Description: Argonne Universities Association Archives, including records of the Argonne Universities Association (1965-82) and its predecessors, Associated Midwest Universities (1958-68) and Council of Participating Institutions (1946-58), relating to the use of Argonne National Laboratory (1947-82) by thirty research-oriented universities. Funded by the federal Atomic Energy Commission/Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory was operated by the University of Chicago and managed by the Argonne Universities Association under a Tripartite Contract (1965-82). The
. . . morearchives include correspondence, minutes reports, publications, photographs, statements and financial records relating to nuclear reactor development; review committees for ANL divisions and programs; research and development in high energy physics; biomedical, energy and environmental research; membership; personnel serving on review and special committees; institutional interaction; and the operation of the Experimental Breeder Reactor (1951- ), Zero Gradient Synchrotron (1957- ) and Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Facility (1976- ). The archives also contain material on accelerators, publica policy, other national laboratories, institutional cooperation, nuclear engineering education (1955-82), reactor analysis and safety (1978-80), high voltage electron microscopy (1977-82), magnetohydrodynamics (1978-82) and research in solid state science (1961-82), radiological physics (1964-78), metallurgy (1965-69), materials science (1968-82), computer science (1969-79), applied mathematics (1978-82) and fusion (1979-82).