey of Union Policy Toward Older Workers, 1954

- Creator: Wayne K. Kirchner and Marvin D. Dunnette, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 5: "Growth and Expansion: Difficulties in Estimating Union Membership, Extent of Distribution of Union Members in 1929,", no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: Union Growth and Structural Cycles, December 1954

- Creator: Irving Bertstein, with commentary by Russell Allen, Intl. Bro. of Paper Makers, AFL
- Item 7: How to Reach the Union Member, 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: Distribution of Union Membership Among the States 1939 and 1953, 1957

- Creator: Leo Troy, Natl. Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
- Folder 6: Members and Membership of Labor Union--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Labor Unions in the Metropolitan Transportation Industry

- Item 1: The History of Mass Transit Unions in America, no date

- Folder 8: Labor Unions and Minority Groups

- Item 1: Labor Unions and Minority Groups in Metropolitan Chicago, January 1958

- Creator: Prepared by Mirro Romanow, Research Analysit at the Illinois Commission on Human Relations, for the State of Illinois
- Item 2: The Chicago Plan: An Agreement for the Implementation of Employment of Minorities in the Chicago Building and Construction Industry, January 12, 1970

- Creator: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
- Item 3: Labor and Civil Rights, 1958

- Item 4: The Chicano in the Labor Movement and Racism, 1900-1973

- Item 5: Report of NAACP Labor Dept. at the Annual Meeting, Jan. 2, 1961

- Creator: Herbert Hill, NAACP
- Item 6: Racial Discrimination and the ILGWU in New York City: Statement of the NAACP, November 1962

- Creator: NAACP
- Item 7: Labor Unions and the Negro, December 1959

- Creator: Herbert Hill, NAACP
- Item 8: Training without regard to race, creed or color, October 1, 1969

- Creator: Intl. Union of Operating Engineers
- Item 9: Unions and Racism, 1980

- Creator: Shelby Shapiro, Industrial Wkrs. Of the World.
- Item 10: Racism and Organized Labor, February 8, 1971

- Creator: Herbert Hill, NAACP, published in "New School Bulletin," vol.28 No.6, New School for Social Research
- Item 11: Racism and Southern Unions, CIRCA 1960

- Creator: Ben Segal, Education Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 12: The Negro Wage-Earner and Apprenticeship Training Programs: A critical analysis with recommendations, March 1961

- Creator: NAACP
- Item 13: Racism Within Organized Labor: A report of five years of the AFL-CIO 1955-1960, circa 1960

- Creator: NAACP
- Item 14: Labor Looks at the Crisis in Civil Rights, January 1959

- Creator: Jewish Labor Committee
- Folder 9: Labor Unions and Minority Groups--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Labor Unions in New Jersey

- Folder 11: Labor Unions in New York

- Item 1: "The Working Press" Vol.5, no.2, May 1990

- Creator: Tompkins-Cortland Labor Coalition, NY
- Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change

- Box 95

- Folder 1: Labor Union Officers and Staff

- Item 1: The Technical Engineering Service of an American Trade Union, possibly circa 1950

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 2: The Union Business Agent's Perspective of his Job, July 1957

- Creator: Hjalmar Rosen and R.A. hudson Rosen, Univ. of Illinois
- Folder 2: Labor Unions in Ohio

- Folder 3: Labor Union Organization and Administration

- Item 1: How to Conduct a Union Meeting, possibly circa 1950

- Creator: Federation of Glass, Ceramic and Silica Sand Workers of America, CIO
- Item 2: Making Union Meetings Effective: Manual prepared for educational projects with labor groups in Illinois, no date

- Creator: Prof. Richard Murphy, speech dept., UIUC and UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: Women's Project For Union Democracy, no date

- Creator: Association for Union Democracy
- Item 4: The Vital Links of the AFL-CIO: Role and function of state and local central bodies, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: The Challenge Facing Central Labor Bodies, May 1961

- Creator: Stanton E. Smith, Tennessee State AFL-CIO, printed in "American Federationist"
- Item 6: Problems of Union Organization, no date

- Creator: Sponsored by Council 34, Amer. Fed. Of State, County and Municipal employees and conducted by UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: The Impact of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 on internal Union Organization and Operations, January 1976

- Creator: Doris B. McLaughlin and Anita W. Schoonmaker, Univ. of Michigan/Wayne St. Univ. ILIR for the US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: How to Run a Union Meeting, 1923-1969

- Creator: Workers Education Bureau, AFL and AFL-CIO
- Item 9: The Role of Law in Preserving Union Democracy, no date

- Creator: Archibald Cox
- Item 10: Judicial Procedure in Labor Unions, may 1945

- Creator: Philip Taft, Quarterly Journal of Economics
- Item 11: Union Self-Discipline and the Freedom of Individual Workers, April 30, 1958

- Creator: David L. Cole
- Item 12: Bureaucracy and Democracy in Labor Unions, Fall 1943

- Creator: Will Herberg
- Item 13: The Coal Miners: A Study of Union Control, August 1954

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, UIUC ILIR and Jack London, Univ. of California at Berkeley
- Item 14: Democracy in Trade Unions: A survey, with a program of action, May 1949

- Creator: American Civil Liberties Union
- Item 15: Democracy in Labor Unions: A Report and Statement of Policy, June1952

- Creator: American Civil Liberties Union
- Item 16: Democracy in Trade Unions: A Comment on an Article by Philip Taft, May 1946

- Creator: Lloyd G. Reynolds
- Item 17: Power and the Pattern of Union Government, May 2, 1958

- Creator: Jack Barbash, Prof. of Labor Education, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 18: The Voluntary Basis of Trade Unionism, February 20, 1925

- Creator: Samuel Gompers, published by the Workers Education Bureau of America
- Item 19: A Labor Union "Bill of Rights," Democracy in Labor Unions, The Kennedy-Ives Bill: Statements by the ACLU, September 1958

- Creator: American Civil Liberties Union
- Item 20: Some Efforts at Democractic Union Participation, December 30, 1957

- Creator: Ben Segal, Intl. Union of Electrical Wkrs., AFL-CIO
- Item 21: Local Union Government: Sample constitutions and by-laws for local unions, June 30, 1947

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers, AFL
- Item 22: IUMSWA Training program: Public Speaking, no date

- Creator: Intl. Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Wkrs. Of America, CIO
- Item 23: Concerning the Local Union meeting The heart of self-government, April 1948

- Creator: A.G. Host, reprinted by the Intl. Bro. of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Wkrs., AFL
- Item 24: Handbook for Local Union Fair Practices Comittees, August 17, 1946

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Item 25: Case Studies in Union Administration: Relationships Between Local Union Leaders and Their Constituents, October 1965

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Folder 4: Labor Union Organization and Administration--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Labor Union Organizing Activities

- Item 1: Breaking Up Old Hatreds and Breaking Through the Fear: The Emergence of the Packinghouse Workers Organizing Committee in Chicago, 1933-1940, no date

- Creator: Paul Street
- Item 2: Handbook of Trade Union Methods, 1948

- Creator: Intl. Ladies' Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 3: Do's and Don'ts for Supervisors: legal information to help you during a union organizing campaign, no date

- Creator: Wessels & Pautsch, Attorneys at Law
- Item 4: "Organising for Keeps" - Trade Union Organising in the United States: Report to the TUC New Unionism Task Group and Organising Academy Steering Group, July 7, 1998

- Creator: Edmund Heery, Cardiff Univ., and Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 5: "ILIR Colloqium. The South and Organizing, which is the general subject that I' going to talk about somewhat, is obviously a frontier for the American Labor Movement", December 5, 1980

- Creator: Scott Hoyman
- Item 6: Winning the Hearts and Minds of your Employees, 1986

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Box 96

- Folder 1: Labor Union Organizing Activities (cont. I)

- Item 1: Hospital Employer's Campaign! Memoranda to Member Hospitals: "How to beat the union organizing", no date

- Creator: American Hospital Assoc.
- Item 2: Union Free Refresher, November 12, 1995

- Creator: Timber Products Mfg./Solberg Trucking
- Item 3: Numbers that Count: A Manual on Internal Organizing, June 1988

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: The Union Organizer's Contact Form, December 1956

- Creator: Union Research and Education Projects, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 5: Fighters and Facilitators: The Class Consciousness of Union Organizers, Spring 1994

- Creator: Masters Paper by Sam Smucker, readers: Prof. John Walsh and Prof. Stanley Rosen
- Item 6: Materials from the ICWU campaign to organize workers at Abbott Co., circa 1964

- Creator: Intl. Chem. Wkrs. Union-Abbott Organizing Committee
- Item 7: Southern Exposure Vol.IV, Nos.1 and 2: "Here Come a Wind: Labor on the Move.", no date

- Creator: "Southern Exposure"
- Item 8: Tips for Supervisors: A Guide to Answering Questions Most Often Asked During a Union Organizing Campaign, no date

- Creator: Wessels & Pautsch, Attorneys at Law
- Item 9: Developing New Tactics: Winning with coordinated corporate campaigns, 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: "What is this all about? This questionnaire is the beginning of a project sponsored by the Oil Workers District Council No.6", December 1951

- Creator: Oil Wkrs. Dist. Council No.6 and Univ. of Chicago Industrial Relations Center
- Item 11: "Notes on Delegate Responses: The responses to the pretest of the oil workers questionnaire administered in Hammond Oct. 27, 1951 to 56 delegates", Nov. 27, 1951

- Creator: John Hammond, Project Dir.
- Item 12: Why some workers don't join unions, December 1956

- Creator: Union Research and Education Projects, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 13: What Can Be Done to Build a Stronger Union?, December 1953

- Creator: Union Research and Education Projects, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 14: "Chicago Staff Meeting: John McCollum presenting Univ. of Chicago Union Survey on why some workers don't join unions", Jan. 19, 1957

- Creator: Union Research and Education Projects, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 15: Materials from JP Stevens Organizing Campaingns, circa 1970s

- Creator: Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Wkrs. Union, AFL-CIO-CLC
- Item 16: A Handbook for Organizers, 1950

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Machinists
- Item 17: Oganizing Work Book, no date

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Machinists
- Item 18: Why Workers Join Unions, 1945

- Creator: E Wight Bakke, Yale Univ. and American Management Assoc.
- Item 19: The Legal Setting for the Emergence of the Union Avoidance Strategy, June 1983

- Creator: Janice A. Klein, Ph.D. Candidate and David Wagner Esq., Labor Law Lecturer, presented at the MIT/Union Conference
- Item 20: All Rights Denied: The effect of the Taft-Hartley Law on the Organizing Efforts of the Employees of the Catham Mfg. Co., Elkin, North Carolina, December 1955 and May 1956

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America, AFL-CIO
- Box 97

- Folder 1: Labor Union Organizing Activities (cont. II)

- Item 1: Correspondence Between Dave Minnis, Intl. Representative of the UAW, and Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas, circa 1990

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs.
- Item 2: Correspondence within the UAW about the aforementioned controversy in Arkansas, circa 1990

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs.
- Item 3: Industrial Democracy Vol.V, No.7 "This Issue: Fordism", October 1937

- Creator: Carl Raushenbush et al, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 4: "This is the story of what happens in a Southern community when working people try to organize a Union", circa 1957

- Creator: Intl. Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, AFL-CIO
- Item 5: First Aids for Organizers, 1947

- Creator: Educational Dept., Intl. Ladies' Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 6: Ethical Guidelines for a Religious Institution Confronted by a Union, Spring 1984

- Creator: Ed Marciniak, Institute of Urban Life, Loyola Univ. Chicago
- Item 7: Excerpts from the San Fernando State College Survey Report: "Attitudes of Voters in Collective Bargaining NLRB Elections, Los Angeles and Orange Counties Calif., 1966-1967", 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: "Almost Unbelievable" The Story of an Industry, a Union and a Law, 1961

- Creator: Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 9: The Supervisor's Handbook on Maintaining Non-Union Status, 1974

- Creator: Executive Enterprises Publications Co.
- Item 10: Organizing the New Immigrants: The Hispanic Trade Unionists' Perspectives, May 1983

- Creator: Geoffrey Fox, Occaisonal Paper No. 40 of the New York Univ.
- Item 11: A Proposed Framework for the Study of the Process of Organizing Unions, December 17, 1971

- Creator: Mike Meyers, tutorial for Prof. Stanley Rosen
- Item 12: Local Administration: Building the Union Through Organizing - READINGS, no date

- Creator: Prof. Stan Rosen, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Bayway Refinery Study, no date

- Item 14: A Report on the OCAWIU Organizing Effort and the Representation Election at the Whiting Refinery of the Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, September 1956

- Creator: Union Research and Education Project, Univ. of Chicago
- Folder 2: Labor Union Organizing Activities--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Unions in Papua New Guinea

- Item 1: Workers' Organizations in Papua and New Guinea

- Folder 4: Labor Unions in the Philippines

- Item 1: Philippine Labor Monitor - Philippine Trade Unionism: A Situationer, 1985

- Creator: Institute for Labor Research and Documentation
- Item 2: Philippine Labor Data File, circa 1971

- Creator: UP. Asian Labor Education Center
- Folder 5: Labor Union Policies and Program

- Item 1: Is Innovation a Management Prerogative? Changing Employment Relationships, Innovative Unions, May 1993

- Creator: Peter Leisink, Univ. of Warwick
- Item 2: The Extended Meaning and Dminished Relevance of "Job Conscious" Unionism, no date

- Creator: Abraham J. Siegel, MIT
- Item 3: Labor's Aims in War and Peace, 1944

- Creator: Amy Hewes, Commission to Study the Organization of Peace
- Item 4: Proposal to Limit Campaign Contributions Submitted to Congress, July 1956

- Creator: United Automobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Implement Wkrs. Of America
- Item 5: Labor and the Liberal Tradition, 1971

- Creator: Lane Kirkland, AFL-CIO, published by the League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 6: Taxation The Key to Mass Buying Power and Full Employment in an Expanding Economy, April 13, 1954

- Creator: Walter P. Reuther, Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Folder 6: Labor Union Political Activities

- Item 1: The Labor Bosses: America's Third Party, July 1958

- Creator: Senate Republican Policy Committee
- Item 2: Trying to get your union on record against the war? Here's Your Ammunition!, circa 1971

- Creator: National Coordinating Committee for Trade Union Activity and Democracy
- Item 3: National Survey of AFL-CIO Union Members, August 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education
- Item 4: Organized Labor Casts its Vote: 1998 Illinois Post-Election Survey, circa 1998

- Creator: Prof. Robert Bruno, Chicago Labor Education Program, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: The Labor Vote in Danville, January 3, 1973

- Creator: Michael Hansell, for LIR 447, taught at the UIUC ILIR by Prof. Philips Garman
- Item 6: Political Consciousness in a Labor Union, June 10, 1951

- Creator: J. Seidman et al., Univ. of Chicago
- Item 7: An Evaluation of the Political Education Program of the Rubber Workers' Union, November 1, 1966

- Creator: Paula J. Paley, for LIR 447, taught at the UIUC ILIR by Prof. Philips Garman
- Item 8: History of Labor Party Movements in the United States, no date

- Creator: Fred Whitehead, People's Culture
- Item 9: Union Political Action: The Member Speaks, April 1954

- Creator: Profs. Ruth Alice Hudson and Hjalmar Rosen, UIUC
- Item 10: Citizenship In Operation (CIO), circa 1950

- Creator: Wisconsin State Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 11: Guide to Political Action, 1948

- Creator: United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America
- Item 12: Labour Politics in USA, circa 1949

- Creator: Mark Starr, w/ a foreword by Margaret Cole, Fabian Intl. Bureau
- Item 13: Manual of Practical Political Action, no date

- Creator: National Citizens' Political Action Committee
- Item 14: Mask for Reaction (Report NO.2, Los Angeles County AFL-CIO), May 1962

- Creator: Los Angeles County Fed. Of Labor, AFL-CIO
- Box 98

- Folder 1: Labor Union Political Activities (cont.)

- Item 1: War, Jobs, Parity, McCarthy: Influences in the 1954 Mid-Term Elections, 1954

- Creator: Public Affairs Institute
- Item 2: 1964 Speaker's Handbook, circa 1964

- Creator: Committee on Political Education, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Questions About the Battle in Korea, May 1951

- Creator: CIO Political Action Committee
- Item 4: Congress, Labor and the Election, December 15, 1938

- Creator: Address by William Green, AFL, to the Economic Club of Chicago
- Item 5: The Two-Thirds Society, circa 1986

- Creator: Peter Glotz, Intl. Metalworkers' Fed.
- Item 6: California Labor League for Political Education, December 8, 1958

- Creator: California AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Rule 22: An Unconstitutional Roadblock to Democratic Legislation, possibly circa 1950

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 8: Here's the Answer: Fact book on key legislation, September 1950

- Creator: Labor's League for Political Education
- Item 9: Labor Lobby Day, Springfield, IL, June 2, 1981

- Creator: Ronald W. Cullinan
- Item 10: The Wallace Labor Record, circa 1968

- Creator: Southern Committee on Political Ethics
- Item 11: George C. Wallace: The Man and the Men Behind Him, circa 1968

- Creator: Southern Committee on Political Ethics
- Item 12: "Leading Southerners Establish SCOPE", October 1968

- Creator: Southern Committee on Political Ethics
- Item 13: Modern Democracy and Labor's Rights, August 1963

- Creator: Herman Erickson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 14: The Politics of US Labor from the Great Depression to the New Deal, Fall 1982

- Creator: David Milton, Monthly Review Press
- Item 15: For "Limited" as against "Total" Unionism, 1946

- Creator: Will Herberg, ILGWU
- Item 16: Governmental Organization and Public Policy, January 1953

- Creator: Prof. Murray Edelman, Political Science Dept., UIUC
- Item 17: The Impact of the Political Left, no date

- Creator: Bernard Karsh and Philips L. Garman, from "Labor and the New Deal"
- Item 18: Labor Relations and Political Action - The Challenge to Management, with a paper on social insurance, 1949

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Folder 2: Labor Union Political Activities--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Union Public Relations

- Item 1: Intl. Labor Press Assoc. Pres Relations Guide, circa 1961

- Creator: Intl. Labor Press Assoc.
- Item 2: Radio Handbook, circa 1944

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: Strike Publicity Guide for Local Unions, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Public Relations Manual for Local Unions, 1949

- Creator: American Fed. Of Musicians of the United States and Canada
- Item 5: Union Public Relations: Working Manual for the Steward Officer, 1953

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 6: "How People Make Up Their Minds About Unions", January 28, 1950

- Creator: Prof. Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: IAM Television Entertainment Report - Parts I and II, 1980

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Machinists
- Item 8: "Drumming Up Support for the 35-Hour Week", February 12, 1984

- Creator: German Tribune, No.1120
- Item 9: Are You Planning a Union Booth at Your State or County Fair? Learn from the experience of other CIO Unions, July 1950

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 10: There Are No Master Races!, 1944

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations and True Comics
- Item 11: Public Relations for Labor, no date

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., affiliated with the AFL
- Item 12: Unions Talk to the Public, October 12, 1958

- Creator: Conference Sponsored by Labor Bodies in Madison and St. Clair Counties, AFL-CIO and the UIUC ILIR
- Folder 4: Labor Union Public Review Boards

- Item 1: A More Perfect Union The UAW Public Review Board: Why, What, How, circa 1957

- Creator: United Auto Workers
- Item 2: AFT's Public Review Board: Lessons from another union, 1967

- Creator: David Y. Klein
- Folder 5: Labor Unions in Puerto Rico

- Item 1: Union Membership in Puerto Rico in June 1970, circa 1970s

- Creator: Ruven A. Vilches, Puerto Rico Labor Dept.
- Folder 6: Labor Unions Radio and Television Broadcasting

- Folder 7: Labor Union Rights and Responsibilities

- Item 1: Yes- Human Rights: An Account of Labor's New Role in the Community, circa 1943

- Creator: Matthew Woll, Labor League for Human Rights, AFL
- Item 2: A New Field for Labor: Its Social Responsibilities in the Postwar World, May 24, 1944

- Creator: Matthew Woll, Labor League for Human Rights, AFL
- Item 3: Piercing the Duty of Fair Representation: The Dichotomy Between Negotiations and Grievance Handling, 1979

- Creator: Fredric C. Leffler, Univ. of Illinois Law Forum
- Item 4: Union Powers and Union Functions: Toward a better balance, March 1964

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 5: Should Unions Be Incorporated?, 1947

- Creator: Louis Waldman, Attorney, New York
- Item 6: "Labor and Responsibility", Spring 1940

- Creator: Philip Murray, CIO, reprinted from The Virginia Quarterly Review Vol.16, No.2
- Item 7: Union-Employer Responsibility, January 16, 1939

- Creator: Lyle Cooper, Industrial Economist, Natl. Labor Relations Board
- Item 8: Collective Bargaining Provisions: Union Rights, Activities and Responsibilities, October 1948

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 8: Labor Unions in South Africa

- Item 1: A Question of Solidarity: Independent Trade Unions in South Africa, October 1982

- Creator: Socialst Forum for Southern African Solidarity, UK
- Item 2: Trade Union Action on Namibian Uranium, 1982

- Creator: SWAPO of Namibia
- Item 3: Black Workers Under Siege: The repression of black trade unions in South Africa, circa 1985

- Creator: Africa Fund and District Council 37, AFSCME
- Folder 9: Labor Unions in Spain

- Item 1: Material from The Chicago Committee to Defend Labor Victims of Franco, circa 1953

- Creator: Chicago Committee to Defend Labor Victims of Franco
- Item 2: Labor Unions in Spain--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Labor Union Structure

- Item 1: Problem of Structure in American Labor, March 1937

- Creator: Philip Taft, American Economic Review
- Item 2: The USWA's Internal Structure for Bargaining Purposes, January 5, 1972

- Creator: Terry R. Hindmarch, for LIR 447 taught by Prof. Garman at the UIUC ILIR
- Folder 11: Labor Unions in Sweden

- Item 1: This is How the Trade Unions Work Together With Verdandi: Trade union social work in practice, November 1986

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 2: Academic Trade Unions in Sweden, 1953

- Creator: Central Organisation of Academics in Sweden
- Item 3: The Trade Union Movement and the Newly Industrialized Countries: Report of the Swedish Trade Union Confed. Mission to East Asia, no date

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 4: Trade Union Organization in the Future: Summary of a Report to the 1991 LO Congress, circa 1991

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 5: Fackforeningsrorelsen: Trade Unions in Sweden, 1961

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 6: "US and Canadian Union Members Trade Views with Scandinavian Workers", July 1954

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 7: RESEARCH: A Question for the Trade Union Movement, no date

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 8: The Trade Union Movement and the Multinationals, 1976

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 9: The Trade Union Movement and the Social Policy, 1976

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 10: The Trade Union Movement and the Family Policy, 1976

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Folder 12: Labor Unions in Taiwan (empty)

- Folder 13: Labor Union Trusteeships

- Folder 14: Labor Unions in the USSR

- Item 1: Journey to the Soviet Trade Unions: An American Eyewitness Report, 1965

- Creator: Charles R. Allen, Jr.
- Item 2: Soviet Trade Unions Today: Organisation and Activities, 1972

- Creator: All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions
- Item 3: Soviet Workers and their Unions: A reply to the British Iron and Steel Trades' Confed., 1946

- Creator: Ernest Thornton, Natl. Secretary, Fed. Ironworkers Assoc. of Australia
- Item 4: "Trade Unions" In the USSR, September 26, 1979

- Creator: Paul Barton, AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News
- Item 5: The Local Union in Soviet Industry: Its Relations With Members, Party and Management, January 1960

- Creator: Prof. Emily Clark Brown, Economics Dept., Vassar College
- Item 6: Trade Unions in the USSR, February 1953

- Creator: Solomon M. Schwartz
- Item 7: USSR Information Bulletin Vol. XI, No. 24, December 1951

- Creator: Soviet Embassy in Washington, DC
- Item 8: Labor's Stake in American-Soviet Friendship: Addresses by William Green, R.J. Thomas, William McFetridge, Joseph Curran and others to commemorate the tenth anniversary of American-Soviet Relations, 1943

- Creator: National Council of American-Soviet Friendship
- Item 9: Soviet Trade Unions -and- Workers and Management at a Textile Mill, no date

- Creator: Andrei Verbin
- Item 10: What Happened to the Trade Unions Behind the Iron Curtain, November 1948

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor Intl. Labor Relations Committee
- Item 11: Labor and the Soviet System, April 1951

- Creator: Romuald Szumski, Natl. Committee for a Free Europe
- Item 12: Soviet Trade Unions: Fifty Questions Answered, circa 1943

- Creator: Lawrence and Wishart Publishers, London
- Item 13: Norwegian Labor Looks At The United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, circa 1950

- Creator: Norwegian Natl. Trade Union Delegations
- Item 14: Organized Labor in The Soviet Union, 1943

- Creator: Edwin Smith, National Council of American-Soviet Friendship
- Folder 15: Labor Unions in Venezuela

- Item 1: El Movimiento Sindical de Venezuela Vctima del Despotismo Militar, no date

- Creator: Organizacion Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores
- Folder 16: Labor Unions in Vermont

- Folder 17: Labor Union Wage Policies

- Item 1: Wage Policy in our Expanding Economy, circa 1952

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Folder 18: Labor Union Wartime Policies and Practices

- Item 1: The CIO Defense Plan, circa 1940

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 2: Do We Have a Stake in this War?, March 1941

- Creator: Alfred Baker Lewis, Trade Union Div. Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies
- Item 3: Labor's Year of Decision: 1944, circa 1943

- Creator: Sidney Hillman, Win the War and Win the Peace Pamphlet Series
- Item 4: Labor's Role in Government Agencies During World War II, 1957

- Creator: Bruno Stein
- Folder 19: Labor Union Welfare Activities

- Item 1: The Picture that Came to Life The story of the Sidney Hillman Medical Center of the Male Apparel Industry, Philadelphia, 1951

- Creator: Amalgamated Clothing Wkrs. Of America
- Folder 20: Labor Unions in Wyoming

- Folder 21: Labor Unions in Yugoslavia

- Item 1: Yugoslav Trade Unions Under New Conditions, 1959

- Creator: Yugoslav Confed. of Trade Unions
- Item 2: The Truth About Yugoslav Trade Unions, 1952

- Creator: Yugoslav Confed. of Trade Unions
- Item 3: Trade Unionism in Yugoslavia, October 1964

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 4: Significant Visits to Belgrade: Yugoslav Review, 1955

- Creator: Yugoslav Review
- Box 99

- Folder 1: Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Industries

- Folder 2: Layoffs

- Item 1: Can Downsizing of Older, Well-Educated Males in the 1990s be attributed to Frm Reneging on Implicit Contrcts?, November 1999

- Creator: David J. Balan, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 2: Exploring Alternatives to Downsizing, 1998

- Creator: Rick Maurer, Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's Univ., Ontario
- Item 3: Military Base Closures: Federal Programs to Assist Civilian Employees and their Communities, 1993

- Creator: Public Employee Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 4: E.J. Brach: A Misadventure in Candyland, May 1994

- Creator: Economic and Social Analysis by the Midwest Center for Labor Research, for the Garfield Austin Interfaith Action Network and the Intl. Bro. of Teamsters, Local 738
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Bulletin: Facts & Figures, 2008

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Folder 3: Layoffs--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Lea Act

- Folder 5: Leadership in Industry

- Item 1: Leadership and Executive Performance, 1949

- Creator: Carroll L. Shartle
- Item 2: The Contingency Model: Some Implications of its Statistical and Methodological Properties, August 1972

- Creator: Cpt. Samuel C. Shiflett, US Army Medical Research Laboratory
- Folder 6: Leadership in Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Learning Theory

- Folder 8: Leather and Leather Products Industry

- Folder 9: Leaves of Absence

- Folder 10: Leaves of Absence--Bibliographies

- Folder 11: Leisure

- Item 1: International Symposium: Social Tourism, International Tourism and Workers Rights, November 1984

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. for Social Tourism and Workers' Leisure
- Folder 12: Librarians

- Item 1: The Most Effective Method of Acquiring Meaningful Status for Librarians is Through a Union, October 24, 1968

- Creator: Jack Goldener, Exec. Sec., AFL-CIO, remarks at the 17th Annual Conference of the Calif. Library Assoc.
- Folder 13: Library Services in Industrial Relations

- Item 1: Labour Agreements Information Retrieval System, no date

- Creator: McGill Univ. Industrial Relations Centre
- Item 2: American Labor Research Institute, Inc.: Clearinghouse for Material on Labor, no date

- Creator: American Labor Research Institute
- Item 3: The Industrial Relations Section Today, no date

- Creator: Prof. Robert D. Foerster, Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 4: Information in Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Carol Smart, City of Coventry Libraries, Arts and Museums Dept.
- Item 5: Labor Archives: Supplement to "Collection Development for Labor Materials: Selection/Acquisition Aids", July 1, 1975

- Creator: Gwendolyn Lloyd and Geraldine Scalzo, Univ. of California at Berkeley
- Item 6: Collection Development for Labor Materials: Selection/Acquisition Aids, July 1, 1975

- Creator: Gwendolyn Lloyd and Geraldine Scalzo, Univ. of California at Berkeley
- Item 7: A Survey of Industrial Relations Research Libraries in the US, 1962

- Creator: Rose Beck Shapiro, Master's Thesis, Grad. Library School, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 8: The Japan Institute of Labor: Current Activities of the Labor Reference Library, no date

- Creator: Kazu Uchiyama, Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 9: Special Libraries and Research in Labor and Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Philips Bradley, Director, UIUC ILIR
- Item 10: Developing Library Service to Labor Groups, 1967

- Creator: Joint Committee on Library Service to Labor Groups: AFL-CIO and the Amer. Library Assoc.
- Item 11: Library Service to Labor Groups: A Guide for Action, 1989

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Amer. Library Assoc.
- Item 12: Service to Labor: The Chicago Public Library, no date

- Creator: Chicago Public Library
- Item 13: Services to the Labor Community, Summer 2002

- Creator: Library Trends, Vol.51, No.1
- Item 14: Your Library can Help Your Union, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 15: Your Library can Serve Your Union, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Amer. Library Assoc.
- Item 16: Public Library Service to Labor Groups, Five Case Studies: Akron, Boston, Milwaukee, New York, Newark, 1950

- Creator: American Library Assoc.
- Item 17: Guide for Developing a Public Library Service to Labor Groups, 1958

- Creator: Joint Committee on Library Service to Labor Groups: AFL-CIO and the Amer. Library Assoc.
- Item 18: Librarians and Labor, March 1946

- Creator: Mark Starr, Ed. Dir., Intl. Ladies Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 19: The Library Helps Labor, October 1954

- Creator: Mark Starr, Ed. Dir., Intl. Ladies Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 20: Round Table with the Illinois Library Assoc. and John E. Cosgrove, Asst. Dir. Of Ed., AFL: The Mutual Challenge of Library Services to Labor, October 28, 1955

- Creator: Illinois Library Assoc. and Amer. Fed. Of Labor
- Item 21: 60th General Conference: IFLA, Havana, Cuba, 1994

- Creator: IFLA
- Folder 14: Locations of Industry

- Item 1: Why, Where, How, and would they do it again? A review of the site selection process and subsequent experience of forty-two industries locating in Ontario's Smaller Centres, 1967

- Creator: Ontario Economic Council
- Folder 15: Longshore Industry

- Item 1: Report of the Port Transport Study Group, June 1966

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Folder 16: Longshoremen and Dockworkers

- Item 1: Report and Recommendations of the Pacific Coast Longshore Fact Finding Board, April 5, 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: The Stabilisation of Dockworkers' Earnings, 1951

- Creator: A.A.P. Dawson, Intl. Labour Office
- Folder 17: Loyalty-Security Programs

- Item 1: Security, Civil Liberties and Unions, July 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Comments from Counsel Vol.2, No.4: Industrial Security Program, March 17, 1955

- Creator: Intl. Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Wkrs., CIO
- Item 3: "Memorandum: This is to announce a new and valuable - and very inexpensive - tool for union political and educational work", no date

- Creator: Workers Defense League
- Item 4: The Motivations of "Deep Throat": The Case of Anonymous Whistle-Blowers, 1985

- Creator: Bonnie L. Roach, UIUC ILIR et al.
- Folder 18: Management

- Item 1: Some Problems of Product Planning, June 1962

- Creator: Shoji Murata, Institiute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 2: Modern Marketing Management, June 1962

- Creator: Shoji Murata, Institiute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 3: The High Growth of the Japanese Economy and the Problems of Small Enterprises, March 1964

- Creator: Taikichi Ito, Institiute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 4: Bottom-Up Management: People Working Together, no date

- Creator: William B. Given, Jr., pres. Of American Brake Shoe Co.
- Box 100

- Folder 1: Management (cont.)

- Item 1: "Corporate Strategy", September 21, 1984

- Creator: John T. Hackett, Exec. Vice-Pres., Cummins Engine Co., for the Joint Colloquium of Business Admin. Dept. and ILIR at UIUC
- Folder 2: Management--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Management by Objectives

- Item 1: Management by Whose Objectives?, no date

- Creator: Harry Levinson
- Item 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of MBO as a Leadership Style, no date

- Creator: R.L. Heneman, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Folder 4: Management Information Systems

- Item 1: Computer Applications in Personnel and Industrial Relations, September 16, 1987

- Creator: Nancy A. Puccini, tutorial for LIR 494, UIUC ILIR taught by Prof. John Lawler
- Folder 5: Management Philosophy

- Item 1: "United Airlines will generate profits necessary to remain the largest privately owned air transportation company", no date

- Creator: United Airlines
- Item 2: "Leadership in Serving People: Vision, Values and Strategies", no date

- Creator: Bank of America Corp.
- Item 3: The Objectives, Principles and Basic Policies of the Bemis Bro. Bag Co., no date

- Creator: Bemis Bro. Bag Co.
- Item 4: "Honeywell Principles: Honeywell is an international corporation whose goal is to work together with customers to develop and apply advanced technologies through products, systems and services", no date

- Creator: Honeywell Co.
- Item 5: Relations with Employees - Western Electric Company, Inc., March 1949, first edition May 1924

- Creator: Western Electric Co., Inc.
- Item 6: A Statement of Personnel Policy for All Segments of Management, no date

- Creator: Bemis Bro. Bag Co.
- Item 7: The Cummins Philosophy, no date

- Creator: Cummins Engine Co.
- Item 8: Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, no date

- Creator: Zenith Radio Corp.
- Item 9: Statement of Company Policy, April 2, 1964, first edition April 5, 1957

- Creator: Iowa-Illinois Electric Co.
- Folder 6: Management Rights and Responsibilities

- Item 1: Preserving the Management Function in Collective Bargaining -Some Highlights-, May 1956

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 2: Executive Opinion The Social Responsibilities of Business, 1967

- Creator: Opinion Research Corp.
- Folder 7: Managerial Organization

- Item 1: The Influence of Cultural Values on Work-Related Attitudes and Organizational Structure: A Comparative Study, July 1994

- Creator: Master's Thesis presentd by S. Arzu Wasti, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Middle East Tech. Univ., Ankara
- Item 2: Business and Management Associations' Activities in Japan, 1961

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 3: Principles of the Realization Theory in Management, 1984

- Creator: Lidmila Nesterova, Institute of Management, Prague
- Item 4: The Implementation Phase of Management, 1984

- Creator: Lidmila Nesterova, Institute of Management, Prague
- Item 5: Management in Western Europe, no date

- Creator: Frederick H. Harbison and Eugene W. Burgess
- Item 6: Soziale Welt, Zeitschrift fur Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 1979

- Creator: Verlag Otto Schwartz & co., Gottingen
- Item 7: Conceptual Management of Top-Level Managers, 1977

- Creator: Jaroslav Smrcka, Institute of Management, Prague
- Item 8: Notes on the Design of Organizations, December 1963

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 9: Japanese Views on Industrial Organization, no date

- Creator: Robert S. Ozaki
- Item 10: Personal Values and Expected Behavior of Managers - A Comparative Study in Japan, Korea and the United States, no date

- Creator: G.W. England
- Item 11: Contextual Variables and Bureaucratic Types of Israeli Service Organizations, August 1975

- Creator: Bilha F. Mannheim and Nathan Moskovitz, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 12: SA's Annual Report of the Consolidated Amalgamated Conglomerate Inc., Ltd., 1973

- Creator: "S.A. Parker," Uniprint
- Item 13: Capitalism, Socialism and Energy, no date

- Creator: Michael Harrington, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 14: Looking Forward: The Social-Industrial Complex, May 1968

- Creator: Michael Harrington, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 15: People's Capitalism (Part I), no date

- Creator: American Roundtable, Yale Univ. and the Ad Council
- Item 16: Improving the Effectiveness of Management, May 1950

- Creator: Herman S. Hall, College of Commerce and Business Admin, UIUC
- Item 17: Seven Control Techniques for Effective Management, May 1950

- Creator: Proceedings of the Second Semi-Annual Industrial Management Institute, College of Commerce and Business admin., UIUC with the cooperation of the Illinois Mfg. Assoc. and Illinois Industrial Council
- Box 101

- Folder 1: Managerial Organization--Bibliographies

- Folder 2: Manpower Development and Training Act (1962)

- Item 1: Federally Supported Experimental, Demonstration and Research Programs in Manpower, no date

- Creator: Manpower Information, Inc.
- Folder 3: Manpower Utilization

- Item 1: Labour Mobility - National Rural Manpower: Adjustment to Industry, 1965

- Creator: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 2: "Race, Poverty and the Environment: A Journal for Social and Environmental Justice" Vol.14, No.1, Spring 2007

- Creator: Urban Habitat Program
- Item 3: A Review of Economic Evaluations of Manpower Programs: Evidence of Success Amid Possible Storm Warnings, no date

- Creator: Neil A. Palomba, West Virginia Univ.
- Item 4: Manpower Planning for Aircraft Manufacturing Operation, May 6, 1971

- Creator: H.F. Chiang and C.E. Clark, JR., Northrop Corp., presented at the 39th Natl. ORS Meeting
- Item 5: Our Manpower Control Problems, December 1, 1951

- Creator: Reuben G. Soderstrom, Pres., Illinois St. Fed. Of Labor, published by the UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: Proceedings of a Conference on Labor Relations in a Mobilized Economy, April 13 and 14, 1951

- Creator: West Virginia Univ.
- Item 7: Universal Military Training and the Problem of Military Manpower, February 1951

- Creator: S. Arthur Devan, Library of Congress
- Item 8: "Human Resources of the US", September 1951

- Creator: Scientific American, Vol.185, No.3
- Item 9: Utilization of Older Professional and Scientific Workers, May 1961

- Creator: National Council on the Aging
- Item 10: Papers of the Fourth Conference on Scientific Manpower, December 1954

- Creator: National Science Foundation
- Item 11: "An Examination of our Future Manpower Supply and Requirements": Address to the Interstate Conference on Labor Statistics, Panel on Manpower Planning for the Future, June 25, 1958

- Creator: Sol Swerdloff, US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: The Potential Transfer of Industrial Skills from Defense to Non-Defense Industries, April 1968

- Creator: Prepared for the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency by the California St. Dept. of Employment
- Item 13: Job Relationships Between Defense and Non-Defense Occupations: A Study of Aircraft Manufacturing Operations, no date

- Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
- Item 14: Appendix A: "Excellence in the Eighties" - A leading eduge platform for human resources 1984-1988, no date

- Creator: Merck & Co., Inc.
- Box 102

- Folder 1: Manpower Utilization (cont.)

- Item 1: Computing Staffing for State Police Services, no date

- Creator: Richard A. Raub, Illinois Dept. of State Police
- Item 2: Tools for Manpower Planning - The World Bank Models, Vol. I: Technical Presentation of the Models, no date

- Creator: Ismail Serageldin and Bob Li, World Bank
- Item 3: Development of a Model University Human Resources Program, July 1971

- Creator: Melvin Rothbaum and Walter Franke, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Current Manpower Problems: An Introductory Survey, 1964

- Creator: Adolf Sturmthal, with the assistance of Walter H. Franke, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Progress Report on the Development of a Large-Scale Conditional Consistent Economic and Manpower Forecasting Model, July 27, 1971

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 6: Populatoin Projections for Manpower Planning, February 15, 1973

- Creator: Anthony L. Redwood, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 7: Some Fundamental Policy Questions for Manpower Planning, 1974

- Creator: John Niland, Dept. of Industrial Relations, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 8: The Uses and Limits of Manpower Policy, no date

- Creator: Lloyd Ulman
- Item 9: Maximum Utilization of Employed Manpower: A Check List of Company Practice, 1943

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 10: The Use of Part-Time Workers in the War Effort, 1943

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 11: Manpower Planning, February 1974

- Creator: Central Industrial Secretariat, Australia
- Folder 2: Manpower Utilization--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Manpower Utilization in Michigan

- Folder 4: Manpower Utilization in Nigeria

- Folder 5: Manufacturing Industries

- Item 1: Crossroads for America: Choosing a Better Future for American Industry and the American People, no date

- Creator: Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO
- Folder 6: Maritime Employees

- Item 1: Nautical Training Systems and the Occupational Behavior or Seamen, January 1976

- Creator: Eliezar Rothstein, Bilha F. Mannheim & Sara Nutes-Kinberg, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 2: Occupational Behaviour and Commitment of Seamen: I. Activity and its Correlates, April 1974

- Creator: Bilha F. Mannheim and Eliezar Rothstein, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 3: Occupational Behaviour and Commitment of Seamen: II. Staying or Leaving the Occupation, April 1974

- Creator: Bilha F. Mannheim and Eliezar Rothstein, Technion Univ., Israel
- Folder 7: Maternity Benefits

- Folder 8: Maternity Benefits--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Meat Packing Industry

- Item 1: Economic Trends in the Meat Packing Industry, with particular reference to employment prospects as of 1975, January 15, 1961

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR, submitted to the Armour Automation Committee
- Box 103

- Folder 1: Meat Packing Industry (cont.)

