Description: Papers of John Cornelius Houbolt (1919-2014) Chief Aeronautical Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center (1942-1963 and 1976-1985) and Senior Vice President and Senior Consultant of Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton, Inc. (1963-1975); B.S. (1938-1940) and M.S. (1940-1942) in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois and Ph.D. in Technical Sciences (1956-57) from ETH (Zurich, Switzerland); taught Theory of Elasticity, Elastic Stability, Vibration, Aircraft Flutter, Calculus of Variations and Higher Mathematics at the University of Virginia; the author of
. . . moreover 120 technical reports and papers; served on aeronautics and space flight committees: Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development (AGARD) as a member of Structures and Materials Panel and chairman of working groups; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) as a committee member, chairman of technical sessions and coordinator of the Specialty Committees of Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials; Scientific Advisory Board of the Air Force (SAB) as chairman of several ad hoc groups. Consultant to the Air Force, Navy and Army.
This series contains class and lecture notes (1932-1942), research notebooks (ca 1942-1980) on atmospheric turbulence, impact loads and landing dynamics, flutter, runway roughness, Lunar Orbit Rendezvous (LOR) and the use of Lunar Landing Module; publications (1945-1998), talks and presentations (1948-1999) relating to acoustics, aeroelasticity, helicopter dynamics, columns plates and shells, structures and structural dynamics and aerothermoelasticity, communication satellites; professional and personal correspondence (1950's-2000), Lunar Orbit Rendezvous (LOR) drawings, awards and certificates (1928-2000), newspapers and magazines concerning NASA space projects and J.C. Houbolt's role in these projects.