Description: Materials from the office of Mary Mallory, former Associate Professor of Library Administration and Head of the Government Documents Library. Contains Documents at Illinois (1950-1964), Documents Division Serials Department Manual (August 1973), Collections Acquired by the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign, 1897-1974, a catalog compiled by Jean A. Major (1974), Factfinder for the Nation (February 1980-August 1991), Subject Index to Current Population Reports, US Department of Commerce, Series P-23 No. 174 (July 1991), IGO Documents at the UIUC Library: A Report to the University Librarian by David Griffiths and Rebecca Routh (May 20, 1995), Government Documents Library Annual Reports, prepared by Mary Mallory (1995-2004), National Technical Information Service (NTIS, 1999), Government Documents Library fact sheet (2007-2008), 2009 Biennial Survey of Federal Depository Libraries & Library Needs Assessment.