- Item 1: Labor Productivity Functions in Meat Packing, June 1952

- Creator: William H. Nichols, reviewed by Milton Derber
- Item 2: Background Information on Trends and Patterns in Meat Consumption, March 1960

- Creator: Consumption Section, Statistical and Historical Research Branch, Agricultural Economics Div.
- Item 3: Economic Trends in the Meat Packing Industry, with particular reference to employment prospects as of 1975, September 15, 1960

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR, submitted to the Armour Automation Committee
- Folder 2: Mediation and Conciliation

- Item 1: Report of President's Mediation Commission to the President of the United States, 1918

- Creator: President's Mediation Commission
- Item 2: Mediator Resource Cards, no date

- Creator: Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 3: Some Thoughts on Mediation for New Mediators: Mini tools of mediation, no date

- Item 4: The Changing Role of the Neutral in Dispute Resolution, 1997

- Creator: The Honourable Mr. Justice George W. Adams, Canadian Labour Court, published by Industrial Relations Centre, Queens Univ., Kingston, Ontario
- Item 5: Who Should Be a Labor Mediator?, 1950

- Creator: Irving R. Weschler, American Management Assoc.
- Item 6: 6th Annual Conference: Association of State Mediation Agencies, July 16-18, 1957

- Creator: Assoc. of State Mediation Agencies, hosted by the UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: The Conciliation Process, April 1948

- Creator: Prof. W. Ellison Chambers, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 8: Municipal Mediation Plans, October 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Fifty Years of Handling Labor Disputes, 1953

- Creator: Thomas E. Larkin, American Mining Congress
- Item 10: Public Mediation in Illinois, February 1987

- Creator: Michel J. Madden, Commissioner, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 11: Report on the work of the National Defense Mediation Board from its establishment March 19, 1941 to the outbreak of war December 7, 1941, together with some statistical information, circa 1942

- Creator: Natl. Defense Mediation Board
- Item 12: Contingencies in the Mediation of Disputes, September 1, 1989

- Creator: Rodney G. Lim and Peter J.D. Carnevale, UIUC, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
- Item 13: Conciliator's Diary, circa 1946

- Folder 3: Mediation and Conciliation--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Medical and Health Services

- Item 1: Restrictions on Free Enterprise in Medicine, April 1949

- Creator: Committee on Research in Medical Economics
- Item 2: It's Your Hospital and Your Life!, no date

- Creator: Lucy Freeman, Public Affairs Committee
- Item 3: The Hospital Service Labor Wants -- A Formula for Progress, September 26, 1949

- Creator: Harry Becker, UAW-CIO Social Security Dept.
- Folder 5: Prepaid Medical Care -and- Medical Care Benefits

- Folder 6: Prepaid Medical Care--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Medical Care Benefits--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Medical Economics

- Item 1: How Shall We Pay for Health Care?, 1949

- Creator: Oscar R. Ewing and George F. Lull, MD, Public Affairs Committee
- Item 2: Healthcare Cost Containment: Labor Takes a Stand, December 5, 1983

- Creator: John J. Sweeney, Pres., Service Employees' Intl. Union, address given to the AFL-CIO Conference on Health Benefits
- Item 3: HMOs: Medical Reform or Marketing Ploy? Vol. I: Local utilization rates, 1984-1988, 1989

- Creator: Champaign County Health Care Consumers
- Item 4: To The Rescue: Toward Solving Americ'as Health Cost Crisis, November 1990

- Creator: Families USA Foundation, in cooperation with Citizen Action
- Item 5: "Economics of Medicine Today and Tomorrow", April 17, 1961

- Creator: Opening Statement of Mr. Leonard Woodcock, Vice Pres. Of the UAW and Chairman of the Board of Governors of Wayne St. Univ., before the thirteenth annual scientific assembly of the American Academy of General Practice
- Item 6: Health Care in Illinois: A System in Transition, March 1986

- Creator: Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council
- Item 7: Certificate of Need, State Health Planning, and the State Bonding Authority for Health Facilities Construction and Development, January 1986

- Creator: Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council
- Item 8: Cost Shifting, Hospital Financial Viability and Accessibility of Hospital Care, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council
- Item 9: Database Evaluation, Quality of Care and Utilization Review, October and November, 1985

- Creator: Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council
- Box 104

- Folder 1: Medical Economics--Bibliographies

- Folder 2: Medical Services

- Item 1: The Company Doctor: Pro Personnel or Management Man?, January 1975

- Creator: Current Sweden No.56, published by the Swedish Institute
- Item 2: The Company Doctor, 1952

- Creator: Address by Al Hayes, pres., Intl. Assoc. of Machinists, before the Annual Council of Industrial Health, American Medical Assoc.
- Folder 3: Industrial Medicine

- Folder 4: Industrial Mergers (Personnel Aspects)

- Item 1: Company Take-Overs, Management Organization and Industrial Relations, 1981

- Creator: Neil Millward and John McQueeney, Dept. of Employment, UK
- Folder 5: Industrial Mergers (Personnel Aspects)--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Merit Awards

- Item 1: Evaluation of the Chancellor's Distinguished Staff Award Program at the Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, May 1999

- Creator: Barbara Hartman, submitted to the tutorial committee of Profs. Joseph Martocchio, Fritz Drasgow and Michael LeRoy in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Labor and Industrial Relations
- Folder 7: Metal Processing Industry

- Folder 8: Metal Products Industry

- Item 1: The Foundry Industry in Illinois, March 1950

- Creator: Prof. Harry Czyzewski, Metallurgy Dept., UIUC ILIR and Burton C. Person, Mettalurgist with Esso Standard Oil Co.
- Item 2: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City, Case Study 2: Metal Products, no date

- Creator: Robert Dubin and Donald E. Wray, withy the assistance of Dale Good and Richard Wilcock, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 9: Metropolitan Transportation Industry

- Item 1: Photos of Early Mass Transit in Chicago

- Item 2: Economics and Public Policy of Mass Transit, no date

- Creator: Anthony M. Pagaon, Management Dept., Univ. of Illinois Chicago
- Folder 10: Metropolitan Transportation Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 11: Migrant Labor

- Item 1: Migrant Farm Workers: Conditions better--jobs fewer in 1963, circa 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Major Agricultural Migrant Labor Demand Areas (by month and principal crops), no date

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Migratory Agricultural Labor in the United States, May 1953

- Creator: Josiah C. Folson, US Agriculture Dept.
- Item 4: The Many Faces of Farm Labor, circa 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: The Position of Farm Workers in Federal and State Legislation, 1959

- Creator: Robin Myers, National Advisory Committee on Farm Labor
- Item 6: The British Journal of Sociology Vol.XXV, No.3: "Exploitation in Migrant Labour Camps" and other articles, September 1974

- Creator: Edited by Terence Morris and Angus Stewart
- Item 7: The Pecan Shellers of San Antonio: The problem of underpaid and unemployed Mexican labor, 1940

- Creator: Selden C. Menefee and Orin C. Cassmore, under the supervision of John N. Webb, Work Projects Administration, Federal Works Agency
- Item 8: Mexican Migratory Workers of South Texas, 1941

- Creator: Selden C. Menefee under the supervision of John N. Webb, Work Projects Administration, Federal Works Agency
- Item 9: Seasonal Workers in American Agriculture: Background and Issues, March 1985

- Creator: Philip L. Martin, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Univ. of California at Davis
- Item 10: The Condition of Farm Workers in 1960, circa 1960

- Creator: Fay Bennett, report to the Natinoal Sharecroppers Fund, Inc.
- Item 11: Migrant Workers and their Problems, no date

- Creator: World Fed. Of Trade Unions
- Item 12: No Harvest for the Reaper: The Story of the Migratory Worker in the United States, no date

- Creator: Herbert Hill and George Moffett, NAACP
- Folder 12: Migrant Labor--Bibliographies

- Folder 13: Internal Migration

- Item 1: Determinants and Impact of Rural-Urban Migration: A Case Study of Selected Communities in Western Nigeria, 1974

- Creator: Sunday M. Essang and Adewale F. Mabawonku, African Rural Employment Research Network, Depts. Of Agricultural Economics at Michigan State Univ. and the Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria
- Item 2: An Analysis of Internal Migration in Peninsular Malaysia: Dimensions, Causes and Some Policy Implications, June 1977

- Creator: Soon Lee Ying, Council for Asian Manpower Studies, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 3: Farm-City Migration and Industry's Labor Reserve, 1939

- Creator: David Weintraub, Works Projects Administration
- Item 4: Changes in Distribution of Manufacturing Wage Earners, 1899-1939

- Creator: Harold D. Kube and Ralph H. Danhof, under the supervision of Thomas J. Fitzgerland and Carl C. Taylor, US Census Bureau and US Agricultural Economics Bureau
- Folder 14: Military Personnel

- Item 1: Role of Women in the Military Examined, September 14, 1977

- Creator: Notes from the Joint Economic Committee, Vol.III, No.22
- Folder 15: Military Service

- Item 1: The Persian Gulf Callup: Basic Reservist Rights, August 31, 1990

- Creator: taken from Human Resource Management Ideas & Trends Issue 229
- Item 2: Students and the Armed Forces, April 1, 1952

- Creator: US Defense Dept.
- Item 3: The Big Hand in Your Pocket! Your taxes, your livelihood and the growing power of the Military, August 1960

- Creator: E. Raymond Wilson, Frances E. Neely and Constance Longshore, Peace Education Program, American Friends Service Committee
- Item 4: The Militarization of America: A Report Issued by Albert Einstein, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Reuben Gustavson, William J. Millor, S.J., Arthur Morgan, Ray Lyman Wilbur and fifteen others, January 1948

- Creator: National Council Against Conscription
- Item 5: New Evidence of the Militarization of America: A report issued by Pearl Buck, Louis Bromfeld, Albert Einstein, W.J. Millor, S.J., Victor Reuther, Ray Lyman Wilbur and others, February 1949

- Creator: National Council Against Conscription
- Item 6: Training for War Service, circa 1950

- Creator: Editorial Research Reports, Inc.
- Item 7: Universal Military Training: Foundation of Enduring National Strength, October 1951

- Creator: First Report to Congress by the National Security Training Commission
- Item 8: Labor Says No to Peacetime Military Conscription

- Item 9: Universal Military Training: Do the people of the United States want the coming session of congress to enact into law the system of permanent peace-time conscription propsed by the UMT National Security Training Commission?, circa 1951

- Item 10: Hiring and Promotion of Reservists: A survy of employer practices in the employment and promotion of men in the military reserves or eligible for selective service induction, March 1951

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 16: Mineworkers (empty)

- Folder 17: Minimum Wages

- Box 105

- Folder 1: Minimum Wages (cont.)

- Item 1: Industry and a Minimum Wage The Universities and Management, February 1950

- Creator: Dr. J.J. Mallon and Lord Lindsay of Baker, respectively, British Institute of Management
- Item 2: How to Help Win The $1.25/hr. Federal Minimum Wage and Extended Coverage, no date

- Creator: ACWA National Education Dept.
- Item 3: Economics of Mimimum Wage Legislation, 1955

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 4: Brief of the US Chamber of Commerce to the US Labor Dept. in re Notice of Proposed Rule Making, Rules of practice relating to determination of minimum wages for seperable groups of jobs, no date

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 5: Meeting of Experts on Mimimum Wage-Fixing and Related Problems with Special Reference to Developing Countries, 1967

- Creator: Intl. Labour Organization
- Item 6: Closing the Minimum Wage Gap, January 1976

- Creator: Clara F. Scholss, AFL-CIO
- Item 7: It's Time to Raise the Minimum Wage, March 1987

- Creator: Jay Mazur, Intl. Ladies' Garmen Wkrs. Union, AFL-CIO
- Item 8: State Minimum Wage Laws and Orders: 1942, 1942

- Creator: Florence P. Smith, US Labor Dept.
- Folder 2: Minimum Wages--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Minority Groups

- Item 1: Studies of Subjective Culture Relevant to Minority Employment, 1972

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 2: Culture Training, Cognitive Complexity and Interpersonal Attitudes, 1972

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 3: Illinois History Vol.28, No.8: Ethnic Groups in Illinois, May 1975

- Creator: Illinois History Magazine
- Item 4: A Study of the Social and Economic Conditions of the Negro Population of Gary, Indiana, December 1944

- Creator: J. Harvey Kerns, Survey Director, conducted for the Gary Council of Social Agencies by the Natl. Urban League
- Item 5: The Use of Social Networks by Hispanics, January 1993

- Creator: Sandra Jordan, UIUC ILIR, submitted to Prof. Elissa Perry
- Folder 4: Minority Groups--Bibliography

- Folder 5: Missile and Space Industry

- Item 1: Success Before Countdown: Second Annual Report of the President's Missile Sites Labor Commission, circa 1962

- Creator: President's Missile Sites Labor Commission
- Folder 6: Employee Morale

- Item 1: Adaptation, Persistence and Commitment in Organizations: A chapter to appear in "Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.)" edited by Marvin D. Dunnette, October 1986

- Creator: Charles Hulin, UIUC
- Item 2: The Scientific Beauty of Valid Measures of General Constructs with Special Reference to Job Satisfaction and Job Withdrawal: Chapter to appear in "Job Satisfaction: Advances in Research and Applications," edited by P.C. Smith, C.J. Cranny and E.F. Stone, no date

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, UIUC and Mary Roznowski, Ohio State Univ.
- Item 3: Studies of Black and White Interaction in Job Settings, no date

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis and Roy S. Malpass, UIUC
- Item 4: Labour/Management Programme: The Emerging Attitudes and Motivations of Workers - Report of a management experts' meeting, May 1971

- Creator: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 5: Trends in Product Quality and Worker Attitude: Highlights of the literature, no date

- Creator: Work in America Institute
- Box 106

- Folder 1: Motivation

- Item 1: Task Interdependence and Internal Motivation: Application of Job Characteristic Model to "Collectivist" Cultures, 1983

- Creator: Motohiro Morishima, Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology at Keio Univ., studying at the UIUC ILIR, and Prof. Takao Minami, Social Psychology Dept., Keio Univ.
- Item 2: Motivation Through the Design of Work: Test of a Theory, December 1974

- Creator: J. Richard Hackman, Yale Univ. and Greg R. Oldham, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 3: Employee and Supervisory Rankings: Employees ranked "What Motivates You?" and Supervisors ranked "What do you think motivates workers?", no date

- Item 4: Predicting Protestant Work Ethic Beliefs, June 1986

- Creator: Adrian Furnham, Univ. College London
- Item 5: Relationships Between Protestant Work Ethic and Work Effort in a Field Setting, 1988

- Creator: Richie G. Poulton and Sik Hung Ng, Univ. of Otago, New Zealand
- Item 6: The Protestant Ethic in Australia, 1982

- Creator: John J. Ray, Univ. of New South Wales, Australia
- Item 7: Alternative Ethics: The Relationship Between the Wealth, Welfare, Work and Leisure Ethic, 1987

- Creator: Adrian Furnham and Maria Rose, Univ. College London
- Item 8: The Protestant Work Ethic: A review of the psychological literature, 1983

- Creator: Adrian Furnham, Univ. College London
- Item 9: What can the manager do to motivate others?, no date

- Item 10: Work Performance, Interests, Power and Environment: The Case of Cyclical Slowdowns in a Hungarian Factory, 1972

- Creator: Lajos Hethy and Csaba Mako, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Item 11: Work Motivation of Engineers and Scientists in Industry, July 1973

- Creator: M. Erez and Y. Rim, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 12: Instrumentality Theory of Work Motivation: Some experimental results and suggested modifications, April 1969

- Creator: George Graen, UIUC Psychology Dept.
- Item 13: Job Characteristics and Internal Motivation: The Moderating Effect of Interpersonal and Individual Variables, April 11, 1975

- Creator: Greg R. Oldham, UIUC College of Commerce and Business Administration
- Folder 2: Motivation--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Motor Bus Transportation Industry

- Item 1: Report and Reccomendations of the Fact Finding Panel in the Greyhound Bus Dispute, February 21, 1946

- Creator: Greyhound Fact Finding Panel
- Folder 4: Multinational Bargaining

- Item 1: Multinational Corporations and British Labour: A Review of Attitudes and Responses, circa 1970

- Creator: John Gennard, Lecturer in Industrial Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science, sponsored by the British-North American Research Assoc., Natl. Planning Assoc. and Private Planning Assoc. of Canada
- Item 2: World Company Councils: Auto Workers' Answer to World Company Power, 1967

- Creator: Intl. Metalworkers' Fed., Geneva, Switzerland
- Item 3: Aus Politik und Zeit Geschichte, March 1974

- Creator: Siegfried Mielke and Ernst Piel
- Item 4: Multinational Corporation and Collective Bargaining: A view from the United States, January 12, 1972

- Creator: William J. Curtin, parter at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, to be presented at the intl. Conference on Trends in Industrial and Labor Relations, Tel Aviv
- Item 5: Multinational Enterprise and Labour, no date

- Creator: B.C. Roberts
- Item 6: Multinational Corporations and Collective Bargaining, January 1972

- Creator: Prof. John J. Flagler, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota, delivered to intl. conference on trends in industrial and labor relations, Tel Aviv
- Item 7: Multinational Bargaining in the Telecommunications Industry, no date

- Creator: Richard L. Rowan and Herbert R. Northrup, British Journal of Industrial Relations
- Folder 5: Multinational Corporations

- Item 1: Contemporary US Opinions on Japanese Influence in America, January 1, 1991

- Creator: Mid-American Project: A study of foreign investment in Mid-America
- Item 2: International Companies, October 21, 1970

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 3: Multinationale Konzerne: Zur Deformation Pluralisticher Systeme, no date

- Creator: Siegfried Mielke, Sonderdruck Hoffmann und Campe Verlag
- Item 4: Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, November 1977

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 5: A Trade Unionist's View of Multinational Corporations, November 1975

- Creator: Ben sharman, Intl. Assn. of Machinists and Aerospace Wkrs.
- Item 6: Incentives for Multinational Corporation Expansion, November 6, 1975

- Creator: Ben sharman, Intl. Assn. of Machinists and Aerospace Wkrs.
- Item 7: International Economic Organizations and Multinational Corporations, 1986

- Creator: Jaroslav Smrcka, Institute of Managemen, Prague
- Item 8: The Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (The ILO Declaration), 1980

- Creator: Hans Gunter, Kluwer, the Netherlands
- Folder 6: Multinational Corporations--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Multiple Job Holding

- Item 1: Labour Supply and Time Constraints With More Than One Job: Australian Evidence, May 1989

- Creator: A.H. Harris, Economics Dept., Murdoch Univ., published by the Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Item 2: The Economics of Multiple Job Holding in Australia, April 1989

- Creator: A.H. Harris, Economics Dept., Murdoch Univ. and A.C. Preston, Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Folder 8: Music in Industry

- Item 1: The Effects of Occupational Music on Scrappage in the Manufacture of Radio Tubes, October 1941

- Creator: John F. Humes, Pennsylvania State College
- Item 2: Music in Industry, 1947

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Folder 9: National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)

- Item 1: Labor and the NRA, 1934

- Creator: Prof. Lois Macdonald, NYU; Prof. Gladys Palmer, Univ. of Pennsylvania and Prof. Theresa Wolfson, Brooklyn College, for the Affiliated School for Workers
- Item 2: Supreme Court's Challenge to Labor: The NIRA decision a signal for intensified attacks on the workers, circa 1935

- Creator: Workers Library Publishers
- Item 3: Labor Under the NRA, 1934

- Creator: Prof. Carroll R. Daugherty, Economics Dept., Univ. of Pittsburgh
- Item 4: NRA: A Working Class Analysis, August 1934

- Creator: Workers Socialist Party of the United States
- Item 5: Hours, Wages and Employment Under the Codes, January 1935

- Creator: National Recovery Admin., prepared for the hearings on employment provisions of codes of fair competition
- Item 6: Tabulation of Labor Provisions in Codes Approved by August 8, 1934, January 1935

- Creator: National Recovery Admin., prepared for the hearings on employment provisions of codes of fair competition
- Folder 10: National Labor Relations Act (1935)

- Item 1: Policy Development Under the National Labor Relations Act: A concise presentation of the way in which the national labor rleations board has interpreted and applied important parts of the Wagner Act, 1947

- Creator: Charles O. Gregory and Harold A. Katz, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 2: Protect the National Labor Relations Act! The facts and figures on the act, the board and their achievements, no date

- Creator: Labor's Non-Partisan League
- Item 3: A Guide to the National Labor Relations Act: Procedures and Practices, 1946

- Creator: Louis G. Silverberg, dir. Of information, National Labor Relations Board
- Item 4: National Labor Relations Act, 1936

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 5: The Wagner Labor Relations Act: A manual for dept. heads and foremen, circa 1940

- Creator: National Foremen's Institute, Inc.
- Item 6: Save the Wagner Act: Your union and your jobs are at stake. What the Norton and Smith Amendments would do to destroy unions and rob labor of its rights, and what to do about it, April 1940

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 7: What Should Be Done About the Wagner Act?, February 1947

- Creator: Charles S. Craigmile, Vice-Pres., Belden Mfg. Co., Chicago and chairman of the Industrial Relations Committee, Illinois Mfg. Assoc.
- Item 8: Statement Submitted by William Green, Pres., AFL, at a hearing of proposed amendments to the National Labor Relations Act, ordered by the Houston Convention of the AFL, May 1, 1939

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 9: Why the Wagner Act Should NOT be Amended, October 1938

- Creator: Committee for Industrial Organization
- Item 10: A guide for supervisors dealing with employees in compliance with the Wagner Act, no date

- Creator: Research Institute of America
- Item 11: Free Speech, Propaganda and the National Labor Relations Act, 1963

- Creator: Thomas G.S Christensen, Prof. of Law, NYU
- Item 12: Collective Bargaining Under the Wagner Act, Spring 1938

- Creator: Law and Contemporary Problems Vol.V, No.2, Duke Univ. Law School
- Item 13: The Significance of the Wagner Act, no date

- Creator: R.W. Fleming
- Item 14: Sit-Down: What's happened in the automobile industry since enactment of the NLRA, circa 1939

- Creator: William J. Cronin, Automobile Mfg. Assoc.
- Box 107

- Folder 1: National Labor Relations Board

- Item 1: White Paper on the Reagan Labor Board, circa 1983

- Creator: Edited by Paul Alan Levy, National Labor Committee, National Lawyers Guild
- Item 2: The National Labor Relations Board: From 1970 and Into the Future, circa 1982

- Creator: Edward B. Miller, former chairman of the NLRB
- Item 3: Administrative Practice and Procedure in National Labor Relations, April 1940

- Creator: Aaron W. Warner, regional (Denver) dir. Of the NLRB, published in the Rocky Mountain Law Review Vol.12 No.3
- Item 4: Problems of the National Labor Relations Board, circa 1939

- Creator: American Association for Economic Freedom
- Item 5: A Study of the Factors Determining the Exercise of Jurisdiction by the National Labor Relations Board in Three Selected Industries: Abstract of a dissertation submitted to the faculty of the school of social science of the Catholic Univ. of America in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 1954

- Creator: Algernon S. Belcher, Catholic Univ. of America
- Item 6: Principles Established by the National Labor Relations Board, December 1934

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 7: When You Have a Case Before a Regional Labor Board, December 1934

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 8: Studies of the Results of National Labor Relations Board Activities: A summary of operations analysis, 1942-1944, 1946

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 9: Changing NLRB Policies 1953-1954, July 1955

- Creator: Fred Witney, Indiana Univ.
- Item 10: Folder of NLRB Materials (Transcripts of Hearings etc.), no date

- Folder 2: National Labor Relations Board--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: National Mediation Board

- Item 1: Correspondence and memoranda concerning hearings about the Airline Industry, circa 1972

- Creator: National Mediation Board
- Folder 4: Negro Employees

- Item 1: The Negro in the St. Louis Ecomony, 1954

- Creator: Profs. Irwin Sobel and Werner Z. Hirsch, Economics Dept., Washington Univ. St. Louis and Harry C. Harris, Urban League of St. Louis
- Item 2: Negroes in the Work Group, February 1950

- Creator: Jacob Seidenberg, NY State School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 3: The Negro Worker in Minnesota: A report to the governor, March 10, 1945

- Creator: Governor's Interracial Commission of Minnesota
- Item 4: The Problems of the Negro Workers, no date

- Creator: Merlyn S. Pitzele, George McCray, Isadore Bernick and Elberta Richards, Wkrs. Ed. Teching Staff, Works Progress Admin. Of Illinois
- Item 5: Black Craftsmen Through History, circa 1969

- Creator: Robin Myers, Institute of the Joint Apprenticeship Program, Workers Defense League
- Item 6: Labor Survey of Negro Workers, 1949

- Creator: Milwaukee Urban League
- Item 7: Summary Report of "A Workshop on Problems and Opportunities Confronting Negro Youth", April 1945

- Creator: Dillard Univ., New Orleans
- Item 8: Management Experience in the Employment of Negroes, 1959

- Creator: from "Employing the Negro in American Industry," Industrial Relations Counselors Inc.
- Item 9: The Status of the Non-White Labor Force in Illinois and the Nation, August 1957

- Creator: Illinois Commission on Human Relations
- Item 10: Job Success for the Negro Worker - And His Employer: A practical guide for the businessman, April 1968

- Creator: Chicago Urban League
- Item 11: Datagraph: Corporate Support for Black Causes, 1974

- Creator: Earl G. Graves Publishing Co., Inc.
- Item 12: The Detroit Riot: A profile of 500 prisoners, March 1968

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 13: The Changing Profile of Black Workers, April 1974

- Creator: Thomas R. Roth, AFL-CIO
- Folder 5: Negro Employees--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Neighborhood Youth Corps

- Folder 7: Newspaper Industry

- Item 1: Arbitration Award Index 1958 - 1982, circa 1982

- Creator: Newspaper Guild, AFL-CIO
- Folder 8: Industrial Nurseries

- Item 1: A Commitment to Children: The report of the Coalition of Labor Union Women child care seminar, sponserd by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, 1977

- Creator: Ruth Jordan
- Item 2: Childcare - Almost Ours: A guide to implementing child-care laws, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Bargaining for Child Care: Contract language for union parents, 1985

- Creator: Coalition of Labor Union Women
- Item 4: Child Care in the Workplace, 1990

- Creator: Commerce Clearinghouse Inc.
- Item 5: Planning Services for Children of Employed Mothers, May 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Working Mothers and their Child Care Arrangements, 1970

- Creator: Canada Dept. of Labor
- Item 7: Child Care: The Time is Now!, 1987

- Creator: Children's Defense Fund and American Fed. Of Teachers, AFL-CIO
- Item 8: The Case Against Day Care, circa 1976

- Creator: Marjorie Boyd
- Item 9: Child Care Centers at Illinois Public and Private Colleges, Universities and Community Colleges, November 13, 1980

- Creator: Illionis Legislative Council
- Item 10: Minutes of the Hearing on Day Care, September 19, 1977

- Creator: Illinois Commission on the Status of Women: Family Committee
- Item 11: Labor's Stake in Child Care, January 1973

- Creator: Day Care Crisis Council and AFL-CIO of Chicago
- Item 12: Standards for Licensed Day Care Centers and Night-Time Centers, January 1, 1970

- Creator: Illinois St. Dept. of Children and Family Services
- Folder 9: Industrial Nurseries--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Nurses

- Item 1: Preparing Tomorrow's Nurses, August 1952

- Creator: National League for Nursing
- Item 2: The Registered Nurse: A Comparative Analysis of American Nurses' Association Members, Ex-Members and Non-Members, no date

- Creator: Prof. Margaret K. Chandler and Philip Marden, Sociology Dept. and UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: The Registered Nurse and the Professional Organization: Factor Analysis of Opinion Inventory, November 8, 1960

- Creator: Prof. Margaret K. Chandler, Sociology Dept. and UIUC ILIR
- Box 108

- Folder 1: Nurses (cont.)

- Item 1: The Highway Called Professionalism, no date

- Creator: M. Lieberthal
- Item 2: The Nursing Profession and Economic Security: The Individual and the Organization - Some Problems of Mutual Adjustment, June 1957

- Creator: Chris Argyris, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: Who Will Care for Each of Us? America's Coming Health Care Labor Crisis, May 2001

- Creator: Panel on the Future of the Health Care Labor Force in a Graying Society, Univ. of Illinois Chicago College of Nursing
- Folder 2: Nurses--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Occupational Diseases

- Item 1: Report of the UEF-NCI Workgroup on Environmental and Occupational Cancer Information/Education, May 8, 1979

- Creator: Urban Environment Foundation and National Cancer Institute
- Item 2: Results of the NCI Survey of OSHA's New Directions Grantees, October 1980

- Creator: US Health and Human Services Dept., National Institute of Health and National Cancer Institute
- Item 3: The Case of the Workplace Killers: A Manual for Cancer Detectives on the Job, November 1980

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs.
- Folder 4: Occupational Diseases--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Occupational Safety and Health

- Item 1: HIV/AIDS: A Union Training Guide, Circa 1991

- Item 2: What Everyone Should Know About Stress, 1978

- Creator: Swedish Covenant Hospital, Chicago
- Item 3: Address by Joseph P. Brennan, Pres. Of the Bituminous Coal Operators Assoc. before the Tenth Annual Institute on Coal Mining Health, Safety and Research, August 28, 1979

- Creator: Bituminous Coal Operators' Assoc.
- Item 4: Unintended Consequences: Organizational Practices and Their Impact on Workplace Safety and Productivity, 2001

- Creator: Michelle Kaminski, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Signs of Burn-Out, no date

- Item 6: Job-Related Stress Disease: Program and Prevention, no date

- Creator: Rick Kunnes: New American Movement and Research Institute
- Item 7: Work Abuse: Hidden Violence in the Workplace, 1988

- Creator: Judith L. Wyatt
- Item 8: Manual of Industrial Radiation Protection, 1963

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 9: Safety and Health in Forestry Work, 1969

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 10: Facing Workplace Violence: Recommendations from the Committee on Safety and Violence, no date

- Creator: American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
- Item 11: What You Should Know About Coping With Threats and Violence in the Federal Workplace, no date

- Creator: Federal Protective Service, US General Services Administration
- Item 12: Strains and Sprains: A Worker's Guide to Job Design, 1982

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs.
- Box 109

- Folder 1: Occupational Health and Safety (cont.)

- Item 1: Meatpacking and Dressing: A Safety Committee Walkaround Guide for the Workplace, no date

- Creator: United Food and Commercial Workers
- Item 2: Food Processing: A Safety Committee Walkaround Guide for the Workplace, no date

- Creator: United Food and Commercial Workers
- Item 3: Occupational Safety and Health: Proceedings of a Seminar, November 1985

- Creator: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand - Industrial Relations Centre
- Item 4: Truth or Consequences: The Job Safety and Health Joke on Public Workers, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employee Dept.
- Item 5: Prisoners of Life: A Study of Occupational Stress among State Corrections' Officers, March 1982

- Creator: American Fed. Of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
- Item 6: Leather Tanning and Finishing: A Safety Committee Walkaround Guide for the Workplace, no date

- Creator: United Food and Commercial Workers
- Item 7: Boot and Shoe: A Safety Committee Walkaround Guide for the Workplace, no date

- Creator: United Food and Commercial Workers
- Item 8: Improving US Occupational Safety and Health Policy: Some Conclusions from a Three-Country Study, July 1979

- Creator: Prof. Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Basic Provisions of a State Occupational Safety and Health Act for Public Employees, April 9, 1974

- Creator: Dept. of Research, AFL-CIO
- Item 10: A Process for Reducing Occupational Stress, May 1975

- Creator: Neal Q. Herrick, Senior Fellow, Academy for Contemporary Problems, written for a symposium on reducing stress
- Item 11: Resolution Concerning Health and Safety and the Work Environment in the Iron and Steel Industry, December 1986

- Creator: International Labour Organization, Iron and Steel Committee
- Item 12: Winning at the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission: Workers' Handbook on Enforcing Safety and Health Standards, no date

- Creator: Bert Cottine, Lindal Birrel and Robert Jennings, Public Citizen's Health Research Group
- Item 13: Japanese Industrial Relations Series: Industrial Safety and Health, 1982

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 14: A Job Health and Safety Program on Limited Budget, May 1972

- Creator: Daniel M. Berman, Phyllis Cullen MD and Donald Whorton MD, Medical Committee on Human Rights, in conjunction with the Alliance for Labor Action and Teamster Local 688, St. Louis
- Item 15: Nixon, the Business Community and the 1970 Job Safety Law, January 1972

- Creator: Vincent K. Pollard, Urban Training Center, Chicago
- Item 16: Our Lives Are At Stake: Workers Fight for Health and Safety - Shell Strike, 1973, July 1973

- Creator: Barry Weisberg, United Front Press
- Item 17: Illinois Right-to-Know Compliance Kit, no date

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Warning: Office Work May Be Hazardous to Your Health, 1982

- Creator: American Fed. Of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
- Item 19: What Every Representative Should Know About Health and Safety, 1979

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs.
- Item 20: Love Canal: The Truth Seeps Out, February 1981

- Creator: Reason Magazine
- Item 21: MillerComm89: AIDS, Science and Society, circa 1989

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois
- Folder 2: Occupational Health and Safety--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Occupational Health and Safety in Europe

- Item 1: Soviet Workers' Health and Holidays, no date

- Creator: Ivan Kozlov, Chairman of the Central Council for the Management of Trade-Union Health Resorts and member of the Presidium of the All0Union Central Trade Union Council, USSR
- Item 2: Labour Protection in the USSR, 1970

- Creator: A. Semyonov
- Item 3: Menschengerechte Arbeitsgestaltung, 1975

- Creator: Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund et al.
- Item 4: Foreign Labor Information: Occupational Health Services in the Soviet Union - A Description and Appraisal, November 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: IDS Studies Issue No.8, October 1982

- Creator: Incomes Data Services Ltd., London
- Item 6: Health and Safety at Work, September 1979

- Creator: Maclaren Publishers Ltd., London
- Box 110

- Folder 1: Occupational Health and Safety in Sweden

- Item 1: Fact Sheets on sweden: Occupational Safety and Health in Sweden, August 1985

- Creator: Swedish Institute
- Item 2: Current Sweden: Improving the Work Environment, circa 1975

- Creator: Swedish Institute
- Item 3: Current Sweden: Working Environment in Sweden - Industry Investing Billions in Fight Against Hazardous Jobs, circa 1974

- Creator: Swedish Institute
- Item 4: Current Sweden: Working Environment in Sweden - New Dangers Revealed by Studies of Solvents, circa 174

- Creator: Swedish Institute
- Item 5: Deltagarforteckning, no date

- Item 6: Granges Environmental Policy Standards, November 1972

- Creator: Granges
- Item 7: Trade Union Programme of Action Against Asbestos, no date

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 8: The Working Environment, Part of Our Standard of Living, 1980

- Creator: Elmia Arbetsmiljo
- Item 9: Working Environment: Abstract from a report of the LO Executive Board to the 1971 Congress of the Swedish Trade Union Confed., 1971

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 10: Arbetsmiljo77, September 1977

- Creator: Arbetsmiljon
- Item 11: Occupational Health and Safety in Sweden, 1972

- Creator: Kjell Wase et al.
- Item 12: Arbetarskyddsfonden: The Swedish Work Environment Fund, no date

- Creator: Swedish Work Environment Fund
- Item 13: The Joint Industrial Safety Council, no date

- Creator: Swedish Employers Confed. and Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 14: Working Environment: Arbetsmiljo International 1980, circa 1980

- Creator: Foreningen For Arbetarskydd
- Item 15: Arbetsmiljo77, circa 1977

- Creator: Almia Arbetsmiljo
- Item 16: Health Hazards in the Working Environment: Trade Union Programmes of Action, May 1981

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 17: Trade Unions and the Working Environment, January 1985

- Creator: Central Org. of Salaried Employees in Sweden and Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 18: Working Environment Agreement: A Short Introduction, no date

- Creator: Arbetarskyddsnamnden
- Item 19: Workers Protection Act and Workers Protection Ordinance, February 1976

- Creator: Ministry of Labour, Stockholm, Sweden
- Item 20: The National Occuaptional Safety and Health Administration, no date

- Creator: Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen
- Item 21: Proposals for a new Work Environment Legislation, 1976

- Creator: Ministry of Labour, Stockholm, Sweden
- Item 22: Occupational Health and Safety in SWeden, no date

- Creator: Sven Kvarnstrom, Swedish Assn. of Industrial Physicians
- Folder 2: Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1970

- Item 1: OSHA: A 10-Year Success Story, circa 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: State of Illinois Occupational Safety and Health: State Plan, no date

- Creator: State of Illinois
- Item 3: Presentation on Recordkeeping Guidelines for Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, no date

- Item 4: A Unionist's Guide to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, no date

- Creator: Urban Planning Aid
- Item 5: Questions and Answers About the OSHA Standards for Commercial Diving Operations, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the Future of Health and Safety on the Job in Illinois, June 1972

- Creator: Vincent K. Pollard, Chicago Regional Hospital Study
- Item 7: Workers at Jeopardy: OSHA Under the Reagan Administration, September 1984

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (The Williams-Steiger OSHA of 1970), no date

- Creator: Univ. of Wisconsin Extension
- Item 9: Employment Safety and Health Guide: Comments and Recommendations for Revision of OSHA General Industry Stanards on: Walking-Working Surfaces, Fire Protection and Anhydrous Ammonia, May 7, 1976

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 10: Employment Safety and Health Guide: The Toxic Substances List, 1972

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 11: Employment Safety and Health Guide: The Toxic Substances List, 1973

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 12: Employment Safety and Health Guide: Injury and Illness Record Log, July 1971

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 13: Employment Safety and Health Guide: OSHA Recordkeeping Forms, 1975

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Box 111

- Folder 1: Occupations

- Item 1: A Psychological Classification of Occupations, November 1970

- Creator: John L. Holland et al, Johns Hopkins Univ.
- Item 2: The Classification of Occupations: Some Problems of Sociological Interpretation, July 1966

- Creator: Robert W. Hodge and Paul M. Siegel, Univ. of Chicago, prepared for a meeting of the American Statistical Assoc.
- Item 3: The Occupational Composition of American Classes: Results from Cluster Analysis, no date

- Creator: Reeve D. Vanneman, Sociology Dept., UIUC
- Item 4: Dynamics of Occupational Structure: A Comparative Analysis of USA, Japan and India, no date

- Creator: Gopal Kadekodi and Raghav Gaiha, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi
- Item 5: Intraindustry Div. of Labor: The States of Mexico, circa 1971

- Creator: Harley L. Browning and Jack P. Gibbs, Univ. of Texas at Austin
- Item 6: Occupational Licensing: Questions a Legislator Should Ask, no date

- Creator: Council of State Governments
- Item 7: Occupational and Educational Structures of the Labour Force and Levels of Economic Development: Some nternational Evidence, 1969

- Creator: Louis Emmerij, OECD
- Item 8: Peers' Perceptions of Negro and White Occupational Preferences, November 1967

- Creator: Edward T. Clark and Kenneth F. Misa, St. Johns Univ.
- Item 9: Educational and Occupational Aspirations Among Working Class Negro, Mexican-American and White Elementary School Children, no date

- Creator: Michael James Hindelang, NY St. Univ. at Albany
- Item 10: Skill, January 1946, reprinted from August 1922

- Creator: Ann Bezanson, Industrial Relations Section, Caltech.
- Item 11: Women's Interest: Fact or Fiction, May 1967

- Creator: Lenore W. Harmon, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 12: Occupational Power, 1976

- Creator: William H. Form and Joan Althaus Huber, UIUC
- Folder 2: Occupations--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Dangerous Occupations

- Item 1: Estimates of the Probability of Job-Related Death in 347 Occupations, no date

- Creator: Prof. J. Paul Leigh, Economics Dept., San Jose St. Univ.
- Folder 4: Office of Federal Contract Compliance

- Folder 5: Office Management

- Item 1: Office Work Standards, October 1951

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, Business Management Service, College of Business, UIUC
- Item 2: Production Planning and Control in Office Operations, October 1949

- Creator: Executive Office of the President, Office of the Budget
- Folder 6: Older Workers

- Item 1: The Effectiveness of Older Personnel in Retailing, May 1953

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, Business Management Service, College of Commerce and Business Administration, UIUC
- Item 2: Older Workers in Wartime, 1944

- Creator: Mary T. Waggaman, Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 3: Pensions are not Enough: The Individual Company and its Older Workers, April 1951

- Creator: Edwin Shields Hewitt and Associates, under the direction of Sidney B. Scoville, for the Univ. of Chicago
- Item 4: Social and Fiscal Welfare Program and Policies Relating to the Income and Tax Status of the Aged: Exploration of the Present Situation and Possible Modification of Existing Policies, November 1959

- Creator: Prof. Wilbur J. Cohen, Public Welfare Admin. Dept., Univ. of Michigan, prepared for the House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means
- Item 5: The Older American, 1963

- Creator: President's Council on Aging
- Item 6: Company Practices Regarding Older Workers and Retirement, 1952

- Creator: Edwin Shields Hewitt and Associates
- Item 7: Economic Status and Attitudes of Older Men in Selected Rural and Urban Areas of Kentucky, October 1961

- Creator: E. Grant Youmans, Rural Sociology Dept., Univ. of Kentucky
- Item 8: Senior Citizens in a Free Society, no date

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 9: Company Practices Regarding Older Workers and Retirement: Report of a Survey of Members, February 1952

- Creator: National Metal Trades Assoc.
- Item 10: Labor Market Experience of Unemployed Older Workers, 1962

