Comptroller's Correspondence


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Subject Terms

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Collection Overview

Title: Comptroller's Correspondence, 1921-1973Add to your cart.

ID: 6/1/1

Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Vice-President for Business and Finance

Extent: 234.3 cubic feet

Arrangement: Chronolgically by academic year; by type of file; and alphabetically by subject

Subjects: Appropriations, Assembly Hall, Audits, Budget, Building Construction, Business Officers, Chicago Circle Campus, Faculty Salaries, Fees, Financial Management, Housing, Hull House, Illinois State Board of Higher Education, Insurance, Investments, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Legislation, Medical Center, Parking, Patents, Physical Facilities, Real Estate, Symphony Orchestras, Undergraduate Library

Formats/Genres: Papers

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Comptroller's subject file containing correspondence, reports and publications about appropriations; accident reports; audits; annual meetings of Big Ten business officers; bonds; budgets; building programs, including Assembly Hall, Chicago Circle campus and Hull House restoration, Undergarduate Library, Illini Union addition, and Krannert Center for the Performing Arts; Chicago operations; revision of textbook College and University Business Administration; contracts; enrollments; fees; Illinois Board of Higher Education; Illinois Crime Commission investigations of subversive groups; insurance; inventories; investments; Krebiozen controversy; land acquisition; leaves; legislation; the Governmental Relations Committee of the National Association of College and University Business Officers; non-academic personnel; physical plant; purchasing; residence halls; salaries; scholarships; symphony orchestras; taxes; travel expense; vacations; wages; monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reprots; and University YMCA. Through 1957-58 only, the series is divided into annual subject files and annual files of reports and statements. The series includes correspondence with the President, deans, department heads, state and federal legislators, vendors, and officials at other universities.

Biographical Note

Until August 1, 1973, the vice-president and comptroller served as the general fiscal officer of the Board of Trustees and the general business officer of the university. The duties included approving expenditures for appropriated funds, reporting to the Board on financial and operational conditions, assisting the President in preparing budgets, installing business procedures and accounting systems, and maintaining financial records.1 Although the Board changed the name of the Office of Vice-President and Comptroller to the Office of Financial Affairs on April 19, 1972, no substantive change of the Vice President's duties was involved.2 On July 18, 1973 the Board approved the consolidation of the Office of Financial Affairs into the Office of Planning and Allocation.3 Offices reporting to the Vice-President of Planning and Allocation included Administration Data Processing, Auditor, Business Affairs, Capital Programs, Computer Coordination, Financial Affairs, Management Information Systems, Non-academic Personnel, Planning, the Chief Accountant, and the Illinois Education Consortium for Computer Services.4 On May 21, 1975 the Board changed the title of the Vice-President for Planning and Allocation to Vice-President for Administration.5 In order to more accurately represent the scope of the Vice President's duties as both Comptroller and general business officer, the Board of Trustees changed the title of the office from Vice President for Administration to Executive Vice President on June 21, 1980.6 On October 21, 1982, the Board split the responsibilities carried by the office into two administrative positions -- Vice President for Business and Finance and Vice President for Administration.7 At a November 18, 1982 meeting the Board recommended that the Vice President for Business and Finance continue to assume the title and duties of Comptroller as provided in the Trustees by-laws.8 The Vice President for Business and Finance presided over Administrative Information Systems and Services, Capital Programs, Business and Financial Affairs, Audits, Personnel Services, Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity.9 The Vice President for Business and Finance, oversees the business operations at university campuses, maintains the systems through which the university administers its affairs, determines how records will be kept and authorizes purchases, contracts and leases.10

1. Board of Trustees Transactions, 38th Report, March 10, 1936, p.593; Statutes & General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, p. 36.

2. Board of Trustees Transactions, 56th Report, April 19, 1972, pp. 586-587.

3. Board of Trustees Transactions, 57th Report, July 18,1973, pp. 322-323.

4. Student-Staff Directory, 1973-74, p. 25.

5. Board of Trustees Transactions, 58th Report, May 21, 1975, p. 278.

6. Board of Trustees Transactions, 60th Report, June 21, 1980, pp. 636-37.

7. Board of Trustees Transactions, 62nd Report, October 21, 1982, p. 71.

8. Board of Trustees Transactions, 62nd Report, November 18, 1982, pp. 92-3.

9. Staff-Student Directory 1983-1984, p.41.

10. General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, July 14, 1988, p. 2-3.

Subject/Index Terms

Assembly Hall
Building Construction
Business Officers
Chicago Circle Campus
Faculty Salaries
Financial Management
Hull House
Illinois State Board of Higher Education
Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Medical Center
Physical Facilities
Real Estate
Symphony Orchestras
Undergraduate Library

Administrative Information

Repository: University of Illinois Archives

Accruals: 1969-70; 9/24/81; 3/25/82

Other Note: 97 Pages

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