By Daniel Meyer, JinKyung Lee, Carol Berthold
Collection Overview
Title: Laurie Solomon Photographs, 1974-2018
ID: 26/20/217
Extent: 1.15 cubic feet
Arrangement: Organized into two series. Series 1: music photographs, photographs of jazz performances taken at Nature's Table and photographs of local rock bands and performances. Series 2: non-music photographs, portraits, commercial photography, travel photographs, photographs of University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, family photographs, and community photographs from a News-Gazette series.
Date Acquired: 03/15/2019
Subjects: Blues-rock music, Jazz, Local History, News-Gazette, Champaign-Urbana, Photographs, Photography, Popular Music--Illinois--Urbana-Champaign, Restaurants, Rock Music
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of photographs and digital files taken by Laurie Solomon. Most of the photographs were taken at the Nature's Table restaurant after his time serving as its night manager. The photographs also include work from his portrait studio and work done as a commercial photographer, as well as vacation photographs, and photographs of family and friends. The digital files are videos and jpg and tiff images.
Collection Historical Note
Laurie Solomon was born in 1942 in Wilmington, Delaware. Solomon graduated from the University of Delaware in 1964 with two undergraduate degrees in political science and sociology. After matriculating into the master's degree program in political science at the University of Illinois, he obtained ABD status on a PhD in political science in 1968. Although he never completed his dissertation, he was formally awarded his master's degree in 1976. Solomon took a variety of jobs in the early 1970s unrelated to his degree areas. It was through this exploration into other career options that he became fascinated with photographic technology and the chemical process of developing photographs. Solomon acted as a freelance photographer until 1984 when he opened his first studio. Although he was never formally trained as a photographer and never worked for a professional studio other than his own, Solomon cites Ed Dessen of Illini Studios, William Morrow of Gliessman Studios, and both Jerry Thompson and Lou McClellan of Thompson-McClellan Studios as influences to his success.
Around 1982, Solomon also became the night manager for Nature's Table. It was here that he began to use his skills as a photographer to capture some of the musical performances that were occurring at the Restaurant. Solomon has maintained an active interest in filming Jazz and Rock musicians throughout his career as a photographer and has shot photographs of such musicians and ensembles as: Shirley Blankenship, The John Campbell Trio, Ron Dewar, the Ethnic Heritage Ensemble, the Heartland Jazz Orchestra, Jeff Hegelson, Donnie Heitler, Dorothy Martirano, The New Orleans Jazz Machine, Morgan Powell, Peter "Madcat" Ruth, Ray Sasaki, Guido Sinclair, and Surreal Deal. In addition to his interest in filming musical performances, Solomon has also created photographic artworks, landscapes, and portraits. In the 1990s, he began receiving commercial, municipal, and private photography commissions from around the Champaign metropolitan area. As a result of local film distributors closing in the early 2000s, Solomon adopted methods of shooting digital photographs but has continued to shoot photographs in traditional ways as well.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Source:
Laurie Solomon
Acquisition Method:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Music Photographs, 1983-1985],
Series 2: Non-Music Photographs & Portraits, 1974-2002],
Series 3: Digital Data, 1985-2018],
- Series 1: Music Photographs, 1983-1985

- Photographs taken at musical events: jazz ensembles, individual performers, musical instruments. Where possible, photos arranged chronologically. Performers' names or title of photo and dates are often located on back of photo.
- Box 1

- Folder 1: Nature's Table, 1983

- Photogaphs of musicians: George Freeman: George Freeman & Guido Sinclair; Guido Sinclair; Ron Dewar; Tripp & Scott Frillman; Scott Frillman ("Reflections," "Fade Out," "Duet," "Melodic Spirits," "Fade In and Away,"); Tripp ( "Singing Guitar II," untitled). Some photographs unidentified. Some photographs have titles, which are indicated in parentheses.
- Folder 2: Nature's Table (1 of 2), 1983-1984