- Creator: Walter H. Franke, UIUC ILIR, prepared for a meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
- Item 11: The Effectiveness of Older Personnel in Industry, August 1954

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, Business Management Service, College of Commerce and Business Administration, UIUC
- Item 12: How Old is Old? A study of the older worker problem, 1965

- Creator: National Employment Service
- Item 13: Who's Too Old to Work? Employment problems of the older worker, September 1950

- Creator: Richard C. Wilcock, UIUC ILIR
- Item 14: Older Workers in the Nova Scotian Economy, no date

- Creator: Labour Dept., Nova Scotia
- Item 15: The Economics of an Aging Population: A Syllabus and Annotated Bibliography, no date

- Creator: Prepared by Walter H. Franke and Richard C. Wilcock of the UIUC ILIR for the Univ. of Michigan ILIR
- Folder 7: Older Workers--Bibliographies (two folders)

- Folder 8: Older Workers Benefit Protection Act

- Folder 9: Organization Development Programs

- Item 1: Strategies for Improving Organizations in Underground Mining, August 31, 1982

- Creator: J.E. Uhlaner and W.H. Crooks, Perceptronics Inc.
- Item 2: Organizational Dynamics, Autumn 1978

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Folder 10: Organization Structure

- Item 1: Concentration, Cooperation and Flexible Organizational Structures, 1986

- Creator: Jaroslav Smrcka, Institute of Management, Prague
- Folder 11: Organizational Change

- Item 1: Overcoming Resisitance to Change, 1993

- Creator: Joel R. DeLuca, Evergreen Business Group
- Item 2: Effective Introduction of Change, no date

- Item 3: Management Change Inventory, 1970

- Creator: Organizational Tests, Ltd.
- Item 4: Coordination Change: Employee Resistance and its Effects on Employee Performance, 1994

- Creator: David K. Carroll, tutorial submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Labor and Industrial Relations, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Navigating the Whitewater of Corporate Change: Analysis of Total Organizational Change in the Health Care Industry, 1997

- Creator: Kathy A. McCasky, Masters Tutorial Submitted to the UIUC ILIR
- Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting

- Box 112

- Folder 1: Overtime

- Item 1: Overtime Pay for State and Loal Government Employees: Fair Labor Standards Amendments o 1985, Law and Explanation, December 4, 1985

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 2: Overtime Pay in Relation to Costs and Profits, July 1941

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Overtime and Shift-Working: A guide for negotiators, 1973

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 4: Overtime Compensation for Exempt Employees, 4960

- Creator: E.M. Gottlieb, American Management Assoc.
- Item 5: Overtime Pay: Wage-Hour Administrator's New Interpretative Bulletin, January 31, 1950

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 6: Overtime Pay for Exempt Employees, no date

- Creator: David A. Weeks, Personnel Policy Studies No.208
- Item 7: Double Overtime Pay: Statement by John S. Bugas, Vice Pres., Ford Motor Co., before the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, United States Senate and before Committee on Education and Labor, United States House of Representatives, July 8, 1965

- Creator: Automobile Mfg. Assoc.
- Folder 2: Overtime--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Paper and Pulp Industry

- Folder 4: Paraprofessionals

- Item 1: A Survey of Allied Health Worker Utilization in Pediatric Practice, no date

- Creator: Profs. Alfred Yankauer and Jacob J. Feldman, Harvard School of Public Health, and John Connelly, Mass. General Hospital
- Folder 5: Part-Time Employment

- Item 1: An International Survey of Part-Time Employment, 1964

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 2: How Do Contingent Workers Adapt? An examination of antecedents to socialization for contingent and permanent newcomers, November 6, 2000

- Creator: Melissa S. Cardon, Columbia School of Business, for presentation at UIUC
- Item 3: Job Sharing Through Collective Bargaining, 1982

- Creator: Barbara Moorman, New Ways to Work
- Item 4: Working at the Margins: Part-Time and Temporary Workers in the United States, September 1986

- Creator: National Assoc. of Working Women
- Item 5: Part-Time, Temporary and Contracted Work: Coping with the growing "contingent" workforce, May 1993

- Creator: SEIU Research Dept.
- Item 6: Information Analysis on Part-Time Workers, March 7, 1987

- Creator: Ken Blum, prepared for the Chicago Labor Education Program, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: Part-Time Teachers and How They Work: A Study of Five School Systems, circa 1970

- Creator: Catalyst
- Folder 6: Part-Time Employment--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Participative Management

- Item 1: Examples of Forms of "Participation" in US Corporations, no date

- Creator: Rosabeth Nioss Kanter
- Item 2: Organization Obstacles to the Implementation of Increased Worker Participation in the US Coal Industry, August 31, 1982

- Creator: Michael Crow, Syracuse Univ. and Charles Pizer, Political Science Dept., Southern Illinois Univ.
- Item 3: Worker Participation in Sweden and the United States: Some comparisons from an American Perspective, no date

- Creator: Prof. Clyde Summers, Univ. of Pennsylvania Law School
- Item 4: Participative Work Practices in the Japanese Auto Industry: Some Neglected Considerations, March 16, 1982

- Creator: Prof. Yoshitaka Fujita, Economics Dept., Asia Univ., Tokyo
- Item 5: Non-Participation: The Management View?, no date

- Creator: Mick Marchington and Ray Loveridge, Univ. of Aston
- Item 6: Workers' Participation in Yugoslavia: Theory and Research, no date

- Creator: Josip Obradovic, Occasional Paper for the Univ. of South Carolina Institute of International Studies
- Item 7: Should Labor Be Given a Direct Share in the Management of Industry? A study for use in preparation of debates among college and university students, circa 1946

- Creator: Natl. Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 8: Worker Participation in Decision Making in Industry: Forms, Experiences and Attitudes, November 1977

- Creator: Daniel Benedict, Labour Studies Programme, McMaster Univ., Ontario
- Item 9: Participation in 35 Swedish Companies, circa 1975

- Creator: Development Council for Collaboration Questions
- Item 10: Working Environment in Sweden: Equal Power to the Workers in Sweden?, December 1974

- Creator: Bengt-Olov Linder, Swedish Institute
- Item 11: Labour Management Participation, December 1956

- Creator: Survey of Indian Industries
- Folder 8: Participative Management--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Pensions

- Item 1: Union Control of Pension Funds: Will the North Rise Again?, 1979

- Creator: George J. Borjas, Institute for Contemporary Studies
- Item 2: The Fiscal Impact of an Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) for Illinois' Higher Education Faculty and Administrators, Februar y1995

- Creator: Illinois Economic and Fiscal Commission
- Item 3: Proceedings: Conference on Health, Welfare and Pension Plans, January 9, 1951

- Creator: Chicago Federation of Labor
- Item 4: Development and Fundamentals of Old-Age Retirement and Disability Allowance Plans, April 4, 1949

- Creator: Prof. Charles W. Anrod, Economics Dept., Loyola Univ.
- Item 5: Penrion, Bonus and Profit-Sharing Plans, 1943

- Creator: Esmond B. Bardner and C. Jerome Weber, Chase Natl. Bank
- Item 6: Current Problems in Pension Planning: Proceedings of a Conference held at Robert Allerton Park by the Univ. of Illinois, May 20-21, 1953

- Creator: Edited by Prof. Robert I. Mehr, Economics Dept., UIUC and Prof. Charles W. Anrod, Economics Dept., Loyola Univ, conference held by the UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: State and Local Employee Pension Systems: A Summary, 1969

- Creator: Tax Foundation, Inc.
- Box 113

- Folder 1: Pensions (cont.)

- Item 1: "Benefits:" Retirees' and Survivors' Benefit Handbook, January 1991

- Creator: Illinois State Retirement System
- Item 2: Multiemployer Pension Plans: A Time-Bomb for Employers?, November 1980

- Creator: Joseph A. LoCicero, Personnel Journal
- Item 3: An International Comparison of Pension Systems, March 1980

- Creator: Barbara Boyle Torrey and Carole J. Thompson, with the help of Karen Orlansky and Robert Firestine, President's Commission on Pension Policy
- Item 4: Proceedings of a Panel Meeting: "What is Actuarial Soundness in a Pension Plan?", December 29, 1952

- Creator: American Statistical Assoc., American Economic Assoc., American Assoc. of University Teachers of Insurance and Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
- Item 5: Pension Plans: What You Should Know About Them, no date

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Electrical Wkrs.
- Item 6: Management Faces the Pension Problem, October 1950

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 7: Basic Principles of Pension Plans

- Item 8: Vesting of Employer Contributions Under Industrial Retirement Plans, 1956

- Creator: Industrial Relations Dept., Queens Univ. at Kingston, Ontario
- Item 9: Pensions and Severance Pay for Displaced Defense Workers, June 1969

- Creator: Hugh Folk and Paul Hartman, UIUC ILIR, prepared for the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- Item 10: Old Age Pensions in America, 1928

- Creator: Murray W. Latimer, Industrial Relations Counselors Inc.
- Item 11: Public School Retirement at the Half Century, December 1950

- Creator: Natl. Education Assoc. Research Bulletin, Vol. XXVIII, No.4
- Item 12: Pension Funds and Economic Freedom, April 1959

- Creator: Fund for the Republic
- Item 13: Planning a Retirement Sytem, 1950

- Creator: Teachers Insurance and Annuity Assoc. of America
- Item 14: The Fundamentals of Retirement Planning for the College Professor, March 1953

- Creator: George E. Johnson, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Assoc. of America
- Item 15: Private Pensions and Labor Mobility, February 9, 1968

- Creator: Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR
- Item 16: Social and Economic Impact of the Pension Trend, 1950

- Creator: Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ., published by the American Management Assoc.
- Item 17: The Miner's Pension, 1951

- Creator: The Acton Society Trust, UK
- Item 18: Age Groups, Pensions and Inflation; The Canada Pension Plan; Canadian Labour Congress Proposals for an Adequate Pension Plan at Age Sixty; Examples of Union-Negotiated Pension Plans; Pre-Retirement Planning: Its nature and importance, programs and possibilities; The Chains of Freedom; Estate Planning and Wills, June 1975

- Creator: Dalhousie Labour Institute for the Atlantic Provinces, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Folder 2: Pensions--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Collectively Bargained Pensions

- Item 1: Teamster Rank and File Pension Handbook, October 1981

- Creator: Teamsters for a Democratic Union
- Item 2: Pension Plans in Collective Bargaining, January 1950

- Creator: Louis S. Boffo, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Pension Plans Under Collective Bargaining: A reference guide for trade unions, no date

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 4: "Union Considerations When Establishing a Pension Plan", no date

- Item 5: Collective Bargaining for Pensions: Proceedings of a conference held on "War Time and Long Range Issues in Collective Bargaining for Pensions" held at Robert Allerton Park, February 1951

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Box 114

- Folder 1: Pensions Financing

- Item 1: Disinvestment: Is it Legal? Is it Moral? Is it Productive? An Analysis of Politicizing Investment Decisions, 1985

- Creator: National Legal Center for the Public Interest
- Item 2: Seminar on Foreign Trends and Experience in Union Involvement in Pension Fund Management and Investment, January 22, 1981

- Creator: George Meany Center for Labor Studies
- Item 3: Investment of Union Pension Funds, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 2: Personnel Administration

- Item 1: HRM Business-University Partnerships: Integration of Science and Practice, August 1994

- Creator: Gerald R. Ferris et al, Univ. of Illinois Center for Human Resource Management
- Item 2: Personnel/Human Resource Management: A Political Influence Perspective, circa 1991

- Creator: Gerald R. Ferris, UIUC ILIR and Timothy A. Judge, NY St. School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 3: Upward Influence in Organizations: Test of a Model, no date

- Creator: Gerald R. Ferris, UIUC ILIR; Timothy A. Judge, NY St. School of Industrial Relations; Kendrish M. Rowland, Dept. of Business Admin., UIUC
- Item 4: Politics in Human Resources Decisions: A Walk on the Dark Side, no date

- Creator: Gerald R. Ferris, UIUC ILIR and Thomas R. King, Dept. of Management and Quantitative Methods, Illinois St. Univ.
- Item 5: United Airlines Personnel and Industrial Relations Strategic Plan, no date

- Creator: United Airlines
- Item 6: Providing Effective Personnel: Proceedings of the fifth annual personnel management conference at the Univ. of Illinois, January 1953

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and College of Commerce and Business Administration
- Item 7: New Developments in Personnel Administration: Proceedings of the seventh annual personnel management conference at the Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, January 1955

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and College of Commerce and Business Administration
- Item 8: Lectures on Personnel Management, 1949

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Innovative Human Resources Practices and Instrumental Outcomes for Workers, no date

- Creator: Clint Chadwick and Todd Fisher, UIUC ILIR
- Item 10: Current Trends in Personnel and Industrial Relations: Proceedings of the ninth annual personnel management conference at the Univ. of Illinois, Marhc 1957

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and College of Commerce and Business Administration
- Item 11: Measuring Personnel Administration Objectives: Proceedings of the eight personnel management conference at the Univ. of Illinois, March 1956

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and College of Commerce and Business Administration
- Item 12: Public Personnel Administration: A Manual and Bibliography, 1952

- Creator: Russell H. Ewing, Training Officer, Edwards Air Force Base, USAF
- Item 13: Essentials of Effective Personnel Administration: Case studies of successful company experience, no date

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Item 14: Personnel Administration on the Campus, 1954

- Creator: Donald E. Dickason, Dir. Of Nonacademic Personnel, UIUC and dir. Of the Univ. Civil Service System of Illinois
- Item 15: Personnel Administration in Illinois: A Look at Operations Under the 1955 Code, circa 1955

- Creator: Illinois Legislative Council
- Item 16: Bulletin to Management, 2014-15

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Box 115

- Folder 1: Personnel Administration (cont.)

- Item 1: The Personnel Manager in India, July 1967

- Creator: Prof. Sagar C. Jain, Carolina Population Center, UNC Chapel Hill
- Folder 2: Personnel Administration--Bibliographies (two folders)

- Folder 3: Personnel Administration in Japan

- Item 1: The Evolution of HRM Politics and Practices in Japan, October 1994

- Creator: Prof. Motohiro Morishima, Keio Univ., Tokyo and visiting prof. at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Chapter Six: The Chemical Process Plant and Freedom in Work (continued), no date

- Item 3: Personnel Management Study in Japan, 1960

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 4: Analysis of Personnel Practices in the Principal Industries in Japan, April 1963

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers Associations
- Item 5: Position and Responsibility of the Personnel Dept. in Japanese Enterprise, 1959

- Creator: Shin-ichiro Tanaka, Jujo Paper Mfg. Co.
- Item 6: (document is entirely in Japanese), October 1938

- Item 7: Personnel Administration in Modern Japan - Historical Development, March 1962

- Creator: Matoko Sakurabayashi and Robert J. Ballon, Sophia Univ., Tokyo
- Item 8: Personnel Management of Japanese Newspaper Industry, 1962

- Creator: Newspaper Industry (Personnel Management) Study Team, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 9: Personnel Management in Japan, 1961

- Creator: Personnel Management Study Team, Intl. Cooperation Admin., Japan Productivity Center
- Item 10: Personnel Management in Japan, 1961

- Creator: Personnel Management Study Team to Europe, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 11: Chapter Five: The Chemical Continuous Process Plant and Freedom in Work: Nature of the Chemical Industry, no date

- Folder 4: Personnel Audit

- Item 1: Bankruptcy of Personnel Policy, Fall 1957

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Research Director, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Folder 5: Personnel Inventory

- Item 1: Modelling the Internal Supply of Human Resources, no date

- Folder 6: Personnel Records

- Item 1: Access to Personnel Files: One Union's View, no date

- Creator: Public Service Employees Union Local 46, for the UIUC ILIR's Chicago Labor Education Program
- Item 2: Personnel Records: A Report Prepared for Metropolitan Group Policyholders, 1943

- Creator: Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
- Folder 7: Petroleum Industry

- Item 1: Future Growth of the World Petroleum Industry, no date

- Creator: John G. Winger et al., Chase Manhattan Bank
- Item 2: Nine Decades of Oil, circa 1950

- Creator: Interstate Oil Pipeline Co.
- Item 3: Human Relations in the Petroleum Industry, 1955

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 4: Facts About Oil, no date

- Creator: American Petroleum Institute
- Item 5: The American Oil Industry-- A Forty-odd Thousand Company Enterprise, no date

- Creator: Harold Fleming, American Petroleum Institute
- Item 6: Collective Influence in the Recent Trend Towards The Stabilization of International Crude and Product Prices, March 1967

- Creator: VIth Arab Petroleum Congress, League of Arab States/OPEC
- Item 7: Petroleum, 1946

- Creator: Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Beane
- Item 8: The Arab Petroleum, December 1966 - June 1967

- Creator: Arab Federation of Petroleum Workers
- Folder 8: Philadelphia Plan

- Item 1: Labor and the Philadelphia Plan, January 1970

- Creator: George Meany, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Philadelphia Plan: Questions and Answers, circa 1970

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Minority Training and Hiring in the Construction Industry, circa 1972

- Creator: Prof. Gladys W. Gruenberg, Economics Dept., St. Louis Univ.
- Item 4: Conference on Home-Town Affirmative Action Program for the Construction Industry in Champaign County, January 23-24, 1975

- Item 5: Affirmative Action Agreement for the East Central Illinois Area to Provide Equal Employment Opportunity in the Construction Industry, no date

- Folder 9: Philadelphia Plan--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Physical Examinations

- Folder 11: Physicians and Surgeons

- Folder 12: Picketing

- Item 1: The Development of Common-Situs Picketing in the Construction Industry, April 26, 1979

- Creator: James P. Abbatiello, presented to Prof. John Russo for the Research Seminar II Course, St. Francis College
- Folder 13: Picketing--Bibliographies

- Folder 14: Plant Closings

- Item 1: Management's Responsibility for Employee Security, 1955

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 2: A Union Response to Plant Closings: A Program Guide, circa 1982

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: The Last Pullman Car: A Kartemquin Film (study guide for the film), 1985

- Creator: Kartemquin Films, Ltd.
- Item 4: "Progress Plus Protection: As the featherbedding dispute nears a climax on the nation's railroads, increasing attention centers on the protection given employees", March 6, 1963

- Item 5: State an Local Initiatives on Development Subsidies and Plant Closings, circa 1989

- Creator: Roger Kerson and Greg LeRoy, Midwest Center for Labor Research and Federation for Industrial Retention and Renewal
- Item 6: Resurvey of Former Armour and ABC Workers, July 1962

- Creator: Richard C. Wilcock and Walter H. Franke, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: Manual for Monitoring Local Manufacturing Employment, Plant Closings and Major Layoffs, April 1984

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Chicago Center for Urban Economic Development
- Box 116

- Folder 1: Plant Closings (cont.)

- Item 1: Remarks Delivered Before the AFL-CIO Cornell Full Employment Symposium, June 12, 1981

- Creator: Prof. Louis A. Ferman, School of Social Work, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 2: "It is our hope that this guidebook will add significantly to your planning efforts as you seek to mitigate the effects of displacement upon individuals losing their jobs", no date

- Creator: Gloria V. Becerra
- Item 3: "Preliminary Report on Plant Closings in Illinois", October 1980

- Creator: Illinois AFL-CIO
- Item 4: E.J. Brach: A Misadventure in Candyland II, The Sequel, August 1994

- Creator: Midwest Center for Labor Research, prepared for the Garfield Austin Interfaith Action Network and the Intl. Bro. of Teamsters Local 738
- Item 5: Business Closings and Worker Readjustment: The Canadian Approach, 1987

- Creator: David G. Newman and William Gardner, National Center on Occupational Readjustment, Inc.
- Folder 2: Plant Closings--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Plant Protection

- Folder 4: Police Officers

- Folder 5: Police Officers--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Politics and Labor

- Item 1: Prejudice and Politics, 1960

- Creator: Charles P. Taft and Bruce L. Felknor, Freedom Pamphlets
- Item 2: The Resotration of Politics, 1965

- Creator: Harvey Wheeler, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions
- Item 3: A Political Model of the Business Cycle, December 10, 1971

- Creator: C. Duncan MacRae, Urban Institute
- Item 4: "Middle Class" Workers and the New Politics, 1969

- Creator: Brendan Sexton, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 5: Reaching the Voter: The 1956 Pentland Campaign, January 1957

- Creator: Report to the 14th Annual City-Side Shop Conference, Teamsters Local 688
- Folder 7: Postal Reogranization Act of 1970

- Folder 8: Poverty

- Item 1: Strategies to Help the Working Poor: The Union Solution, March 1990

- Creator: Public Employee Department, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Social Exclusion and Anti-Poverty Strategies, 1996

- Creator: International Labour Organization
- Folder 9: Poverty--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Prevailing Rate of Wage Act (Davis-Bacon Act)

- Item 1: The GAO on Davis-Bacon: A Fatally Flawed Study - Summary of an economic critique by the Center to Protect Women's Rights, September 1979

- Creator: Center to Protect Workers Rights
- Item 2: Davis-Bacon and Related Acts, January 1977

- Creator: Prepared for the Building Trades Business Agents' Institute at the Univ. of Illinois by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and the UIUC ILIR
- Folder 11: Prevailing Rate of Wage Act--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Printing and Publishing Industry

- Folder 13: Problem-Solving

- Item 1: The Technology of Management Problem Solving, 1986

- Creator: Josef Khol, Institute of Management, Prague
- Folder 14: Problem-Solving--Bibliographies

- Folder 15: Production Standards

- Folder 16: Production Standards--Bibliographies

- Folder 17: Labor Productivity

- Item 1: The Human Factor In Production, December 1948

- Creator: Phillips Bradley, Dir., UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Productivity in the Changing World of the 1980s: The Final Report of the National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life, 1978

- Creator: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life
- Item 3: Productivity and Industrial Relations: The Case of US Bituminous Coal, December 1979

- Creator: M. Connerton, R.B. Freeman and J.L. Medoff
- Item 4: Improving Municipal Productivitiy: The Detroit Refuse Collection Incentive Plan, 1974

- Creator: National Commission on Productivity
- Item 5: Morale's Inverse Relationships to Productivity, no date

- Creator: David E. Shulenburger, Clemson Univ.
- Item 6: Labor Productivity During the Great Depression, August 1993

- Creator: Michael D. Bordo and Charles L. Evans, Natl. Bureau of Economic Research
- Item 7: Report of the Solid Waste Management Advisory Group on Opportunities for Improving Productivity in Solid Waste Residential Collection, July 1973

- Creator: National Commission on Productivity
- Item 8: Unionism and Productivitiy in West Virginia Coal Mining, November 9, 1985

- Creator: William March Boal
- Item 9: Opportunities for Improving Productivity in Police Services, 1973

- Creator: National Commission on Productivity
- Item 10: Productivitiy and International Competitiveness in Japan and the United States, 1960-1965, August 1990

- Creator: Dale W. Jorgenson, Harvard Univ. and Masahiro Kuroda, Keio Univ., Japan
- Box 117

- Folder 1: Labor Productivity (cont.)

- Item 1: Governmental Productivity: Organizational Activities, April 1973

- Creator: National Commission on Productivity and Work Quality
- Item 2: Increasing Productivity Thru: Simplification, Standardization, Specialization, circa 1950

- Creator: Mutual Security Agency, Productivity and Technical Assistance Div.
- Item 3: People and Productivity: A Challenge to Corporate America, 1982

- Creator: New York Stock Exchange
- Item 4: Governing America: A Competitiveness Policy Agenda for the New Administration, 1989

- Creator: Council on Competitiveness
- Item 5: Construction of Esso Refinery, Fawley: A Study in Organization, March 1954

- Creator: A.P. Gray and Mark Abrams, British Institute of Management
- Item 6: Productivity Improvements in the Office, December 1968

- Creator: J.E. Bayhylle, Research Dept., Engineering Employers' Federation, UK
- Item 7: The Union's Role in Helping Productivity, no date

- Creator: Joseph A. Beirne, Pres., Communications Wkrs. Of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 8: Trade Union Attitudes and their Effect Upon Productivity, no date

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Of America
- Item 9: Jobs & Productivity, no date

- Creator: National Issues Forum
- Item 10: Conference on an Agenda for Economic Research on Productivity, April 1973

- Creator: National Commission on Productivity
- Item 11: Reward Systems and Productivity: A final report for the White House Conference on Productivity, no date

- Creator: American Productivity Center
- Item 12: Productivity Team Report on Building, May 1950

- Creator: Anglo-American Council on Productivity
- Item 13: 12 Factors Associated with Productivity, no date

- Creator: Univ. of Michigan and Caterpillar Tractor Co.
- Item 14: Conclusions Concerning the Productivity Improvement and its Effects on the Level of Employment and Working Conditions in the Iron and Steel Industry, December 1986

- Creator: Intl. Labour Organization, Geneva
- Item 15: British and American Manufacturing Productivity, February 1957

- Creator: Prof. Marvin Frankel, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 16: Labor Productivity Functions in Meat Packing, June 1952

- Creator: William H. Nichols, Reviewed by Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 17: Restriction of Output, no date

- Creator: James P. Morgan
- Item 18: The Will to Work: The Greatest Resource of American Industry, no date

- Creator: Philips Bradley, Dir., UIUC ILIR
- Item 19: The Relationship of Supervisory Behavior and Attitudes to Group Productivity in Two Widely Different Industrial Settings, September 1949

- Creator: Nathan Maccoby, Institute for Social Research, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 20: Building Employee Productivity: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Personnel Management Conference, Univ. of Illinois, January 1954

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 21: Human Relations and Efficient Production, August 1947

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 22: Meeting Standards of Output, 1949

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Item 23: Conceptual and Empirical Problems in the Measurement of Prices and Productivity, November 1972

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, UIUC, prepared for the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress
- Item 24: Job Frustration and Productivity, possibly circa 1955

- Creator: H. Rosen
- Item 25: Synthesized Cases: A Definition of Hospital Product with Application to a Proposed Hospital Productivity Measurement System, October 31, 1975

- Creator: Sam A. Edwards and Charles G. Richie, Texas Hospital Assoc.
- Item 26: Productivity Growth and Accumulation as Historical Process, 1962

- Creator: W.E.G. Salter, International Economic Assoc.
- Item 27: The Effects of Technology on Productivity, 1962

- Creator: Shigeto Tsuru, International Economic Assoc.
- Item 28: Evaluation and Relative Importance of the Factors Affecting Productivity, no date

- Creator: John T. Dunlop
- Item 29: Output and Employment Relationships, August 12, 1957

- Creator: Canada Dept. of Labour
- Item 30: Jurisdictional Guide to Productivity Improvement Projects: A Handbook for City Officials, May 1975

- Creator: Intl. City Management Assoc.
- Item 31: Jurisdictional Guide to Productivity Improvement Projects: A Handbook for City Officials, September 1974

- Creator: Intl. City Management Assoc.
- Item 32: Economic Problems in Measuring Changes in Productivity, October 1958

- Creator: George J. Stigler, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 33: Measurement of Labor Input: Some Questions of Definition and the Adequacy of Data, October 1958

- Creator: Edward F. Denison, Committee for Economic Development
- Item 34: Estimates of Real Product in the United States by Industrial Sector, 1947-1955, October 1958

- Creator: Jack Alterman and Eva E. Jacobs, US Labor Dept.
- Item 35: International Comparisons of Real Product and Productivity by Final Expenditures by Industry, October 1958

- Creator: Milton Gilbert and Wilfred Beckerman, Organisation for European Economic Cooperation
- Item 36: Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, October 1958

- Creator: Neal Potter and Francis T. Christy Jr., Resources for the Future Inc.
- Box 118

- Folder 1: Labor Productivity (cont.)

- Item 1: Data Available for the Measurement of Output per Man-Hour, October 1958

- Creator: Leon Greenberg, US Labor Dept.
- Folder 2: Labor Productivity--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Foreign Labor Productivity

- Item 1: The Productivity Movement in Japan, May 1993

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 2: Productivity and Labour-Management Relations, no date

- Creator: Mr. Jinnosuke Miyai, Pres., Japan Productivity Center
- Item 3: Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes: First Report, 1958

- Creator: Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes, UK
- Item 4: Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes: Second Report, August 1958

- Creator: Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes, UK
- Item 5: Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes: Third Report, July 1959

- Creator: Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes, UK
- Item 6: Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes: Fourth Report, July 1961

- Creator: Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes, UK
- Item 7: Raising Productivity in Israel, 1953

- Creator: Hy Fish, Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 8: Speaking of Productivity, no date

- Creator: National Productivity Council, India
- Item 9: ILO Productivity Missions to Underdeveloped Countries, 1957

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office
- Item 10: Increased Productivity and Prosperity for the Filipino Working Man, no date

- Creator: Industrial Development Center
- Item 11: The Israel Institute of Productivity: Report of Activities, 1967

- Creator: Israel Institute of Productivity
- Item 12: Wages and Productivity in Great Britain, 1962

- Creator: K.G.J.C. Knowles, Intl. Congress on Economic Development
- Item 13: Stages of Industrialisation and Labour Productivity, 1962

- Creator: J. Pajestka, Intl. Congress on Economic Development
- Item 14: Industrial Labor Productivity in Non-Western Countries Since 1945, 1962

- Creator: Walter Galenson and John R. Eriksson, Intl. Congress on Economic Development
- Item 15: Trends in Labour Productivity and Wages in Twelve Selected Industries, December 1956

- Creator: Anil K. Chatterjee, Indian Statistical Institute
- Item 16: Sector and System Measures of Labour Productivity in the Indian Economy, 1972

- Creator: Raghav Gaiha, Institute of Economic Growth
- Item 17: Industrialization and Methods of Increasing Labour Productivity, with comments by Adolf Sturmthal, no date

- Creator: Comments by Adolf Strumthal, UIUC ILIR
- Item 18: Organizational Change, Learning and Productivity: An account of a joint approach to organizational change in four Swedish companies, mutual learning and the enhancement of independent decision-making on the part of the workforce, March 1979

- Creator: Karl-Olof Faxen
- Item 19: Productivity Programmes: The Terms for Change, March 1973

- Creator: Dept. of Labour, Australia
- Item 20: Report of the Working Party on the Measurement of Labour Productivity, November 1975

- Creator: Ministry of Labour and Immigration, Australia
- Item 21: Role of Labour in Productivity Drive, July 1964

- Creator: Asian Productivity Organization
- Item 22: Industrial Relations and Productivity: A Select Bibliography, October 1975

- Creator: R.D. Seth, Deputy Librarian, Shri Ram Center for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, New Delhi
- Folder 4: Labor Productivity in Japan

- Item 1: A Survey of the Effect of the Productivity Teams, October 1958

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 2: Guide Book for Productivity Drive, March 1957

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 3: Productivity: The Japanese Approach, circa 1981

- Creator: Prof. Yoshi Tsurumi, Marketing Dept., CUNY
- Item 4: The Tyranny of the Line: A Toyota Worker's Story, December 1982

- Creator: Satoshi Kamata, translated by Tatsuru Akimoto
- Item 5: FY 1959 First Quarter Project Report (Apr. thru June), June 1958

- Creator: Kansai Regional Productivity Center
- Item 6: Productivity Drive in Japan: Its Progress in Three Years, no date

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 7: Members of Middle Management Training Study Team, 1960

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 8: Guide Book for Productivity Drive, circa 1954

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 9: Request for Materials and Information, no date

- Creator: Japan Industrial Training Productivity Study Team
- Item 10: Members List of Japan Industrial Training Productivity Study Team, no date

- Creator: Japan Industrial Training Productivity Study Team
- Item 11: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: Observing the principle of productivity standard thoroughly and increasing efficiency in the public sector, March 1981

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers' Associations
- Item 12: Summary Report: Price, Income and Productivity Committee, September 1972

- Creator: Price, Income and Productivity Committee
- Item 13: The Productivity Movement in Japan, 1963

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 14: The Productivity Program in Japan: A program of technical cooperation between Japan and the United States, 1960

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center and United States Operations Mission to Japan
- Item 15: Economic Foundation of the Labor-Management Issue, January 20, 1954

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers' Associations
- Item 16: Survey of Japanese Industrial Productivity: Jan. 1, 1956, Summer 1958

- Creator: W.S. Landes, US Operations Mission to Japan and Prof. Rupert N. Evans, Kyoto American Studies Seminar
- Item 17: Productivity and Wages in Japan, 1959

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 18: Report of the Indian Productivity Delegation to Japan (report and appendices), no date

- Creator: Ministry of Commerce and Industry, India
- Box 119

- Folder 1: Labor Productivity in Japan (cont.)

- Item 1: Productivity Drive in Japan, March 1962

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Folder 2: Productivity Bargaining

- Item 1: Coast Labor Relations Committee Report, October 1957

- Creator: Longshore, Shipclerks and Walking Bosses Caucus
- Item 2: The ILWU Viewpoint on Increased Productivity, February 23, 1965

- Creator: J.R. Robertson, Vice Pres., Intl. Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union
- Item 3: Productivity Bargaining, 1970

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Folder 3: Productivity Bargaining--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Professional Employees

- Item 1: Racial Segregation in the Professions: Recent National Industry-Specific Trends 1968-1980, circa 1981

- Creator: Prof. Gordon Johnson, Afro-American Studies Dept., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
- Item 2: The Economic Strength of Business and Professional Women, 1954

- Creator: Babette Kass and Rose C. Feld, Natl. Fed. Of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc.
- Item 3: Professionalism and Role Making in a Service Organization: A Longitudinal Investigation, 1974

- Creator: William J. Haga, Naval Postgraduate School; George Graen, UIUC; Fred Dansereau Jr., SUNY Buffalo - Reprinted from the American Sociological Review
- Item 4: Organizational Behavior, Career Orientations and the Propensity to Move Among Professionals, no date

- Creator: Alan B. Kirschenbaum and Albert I. Goldberg, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 5: The Highway Called Professionalism, no date

- Creator: M. Lieberthal, Univ. of Illinois
- Folder 5: Professional Employees--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Professions

- Folder 7: Professors and Instructors

- Item 1: Whither the Market for College Faculty?, no date

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Folder 8: Profit Sharing

- Item 1: Report on the Multi-National Study Group Visit to the Federal Republic of Germany on Workers Savings Plans for Capital Formation, June 1972

- Creator: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 2: The Labour Movement and Employee Investment Funds: History, Recommendations and Commentary, June 1982

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 3: An Investment Wage and a Wage Earners' Investment Fund Under Steady-State Growth, 1975

- Creator: Prof. Hans Brems, UIUC
- Item 4: Profit Sharing: Management in Industrial Democracy, November 8, 1948

- Creator: Roy C. McKenna, Chairman of the Board, Vanadium-Alloys Steel Co.
- Item 5: Profit Sharing and a Wage Earners' Investment Fund Under Steady-State Growth, 1975

- Creator: Prof. Hans Brems, UIUC
- Item 6: A Wage-Earners' Investment Fund, 1975

- Creator: Prof. Hans Brems, UIUC
- Item 7: Profit Sharing and Employee Benefit Plans, July 1947

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Broadcasters, Bulletin No.6
- Item 8: Profit Sharing, no date

- Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Folder 9: Programmed Instruction

- Folder 10: Promotions

- Folder 11: Promotions--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Industrial Psychiatry

- Item 1: Progress Report: Chicago Area Plan for Workers' Mental Health, November 1965

- Creator: Prof. Arnold Abrams, Roosevelt Univ. Labor Education Div.
- Item 2: Mental Illness in Industry, Spring 1959

- Creator: Robert N. McMurry, reprinted from Harvard Business Review
- Box 120

- Folder 1: Industrial Psychology

- Item 1: The Individual and Organizations: Joint Influences on Behavior, no date

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin
- Item 2: Psychology and Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Prof. K.F. Walker, Psychology Dept., Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 3: Intl. Review of Applied Psychology SPECIAL ISSUE: Psychologists and Unions, April 1981

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Applied Psychology
- Item 4: Draft Report: Psychology Conference in Union Administration and Collective Bargaining, September 1947

- Creator: Edited by Jack Barbash, Roosevelt Univ. Labor Education Div.
- Item 5: "The Contribution Industrial Psychology Can Make to Better Labor Relations" and "Problems of Women in Industry": Labor/Management Sixth Annual Round Table Conference Program, April 3-4, 1952

- Creator: Kansas State College
- Item 6: Psychology for Unions: A summary of material presented and group discussion in eight introductory workshop sessions, January 1948

- Creator: Myrna Bordelon and Friedy Heisler, Roosevelt College Labor Education Div.
- Item 7: "The Relation of Open Hearth Foremen's Interpersonal Perceptions to Steel Production" -and- "A Note on Psychological Attributes Related to the Score Assumed Similarity Between Opposites (Aso", October 1955

- Creator: Walter A. Cleven & Fred E. Fiedler, and Eileen F. Golb & Fred E. Fielder respectively, Group Effectiveness Research Laboratory, Psychology Dept., UIUC
- Folder 2: Industrial Psychology--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Public Assistance

- Item 1: An End to Welfare As We Know It: Union strategies to salvage the safety net, 1996

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employee Dept.
- Item 2: Welfare Reform: Strategies for Successful Programs, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employee Dept.
- Item 3: General Assistance, with special reference to practice in 47 localitiies of the United States, New York 1949

- Creator: Felix M. Gentile and Donald S. Howard, American Assoc. of Social Wkrs.
- Item 4: The Public Aid Squeeze in Illinois: Background, Current Problems, Recommendations, March 1963

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 5: The Chamber of Commerce, The Reader's Digest and the Wharton School: An unholy alliance agsint hungry men, women and children, no date

- Creator: Leo Perlis, AFL-CIO Dept. of Community Services
- Item 6: Let's Stop Subsidizing Strikes, October 1973

- Creator: George Denison, Reader's Digest
- Item 7: Illinois Consolidated Standard Plan, September 1973

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Public Aid
- Item 8: For and Against the Welfare State, October 1963

- Creator: Ernst Michanek
- Item 9: What is Ahead for Public Welfare?, December 4, 1965

- Creator: Address by Wilbur J. Cohen at the American Public Welfare Assoc. Biennial Conference
- Item 10: Public Aid in Illinois: Upward From Dependency, June 1964

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Public Aid
- Item 11: Public Aid in Illinois: Director Discusses Plans with Staff, September 1964

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Public Aid
- Item 12: Statement on Public Aid for the Moreland Commission, no date

- Creator: Leo Perlis, AFL-CIO Dept. of Community Services
- Item 13: Welfare Stories: Have they become a scandal?, no date

- Creator: Leo Perlis, AFL-CIO Dept. of Community Services
- Folder 4: Public Assistance--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Public Contracts Act (1936)

- Item 1: Editorial: Repeal Walsh-Healey!, May 15, 1990

- Creator: Modern Industry, Vol.19, No.5
- Item 2: The Walsh-Healey Act: Tobin's Reply, November 15, 1950

- Creator: Modern Industry and Maurice J. Tobin, United States Secretary of Labor
- Item 3: Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Folder 6: Public Labor Policy

- Item 1: A 50th Anniversary Celebration of the International Labour Organisation's "Declaration of Philadelphia: A Blueprint for Social Justice," Annex: Declaration concerning the aims and purposes of the International Labour Organisation, no date

- Creator: International Labour Organisation
- Item 2: "The topic of discussion is 'Government's Place in Post-War Labor-Management Relations.' My opinion is that you can measure the success of labor-management relations by the extent to which government is relegated to the place of an interested observer...", January 20, 1944

- Creator: Speech by William H. Davis, Chairman of the National War Labor Board, before the National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 3: Right and Wrong in Labor Relations, circa 1958

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: The Road To Industrial Peace, circa 1953

- Creator: Carlton Koepge, Study for the US House of Representatives
- Item 5: The Case for Freedom from Federal Control of Wages and Hours, January 1938

- Creator: Machinery and Allied Products Institute
- Item 6: A Paradox of Our National Labor Law: The Statutory Encouragement of the Making of Labor Agreements Versus the Statutory Discouragement of Their Specific Enforcement By National Courts, 1951

- Creator: Prof. William G. Rice Jr., Univ. of Wisconsin Law School, published by the Marquette Law Review
- Item 7: A Study Supported by Factual Documentation Presenting Basic Fundamentals and Legislative Proposals in Support of Them Which Must Be Included in Any Fair Labor-Management Relations Code, February 1949

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 8: Statement of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America on Senate Res. 50: "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976", May 25, 1976

- Creator: Carl H. Madden, US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 9: An Effective Labor Policy for the United States, 1968

- Creator: Sylvester Petro, American Conservative Union
- Item 10: Collective Bargaining and Government Policies: National Report, United States, May 1973

- Creator: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 11: Conference on Collective Bargaining and Government Policies, Session IV: Collective Bargaining Issues and Public Policies: JOB SECURITY, May 1978

- Creator: Lloyd McBride, Pres., United Steelworkers of America, presented to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 12: Labor-Management Relations: A list of selected readings for high schools, September 1959

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and College of Education
- Folder 7: Public Opinion on Labor Issues

- Item 1: Public and Employee Attitudes on Labor Problems, August 1942

- Creator: Address by Noel Sargent, Secretary, Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers, before the NAM Wartime Institute on Industrial Relations
- Item 2: The Community and Labor-Management Relations, no date

- Creator: Donald E. Wray, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Labor Union Power: What the Public Wants Done About It, May 1957

- Creator: Public Opinion Index for Industry, Opinion Research Corp.
- Folder 8: Public Relations, 1950-

- Item 1: Public Relations in Business, July 1950

- Creator: Prof. Nugent Wedding, Marketing Dept., UIUC
- Folder 9: Public Relations--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Public Utilities

- Item 1: Trade Unionism in the Electric Light and Power Industry, June 1928

- Creator: Charles Franklin March, UIUC
- Item 2: An indexed bibliography of the Tennessee Valley Authority Cumulative Supplement, January 1951 - December 1952, September 1953

