Senate Minutes, Agendas and Communications


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Subject Terms

Administrative Information

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Collection Overview

Title: Senate Minutes, Agendas and Communications, 1901-2018Add to your cart.

ID: 4/2/1

Primary Creator: Faculty and Student Senate

Extent: 24.0 cubic feet

Arrangement: Chronological

Subjects: Academic Calendar, Academic Freedom, Admissions, Athletics, Budget, Council of Administration, Degrees, Honorary, Educational Policy, Elections, English Language Education, Equal Opportunity, Faculty Benefits, Honors, Library, Retirement, Student Affairs, Student Discipline, University Senate

Formats/Genres: Papers

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Clerk's official (1901-78) and Secretary's distributed (1926-46, 1951- ) copies of minutes of regular bimonthly and special meetings of the University Senate, copies of agenda for the Urbana-Champaign Senate meetings with communications to members from the secretary and clerk relating to meetings; abbreviated and approved minutes; resolutions; proposals; proceedings; reports of committees on academic calendar, academic freedom, admissions, athletics and recreation, budget, educational policy, elections and credentials, equal opportunity, faculty benefits, honorary degrees, honors, library, resolutions, retirement, student affairs, student discipline, student English, University Calendar and University Statutes and Senate Procedures and related reports, exhibits, lists and correspondence. The minutes include material relating to admission and degree requirements, new academic programs, new members, committee assignments and memorials for deceased faculty members. Memorials for deceased members are filed in RS 4/7/05. Minutes prior to 1957 include faculty of the Chicago campuses. Minutes for 1930-46 are carbon copies of the typewritten proceedings and do not contain committee reports and other attachments. The series includes a microfilm copy of Senate minutes (Sept. 13, 1901-Feb. 13, 1961). The Clerk's officials copies are indexed for 1901-34. The series succeeds the Faculty Record, 1868-1901 (RS 4/1/1).

Biographical Note

<p class='main'>On March 11, 1869 the Board of Trustees entrusted the day to day governance of the Illinois Industrial University to an appointed Regent and the faculty.<a href='#ftn1'><sup>1</sup></a> In 1877 the Board clarified the duties of this group by charging it with the "immediate control of the discipline and studies" of the University. The Board further stated that its members should consist of professors, assistants, and instructors and that it should meet once a month.<a href='#ftn2'><sup>2</sup></a> The Faculty Senate was created in 1901 when the Board decided to restrict membership to administrators (president, vice president) and to deans, ranking professors, chairmen or heads of each of the departments. The name of the group changed from "General Faculty" to "University Senate".<a href='#ftn3'><sup>3</sup></a> In 1906 membership requirements were changed to include only full professors.<a href='#ftn4'><sup>4</sup></a> In 1908, the purpose of the senate was restated as exercising "general legislative functions" concerning "the educational policy of the University".<a href='#ftn5'><sup>5</sup></a></p>

<p class='main'>Due to the increase in the size of the University, the Faculty Senate was split into three groups--a senate for each campus: Urbana-Champaign, Chicago Professional Colleges, and Chicago Undergraduate Division.<a href='#ftn6'><sup>6</sup></a> In 1967 the membership requirements were changed to allow associate and assistant professors to elect one member for each ten of their number per department.<a href='#ftn7'><sup>7</sup></a> In 1968 students, as members of committees were given the right to vote on matters of concern of those committees.<a href='#ftn8'><sup>8</sup></a> In 1971, the Board voted to abolish the membership requrements of the constitution of the Senate and to allow each campus unit to establish its own, separate senate which would, in turn, set its own membership requirements. In 1971 the Board accepted the constitution of the Urbana-Champaign Senate.<a href='#ftn9'><sup>9</sup></a> It accepted Chicago Medical Center's in 1973,<a href='#ftn10'><sup>10</sup></a> and Chicago Circle's in 1974.<a href='#ftn11'><sup>11</sup></a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn1'>1.  Board of Trustees Transactions, 2nd Report, March 11, 1869, p. 90.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn2'>2.  Board of Trustees Transactions, 9th Report, September 11, 1877, pp. 45-46.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn3'>3.  Board of Trustees Transactions, 21st Report, June 11, 1901, p. 86.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn4'>4.  Board of Trustees Transactions, 23rd Report, March 13, 1906, p. 328.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn5'>5.  Board of Trustees Transactions, 25th Report, December 28, 1908, p. 54.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn6'>6.  Board of Trustees Transactions, 49th Report, February 14, 1951, p. 261.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn7'>7.  Board of Trustees Transactions, 54th Report, April 19, 1967, p. 490.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn8'>8.  Board of Trustees Transactions, 55th Report, April 9, 1969, p. 367.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn9'>9.  Board of Trustees Transactions, 56th Report, March 17, 1971, pp. 251-54.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn10'>10.  Board of Trustees Transactions, 57th Report, June 20, 1973, p. 296.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn11'>11.  Board of Trustees Transactions, 57th Report, March 20, 1974, p. 517.</a></p>

Subject/Index Terms

Academic Calendar
Academic Freedom
Council of Administration
Degrees, Honorary
Educational Policy
English Language Education
Equal Opportunity
Faculty Benefits
Student Affairs
Student Discipline
University Senate

Administrative Information

Repository: University of Illinois Archives

Accruals: 9/63; 1/6/65; 12/85; 12/97; 7/06; 12/06; 4/14

Finding Aid Revision History: SFA updated 1/2007.

Other Note: 6 Pages

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