Records Relating to Alumni | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Alumni"
26 20 4 Samuel Abrams Scrapbook, 1902-06

26 20 6 Cream of Tartar Report, May 1886

26 20 7 Dan G. Swannell Letter, 1938

26 20 9 Arthur C. Braucher Papers, 1915

26 20 10 Charles W. Bailey Papers, ca. 1940

26 20 11 Herman G. James Papers, 1904-10

26 20 14 Charles A. Kiler Papers, 1868-1945

26 20 15 Everett R. Peters Papers, 1968, 1972

26 20 16 Lorado Taft Papers, 1857-1953

26 20 17 Cary C. Burford Papers, 1930-60

26 20 18 Frances Myers Bauer Papers, 1923-64

26 20 21 William M. Edens Papers, 1950-51

26 20 22 Burdette A. Johnson Papers, 1970-72

26 20 24 William J. Wardall Papers, 1931-43

26 20 25 George A. Zeller Papers, ca. 1927

26 20 27 Lloyd S. Burdick Papers, 1911-49

26 20 28 Justus F. Mueller Papers, 1972-73

26 20 29 Byron R. Lewis Papers, 1905-14

26 20 32 J. Thomas Rickman Papers, 1966-73

26 20 35 Stanley L. Kaufman Papers, 1932-50

26 20 36 Andrew G. Leary Papers, 1936-43

26 20 37 Avery Brundage Collection, 1908-82

26 20 38 Samson Raphaelson Papers, 1921-1976

26 20 40 Robert J. C. Dell Papers, 1932-72

26 20 41 Ralph O. Wertz Papers, 1925

26 20 44 David S. Malcolmson Papers, 1933-70

26 20 45 Charles W. Clabaugh Papers, 1979

26 20 46 Maria Leach Papers, 1928-75

26 20 48 Forrest I. Peters Papers, 1922-60

26 20 49 Ruth M. Van Deventer Papers, 1939-58

26 20 50 William S. Weston Papers, 1891-1935

26 20 51 Naffziger Farm Records, 1918-67

26 20 52 Richard E. Fisher Papers, ca. 1951

26 20 53 Robert A. David Papers, 1982

26 20 55 Alyene Prehn Papers, 1980

26 20 57 Mary T. Howe Papers, 1938-89

26 20 58 Andrew Barr, Jr. Papers, 1912-95

26 20 60 John V. Ross Papers, 1944, 1951-64

26 20 61 Carl L. Colwell Papers, 1962-76

26 20 62 Alda Rice Papers, 1904-86

26 20 65 John R. Case Papers, 1889-1984

26 20 67 Wilbur W. Betts Papers, 1925-37

26 20 68 Lewis Lehman Papers, 1937-79

26 20 70 Carl A. Menzel Papers, 1918-88

26 20 71 Harry Darby Papers, 1916-87

26 20 73 Glen F. Stice Papers, 1937-77

26 20 74 Howard E. Shuman Papers, 1936-90

26 20 75 John L. Strohm Papers, 1927-87

26 20 79 C. F. Marley Photographs, 1956-76

26 20 81 John L. Lynch Papers, 1989-90

26 20 82 Frank P. Rohrer Papers, 1910-20

26 20 83 Scott Mutter Papers, 1977-94

26 20 85 Lee A. Rodgers Papers, 1938-47

26 20 87 J. Frank Felter Papers, 1925-52

26 20 90 Dillon S. Brown Recollection, 1927

26 20 91 Donald S. Hoebel Interview, 1994

26 20 92 Lynn Martin Papers, 1977-92

26 20 94 Frederick W. Salogga Papers, 1940-52

26 20 95 Roslyn Rensch Papers, 1900- 1993

26 20 96 Wilson McNeil Lowry Papers, 1941-96

26 20 97 Robert S. Murdock Papers, 1926-61

26 20 98 Owen J. Reamer Papers, 1937, 1942-44

26 20 101 Hazel I. Horton Papers, 1934-88

26 20 102 Richard Butkus Papers, 1997

26 20 103 Herbert R. Hearsey Papers, 1910-2003

26 20 105 Ruth M. Bailey Papers, ca. 1922

26 20 106 Frances E. Wine Papers, 1919-1920

26 20 108 Richard N. Jones Papers, 1926-1995

26 20 110 Beatrice Horneman Papers, 1938-40

26 20 112 Maggie L. Stewart Papers, 1973, ca. 1920

26 20 113 Jo Miller Means Papers, 1936-38

26 20 114 William W. Kehoe Papers, 1964-

26 20 115 Nellie Stuart Papers, 1913-1997

26 20 116 Lawrence S. King Papers, 1946-96

26 20 117 John C. Houbolt Papers, 1932-2000, 2003

26 20 119 Roger Ebert Papers, 1995-2001

26 20 120 James B. Reston Papers, 1935-1995

26 20 123 Gordon W. Reed Papers, 1981-1989

26 20 124 William DeFotis Papers, 1953-2003

26 20 125 Jantzen Family Papers, 1943-1946, 1970

