Collection Overview
Title: Earl M. Hughes Papers, 1948-86
ID: 1/20/11
Primary Creator: Hughes, Earl Mulford (1907-)
Extent: 2.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Chronological and alphabetical by correspondent thereunder
Subjects: Admissions, Agricultural Marketing, Agricultural Policy, Agriculture, United States Department of, Aviation, Institute of, Banking, Illinois Bell Telephone Company, Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE), President, Selection of, Republican Party, Retirement System, Seed Corn, Student Demonstrations, Trustees, Board of
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Papers of Earl M. Hughes '29, trustees (1957-75), President of the Board of Trustees (1963-75) university representative on the Illinois Board of Higher Education and President of the State Universities Retirement System, including correspondence relating to the Board of Trustees, university policies, Illinois Board of Higher Education, student demonstrations, selection of President Corbally, faculty, Universities Retirement System, farming, seed corn, agricultural marketing, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Indian agriculture, Farm Foundation, Republican Party, banking, Illinois Bell Telephone Company and related topics.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
PDF Box/Folder List
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Correspondence File],
- Series 1: Correspondence File

- Box 1

- Folder 1: A-Z, 1948-1950, 1952-53

- Folder 2: Ackerman - Eshelman, 1954-56

- Folder 3: Benson, Ezra T., 1954-56

- Folder 4: Findlen - Koeller, 1954-56

- Folder 5: Lewis - Prichard, 1954-56

- Folder 6: Rehling - Zeiss, 1954-56

- Folder 7: Ackerman - Griffin, 1957-61

- Folder 8: Harper - Luhnow, 1957-62

- Folder 9: McCan - Philipp, 1957-61

- Folder 10: Rehling - Wood, 1957-61

- Folder 11: Adams - Dilliard, 1961, 1965-66, 1968-69

- Folder 12: Gaines - Lyman, 1961, 1965-66, 1968-69

- Folder 13: Mather - Russell, 1961, 1965-66, 1968-69

- Folder 14: Sabol - Zimmerman, 1961, 1965-66, 1968-69

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Abbott - Americana, 1970-76

- Folder 2: Alexander, D.E., 1970-75

- Folder 3: Anderson - Ayers, 1970-75

- Folder 4: Aviation, Institute of, 1974

- Folder 5: Babcock - Baughman, 1970-75

- Folder 6: Bargh, George H., 1970-75

- Folder 7: Bateman, H. Paul, 1970-75

- Folder 8: Beasley - Beton, 1970-76

- Folder 9: Begando, Joseph S., 1972-75

- Folder 10: Bennett, Charles Dana, 1972-77

- Folder 11: Bentley, Orville G., 1970-75

- Folder 12: Biagini - Boyer, 1970-75

- Folder 13: Brachman - Buss, 1970-76

- Folder 14: Brown, Charles L., 1970-74

- Box 2

- Folder 1: title, dates

- Folder 15: Butz, Earl L., 1970-75

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Callahan - Clement, 1970-73

- Folder 2: Cheston, Warren B., 1972-75

- Folder 3: Clements, George L., 1970-73

- Folder 4: Coldwell - Cooper, 1970-75

- Folder 5: Corbally, John E., 1971-77

- Folder 6: Costello - Curtiss, 1970-75

- Folder 7: Dailey - Dietz, 1970-76

- Folder 8: Diggins - Donnewald, 1970-76

- Folder 9: DiIorio, Dorothy, 1972-75

- Folder 10: Donovan - Dyson, 1971-75

- Folder 11: Duncan, Edward J., 1971-774

- Folder 12: Ebersold, Charles W., 1971-75

- Folder 13: Eckert - Eighmey, 1970-75

- Folder 14: Elson - Evans, 1970-76

- Folder 15: English, Harlan, 1970-72

- Folder 16: Faivre - First, 1970-75

- Folder 17: Farber, Harold O., 1970-73

- Folder 18: Fischer - Floeter, 1970-76

- Folder 19: Flynn, Charles E., 1971-74

- Folder 20: Ford - Fyffe, 1970-76

