Search Results | University of Illinois Archives
Searching for Subject: Films

- Faculty and Student Senate
Urbana-Champaign General Boards and Committees
- Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences
Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department
- Education
Bureau of Educational Research
- Bennett Tarleton Papers, 1972-80
- Bennett Tarleton Papers, 1972-80
- Education
Committee on School Mathematics (UICSM)
- Films Project File, 1958-1966
- Films Project File, 1958-1966
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
School of Music
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
University Bands
- College of Media
Dean's Office
- College of Media
Division of University Broadcasting
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
Slavic Languages and Literature Department
- Stephen P. Hill Papers, 1936-2010
- Stephen P. Hill Papers, 1936-2010
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
Communications Department
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
Genetics and Development Department
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
Asian Studies Center
- Japanese Tapes, 1929-2006
- Japanese Tapes, 1929-2006
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
School of Humanities
- Macguffin, 1973-75
- Cinema Studies Issuances and Announcements, 1973-74
- Macguffin, 1973-75
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
NCTE: Executive Director and Offices
- NCTE/Projects File, 1959-1982
- NCTE/Projects File, 1959-1982
- Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Director's Office
- Alumni Association
- Continuing Education & Public Service
Visual Aids Service
- Film/Video Center Publications, 1938-92
- Lens and Speaker, 1939-50, 1964-81
- Audio-Visual Aids Catalogs, 1934-90
- Subject Catalogs, 1958-92
- Video Sales Catalogs, 1983, 1986-92
- Film/Video Center Publications, 1938-92
- University Library
Departmental Library Services
- Student Affairs
Programs and Services, Office of the Dean of Students
- Subject File, 1952, 1963-1984
- Subject File, 1952, 1963-1984
- Student Affairs
Student Scrapbooks and Papers
- Hussey Family Papers, 1879-2000
- Hussey Family Papers, 1879-2000
- Student Affairs
Student Org-Cultural, International, and Language
- Student Affairs
North-American Interfraternity Conference
- Student Affairs
ATO Administrative Staff and Services
- University of Illinois at Chicago
Instructional Resources Office
- Film Catalogs, 1969-
- Film Catalogs, 1969-

- Search image thumbnails (17 or more images found)
- The Apollo Deception
- Audio-Visual Aids Service
- CEMREL Aesthetic Education Program Audio Recordings (Digital Surrogates)
- Color of Pomegranates
- Joseph T. Tykociner Papers (Audiovisual Digital Surrogates)
- Library Audiovisual Presentations (Digital Surrogates)
- Maggie Whipple
- Roger Ebert (2)
- Roger Ebert's Film Festival Audiovisual Materials (Digital Surrogates)
- University Newsreels Files (Audiovisual Digital Surrogates)
- Visual Aids Service fire damage
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