Title: Metropolitan Areas Study Source Material, 1959-63

Alphabetically by Metropolitan Area and according to outline thereunder
Administrative History of Creating Unit
Following a recommendation from the State of Illinois that the University develop a broad program of teaching, research and extension in government and public affairs, the Institute of Government and Public Affairs was established August 5, 1947.1 It was set up as an autonomous body under a Director responsible to the President of the University.2 The Institute conducts policy-oriented research and public service focusing on important areas of state and local government structure and process and emphasizing problems of urbanization. Though the Institute offers no courses, its faculty members teach in academic departments, guide research, and direct intern programs.3
1. Board of Trustees Transactions, 44th Report, August 5, 1947, pp. 493-94.
2. Ibid., p. 494.
3. Graduate College Catalog, 1974-1976, p. 81.