Title: Council of Administration Minutes, 1894-1931
ID: 3/1/1
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. University Council
Extent: 15.2 cubic feet
Arrangement: Chronological
Subjects: Admissions, Athletics, Discipline, Financial Aid, Probation, Academic, Student Affairs, Student Loans, University Council
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Council of Administration minute books, including committee reports, lists, petitions and correspondence concerning policy changes; admissions and accreditation (petitions for waiver or alteration of requirements); student disciplinary matters (probation and dismissal); student loans; fellowships; conferring of degrees; athletics; military affairs; students' welfare; press notices; and advanced standings.
Volumes 2-22 (1900-22) contain alphabetical subject indices. Series also includes three volumes of indices for the years 1894-1931 and microfilm copies (.6) of all minute books.
The University Council consisted of the President; the Provost; the Comptroller; the Chancellors in charge of the Medical Center, Chicago Circle and Urbana-Champaign campuses; the deans and directors of independently organized schools, divisions and institutes; officers who report directly to the President and five members chosen by the University Senates. It acted as adviser to the President and made general budgetary recommendations to him. The Council may elect a Consultative Committee to advise the President. The University Council, successor of the University Council on Administration, served as a consultative, advisory and decision-making body on a University-wide basis. At their meeting of June 11, 1969, the members of the Council unanimously recommended that the Council be dissolved. On July 23, 1969, the Board of Trustees approved the recommendation.
Consultative Committee: From 1950 to 1965, the Committee was known as the Executive Committee.
Academic Advisory Council
Financial Aid
Probation, Academic
Student Affairs
Student Loans
University Council
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/0301001.pdf
PDF finding aid for Council of Administration Minutes (3/1/1)