- Photographs of musicians: Joel Spencer; Dave Liebman; Herb Ellis; John Campbell; Peter "Madcat" Ruth; Helgesen, Schutz, & Lidval; Glenn Scheutz; Marlene Rosenberg; Rafe Bradford; Raphael "Rafe" Bradford (" Bass Notes I," "Down to Bass-ics," "Harmonic Rhythms"0; Mike Kocur; Jelly Hines; Jeff Stitley. Some photographs have titles, which are indicated in parentheses.
- Folder 3: Nature's Table (2 of 2), 1983-1984

- Photographs of musicians: Russell Cheatham; Mark Kirk (untitled photographs, "The Saxaphone Player"). Many photograps of unidentified muscians.
- Folder 4: Instruments and Hands, 1984-1985

- Artful photograph of musical instruments and hand positions. Some photographs with titles: "Keeping Time II," "Keeping Time I," "Melodious Sax I," "Magic Musical Hand I."
- Box 2

- Folder 1: Wedding & Performers, undated

- Photographs of performers at Ray Sasaki's wedding: Patricia Hruby; Morgan Powell; Patricia Hruby & Morgan Powell; Guido Sinclair & Shirley Blankenship.
- Folder 2: Rock Bands, undated

- Performers from rock bands: "Toys" (group and individual photos); Andy Baylor; "Mistress" (Champaign area); unidentified groups & performers.
- Series 2: Non-Music Photographs & Portraits, 1974-2002

- Photographs of people, animals, scenic, commercial.work, artistic photos. Photos arranged by subject and chronologically where possible.
- Box 2

- Folder 3: Portraits: Family & Friends, 1974-1976

- Most photographs are unidentified. Identified photos: "Sliide #40, Newark, DE, 1974"; "Slide #33, Sherri Cavan, San Francisco, CA, 1976."
- Folder 4: Nature's Table: Owner & Her Daughter, 1982

- Most portraits unidentified. Identified portrait: "Seredey Maiser, Champaign, IL, Dec., 1982, Slide #57."
- Folder 5: Studio Photos: Adults, Wedding, 1986

- Unidentified photos.
- Folder 6: Studio Photos: Children, 1986

- Unidentified photographs and portraits of children.
- Folder 7: Commissioned Photos: Models & Headshots, 1986

- Unidentified photographs.
- Box 3

- Folder 1: News-Gazette: 7 Days in Champaign Series, May, 1990

- Photographs of various scenes in Champaign from May 7 through May 13, 1990. Many photos are identified by location, date and time of day or night.
- Folder 2: Commissioned by Democratic Party, undated

- Two unidentified photographs. One photograph: Rosalynn Carter, Joseph Biden.
- Folder 3: Commissioned by Individual, undated

- Photos of unidentified individual in different poses.
- Folder 4: Commissioned Photos: Commercial Interiors, undated

- Interior photos of unidentified residential, commercial and church interiors.
- Folder 5: Travel Photos, 1974-1976

- Scenic photos, many unidentified. Identified photos: "Slide #19, San Francsco Bay, CA, 1975"; "Slide #10, Boca Raton Country Club, Boca Raton, FL, 1975"; "Slide #27, Palm Beach, FL, 1976"; "Slide #9, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, (2 copies, different colored mattes),1976"; "Slide #4, Montego Bay, Jamaica, 1974."
- Folder 6: Travel Photos: Houses, Buildings, 1985

- Many unidentified photos. Identified photos: "Farm Yard I," 1985.
- Folder 7: Champaign, undated

- Photographs of rural Champaign area.
- Box 4

- Folder 1: Animals & Birds, 1976

- Unidentified photos.
- Folder 2: Flowers & Plants, 1982

- Unidentified photos.
- Folder 3: Campus Photos, 1985

- Unidentified photos.
- Folder 4: Commercial Photography, 1989-1997

- Commercial brochures, ads.
- Folder 5: Amateur Photos, undated

- Mostly nature photos.
- Folder 6: Miscellaneous Photographs, 1978

- Unidentified photos of various subjects. Titled photo: "Slide #35, Wilm[ington], DE, 1978."
- Box 5

- Folder 1: Artwork (1 of 2), 2002

- Wedding invitation.
- Folder 2: Artwork (2 of 2), 2002

- Wedding invitation.
- Folder 3: Miscellaneous Photographs, undated

- Unidentified photographs.
- Series 3: Digital Data, 1985-2018

- CDs of photographs, DVDs and video. Photogaphs and videos taken at Champaign-Urbana, IL venues regularly featuring local jazz musicians and including festivals and reunions. Discs have labels identifying venues, performers and/or titles of pieces. Arranged chronologically.
- Box 6

