By Jan Carmichael, Travis McDade, Brandy Parris and Scott Schwartz
Title: Dennis Eberhard Music and Papers, 1967-2005
ID: 26/20/139
Primary Creator: Eberhard, Dennis (1943-2005)
Extent: 5.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Music is arranged chronologically within each compositional genre and physical format. Papers are arranged alphabetically by subject and content.
Date Acquired: 07/31/2006. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Compositions-Music, Computer Music, Electronic Music, Music, School of, Music Composition
Formats/Genres: Motion Pictures/Videotapes, Papers, Sound Recordings
Languages: English
Consists correspondence, publicity packets, news clippings, audio-visual recordings, scripts, and original full scores (FS), condensed scores (CS) and parts (P) for compositions created by Eberhard throughout his professional music career. The music and papers are organized in two series: Series 1: Original Music, 1967-2005 and Series 2: Personal Papers, 1968-2005. The original music is organized in four sub-series: Sub-series 1, Orchestral Works, 1978-2002; Sub-series 2, Chamber Music, 1969-2004; Subseries 3, Choral Works, 1983-1989; and Sub-series 4, Works for Band, 1967-1973. Of particular significance is Eberhard's original composition and motion picture documentary, The Shadow of the Swan, surrounding the 2002 debut performance of this work for orchestra in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Dennis Eberhard (1943-2005) studied at the Cleveland Institute of Music, Kent State University, University of Warsaw in Poland as well as at the Experimental Music Studio of the University of Illinois from 1969 to 1972. Composing both concert music and music for film and theater, Mr. Eberhard also worked with John Cage and Lejaren Hiller, participating in the realization of their compositions Music Circus and HPSCHD. He studied composition with Marie Martin, Frederick Coulter, Paul Martin Zonn, Salvatore Martirano, and Wlodzimierz Kotonski, and electronics, computer techniques, and programming with Gordon Mumma and Herbert Brun. He taught at the University of Illinois, Western Illinois University, the University of Nebraska, Oberlin Conservatory of Music, and Cleveland State University, while lecturing widely on his own music at such institutions as the Cleveland Institute of Music, Cornell University, Penn State, the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, the University of New Mexico, and the Sao Paulo State University in Brazil.
Repository: The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Accruals: "Janus" (1979) and "Paraphrases" (1968) donated by Phillip Musser, August 2007
Acquisition Source: Susan Lokar
Acquisition Method: Bequest to the University's School of Music Library.