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Gable - Getzelman, 1970-72

- Folder 2: Garvey, William H. Jr., 1971-74

- Folder 3: Gibala, Edward S., 1971-76

- Folder 4: Giles - Gordon, 1970-76

- Folder 5: Glennon, W. Ed, 1972-74

- Folder 6: Grabowski - Guillou, 1970-75

- Folder 7: Habeck, Roy J., 1974-75

- Folder 8: Hackman - Hanson, 1970-73

- Folder 9: Hahn, Ralph C., 1970-73

- Folder 10: Haraburda - Heckmann, 1970-76

- Folder 11: Hedlund - Hirschfeld, 1970-75

- Folder 12: Henry, David D., 1970-71

- Folder 13: Henry, David D., 1972-76

- Folder 14: Holcomb - Hunter, 1970-77

- Folder 15: Holderman, James B., 1970-73

- Folder 16: Holditch, Stanley N., 1971-74

- Folder 17: Hughes, Earl M., 1974, 1985

- Folder 18: Hughes, Earl M., Manuscripts & Papers, 1945, 1954-64, 1970-73

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Illinois - Izard, 1971-77

- Folder 2: Jackson - Jaster, 1970-76

- Folder 3: Johansen - Jugenheimer, 1970-76

- Folder 4: Kaim - Kneer, 1970-76

- Folder 5: Koch - Kyle, 1970-75

- Folder 6: Lampert - Lewis, 1970-75

- Folder 7: Lindsay - Lyman, 1970-76

- Folder 8: MacArthur - Mazewski, 1970-76

- Folder 9: Marcus, Gilbert, 1974

- Folder 10: Mather, Forrest, 1972-73

- Folder 11: McBain - McQuate, 1970-76

- Folder 12: Means - Moylan, 1970-75

- Folder 13: Miller, Clarence L., 1970-75

- Folder 14: Muehling - Myers, 1970-75

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Neal - Nye, 1970-71

- Folder 2: Oathout - Ormiston, 1970-76

- Folder 3: Ogilvie, Richard B., 1970-72

- Folder 4: Paarlberg - Peasley, 1970-75

- Folder 5: Peltason, Jack W., 1970-75

- Folder 6: Pendleton - Petty, 1971-76

- Folder 7: Pendleton, Edmund, 1970-76

- Folder 8: Physical Education - Polk, 1971-77

- Folder 9: Porter - Purchasing, 1971-77

- Folder 10: Porter, Earl W., 1970

- Folder 11: President, Consultative Committee on Selection of -

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Correspondence, April 11 - September 11, 1970

- Folder 2: Correspondence, September 11, 1970 - February 18, 1971

- Folder 3: Candidates, Aldrich - Young, 1970-71

- Folder 12: Quasl, 1974

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Rader - Reynolds, 1970-75

- Folder 2: Rader, Jane Hayes, 1972,1974-76

- Folder 3: Rice - Rowley, 1970-74

- Folder 4: Rubens - Ryerson, 1970-74

- Folder 5: Salisbury, Glenn W., 1971-73

- Folder 6: Samlin - Sauer, 1970-76

- Folder 7: Schacht - Scudder, 1970-75

- Folder 8: Sechriest - Shay, 1970-77

- Folder 9: Shelden - Sisler, 1970-76

- Folder 10: Shuman, Charles B., 1972-77

- Folder 11: Shipley - Smith, 1970-76

- Folder 12: Smith, Kathryn W., 1973

- Folder 13: Snapp - Springer, 1970-76

- Folder 14: Stalnaker - Stice, 1970-76

- Folder 15: Stipes - Strand, 1970-76

- Folder 16: Strohm - Szlachta, 1970-75

- Folder 17: Strohm, John, 1970-75

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Tamburo - Threlfall, 1970-76

- Folder 2: Tibbetts - Tyrrel, 1970-76

- Folder 3: Thorne, Marlowe D., 1970-75

- Folder 4: Trustees, Documents, 1970

- Folder 5: Trustees, Student Membership on University Board of -- Senate Committee Testimony on House Bill 1628, 1973

- Folder 6: Uhll - Urion, 1970-73

- Folder 7: VanDusen - Voris, 1970-77

- Folder 8: Wachtel - Watkins, 1970-76

- Folder 9: Walker, Earl E., 1970-72

- Folder 10: Watson - Wise, 1970-76

- Folder 11: Wolf - Worthy, 1970-73

- Folder 12: Yale - Young, 1970-76

- Folder 13: Zeta - Zewiner, 1970-72

- Folder 14: Butz, E.L.; Corbally, J.E.; Henry, D.D.; Olson, J.; Porter, E., 1980-86

Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Correspondence File],