Description: Subject file of Josef F. Wright (1919-55) and Charles Flynn (1955-75), Directors of Public Information and Managers of Radio Station WILL, including correspondence, news releases, reports, copies of magazine and newspaper supplement articles, editorials speeches, press clippings, radio programming schedules, educational movie catalogs, financial reports, budget records, requisitions, photographs and questionnaires concerning publicity, radio and television stations and Public Information Office activities. The series includes material on University research activities,
. . . moreeducational programs, permissions to reproduce material, professional meetings, American College Publicity Association, equipment, competition from commercial broadcasters, criticisms, Federal legislation, Federal Radio Commission, James O. Bennett's writings on the University, David Kinley, Harry W. Chase, Joseph Tykociner, Lorado Taft, Sousa Gift, Illinium, McCollum case, radio policies, shortwave and FM, listener surveys and comments, licenses, television, transmitter, radio course (1938-50), the appointment of David D. Henry, copies of President Henry's speeches (1955-57), Charles E. Flynn's files for planning of Chicago Circle Campus and the Committee for the Cultivation of the Chicago Area, materials on dedications, Honors Days and receptions (1966-84), Kappa Tau Alpha, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, NASULGC, personnel and campus demonstrations and disturbances (1967-71); also includes information gathered for press releases (1932-1996) arranged by topic, including outstanding alumni, Preservation and Conservation Association (PACA) Historic Property Inventory (1986), yearly notable events, David P. Linowes, Robert Parker, Dave Wilson, and David White.