Description: Papers of Samuel I. Goldberg (1923-2001), associate professor of mathematics at Lehigh University (1952-55) and Wayne State University (1955-61), Harvard research fellow (1959-60), and professor (1960-2001) of mathematics at the University of Illinois, including papers presented at conferences; correspondence relating to professional travel; applications for funding of research (National Science Foundation, 1962-86 and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, 1980-92); teaching materials such as lecture notes, exams, assignments, and syllabi; sabbatical leave and salary reports; publications and manuscripts; reviews of mathematical papers; correspondence relating to visiting professorships (University of Toronto 1968; Israel Institute of Technology, 1972; Cambridge University, 1979; Coll. De France, 1979; University of the West Indies, 1991-93); and correspondence with colleagues, universities, journals, and publishers. Major correspondents include Morio Obata, Waldemar C. Weber, David Blair, Kentaro Yano, Isu Vaisman, S.S. Chern, Petros Bozonis, Toru Ishihara, K.L. Duggal, Carl Mueller, W.S. Kendall, Thomas Hasanis, Tanjiro Okubo, Heini Halberstam, John C. Wood, James Glazebrook, Domenico Perrone, and Ken Appel.
Access Restriction: None.
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