- Creator: Bernard L. Foy, Tennessee Valley Authority
- Item 3: "There is pending a proposal to construct a natural gas pipe from the southwest into this state", December 17, 1947

- Item 4: Some Aspects of the Recent State Legislation to Prohibit Strikes in Public Utilities, May 1948

- Creator: Walter Polner
- Box 121

- Folder 1: Quality of Work Life

- Item 1: Measuring the Quality of Work Life, January 1976

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 2: What Quality of Working Life Means, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: The Volvo Report, 1975

- Creator: Folf Lindholm and Jan-Peder Norstedt, Swedish Employers Confederation
- Item 4: Arbeitsstrukturierung in der Deutschen Metallindustrie (3), 1975

- Creator: Institute fur Angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft
- Item 5: Arbeitsstrukturierung in der Deutschen Metallindustrie (2), 1975

- Creator: Institute fur Angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft
- Item 6: Glossary of Common Quality of Working Life Terms, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: Examples of Quality of Working Life Initiatives, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: Quality of Working Life and Employee Counter Productive Actions, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Estimating Personal and Organizational Quality of Working Life, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 10: Additional Quality of Working Life Definitions, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: Comprehensive Definitions of Quality of Working Life, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 12: Job Satisfaction as an Indicator of Quality of Employment, March 1973

- Creator: Stanley E. Seashore, Social Research Institute, Univ. of Michigan, for the Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 13: Is the Quality of Working Life Improving? How can you tell? And who wants to know?, March 1973

- Creator: Norman M. Bradburn, for the Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 14: Current Research on the Quality of Working Life, May 1973

- Creator: Alan H. Portigal, Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 15: The Evolution of the Quality of Working Life Movement, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 16: Work Values: Six Americans in a Swedish Plant, March 1975

- Creator: Robert B. Goldman
- Item 17: Gestaltung der Menschlichen Arbeit Beispiele aus der deutschen Automobilindustrie, November 1976

- Item 18: REFA-Nachrichten: Zeitschrift des Verbandes fur Arbeitsstudien -REFA -e.V., 1976

- Creator: REFA
- Item 19: Studs Terkel Loves His Work, but he says you don't, June 1976

- Creator: Claudia Dreifus, MBA Magazine
- Item 20: "QWL: Is it Legal?....", no date

- Item 21: Development of a Quality of Working Life Questionnaire: Item Discrimination Survey, no date

- Creator: M.F. Heizel; J.G. Goodale; R.C. Joyner and R.J. Burke of York Univ., for the Canadian Labour Dept.
- Folder 2: Quality of Work Life--Bibliographies (two folders)

- Folder 3: Quits

- Item 1: Alternative Opportunities and Withdrawal Decisions: Empirical and Theoretical Discrepancies and an Integration, 1985

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Mary Roznowski and Donna Hachiya, UIUC
- Item 2: The Exit/Voice Model of the Labour Market: Australian Evidence on Unionism, Job Durations, Quits and Layoffs, no date

- Creator: Paul Miller and Charles Mulvey, Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Item 3: Appendix to "Determinants of the Differences in the Quit Rate Among Industries", December 1968

- Creator: Prof. Vladimir Stoikov, UIUC ILIR and Prof. Robert L. Raimon, NY St. School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 4: Determinants of Differences in the Quit Rate Among Industries, December 1968

- Creator: Prof. Vladimir Stoikov, UIUC ILIR and Prof. Robert L. Raimon, NY St. School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Folder 4: Labor Racketeering

- Item 1: Corruption and Racketeering in the Labor Movement, 1970

- Creator: Philip Taft, NY St. School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 2: Jimmy Hoffa Jr.: A study of his connections to corrupt elements in the labor movement, Summer 1996

- Creator: Chris Bohner, Labor-Community Research Consulting, for the Ron Carey Reform Campaign
- Item 3: Labor Violence and Corruption: Why They Persist, The Dilemma They Pose, August 1957

- Creator: Business Week
- Item 4: Morality in Unions and Business, 1957

- Creator: Prof. Harry Seligson, Industrial Relations Dept., Univ. of Denver
- Item 5: Interim Report to Governor Averell Harriman of the Governor's Committee on Improper Labor and Management Practices, no date

- Creator: NY Governor's Committee on Improper Labor and Management Practices
- Item 6: The Responses of the Bakers, Longshoremen and Teamsters to Public Exposure, August 1960

- Creator: Philip Taft
- Item 7: What Union Members Have Been Writing Senator McClellan, 1958

- Creator: John Dos Passos
- Item 8: What's Ahead in the Senate Labor Investigation?, October 1957

- Creator: Senator Karl E. Mundt, US Senate
- Item 9: New AFL-CIO Racket Drive, June 1957

- Creator: Business Week
- Item 10: Partners in Crime: Some Unpublished Facts About Labor Goons and Management Racketeers, December 1954

- Creator: Sidney Lens, The Progressive Magazine
- Item 11: Looking at Beck's Business Deals, May 1957

- Creator: Business Week
- Item 12: The Teamsters: Corrupt Poliemen of an Unruly Industry, May 1959

- Creator: Bernard D. Nossiter, Harper's Magazine
- Item 13: How Influence-Peddlers Shortchange the Union Wage Earner, July 1957

- Creator: Lester Velie
- Item 14: How One Pier Got Rid of the Mob, September 1953

- Creator: Budd Schulberg
- Item 15: Labor Violence and Corruption, August 1957

- Creator: Business Week
- Item 16: The McClellan Committee Hearings - 1957, circa 1957

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Item 17: Racketeering in Health and Welfare Funds, December 1957

- Creator: A.A. Imberman
- Item 18: In Defense of St. Louis Teamsters Local Union No.688, June 1954

- Creator: Teamsters Local 688
- Item 19: Extortion: Employers Can Combat It, no date

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 20: A Theory of Corruption in Trade Unions, June 1960

- Creator: Simon Rottenberg, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 21: "Unions and the Public Interest", February 1954

- Creator: A.H. Raskin, from "Commentary" Magazine Vol.17, No.2
- Item 22: Labor Racketeering: Evolution and Solutions, 1958

- Creator: David J. Saposs, UIUC ILIR
- Item 23: The Racket-Ridden Longshoremen, no date

- Creator: Daniel Bell
- Item 24: Labor Racketeering: History, Nature, Extent, no date

- Creator: Prof. David J. Saposs, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 5: Labor Racketeering--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Radio and Television Industry

- Item 1: Reccomendations Concerning Federal Labor Legislation, no date

- Creator: Richard F. Doherty, Employer-Employee Relations Dept., Natl. Assoc. of Broadcasters
- Item 2: The Union on your Threshold, 1952

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Radio and Television Broadcasters
- Item 3: The Broadcasting 60s: A Review of Radio Station Investments and Growth in the Industry, no date

- Creator: Collins Radio Co.
- Folder 7: Railroad Industry

- Item 1: Attitudes Toward Investment in North American Railroads, Summer 1960

- Creator: Prof. A.W. Currie, Political Economy Dept., Univ. of Toronto
- Item 2: The Human Side of Railroading, April 1963

- Creator: Association of American Railroads
- Item 3: Challenges Accepted: The Story of Railroading, no date

- Creator: Association of American Railroads
- Item 4: Railroads: Their Impact on Business in the Coming Decade, April 1980

- Creator: Special Report from "Dun's Review"
- Item 5: Report of the Royal Commission on Employment of Firemen on Diesel Locomotives in Freight and Yard Service on the Canadian Pacific Railway, 1958

- Creator: Edmund Cloutier
- Item 6: The Move Toward Railroad Mergers: A Great National Problem, February 1962

- Creator: Railway Labor Executives' Assoc.
- Box 122

- Folder 1: Railroad Industry (cont.)

- Item 1: Is Railroading Against The Law?, August 1961

- Creator: David P. Morgan, "Trains" Magazine
- Folder 2: Railroad Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Railroad Retirement Act

- Folder 4: Railway Labor Act

- Item 1: Fifteen Years Under the Railway Labor Act, Amended and the National Mediation Board: 1934-1949, 1950

- Creator: Natl. Mediation Board
- Item 2: The Issues Before the Emergency Board and the Closing Argument for the Carriers in the Enginers' and Trainmen's 1946 Rules Case, circa 1946

- Creator: Eastern, Western and Southeastern Carriers' Conference Committees
- Item 3: The Course of Railway Labor Legislation, July 30, 1946

- Creator: Daniel P. Loomis, Dir., Assoc. of Western Railways
- Item 4: "RAILWAY LABOR ACT: History: The Railway Labor Act was enacted in 1926", no date

- Item 5: "Railway Labor Legislation preceding the Railway Labor Act: The Railway Labor Act as it applies to the railroads and their employees today is the result of sixty years of experience", no date

- Item 6: Outline or Procedure for the Preparation of Submission: Part One - The National Railroad Adjustment Board First Div., Part Two - Other Tribunals Having Jurisdiction Pursuant to Agreement, no date

- Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen
- Folder 5: Railway Labor Act--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Rating of Employees

- Item 1: The Defensibility of Subjective Appraisals of Performance in Organizations in Light of Recent Supreme Court Decisions, August 1990

- Creator: James T. Austin, NYU; Peter Villanova, Northern Illinois Univ. and M. Ronald Buckley, Univ. of Oklahoma
- Item 2: The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Performance: A Historical Review, a Meta-Analysis and a Preliminary Feedback Intervention Theory, 1996

- Creator: Avraham N. Kluger,Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem and Angelo DeNisi, Rutgers Univ.
- Item 3: Why Appraise Performance?, no date

- Creator: R.L. Heneman, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 4: Performance Appraisal Purposes, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 5: Performance Appraisal Revisited, no date

- Creator: Edward E. Lawler, Jr.; Allan M. Mohrman, Jr. and Susan M. Resnick
- Item 6: Performance Appraisal: Legal Aspects, March 1979

- Creator: J. Vernon Odom, Center for Creative Leadership, revised by Keith J. Edwards, Rosemead Grad. Schl. Of Professional Psychology, Biola College
- Item 7: Management & Supervisory Meeting Materials, no date

- Item 8: Department/Supervisory Meeting Material

- Item 9: Testing, Selecting and Motivating Employees for Superior Performance, 1964

- Creator: Super Market Institute
- Item 10: How To Do a Better Job of Telling Employees Where They Stand, September 1952

- Creator: Ralph R. Brown, United Industrial Services and Robert J. Miles, Gardner Board & Carton Co.
- Item 11: The Periodic Review of Employee Performance and Progress, March 1949

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 12: How to Find the Best in Every Man, September/October 1958

- Creator: Bernard Haldane, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., published by the American Management Assoc.
- Item 13: Employee Appraisal: What the Supervisor Should Know and Do, 1957

- Creator: Prof. Waldo E. Fisher, Industrial Relations Dept., Univ. of Pennsylvania
- Item 14: Concepts in the Measurement of Human Application, October 1953

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Union of America, Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 15: The Joint Employee Rating Plan of the P.J. Ritter Co. and Local 56, Meat and Cannery Wkrs. Union, AFL, 1951

- Creator: P.J. Ritter Co. and Local 56, Meat and Cannery Wkrs. Union, AFL, published by Rutgers Univ.
- Item 16: A New Application of Forced-Choice Ratings, Winter 1950

- Creator: Leonard Staugas, UIUC ILIR and Prof. Louis L. McQuitty, Psychology Dept., UIUC
- Item 17: Pay for Performance Plan, Dow Chemical Co., no date

- Creator: Dow Chemical Co.
- Item 18: An Enquiry Into the Effects of Demographic Characteristics on Work Behaviour, August 1980

- Creator: Mazdoor Manzil and G.D. Ambekar Marg, the Ambekar Institute for Labour Studies, Bombay
- Folder 7: Rating of Employees--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Reading Improvement Programs

- Item 1: Understanding the Illiteracy Problem, 1989

- Creator: Michael R. Fox and Catherine Baker, Society for Human Resource Management
- Item 2: Workplace Literacy: A Selected Bibliography, May 1990

- Creator: Ontario Ministry of Labour
- Item 3: Characteristics of Literacy Training Programs in the Workplace, no date

- Creator: Rachel Steiner, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 9: Industrial Recreation

- Item 1: "Healthy Returns" Newsletter, Spring 1991 - Winter 1993

- Creator: Worksite Wellness Council of Greater Chicago
- Item 2: Recreation in a Labor Setting, June 1949

- Creator: Ruth March, United Auto Wkrs., Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: Worksite Health Promotion Programs, June 1985

- Creator: W. Robert Nay
- Item 4: Worksite Health Promotion: An ounce of prevention if worth a pound of cure, February 1993

- Creator: Deena Poulos, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: A Description of Corporate Rationale for Worksite Fitness Centers, May 1994

- Creator: Rita B. Sharma, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 10: Recruiting

- Item 1: Recruiting, Selection and Retention Practices of Small Business Firms in Utah, November 1963

- Creator: Barbara Stubblefield, and Prof. Reed C. Richardson, Economics Dept., Univ. of Utah
- Folder 11: Recruiting--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Re-Employment

- Item 1: CIO Re-Employment Plan: Advance Copy of Complete Text for Use of Press and 1944 Natl. CIO Convention, 1944

- Creator: Philip Murray, Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 2: CIO Re-Employment Plan: The 1944 Murray Re-Employment Plan definse the deflationary gap, examines the dangers therein to the nation's security and to democracy, and sets forth seven points enunciating how the deflationary gap can be filled and its damages controlled, 1944

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Folder 13: RE-Employment--Bibliographies

- Box 123

- Folder 1: Relocation of Industry

- Item 1: "Plant Relocation: Management's Collective Bargaining Legal Dilemma", February 13, 1963

- Creator: Address by Prof. Meyer S. Ryder, Industrial Relations Dept., Univ. of Michigan, before the American Management Assoc. Personnel Conference
- Item 2: "Plant Relocation: Industrial Relations Implications", February 13, 1963

- Creator: Address by John H. Weeks, Vice Pres. Of Personnel, Glidden Corp., before the American Management Assoc. Personnel Conference
- Item 3: Subsidized Industrial Migration: The Luring of Plants to New Locations, 1955

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 2: Research Workers

- Folder 3: Research Agencies--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Restaurant and Tavern Employees

- Folder 5: Restrictive Labor Practices

- Folder 6: Retail Stores

- Item 1: Organizational Change and the Labor Process in Retail Trade, possibly circa 1988

- Creator: John P. Walsh, Sociology Dept., Univ. of Illinois at Chicago
- Folder 7: Retirement

- Item 1: What's What When You Retire, January 1952

- Creator: Ford Motor Comparny UAW-CIO
- Item 2: The Patterns of Early Retirement, January 1974

- Creator: Lawrence Smedley, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Ready or Not: Retirement Planning Review, a Handbook for Retirement, 1992

- Creator: State Universities Retirement System of Illinois
- Item 4: Unions and the Problem of Retirement, April 3-4, 1959

- Creator: Union Research and Education Project, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 5: Helping Employees Get Ready to Retire, no date

- Creator: Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. of New York
- Item 6: Job Strain and Pre-Retirement Attitudes of older Industrial Workers, July and August, 1972

- Creator: D. Jacobson, Tel-Aviv Univ. and B.F. Mannheim, Technion Univ., presented at the 9th International Congress of Gerontology
- Item 7: Income: Background and Issues, 1971

- Creator: Prof. Yung-Ping Chen, UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations, for the White House Conference on Aging
- Item 8: "PREPARATION FOR RETIREMENT I. Is Retirement-Preparation Necessary?...", possibly circa 1961

- Item 9: Preparing Workers for Retirement, January 1962

- Creator: Walter H. Franke, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 8: Retirement--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Retirement Equity Act (1984)

- Folder 10: Retraining

- Item 1: Unemployment Rehabilitation: A report of the public re-training classes held under the auspices of the school district of the City of Williamsport, PA, cooperating with the Employment Committee of the Williamsport Chamber of Commerce, 1934

- Creator: Williamsport, PA School District
- Item 2: Research Methodology in the Evaluation of Retraining Programes, 1965

- Creator: G.G. Somers, Intl. Labour Office
- Folder 11: Retraining--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Role-Playing

- Item 1: Notes on Role-Playing, no date

- Creator: Prof. William B. Schaffrath, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 13: Rubber Industry

- Folder 14: Industrial Safety

- Item 1: Safety and the Zenith Employee, no date

- Creator: Zenith Radio Co., Chicago
- Item 2: Planning for Occupational Safety, 1980

- Creator: Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 3: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Joint Labor-Management Safety Conference, March 12-13, 1953

- Creator: Intl. Brotherhood of Paper-Makers; Intl. Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulfphite and paper Mill Wkrs. and Pacific Coast Assoc. of Pulp and Paper Mfgs.
- Item 4: Research Bulletin: Health and Safety in the Plant, June 1954

- Creator: Intl. Chemical Wkrs. Union, AFL
- Item 5: Unions, Management and Industrial Safety, June 1951

- Creator: Jack Strickland, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: Safety Standards for the Electrical Industry, no date

- Creator: International Brotherhood of Electrical Wkrs., AFL-CIO
- Item 7: What Can Be Done To Improve Safety?, January 1854

- Creator: P.L. Siemiller, Vice. Pres., Intl. Assoc. of Machinists
- Item 8: Proceedings of the 9th Annual Joint Labor-Management Safety Conference, March 3-4, 1955

- Creator: Intl. Brotherhood of Paper-Makers; Intl. Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulfphite and paper Mill Wkrs. and Pacific Coast Assoc. of Pulp and Paper Mfgs.
- Item 9: Proceedings of the 8th Annual Joint Labor-Management Safety Conference, April 1-2, 1954

- Creator: Intl. Brotherhood of Paper-Makers; Intl. Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulfphite and paper Mill Wkrs. and Pacific Coast Assoc. of Pulp and Paper Mfgs.
- Box 124

- Folder 1: Industrial Safety in Illinois

- Item 1: Construction Safety Code for the State of Illinois, 1970

- Creator: Illinois Industrial Commission and Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 2: A Comparison of US of America Standards Institute Welding and Cutting Codes with the Illinois Health and Safety Act, June 1969

- Creator: Stanley Cywinski, Div. of Safety, Education and Inspection, Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 3: A Comparison of US of America Standards Institute Demolition Codes with the Illinois Health and Safety Act, September 1968

- Creator: Div. of Safety, Education and Inspection, Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 4: A Comparison of US of America Standards Institute Ladder Codes with the Illinois Health and Safety Act, November 1968

- Creator: Stanley Cywinski, Div. of Safety, Education and Inspection, Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Construction Safety Standards in Illinois, 1970

- Creator: Div. of Safety, Education and Inspection, Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 6: A Comparison of US of America Standards Institute Excavating and Shoring Codes with the Illinois Health and Safety Act, February 1969

- Creator: Div. of Safety, Education and Inspection, Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 7: A Comparison of US of America Standards Institute Scaffold Codes with the Illinois Health and Safety Act, February 1969

- Creator: Div. of Safety, Education and Inspection, Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Report of the Commission, February 1955

- Creator: Illinois St. Workmen's Safety Commission
- Item 9: Year 1964 Annual Report: Safety Inspection and Education, circa 1964

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Annual Report, Fiscal 1965: Safety Inspection and Education, August 1965

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Annual Report, Fiscal 1969: Safety Inspection and Education, September 1969

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Folder 2: Salesmen

- Item 1: Rating and Developing the Sales Force, 1952

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Folder 3: Savings Plans

- Folder 4: Scientists

- Item 1: Human Resources of Science and Engineering: Today and Tomorrow, February 1975

- Creator: Scientific Manpower Commission
- Item 2: Draft: Scientific and Technical Manpower Projections, September 1974

- Creator: National Science Foundation
- Item 3: Current and Projected Utilization of Scientific Manpower, November 1970

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 4: The Science Manpower Market in the 1970s, no date

- Creator: Richard B. Freeman
- Folder 5: Scientists--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Seniority

- Item 1: Seniority Systems in Non-unionized Companies, September 1950

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board, inc.
- Item 2: Seniority Policies and Procedures as Developed Through Collective Bargaining, 1941

- Creator: Frederick H. Harbison, Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Folder 7: Seniority--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Service Awards

- Folder 9: Service Contract Act, 1965

- Folder 10: Services to Employees

- Folder 11: Shift Systems

- Item 1: Shift Work, circa 1950

- Creator: Trade Union Section, European Productivity Agency
- Item 2: Shift Problems and Practices, circa 1951

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board, Inc.
- Item 3: How The Timken Roller Bearing Company Solved the Week-end Black-Out, no date

- Creator: Timken Roller Bearing Co.
- Folder 12: Shift Systems--Bibliographies

- Folder 13: Shipbuilding

- Folder 14: Shipping Industry

- Item 1: Off-Duty Welfare Services and Facilitiesfor Merchant Seamen, August 1959

- Creator: International Labour Office
- Item 2: Work and Wages of American Merchant Seamen, January 1962

- Creator: Prof. Elmo P. Hohman, Economics Dept., Northwestern Univ.
- Item 3: Merchant Seamen in the United States, 1937-1952, January 1953

- Creator: Prof. Elmo P. Hohman, Economics Dept., Northwestern Univ.
- Folder 15: Shop Stewards

- Item 1: Fighting Steward's Stress, 1990

- Creator: Steward Update, Vol.1, No.6
- Item 2: Dealing with Workplace Drug Testing, 1991

- Creator: Steward Update, Vol.2, No.4
- Item 3: Dealing With Sexual Harassment, 1991

- Creator: Steward Update, Vol.2, No.5
- Item 4: Defusing Race and Gender Tensions, 1991

- Creator: Steward Update, Vol.2, No.8
- Item 5: Turning Dues Payers into Unionists, 1996

- Creator: Steward Update, Vol.7, No.6
- Item 6: Steward Training in CIO Unions, 1954

- Creator: Mildred Bersh, Student League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 7: Shop Stewards in Danish Industry, 1963

- Creator: Reinhard Lund, Danish Natl. Institute of Social Research
- Item 8: The Function of a Shop Steward, 1979

- Creator: The Rev. Dennis J. Comey, S.J., St. Joseph's Univ.
- Item 9: Shop Steward Organization and Behaviour - A Comparative Analysis, March 1976

- Creator: E.V. Batstone, Warwick Univ.; I.G. Boraston, Lanchester Polytechnic and S.J. Frenkel, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 10: Shop Floor Trade Unioniism in Western Europe, 1974

- Creator: Anthony Carew
- Item 11: Shop Stewards, no date

- Creator: Trade Union Section, European Productivity Agency
- Item 12: Steward-Foreman Relations in the Plant, no date

- Creator: Earl C. Wolfe, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Stewards Training, no date

- Creator: James E. Jones and Arnold Weber
- Box 125

- Folder 1: Skilled Labor

- Item 1: Skilled Labour Shortages in the United Kingdom: With Particular Reference to the Engineering Industry, October 1976

- Creator: Gerry Eastwood, British-North American Committee
- Item 2: Problems of Skilled Labor in the UAW, no date

- Creator: J. Paul Conway
- Folder 2: Slave Labor

- Item 1: The Economics of American Negro Slavery, 1830-1860, April 22 and 23, 1960

- Creator: Robert Evans, Jr., MIT, presented before a conference on labor economics
- Item 2: The Trade Union in Soviet Social Insurance: Historical Development and Present Functions, April 1961

- Creator: Prof. Gaston V. Rimlinger, Economics Dept., Rice Univ.
- Folder 3: Slowdowns

- Folder 4: Social Insurance

- Item 1: Toward Worker Security: The Role of Management, 1951

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 2: More Social Justice, March 1973

- Creator: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Federal Republic of Germany
- Item 3: Social Insurance in the USSR, 1971

- Creator: M. Kaziev, Novosti Press Agency
- Item 4: Community Provisions on Social Security: Your rights when moving within the European Union, 1996

- Creator: European Union
- Item 5: Social Insurance in Sweden, January 1973

- Creator: Swedish Institute
- Folder 5: Social Security

- Item 1: Strengthening Social Security: A Guide for Working Families, possibly circa 2000

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: The Social Security Reform Debate: In Search of a New Consensus, 1998

- Creator: Intl. Social Security Assoc.
- Item 3: Social Security Reform: A Twentieth Century Fund Guide to the Issues, 1996

- Creator: The Twentieth Century Fund
- Item 4: Social Security, Incentives and Controls in the US and USSR, November 1961

- Creator: Prof. Gaston V. Rimlinger, Economics Dept., Rice Univ.
- Item 5: Five Lectures on Social Security, January 1951

- Creator: By Prof. Edwin E. Witte, Economics Dept., Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 6: Der Gegenwartige Stand der Alterskrankenversicherung in den USA, 1966

- Creator: Paul Fischer, US Social Security Admin.
- Item 7: New Frontiers for Social Security, 1963

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 8: The Third Freedom: Freedom From Want, 1943

- Creator: Edited by Harry W. Laider, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 9: Social Security: Past-Present-Future, no date

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 10: Social Security, May 1937

- Creator: Abraham Epstein, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 11: Social Security and the Economics of Saving, 1948

- Creator: William J. Shultz, National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 12: Social Security: Its present and future fiscal aspects, June 1944

- Creator: The Tax Foundation
- Item 13: Growth and Trends in Social Security, 1949

- Creator: Earl E. Muntz, Natl. Industrial Conference Board
- Item 14: Security and Dignity in an Expanding Economy, March 1950

- Creator: Walter P. Reuther, United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 15: Your Stake in the Social Security Trust Fund, circa 1953

- Creator: Nelson H. Cruikshank, American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 16: Estimated Amount of Life Insurance in Force as Survivor Benefits under Social Security Act Amendments of 1952 (Actuarial Study No.37), circa 1952

- Creator: US Dept. of Health, Educ. And Welfare
- Item 17: Long-Range Cost Estimates for Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (Actuarial Study No.36), 1953

- Creator: US Dept. of Health, Educ. And Welfare
- Item 18: Analysis of Benefits Under the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Program as Amended in 1952 (Actuarial Study No.34), December 1952

- Creator: US Social Security Admin.
- Item 19: The Federal Program of Old Age and Survivors Insurance, and HR 6000, April 1950

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 20: Systems of Social Security: the United States, 1954

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 21: The Welfare State and the State of Human Welfare, circa 1951

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 22: What Will Social Security Mean to You?, circa 1936

- Creator: William J. Matteson, American Institute for Economic Research
- Item 23: Organized Labor and Social Security, August 2, 1950

- Creator: Harry Becker, United Auto Wkrs. Social Security Dept.
- Item 24: The Case for Higher Social Security Benefits, 1966

- Creator: Bert Seidman, AFL-CIO
- Folder 6: Social Security--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Foreign Social Security

- Item 1: Fact Sheets on Britain: "The National Health and Personal Social Services" and "Social Services", September 1974 and February 1976

- Creator: British Information Service, British Consulate, NYC
- Item 2: Social Security in Sweden: How to Reform the System, 1995

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Finance, Report to the Expert Group on Public Finance
- Item 3: Social Security: Its Origins and its Development Within Australia, May 1974

- Creator: Central Industrial Secretariat
- Item 4: War Pensions, possibly circa 1948

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Item 5: Preliminary Observations on the Government White Papers on Social insurance, Workmen's compensation and a National Health Service, December 1944

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Item 6: British Social Services, 1951

- Creator: Roma K. McNickle
- Item 7: The British System of National Insurance and Allied Social Security Services, February 1951

- Creator: Central Office of Information, London
- Item 8: Japanese Industrial relations Series: Social Security, 1980

- Creator: nagahisa Hiraishi, Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 9: Social Security in India, May 1953

- Creator: Wilbur J. Cohen, US Social Security Agency
- Item 10: Great Britain's New Social Security, August 1948

- Creator: John G. Hill, Community Service Society of New York
- Item 11: Social Services in Britain, no date

- Creator: British Information Service
- Item 12: Systems of Social Security: Great Britain, 1957

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 13: The Pensions Fraud: A guide to the Tory scheme for poverty in old age, 1961

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Item 14: The Future of Industrial Assurance: Labour's proposals for mutual ownership by the policyholders, January 1950

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Item 15: El accidente de trabajo y la enfermedad profesional por Rafael Garcia Ormaechea, October 1933

- Creator: Instituto Nacional de Prevision, Spain
- Item 16: Fact Sheets on Sweden: Social Insurance in Sweden, 1976

- Creator: The Swedish Institute
- Item 17: Collective Agreements- Not only wagessecurity too, 1976

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 18: Public Health in Sweden: Health Services, Environmental Hygiene and Health Education, no date

- Creator: Bengt Mollstedt, Swedish Institute
- Item 19: Social Insurance in Norway, 1955

- Creator: Dorothy Burton Skardal, Norwegian Joint Committee on Intl. Social Policy
- Item 20: Caracteristicas del Seguro Espanol de Enfermedad, 1944

- Creator: Luis Jordana de Pozas, Instituto Nacional de Prevision, Spain
- Item 21: las Mutualidades Patronales: Contra El Riesgo de Accidentes del Trabajo en la Agricultura, 1931

- Creator: Luis Jordana de Pozas, Instituto Nacional de Prevision, Spain
- Item 22: The Public Hospitals of Gothenburg: A short description, 1947

- Creator: A. Lindgren & Soner, Goteborg
- Item 23: Systems of Social Security: New Zealand, 1949

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 24: Estratificacion y Desigualdad en la Seguridad Social Latinamericana: Peru, March 1975

- Creator: Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Center for Latin American Studies, Univ. of Pittsburgh
- Item 25: Social Benefits in Sweden, June 1954

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed., Sweidhs Central Org. of Salaried Employees and Forenade-Framtiden life Insurance Co.
- Item 26: Studies in Social Security Abroad: Financial Cost and Program Emphasis, A survey of 11 countries, December 1950

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 27: Studies in Social Security Abroad: Labor-Management Relations- Great Britain, France, Sweden, February 1951

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 28: A subject bibliography on social security, and programs related to child welfare, health insurance and income maintenance in West European and Scandinavian countries, October 1974

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Law Library
- Item 29: Old-Age, Survivors and Invalidity Programs Throughout the World, 1954

- Creator: US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
- Item 30: Social Security Programs Throughout the World, 1958

- Creator: US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
- Item 31: Handbook of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Statistics: Employment, Wages and Insurance Status of Workers in Covered Employment, 1955

- Creator: US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
- Box 126

- Folder 1: Social Security in Germany

- Item 1: Germany: Social Security Program, no date

- Creator: German Information Center
- Item 2: Germany: Approach to Social Policy, no date

- Creator: German Information Center
- Item 3: Der Bergmann und seine Sozialversicherung: Hochste Berufsandforderungen- Beste Soziale Betreuung, June 1951

- Creator: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Knappschaften der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Item 4: German Experience with Social Insurance, 1947

- Creator: Walter Sulzbach, Natl. Industrial Conference Board
- Item 5: Labour and Social Security, 1973

- Creator: Federal Republic of Germany
- Folder 2: Social Security Act

- Item 1: Social Security Manual: A guide to the new 1950 Social Security Act, September 1950

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America, CIO
- Item 2: The 1950 Social Security Act, with Explanation, circa 1950

- Creator: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
- Item 3: Aspects of Legislative History of the Social Security Act Amendemnts of 1950, January 1951

- Creator: Wilbur J. Cohen
- Item 4: Social Work Year Book: The first 25 years of the Social Security Act, 1960

- Folder 3: Industrial Sociology

- Item 1: Les Classes Sociales, 1949

- Creator: Andrew Joussain, Presses Universitaires de France
- Item 2: Comparative Industrial Sociology and the Convergence Hypothesis, 1979

- Creator: Prof. William Form, UIUC ILIR and Sociology Dept.
- Item 3: The Social Context of Jails, July 1975

- Creator: David B. Rottman and John R. Kimberly, UIUC
- Item 4: Structural-Functional Theory, The Dialectic and Social Change, July 6, 1966

- Creator: Robert Cole, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Automobile Workers in Four Countries: The relevance of system participation for working-class movements, December 1974

- Creator: Prof. William Form, UIUC ILIR and Sociology Dept.
- Item 6: Authority and Autonomy in the Perception of Class, no date

- Creator: Stephen J. McNamee and Reeve D. Vanneman, Sociology Dept., UIUC
- Item 7: Role Making: Japanese Style- An overview and the current stage of the Japanese Role Making Study, November 19, 1973

- Creator: Takao Minami, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 4: Industrial Sociology--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Status in Industry

- Item 1: Status, Rank and Role, September 5, 1950

- Creator: Prof. E. Wight Bakke, Economics Dept., Yale Univ.
- Folder 6: Steel Industry

- Item 1: It Could Happen Only in the US: A coal miner's son describes his remarkable career that led from Pigeon Run, Ohio to the summit of American Industry, 1957

- Creator: Benjamin F. Fairless
- Item 2: New Technology and the Steel Industry, November 1989

- Creator: Prof. Helen Elkiss and Prof. Stanley Rosen, UIUC ILIR Chicago Labor Education Program
- Item 3: US Steel: The Betrayal of America, no date

- Creator: Midwest Center for Labor Research
- Item 4: A Management View of Employment Problems in the Steel Industry for the Next Decade, February 21, 1964

- Creator: William G. Caples, Vice-Pres., Inland Steel Co.
- Item 5: Energy, Ecology and the Steel Industry: An Industrial Relations Perspective, November 1977

- Creator: Jack Fiorito, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 6: Social Action: Steel and Men, April 15, 1937

- Creator: Harold O. Hatcher, Council for Social Action
- Item 7: Third National Seminar: Steel Industry Economics, June 11-17, 1972

- Creator: American Iron and Steel Institute and Univ. of Chicago
- Item 8: "Workingmen's Compensation: The editor of Everybody's Magazine in a note preceding William Hard's article "Making Steel and Killing Men" asks three questions", no date

- Item 9: The Future of the Steel Industry, May 21, 1947

- Creator: Wilfred Sykes, Pres., Inland Steel Co.
- Item 10: Factors that Affect the Introduction of Technology into the Steel Industry, March 4, 1987

- Creator: Prof. Frank Cassell, Management Dept., Northwestern Univ.
- Item 11: Conclusions concerning policies for maintaining social development through collective bargaining, legislation and adequate social security protection to cope with structural change in the iron and steel industry, December 1986

- Creator: Iron and Steel Committee, Intl. Labour Office
- Folder 7: Steel Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Stock Ownership

- Item 1: "Why don't Labor Unions use stock ownership as a means to participate in corporate management?", January 12, 1955

- Creator: J. Scott Milne, Pres., Intl. Bro. of Electrical Wkrs.
- Item 2: "EMPLOYEE INVESTMENT FUNDS - Summary: one of the most important subjects discussed at the Congress of the LO (Swedish Trade union Confederation) in June 1976 was that of Employee Investment Funds", no date

- Folder 9: Stock Ownership--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Strike Insurance

- Item 1: Strike Insurance: An analysis of the Airline and Railroad Mutual Aid Pacts, no date

- Creator: Prof. Stanley Rosen, Univ. of Illinois Chicago and Prof. David B. Vellenga, Industrial Admin., Iowa St. Univ.
- Item 2: Box Containing Materials Related to the Mutual Aid Pact and issues surrounding it

- Box 127

- Folder 1: Strikebreaking

- Folder 2: Strikebreaking--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Strikes and Lockouts

- Item 1: Strike Preparation Manual, 1974

- Creator: American Society for Personnel Management
- Item 2: Nevada Mines Division Strike Manual, no date

- Creator: Nevada Mines Division
- Item 3: Labor Policy and the Enervation of the Economic Strike, 1990

- Creator: Prof. Matthew W. Finkin, UIUC Law School
- Item 4: A Lively Skirmish: The Lemont Quarry Strike of 1885, no date

- Creator: Thomas F. Ludwig
- Item 5: Chronology of Kohler Strikes, no date

- Item 6: United Retail Workers Union Strikes First Jewel Store, May 30, 1972

- Creator: Ella Schaler, independent study w/ Prof. William Adelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: Strikes in the United States 1860-1936, 1938

- Creator: Florence Peterson, Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: How to Win Strikes: Lessons from the 1934 Minneapolis Truckers Strike, circa 1994

- Creator: Harry DeBoer
- Item 9: Methods of Collecting and Compiling Strike Statistics, December 1940

- Creator: Ernestine Wilke, US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Preparing for and Conducting a Strike: A UE Guide, 1989

- Creator: United Electrical, Radio and Machine Wkrs. Of America
- Item 11: How to Win Strikes: A Union Strike Manual, 1979

- Creator: Local 115, Teamsters
- Item 12: Industrial Conflicts: Costs and Benefits, November 1972

- Creator: Malcolm R. Fisher
- Item 13: "Coors Beer Boycott: The Issue is Dignity", no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 14: Labor Community Unity: The Morse Strike Against Disinvestment and Concession, Fall 1982

- Creator: Labor Research Review Vol.1, No.1, Midwest Labor Research Center
- Item 15: The Agreement on Industrial Peace of 1937 in the Swiss Machine-Building and Metallurgical Industry: its Contents and Consequences, November 1972

- Creator: B. Zanneti
- Item 16: The Problem of Industrial Conflicts from the Viewpoint of Catholic Social Ethics, November 1972

- Creator: Friedrich Beutter
- Item 17: The Law on Industrial Conflict in a Modern Society, November 1972

- Creator: Folke Schmidt
- Item 18: Growth in Development of Industrial Conflicts Since 1945 and their Trends, November 1972

- Creator: B.C. Roberts
- Item 19: Strikes, Power and Politics in the Western Nations, 1900-1976, 1980

- Creator: Walter Korpi, Swedish Institute for Social Research and Michael Shalev, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 20: Postal Strike in Japan and the US - An Comparative Study, September 1976

- Creator: Masahiro Ken Kuwabara
- Item 21: Pattern for Strikes: How the movement to unionize foremen fits into the background of organization strikes in the automobile industry, 1944

- Creator: Chrysler Corp.
- Item 22: Kohler of Kohler News: Statement of Kohler Co.'s position with respect to the labor dispute with the UAW-CIO, April 1955

- Creator: Kohler Co.
- Item 23: Industrial Conflicts - Strikes: A study unit, May 1937

- Creator: Charles C. Webber, Natl. Council of Methodist Youth
- Item 24: Big' Labor and Big Strikes: Analysis and Recommendations, no date

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 25: Industrial Unrest: Report of a conference at Ditchley Park, December 1972

- Creator: Ditchley Foundation, edited by Theodore R. Iserman
- Item 26: The Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes, 1951

- Creator: Edgar L. Warren, Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA
- Item 27: Strikes Under the New Deal, no date

- Creator: Maurice Goldbloom, John Herling, Joel Deidman and Elizabeth Yard, with an intro by Joseph Schlossberg, Brookwood Labor College
- Item 28: General Reflections on Third World Strikes, September 1977

- Creator: A. Solomon, Intl. Confed of Free Trade Unions
- Item 29: Strikes in the 'First World': Institutionalization and its Limits, September 1977

- Creator: Richard Hyman, School of Industrial and Business Studies, Univ. of Warwick, UK
- Item 30: Work Without Strife: How strikes damage us all, how they have become less violent, and how they may sometimes be avoided, 1950

- Creator: Civic Education Project, Educational Research Corp.
- Item 31: Kohler: The Longest Major Labor Dispute in US History, Fall 1973

- Creator: By Ray Brown, for independent study with Prof. Stanley Rosen, UIUC ILIR
- Item 32: Watsonville & Hormel: "They have already made history", January 1987

- Creator: from "Forward: Journal of Socialist Thought," Vol.7, No.1
- Folder 4: Strikes and Lockouts--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Strikes and Lockouts in the Air Transportation Industry

- Item 1: "The Controller Strike: There are at least two aspects of the controllers' strike which deserve special attention", no date

- Item 2: Patco and the Courts: Public Sector Labor Law as Ideology, November 1984

- Creator: Neil Fox
- Folder 6: Strikes and Lockouts in Australia

- Item 1: Industrial Disputes April 1972 (Preliminary), July 7, 1972

- Creator: Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Australia
- Item 2: The Changing Pattern of Strike Settlements in Australia, 1913-1963, March 1968

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 3: Issues in Industrial Conflict: Australian Experience, 1913-1963, March 1967

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 4: The Incidence of Strikes in Australia, 1966

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 5: The Story of the Unofficial Strike of Seamen in Australia, Which Was a Communist Plot t Destroy the British Natl. Union of Seamen, 1912

- Creator: T.R. Ashworth
- Item 6: Issues in Industrial Conflict: An International Comparison, June 1971

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 7: Unofficial Strikes and the Law, September 1969

- Creator: Prof. E.H. Phelps Brown, Economics Dept., Univ. of London
- Item 8: Labor Relations in the Western Australian Coal Mining Industry, July 1968

- Creator: A.N.J. Blain, London School of Economics
- Item 9: The 1920 Civil Service and Teachers Strike in Western Australia, November 1965

- Creator: Frank T. De Vyver
- Item 10: Industrial Disputes in New South Wales in 1964: Annual Tables, 1964

- Creator: New South Wales Industrial Gazette
- Item 11: Industrial Disputes in New South Wales in 1963: Annual Tables, 1963

- Creator: New South Wales Industrial Gazette
- Item 12: Crisis in Australian Labor Relations, December 1954

- Creator: Prof. E. Kingman Eberhart, Wooster College
- Item 13: Strikes in Wartime, March 1941

- Creator: R.C. Wilson, President of the New South Wales Employers Fed. From 1939 to 1940
- Item 14: Strikes and Australia's Industrialization, September 1956

- Creator: Prof. James W. Kuhn, Industrial Relations Dept., Columbia Univ.
- Item 15: Why Pressure-Group Actions by Australian Trade Unions?, September 1952

- Creator: Prof. James W. Kuhn, Industrial Relations Dept., Columbia Univ.
- Item 16: Some Aspects of Industrial Relations on the Waterfront, June 1953

