Fell, George B. (1916-1994) | University of Illinois Archives

Name: Fell, George B. (1916-1994)

Historical Note:

Brief Timeline:

September 27, 1916- George Fell born in Elgin, Illinois to Olive Elizabeth and Egbert W. Fell.

1938- Received B.S. in botany from University of Illinois.

1940- Received M.S. in wildlife management from University of Michigan.

1940-41- Taught science at West High School, Rockford, Illinois.

1941-45- Assigned to Civilian Public Service.

1946-48- Worked as lab technician, Rockford Public Health Department.

1948- Marries Barbara Garst. 1948-49- Soil conservationist, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Pekin, Illinois.

1949- Elected vice president of Ecologists Union.

1950- Sets up office in Washington. Ecologists Union changes name to The Nature Conservancy.

1951- The Nature Conservancy formally incorporated.

1951-53- Secretary, The Nature Conservancy.

1953-58- Executive Director, The Nature Conservancy.

1958- Returns to Rockford, Illinois, establishes Natural Land Institute.

1959- Treasurer, Prairie Chicken Foundation.

1960-62- Secretary, Illinois Chapter of The Nature Conservancy.

1961-69- Chairman, Citizens Committee for Nature Preservation.

1961-63- Co-authors and helps obtain passage of Illinois Conservation District Act and of the bill forming Illinois Nature Preserves Commission.

1964-69- Secretary, Illinois Nature Preserves Commission.

1969-82- Executive Secretary, Illinois Nature Preserves Commission.

1975-78- Natural Land Institute undertakes inventory of natural areas of Illinois.

1977-78- Natural Land Institute compiles Illinoisâ?? first endangered species list.

1978-90- Secretary and Executive Financial Officer, Natural Areas Association.

1994- Death.

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