Description: Papers of Icko Iben (1900-71), M.A. in library science '29, professor of library administration (1951-68) and Newspaper Librarian and Archivist (1946-68), including correspondence, publications, manuscripts, book reviews, minutes, programs, reports, speeches, research notes, diaries, newspaper clippings and memorabilia concerning library science and bibliography, library associations, newspaper collection and retention, Illinois newspapers and their preservation, archives administration and business archives, the surveying and protection of university records, the Germanic
. . . morePress, German literature and history, the history of German libraries, Friesian language and folkways, scientific and leterary abstracting, poetry, civic involvement, retirement plans, manuscripts editing and Lorado Taft's "Grandparents Gazette. Correspondents include publishers, editors, librarians, archivists, Georg Leyh, Josef Stummvoll, Lawrence Thompson, officials at Center for Research Libraries and the Illinois State Historical Library. The collection contains records relating to Iban's administration, research and dismissal as librarian at Oklahoma A and M College (1934-39), lecture notes, class assignments and reading literature from the reference and bibliography course taught by Iben at Illinois (1946; maps and tour guides for travel in postwar Europe; maps and literature describing Jever and the Friesian countryside where he lived in Germany, American Water Resources Association vice-presidential correspondence, speeches, proceeding, and Hydata editorial files (1964-70).