Search Results | University of Illinois Archives
Searching for Subject: Assembly Hall

- Information about the University by Non-University Sources
External Publications
- Business & Financial Affairs
Vice-President for Business & Finance
- Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences
Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
Architecture Department
- Chancellor's Office
Chancellor's Office
- Alumni Association
Executive Director's Office
- Newsreels, 1960-66, 1969-70
- Newsreels, 1960-66, 1969-70
- Alumni Association
- Barbara Anderson Papers, 1867-2013
- Max Abramovitz Papers, 1957-69, 1978-82
- Barbara Anderson Papers, 1867-2013
- Alumni Association
Alumni Scrapbooks and Photographic Collections
- Legal Counsel
Counsel's Office
- Facilities and Services
Director's Office
- Subject File, 1901-1977
- Subject File, 1901-1977
- Facilities and Services
Architectural Division
- Facilities and Services
Operation and Maintenance Division
- Annual Reports, 1971, 1977
- Annual Reports, 1971, 1977
- Facilities and Services
Campus Security Office
- Financial Reports, 1956-
- Campus Unrest File, 1968-1972
- Financial Reports, 1956-
- Facilities and Services
Assembly Hall
- Facilities and Services
Concerts & Entertainment by Professional Artists
- Public Information
Director's Office
- Student Affairs
Dean of Students, Office of the
- Student Affairs
Student Scrapbooks and Papers
- George P. Miller Posters, 1969-1981
- George P. Miller Posters, 1969-1981

- Search image thumbnails (89 or more images found)
- Abramowitz, Havens, & Stouffer
- Assembly Hall & Memorial Stadium
- Assembly Hall Basketball Court Construction
- Assembly Hall Box Office
- Assembly Hall Construction (1)
- Assembly Hall Construction (2)
- Assembly Hall Construction (3)
- Assembly Hall Construction (4)
- Assembly Hall Construction (5)
- Assembly Hall Construction (6)
- Assembly Hall Construction (7)
- Assembly Hall Construction (8)
- Assembly Hall Construction Aerial View
- Assembly Hall interior
- Assembly Hall roof construction
- Assembly Hall roof construction (2)
- Assembly Hall roof construction (3)
- Assembly Hall Site
- Assembly Hall windows
- Chancellor's Office Subject File (Digital Surrogates)
- Illini Guides and Assembly Hall patrons
- Les Paul and Mary Ford
- Max Abramovitz and E. L. Stouffer at the Assembly Hall Construction Site
114 Hits! Click the links to show each category's results.