Title: Safety Conference Program Announcements, 1950, 1954

Administrative History of Creating Unit
In 1914, the University gave attention to engineering extension activities that included conferences and short courses, institutes, correspondence courses, defense training and visual instruction.1 In 1941 Engineering Extension was established as part of the Division of University Extension.2 It stemmed from the World War II Engineering Science and Management Training War Program. From 1941 to 1945, Engineering Extension prepared outlines and syllabi for and supervised instruction of classes in war plants in Illinois. After the war, Engineering Extension helped organize refresher courses for the candidates for the State Professional Engineers License. After 1949, courses were administered through the Division and taught by College of Engineering Faculty. This program has prepared thousands of graduate engineers to take tests designed to give them professional status. As of June 1, 1968, the Engineering Extension in the Division of University Extension served as the coordinating agency for all engineering extension efforts. Its thrust was directed toward extramural credit and non-credit classes for professional and prospective engineers while the Professional Engineer course was continued.3 In 1973, Engineering Extension became part of Office of Continuing Education and Public Service.4 In 1977, the Professional Engineering Course, a major thrust of the Engineering Extension, was being offered in thirteen locations in the state.5
1. Helen Farlow, History-The University of Illinois-Division of University Extension 1933-68--A Progress Report, p. 43.
2. Ibid., p.72.
3. Ibid., p.43.
4. University of Illinois Division of University Extension, 40th Anniversary Annual Report 1972-73, p.1
5. University of Illinois Extramural Classes and College of Engineering Announcement--Professional Engineer Course, Spring Semester, 1977.