- Creator: Rennie E. Clayton, student in the economics dept. of Sydney Univ.
- Item 17: Penalties for Striking: The case against the penal powers, August 1969

- Creator: G.H. Sorrell, Univ. of Sydney and G.W. Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 18: Four Views on the Mount Isa Dispute, December 1965

- Creator: Brad Mulligan
- Folder 7: Strikes and Lockouts in the Automobile Industry

- Item 1: Information Concerning the UAW-CIO Strike at General Motors, For Members of General Motors' Management, December 18, 1965

- Creator: General Motors
- Folder 8: Strikes and Lockouts in California

- Folder 9: Strikes and Lockouts in Canada

- Item 1: Strikes and Lockouts in Canada, 1957

- Creator: Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 2: Logit Estimates of Strike Incidence from Canadian Contract Data, July 1985

- Creator: Morley Gunderson, John Kervin and Frank Reid, Centre for Industrial Relations, Univ. of Toronto
- Item 3: 1963-1964 Strike at the Irving Refinery Limited, no date

- Creator: Prof. Hem C. Jain, Business Admin. And Labor Relations Dept., Univ. of New Brunswick
- Folder 10: Strikes and Lockouts in the Clothing Industry

- Item 1: Union Drive in the Southwest: Chicano Strike at Farah, January 1974

- Creator: San Francisco Bay Area Farah Strike Support Committee
- Box 128

- Folder 1: Strikes and Lockouts in the Coal Industry

- Item 1: Remembering the Strike for Union in 1922-1923 in Windber and Somerset Co., PA. - 75 Years Later, circa 1998

- Creator: Mildred Allen Beik
- Item 2: Remembering the Strike for Union in 1906 in Windber, PA., circa 1997

- Creator: Mildred Allen Beik
- Item 3: The Hell of Herrin Rages Again: A Story of Lawlessness, Violence and Death Under the Reighn of John L. Lewis, 1937

- Creator: Joseph P. Kamp, Constitutional Education League
- Item 4: The Isssue in the Coal Fields of Southern West Virginia: Statements to President Harding, circa 1922

- Creator: Operators Assoc. of the Williamson Field and the Logan Coal Operators Assoc.
- Item 5: Coal Miners ON Strike: Articles Reprinted from "The Militant", April 1981

- Creator: Pathfinder Press
- Item 6: A 1980s View: The Coal Miners' General Strike of 1949-1950 and the Birth of Marxist-Humanism in the US, June 17, 1984

- Creator: Andy Phillips and Raya Dunayevskaya, News and Letters Publications
- Folder 2: Strikes and Lockouts in the Construction Industry

- Folder 3: Strikes and Lockouts in the Electrical Equipment Industry

- Item 1: The GE Strike and the Vietnam War: Two Separate Issues, possibly circa 1970

- Creator: Penn Kemble
- Folder 4: Strikes and Lockouts in the Government

- Item 1: Memoranda and Statistics from the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board, no date

- Creator: Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board
- Item 2: The Illinois Judiciary and Public Employee Labor Disputes: A Return to an Imperial Judiciary?, 1977

- Creator: Gilbert Friedman, printed in the Chicago-Kent Law Review
- Item 3: The Role and Consequences of Strikes by Public Employees, no date

- Creator: John F. Burton, Jr. and Charles Krider, Univ. of Chicago/Brookings Institution
- Item 4: Excerpts from an Actual Contingency Plan for a City of Over 100,000 Population in case of Work Stoppage or Slowdown, May 1970

- Folder 5: Strikes and Lockouts in Government--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Strikes and Lockouts in Great Britain

- Item 1: "Nor shall the sword sleep" An account of industrial struggle, no date

- Creator: James Leask OBE and Philomena Bellars
- Item 2: The Trend of Strikes, 1963

- Creator: Prof. H.A. Turner, Industrial Relations, Leeds Univ.
- Item 3: UCS- The fight for the right to work, circa 1971

- Creator: Alex Murray, Secretary, Scottish Committee, Communist Party
- Item 4: CSCA Strike Policy, 1969

- Creator: Civil Service Clerical Assoc.
- Item 5: A Model Explaining the Variation in the Frequency of Strikes in the Motor Industry, January 1973

- Creator: Tony Lancaster and C.R. Barrett, Univ. of Birmingham
- Folder 7: Strikes and Lockouts in India

- Item 1: Strikes in the United States and India: A Comparative Analysis, no date

- Creator: Arjun P. Aggarwal, Indian Law Institute
- Folder 8: Legal Status of Strikes and Lockouts

- Item 1: Polish Trade Unions and the Right to Strike, February 1977

- Creator: North American Study Center for Polish Affairs
- Folder 9: Strikes and Lockouts in the Longshore Industry

- Folder 10: Strikes and Lockouts in the Meat Packing Industry

- Item 1: Lessons of the P-9 Strike: A balance sheet of the militant struggle against Hormel, 1988

- Creator: Jake Cooper, Socialist Action
- Folder 11: Collective Bargaining in the Missile and Space Industry

- Item 1: Work Stoppage at Missile Bases, March 29, 1962

- Creator: United States Senate Subcommittee on Investigations
- Item 2: Analysis of Work Stoppages on US Missile Sites, June 1962 - June 1963, August 1963

- Creator: President's Missile Sites Labor Commission
- Folder 12: Strikes and Lockouts in New Jersey

- Item 1: The Truth About the Paterson Strike, January 31, 1914

- Creator: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (as Recorded by Robert E. Park)
- Folder 13: Strikes and Lockouts in New York

- Folder 14: Strikes and Lockouts in the Newspaper Industry

- Item 1: Greed All About It: The real story behind the Tribune Company's assault on the workers of the NY Daily News, no date

- Creator: Striking workers of the NY Daily News
- Item 2: Democracy and the Scourge of Strikebreaking, December 1990

- Creator: Local 1199 of Drug, Hospital and Health Care Employees Union, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: The Strike at the Washington Post, February 29, 1976

- Creator: Robert G. Kaiser
- Folder 15: Strikes and Lockouts in the Paper and Pulp Industry

- Item 1: "Little Korea USA", no date

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Paper Makers and Intl. Bro. of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Wkrs.
- Folder 16: Strikes and Lockouts in the Railroad Industry

- Item 1: The Pullman Strike: Craft Interests in Industrial Strife (activity of the International Association of Machinists during the Pullman Strike), Spring 1978

- Creator: Stephen R. Sleigh, Labor Studies Program
- Item 2: Strike Control Proposals in the light of Railroad Industry Experience, March 1967

- Creator: Michael Marsh, dir. of research, Railroad Industry Executives Assoc.
- Folder 17: Strikes and Lockouts in the Rubber Industry

- Folder 18: Strikes and Lockouts in the Shipping Industry

- Folder 19: Strikes and Lockouts in the Steel Industry

- Item 1: The Memorial Day Massacre, no date

- Creator: Daniel J. Leab, Midcontinent American Studies Journal
- Item 2: Remember Memorial Day - May 30, 1937, May 30, 1979

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, Dist. 31 and Local 1033
- Item 3: Report to the President of the United States on the Labor Dispute in the Basic Steel Industry, September 10, 1949

- Creator: Steel Industry Board (appointed by the pres.)
- Item 4: Final Report to the President: The 1959 Labor Dispute in the Steel Industry, January 6, 1960

- Creator: Submitted by the Board of Inquiry, under executive order 10843
- Item 5: Facts Behind the Steel Strike, circa 1949

- Creator: Steel companies in the wage case
- Item 6: Assistance Provided by Public and Private Agencies during the Steel Strike of 1959, circa 1960

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 7: Text of the report to Eisenhower on the Steel Strike by the Fact-Finding Board, no date

- Creator: Steel Strike Fact-Finding Board
- Item 8: Who's Holding Up Negotiations in Stee?, May 28, 1959

- Creator: Address by David J. McDonald, pres., United Steelworkers of America
- Item 9: What the Steel Settlement Means to America, January 4, 1960

- Creator: Text of telecast by Roger M. Blough, chairman of the board, US Steel Corp.
- Item 10: Fact-finding in the Steel Dispute, September 1959

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Folder 20: Strikes and Lockouts by Teachers

- Item 1: Tragedy at Ocean Hill: Teachers, Community, Children, January-February 1969

- Creator: Tom Brooks, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 2: Strikes, Sanctions or Surrender?, no date

- Creator: David Selden
- Item 3: Labor's Views on Teacher Strikes, April 1969

- Creator: Herrick S. Roth
- Item 4: Should Teachers Get It? Do They Have It? The Right to Strike, April 1977

- Creator: Orville V. Bergren and Oscar A. Weil
- Folder 21: Strikes and Lockouts in the Telecommunications Industry

- Item 1: The National Telephone Strike, 1947, 1948

- Creator: Alvin Loren Park, thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Economics in the Graduate College of the Univ. of Illinois, Urbana
- Folder 22: Strikes and Lockouts in the Tobacco Industry

- Folder 23: Strikes and Lockouts in the USSR

- Item 1: Strikes in Revolution: Russia, 1917, no date

- Creator: Diane Koenker, Univ. of Illinois and William G. Rosenberg, Univ. of Michigan
- Folder 24: Subcontracting

- Item 1: Passing the Bucks: The Contracting Out of Public Services, May 1984

- Creator: American Fed. Of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: The Human Cost of Contracting Out: A Survival Guide for Public Employees, 1993

- Creator: Krista Schneider, AFL-CIO Public Employee Dept.
- Item 3: New Development of Japanese Pattern of Subcontracting System, 1988

- Creator: Masayoshi Ikeda
- Item 4: Personnel Planning, Technological Changes and Outsourcing in the Japanese Automobile Industry, May 1983

- Creator: Kazutoshi Koshiro, Faculty of Economics, Yokohama Natl. Univ., Japan
- Item 5: Competition Between Inside and Outisde Labor Force for Work of Industrial Firm, July 1962

- Creator: Margaret K. Chandler, UIUC
- Item 6: A Computer Simulation for the Contracting Out Decision, no date

- Folder 25: Subcontracting--Bibliographies

- Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force

- Box 129

- Folder 1: Suggestion Systems

- Item 1: What's Your Idea?, no date

- Creator: Western Electric Company
- Item 2: Zenith Radio Corp. Suyggestion Award System Booklet, no date

- Creator: Zenith Radio Corp.
- Folder 2: Supervision

- Item 1: Improving Human Relations: Action Steps to Develop Better Supervisor-Employee Relations in the Plant, November 1956

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 2: ABC of Supervision, April 1949

- Creator: Business Management Service, UIUC
- Item 3: The Role of Supervision in University Administration, May 1973

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois
- Item 4: Improving Industrial Relations Through Selection and Development of Supervision, March 13-14, 1952

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 5: Supervision of Scientific and Engineering Personnel, 1956

- Creator: John T. Lloyd and Robert D. Gray, Industrial Relations Section, California Institute of Technology
- Folder 3: Sweatshops

- Item 1: Bangladesh: Ending the Race to the Bottom, the Role of US Universities and Student Solidarity, circa 2002

- Creator: National Labor Committee
- Folder 4: Tax Reform

- Item 1: Status of Tax or Expenditure Limitation Activites by State, circa 1978

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employee Dept.
- Item 2: Analysis of Proposition 13, June 29, 1978

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED Research Dept.
- Item 3: A Close-up Look at Taxes: What they pay for and who pays, May 1983

- Creator: League of Women Voters of Chicago
- Item 4: Citizen Control of Local Government: Budgets and Taxes, no date

- Creator: Dick Simpson and Cathy Colton, with James Chan, John Gardiner, Rowan Miranda and Barry Rundquist of the Office of Social Science Research, Univ. of Illinois Chicago
- Item 5: A Far Cry From Fair: CTJ's Guide to State Tax Reform, April 1991

- Creator: Robert S. Mcintyre, Michael P. Ettlinger, Douglas P. Kelly and Elizabeth A. Fray of Citizens for Tax Justice, with the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
- Folder 5: Teachers

- Item 1: Rules and Regulations Governing the Procedure for the Dismissal of Tenured Teachers in the State of Illinois, February 1976

- Creator: State Board of Education, Illinois
- Item 2: A survey of teachers salary schedules in efect in 208 Illinois communities and in selected cities in 42 other states, May 1954

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Styles of Teaching in Two New Public Colleges, November 1965

- Creator: David Riesman, Harvard Univ. and Joseph Gusfield, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 4: Education in the Fifty States, 1966

- Creator: AFL-CIO Education Dept.
- Folder 6: Technicians

- Folder 7: Technological Changes

- Item 1: Cooperation or Conflict: European experiences with technological change at the workplace, March 1981

- Creator: AFL-CIO Professional Employees Dept.
- Item 2: The Information Revolution: A Union Perspective, April 1997

- Creator: Charley Richardson, AFL-CIO Professional Employees Dept.
- Item 3: The Microelectronics Revolution: Consequences for Labor, no date

- Creator: Intl. Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Wkrs.
- Item 4: Microelectronics and Employment, no date

- Creator: International Metalworkers' Federation
- Item 5: Silicon, Satellites and Robots: The Impacts of Technological Change on the Workplace, circa 1979

- Creator: Denis Chamot and Joan M. Baggett, AFL-CIO Professional Employees Dept.
- Item 6: Notes on Report and Recommendations of the Honourable MR. Justice Jack Richards on the Inquiry into Recent Mechanisation and Other Technological Changes in Industry, no date

- Item 7: UIUC ILIR Chicago Labor Education Program Forum on Technological Change, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: High Tech: Societal Conditions of the Introduction of New Technologies and Impacts on the Society of Japan, August 1987

- Creator: Kazutoshi Koshiro, Faculty of Economics, Yokohama Natl. Univ., Japan
- Item 9: Japan's Industrial Policy for New Technologies, May 1985

- Creator: Kazutoshi Koshiro, Faculty of Economics, Yokohama Natl. Univ., Japan
- Item 10: Union-Management Relations and Technical Change: A Case Study, January 1952

- Creator: Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: A Second Survey of Electronic Data Processing in Canada, 1962

- Creator: Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 12: TUAC Seminar on Trade Unions and Technological Gaps, Discussion Paper No.1: Trade Unions and Change, April 1968

- Creator: Erwin Kempf
- Item 13: Social Implications of Technological Change: A Selection of Provisions Adopted Under the Auspices of the ILO, 1958

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 14: International Conference on Automation, Full Employment and a Balanced Economy: Technological Change and the Occupational Structure, June 27, 1967

- Creator: D.C. Barnes, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour
- Item 15: The Rush to 1984: The Acceleration of the Development and Application of Information Technologies in the 1980s: Some Neglected Human and Organizational Issues -and- Adult Education: 1990 and Now, no date

- Creator: Prof. G.W. Ford, Dept. of Organisational Behaviour, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 16: The New Industrial Revolutions: Economic Progress and Social Change, June 1956

- Creator: United Nations
- Box 130

- Folder 1: Technological Changes (cont.)

- Item 1: Impact of Microtechnology on Workers, 1981

- Creator: World Fed. Of Trade Unions, Prague
- Item 2: The Acceleration of Technological Progress and its Influence on the Effective Utilization of Manpower and the Improvement of Workers' Incomes, 1962

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 3: Technological Changes and their Impact on Employment and Occupations: A report prepared for the Special Committee of the Senate of Canada on Manpower and Employment, February 1, 1961

- Creator: Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 4: Microchips and Industrial Relations, 1980

- Creator: Greg Bamber, Durham Univ., UK
- Folder 2: Technological Changes--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Telecommunications Industry

- Item 1: An American Story: The Story of the Independent Telephone Industry in the United States, June 1953

- Creator: United States Independent Telephone Assoc.
- Folder 4: Temporary Employees

- Folder 5: Testing

- Item 1: Drug and Alcohol Testing on the Job: Safety with Personal Dignity, circa 1986

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: A Tremor in the Blood: Uses and Abuses of the Lie Detector, no date

- Creator: David Thoreson Lykken
- Item 3: Ethical Issues in Testing and Evaluation for Personnel Decisions, October 1980

- Creator: Manuel London and Douglas W. Bray, employees of AT&T, published in American Psychologist
- Item 4: An Investigation of Item Bias in a Test of Reading Comprehension, March 1980

- Creator: Robert L. Linn, Michael V. Levine, C. Nicholas Hastings and James L. Wardrop, UIUC Center for the Study of Reading
- Item 5: Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures: Second Edition, 1980

- Creator: American Psychological Association
- Item 6: Army General Classification Test Scores for Civilian Occupations, no date

- Creator: Thomas W. Harrell, UIUC and US Army Air Corps, and Margaret S. Harrell
- Item 7: Testing the Abilities of Textile Workers, July 1940

- Creator: Willard Harrell, Georgia School of Technology
- Item 8: Testing Cotton Mill Supervisors, April 1938

- Creator: Willard Harrell, UIUC
- Item 9: The Use of Tests in Improving Personnel Procedures at the AC Spark Plug Div., General Motors Corp., 1944

- Creator: Orlo L. Crissey, Ph.D, Industrial Psychologist
- Item 10: What Tests Can Do For Industry, December 1948

- Creator: Thelma B. Fox, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: The Ethics of Personality Testing, 1958

- Creator: Saul W. Gellerman, American Management Assoc.
- Item 12: Employment Testing: Guide Signs, not Stop Signs, no date

- Creator: Myron Kandel, US Civil Rights Commission
- Box 131

- Folder 1: Testing (cont.)

- Item 1: Towards Equalizing Educational and Employment Opportunity, Spring 1976

- Creator: Melvin R. Novick, Univ. of Iowa and Nancy S. Petersen, Development and Research Unit, Cambridge, England
- Item 2: A Note on the Use of Evidence in The Organization Man, August 1958

- Creator: Prof. Stanley Stark, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Development and Validation of a Battery of Aptitude Tests for Card Punch Operators, no date

- Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
- Item 4: Testing of Minority Group Applicants for Employment, March 1966

- Creator: Phyllis Wallace, Beverly Kissinger and Betty Reynolds, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Item 5: Cultural Influences on the Validity of Psychological Testing of Leadership in Fiji, June 1977

- Creator: George H. and Anne B. Hines, Business Faculty, Massey Univ, New Zealand
- Item 6: Consent Decree Regarding PACE

- Item 7: Application of Modern Measurement Theory, November 1980

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Univ. of Illinois; Fritzv Drasgow, Yale Univ. and Charles Parsons, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Folder 2: Testing--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Tests

- Folder 4: Textile Industry

- Item 1: Trends and Problems in Textile and Garment World Trade, October 1960

- Creator: Intl. Textile and Garment Wkrs. Fed.
- Folder 5: Theft by Employees

- Folder 6: Time and Motion Study, 1942-

- Item 1: Motion and Time Study, no date

- Creator: L.C. Pigage and J.L. Tucker
- Item 2: Predetermined Motion Time Systems in the USA, no date

- Creator: Bertram Gottlieb, Industrial Engineer with the AFL-CIO Research Dept.
- Item 3: Union Attitudes Toward Predetermined Motion Time Systems, no date

- Creator: Bertram Gottlieb, Industrial Engineer with the AFL-CIO Research Dept.
- Item 4: Concepts in the Measurement of Human Application, October 1953

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Dir. Of Research, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 5: Production Standards from Time Study Analysis, 1942

- Creator: Local No.2, United Auto Wkrs.
- Item 6: Statistical Procedures in Industrial Engineering: A trade union point of view, December 1955

- Creator: Solomon Barkin and Sumner Shapiro, reprinted from "Time and Motion Study, Vol.4, No.12"
- Item 7: Work Study for Small Scale Industry in Japan, 1962

- Creator: Osamu Umeda, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 8: Labor's Attitude Toward Time and Motion Study, December 6, 1937

- Creator: Spencer Miller, Jr.
- Item 9: Motion and Time Study, June 1954

- Creator: Prof. L.C. Pigage, Mechanical Engineering Dept., UIUC and J.L. Tucker, Chief Industrial Engineer, Coffing Hoist Co.
- Folder 7: Time Utilization

- Item 1: Strategies for Effective Time and Stress Management, August 1989

- Creator: Charles Kozoll, UIUC
- Folder 8: Trade Act, 1974

- Folder 9: Training

- Item 1: Education and Training: Tackling Unemployment, 1996

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 2: Developing a Training Program, 1975

- Creator: E.C. Wolfe, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: Vocational Training of Jews in Europe, September 1948

- Creator: B.M. Joffe, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
- Item 4: Shortchanged and Slighted: An Assessment of the Department of Labor's National Response to Women's Employment and Training Needs, January 1979

- Creator: Women's Work Force, Wider Opportunities for Women Inc.
- Item 5: The Training of Workers and the Competitiveness of Firms: A Search for a Solution to the Crisis, no date

- Creator: Alain d'Iribarne and Jean-Jacques Silvestre, Laboratoire D'Economie et de Sociologie du Travail
- Item 6: Is Developing a New Training Program Really the Best Answer to Your Problem?, November-December, 1977

- Creator: Prof. Lee L. Ahsmann and Prof. Donald Bernstein, Management Faculty, Roosevelt Univ.
- Box 132

- Folder 1: Training (cont.)

- Item 1: Psychological Factors in Employee Training, November 1951

- Creator: Prof. Homer L. Gammill, Psychology Dept., UIUC
- Item 2: Proceedings of the Training Directors Conference, December 2-3, 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension and Industrial Training Directors Assoc.
- Folder 2: Training--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Training of Disadvantaged Workers

- Item 1: New Dimensions in Manpower, circa 1968

- Creator: Cook County Dept. of Public Aid, Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity and Illinois State Employment Service
- Item 2: Employment, Manpower Training and the Black Worker, no date

- Creator: Herbert Hill, Natl. Labor Dir., NAACP
- Folder 4: Training of Disadvantaged Workers--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Evaluation of Training

- Item 1: Teaching and its Evaluation: A Handbook of Resources, no date

- Creator: John C. Ory, dir., Office of Instructional Resources, UIUC
- Item 2: Why Training Programs Fail to Carry Over, no date

- Creator: Prof. James N. Mosel, Psychology Dept., Georgetown Univ., published by the UIUC Bureau of Business Management
- Folder 6: Evaluation of Training--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Foreign Training

- Item 1: In-plant Labour Market Training, February 1976

- Creator: Swedish Labour Ministry
- Item 2: Personnel Training and Development in East African Industries, April 1967

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies, East African Seminar on Labour Problems in Economic Development, Univ. College of Nairobi
- Item 3: Acquisition of Skills, April 1960

- Creator: Canadian Labour Dept., Research Program on the Training of Skilled Manpower
- Item 4: Cosmos Imperial Mills: A Case Study in Labour Force Recruitment and Training, no date

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labour Dept.
- Item 5: Industrial Training in the Soviet Union, 1956

- Creator: Prof. Walter Galenson, Industrial Relations Dept., Univ. of California at Berkeley
- Item 6: Empact: EMPloyment ACTivities in the Republic of South Africa, Vol.II No.2 - Vol.III No.2, 1979 - 1980

- Creator: Empact
- Folder 8: Training of Foremen and Supervisors

- Item 1: Supervisory Training - Why, What, How, August 1949

- Creator: John F. Humes
- Item 2: Residential Study Group "Leadership", 1954

- Creator: Joseph Lucas Ltd.
- Item 3: Development of Supervisory Training in India, no date

- Creator: TWI Centre, Ministry of Labour, Government of India
- Item 4: Selection and Training of Foremen in Europe, no date

- Creator: Organisation for European Economic Cooperation
- Box 133

- Folder 1: Training of Foremen and Supervisors (cont.)

- Item 1: A Practical Short Course on Development of Supervisors as Members of Management on the Campus at the Univ. of Illinois, 1957

- Creator: UIUC
- Item 2: "SUPERVISORY DEVELOPMENT: By Way of Introduction This program is undertaken in order to provide an opportunity to consider some of the important responsibilities of the supervisor", no date

- Item 3: A Report of the Training Program in Production and Supervisory Methods, Conference and Leadership, for Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., 1945

- Creator: Illinois Board for Vocational Training
- Item 4: Report of the Foreman Conference, Electric Auto-Lite Company, 1944

- Creator: Illinois Board for Vocational Training
- Folder 2: Training in Great Britain

- Item 1: An Empirical Analysis of YTS, Employment and Earnings, July 1989

- Creator: Keith Whitfield and Constantine Bourlakis, Institute for Employment Research, Univ. of Warwick
- Item 2: Training for Employment, 1988

- Creator: UK Employment Dept.
- Item 3: Training for Industrial Employment, no date

- Creator: Institute of Labour Management
- Item 4: Education and Training in Industry, October 1949

- Creator: British Iron and Steel Federation
- Item 5: A Challenging Role for British Businesses, no date

- Item 6: Education and Training in the Iron and Steel Industry, October 1950

- Creator: British Iron and Steel Federation
- Item 7: The Guide to Training and the Future, 1972

- Creator: G. Terry Page, Kogan Page Ltd.
- Item 8: Some Impractical Aspects of Human Capital Investment: Training Standards in Five Occupations in Britain and Germany, no date

- Creator: S.J. Prais and Karin Wagner, Natl. Institute of Economic and Social Research
- Folder 3: Training in Japan

- Item 1: Panel Discussion: Motivation of People in the Steel Industry, Personal Development as a Motivator, October 1973

- Creator: Tsutomu Tsuchiya, managing dir., Japan Iron and Steel Fed.
- Item 2: Problems and Prospects of In-Company Human Resources Development in a New Era: Towards the New Concept of "Learning Company", November 1984

- Creator: Research and Development Institute of Vocational Training
- Item 3: Japanese Approach to Human Resources Development: Traditional Systems and Future Challenges, no date

- Creator: Jinnosuke Miyai, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 4: Synergetic Partnership in Training in Japan, 1986

- Creator: Prof. Kenji Okuda, Sophia Univ.
- Item 5: Human Resource Development and Labor Management Relations, February 1987

- Creator: Kazuo Koike, Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto Univ.
- Item 6: The Use of Technology for Training in Japan, July 1990

- Creator: Prof. Sam Stern, Oregon State Univ.
- Item 7: Outline of Training Activities, December 30, 1956

- Creator: Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co.
- Item 8: Human Resource Development in Industry, 1983

- Creator: Tadashi Amaya, Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 9: Questionnaire, 1957

- Creator: Japan Industrial Training Productivity Study Team
- Item 10: Present Situation of Vocational Training in Japan, 1957

- Creator: Japan Labour Ministry
- Item 11: Present Situation of Vocational Training in Japan, 11955

- Creator: Japan Labour Ministry
- Item 12: Management, Supervision and Skill Development in Japan, March 1961

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 13: Japan Industrial Training Association, May 1956

- Creator: Japan Industrial Training Assoc.
- Item 14: Examples of Training Procedures, September 1956

- Creator: Japan Industrial Training Assoc.
- Item 15: Foreman Development in Japan, 1960

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 16: Present Status of Industrial Training in Japan, March 22, 1957

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 17: Japan as a Learning Society, no date

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Organizational Behaviour Programme, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 18: Japanese Industrial Relations Series: Vocational Training, 1981

- Creator: Toshio Ishikawa, Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 19: Industrial Training in Japan, no date

- Folder 4: Training Techniques

- Item 1: A Theory of Training by Group Methods, 1956

- Creator: Herbert A. Shepard and Warren G. Bennis
- Folder 5: Training Within Industry Program

- Folder 6: Transfers

- Folder 7: Transportation Industry

- Item 1: Fuel Taxes? What disinterested authorities say about deficiencies of fuel taxes as a a source of revenue for financing highways, February 1956

- Creator: Association of American Railroads
- Item 2: Modernizing the Nation's Highways, January 1956

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Folder 8: Transportation Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Trucking Industry

- Folder 10: Turnover of Labor

- Item 1: Labour Turnover, no date

- Creator: British Institute of Management
- Item 2: Quitting and Labor Turnover: Microeconomic Evidence and Macroeconomic Consequences, February 1999

- Creator: Tom Krebs and William F. Maloney, World Bank
- Item 3: Self-Employment and Labor Turnover: Cross-Country Evidence, April 1999

- Creator: William F. Maloney, World Bank
- Item 4: Labor Turnover: A Selected Bibliography, March 1979

- Creator: Douglas Armstrong and Carol Anne Wolfe, Ontario Labour Ministry
- Item 5: Workers on the Move, September 1952

- Creator: Kenneth Leymann and C. Edward Weber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: Patterns of Job Duration in Japan and the United States, June 1984

- Creator: William Sterling, General Motors Corp.
- Item 7: Alternative Opportunities and Withdrawal Decisions: Empirical and Theoretical Discrepancies and an Integration, no date

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Mary Roznowski and Donna Hachiya, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 11: Underemployment

- Item 1: Meeting of Experts on Measurement of Underemployment, August 1963

- Creator: International Labour Office
- Folder 12: Unemployment

- Item 1: The Jobless: What Business Can Do, April 13, 1965

- Creator: Laurence I. Wood, General Electric Co.
- Item 2: Distressed Workers in the Eighties, 1983

- Creator: Daniel H. Saks, Committee on New American Realities
- Item 3: Military Spending: An Occupational Hazard, 1984

- Creator: Employment Research Associates
- Item 4: Chicago Steelworkers: The Cost of Unemployment, January 1985

- Creator: Julie S. Putterman, Steelworkers Research Project
- Item 5: Automation and Unemployment: A Debate, February 1965

- Creator: Detroit Industrial Mission
- Item 6: Unemployment Reserves, November 1931

- Creator: Sidney Hillman
- Box 134

- Folder 1: Unemployment (cont.)

- Item 1: The Employment Problems of Individuals and Groups, 1967

- Creator: Rudolf Meidner, Swedish Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 2: Die "Phillips Kurve" in Deutschland, 1969

- Creator: Walther G. Hoffmann
- Item 3: Model, Regressions and Results: Unemployment by Race and Sex in Disequilibrium, February 25, 1972

- Creator: C. Duncan MacRae and Ralph E. Smith
- Item 4: An Active Manpower Policy for East African Countries?, April 1967

- Creator: C. Carnap, Swedish National Labour Market Board
- Item 5: Unemployment and the Need for Full Employment Policy, June 1972

- Creator: Intl. Metalworkers' Fed.
- Item 6: American Dream or Nightmare? Unemployment and Mental Health in America, 1985

- Creator: National Mental Health Association
- Item 7: When Unemployment Hits: Manual for CIO councils and local unions on developing services to meet the immediate help and welfare needs of unemployed members

- Item 8: Overproduction and Unemployment: A Plea for Freedom, May 1940

- Creator: James Mill
- Item 9: "Unemployment Must Be Abolished!", June 1940

- Creator: American Assoc. for Economic Freedom and Interfaith Conference on Unemployment
- Item 10: Unemployment and its Problems, February 1935

- Creator: John C. Kennedy, Affiliated Schools for Workers
- Item 11: Statsistics of Unemployment and the Work of Employment Offices, October 15, 1912

- Creator: US Dept. of Commerce and Labor
- Item 12: Unemployment: Its Cause and Cure, February 1915

- Creator: Walter Lincoln Sears
- Item 13: The Transient Unemployed: A description and analysis of the transiet relief population, 1935

- Creator: John N. Webb, Works Progress Admin.
- Item 14: The Problem of Unemployment, 1936

- Creator: Don L. Thompson
- Item 15: Unemployment: An address delivered at the Parrish Art Museum, September 6, 1931

- Creator: Nicholas Murray Butler
- Item 16: Some Determinants of the Level of Frictional Unemployment, September 14, 1966

- Creator: Vladimir Stoikov, Intl. Labour Office and UIUC ILIR
- Item 17: Unemployment and Wage-Price Politics, no date

- Creator: Murray Edelman and R.W. Fleming
- Item 18: Unemployment: Causes and Cures, April 1961

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 19: The Role of Government in Promoting Full Employment, March 1966

- Creator: Arthur Ross
- Item 20: Planned Protection Against Unemployment and Dependency: Report on a tentative plan for a proposed investigation, November 1934

- Creator: Social Science Research Council
- Item 21: Unemployment: A Discussion Outline, no date

- Creator: Harrison S. Elliott, Erdman Harris, Nellie M. Day and James Myers
- Item 22: The Meaning of "Excess Supplies of Labour", no date

- Creator: Simon Rottenberg
- Item 23: Women: The New Reserve Army of the Unemployed, 1976

- Creator: Marianne A. Ferber, UIUC and Helen M. Lowry, Oregon St. Univ.
- Item 24: Unemployment and its Remedies, 1932

- Creator: Harry W. Laidler, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 25: Fifty Million Unemployed, 1952

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Folder 2: Unemployment--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Unemployment in Asia--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Unemployment in Belgium

- Item 1: Unemployment in Belgium during the German Occupation and its General Causes, 1917

- Creator: Fernand Passelecq
- Folder 5: Unemployment in Canada

- Item 1: Unemployment in Ontario: A submission to the Government of Ontario by the Ontario Fed. Of Labor, CLC, March 15, 1961

- Creator: Ontario Fed. Of Labor
- Item 2: Report: Study Conference on Unemployment, February 1961

- Creator: Ontario Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 6: Unemployment in the Construction Industry

- Folder 7: Unemployment in Georgia (empty folder)

- Folder 8: Unemployment in Great Britain

- Item 1: Unemployment: An Analysis and Policy Proposals, October 1972

- Creator: General Fed. Of Trade Unions, UK
- Item 2: The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates: A Comment, November 1959

- Creator: Guy Routh
- Item 3: Sectoral Shifts and Unemployment in Interwar Britain, January 1992

- Creator: S. Lael Brainard, MIT
- Item 4: Liberal Unemployment Plans Exposed, March 21, 1929

- Creator: Rt. Hon Stanley Baldwin
- Item 5: Report on "The Raising of the School Age and its Relation to Employment and Unemployment", 1928

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. for Social Progress (British Section)
- Item 6: The Ecological Approach to Unemployment, August 1978

- Creator: Edward Goldsmith
- Item 7: Input Price Shocks and the Slowdown in Economic Growth, Part I: Estimates for UK Manufacturing, July 1981

- Creator: Michael Bruno, Univ. of Jerusalem and Jeffrey Sachs, Harvard Univ.
- Item 8: How Exactly is Unemployment Measured, no date

- Creator: Government Statistical Service and Employment Dept. Group, UK
- Folder 9: Unemployment in New Yorkl

- Folder 10: Unemployment in Ohio

- Folder 11: Unemployment in Tennessee

- Folder 12: Unemployment in West Virginia

- Folder 13: Unemployment of Younger Workers

- Item 1: The Problem of Youth Unemployment, circa 1967

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 2: Youth Unemployment: An Economic Analysis, February 1969

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Folder 14: Seansonal Unemployment

- Folder 15: Structural Unemployment

- Item 1: Technological Unemployment: "The Social and Economic Consequences of Technology", 1940

- Creator: Philip Murray, Steel Workers Organizing Committee
- Item 2: The Fight for Jobs: The European Growth Initiative, 1993

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 3: Manpower Implications of Reordering National Priorities: A Simulation of the Employment Effects of Counterbudget, June 1971

- Creator: James G. Scoville and Roger H. Bezdek, UIUC ILIR, prepared for the National Urban Coalition
- Box 135

- Folder 1: Structural Unemployment (cont.)

- Item 1: Defense Policy Implications for Professional, Scientific and Technical (PST) Manpower, October 1971

- Creator: Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Item 2: Work and Change: Labor Market Adjustment Policies in a Competitive World, 1987

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 3: Unemployment and Structural Change, 1962

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office
- Item 4: Microelectronics at Work: Productivity and Jobs in the World Economy, October 1980

- Creator: Colin Norman
- Item 5: The Displaced Worker n American Society: An Overdue Policy Issue, February 1983

- Creator: National Council on Employment Policy
- Item 6: Work and Employment in Post-Manufacturing Society: Work and Social Change, December 1981

- Creator: Michael Shanks, European Centre for Work and Society
- Item 7: The Economic Impact of Reductions in Defense Spending, no date

- Creator: United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- Item 8: Managing the Response to Industrial Decline, September 1984

- Creator: Prof. Joseph L. Bower, Harvard Business School, for the British-North American Committee
- Item 9: The 1980 Economic Impact - Regional and Occupational - of Compensated Shifts in Defense Spending, December 1974

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek
- Item 10: Occupational Employment Sensitivity to Shifting Patterns of Federal Expenditures, July 30, 1973

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek
- Item 11: The Aftermath: The Problems Communities Face After a Military Installation Closes, February 1978

- Creator: Coneg Policy Research Center, Inc. and Northeast-Midwest Institute
- Item 12: Utilization of Defense Scientists and Engineers for Civilian Purposes, no date

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 13: Jobs and Energy, Spring 1977

- Creator: Environmentalists for Full Employment
- Folder 2: Supplemental Unemployment Benefits

- Item 1: Why Supplemental Unemployment Benefits Are Not Permissible Under Illinois State Law, 1955

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 3: Unemployment Insurance

- Item 1: Illinois Employers Ready Reference on Unemployment Compensation, 1951

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 2: Unemployment Insurance: The Urgency for Reform, April 1974

- Creator: James R. O'Brien, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Trends and Prospects of Unemployment Compensation in Virginia, September 1953

- Creator: Bureau of Population and Economic Research, Univ. of Virginia
- Item 4: History of Indiana Employment Security Legislation, January 1954

- Creator: Indiana Employment Security Div.
- Item 5: Improving Unemployment Insurance, August 1954

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 6: Measuring the Effects of Unemployment Benefits on the Economy, September 1954

- Creator: Marvin K. Blook, Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 7: Repeaters: A Study of Unemployment Insurance Claimants who Established Two or More Consecutive Benefit Years During the Period 1950-1953, October 1954

- Creator: Mississippi Employment Security Commission
- Item 8: Unemployment Compensation: A Legislative-Educational Program in the Issues Series, 1959

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Box 136

- Folder 1: Unemployment Insurance (cont.)

- Item 1: The Federal Unemployment Tax, no date

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 2: Should State Unemployment Insurance be Federalized?, 1946

- Creator: Herman Gray, American Enterprise Assoc.
- Item 3: The American Labor Legislation Review: Federalization of Employment Security -and- Standards for Efficiency Now and After the War, March 1942

- Creator: American Assoc. for Labor Legislation
- Item 4: Trends and Problems in Unemployment Insurance, August 1950

- Creator: Irving N. King, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Privatre Unemployment Benefit Plans in Canadian Industry, 1957

- Creator: Industrial Relations Dept., Queens Univ., Ontario
- Item 6: The Employer's Stake in Effective Unemployment Compensation (Vol.VI, No.3, a special issue of American Economic Security), April-May 1949

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 7: A Plan for the Restoration of Employment: Arguments for the enactment of an emergency employment act making equal grants of purchasing power to all citizens, January 20, 1933

- Creator: Prof. Edward Bennett, Electrical Engineering Dept., Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 8: Justice for the Unemployed and Aged, possibly circa 1933

- Creator: Socialist Party of Massachusetts
- Item 9: Needed Improvements in our Unemployment Compensation System, December 2, 1960

- Creator: Nelson H. Cruikshank, AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Confessions of an Unemployment Cheat, May 1977

- Creator: Lenny Marx, The Washington Monthly
- Item 11: Some Observations on British Experience in the Field of Employment Relations and Social Insurance, December1934

- Creator: John C. Gall, Associate Counsel of the Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 12: Unemployment Insurance, 1952

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 13: Unemployment Compensation in a Stable Economy, July 1948

- Creator: H.W. Steinhaus, Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 14: Financing Unemployment Compensation, 1953

- Creator: The Tax Foundation
- Item 15: Unemployment Compensation in a Free Economy, July 1952

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 16: A Program for Rectification of Inequities in Unemployment Compensation Laws, October 1939

- Creator: American Photo-Engravers Association
- Folder 2: Unemployment Insurance--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Unemployment Insurance in Illinois

- Item 1: Unemployment Insurance Highlights for December 1994, February 1995

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 2: Unemployment Insurance Highlights, November 1986

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 3: Legislation by Collective Bargaining: The Agreed Bill in Illinois Unemployment Compensation Legislation, no date

- Creator: Gilbert Y. Steiner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: The Current Status of the Unemployment Compensation Program, January 4, 1957

- Creator: Samuel Bernstein, Div. of Unemployment Compensation, Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Unemployment Compensation During the War Years: Activities of the div. of placement and unemployment compensation, April 1, 1940 - September 30, 1945, October 1946

- Creator: Samuel Bernstein, Illinois Commissioner of Placement and Unemployment Compensation
- Item 6: "The Role of State Government in Combating Unemployment in Illinois: Unemployment Compensation, Training and Retraining", December 4, 1964

- Creator: Samuel C. Bernstein, Employment Security Administrator, Illinois Labor Dept.
- Box 137

- Folder 1: Unemployment Insurance in Illinois (cont.)

