Description: Rare earth research journals describing work done with the rare earths by Joesph A. Harris (graduate assistant, 1922), J. Harvey Kleinheksel (graduate assistant, 1924-26), Harry C. Kremers (assistant professor, 1927-29), H. W. Gould, John Wierda (graduate assistant, 1922-24), Frank H. Driggs (research assistant, 1922-24), Ralph H. Manley (graduate assistant, 1926-28), George R. Sherwood (graduate assistant, 1926-28), Houston C. Joyner (graduate assistant, 1926-28), A. T. Fellows, E. A. Provine, Laurence L. Quill (Instructor, 1928-30), Leonard R. Scribner (graduate assistant, 1934-36), D. W. Bearce, Maurice F. Loucks (graduate assistant, 1928-30), Carl E. Schilz (graduate assistant, 1928-30). Volume 1 (1921-28) contains reports of research on fractionation of double magnesium nitrates and bromates and the extinction of rare earths from double sodium sulfates. Volume 2 (1926-39) concerns the fractionation of magnesium and double magnesium nitrates and bromites. Volume 3 (1932-42) covers work on the preparation of rare earth bromites and anhydrous rare earth sulfates; removal of cerium from magnesium nitrates; conversion of ceric phosophate; a summary of work done on illinium to June 1933; a description of the rare earth fractionation progress, 1930-37 and a report on the status of the rare earth collection, 1941-42.
The series includes abstracts of Illinois dissertations in the "Observations of the Rare Earths" series (1917, 1921, 1934-37, 1940, 1944).