- Item 1: Boneyard Quintet Collection, The, April 2007

- Folder 1: At KCPA, April, 2007

- Performers at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts. Files identify performers.
- Folder 2: At the Iron Post with Ray Sasaki, April, 2007

- TIF files. Performers identified on each photo.
- Item 2: Jeff Helgesen Quartet with Rachael Lee on Vocals, September, 2008

- With Donnie Heitler, piano; Josh Hunt, drums; Bill Schlipf, bass. At Alto Vinyards Winery. Performers identified on each photo. JPEG files.
- Item 3: Ray Sasaki Quintet at the Iron Post, May 19, 2010

- Performers: Ray Sasaki, trumpet & flugelhorn; Howie Smith, saxaphones; Chip Stephens, piano; Marlene Rosenberg, double bass; Joel Spencer, drum set. Performers identified on each photo. TIF files.
- Item 4: Third Annual Iron Post Jazz Festival, The, May 13-19, 2012

- Groups identified on disc files. Note: One group [Jay Sawyer Qunitet] does not appear on disc label, but it is included in disc files.
- Folder 1: Condition Blue, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performers not identified.
- Folder 2: CU Jazz Connection Sextet, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performers not identified.
- Folder 3: Dan Pierson Trio, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performers not identified.
- Folder 4: Easton Stuart & Alisa Nagel Jazz Duo, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performers are identified.
- Folder 5: Easton Stuart Quartet, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performers not identified.
- Folder 6: Jay Sawyer Quintet, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performers not identified.
- Folder 7: Jeff Helgesen Quintet, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performers not identified.
- Folder 8: John Campbell Trio, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performers not identified.
- Folder 9: MK Tempeton's West Coast Blues Ensemble, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performersÃ?Â??Ã?Â?Ã? not identified.
- Folder 10: Enhanced TIF files. Individual performersÃ?Â??Ã?Â?Ã? not identified., May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Some sections of orchestra identified.
- Folder 11: Parkland Early Jazz Orchestra, The, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performers not identified.
- Folder 12: U of I Concert Jazz Band, The, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performers not identified.
- Folder 13: U of I Faculty Jazz Band, The, May, 2012

- Enhanced TIF files. Individual performersÃ?Â?Ã? not identified.
- Item 5: First Annual Nature's Table Reunion, The, August 11, 2007

- At Mike & Molly's, Champaign, IL. TIF files. All files labeled with contents.
- Item 6: Second Annual Nature's Table Reunion, The, August 15-16, 2008

- At the Canopy Club, Urbana, IL.
- Folder 1: First Night - Jazz Night, August 15, 2008

- TIF files. Individuals and groups identified in each file.
- Folder 2: Second night - Blues & Boogie Night, August 16, 2008

- TIF files. Individuals identified in each file.
- Item 7: Third Annual Nature's Table Reunion, The, July 24, 2009

- At the Iron Post, Urbana, IL TIF files. Individuals in files not identified.
- Item 8: Fourth Annual Nature's Table Reunion, The, July 30-31, 2010

- Locations: The Iron Post and The Cowboy Monkey.
- Folder 1: First Night - Jazz Night, July 30, 2010

- At the Iron Post. TIF files. Individuals not identified.
- Folder 2: Second Night - Blues Night, July 31, 2010

- At the Cowboy Monkey. TIF files. Individuals not identified.
- Item 9: Fifth Annual Nature's Table Reunion, The, July 29-30, 2011

- At the Iron Post and the Cowboy Monkey.
- Folder 1: Second Night - Blues, July 30, 2011

- At the Cowboy Monkey. TIF files. Individual performers identified.
- Folder 2: First Night - Jazz, July 29, 2011

- At the Iron Post. TIF files. Individuals identified.
- Item 10: Music Archive Photographs, Volume 1, 2009-2018

- DVD. Photos of performers at local venue.
- Folder 1: Alto Vinyards, August, 2009