26 20 127 Albert P. Marshall Papers, 1930-2006

26 20 129 Robert T. Chapel Papers, 1947-2001

26 20 130 Paul Grady Papers, 1902-1985

26 20 131 Muriel Scheinman Papers, 1874-2002

26 20 132 James Harvey Young Papers, 1940-2000

26 20 134 George Fell Papers, 1924-2005

26 20 137 Olympic Collection, 1975-97

26 20 141 Richard K. Cook Papers, 1931-1982

26 20 142 Virgil D. Winkler Papers, 2007

26 20 143 William C. Prather Papers, 1944-1944

26 20 144 Edwin D. Lawson Papers, 2002-2007

26 20 145 Minott Silliman, Jr. Papers, 1946-1993

26 20 148 Edwin M. Adams Papers, 1962-2002

26 20 150 Myron Fink Music, 1961-2008

26 20 153 W. Elmer Ekblaw Papers, 1914

26 20 154 Marion Pedersen Teal Papers, 1947-1949

26 20 156 Chapin Family Papers, 1883-1970

26 20 157 John F. Stacks Papers, 1914-2003

26 20 158 Maurice B. Cook Papers, 1927-2011

26 20 159 Godfrey Sperling, Jr. Papers, 1931-2011

26 20 160 Harold Bruno Jr. Papers, 1950-2011

26 20 161 Clyde P. Davis Family History, 2011

26 20 163 John T. Holliday, Jr. Papers, 1987

26 20 165 Alden Gallup Roach Papers, 1943-1957

26 20 176 Haynes W. Dugan Papers, 1982-

26 20 177 Harold E. Grange Papers, 1923-91

26 20 178 John "Red" Kerr Papers, 1949-1989

26 20 180 Jean Burridge Papers, 2010

26 20 181 Richard H. DeBaugh Papers, 1989-1995

26 20 182 Donald F. Benson Papers, 1950, 1997

26 20 184 John H. Litchfield Papers, 1955-2011

26 20 185 Fidel V. Ramos Publications, 1993-2011

26 20 186 Arnold Schenk Papers, 1986-87

26 20 190 LeRoy Henry Fischer Papers, 1935-1939

26 20 191 Michael Stern Hart Papers, 1964-2010

26 20 192 Richard P Arsenty Papers, 2003-2013

26 20 195 Jack Van Camp Photographs, 1994-2001

26 20 196 Frank Appleby Papers, 1971-2013

26 20 197 Jack W Davis Papers, 1918-1982, 2006

26 20 198 James W. Snively Papers, 1916-1975

26 20 199 Laura Ethel Smith Papers, 1893-1953

26 20 200 James Russell Vaky Publications, 2001

26 20 206 Paul Karlstrom Papers, 1935-2014

26 20 207 Paul C. Schroeder Papers, 1962-2023

26 20 208 Toby Sonneman Papers, 1970-2012

26 20 212 Glenna Spitze Papers, 1942-1978

26 20 213 Ramona P. Borders Papers, 1970-2017

26 20 214 Ralph C. Hahn Papers, 1971-2014

26 20 217 Laurie Solomon Photographs, 1974-2018

26 20 218 Ivan Racheff Papers, 1915-1970

26 20 219 Marvin H. Mischnick Papers UNPROCESSED

26 20 220 Barbara Anderson Papers, 1867-2013

26 20 221 Eugene Bertin Scrapbook, 1939-2002

26 20 225 Elmer Kostka Papers, 1936-1997

26 20 227 Doug Rokke Papers, 1979-2016

26 20 232 Deborah Langerman Papers, 1964-2008

26 20 235 Patrick Grady Publications, 2020

26 20 237 Kathleen Hermesdorf Papers, 1986-2020

26 20 238 Charles Meyerson Papers, 1973-95

26 20 239 Russell A. Cone Papers, 1899-2020

26 20 241 Phil Strang Publications, 2021

26 20 242 Schulz Family Papers, 1900-1957

26 20 244 Jeff Glassman Papers, 1967-2006

26 20 245 Jon A. English Papers, 1978-1996

26 20 248 Janet Vandevender Papers, 1947-2020

26 20 250 Richmond Family Papers, 1942-2015

26 20 251 Arte Johnson Papers, 1953-2022

26 20 256 Clarence E. Smalley Papers, c. 1918

26 20 261 William Skidmore University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra Latin America Tour Reunion Records and Personal Papers, 1930-2024

26 20 262 Lester Leutwiler Chief Illiniwek Headdresses, Costume, and Accessories, ca. 1924-1928, and 1977

26 20 263 H. Leon Harter Papers, 1950-2004

26 20 267 FemTechNet Records, 2013-2015

26 20 269 Harold Dean West Papers, 1939-1961

26 20 356 George W. Parshall Papers, 1947-2019