General Correspondence


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Subject Terms

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Collection Overview

Title: General Correspondence, 1946-1953Add to your cart.

ID: 2/10/1

Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Office of the University President

Extent: 79.3 cubic feet

Arrangement: Chronologically by academic year and alphabetically thereunder

Subjects: Agricultural Education, Allerton Park, American Council on Education, Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities, Athletics, Budget, Building Program, Buildings, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Engineering Education, Galesburg Branch, Higher Education, Housing, Legislature, Military Training, Research and Development, Secondary Schools, Trustees, Board of

Formats/Genres: Papers

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

General correspondence or subject file of President George D. Stoddard including correspondence, reports, memoranda, publications and files received from or sent to trustees, deans, other university administrators, faculty and the public concerning admissions policies and enrollment statistics; reports of colleges, schools, institutes, bureaus and departments; alumni activities; American Council on Education, Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities and other associations of universities and university administrators; athletic boards, relations and contests; budgets; audits and financial reports; building program; Chicago and Galesburg branches; Chicago professional Colleges; commencement; committees; relations with trustees, provost, comptroller and deans; extension work and Allerton Park; high school relations; housing; state departments and federal agencies; inaugurations at other colleges and universities; invitations and engagements to speak at public meetings; non-academic personnel; physical plant; recommendations for purchase and vouchers; University Foundations; General Assembly visits and sessions and legislative bills; gifts and estates; monthly trustees meetings; sabbatical leave requests and reports; military training; state natural resources surveys; scholarships; University Senate; summer session; public information and similar administrative affairs.

This general subject file contains significant material on educational policy changes, trustees meetings and the 1950-51 College of Commerce controversy.

Biographical Note

The President is the principal administrative officer of the University and a member of the faculty of each college, school, institute and division.1 The original charter designated the chief executive officer of the university as regent but this title was changed to President in 1894.2 The President is elected by the Board of Trustees and is responsible to them for the operation of the university.3 The President prepares budgets for presentation to the board, recommends persons to the Board for appointment to University positions, and is responsible for the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the University.4 On recommendation of the appropriate Senate and by authority of the Trustees, the President issues diplomas conferring degrees.5

This unit covers:

2/0 Reports of the President

2/1 John M. Gregory, April 1, 1867 - June 9, 1880 (Effective September 1,1880)

2/2 Selim H. Peabody, July 27, 1880 (Pro tempore) March 9, 1881 - June 10, 1891 (Effective September 1, 1891)

2/3 Thomas J. Burrill, August 7, 1891 - 1894 (Acting) April 1, 1904 - August 26, 1904 (Acting)

2/4 Andrew S. Draper, April 13, 1894 (Took office August 1, 1894) - April 1, 1904

2/5 Edmund J. James, August 26, 1904 - March 3, 1920 (Effective September 1, 1920)

2/6 David Kinley, September 1, 1920 - July 1, 1930

2/7 Harry W. Chase, July 5, 1930 - January 25, 1933 (Effective July 10, 1933)

2/8 Arthur H. Daniels, July 11, 1933 - June 30, 1934 (Acting)

2/9 Arthur C. Willard, July 1, 1934 - June 30, 1946

2/10 George D. Stoddard, July 1, 1946 - August 31, 1953

2/11 Lloyd Morey, September 1, 1953 (Acting) February 1, 1954 - August 31, 1955

2/12 David D. Henry, September 1, 1955 - August 31, 1971

2/13 John E. Corbally, Jr., September 1, 1971 - August 31, 1979

2/14 Stanley O. Ikenberry, September 1, 1979 ?

1. University of Illinois Statutes, July 18, 1979, Section 2, p. 3.

2. Board of Trustees Transactions, 17th Report, August 1, 1894, p. 269.

3. University of Illinois Statutes, July 18, 1979, Section 2, p. 3.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid., p. 3-4

Subject/Index Terms

Agricultural Education
Allerton Park
American Council on Education
Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities
Building Program
Commerce and Business Administration, College of
Engineering Education
Galesburg Branch
Higher Education
Military Training
Research and Development
Secondary Schools
Trustees, Board of

Administrative Information

Repository: University of Illinois Archives

Accruals: ca. February 28, 1964

Other Note: 34 Pages

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