Records Relating to Physics Department | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Physics Department" Show Name Authority File
11 10 10 Betatron Project Records, 1941-1945

11 10 11 Betatron Correspondence, 1938-1970

11 10 17 Symposium Recordings, 1976

11 10 18 CSX-1 Computer File, 1961-81

11 10 20 John Bardeen Papers, 1910-2018

11 10 21 Robert D. Hill Papers, 1947-1965

11 10 22 F. Wheeler Loomis Papers, 1920-1976

11 10 23 Frederick Seitz Papers, 1935-1965

11 10 24 Floyd R. Watson Papers, 1900-76

11 10 25 Albert Wattenberg Papers, 1934-2007

11 10 26 Jakob Kunz Papers, 1908-1938

11 10 27 Albert P. Carman Papers, 1905-1912

11 10 28 P. Gerald Kruger Papers, 1902-2000

11 10 29 Ernest M. Lyman Papers, 1962-1972

11 10 31 Leo S. Lavatelli Papers, 1940-78

11 10 34 Peter Axel Papers, 1940-82

11 10 35 Dillon E. Mapother Papers, 1962-80

11 10 36 Louis J. Koester Papers, 1951-85

11 10 38 David C. Lazarus Papers, 1945-87

11 10 40 Hans Frauenfelder Papers, 1940-95

11 10 41 Donald M. Ginsberg Papers, 1959-97

11 10 42 Paul Handler Papers, 1955-1995

11 10 43 Glenn Mann Papers, 1960-2001

11 10 44 E. Atlee Jackson Papers, 1956-2005

11 10 47 Andrew V. Granato Papers, 1954-2013

11 10 51 Shau-Jin Chang Papers, 1964-2000

11 10 88 Laser Bibliographies, 1966-75

11 10 90 Centennial History File, 1990-91

11 10 801 Programs and Announcements, 1919, 1959-

11 10 803 Departmental Issuances, 1954-

11 10 805 Testimonials and Memorials, 1976-

11 10 809 Laboratory Course Materials, 1942-2006

11 10 815 Technical Reports, 1954-