- Item 1: Effects Of An Increase in the Tax Base for Unemployment Compensation in Illinois, October 1967

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Employment Security in the Year Following V-J Day: Activities of the division of placement and unemployment compensation, August 1, 1945 - July 31, 1946, October 1946

- Creator: Samuel Bernstein, Illinois Commissioner of Placement and Unemployment Compensation
- Item 3: Save Money: Where? A Low Unemployment Insurance Tax. How? This Booklet Tells You., April 1956

- Creator: Illinois Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 4: Further Amendment of the Illinois Unemployment Compensation Law, May 1951

- Creator: Illinois St. Chamber of Commerce
- Item 5: Financing Unemployment Compensation in Illinois, January 1952

- Creator: Prof. Richard C. Wilcock, UIUC ILIR; Illinois Labor Dept. and US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Study of Alternative Systems of Experience Rating, June 1959

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Unemployment Compensation in Illinois, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 8: Report of the Conference of Local Office Managers of the Div. of Unemployment Compensation, Illinois Labor Dept., September 13-15, 1955

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Folder 2: Unemployment Insurance in New York

- Item 1: Unemployment Insurance in the Second Year of War: Annual Report 1943, 1944

- Creator: New York St. Labor Dept.
- Folder 3: Unemployment Relief

- Item 1: Description and Analysis of the First Year of the Emergency Employment Act High Impact Programs in Illinois, October 1972

- Creator: Roger Bezdek, Ava Butler, James Hribal, George Paulin and Guy Standing, UIUC ILIR and Center for Advanced Computation
- Item 2: The EDA Experience in the Evolution of Public Policy: A Brief History, September 1965 to January 1972, February 1972

- Creator: US Commerce Dept.
- Item 3: "Dear Governor Ogilvie: We are responding to your request for guidance in helping the Department of Public Aid", November 29, 1971

- Creator: Robert Bennett, Northwestern Univ. Law School and Harold A. Richman, School of Social Service Admin., Univ. of Chicago
- Item 4: Unemployment Relief Through "Made Work:" Report of the Emergency Work Committee, Inc. of the Indianapolis Commission for Stabilization of Employment, August 1931

- Creator: George E. Gill and William H. Book
- Item 5: A Consumer Credit Technique for Restoring Employment: Arguments for the Enactment of a National Consumer Credit Act Making Equal Grants of Purchasing Power to All Citizens, December 1933

- Creator: Edward Bennett, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 6: Unemployment: A Practical Program, 1930

- Creator: Henry Raymond Mussey, League for Independent Political Action
- Item 7: Public Service Employment Jobs for All, July 1972

- Creator: Robert Lekachman, Public Affairs Committee
- Item 8: Alleviating Unemployment: A Report to the Governor's Emergency Committee on Employment in Nevada, 1931

- Creator: Letson Balliet
- Item 9: How Share The Work Has Been Applied: Different Methods That Have Succeeded in Widely Differing Cases, no date

- Creator: Federal Reserve Banking and Industrial Committees
- Item 10: Central Versus Local Responsibility for Unemployment Relief, 1947

- Creator: Daniel Scheinman, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 11: Two Top-Priority Programs to Reduce Unemployment, December 1963

- Creator: Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 12: Unemployment and Public Works Policies in Pacific Countries, 1933

- Creator: Institute of Pacific Relations
- Box 138

- Folder 1: Unemployment Relief (cont.)

- Folder 2: Unemployment Relief--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Unfair Labor Practices

- Item 1: Views and Recommendations of Members of Special Committee Concerning Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Unfair Labor Practices to United States District Courts, June 15, 1961

- Folder 4: Union Label

- Item 1: Proceedings of the Forty-Second Convention of the Union Label Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor, 1950

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 2: Constitution and By-Laws of the Tri-City Union Label League of Granite City, Madison and Venice, 1907

- Creator: Tri-City Union Label League
- Item 3: 25 Million a Year!, 1952

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Electrical Wkrs.
- Item 4: 39.9 Million a Year!, circa 1965

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Electrical Wkrs.
- Item 5: Official 1951 Union Label Directory, 1951

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 5: Union Security

- Item 1: Legislative Restrictions on Union Security Agreements, 1948

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Academic Freedom and the "Agency Shop", 1974

- Creator: Russell Kirk
- Item 3: Must School Boards Force Teachers to Join Unions?, September 1980

- Creator: Susan E. Staub, Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism
- Item 4: Compulsory Unionism: A Real and Present Danger, no date

- Creator: Susan E. Staub, Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism
- Item 5: The Truth About "Right to Work" Laws: Facts vs. Propaganda, February 1965

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: Who Wants the Closed Shop?, 1942

- Creator: Russell L. Greenman, National Foremen's Institute, Inc.
- Item 7: Facts About the Union Shop: A Statement by United Steelworkers of America, CIO, 1952

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, CIO
- Item 8: Proceedings of the Second Annual Industrial Relations Conference of the Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO, June 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: "Right-to-Work" Laws: Three Moral Studies by an Oblate Father, an Eminent Rabbi, a Methodist Dean, 1954

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Machinists
- Item 10: Tell Your Congressman - Repeal Section 14(b), End So-called "Right-to-Work!", no date

- Creator: Natl. Council for Industrial Peace
- Item 11: Right-To-Work Laws: Unjust and Harmful, October 1957

- Creator: Jerome L. Toner
- Item 12: The Case for Voluntary Unionism: A Discussion of the Merits of "Right-to-Work" Laws and the Dangers of Compulsory Unionism, circa 1955

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 13: Union Security As Ordered by National War Labor Board in Its First Action of This Kind, April 1942

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 14: The Taft-Hartley Act Section 14(b): A Threat to Women's Right to Organize, 1980

- Creator: National Organization for Women
- Item 15: Twenty Questions About the Right-to-Work, July 1957

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 16: Union Membership as a Condition of Employment, July 1956

- Creator: National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA
- Item 17: The Legal and Moral Basis of Right-to-Work Laws, August 23, 1955

- Creator: J.C. Gibson
- Item 18: Why Distinguished Educators Favor Voluntary Unionism, October 1962

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 19: Twenty Questions About "The Right to Work", no date

- Creator: Catholic Council on Working Life
- Item 20: The Closed Shop in Great Britain, no date

- Creator: Jerome L. Toner
- Item 21: What's Wrong with Right-to-Work Laws, March 1958

- Creator: Willliam J. Smith, S.J.
- Item 22: "Right-to-Work" Laws: A Trap for America's Minorities, no date

- Creator: Cesar E. Chavez and Bayard Rustin, A. Philip Randolph Institute/United Farm Wkrs., AFL-CIO
- Item 23: Speaker's Manual on the Case Against So-called "Right-to-Work" Laws, no date

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 24: Fair-Share Fees: The Balance Between Practicality and Constitutionality, no date

- Item 25: Senator Goldwater Sets the Record Straight on Right-to-Work, circa 1963

- Creator: National Right to Work Committee
- Item 26: Union Security Plans: Maintenance of Membership and the Check-Off, 1945

- Creator: Industrial Relations Dept., Queen's Univ., Ontario
- Item 27: Professional Responsibility vs. Collective Bargaining, August 1963

- Creator: National Society of Professional Engineers
- Folder 6: Union Security--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Unionization (empty folder)

- Folder 8: Unionization of Banks and Financial Agencies

- Folder 9: Unionization of Engineers

- Item 1: Unionization Among American Engineers, 1956

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 2: Current Aspects of Unionisation of Engineers, Managerial Staff and Technicians, no date

- Creator: WFTU Commission of Engineers, Managerial Staff and Technicians
- Item 3: Our Concept of the Role and Function of Engineers and Supervisory Staff in the Trade Union Movement, October 1961

- Creator: Paul Alba, Secretaire du Syndicat des Ingenieurs de la Regie Autonome des Petroles
- Item 4: The Role and Place of Engineers and Executives in the Trades Union Movement in the Context of the General Technical and Economic Development of European Countries, October 1961

- Creator: Jean-E. Humblet, Dr. en Droit, Dr. en Econ. Et Leg ouvr., Lic en Sc. Comm. Et fin., Fellow of the American Sociological Society and Administrator of the Belgian Assoc. for Social Progress
- Item 5: Organizing Engineers: Professional Control as an Alternative to Labor Unions, December 1972

- Creator: Melvin Filler, Hughes Aircraft Co.
- Item 6: Engineers and Workers: A Case Study, no date

- Creator: William F. Whyte, NY St. School of Industrial and Labor Relations
- Folder 10: Unionization of Farm Laborers

- Item 1: Boycott Lettuce, Grapes and Gallo Wine Unless You See the UFW Label, no date

- Creator: United Farm Wkrs., AFL-CIO
- Folder 11: Unionization of Farm Laborers--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Unionization of Foremen and Supervisors

- Item 1: Some Effects of Foreman Unionization, August 1945

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 2: History of the Movement to Organize Foremen in the Automotive Industry: December 1938 to May 1945, May 1945

- Creator: General Motors Corp.
- Item 3: Memorandum: The Right of Foremen to Organize for the Purpose of Collective Bargaining in Sweden, June 1, 1943

- Creator: James J. Robbins
- Item 4: Foremen's Unions: A New Development in Industrial Relations, March 1948

- Creator: J. Carl Cabe, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining by Foremen, September 1947

- Creator: J. Carl Cabe, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Folder 13: Unionization of Foremen and Supervisors--Bibliographies

- Box 139

- Folder 1: Unionization of the Insurance Business (empty folder)

- Folder 2: Unionization of Lawyers and Judges

- Folder 3: Unionizatino of Medical and Health Services

- Folder 4: Unionization of Military Personnel

- Item 1: Unions in the Military? Pro by David Cortright and Con by Strom Thurmond, 1977

- Creator: American Enterprise Institute
- Folder 5: Unionization of Professional Employees

- Folder 6: Unionization of Public Utilities

- Item 1: Future of Unionism for Water Utility Employees, October 30, 1963

- Creator: Garvin H. Dyer, Missouri Water Co.
- Folder 7: Unionization of Social Workers

- Item 1: Special Issue of "Catalyst" on Labor and Human Services, 1985

- Creator: Catalyst, Vol.V, Nos.17-18
- Folder 8: Unionization of the Textile Industry

- Item 1: The Morristown Story, no date

- Creator: William Michael Goldsmith, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Folder 9: Unionization of White Collar Workers

- Item 1: Do White Collar Workers Need Unions? An Analysis of the Economic Status of White Collar Workers in Wartime, circa 1944

- Creator: American Fed. Of Teachers
- Item 2: Spotlight on Problems of White Collar Organization, January 10-12, 1957

- Creator: Labor Education Div., Roosevelt Univ.
- Item 3: The Growth of White-Collar Unionism in Britain and Sweden: A Comparative Analysis, 1974

- Creator: Roy J. Adams
- Item 4: Craft Unionism Revisited: The Case of the Waitress Locals, no date

- Creator: Prof. Dorothy Sue Cobble, Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Folder 10: Unionization of White Collar Workers--Bibliographies

- Folder 11: United States Employment Service Act

- Folder 12: Vacations

- Item 1: Vacation and Holiday Practices, 1946

- Creator: Natl. Industrial Conference Board
- Item 2: Paid Vacations in American Industry in 1943 and 1944, January 1945

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Five Weeks' Vacation: Summary of a report of a committee of enquiry set up by the government in 1974 in order to make a general review of the legislation concerning vacations, December 1975

- Creator: Swedish Labour Ministry
- Folder 13: Veterans in Industry

- Item 1: Going to War and Going to College: Did World War II and the GI Bill Increase Educational Attainment for Returning Veterans?, no date

- Creator: John Bound, Univ. of Michigan and Sarah Turner, Univ. of Virginia
- Item 2: Persian Gulf Veterans in the Reserves and National Guard: Effects on Employment, Income and Family, no date

- Creator: Lee Strunin, Boston Univ. School of Public Health
- Item 3: Experience for Hire: Closing the Skills Gap with Army Alumni, no date

- Item 4: Report of the Commission on Post-War Training and Adjustment: A statement of principles relating to the educational problems of returning soldiers, sailors and displaced war industry workers, 1942

- Creator: Columbia Univ. Teacher's College, NY
- Item 5: As You Were: Vietnam Era Veterans in Federal Employment, July 1972

- Creator: US Civil Service Commission
- Item 6: Marching Home: Educational and Social Adjustment After the War, 1944

- Creator: Columbia Univ. Teacher's College, NY
- Item 7: Profile: The Disabled Vietnam-Era Veteran, 1971

- Item 8: 1972 Annual Report of the Jobs for Veterans Natl. Committee, 1973

- Creator: Jobs for Veterans
- Item 9: Plan for Reinstatement: Industrial Welfare Society, April 1945

- Creator: Industrial Welfare Society, UK
- Item 10: Employment Rights Handbook: Questions and Answers About Veterans' Reemployment Rights, October 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Medically Trained Servicemen Where Do You Go From Here?, no date

- Creator: US Health, Education and Welfare Dept.
- Item 12: Evaluation: Operation MEDIHC, March 1970 to December 1971, 1972

- Item 13: Major Benefits Compared for Veterans of WWII, Korea and the Vietnam Era, circa 1970

- Item 14: Current Status of the "Physician's Assistant", January 1972

- Creator: American Medical Association Informational Bulletin
- Item 15: State Veterans' Programs, October 1945

- Creator: The Council of State Governments
- Item 16: Reemployment of Veterans atDTD, circa 1945

- Creator: Detroit Transmission Div., General Motors Corp.
- Item 17: Postwar Jobs for Veterans, March 1945

- Creator: Edited by Paul Webrink, Social Science Research Council
- Item 18: Question and Answer Handbook (revised): Veterans' Reemployment Rights, July 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 19: Project Transition, no date

- Item 20: Our Servicemen and Economic Security, May 1943

- Creator: Edited by Robert H. Skilton, Univ. of Pennsylvania Law School
- Item 21: The Disabled Veteran, May 1945

- Creator: Edited by Prof. Wilma T. Donahue, Psychology Dept. and Clark Tibbitts, Dir. of the Institute for Human Adjustment and Veterans Service Bureau, Univ. of Michigan
- Folder 14: Vocational Education

- Item 1: The Governor's Vocational-Technical Education Conference Report, circa 1970

- Creator: Illinois Governor's Office
- Item 2: Vocational Training in Japan, 1967

- Creator: Vocational Training Bureau, Ministry of Labor
- Item 3: The Institute of Vocational Training, no date

- Creator: Employment Promotion Projects Corp., Japan
- Item 4: Japanese Industrial Relations Series: Vocational Training, 1981

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 5: Outline of Vocational Training in Korea, 1967

- Creator: Office of Labor Affairs, Republic of Korea
- Item 6: The Role of Government in Developing and Utilizing Human Resources in Economic Growth in Latin America, March 1962

- Creator: Luis Escobar, Chilean Minister of Economics, Development and Reconstruction and Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Univ. of Chile
- Item 7: Vocational Secondary Schools Can Be More Cost-effective than Academic Schools: The Case of Israel, 1989

- Creator: Shoshana Neuman and Adrian Ziderman
- Item 8: A System Analysis Approach to Human Resource Development Planning: Nigeria, Summer 1967

- Creator: Frederick H. Harbison, Inter-Univ. Study of Labor Problems in Economic Development
- Item 9: The Concept of Vocational Education in the Thinking of the General Educator 1845 to 1945, July 1, 1946

- Creator: Prof. Arthur Beverly Mays, Industrial Education, UIUC
- Item 10: Report of the Director of Canadian Vocational Training, March 31, 1959

- Creator: Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 11: Vocational Education in Illinois: Research and Development Services: Key to Tomorrow, no date

- Creator: Illinois Board of Vocational Education and Rehabilitation
- Item 12: Coordination of Vocational Education Program Delivery System Assisted Under the Carl D. Perkins Vocatinal Education Act of 1984 and the Job Training Partnership Act, circa 1986

- Creator: Illinois Council on Vocational Education
- Item 13: Career Education and Vocational Education: Similarities and Contrasts, January 2, 1975

- Creator: Rupert N. Evans, UIUC
- Folder 15: Vocational Education--Bibliographies

- Box 140

- Folder 1: Vocational Education--Bibliographies (cont.)

- Folder 2: Vocational Education Directories

- Folder 3: Vocational Education in Germany

- Item 1: Vocational Training in the German Democratic Republic, no date

- Creator: Council of Ministers, German Democratic Republic
- Folder 4: Vocational Education Act, 1963

- Folder 5: Vocational Guidance

- Item 1: Jobs for Which You Can Qualify If You're a High School Graduate, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Jobs for Which You Can Qualify If You're Not a High School Graduate, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Jobs for Which You Can Train Through Apprenticeship, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Jobs for Which You Probably Will Need a College Education, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Jobs for Which You Probably Will Need Some College or Specialized Training, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: A Development of a Job Interest Index (JII) by Item Response Theory (IRT): Based on "Company - Job Choice Model", October 25, 1994

- Creator: Naotaka Watanabe and Koji Takahashi, Nanzan Univ. and Hiroyuki Noguchi, Nagoya Univ.
- Item 7: Job Guide for Young Workers: 1960-61 Edition, circa 1960

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Job Guide for Young Workers: 1956-57 Edition, circa 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Job Guide for Young Workers: 1953 Edition, circa 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: After Teenagers Quit School: Seven Community Programs Help Would-Be Workers, 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Jobs For Which a High School Education is Generally Required, circa 1973

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Counseling Girls Toward New Perspectives: A report of the Middle Atlantic Regional Pilot Conference, December 2-4, 1965

- Creator: US Labor Dept. and US Health, Education and Welfare Dept.
- Item 13: New Approaches to Counseling Girls in the 1960s: A report of the midwest regional pilot conference, February 26-27, 1965

- Creator: US Labor Dept. and US Health, Education and Welfare Dept.
- Folder 6: Vocational Guidance--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Vocational Rehabilitation

- Item 1: Supported Employment in Illinois: Assessment Issues Vol.2, 1987

- Creator: Lizanne DeStefano and Frank R. Rusch, UIUC College of Education
- Item 2: Report to the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare by the National Citizens Advisory Committee on Vocational Rehabilitation, June 26, 1968

- Creator: National Citizens Advisory Committee on Vocational Rehabilitation
- Item 3: Brass Tacks: Some pertinent facts about the economic and social aspects of the State-Federal system of vocational rehabilitation for civilians, 1949

- Creator: Federal Security Agency
- Item 4: Demand for Rehabilitation in a Labor Union Population: Part One: Research Report, 1964

- Creator: Hyman J. Weiner, Shelley H. Akabas and Bruce Grynbaum, Sidney Hillman Health Center of New York
- Item 5: Road to Work: A Guide to Rehabilitation and Resettlement, circa 1953

- Creator: Swedish Royal Labour Board
- Item 6: Illinois Vocational Rehabilitation: Concerned with Industry's Needs, no date

- Creator: Illinois Vocational Rehabilitation Div.
- Folder 8: Vocational Rehabilitation--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Voting Time

- Item 1: Time Off For Voting Under State Laws, 1964

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Time Off For Voting Under State Laws, 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Time Off For Voting Under State Laws, 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 10: Wage Adjustments

- Item 1: Wage Drift, 1965

- Creator: Sven Schwartz, Swedish Employers' Confederation
- Item 2: Alternative Wage Reopening and Escalator Clauses, no date

- Item 3: L'Inflation et la Negociation des Salaires, May 1975

- Creator: Marcel Bellemare, Institut de Recherche Applique Sur le Travail
- Item 4: Bulletin to Management, 2008

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Folder 11: Wage Adjustments--Bibliographies

- Box 141

- Folder 1: Wage and Salary Administration

- Item 1: Union Effects on Compensation Policies and Pay Attitudes: A Theoretical Synthesis and Research Proposal, no date

- Creator: Peter D. Sherer
- Item 2: The Changing Basis for Pay, no date

- Creator: Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- Item 3: Pay for Performance: Exploring the Merit System, no date

- Creator: Robert L. Heneman, Ohio St. Univ., for the Work in America Institute Studies in Productivity
- Item 4: "BELIEF: People will strive for desired results when they view that: -Expectations are achievable", no date

- Item 5: A Position Paper, Submitted by the American Compensation Association to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Connection With its Hearings on Job Segregation and Wage Discrimination, June 1980

- Creator: American Compensation Association
- Item 6: Conference Report: Wage and Salary Administration Seminar, July 16-20, 1956

- Creator: NY St. School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 7: Your Pay Rewarding Performance, no date

- Creator: Ford Motor Co.
- Item 8: Employee Mutuals of Wausau, no date

- Creator: Wausau
- Item 9: Corprorate Policy - Subject: Compensation of Employees, February 26, 1973

- Creator: Boeing Corp.
- Item 10: AEG (Aircraft Engine Group)Exempt Compensation, no date

- Creator: General Electric Corp.
- Item 11: Lets Talk Pay Some important facts about salaries at Bank of America, September 1980

- Creator: Bank of America
- Item 12: Compensation Policy, no date

- Creator: RCA Corp.
- Item 13: How Standard Determines Your Pay, no date

- Creator: Standard Oil Co.
- Item 14: Salary Program: Your Total Compensation A Reflection of Your Value to Alcoa, no date

- Creator: Alcoa Corp.
- Item 15: Pay Philosophy, no date

- Creator: Honeywell Corp.
- Item 16: Your Salary, no date

- Creator: RCA Corp.
- Item 17: Staff Compensation Program, no date

- Creator: Pfizer Corp.
- Item 18: Pay Program for Salaried Employees, no date

- Creator: 3M Corp.
- Item 19: Non-Staff Compensation Program, no date

- Creator: Pfizer Corp.
- Item 20: Performance Evaluation by Objective: Instructions, no date

- Creator: Pfizer Corp.
- Folder 2: Wage and Salary Administration--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Wage and Salary Determination

- Item 1: Labor and Product Markets as Wage Determinants: A Local Market Study, September 1966

- Creator: Yohko Sano and Toshiaki Izeki, Institute of Management and Labor Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 2: Internal and External Forces in Sectoral Wage Formation: Evidence From The Netherlands, October 1996

- Creator: Johan J. Graafland and Marcel H. Lever
- Item 3: Salary Payments, Age and Learning, May 1971

- Creator: Keith Hartley, Lecturer in Economics, Univ. of York
- Item 4: Wage Determination in Canada, April 1965

- Creator: George Saunders, Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 5: Insiders and Outsiders in Wage Formation: The Dutch Case, 1992

- Creator: J.J. Graafland
- Item 6: Wages, Plant Size, and Spillover Effect: An Exploration, 1975

- Creator: Koji Taira, UIUC
- Item 7: A Program of Salary Administration, 1947

- Creator: Edward N. Hay, American Management Assoc.
- Item 8: Principles of Wage Determination by Analysis, 1944

- Creator: J.M. Tedford, Pacific Coast Assn. of Pulp and Paper Manufacturers
- Item 9: From Phillips Curve to Wage Curve, 1992

- Creator: J.J. Graafland
- Item 10: Unionism and Non-Union Wage Rates, September 16, 1976

- Creator: Prof. Lawrence M. Kahn, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 11: The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom 1862-1957: A Further Analysis, February 1960

- Creator: Richard G. Lipsey, London School of Economics
- Item 12: Unionism and Relative Wages: Direct and Indirect Effects, no date

- Creator: Prof. Lawrence M. Kahn, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 13: Union Strength and Wage Inflation, no date

- Creator: Prof. Lawrence M. Kahn, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 14: A Test of the "Expectations Hypothesis" Using Directly Observed Wage and Price Expectations, April 30, 1971

- Creator: Stephen J. Turnovsky, Univ. of Toronto and Michael L. Wachter, Univ. of Pennsylvania
- Item 15: The Effect of Market Structure on Union Wage Levels in US Manufacturing, January 1974

- Creator: Prof. Wallace Hendricks, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 16: The Effects of Industrial, Occupational and Sex Stratification on Wages in Blue Collar Markets, circa 1977

- Creator: Robert C. Bibb and William H. Form, UIUC Sociology Dept.
- Folder 4: Wage and Salary Determination--Bibliographies

- Box 142

- Folder 1: Wage Differentials

- Item 1: Airlines: A Two-Tier Industry in Trouble, 1990

- Creator: Kim Moody, Labor Notes
- Item 2: Inter-Industry Wage Differentials: Evidence from Sweden and a Comparison with the United States, September 1989

- Creator: Per-Anders Edin and Johnny Zetterberg, Economics Dept., Uppsala Univ.
- Item 3: Intra-Organizational Bargaining: A Study of Inter-Class Wage Differentials Among Saskatchewan School Teachers, no date

- Creator: P.Y. Walmsley, M. Ohtsu and A. Verma, Univ. of Saskatchewan
- Item 4: Women's Wages and Job Segregation, Fall 1973

- Creator: Mary Stevenson
- Item 5: Sexist Earnings Differences: The Cost of Female Sexuality, January 1977

- Creator: Albert W. Niemi, Jr.
- Item 6: The Effects of Unions on Industrial Wage Differentials, no date

- Item 7: Assessing Worker Attitudes Under a Two-Tier Wage Plan, July 1988

- Creator: Peter Cappelli, Univ. of Pennsylvania and Peter D. Sherer, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: In Re Labor Union Women, Employment and Pensions Committee Hearing on the Wage Gap, June 26, 1980

- Creator: Illinois Commission on the Status of Women
- Item 9: International Comparison of Wage Structures, 1955

- Creator: John T. Dunlop and Melvin Rothbaum, Intl. Labour Office
- Item 10: Impact of the Recent Inflation on Labor Skill Differentials, April 25, 1975

- Creator: Robert N. Schoeplein, UIUC
- Item 11: Women at Work: Barriers to Economic Equality, 1980

- Creator: Women Employed Institute
- Item 12: Towards a Theory of Intra-Urban Wage Differentials and Their Influence on Travel Patterns, 1962

- Creator: Prof. Leon N. Moses, Northwestern Univ.
- Item 13: Behavior of Wage Rates During Business Cycles, February 1950

- Creator: Daniel Creamer and Martin Bernstein, Natl. Bureau of Economic Research
- Folder 2: Wage Incentive Plans

- Item 1: Wage Incentive Schemes, 1951

- Creator: Ministry of Labour and National Service, UK
- Item 2: A Review of Wage-Incentive Practice, 1949

- Creator: Dept. of Labour and National Service, Australia
- Item 3: A Handbook on Wage Incentive Plans, April 1945

- Creator: War Production Board
- Item 4: When Wage Incentive Plans?, September 3, 1954

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 5: The Trade Union Approach to Wage Incentive Plans, June 1953

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 6: Work Incentives for your Personnel, August 1951

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, UIUC
- Item 7: A Critical Review of Experience Under the Scanlon Plan (A Propsed Study), May 1968

- Creator: Fred J. Furman
- Item 8: Wage Incentive Plans, no date

- Creator: Mitchell Fein, American Institute of Industrial Engineers
- Item 9: The Murray Wage Incentive Plan, August 1943

- Creator: Murray Corp.
- Folder 3: Wage Incentive Plans--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Wage Payment Systems

- Item 1: Return to Skills, Comparative Advantage and the Effect of Pay-for-Performance Contracts on Wages, February 2000

- Creator: W. Bentley Macleod, Economics Dept. and Law School, USC and Daniel Parent, Economics Dept., McGill Univ.
- Item 2: Illinois Labor Laws Handbook No.1: Wage Payment, 1964

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Payment By Results in the Building Industry in Eastern Europe, 1953

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 4: A Wage-Earners' Investment Fund Under Steady-State Inflation and Growth, October 22, 1973

- Creator: Hans Brems, UIUC
- Item 5: Grading of Clerical Work, 1953

- Creator: Office Management Assoc., UK
- Item 6: Wage Systems, 1923

- Creator: Keppele Hall
- Folder 5: Wage Payment Systems--Bibliographies

- Box 143

- Folder 1: Wage Policies

- Item 1: A National Wage Policy for 1947, December 1946

- Creator: Robert R. Nathan and Oscar Gass, Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 2: Wage Policy in Our Expanding Economy, circa 1951

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: Wages Policy in Sweden, 1958

- Creator: T.L. Johnson
- Item 4: Problems of Wage Policy After the War, April 12, 1944

- Creator: Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ.
- Item 5: Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Vol.V No.2, June 1958

- Creator: Scottish Economic Society
- Item 6: Inflation, Unions and Wage Policy, 1960

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 2: Wage Rates

- Item 1: Impact of World War II on Internal Wage Rate Structures, October 1948

- Creator: John B. Parrish, UIUC
- Folder 3: Wages and Salaries

- Item 1: Wages and the Public Interest, January 1958

- Creator: Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 2: Just Wages and Salaries: A Commentary, 1948

- Creator: Raymond J. Miller, C.Ss.R.
- Item 3: Purchasing Power for Prosperity: The Case of the General Motors Workers for Maintaining Take-Home Pay, October 1945

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 4: A Living Wage, 1930

- Creator: Herbert J. Weber
- Item 5: Basic Criteria Used in Wage Negotiations, 1947

- Creator: Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ. for the Chicago Assoc. of Commerce and Industry
- Item 6: Economics of a Fourth Round Wage Increase (Answer to the Nathan Report), August 1949

- Creator: Prof. Jules Backman, Economics Dept., NYU, Testimony on behalf of the steel companies before the Presidential Steel Board
- Item 7: Wage Drives and the Outlook for Tomorrow, March 1948

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 8: History of Wages in the United States from Colonial Times to 1928 9Revision of Bulletin No.499 with Supplement, 1929-1933), 1934

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Report of Chemists' Salaries and Employment Status, Based on the 1973 Combined Salary/Employment Status Survey of ACS Members, 1973

- Creator: American Chemical Society
- Item 10: How to Raise Real Wages, June 1950

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 11: Determinants and Conequences of General Wage Rate Changes in the Bituminous Coal Industry, circa 1950

- Item 12: Wages, Prices, Profits: The Automobile Workers' Case for a 23.5-cent Wage Increase, March 1947

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Folder 4: Wages and Salaries in Afghanistan

- Item 1: Remuneration in Afghan Industry, 1969

- Creator: Prof. James G. Scoville, Economics Dept., Harvard Univ.
- Folder 5: Wages and Salaries in the Air Transportation Industry

- Folder 6: Wages and Salaries in the Aircraft Industry

- Item 1: Aircraft, Missile and Aircraft Overhaul and Repair Wage and Job Comparison Study, May 1968

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Machinists, AFL-CIO
- Folder 7: Wages and Salaries in Amusements and Sports

- Item 1: Who's on First?, April 1985

- Creator: Larry E. White
- Folder 8: Wages and Salaries in Australia

- Item 1: Metal Trades Award, Incorporating Metal Trades (Long Service Leave) Award, 1968

- Creator: Australian Metal Industries Assoc. and Metal Trades Employers Assoc.
- Item 2: Inquiry into Principles of Wage Fixation Vol. I: Report, 1978

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 3: INquiry into Principles of Wage Fixation Vol. II: Apendices, 1978

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 4: National Wage Case, April 3, 1985

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 5: National Wage Case, April 4, 1984

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 6: National Wage Case, November 4, 1985

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 7: National Wage Case, September 23, 1983

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 8: Decision: Inquiry Into Wage Fixing Principles, April 7, 1981

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 9: Award Restructuring and Education in the Metal Trades, July 1989

- Creator: Norm Dufty, Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Item 10: Paid Rates Awards, March 1976

- Creator: Central Industrial Secretariat, Australia
- Item 11: Relative Wages, Institutions and Australian Labour Markets, May 1973

- Creator: Keith Nacock and Barry Hughes, Institute of Labour Studies, Flinders Univ., Australia
- Folder 9: Wages and Salaries in Austria (empty folder)

- Folder 10: Wages and Salaries in Banks and Financial Agencies

- Folder 11: Wages and Salaries in Brazil

- Item 1: Determinants of Wage Differentials in Sao Paulo's Industrial Labor Force, April 9, 1974

- Creator: Jose Pastore, Univ. of Sau Paulo; Archibald O. Haller, Univ. of Wisconsin and Hernando Gomez-Buendia, Univ. of Pittsburgh
- Folder 12: Wages and Salaries in California

- Folder 13: Wages and Salaries in Canada

- Item 1: Major Wage Settlements: Annual and Fourth Quarter 1988, circa 1989

- Creator: Bureau of Labour Information, Canada
- Item 2: Spline Function Estimates of the Impact of Equal Pay Legislation, no date

- Creator: Morley Gunderson, Economics Dept., Univ. of Toronto
- Item 3: Trends in Wages by Industry for Nova Scotia: 1961 to 1967, no date

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labour Dept.
- Item 4: 1970 Wage Rates, Salaries and Hours of Labour in Nova Scotia, circa 1971

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labour Dept.
- Box 144

- Folder 1: Wages and Salaries in the Chemical Industry

- Item 1: Earnings and Hours in the Soap Industry, January 1938, June 15, 1938

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 2: Wages and Salaries in China

- Item 1: Average Annual Money Earnings of Workers and Staff in Communist China, 1949-1960, October 1960

- Creator: Central Intelligence Agency
- Folder 3: Wages and Salaries in the Clothing Industry

- Folder 4: Wages and Salaries in the Construction Industry

- Item 1: Wages Gains of Construction Workers: Relationship to the CPI and Productivity, April 1975

- Creator: Leon Greenberg, Contractors Mutual Assoc.
- Item 2: The Escalation of Wages in Construction, June 1970

- Creator: Alan Greenspan, published by the Associated General Contractors of America
- Item 3: Occupational Wage Rates in the US Virgin Islands: Construction, 1986, circa 1986

- Creator: US Virgin Islands Labor Dept.
- Folder 5: Wages and Salaries in the Container Industry

- Folder 6: Wages and Salaries in Europe

- Item 1: Sowjet-Lohnsystem in der Sowjetzone, possibly circa 1952

- Item 2: Das Sozialversicherungswesen in der Sowjetzone, no date

- Item 3: Die Lohnpolitik in Deutshcland in den Jahren 1945 zur Wahrungsfeform, possibly circa 1948

- Item 4: Total Remuneration in the European Community, Japan, and the United States, 1973

- Creator: Towers, Perrin, Forster & Crosby Consultants
- Folder 7: Wages and Salaries of Farm Laborers

- Item 1: Farm and Nonfarm Wage Income of the Hired Farm Working Force in 1946, June 1947

- Creator: US Agriculture Dept.
- Item 2: Employment and Wages of the Hired Farm Working Force in 1945, June 1946

- Creator: US Agriculture Dept.
- Folder 8: Wages and Salaries of Firefighters

- Item 1: Economic Justice: The Needs of Firefighters, January 1970

- Creator: Stanley H. Ruttenberg and Associates, inc.
- Folder 9: Wages and Salaries of Forestry

- Folder 10: Wages and Salaries in France

- Item 1: Ambiguite de la Politique des Salaires en France, no date

- Creator: F. Sellier
- Folder 11: Wages and Salaries in Germany

- Folder 12: Wages and Salaries of Government Employees

- Item 1: An Approach to Resolution of the Fire/Police "Parity" Issue, October 1975

- Creator: Hay Associates, Inc., Chicago
- Item 2: Slary Rate Structure of the Local Governments of Chicago, 1946

- Creator: Civic Federation
- Item 3: An Ordinance Establishing the Salaries Received by the Officers and Employees of the City of Galesburg, Illinois, March 26, 1994

- Creator: City of Galesberg, Illinois
- Folder 13: Government Regulation and Policy on Wages and Salaries

- Item 1: The "Double Standard" of Stabilization, May 19, 1952

- Creator: C.L. Austin, Pres. Of Jones and Laughlin Steel Co.
- Item 2: Statements made before the Steel Panel of the Wage Stabilization Board by: R. Conrad Cooper regarding the rates of pay structure, W.L. Lohrentz concerning "Local Working Conditions" and R.H. Larry on the proposals of the parties regarding the functions of management, circa 1952

- Creator: Steel Panel, Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 3: Directive Orders and Opinions of the National War Labor Board in the "Little Steel" Case, July 16, 1942

- Creator: Natl. War Labor Board
- Item 4: US Steel Replies to the Union Demand for a $2 a Day Wage Increase, circa 1945

- Creator: US Steel Corp.
- Item 5: Steelworkers Need a $2.00-a-Day Wage Increase, circa 1945

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, CIO
- Item 6: In Re United Steelworkers of America and Various Steel and Iron Ore Companies, Before the US Wage Stabilization Board: Statement of Philip Murray, Pres.; Statement of Arthur J. Goldberg, General Counsel and Union and Company Proposals (US Steel Corp.), January 10-12, 1952

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, CIO
- Item 7: Steelworkers and the Fight for Labor's Rights, June 1952

- Creator: William Z. Foster
- Item 8: Settlement of Labor Disputes and Wage Stabilization, May 2, 1951

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 9: Wage Stabilization General Orders and Interpretations, 1945

- Creator: Natl. War Labor Board
- Item 10: Wages in a National Emergency: The Why and How of Wage Stabilization

- Item 11: Steel Wages, Prices and Reconversion, November 13, 1943

- Creator: Benjamin F. Fairless, US Steel Corp.
- Item 12: National Economic Planning by Collective Bargaining: The Formation of Austrian Wage, Price and Tax Policy After World War II, 1954

- Creator: Prof. Murray Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Conditions Necessary for Effective Price-Wage Controls, 1951

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 14: Wages, Prices, and Profits: Phase II Guidelines vs. Appropriate Policies, December 1971

- Creator: Leon H. Keyserling, Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 15: Ending Price-Wage Controls, June 1952

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 16: Wage Stabilization and Defense Mobilization, December 20, 1950

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 17: Wage Stabilization and Post-War Security, 1943

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 18: Wage Report to the President on the Wartime Relationship of Wages to the Cost of Living, February 22, 1945

- Creator: Natl. War Labor Board
- Item 19: Wage Stabilization Problems- Supervisory Development Techniques, 1951

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Item 20: Co-ordination and Solidarity: An Approach to Wages Policy, 1974

- Creator: Rudolf Meidner, Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 21: Statement by Enders M. Voorhees, Chairman of the Finance Committee of US Steel, before the Presidential Steel Board concerning United Steelworkers of America, CIO and various members of the steel industry, August 22, 1949

- Creator: Enders M. Voorhees, US Steel Corp.
- Box 145

- Folder 1: Government Regulation and Policy on Wages and Salaries (cont.)

