Title: Daily Flight and Aircraft Rental Records, 1947-62

Chronological then alphabetical
Administrative History of Creating Unit
Dedicated on October 26, 1945, "the University of Illinois Airport was conceived and has been developed to implement a comprehensive program of education and research in aeronautics and to provide commercial and private landing facilities for the promotion of air transportation and national defense."1 On October 18, 1961, it was renamed the University of Illinois-Willard Airport in honor of Arthur Willard who was president of the University (1934-36) and instrumental in the airport's establishment.2
Airport Plant and Services, a department of the Aviation Institute, has the responsiblity of maintaining and planning the physical plant which serves the Research, Academics, Flight Services and Aircraft Maintenance departments of the Institute.3
1. "Dedication of the University of Illinois Airport" Brochure, October 26, 1945, Airport Dedication File, RS 20/3/0/5, p. 8.
2. Board of Trustees Transactions, 51st Report, October 18, 1961, p. 1157.
3. "Welcome" Brochure, c. 1970, Bulletins Files, RS 20/1/0/1, p. 6.