Title: NASULGC Russell I. Thackrey Papers, 1954-1982
ID: 10/3/60
Primary Creator: Thackrey, Russell I. (1904-)
Extent: 0.3 cubic feet
Arrangement: By subject or type of material
Date Acquired: 06/08/1982. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, Enrollment, Financial Aid, Ford Foundation, Foundations, Higher Education, National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, Voice of America
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Papers of Russell I. Thackrey, Executive Secretary (1947-69) and Executive Secretary Emeritus (1970- ) of the National (formerly American) Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC), including correspondence, notes, articles, and speeches concerning college and university financing; enrollment and attrition of students; the role of private foundations in higher education; and the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education and Carnegie Council for Policy Studies in Higher Education. Correspondents include Clark Kerr, President, University of California, Berkeley, and Chairman of the Carnegie Commission; David D. Henry, President (1955-71) and President Emeritus (1971- ), University of Illinois; and editors of publications in higher education. The series also includes a transmittal letter and supplementary notes by Thackrey describing the background and significance of the material, and a complete set of reprints of the Voice of America Forum University Series edited by Thackrey and broadcast in 1964. This series also includes correspondence (1981-89) with Thackrey and with Laura Horowitz by Hugh Hawkins in his research for his 1992 Banding Together : The Rise of National Associations in American Higher Education .
Carnegie Commission on Higher Education
Financial Aid
Ford Foundation
Higher Education
National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
Voice of America
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/1003060.pdf
PDF finding aid for NASULGC Russell I. Thackrey Papers (10/3/60)