- Item 1: The Wage-Price Freeze in Historical Perspective, circa 1971

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: A Position Statement on the Revised Voluntary Wage Guidelines, August 28, 1979

- Creator: American Compensation Assoc.
- Item 3: Wage-Price Guidelines and the Rate of Wage Changes in US Manufacturing, 1951-1966, July 1971

- Creator: Stanley S. Wallack, UIUC
- Item 4: Selected Wage Adjustment Cases, National and Regional, Listed by Issue and Special Industry, May 1953

- Creator: Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 5: Selected Pension Cases Listed by Issue, no date

- Creator: Wage Stabiliztion Board
- Item 6: National Enforcement Commission Procedure Manual, no date

- Creator: National Enforcement Commission
- Item 7: Phase III: Economic Stabilization, Januar y12, 1973

- Creator: Cost of Living Council
- Item 8: Control and Decontrol of Wages in the US: An Empirical Analysis, February 1977

- Creator: Frank Reid, Centre for Industrial Relations, Univ. of Toronto
- Item 9: Wage Stabilization in Theory and Practice, 1954

- Creator: John T. Dunlop, Industrial College of the Armed Forces
- Item 10: Agricultural Wage Stabilization in World War II, 1950

- Creator: Arthur J. Holmaas, US Agriculture Dept.
- Item 11: Health, Welfare and Pension Programs Under Wage Stabilization, October 22, 1951

- Creator: Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 12: Wages Under WSB Rebulations: A Guide for TWUA Representatives on How to Prevent the Regulations From Interfering with Collective Bargaining and What to do When WSB Approval is Needed, November 1951

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 13: Price and Wage Controls, December 1951

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 14: Wage Stabilization Manual, June 1, 1944

- Creator: Natl. War Labor Board
- Item 15: Wage Stabilization: Orders-Regulations-Interpretations, no date

- Creator: Natl. Industrial Conference Board
- Item 16: Wage and Salary Stabilization Manual, possibly circa 1952

- Creator: Union Employers Section, Printing Industry of America
- Item 17: Current Board Developments, March 1952

- Creator: Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 18: Information About the Government's Wage-Price Policy (With the Regulation), March 11, 1946

- Creator: Office of Economic Stabilization, Natl. Wage Stabilization Board and Office of Price Administration
- Folder 2: Government Regulation and Policy on Wages and Salaries--Bibliography

- Folder 3: Government Regulation and Policy on Wages and Salaries in Great Britain

- Item 1: Fair Pay, Relativities and a Policy for Incomes, 1974

- Creator: Baroness Wootton of Abinger, Univ. of Southampton
- Item 2: Heath's War on Your Wage Packet: The Latest Tory Attack on Living Standards and Trade Union Rights, no date

- Creator: Bert Ramelson, UK Communist Party
- Item 3: A Policy for Wages, July 1950

- Creator: Allan Flanders, Fabian Society
- Item 4: Incomes Policy: Report of a Conference at Ditchley Park, June 11-14, 1971

- Creator: Derek Robinson, Ditchley Foundation
- Item 5: Full Employment on Trial: A Case Study of British Experience, no date

- Creator: Paul E. Sultan, Univ. of Buffalo
- Item 6: Prices and Incomes Theory, September 23, 1968

- Creator: Conservative Research Dept.
- Folder 4: Wages and Salaries in the Grain Mill Products Industry

- Folder 5: Wages and Salaries in Great Britain (empty folder)

- Folder 6: Wages and Salaries in Hawaii

- Item 1: Pay Rates in Hawaii: Private Employment, Government Employment, February 1960

- Creator: Hawaii Employers Council
- Folder 7: Wages and Salaries in Hospitals

- Folder 8: Wages and Salaries in Hosiery Industry

- Folder 9: Wages and Salaries in Hotels and Motels

- Folder 10: Wages and Salaries in Illinois

- Item 1: Why Some Communities' Earnings Can't Keep Up, Spring 1996

- Creator: Carole M. Amidon, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 2: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Chicago Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area, circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 3: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Kankakee Metropolitan Statistical Area (Kankakee County), circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 4: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Davenport-Moline-Rock Island Metropolitan Statistical Area (Illinois Section: Henry and Rock Island Counties), circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 5: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Springfield Metropolitan Statistical Area (Menard and Sangamon Counties), circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 6: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Bloomington-Normal Metropolitan Statistical Area (McLean County), circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 7: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Rockford Metropolitan Statistical Area (Boone, Ogle and Winnebago Counties), circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 8: Examination and Analysis: Wage Determination Methods at Illinois Universities in the State Universities Civil Service System, July 1997

- Creator: Anne-Marie J. Hicks, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Area Wage Survey: Champaign-Urbana, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Occupational Compensation Survey: Pay and Benefits, Central Illinois, March 1996

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Area Wage Survey: Springfield, Illinois, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Occupational Compensation Survey: Pay and Benefits, Joliet, Illinois, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 13: Occupational Compensation Survey: Pay Only, Vermillion County, Illinois, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 14: Area Wage Survey: Peoria, Illinois, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Area Wage Survey: Decatur, Illinois, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 16: UIUC Personnel Services Office Local Area Salary Survey, March 1978

- Creator: UIUC Personnel Services Office
- Item 17: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 2, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 18: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 3, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 19: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 4, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 20: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 5, Decmeber 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 21: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 6, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 22: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 7, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 23: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 8, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 24: Types and Sources of Wage Data in Illinois, September 1949

- Creator: Richard C. Wilcock, UIUC ILIR
- Item 25: Bloomington-Normal Area Labor Market Trends, January 1986

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 26: East Side Mfg. Assoc. Wage Survey, no date

- Creator: East Side Mfg. Assoc.
- Item 27: Association of Commerce Decatur Wage Survey, no date

- Creator: Assoc. of Commerce
- Item 28: Association of Commerce Industrial Wage Survey, Deatur, Illinois, February 1948

- Creator: Assoc. of Commerce
- Box 146

- Folder 1: Wages and Salaries in India

- Item 1: Incomes Policy in India: Scope and Limitations, circa 1978

- Creator: Prof. C.K. Johri, Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources
- Item 2: Wage Differentials in West Bengal, no date

- Creator: P. Chakraborty, Joint Labour commissioner, Govt. of West Bengal
- Item 3: Indebtedness Among Telco Workers: A Case Study in Indian Labour Problems, 1964

- Creator: Prof. Julius Rezler, Industrial Relations Dept., Loyola Univ., Chicago
- Item 4: Money and Real Wages in India, 1965

- Creator: C.P. Thakur, Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources
- Folder 2: Wages and Salaries in Indiana

- Folder 3: Wages and Salaries in Israel

- Item 1: Cross-Productivity Effects of Education and Origin on Earnings - Are they Really Refleting Productivity?, June 1988

- Creator: Shoshana A. Grossbard-Shechtman, Economics Dept. of San Diego St. Univ. and Shoshana Neuman, Economics Dept., Bar-Ilan Univ., Israel
- Item 2: National Wage Policy in Israel 1948-1962, October 1962

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 4: Wages and Salaries in Japan

- Item 1: The Rising Yen, Employment Adjustment and Wage Determination, no date

- Creator: Kazutoshi Koshiro, Yokohama Natl. Univ.
- Item 2: A Quantitative Analysis of Wage Determination in Japan, 1968

- Creator: Yoko Sano
- Item 3: Wage Problems in Japan, 1962

- Creator: Foreign Affairs Ministry and Labor Ministry, Japan
- Item 4: Working Conditions in Japan, 1959

- Creator: Foreign Affairs Ministry, Japan
- Item 5: Struggle of Japanese Workers for the Establishment of Guaranteed Minimum Wage system - Low Wages of Japanese Workers, February 10, 1957

- Creator: General Council of Trade Unions, Japan
- Item 6: For Genuine "Minimum Wage Law" of Japan, June 1959

- Creator: General Council of Trade Unions, Japan
- Item 7: The Determination of Wages in Japanese Industry, August 1963

- Creator: Kiyotaka Yoneda
- Item 8: Working Conditinos in the Japanese Textile Industry, 1955

- Creator: Labor Ministry, Japan
- Item 9: Wages and Labor Situation in Today's Japan, January 1965

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assoociations
- Item 10: The Changes in Real Wages of Construction Workers in Tokyo, 1830-1894, January 1963

- Creator: Yohko Sano, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ.
- Item 11: Annual Survey of Wages and Working Conditions of the IMF-JC Affiliates, November 1970

- Creator: Intl. Metalworkers Fed., japan council
- Item 12: Wages and Hours of Work, 1984

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 13: Salary and Wage Administration in Japan, 1961

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 14: Interfirm Wage Differentials in Postwar Japan, October 1962

- Creator: Makoto Sakurabayashi and Esturo Nagasawa, Sophia Univ.
- Item 15: Kobe Shipyard: Male Blue Collar Wages Per Day by Age and Length of Service, no date

- Item 16: Labor Conditions in the Japanese Textile Industry, 1952

- Creator: Labor Ministry, Japan
- Item 17: (documents are entirely in Japanese), no date

- Folder 5: Wages and Salaries in Kentucky

- Folder 6: Wages and Salaries in Korea

- Item 1: Bonuses, Overtime and Employment: Korea vs. Japan, 1989

- Creator: Takatoshi Ito and Kyoungsik Kang
- Folder 7: Wages and Salaries of Librarians

- Item 1: Library Job Top Minimums in 102 Contracts as of April 1, 1986, circa 1986

- Creator: Newspaper Guild, AFL-CIO
- Folder 8: Wages and Salaries in Louisiana

- Folder 9: Wages and Salaries in Maine

- Folder 10: Wages and Salaries in Manufacturing

- Folder 11: Wages and Salaries of Maritime Employees

- Folder 12: Wages and Salaries in Medical and Health Services

- Folder 13: Wages and Salaries in the Metropolitan Transportation Industry

- Folder 14: Wages and Salaries in Mexico

- Item 1: Los Salarios en Mexico, 1947

- Folder 15: Wages and Salaries in Michigan

- Folder 16: Wages and Salaries in Minnesota

- Folder 17: Wages and Salaries in the Moving and Storage Industry

- Folder 18: Wages and Salaries in the Netherlands

- Item 1: National Wage Policy: The Experience of the Netherlands, 1955

- Creator: Bert Zoeteweij, Intl. Labour Office
- Folder 19: Wages and Salaries in Nevada

- Folder 20: Wages and Salaries in New York

- Folder 21: Wages and Salaries in Industrial Nurseries

- Folder 22: Wages and Salaries of Nurses (empty folder)

- Folder 23: Wages and Salaries in Ohio

- Folder 24: Wages and Salaries in the Paper and Pulp Industry

- Folder 25: Wages and Salaries in Pennsylvania

- Folder 26: Wages and Salaries in Personnel Administration

- Item 1: "Compensation" Pay Survey, June 1981

- Creator: American Compensation Assoc.
- Folder 27: Wages and Salaries in the Petroleum Industry

- Folder 28: Wages and Salaries of Police Officers

- Item 1: the Effects of Unionism on the Wage and Employment levels of Police and Firefighters, August 1977

- Creator: Richard B. Victor
- Folder 29: Wages and Salaries of Professors and Instructors

- Item 1: Report on Faculty Salaries for Women, May 1979

- Creator: Northwestern Univ. Committee to Review the Status of the Women Faculty: Prof. Janet Abu-Lughod, Sociology; Arlene Kaplan Daniels, dir. of the Program on Women; Prof. Lucile Hac, Biochemistry and Prof. Niles Newton, Psychology
- Item 2: Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession: 1982-83, July-August 1983

- Creator: American Assoc. of Univ. Professors
- Folder 30: Wages and Salaries in the Printing and Publishing Industry

- Folder 31: Wages and Salaries in Public Utilities

- Item 1: Survey on Compensation of Water Utility Managers: Committee Report, December 1959

- Creator: American Water Works Assoc.
- Folder 32: Wages and Salaries in the Railroad Industry

- Item 1: Railroad Men and Wages, 1947

- Creator: J. Elmer Monroe, Assoc. of American Railroads
- Folder 33: Wages and Salaries in Restaurants and Taverns

- Folder 34: Wages and Salaries in the Steel Industry

- Item 1: Survey of Wages and Conditions in the Iron and Steel Industry in 1960, May 1962

- Creator: Intl. Metalworkers' Fed.
- Item 2: Survey of Wages and Conditions in the Iron and Steel Industry in 1955-1957, March 1959

- Creator: Intl. Metalworkers' Fed.
- Item 3: Wages-Prices-Profits in the Steel Industry, June 30, 1949

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, CIO
- Item 4: Postwar Wage Determination in the Basic Steel Industry, June 1951

- Creator: Prof. Albert Rees, Economics Dept., Univ. of Chicago
- Item 5: Report and Recommendatinos of the Wage Stabilization Board In Re united Steelworkers of America, CIO and Various Steel and Iron Ore Companies, March 1952

- Creator: Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 6: Wage Chronology: US Steel Corp., 1937-1960, no date

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 35: Surveys of Wages and Salaries

- Folder 36: Surveys of Wages and Salaries--Bibliographies

- Box 147

- Folder 1: Wages and Salaries in Sweden

- Item 1: Job Mobility and Subsequent Wages in Sweden, March 1988

- Creator: Anders Bjorklund, Univ. of Stockholm and Bertil Holmlund, Uppsala Univ.
- Item 2: Wages Policy in Sweden, August 1958

- Creator: T.L. Johnston
- Item 3: Taxes in Sweden, February 1976

- Creator: The Swedish Institute
- Item 4: Wage Policy for the Future: Summary of a Report to the 1991 LO Congress, circa 1992

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)
- Item 5: Wage Linkages Between Private and Public Sectors in Sweden, 1990

- Creator: Betil Holmlund and Henry Ohlsson, Economics Dept., Uppsala Univ.
- Folder 2: Wages and Salaries of Teachers

- Item 1: Goals for Teachers' Salaries in Our Public Schools, December 1967

- Creator: Leon H. Keyserling, Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 2: Employment and Compensation in Education, 1950

- Creator: George J. Stigler, Natl. Bureau of Economic Research
- Item 3: Illinois Teacher Salary Study, 1971-1972

- Creator: Office of the Superintendent of Public Education, Illinois Education Assoc. and Illinois Assoc. of School Boards
- Item 4: Economic Status of Teachers in 1963-1964, April 1964

- Creator: National Education Assoc.
- Folder 3: Wages and Salaries in Telecommunications

- Folder 4: Wages and Salaries of Temporary Employees

- Folder 5: Wages and Salaries in the Textile Industry

- Item 1: Cotton Textile Wages in the United States and Great Britain: A Comparison of Trends, 1860-1945, 1948

- Creator: Roland Gibson, UIUC
- Folder 6: Wages and Salaries in the Trucking Industry

- Folder 7: Wages and Salaries in the Soviet Union

- Item 1: Labour Remuneration, Labour Incentive Funds and Soviet Trade Unions, 1972

- Creator: Novosti Press Agency, Moscow
- Item 2: The Soviet Wage Reform, 1961

- Creator: Walter Galenson, Univ. of California, Berkeley
- Item 3: Wage Structure and Administration in Soviet Industry, 1964

- Creator: Walter Galenson, Univ. of California, Berkeley
- Folder 8: Wages and Salaries of White Collar Workers

- Item 1: What About White Collar Wages?, 1951

- Creator: Office Employees Intl. Union, AFL and Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Item 2: Can You Afford a White Collar Job?, possibly circa 1947

- Creator: Mike Monroney
- Item 3: Office Salaries: A Guide to 1959 Salary Rates, circa 1959

- Creator: Natl. Office Management Assoc.
- Item 4: Salary Determination for White-Collar Civil Servants in Great Britain, November 1960

- Creator: H.M. Douty, US Labor Dept.
- Folder 9: Wages and Salaries in Wisconsin

- Folder 10: Wages, Prices and Productivity

- Item 1: Productivity, Efficiency Wage Cost and Price Competitiveness of Japanese Exports in the 1950s, June 1963

- Creator: Yoko Kawashima, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ.
- Item 2: Wages, Costs and Prices, June 1962

- Creator: Yohko Sano, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ.
- Item 3: Wages, Prices and Production Today (May, 1948), May 1948

- Creator: Dr. N. Arnold Tolles, NY St. School of Industrial and Labor Relations
- Item 4: The Role of Productivity in Controlling Inflation: A Study Paper, December 1974

- Creator: Natl. Commission on Productivity and Work Quality
- Item 5: Wage-Price Guidelines and the Rate of Wage Changes in US Manufacturing, 1951-1966, July 1971

- Creator: Stanley S. Wallack, UIUC
- Item 6: Labor Productivity, Wages and Inflation, June 5, 1975

- Creator: Dr. Mahmoud Suwwan and Ms. Rima Kamal, Natl. Planning Council, Amman, Jordan
- Item 7: The Relationship of Price to Economic Stability and Growth: Commentaries Submitted by Economists from Labor, Appearing Before the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress, October 31, 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: Economic Strategy, Growth and Unemployment, 1971

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Folder 11: Wages, Prices and Productivity--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: War and Defense Labor Policies

- Item 1: Labor Policies of the National Defense Advisory Commission and the Office of Production Management: May 1940 to April 1942, October 31, 1946

- Creator: Civilian Production Administration, Bureau of Demobilization
- Item 2: An Oral History of Phillips Garman's Experiences with Organized Labor, Including: The War Labor Board and Shipbuilding Commission 1932-1948, January 30, 1989

- Creator: Mary R. Cosgrove, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: An Introduction to Economic Conversion, May 1988

- Creator: Jonathan Feldman, National Commission for Economic Conversion and Disarmament
- Item 4: Military Base Closures: Federal Programs to Assist Civilian Employees and their Communities, possibly circa 1978

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employee Dept.
- Item 5: Wartime Manpower Mobilization, 1951

- Creator: Leonard P. Adams, Cornell Univ.
- Item 6: Labor Relations and the War, November 1942

- Creator: Edited by Prof. Herman Feldman, Dartmouth College
- Item 7: As We Win: Report No.1 of the CIO Post-War Planning Committee, January 1944

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 8: From War to Peace: A Challenge, circa 1945

- Creator: Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion
- Item 9: Public Works of Public Charity? How to met the labor crisis arising from the demobilization of troops and war workers, 1919

- Creator: Harold G. Moulton, Union League Club of Chicago
- Item 10: War Program of American Industry, December 1942

- Creator: War Congress of American Industry
- Item 11: Labor and the War, 1918

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 12: Problems and Policies of Dispute Settlement and Wage Stabilization During World War II: Summary and Conclusions, March 1951

- Creator: W. Ellison Chalmer, Milton Derber and William H. McPherson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Labor Problems and Labor Administration in the United States During the World War, Part I: Nature and Analysis of the Problem, September 1919

- Creator: Prof. Gordon S. Watkins, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 14: Labor Problems and Labor Administration in the United States During the World War, Part II: The Development of War Labor Administration, December 1919

- Creator: Prof. Gordon S. Watkins, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 15: Postwar Plans of Metropolitan Washington Employers, June 20, 1945

- Creator: Washington Board of Trade and Committee for Economic Development
- Item 16: Federal Demobilization and Reconversion Programs, March 1945

- Creator: Council of State Governments
- Item 17: St. Paul Aircraft Parts Workers in Wartime, December 1945

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Mobile Shipyard Workers in Wartime, June 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 19: War and Post-War Experiences of Skilled Cotton Textile Workers in New England, June 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 20: Wartime Shipbuilding Workers of Wilmington, Delaware, June 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 21: Workers' Experiences During the First Phase of Reconversion, June 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 22: Veterans' Adjustment to Civilian Life: A Resurvey, November 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 23: From War to Peace: Civilian Production Achievements in Transition, December 6, 1946

- Creator: John D. Small, Civilian Production Administration
- Item 24: Labor Relations and the War, February 18, 1942

- Creator: William M. Leiserson, Natl. Labor Relations Board
- Item 25: Peace, Jobs and Freedom: Report of a Conference Held in Chicago, IL, April 14-15, 1961, April 1961

- Creator: American Friends Service Committee
- Item 26: War Control of Labor, 1940

- Creator: Natl. Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 27: Labor-Management in World War II, March 1966

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 13: War and Defense Labor Policies--Bibliographies

- Folder 14: War Labor Board

- Item 1: Wage Stabilization General Orders and Interpretations, 1945

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 2: Wage Report to the President on the Wartime Relationship of Wages to the Cost of Living, February 22, 1945

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 3: Disputes Before the War Labor Board, April 1944

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 4: The National Wage Stabilization Code and its Practical Application, May 1944

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 5: "For Release in Morning Papers of Sunday, Sept. 10, 1944: The National War Labor Board today announced it will appoint a three-man panel of public members to conduct hearings in dispute cases involving coal companies", September 1944

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 6: The Stabilization of Wages in the Reocnversion Period: May 1945 - April 1946, May 1, 1946

- Creator: National Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 7: The Settlement of Labor Disputes and Stabilization of WAGes by the National War Labor Board: January 1942 - December 1944, April 1, 1945

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 8: Report on the Activities of the National War Labor Board in Carrying Out the Stabilization Program: Statement of William H. Davis, Chairman, before the Senate Committee on Banking and Finance, March 23, 1944

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 9: "Thinking Aloud" or "The Present Thoughts of One Employer", Februay 28, 1942

- Item 10: Labor-Management Disputes, Subsequent to August 17, 1945, Involving Possession of Properties by the Federal Government, October 23, 1946

- Creator: National Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 11: Memorandum Concerning NWSB Research and Statistics Report No.1, October 8, 1946

- Creator: Memorandum from Moses Lukaczer, Chief of the Research and Statistics Branch of the Natl. Wage Stabilization Board, to W. Willard Wirtz, Chairman
- Item 12: "William H. Davis, Chairman of the National War Labor Board, today made public the report of the Board's fact-finding panel", June 30, 1942

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Folder 15: Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act, 1958

- Box 148

- Folder 1: White-Collar Employees

- Item 1: Satisfying the Salaried Employee, April 1957

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 2: Salaried Employees in Modern Society, 1954

- Creator: Fritz Croner, Intl. Labour Office
- Item 3: Labor Looks at the White Collar Worker, February 20, 1957

- Creator: Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 4: The Registered Nurse and the Professional Organization: Preliminary Analysis of Selected Portions of the Data, July 1960

- Creator: Prof. M.K. Chandler, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: The White Collar Worker in the Technological Age: Containing Information on Nigeria and Other Countries, November 1970

- Creator: A.J. Etukudo, Nigeria Bankers (Employers) Assoc.
- Folder 2: WIN (Work Incentive) Program

- Folder 3: Women in Industry

- Item 1: Survey about pregnant women in the workplace, circulated as part of the research for a Master's Degree tutorial, March 1997

- Creator: Jennifer C. Goveia, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Does Attending Predominantly-Female Schools Make a Difference? Labor Market Outcomes for Women, November 9, 1999

- Creator: Sherrilyn M. Billger, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 3: Tradeswomen: A Quarterly Magazine For Women in Blue-Collar Work, Vol.6 No.1, 1987

- Creator: Tradeswomen Magazine
- Item 4: Women Workers in Oregon: A Portrait in Time, Spring 1978

- Creator: Jan Newton and Sandy Gill, Labor Education and Research Center, Univ. of Oregon
- Item 5: South Bend Women: Work, Life and Family - Status Report and Resource Guide for Working and Poor Families in Michiana, no date

- Creator: Ann Clark and Teresa Ghilarducci, Working Women's Coalition
- Item 6: Women, Men and the Division of Labor, May 1980

- Creator: Kathleen Newland, Worldwatch Institute
- Item 7: The ILO and Women, 1953

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 8: ILO and Women in Employment and Occupation, 1976

- Creator: Nordic Council and Council of Ministers
- Item 9: American Women in the Postwar World: A Symposium on the Role Women Will Play in Business and Industry, 1944

- Creator: Newsweek Club Bureau
- Item 10: Women and Work in US History: An Annotated Selected Bibliography, 1976

- Creator: Business and Professional Women's Foundation
- Item 11: Employment Problems of Women: A Classic Example of Discrimination, March 1972

- Creator: Melba L. Lee and Valentina J. Jackson, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Item 12: A Women's Place is Everywhere: A Working Woman's Guide to Employment Facts, December 1979

- Creator: Women's Advisory Council
- Item 13: Women in the Public Sector, no date

- Item 14: Hidden Violence Against Women at Work, Fall 1995

- Creator: Women in Public Service No.5, from The Center for Women in Government and the American Fed. Of State, County and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO
- Item 15: Into the Marketplace: Working-Class Women in 20th Century Hawaii, no date

- Creator: Hawaii Committee for the Humanities
- Item 16: The Economic Value of a Housewife, no date

- Creator: American Council of Life Insurance
- Item 17: Wartime Pay of Women in Industry, 1943

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 18: Working Women Count!, no date

- Creator: US Labor Dept. and UIUC ILIR
- Item 19: Progress and Prospects: Report of the Second National Conference of Governors' Commissions on the Status of Women, July 1965

- Creator: National Conference of Governors
- Item 20: What Have Women Done? A Photo Essay on Working Women in the United States, no date

- Creator: San Francisco Womens' History Group
- Item 21: Determinants of Women's Career Aspirations, September 1989

- Creator: Margaret Nowak and Steven Ward, Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Item 22: The Wage-Earning Woman and the State, 1912

- Creator: Minnie Bronson, published by the Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women
- Item 23: Report of A Consultation on the Status of Household Employment, May 20, 1967

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Chicago
- Item 24: Some Attitudes and Opinions of Employed Women, April 1963

- Creator: Glenn V. Ramsey
- Item 25: Is This Really Funny? Hear Local Women Speak Out About Sexual Abuse on the Job and How to Stop It!, no date

- Creator: Working Women United, NOW
- Item 26: Working Women and "Women's Work": A Demographic Perspective on the Breakdown of Sex Roles, June 1976

- Creator: Peter A. Morrison and Judith P. Wheeler
- Item 27: The Economic Status of Women: Cross-Cultural Comparisons, June 20, 1974

- Creator: Marianne A. Ferber and Helen Lowry, UIUC
- Item 28: Report on Progress in 1965 on the Status of Women, December 31, 1965

- Creator: Citizens' Advisory Council on the Status of Women
- Item 29: Future Jobs for High School Girls, circa 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 30: Women at Work: A Century of Industrial Change, 1933

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 31: Today's Woman in Tomorrow's World: Report of A Conference Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Women's Bureau, June 2-3, 1960

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 32: Job Horizons for the College Woman, 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 33: Women in Nontraditional Occupations: Choice and Turnover, March 1985

- Creator: Linda J. Waite and Sue E. Berryman, Rand Corp.
- Item 34: Government Careers for Women: A study of the salaries and positions of women white-collar employees in the federal service, 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 35: Negro Women in the Population and in the Labor Force, December 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 36: Women in Scientific Careers, July 1961

- Creator: National Science Foundation
- Item 37: Report of Univ. of Iowa Conference on Employment Problems of Working Women, May 10-11, 1963

- Creator: Univ. of Iowa
- Item 38: The Years Between: The Role Today of Women in Middle Age, A Collection of Viewpoints on Today's Number One Social Problem, Februry 29, 1956

- Creator: Jewish Vacation Assoc.
- Item 39: Negro Women and Their Jobs, January 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 40: Industrialism and Woman's Status, Autumn 1964

- Creator: Jack Barbash, Univ. of Wisconsin Industrial Relations Research Institute
- Item 41: Salaried and Professional Women: Relevant Statistics, January 1988

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. for Professional Employee
- Item 42: College Women Seven Years After Graduation: Resuvey of Women Graduates, Class of 1957, 1964

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Box 149

- Folder 1: Women in Industry (cont.)

- Item 1: Women in Industry: A Survey Covering Employment of Women in Industry, 1943

- Creator: Edward J. Kunze, Natl. Metal Trades Assoc.
- Item 2: Part-Time Jobs for Women: A Study in 10 Cities, 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: -and- The Potential Contribution to the GNP of Valuing Household Work, 1973

- Creator: Kathryn E. Walker and William H. Gauger respectively, American Home Economics Assoc.
- Item 4: Time Used by Husbands for Household Work, June 1970

- Creator: Family Economics Review
- Item 5: How Much Help for Working Mothers?, Autumn 1970

- Creator: Kathryn E. Walker, Human Ecology Forum
- Item 6: Women's Labor, 1973

- Creator: Radical America Vol.7 Nos. 4 and 5
- Item 7: Women Workers and Their Dependents, 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: State Labor Laws for Women with Wartime Modifications, December 15, 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Women: Then and Now, an illustrated discussion of the role of working women in American life, September 1954

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 10: The Federal Women's Program: A Point of View, 1972

- Creator: US Civil Service Commission
- Item 11: Report Made During World War I by Elizabeth Arnold on Problems of the Employment of Women Workers in War Industries, 1918

- Creator: Elizabeth Arnold
- Item 12: Womanpower Committees During World War II, 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 13: Womanpower: A Statement and Recommendations, 1957

- Creator: National Manpower Council
- Item 14: Working Women and Children in Pennsylvania: An analysis of the occupational and the manufacturing sections of the 14th United States Census, December 1923

- Creator: Grace Pugh, Consumers' League of Eastern Pennsylvania
- Item 15: The Outlook for Women in Social Work Administration, Teaching and Research, 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Women in Higher-Level Positions, circa 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 17: Equal Opportunity for Women Wage Earners: Fact vs. Fiction, possibly circa 1920

- Creator: National Consumers' League
- Folder 2: Women in Industry--Bibliographies I

- Folder 3: Women in Industry--Bibliographies II

- Folder 4: Women in Industry in Foreign Countries

- Item 1: The Working Woman in the Soviet Union, 1932

- Creator: Cooperative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR
- Item 2: Industrial Occupations of Women, 1919

- Creator: Enid M. Price, Canadian Reconstruction Assoc., published by the McGill Univ. Economics and Political Science Dept.
- Item 3: Woman as Worker, and Trade Unionist, no date

- Creator: World Fed. Of Trade Unions
- Item 4: Women, Subsistence and the Informal Sector: Towards a Framework of Analysis, August 1981

- Creator: Noeleen Heyzer, Institute of Development Studies, Univ. of Sussex
- Item 5: 50 Million Captive Women, no date

- Creator: Institute of International Labor Research
- Item 6: Women in the Global Factory, 1983

- Creator: Annette Fuentes and Barbara Ehrenreich
- Item 7: The Woman Worker in Germany, January 1952

- Creator: Rhea F. Maxson, US High Commissioner for Germany
- Item 8: The Politics of Female Labor in the Soviet Union, September 1978

- Creator: Joel C. Moses, Western Societies Program, Cornell Univ.
- Item 9: Working Women in Nova Scotia, Fall 1976

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labour Dept.
- Item 10: Women in the Soviet Economy, July 1972

- Creator: Marily Power Goldberg
- Item 11: The One World of Working Women, August 1978

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 5: Women in Industry in Japan

- Item 1: "Promotion of Equality of Men and Women at Work: The importance of the role of women workers in econoimc society has gradually been more highly estimated", no date

- Item 2: Women in Japanese Economy: Productivity and Economic Growth Study Team (Women Leaders), no date

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 3: Status of Women Workers in Japan, 1957

- Creator: Labor Ministry, Japan
- Item 4: Japanese Industrial Relations Series: Problems of Working Women, 1981

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labour
- Folder 6: Women in Labor Unions

- Item 1: UAW Activist Tries to Keep Women's Issues Alive, January 8, 1981

- Creator: Detroit Free Press
- Item 2: An Investigation of the Participation of Women in Local Unions of the Midwest: Motivational Forces and Barriers, June 1988

- Creator: Dawn Emerson Addy, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 3: Women, The Unions and Work, or What is Not to be Done and the Perspective of Winning, 1976

- Creator: Selma James
- Item 4: "Today, working women in America are again organizing and marching for their rights, as they have many times before", no date

- Item 5: The Modern Woman in the Modern Union: A Presentation to the American Psychological Association, September 7, 1976

- Creator: Gloria T. Johnson, Treasurer of the Coalition of Labor Union Women and Education & Women's Activities Director of the Intl. Union of Electrical Workers
- Item 6: "You Can't Scare Me" Labor Heroines 1930s - 1980s, no date

- Creator: Union WAGE (Women's Alliance to Gain Equality)
- Item 7: Breaking New Ground: The National Women's Trade Union League, 1903 - 1929

- Creator: Kay Argo, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 7: Women in Labor Unions--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Women in the Labor Force

- Item 1: Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of the 1970 State Abortion Reforms, January 1996

- Creator: Josha D. Angrist, Economics Dept., Hebrew Univ. and William N. Evans, Economics Dept., Univ. of Maryland
- Item 2: Wives Who Earn More Than Their Husbands, November 1983

- Creator: Suzanne M. Bianchi, US Commerce Dept.
- Item 3: Against All Odds: The Surprising Labor Market Success of Young Mexican Women, November 1998

- Creator: Heather Antecol, Economics Dept., Illinois St. Univ. and Kelly Bedard, Economics Dept., Claremont McKenna College
- Item 4: Employment Equity Programs and the Job Search Outcomes of Unemployed Men and Women: Actual and Percieved Results, July 1999

- Creator: Heather Antecol, Economics Dept., Illinois St. Univ. and Peter Kuhn, Univ. of California Santa Barbara and McMaster Univ.
- Item 5: Women and Work: Issues of the 1980s, 1982

- Creator: Marianne A. Ferber
- Item 6: One Job or Two Jobs: The Implications for Young Wives, December 1980

- Creator: Marianne A. Ferber and Bonnie Birnbaum, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 7: National Survey of Working Women: Perceptions, Problems and Prospects, June 1979

- Creator: National Commission for Working Women
- Item 8: Labor Force Participation of Married Women When Wages and Employment are Risky: Theory and Estimation, 1986

- Creator: Adam J. Grossberg, UIUC Economics Dept.
- Folder 9: Women in the Labor Force--Bibliographies

- Series 10: Work - Younger Workers

- Box 150

- Folder 1: Work

- Item 1: A New Strategy for Job Enrichment, May 1974

- Creator: J. Richard Hackman, Yale Univ. and Greg Oldham, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 2: Work in a New America, Winter 1978

- Creator: Rosabeth Moss Kanter, reprinted from "A New America? Vol.107 of the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences"
- Item 3: Productive Forces and Industrial Citizenship: An Evolutionary Perspective on Labour Relations, June 4, 1990

- Creator: Prof. Walther Muller-Jentsch, Industrial Relations Research Unit, Univ. of Warwick
- Item 4: The Changing Shape of Work, 1980

- Creator: Charles Handy
- Item 5: The Changing Work Place: Perceptions, Reality, March 1984

- Creator: American Council of Life Insurance TAP (Trend Analysis Program)
- Item 6: The Future of Work: A Report by the AFL-CIO Committee on the Evolution of Work, August 1983

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: The Act of Work, 1985

- Creator: Robert L. Heilbroner
- Item 8: A L'Ouvrage! L'organisation du travail au Quebec, June 1981

- Creator: Institut de Recherche Appliquee sur le Travail
- Item 9: A Culture in Transformation: Toward a Different Societal Ethic?, Fall 1975

- Creator: American Council of Life Insurance TAP (Trend Analysis Program)
- Item 10: The Changing Nature of Work, no date

- Creator: American Council of Life Insurance TAP (Trend Analysis Program)
- Item 11: Comparative Work Ethics: Judeo-Christian, Islamic and Eastern, 1985

- Creator: Jaroslav Pelikan, Joseph Kitagawa and Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- Item 12: Men and Labor, 1962

- Creator: Edited by Ralph D. Fertig, American Foundatin for Continuing Education
- Folder 2: Work--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Work Group Structure (empty folder)

- Folder 4: Work Group Structure--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Work Measurement

- Item 1: Computer Monitoring and Other Dirty Tricks, April 1986

- Creator: 9to5, Natl. Assoc. of Working Women
- Item 2: What Kind of Work Measurement Program?, November-December 1959

- Creator: R.C. Horne, American Management Assoc.
- Folder 6: Work Rules

- Item 1: Work Rules in Japan, 1985

- Creator: Toshiaki Ohta, Intl. Labour Office
- Item 2: Inside Railroading: The Work-Rules Dispute, no date

- Creator: The 5 Rail Operating Brotherhoods
- Item 3: Control of Uneconomic Practices at Government Sites: A Comparative Study of Two Government Panels, August 1964

- Creator: W.S. Price and Armin Behr, Atomic Energy Commission
- Folder 7: Work Satisfaction

- Item 1: Questionnaires on Work Satisfaction, no date

- Item 2: Pay Satisfaction, Market Forces and the Restructuring of Labor Relations: An Economic and Behavioral Approach, November 1986

- Creator: Prof. Peter Sherer, UIUC ILIR and Prof. Peter Capelli, Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania
- Item 3: Work Centrality, Rewards and Role Strains of Israeli Male Occupational Groups, 1972

- Creator: Prof. Bilha F. Mannheim, Yoel Chomsky and Ayala Cohen, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 4: Elements in Job Satisfaction: A Study of Attitudes Among Different Occupational and Status Groups, 1954

- Creator: John P. Troxell, American Management Assoc.
- Item 5: Working on the Railroad: A Study of Job Satisfaction, March 1953

- Creator: Ross Stagner, D.R. Flebbe and E.V. wood, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: The Effect of the Level of Production Technology on Workers' Orientations and Responses to the Work Situation, 1976

- Creator: Ruth Tenne and Bilha Mannheim, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 7: A Comparative Study of Work Centrality, Job Rewards and Satisfaction: Occupational Groups in Israel, February 1975

- Creator: Prof. Bilha Mannheim, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 8: Bill Moyer's Journal: "Why Work?" Part I, March 21, 1976

- Creator: WNET 13 Television
- Item 9: Multivariate Analyses of Factors Affecting Work Centrality of Occupational Categories, Autumn 1978

- Creator: Bilha Mannheim and Ayala Cojen, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 10: The Effects of Community Characteristics on Measures of Job Satisfaction, no date

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Psychology Dept., UIUC
- Item 11: Job Satisfaction and Turnover in a Female Clerical Population, January 1967

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Psychology Dept., UIUC
- Item 12: Sex Differences in Job Satisfaction, July 1964

- Creator: Patricia Cain Smith, Cornell Univ. and Charles L. Hulin, UIUC
- Folder 8: Work Satisfaction--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Work Sharing

- Folder 10: Work Simplification

- Item 1: Office Work Standards, March 1951

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, UIUC Business Management Service
- Item 2: Modernizing Office Procedures, June 1952

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, UIUC Business Management Service
- Item 3: Putting Work Simplification to Work, April 1951

- Creator: H.S. Hall, UIUC Business Management Service
- Folder 11: Worker Adjustment and Retaining Notification Act

- Folder 12: Working-Class Movements

- Item 1: Chapters in working-Class Formation: Worker Resistance, January 1999

- Creator: Prof. Robert Bruno, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Social Movements, no date

- Creator: Joseph R. Gusfield
- Item 3: Working Class Radicalism in the Gilded Age: Some Problems of Interpretation, no date

- Item 4: The New Rebels in Industrial America, January 1970

- Creator: Jim Jacobs and Larry Laskowski, Bay Area Radical Education Project
- Box 151

- Folder 1: Working-Class Movements: Anarchism

- Item 1: Counting Anarchists: The Numbers and Patterns in Anarchist Organizations in Chicago, 1880-1886, October 1981

- Creator: Bruce C. Nelson, Northern Illinois Univ.
- Item 2: A Case Study in Human Rights: Sacco and Vanzetti, circa 1977

- Creator: Italian-American Studies Committee, United Fed. Of Teachers, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Libertarian Labor Review: A Journal of Anarchosyndicalist Ideas and Discussion, May 1, 1986

- Creator: Libertarian Labor Review Collective
- Folder 2: Working-Class Movements: Anarchism--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Working-Class Movements: Communism

- Item 1: The Communist Manifesto, this edition published in 1939

- Creator: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
- Item 2: The Communist Party Line, 1961

- Creator: Prepared by J. Edgar Hoover, Dir., FBI for the US Senate Judiciary Committee subcommittee to investigate the the administration of internal security laws
- Item 3: Steel Labor's road to Economic Security, Peace and Democracy: A Communist Viewpoint, 1953

- Creator: Communist Party, USA
- Item 4: The Struggle Ahead: Time for a Radical Change!, August 1979

- Creator: Communist Party, USA
- Item 5: Reflections of the Organizer Robert Herbin: The Communist Party and Union Organization in the 1930s and 1940s, no date

- Creator: Felice Herbin, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: A Radical Woman: The Life and Labors of Mollie West, April 16, 1993

- Creator: Chicago Reader Magazine
- Item 7: Witnesses: The faces of "Reds" Reflect a World of Revolution, no date

- Item 8: "Fight or Starve"; The Communist Party and the unemployed Councils, 1929-1936, May 15, 1980

- Creator: David A. Johnson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: How to Beat the Communists, February 28, 1948

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 10: The Soviet, The Terror and intervention, no date

- Creator: M. Philips Price, Socialist Publication Society
- Item 11: The Soviets in Russia, 1919

- Creator: M.K. Eroshkin, Russian Information Bureau in the US
- Item 12: Fighting Fascism in the Factories: How The Young Communist League of Germany Fights in the Factories to Overthrow the Fascist Dictatorship, October 1934

- Creator: Youth Publishers
- Item 13: The Truth About Soviet Russia, March 1938

- Creator: Gil Green, Young Communist League of America
- Item 14: Resolutions of the Ninth Convention of the Communist Party, USA, 1936

- Creator: Communist Party, USA
- Item 15: Liberalism and Sovietism, 1946

- Creator: Alfred Baker Lewis
- Item 16: On The Road to Bolshevization, 1929

- Creator: Workers Library Publishers
- Item 17: The World Crisis and the Negro People Today, no date

- Creator: A. Philip Randolph
- Item 18: The Weapon of Fear, September 25, 1952

- Creator: Sidney Hillman Foundation
- Item 19: The Battle for the Minds of Men: An Address by William O. Douglas, Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, May 14, 1952

- Creator: Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
- Item 20: Social Democracy- Stepping Stone to Fascism -or- Otto Bauer's Latest Discovery, December 1932

- Creator: D.Z. Manuilsky, Communist Youth International
- Item 21: Causes of Fluctuations in Popular Support for the Italian Communist Party Since 1946, September 1958

- Creator: Murray Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 22: Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to the 20th Party Congress, 1956

- Creator: Nikita S. Khrushchov
- Item 23: Report on Communist Propaganda in America, January 1935

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 24: Unconquered: The Story of Milada Horakova, 1951

- Creator: Natl. Committee for a Free Europe, Inc.
- Item 25: For Your Lecture Program Raya Dunayevskaya: Philosopher, Author, Political Analyst, no date

- Item 26: The Red Front in the United States: Communists, Socialists, Radicals, Left Wingers and Red-Front Organizations in America, no date

- Creator: National Research Bureau
- Item 27: Communist Popular Fronts 1917 - 1956: Four Decades of Perfidy, circa 1956

- Creator: Intsitute of International Labor Research
- Item 28: The American Negro in the Communist Party, December 22, 1954

- Creator: House Un-American Activities Committee
- Item 29: The Greater Danger: The Post-Stalin Pattern for Communist World Conquest, 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 30: Report of Commission on Subversive Activities to Governor Wm. Preston Lane, Jr. and the Maryland General Assembly, Januar 1949

- Creator: Maryland Commission on Subversive Activities
- Item 31: Railroad Workers, Forward!, Octover 1937

- Creator: William Z. Foster
- Item 32: How Vulnerable is Communism? Five Facets of the World Conflict, September 1952

- Creator: The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly, Vol.33 No.2
- Item 33: Guide to the Communist Tactics Among the Unemployed, 1961

- Creator: US Senate Judiciary Committee
- Folder 4: Working-Class Movements: Socialism

- Item 1: A Guide to the Elements of Socialism, 1947

- Creator: G.D.H. Cole, Labour Party, UK
- Item 2: A.B.C of Socialism, 1924

- Creator: Socialist Party of America
- Item 3: The Socialist Call, Vol.XXVIII No.1, Spring 1960

- Item 4: The Socialist Call, Vol.XXVIII No.2, Summer 1960

- Item 5: How Much Socialism is there in the USA?, 1978

- Creator: Harry Kelber
- Item 6: Forward - Journal of Socialist Thought, Vol.7 No.2, Summer 1987

- Item 7: Factory Work As It Is And Might Be, 1922

- Creator: William Morris, New York Labor News Co.
- Item 8: Incentives Under Capitalism and Socialism, 1933

- Creator: Harry W. Laidler, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 9: Socialism in the United States: A Brief History, 1952

- Creator: Harry W. Laidler, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 10: Democratic Socialism: A New Appraisal, 1953

- Creator: Norman Thomas, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 11: The Virus of Anarchy, 1932

- Creator: Arnold Petersen and Olive M. Johnson, New York Labor News Co.
- Item 12: Stalinists on the Waterfront, April 1947

- Creator: Art Preis, Socialist Workers Party
- Item 13: Why No Socialism in the United States?, 1977

- Creator: Seymour Martin Lipset
- Item 14: The Origins of Western Working Class Radicalism 1890 - 1905, Spring 1966

- Creator: Prof. Melvin Dubofsky, History Dept., Northern Illinois Univ.
- Item 15: The NRA, "National Retrogression Act": A "New Deal" for the Workers or the same old Ordeal of exploitation and poverty?, 1934

- Creator: New York Labor News Co.
- Item 16: Some Weak Points in Christian Socialism: A Defence of the Middle Classes, 1912

- Creator: W. Sanday
- Item 17: Manifesto of the Socialist Labor Party to the Working Class of America, 1921

- Creator: Socialist Labor Party
- Item 18: "All Power to the Socialist Industrial Union": Proletarian Democracy vs. Dictatorship and Despotism, 1934

- Creator: Arnold Petersen, New York Labor News Co.
- Item 19: From Reform to Bayonets, 1941

- Creator: Arnold Petersen, New York Labor News Co.
- Item 20: Socialism: Hope of Humanity, 1942

- Creator: Socialist Labor Party
- Item 21: The Position of the Middle-Class Worker in the Transition to Socialism, March 1935

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 22: Is This Socialism?, 1954

- Creator: G.D.H. Cole, Fabian Society, UK
- Item 23: War Why?, possibly circa 1945

- Creator: Socialist Labor Party
- Item 24: Can the Workers Run the Country?, 1978

- Creator: New York Labor News Co.
- Item 25: Shop Talks on Economics, 1911

- Creator: Mary E. Marcy
- Item 26: Historical Materialism, 1892

- Creator: Frederick Engels, Published by New York Labor News Co.
- Item 27: The Americanism of Socialism, 1941

- Creator: Eric Hass, Socialist Labor Party
- Item 28: Craft Unionism vs. Industrial Unionism, 1934

- Creator: New York Labor News Co.
- Item 29: Basic Social Trends in African Socialism, 1964

- Creator: Prof. William H. Friedland, NY St. School of Industrial and Labor Relations
- Item 30: Socialism and Economic Development in Tropical Africa, 1964

- Creator: Elliot J. Berg
- Item 31: A Laboring Man's View of Government Ownership, October 17, 1924

- Creator: W.N. Doak, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
- Item 32: Marx on Mallock -or- Fact Vs. Fiction, 1925

- Creator: Daniel DeLeon, New York Labor News Co.
- Item 33: The Socialists, January 16, 1918

- Creator: E.C. Miller, NY State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 34: Peace, Plenty, Freedom - Socialism: The 1956 Platform of the Socialist Labor Party, May 6, 1956

- Creator: Socialist Labor Party
- Item 35: The Split Between Asian and Western Socialism, no date

- Creator: David J. Saposs
- Item 36: German-American Socialists and Chicago: A Cultural Perspective, no date

- Creator: Paul Buhle
- Item 37: Max S. Hayes: A Study of Labor and Socialism, June 1977

- Creator: Timothy J. Miller, Univ. of Akron
- Item 38: Big Auto Sets Up Shop in Chile, Layoffs in US, April 1975

- Creator: New American Movement Vol.IV No.8
- Folder 5: Working-Class Movements: Socialism--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Working-Class Movements: Syndicalism

- Item 1: Syndicalism: Article reprinted from the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 1968

- Creator: Crowell Collier and MacMillan, Inc.
- Folder 7: Working Conditions

- Item 1: Conditions of Work: Research in Progress, 1987

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 2: Report on the Workplace Environment, 1974

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation and Swedish Central Organisation of Salaried Employees
- Folder 8: Working Conditions in Germany

- Item 1: Work in a Nationally-Owned Factory: Facts, Figures and Reports on the NARVA Bulb Factory in Berlin, August 1976

- Creator: German Democratic Republic
- Folder 9: Workmen's Compensation

- Item 1: IAIABC Journal Vol.40 No.2, Fall 2003

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- Item 2: Workmen's Compensation in the United States, August 1958

- Creator: Harold A. Katz
- Item 3: Workmen's Compensation, September 1952

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 4: Workmen's Compensation Statistics and Cost: Proceedings of Special Meeting of National Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, January 12-13, 1915

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- Item 5: Don't Let Them Scuttle Workmen's Compensation, no date

- Creator: NY State CIO Council
- Item 6: Industrial Accident Compensation in Eastern Europe: An Empirical Inquiry, 1971

- Creator: Prof. Jan Gorecki, Sociology Dept., UIUC
- Item 7: Guide to Work Injury Reporting, United States and Canada, 1960

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- Item 8: Some Monetary Aspects of Workmen's Compensation, 1955

- Creator: American Medical Assoc.
- Box 152

- Folder 1: Workmen's Compensation (cont.)

