By Adriana Cuervo, Tracy Parish, Raquel Flores-Clemons, Jana Kelly, Jared Lofrano, Kimberly Sessoms, Florence Paisey, and Scott Schwartz
Title: William Herb Papers, Sousa Band Uniform and Travel Trunk, 1924-1980
ID: 12/9/102
Primary Creator: Herb, William
Extent: 3.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: The collection is organized in 2 series.
Date Acquired: 01/10/2006. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Bands, Railroad Accidents, Sousa, John Philip
Formats/Genres: Other Pictorial
Languages: English
Consists of black and white photographs and digital images*, newsclippings, concert programs, and Herb's band uniform, travel trunk and music stand that document Herb's career as a musician in and involvement with the Sousa Band and Allentown Band. Series 1, Photographs and Digital Images, ca. 1924-1936, is arranged in 4 subseries: Train Wrecks, Band Members and Musicians, Sousa Band, and Artifacts and Ephemera. Digital images have been placed at the end of each subseries. Series 2, Artifacts and Ephemera, ca. 1924-1980, includes concert programs, newsclippings, Herb's band uniform, travel trunk and music stand. Of particular interest are original photographs and digital images documenting three different railroad accidents that the Sousa Band was involved in while on tour through America. In addition many of the images illustrate the band members' leisure activities when not performing. William Herb's travel trunk, used throughout his time with the Sousa Band, contains numerous original travel stickers collected by Herb from hotels that the Sousa Band stayed in while on tour in both the United States and Europe. *Many of the digital images were acquired as low resolution scans, and may not be suitable for some forms of reproduction.
William Herb played tuba for the John Philip Sousa Band between 1924 and 1932. In addition, Herb was also a member of the Allentown Band from 1904 to c.1930, and continued to be involved with the organization following his tenure. According to an interview with Herb, he had never formally studied music but had played the tuba since the age of seven. In 1924 he stopped to hear Sousa perform at Willow Grove Park and after the concert he was told by a member of the ensemble the he was just the tuba player Sousa was looking for. Herb remained with the Sousa Band until Sousa's death.
Repository: The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Accruals: A small selection of original photographs, a Sousa Band uniform (i.e., trousers and hat), a music stand and a travel trunk belonging to William Herb were donated on June 1, 2008 as part of Gary Herb's estate by Michael Denofrio.
Acquisition Source: Gary Herb
Acquisition Method: Gift.
Processing Information: Processed in July 2008.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding Aid information revised July 17, 2008.