The Gunnery Staff of the School of Military Aeronautics | University of Illinois Archives
View of the Gunnery Staff with two weapons in front of an ivied building.
Caption of the opposite page reads, "On August 1, the Gunnery staff consisted of 18 Gunnery instructors, an instructor in charge of Traps, and a caretaker of Traps.
"Every instructor in the department teaches every phase of the Gunnery instruction. All committee work and all clerical work incidental to the departmental instruction is carried on by the instructors. The Gunnery instructors also act as Traps instructors under the immediate supervision of Coach Harry Gill.
"Of this group 12 are college graduates while 6 others have had two or more years of college training; 15 were teachers before taking up the work in the Gunnery Department".
Found in RS: 4/5/50, Box 9, Folder United States Army School of Military Aeronautics University of Illinois Scrapbook, Image #69