Description: Departmental and subject file of the deans, including correspondence with administrators, department heads, assistant deans, faculty and visiting and foreign faculty and guest lecturers; and reports relating to departmental organization and administration; committees; appointments; resignations; educational policy; deans of men and women; student discipline; military training; scholarships; athletics; university associations; admissions policies; registration; curriculum and course changes; honors; divisions of biological sciences, languages and literature, humanities and
. . . moresocial sciences; pre-medical training; language requirements; health service; summer session; graduate training; long range planning; building projects; space needs; enrollment; affirmative action programs; summer session; international programs; long-range planning for World Heritage, Natural History, and Spurlock Museums; federal research grants; accounting; travel; staff injuries and illnesses; administrative staff; Center for African Studies; funding staffing; research; sabbaticals; conference and lectures; interdisciplinary courses; graduate assistants, Association of American Colleges; Asian Area program; Behavioral Science Center proposal (1962-63); Danforth Foundation; George H. Miller professorships; Illinois Committee on Human Rights; Mississippi Valley deans; National Science Foundation; President's Faculty Conferences; Board of Trustees; new instructional units; Chicago Circle; and related topics. Principal correspondents are Deans Kendric C. Babcock (1913-32), Matthew T. McClure (1933-47), Henning Larsen (1948-54), Jack W. Peltason and Robert W. Rogers (1964- ).