- Item 1: Methods of Financing Workmen's Compensation Administrations and Funds, 1936

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Federal-State Cooperation in Improvement of Workmen's Compensation Legislation, October 24, 1964

- Creator: David B. Johnson, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 3: "NOTE: Since the date of the attached memorandum to members of the Atmoic Energy Labor-Management Advisory Committee on Employee Radiation Hazards", October 30, 1964

- Item 4: A Follow-up Study of Permanent Disability Under Wisconsin Worker's compensation, 1976

- Creator: Richard Edward Ginnold, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 5: Adequacy of Workers' Compensation Benefits, no date

- Creator: William G. Johnson, Paul R. Cullinan and William P. Curington
- Folder 2: Workmen's Compensation--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Workmen's Compensation in Canada

- Item 1: Putting Our Vision to Work: Five Year Plan 2001 - 2005, circa 2000

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 2: Focus on Fairness: 1999 Appeal Commission Annual Report, circa 2000

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 3: Fairness for All: 1998 Appeal Commission Annual Report, circa 1999

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 4: Reaching for New Levels of Service: 1996 Appeal Commission Report, circa 1997

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 5: Reaching for New Levels of Service: 1996 Annual Report, circa 1997

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 6: Reaching for New Levels of Service: Five Year Strategic Plan, 1997

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 7: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba 1996 Five Year Strategic Plan, 1996

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 8: Five Year Plan: New Directions, A Continued Commitment to Service 1998-2003, circa 1998

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 9: 1997 Appeal Commission Annual Report: Building on Service, circa 1997

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 10: Working Together: A Continued Commitment to Service 1998-2002, circa 1998

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 11: 1995 Five Year Operating Plan, March 1995

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 12: 1994 Five Year Operating Plan, March 1994

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 13: 1989 Annual Report: "A Commitment to Service", circa 1990

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 14: 70th Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1986, circa 1987

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of British Columbia
- Item 15: Sisty-Sixth Annual Report, 1984

- Creator: New Brunswick Workers' Compensation Board
- Item 16: Workmen's Compensation in Canada Compensation, 1969

- Creator: Legislation Branch, Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 17: La Protection du Revenu de la Famille en cas de Deces du Travailleur: Bulletin No.1, no date

- Creator: Raymond Depatie, Institut de Recherche Appliquee sur le Travail, Montreal
- Item 18: La Protection du Revenu de la Famille en cas d'Invalidite du Travailleur: Bulletin No.2, September 1974

- Creator: Raymond Depatie, Institut de Recherche Appliquee sur le Travail, Montreal
- Folder 4: Workmen's Compensation in Germany

- Item 1: Die Berutsgenossenschaften, no date

- Creator: Industrial Injuries Insurance Institutes
- Folder 5: Workmen's Compensation in Illinois

- Item 1: Workmen's Compensation in Illinois, October 1955

- Creator: Arnold R. Weber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Ready Reference Handbook on Workmen's Compensation in Illinois, July 1966

- Creator: Illinois Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: The Illinois Workmen's Compensation Law: What Every Steel Worker Should Know, June 1960

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 4: How Can We Improve the Workmen's Compensation Law and its Administration?, January 9, 1954

- Creator: Reuben G. Soderstrom, Illinois St. Fed. Of Labor
- Item 5: Annual Report: Compensable Work Injuries Reported, Part I - 1964, March 1967

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Annual Report: Compensable Work Injuries Reported, Part I - 1963, March 1965

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Annual Report: Compensable Work Injuries Reported in 1963, Part II: Compensation Claims Closed, May 1965

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Annual Report: Compensable Work Injuries Reported - 1962, June 1964

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries in 1962 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1963

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Annual Report of Compensable Work Injuries in Illinois - 1961, Part I - Work Injury Reports, December 1962

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries in 1961 Part II - Compensaion Claims Closed, December 1962

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries in Illinois - 1960 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, March 1962

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 13: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1960 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, March 1962

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 14: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1959 Part I - Work Injuries Reported in Illinois, May 1961

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1959 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, January 1961

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1958 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, November 1959

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 17: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1958 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, August 1960

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Box 153

- Folder 1: Workmen's Compensation in Illinois (cont.)

- Item 1: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1957 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, November 1958

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1957 Part II - Compensatin Claims Closed, December 1958

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1956 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, August 1957

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1956 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1957

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1955 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, August 1956

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1955 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, November 1956

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1954 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, August 1955

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1954 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1955

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1953 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, no date

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1953 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1954

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1952 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, June 1953

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1952 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, November 1953

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 13: 1951 Annual Report on Industrial Accidents Part I - Work Injuries Reported, June 1952

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 14: 1951 Annual Report on Industrial Accidents Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1952

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Annual Report on Industrial Accidents in Illinois Part I - Work Injuries Reported in 1950, June 1951

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Annual Report on Industrial Accidents in Illinois Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1951

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 17: Annual Report on Industrial Accidents in Illinois 1948 Part I - Industrial Injuries Reported in 1948, no date

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Annual Report on Industrial Accidents in Illinois 1948 Part II - Compensation Cases Closed in 1948, December 15, 1949

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 19: Organized Labor and Workmen's Compensation in Illinois: An Interim Study 1974 - 1977, 1978

- Creator: John B. Parrish, Foundation for the Advancement of the Public Trust Inc.
- Item 20: State of Illinois Workmen's Safety Commission Report, March 1, 1955

- Creator: Illinois Workmen's Safety Commission
- Item 21: The Illinois Workmen's Compensation Law: What Every Steel Worker Should Know, December 1947

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, CIO
- Item 22: Workmen's Compensation in Illinois: Urgent Need for Legislative Action in 1977, circa 1977

- Creator: Associated Employers of Illinois et al.
- Item 23: What Every Construction Worker Should Know About the Structural Work Statutes, no date

- Item 24: New Illnois Comp Law: We've got it let's use it!, no date

- Creator: Chicago Area committee on Occupational Safety and Health
- Item 25: What's Happening to Workmen's Compensation Costs in Illinois And Why?, March 1963

- Creator: Illinois Chamber of Commerce
- Item 26: Workmen's Compensation Studies, May 18, 1976

- Creator: Illinois Legislative Council
- Item 27: Digest of Worker's Compensation and Rehabilitation, possibly circa 1975

- Creator: Douglas F. Stevenson
- Item 28: Testimony of the Illinois Manufacturers' Association Before the House Legislative Committee Concerning Workers' Compensation Dosts, December 10, 1979

- Creator: Illinois Manufacturers' Assoc.
- Item 29: In the Matter of the Proposed Revision of Workmen's Compensation Rates Filed By: National Council on Compensation Insurance - Opinion, Findings of Fact and Recommendations of Hearing Officer, circa 1979

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Insurance
- Item 30: Final Report of the Workmen's Compensation Insurance Subcommittee of the Illinois Insurance Laws Study Commission, February 1977

- Creator: Illinois Insurance Laws Study Commission
- Item 31: Final Report of the House Special Committee on Workers' Compensation Insurance Rate Containment, June 1980

- Item 32: Workmen's Compensation and Employer Location Decisions, January 1978

- Creator: Illinois Bureau of the Budget
- Item 33: Questions as to the Adequacy of Illinois Workmen's Compensation Provisions in 1953-1954, no date

- Item 34: 1982 is The Year for Desperately Needed Workers' Compensation Changes Four Unjustifiable Drains on the System Must Be Corrected, circa 1982

- Creator: Illinois Chamber of Commerce
- Item 35: Questions and Answers on Illinois Workers' Compensation, January 1977

- Creator: Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 36: "In 1964, in the state of Illinois alone, an estimated 89,000 disabling injuries occurred", no date

- Item 37: What's Wrong With Workers' Compensation: Or, The Curse of the Lump Sum Payment!, October 1979

- Creator: Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 38: What is Happening to Workmen's Compensation Costs in Illinois And Why?, November 1956

- Creator: Illinois Chamber of Commerce
- Item 39: Costs of Administering Reparation for Work Injuries in Illinois, 1952

- Creator: Prof. Alfred F. Conard, Law School; Prof. Robert I. Mehr, Economics Dept.; Bob A. Hedges, George E. Hill, Philip B. Johnson and John B. Liston, UIUC
- Item 40: Questions and Answers on Illinois Workers' Compensation, February 1977

- Creator: Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 2: Workmen's Compensation in Texas

- Folder 3: Younger Workers

- Item 1: Soviet Youth, 1973

- Creator: Novosti Press Agency
- Item 2: High Hopes, Little Trust: A Study of Young Workers and their Ups and Downs in the New Economy, September 1999

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Essays on the Economics of Crime and Econometric Methodology, 1996

- Creator: Sean Michael May, MIT
- Item 4: Programs for Unemployed Youth, no date

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 5: The Changing Structure of Youth Labour Markets, possibly circa 1990

- Creator: K. Roberts, Sally Dench and Deborah Ricahrdson, Sociology Dept., Univ. of Liverpool
- Item 6: Young Blacks and Jobs - What We Now Know, Winter 1985

- Creator: Richard B. Freeman and Harry J. Holzer, "The Public Interest"
- Item 7: Widening Differentials in Youth Unemployment Rates, October 12, 1967

- Creator: US Govt. Memorandum
- Item 8: Youth Unemployment: Some International Perspectives, August 22, 1969

- Item 9: Madison and ST. Clair Counties Illinois Youth Employment Opportunities Survey, June 1962

- Creator: Illinois State Employment Service and Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Employment of Youth in Illinois Today and Tomorrow, February 1968

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Youth Unemployment: An Economic Analysis, February 1969

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 12: Youth Unemployment: OECD Ministers Discuss Possible Solutions, circa 1976

- Creator: OECD
- Folder 4: Younger Workers--Bibliographies

- Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America

- Box 154

- Folder 1: Absenteeism

- Item 1: Quarterly Reports on Job Absence and Turnover, March 11, 1976 - June 12, 2007

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs
- Folder 2: AFSCME Local 698, 2009-2010

- Folder 3: Arbitration, Labor

- Item 1: Materials from Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Midwest Arbitrators' Symposium, May 9, 2003

- Creator: Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service; Institute for Law and the Workplace of Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Item 2: Symposium on Labor Arbitration Thirty Years After the Steelworkers Trilogy -and- The Kenneth M. Piper Lecture, 1990

- Creator: Symposium edited by Prof. Martin H. Malin, Chicago-Kent College of Law and lecture delivered by Prof. Clyde Summers, Univ. of Pennsylvania Law School
- Item 3: Arbitration-- A New Direction? A Discussion of the Issues Involved in the Supreme Court Decisions of June 20, 1960, October 30, 1960

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Inc.
- Item 4: General Arbitration Council of the Textile Industry: A Division of the American Arbitration Association, no date

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 5: Have the Courts Extended a Sound Doctrine Too Far?, no date

- Creator: Martin Wagner
- Item 6: The Case for Retention of Remedial Jurisdiction in Labor Arbitration Awards, Fall 1996

- Creator: Prof. John E. Dunsford, St. Louis Univ. Law School
- Item 7: Evidence and Proof in Arbitration, 1977

- Creator: Martin F. Scheinman
- Item 8: Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes, June 2003

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators, American Arbitration Assoc. and Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 9: Labor Arbitration in the Construction Industry: A Guide to Current Practices and Issues, 2004

- Creator: Matthew M. Bodah, Schmidt Labor Research Center, Univ. of Rhode Island
- Item 10: In the Matter of Arbitration Between The Company and Brad's Union: Of Premises/Off Duty Conduct, no date

- Creator: Arnold M. Zack, Arbitrator and American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 11: In The Supreme Court of the United States: AT&T Technologies, Inc. vs. Communications Wkrs. Of America Local 5090 - Brief of the National Academy of Arbitrators as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondent, Fall 1985

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 12: Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes, May 29, 1985

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators, American Arbitration Assoc. and Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 13: Arbitration, no date

- Creator: Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 14: Some Problems of Due Process and Fair Procedure in Labor Arbitration, no date

- Creator: R.W. Fleming
- Item 15: Labor Arbitration Rules (Including Expedited Labor Arbitration Procedures), September 1, 1993

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 16: "DISCIPLINE: A large proportion of cases which go to arbitration involve discipline", no date

- Item 17: Putting Gilmer Where it Belongs: The FAA's Labor Exemption, Fall 2000

- Creator: Prof. David E. Feller, Univ. of California Berkeley Law School
- Item 18: Privatizing Justice: A Jurisprudential Perspective on Labor and Employment Arbitration from the Steelworkers Trilogy to Gilmer, August 1993

- Creator: Prof. Martin E. Malin, Chicago-Kent Law School and Prof. Robert F. Ladenson, Philosophy Dept., Ilinois Institute of Technology
- Item 19: Arbitration Case G: Discharge of Peter Seichek, no date

- Item 20: Sample Arbitration Case 1: Local 550 vs. Acme Iron Works (Proper Rate of Pay), no date

- Item 21: Arbitration Case Analysis Form, no date

- Item 22: Memorandum Concerning Arbitration Deferral Policy Under Collyer, February 28, 1972

- Creator: Peter G. Nash, General Counsel, NLRB
- Item 23: Additional Memorandum About NLRB Policy Regarding Collyer, May 10, 1973

- Creator: Peter G. Nash, General Counsel, NLRB
- Item 24: The Impact of Collyer on Arbitration, February 5, 1972

- Creator: John H. Fanning, NLRB before the Eighth Annual Conference on Collective Bargaining and Labor Law, Univ. of Arizona
- Item 25: Memorandum Concerning Regional Office Handling of Collyer Issues in Light of the Board's Decision in "General American Transportation Corporation, 228 NLRB No.102", May 25, 1977

- Creator: John S. Irving
- Item 26: Memorandum Concerning Financial Hardship as a Basis for Non-Deferral Under the Collyer Policy, November 1, 1977

- Creator: John S. Irving
- Item 27: Outline of Topics Related to Collyer

- Folder 4: Campus Faculty Association

- Folder 5: Subject Headings in Industrial Relations

- Item 1: Booklet Containing a Standard List of Subject Headings in Industrial Relations

- Folder 6: United Automobile Workers

- Folder 7: United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America

- Folder 8: American Federation of Musicians

- Box 155

- Folder 1: Alton

- Item 1: Union Labor Directory and Labor Day Program, 1949-1951

- 2 items
- Creator: Trades and Labor Assembly of Alton and Vicinity and Alton Building and Construction Trades Council
- Item 2: Workers Union Newletters, 1950-1952

- Creator: Alton Paper Workers Union
- Item 3: Alton East Alton Wood River Roxana Hartford essential marketing information

- Item 4: Constitution and By-laws of the Trades and Labor Assembly, 1949

- Creator: Trades and Labor Assembly, Alton, Illinois
- Folder 2: Aurora

- Item 1: Central Motor Freight Association motor truck and safety rodeo and equipment show, 1950

- Creator: Central Motor Freight Association
- Folder 3: Belleville

- Item 1: Labor Lists

- Item 2: Articles of agreement between Wholesale Grocer, Tobacco & Candy companies and Local Union #50, 1949

- 2 items
- Creator: Wholesale Grocer, Tobacco & Candy companies and Local Union #50
- Item 3: Articles of agreement between Retails Clerks International Ass’n and Local Union #219, 1949

- Creator: Retails Clerks International Ass’n and Local Union #219
- Item 4: “Recommended Reading” speech

- Creator: Belleville News-Democrat
- Item 5: Industrial Analysis of Belleville Illinois, 1946

- Creator: Compiled by the Industrial Department and the Chamber of Commerce
- Item 6: News clipping, “putting on the screws”, 1948

- Creator: Belleville News-Democrat
- Folder 4: Bloomington

- Item 1: “The Hub of the Corn Belt” brochure, 1948

- Creator: Bloomington Association of Commerce
- Item 2: Industrial List, 1949

- Item 3: Clippings, re: Bus Strike, 1950

- 3 items
- Creator: Bloomington Pantagraph
- Item 4: Organization list compiled by Bloomington Association of Commerce, 1949

- Creator: Bloomington Association of Commerce
- Folder 5: Cairo

- Item 1: California brochure, “New Factories for California Communities”

- Folder 6: Calumet

- Item 1: Calumet proposal to start an industrial relation association, 1948

- Folder 7: Canton

- Item 1: Canton clipping re: NLRB charges, 1950

- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Folder 8: Carbondale

- Item 1: Carbondale clipping re: Dam charges, 1950

- Creator: Chicago Daily Tribune
- Folder 9: Centralia

- Item 1: Data concerning Centralia, IL, prepared to concisely set for those things of importance in considering the city as a possible industrial or commercial location, January 1947

- Creator: Centralia Chamber of Commerce
- Item 2: Clippings: Centralia Mine Disaster, 1947, 1950

- 2 items
- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Folder 10: Champaign

- Item 1: Listing of Surveys of Champaign from the University of Illinois Library

- Creator: G.E. Donahue, Librarian at the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Item 2: Exchange Wage Survey Summary, 1950

- 2 items
- Creator: Army-Air Force Wage Board
- Item 3: 40th Anniversary Twin City Federation of Labor, 1948

- Creator: Twin City Federation of Labor
- Item 4: Employment Survey for Businesses on Champaign-Urbana

- Creator: Illinois State Employment Service
- Item 5: Champaign Chamber of Commerce Bulletins, 1950-1954

- 12 Items
- Creator: Champaign Chamber of Commerce
- Item 6: Community labor Survey, 1931

- Creator: Bureau of Business Research
- Item 7: Champaign Statistics re: employment and infrastructure, 1954

- Item 8: Union-Industry Show, 1948

- Creator: Twin City Federation of Labor
- Item 9: Constitution and by-laws of the Twin City Federation of Labor, 1943

- Creator: Twin City Federation of Labor
- Item 10: Clippings: union advertisement, pension plan & labor office, 1950

- Creator: Champaign News-Gazette
- Folder 11: Chicago (1)

- Item 1: Interstate Port Handbook, 1946-1947

- 2 items
- Creator: Managing Director Rufus W. Putnam, Published by Rockwell F. Clancy Company
- Item 2: Clipping, 1947

- Creator: Chicago Sun-Times
- Item 3: Housing Census, 1950

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Item 4: Everyman has the power: CIO Community services, 1947

- Creator: Chicago Industrial Union Council
- Item 5: Chicago cares: department of welfare decennial report, 1946

- Creator: City of Chicago Department of Welfare
- Folder 12: Chicago (2)

- Item 1: Headline Events in Chicago by Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, 1952

- 2 items
- Creator: Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry
- Item 2: Opportunity in Chicago for adult evening education, 1951

- Item 3: Toward a Better Chicago: text of remarks by Ald. Robert E. Merriam to Junior Association of Commerce and Industry, 1953

- Creator: The Junior Association of Commerce and Industry
- Item 4: YMCA Informal classes, 1952

- Creator: Central YMCA
- Item 5: Directory of the public schools by Chicago Teachers Union, 1946-1947

- Creator: Chicago Teachers Union
- Item 6: Annual Conference of Local 130 program, 1948

- Creator: Local 130 Building and Construction and Metal Trades Division
- Item 7: Chicago Association of Commerce & Industry Annual Report, 1947, 1949

- 2 items
- Creator: The Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry
- Item 8: “Negroes in Chicago” history, 1944

- Item 9: Citizenship and English classes, 1948

- Creator: Chicago Public Schools
- Folder 13: Chicago (3)

- Item 1: Clippings re: meetings, pay raises and strikes, 1947

- Creator: Chicago Sun-Times
- Item 2: Clippings re: meetings, pay raises and strikes, 1949

- Creator: Chicago Daily News
- Item 3: Clippings re: Strikes - Misc., 1947-1949

- Folder 14: Chicago (4) - Clippings on ITU Strike

- Item 1: Clippings on ITU strike, 1947

- Box 156

- Folder 1: Christopher & Clinton & Collinsville

- Item 1: Clippings re: labor, 1950

- Creator: Chicago Daily News and St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Folder 2: Danville

- Item 1: Agreement between local 997 and General Electric Company, 1952

- Creator: Local 997 and General Electric
- Item 2: Chamber of Commerce 50th annual meeting, 1949

- Creator: Danville Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Manufacturers, Wholesalers & Service Industries, 1949

- Creator: Danville Chamber of Commerce
- Item 4: Business Barometer, 1949

- Creator: Danville Chamber of Commerce
- Item 5: Civic and Patriotic Organizations, 1949

- Creator: Danville Chamber of Commerce
- Item 6: Union Counsellor Training Course No. 1, 1951

- Creator: United Labor Conference
- Item 7: Will you lose Seniority?, 1953

- Creator: Allied Printing Trade Unions Council
- Folder 3: Decatur (1)

- Item 1: Association of Commerce Annual Report, 1946, 1950

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 2: 45th Annual Meeting Announcement, Association of Commerce, 1947

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 3: Manufacturing and other Plants, 1946

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 4: "Places of Interest in Decatur" advertisement

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 5: The Wonder Bean: soybean agriculture, 1947

- Creator: Staley Manufacturing Company
- Item 6: Public Library Annual Report, 1946

- Creator: Decatur Public Library
- Item 7: Physical Education-Athletic and Recreation aids, 1949

- Creator: The Athletic Institute
- Item 8: Association of Commerce newsletter, 1947

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 9: Building on the Past Working for the Future

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 10: Who Would if the Association of Commerce Doesn’t

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 11: Aims of the Association of Commerce, 1950

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 12: Statistical Review of Macon County, 1950

- Creator: National Industrial Council and the National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 13: Report on the major business, industry, and geographical features of Macon County, 1947

- Creator: Sourced from the Directory of industries, compiled by Elmer C. Cester
- Item 14: Index of Decatur's Businesses, 1950

- Item 15: Facts About Decatur, Illinois, 1950

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur Statistical Research Committee
- Item 16: Labor-Management Relations study, 1949

- Creator: Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Item 17: Mid-West Conference of Agriculture-Industry-Labor Bulletin, 1949

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 18: In Decatur newsletter, 1948

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 19: Interesting Information about Decatur, Illinois

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 20: Statistics of Decatur Illinois, 1950

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 21: Construction Trades Wage Rates and Business Agents

- Item 22: Trades and Labor Assembly constitution, 1947

- Creator: Trade and Labor Assembly
- Item 23: Zoning Resolution for the Unincorporated Portion of the County of Macon, Illinois, 1943

- Creator: Macon County highway Department and Harland Bartholomew and Associates
- Folder 4: Decatur (2)

- Item 1: Manufacturing and Processing Plants, 1948

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 2: Clipping: It Might Have Been Us: A London Reporter Takes a Long Look at Decatur

- Creator: Champaign-Urbana Courier
- Item 3: Why Additional Schools for Decatur?, 1953

- Creator: Decatur Board of Education
- Item 4: "The World of the Great Powers" Lecture Schedule

- Creator: Decatur YMCA
- Item 5: Minutes of the Special Committee on Standards of Practice of the Construction Industry Committee of the Association of Commerce, 1947

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 6: 1948 Census of Business, 1950

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Item 7: Clipping: Decatur Soybeans Make City Famous Around the World, 1952

- Creator: Chicago Daily News
- Item 8: Industrial Management Club, 1957

- Creator: The National Council of Industrial Management Clubs
- Item 9: Newspaper re: evolution of unionism, 1953

- Creator: Decatur Herald and Review
- Item 10: Census of Housing, 1950

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Item 11: In Decatur newsletter, 1953-1954

- 2 items
- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 12: Stacy's Street Map and Guide, 1954

- Creator: Stacy Map Publishers
- Item 13: Facts About Decatur, Illinois, 1946

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Folder 5: Detroit

- Item 1: A Social Profile of Detroit, 1953

- Creator: Detroit Area Study of the University of Michigan
- Folder 6

- Item 2: East St. Louis

- Item 3: Statistical Review of East St. Louis

- Item 4: Report on East St. Louis, 1949

- Creator: East St. Louis Chamber of Commerce
- Item 5: East St. Louis Industries, 1949

- Item 6: Clipping re: strike, 1949

- Creator: East St. Louis Journal
- Item 7: Clubs and organizations, 1949

- Item 8: Chamber of Commerce newsletter, 1955

- Creator: East St. Louis Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 7: Effingham

- Item 1: Effingham Lions Club Salutes Effingham on its Hundred Years of Progress, 1953

- Creator: Effingham Lions Club
- Folder 8: Elizabethtown, Elkville, Evanston, Fairmont City, Flora, Farmersville, Fidelity

- Item 1: Clippings re: wage theft, labor, negotiations, legal suits, censorship, 1949-1950

- 9 items
- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the Guild Reporter
- Item 2: Evening School for Adults, Winter Term 1950 Brochure, 1950

- Creator: Evanston Township High School
- Folder 9: Galesburg, Gibson & Granite City

- Item 1: Agreement between Gale Products and Federal Labor Union No. 23794, 1950

- Creator: Gale Products and Federal Labor Union No. 23794
- Item 2: Galesburg Labor list

- Item 3: A Brief Picture of a Vital Industry

- Creator: Central Illinois Soya Company
- Item 4: Granite City Adult Education

- Item 5: Clippings re: NLRB finding, fundraising, picketing, 1950

- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Folder 10: Herrin, Hinsdale, & Hoopeston

- Item 1: Herrin Trades Council 46th Annual Convention, 1928

- Creator: Illinois Federation of Labor
- Item 2: Clippings re: labor negotiations, 1950

- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Item 3: Hinsdale clipping re: walkouts, 1947

- Creator: The Chicago Sun-Times
- Item 4: Hinsdale special census, 1953

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Item 5: Hoopeston clipping re: legal dispute

- Creator: Champaign-Urbana Courier
- Folder 11: Illinois (1)

- Item 1: Illinois: A Bibliography, 1948

- Creator: Edward J. Barrett and the Secretary of State's Office
- Item 2: Forests: Southern Illinois Series, 1948

- Creator: Joint Committee on Southern Illinois, University of Illinois
- Item 3: Amendments to the Constitution of Illinois that will be submitted, 1952

- Creator: Edward J. Barrett and the Secretary of State's Office
- Item 4: Facts about Illinois: Agricultural, Industrial and mineral wealth

- Creator: Dwight H. Green and the Illinois Development Council
- Item 5: Directory of industries, 1947

- Creator: Illinois Terminal Railroad Company
- Item 6: Interested in City Manager Government?, 1952

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 7: Illinois Terminal Railroad company, 1948

- Creator: Illinois Terminal Railroad Company
- Item 8: Illinois Public works, 1946

- Creator: Illinois State Deparment of Public Works & Buildings
- Item 9: Clippings: Telephone Strike, 1948

- Creator: Champaign-Urbana Courier
- Folder 12: Illinois (2)

- Item 1: Water Resources Southern Illinois, 1948

- Creator: Joint Committee on Southern Illinois, University of Illinois
- Item 2: Story of Illinois Perpetuated in State Historical Library, 1946

- Creator: Illinois State Historical Library
- Item 3: State Support of Public Education in Illinois report, 1947

- Item 4: Moline Community College pamphlet, 1948

- Creator: Moline Community College
- Item 5: Government of Illinois org chart

- Item 6: State Dollar history, 1947

- Creator: State of Illinois Department of Finance
- Item 7: Retail Trade Areas in Illinois report, 1947

- Creator: Professor of Marketing P.D. Converse at the University of Illinois
- Item 8: Cahokia 250 Anniversary Celebration Souvenir Program, 1949

- Item 9: Clippings re: payments, 1949

- Creator: New York Times
- Box 157

- Folder 1: Illinois (3)

- Item 1: State Dollar history, 1948

- Creator: State of Illinois Department of Finance
- Item 2: State and Local Government in Illinois bibliography, 1954

- Creator: University of Illinois Institute of government and Public Affairs
- Item 3: Southern Illinois: Past, Present, and future, 1942

- Creator: Bruce Biossat, Southern Illinois Manager of the United Press
- Item 4: Q&A regarding city manager government in Illinois, 1951

- Item 5: Illinois Public Health Organization report, 1954

- Creator: Research staff of the Legislative Council
- Item 6: Institute of Government and public affairs and ILIR course outline, 1949

- Creator: University of Illinois Division of University of Extension
- Item 7: Municipal codes, charters and ordinances in the U of I Library, 1953

- Creator: University of Illinois Library
- Folder 2: Illinois (4)

- Item 1: Guide to Illinois State buildings, 1950

- Creator: Edward J. Barrett and the Secretary of State's Office
- Item 2: Material Resource Research and activities of the state geological survey, 1950

- Creator: State of Illinois Division of the State Geological Survey
- Item 3: Recreational Possibilities: Southern Illinois Series, 1948

- Creator: Joint Committee on Southern Illinois, University of Illinois
- Item 4: Guide to School Reorganization in Illinois, 1947

- Creator: Merle R. Sumption and Harlan D. Beem, University of Illinois Bureau of Educational Research
- Item 5: Industrial Possibilities: Southern Illinois Series, 1948

- Creator: Joint Committee on Southern Illinois, University of Illinois
- Item 6: Illinois State Government article, 1952

- Creator: Samuel K. Gove, University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs
- Item 7: Clipping and letter re: disputes, 1952

- Creator: Champaign-Urbana Courier
- Item 8: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce position letter on the the Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution, 1952

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 9: Illinois and Foreign Trade, 1951

- Creator: The Department of State
- Item 10: Census of Manufactures, 1947

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Item 11: Senatorial Districts in Illinois, 1949

- Creator: American Civil Liberties Union, Chicago Division
- Item 12: A legislative program for improving local government in Illinois

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 3: Illinois (5)

- Item 1: Constitutional convention for Illinois?, 1949

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 2: The Gateway Amendment, 1950

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Constitutional Convention for Illinois, 1948

- Creator: League of Women Voters of Illinois
- Item 4: Appropriation Requests and Enactments, 1947

- Creator: Illinois Legislative Council
- Item 5: Constitution of the State of Illinois

- Creator: Edward J. Barrett and the Secretary of State's Office
- Item 6: Organization and Functioning of the State Government report, 1950

- Creator: Commission to Study State Government
- Item 7: Government of Illinois org chart

- Item 8: Illinois government org chart, 1952

- Item 9: Government and History of the state of Illinois

- Creator: Emil F. Faith and Richard G. Browne
- Item 10: Your business as a voter handbook, 1941

- Creator: Neil Ford Garvey, Richard G. Browne, and William G. Wood
- Item 11: Biennial Message and Quadrennial Report to the 66th general assembly of Illinois, 1949

- Creator: Dwight H. Green, Governor of Illinois
- Folder 4: State and legal government in Illinois draft

- Item 1: State and legal government in Illinois draft, 1953

- Creator: Samuel K. Gove, University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs
- Folder 5: Illinois Resources

- Item 1: Illinois Resources, 1946

- Creator: Morris M. Leighton in conjunction with the Illinois Post-War Planning Commission
- Folder 6: IL special census reports

- Item 1: IL special census reports, 1953

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Folder 7: Illinois (6)

- Item 1: Constitution and By-laws of Southern Illinois Wage Earners Educational and Political League, 1948

- Creator: Southern Illinois Wage Earners Educational and Political League
- Item 2: House bill # 681, 1945

- Creator: 64th General Assembly of Illinois
- Item 3: Illinois State Library: A Story of Service, 1948

- Creator: Edward J. Barrett and the Secretary of State's Office
- Item 4: If you Want a Truly Representative Illinois Legislature, 1954

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 8: Occupational and Educational Data By County (1)

- Item 1: Occupational and Educational Data (1), 1945-1946

- Box 158

- Folder 1: Occupational and Educational Data By County (2)

- Item 1: Occupational and Educational Data (2), 1945-1946

- Folder 2: Indiana

- Item 1: Evansville Manufacturers' and Employers' Association Annual Report, 1946

- Creator: Evansville Manufacturers' and Employers' Association
- Item 2: Indiana-union list, 1946

- Creator: Indiana State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Indiana-To make 1947 a good year, 1946

- Creator: Evansville Manufacturers' and Employers' Association
- Item 4: Indiana-Speakers list, 1946-1947

- Item 5: Gary-Did You Ever see a Dream Growing?, 1946

- Creator: National Urban League
- Folder 3: Jacksonville & Joliet

- Item 1: Jacksonville - Industries

- Item 2: Joliet - Resolution on Hickory Creek in Will County, 1948

- Creator: Will County Ind. Union Council
- Item 3: Joliet-Towel and linen route salesmen’s agreement

- Item 4: Joliet-Sanitary employees agreement

- Item 5: Joliet-49th annual adult education program, 1951

- Creator: Joliet Township High School and Junior College
- Item 6: Joliet-Office occupations, 1952

- Creator: US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Folder 4: Kankakee

- Item 1: Labor and Management contacts in Kankakee, 1949

- Item 2: Industrial Directory of Kankakee County, 1947

- Creator: Kankakee Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: List of manufacturers in the Kankakee area, 1949

- Item 4: Agreements between Florence Stove Company and unions, 1953

- 2 items
- Item 5: Home Life centennial issue, 1953

- Creator: Kankakee Federal Savings and Loan Association
- Item 6: Agreement between Paramount Textile Machinery Company and Local # 1310, 1952

- Creator: Paramount Textile Machinery Company and Local # 1310
- Item 7: United Construction Workers rules booklet, 1953

- Creator: United Construction Workers
- Item 8: Employees Benefit plan, 1953

- Creator: Florence Stove Company Factory Employees
- Item 9: Agreement between American-Marietta Company and Local 821, 1953

- Creator: American-Marietta Company and Local 821
- Item 10: Comprehensive City Plan, 1949

- Creator: City Plan Commission, Harland Bartholomew & Associates
- Folder 5: Kentucky

- Item 1: Report of the Department of Research and Education, 1946

- Creator: Kentucky State Federation of Labor
- Item 2: Know Your State Federation, 1946

- Creator: Kentucky State Federation of Labor
- Item 3: Labor-Management Relations in the Paducah Area of Western Kentucky, January 1954

- Creator: University of Kentucky
- Folder 6: Litchfield, Madison & Mattoon

- Item 1: Clippings re: wage theft, walkouts, strikes, 1948-1950

- 3 items
- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Folder 7: ILIS Social Security

- Item 1: Procedings of the Fourth Annual Social Security Conference, 1962

- Creator: Institute of Labor and industrial Relations, The University of Michigan-Wayne State University and Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State University
- Item 2: Procedings of the Fourth Annual Social Security Conference, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Labor and industrial Relations, The University of Michigan-Wayne State University and Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State University
- Item 3: "The Trillion Dollar Understanding: Social Security's Real Crisis", 1981

- Creator: John Myles, printed in Working Papers publication
- Item 4: "Social Security: Myths and Realities", 1974

- Creator: Floyd E. Smith, printed in AFL-CIO American Federationist
- Item 5: Earnings-Replacement Rate of Old-Age Benefits 1965-1975, Selected Countries, 1978

- Creator: Leif Haanes-Olsen, printed in Social Security Bulletin
- Item 6: Social Security and Free Enterprise address, 1950

- Creator: Edwin E. White, Department of Economics at the University of Wisconsin
- Item 7: Social Security: A Summary of Studies, 1948

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 8: Estimated Cost of Social Security Expansion, 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 9: Social Security in Demographic and Economic Recession, 1978

- Creator: Jens Luebbert
- Item 10: Planned Financial Security for Industrial Workers, lecture delivered at the Fourth Conference Course in Industrial Relations, 1935

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Department of Economics and Social Institutions, Princeton University
- Folder 8: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE) News Bulletins

- Creator: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE)
- Item 1: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE) News Bulletins, 2019

- Creator: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE)
- Item 2: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE) News Bulletins, 2020-2021

- Creator: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE)
- Folder 9: Contract Negotiations, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Musicians

- Item 1: Contract Negotiations, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Musicians, 2019

- Box 159

- Folder 1: Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO) News Briefs

- Creator: Construction Industry Service Corporation
- Item 1: Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO) News Briefs (1), 2018-2019

- Creator: Construction Industry Service Corporation
- Item 2: Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO) News Briefs (2), 2020-2021

- Creator: Construction Industry Service Corporation
- Item 3: Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO) News Briefs (3), 2021-2022

- Creator: Construction Industry Service Corporation
- Folder 2: New York (1)

- Item 1: Fiscal Facts Concerning the City of New York, 1940

- Creator: Citizens Budget Commission, Inc.
- Item 2: How--- For Whom--- For What--- De We Vote? A Manual for Voters With Maps of Districts, ca. 1940

- Creator: New York City League of Women Voters
- Item 3: Industrial and Occupational Trends in New York State, June 15, 1954

- Creator: Edmund H. Crane, Research Associate, Division of Research, New York State Education Department
- Folder 3: New York (2)

- Item 1: Annual, 1945

- Creator: New York State CIO Council
- Item 2: Directory of Research and Development Facilities at Educational Institutions in New York State Available to Industrial Concerns, 1946

- Creator: New York State Department of Commerce
- Folder 4: New York (3)

- Item 1: A Guide to State Services, 1946

- Creator: New York State Department of Commerce
- Item 2: Study of Industrial Relations, 1946

- Creator: New York State Committee for Social Research
- Item 3: Annual Report of the Office of the President of the Borough of the Bronx for the Year Ending December 21, 1946

- Item 4: Annual Report, 1947

- Creator: State of New York Department of Commerce
- Item 5: New York State Commerce Review: A Digest of Business Developments in the Empire State, April- May 1948

2 items
Vol. 2, No. 4 and No. 5
- Creator: New York State Department of Commerce
- Item 6: Municipal Reference Library Notes, June and October 1948, June and October 1948

2 items
Volume XXX, No. 26 and No. 28
- Creator: New York Public Library
- Item 7: Voters Directory: A Guide to Candidates and Issues, October 1948

- Creator: Citizens Union of New York
- Item 8: New York in Spring: A quarterly calendar of events in New York City, March-May 1951

- Creator: Department of Commerce City of New York
- Item 9: Not Yet in New York

- Creator: Joint Committee of Staff Organizations of the Brooklyn, New York, and Queens Borough Public Libraries
- Folder 5: A Plan for a Better Michigan in the Hope of a Better America

- Item 1: A Plan for a Better Michigan in the Hope of a Better America

- Creator: Coalition Committee for State of Michigan
- Folder 6: Portland, Maine: City Employee Strike

- Item 1: Clippings re: City Employee Strike, 1946, 1946

- 14 items
- Creator: Portland Press Herald
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],