Title: Space Inventories and Summaries, 1964-91
ID: 24/5/10
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Office of Facility Planning and Management
Extent: 21.2 cubic feet
Arrangement: Chronological
Subjects: Housing, Housing Standards, Space Utilization
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Space Inventories including copies of computer printer listings of net assignable square feet by building, department and type of use; summaries and classifications of space allocations according to U.S. Office of Education standards and inventories of housing space by building, department and room use. Since 1989, the Archives keeps odd years and Space Office retains even years.
Established in 1957 as the Central Office on the Use of Space, and responsible at that time to the Executive Vice-President and Provost, the Office of Space Utilization received its present name December 1, 1967.1 The responsibility of additional duties and the establishment of the Chancellor system necessitated the division of the Central Office on the Use of Space into the Office of Space Utilization and the Office of Space Programming. The change in names took place within the Central Office and the Board of Trustees never granted official approval.2
The Director of the Office of Space Utilization is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs. In practice, the Office of Space Utilization is closely associated with both the Vice-Chancellor for Administrative Affairs and the Vice-Chancellor for Campus Affairs. The Director oversees the total operation of the Office which includes: the Space Inventory and Remodeling Section; the Space Planning and Projection Section; the Timetable Section; and the Reservation Section.3
1. Interview with William E. Stallman, Director of the Office of Space Utilization, February 13, 1976.
2. Ibid.
3. The Office of Space Utilization, office notes.
Repository: University of Illinois Archives
Accruals: 1/8/1985; 2/23/88; 1/15/91
Other Note: 1 Pages
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/2405010.pdf
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