- JPEG files. Individual performers identified.
- Folder 2: Davina and the Vagabons, undated

- At Mike & Molly's. JPEG files. Files labeled.
- Folder 3: Ethnic Heritage Ensemble, February 9, 2017

- At Krannert Center for the Performing Arts. JPEG files. Performer identified.
- Folder 4: Jazz at Boomerang's, July 10, 2018

- JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 5: Kathy & Keith Harden, Andy Baylor & Josh Quirk, October 17, 2010

- At Rosebowl. TIF files. Performers identified.
- Folder 6: Mary Clark, undated

- At Mike & Molly's. JPEG files. Performer identified.
- Folder 7: New Orleans Jazz Machine, undated

- JPEG file. Performers not identified.
- Folder 8: Roadsong, 2009 - 2011

- Roadsong performing at various locations. JPEG & TIF files. Performers and most venues identified.
- Folder 9: Sudden Sound Series at Krannert Art Museum, March 19, 2015

- JPEG file. Performers identified.
- Folder 10: Surreal Deal, 2011 - 2012

- Performances at two venues. JPEG & TIF files. Performers identified.
- Item 11: Music Archive Photographs, Volume 2, 2007-2017

- DVD.
- Folder 1: Andreas Kapsalis & Goran Ivanovich, undated

- At a house concert, Urbana, IL. JPEG files.
- Folder 2: Boneyard Quintet, 2007 - 2009

- Performances at local venues. JPEG & TIF files. Performers identified; some photos have captions.
- Folder 3: C-U Connection Sextet, 2010-2011

- JPEG & TIF files. Performers identified.
- Folder 4: Diva and the Dude, June 29, 2013

- At Clark Bar. JPEG & TIF files.
- Folder 5: Donnie Heitler, Kevin Hart, & Chris Reyman, March, 2012

- JPEG Files
- Folder 6: Donnie Heitler, Ron Dewar, Thomas Shab Wirtle, et al, March 30, 2017

- JPEG images. Most photos not labeled.
- Folder 7: George Turner & Brent Jorden, August, 2009

- At Cafe Luna. JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 8: John McMahon, 2014

- TIF files. Performers identified.
- Folder 9: Lamonte Parsons & Friends, undated

- JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 10: Iron Post, The, 2008-2011

- JPEG & TIF files. Performers identified.
- Folder 11: Weasel Dreams, 2009

- JPEG & TIF files. Performers identified.
- Item 12: Music Archive Photographs, Volume 3, 2008-2018

- DVD.
- Folder 1: Armand Beaudoin, undated

- TIF Files
- Folder 2: Bill Overton, undated

- JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 3: Clark Gibson, July, 2018

- JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 4: Condition Blue, 2009 - 2013

- Two performances at the Iron Post. TIF files. Performers identified.
- Folder 5: Dan Anderson, undated

- JPEG files. Performer identified.
- Folder 6: Dave Easily et al., undated

- JPEG file. Performers identified.
- Folder 7: Dave Liebman, undated

- TIF files. Performer identified.
- Folder 8: Don't Ask Klesmer Band, undated

- JPEG files. Individual performers not identified.
- Folder 9: Doug Schroer, undated

- JPEG files. Individual performers not identified.
- Folder 10: Gary Payton, undated

- JPEG & TIF files. Performer not identified.
- Folder 11: Guido Sinclair, undated

- TIF files. Performers identified.
- Folder 12: Jeff Helgesen, August 14, 2008

- At Iron Post. TIF & JPEG files. Some performers identified.
- Folder 13: John & Julie Pennel with Doug Schroer, undated

- JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 14: John Campbell & Richard Drexler, August 16, 2015

- At the Iron Post. JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 15: John Campbell, undated

- At Nature's Table. TIF files. Note: Although performer is identified as John Campbell, the photos do not appear to match those identified as John Campbell in Folders 14, 16 & 17 on this disc.
- Folder 16: John Campbell & Richard Drexler, July 3, 2013

- At the Iron Post. TIF files. Performers identified.
- Folder 17: John Campbell, Richard Drexler & Joel Spencer, July 16, 2018

- At the Iron Post. JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 18: Jonathan Beckett, August, 2009

- JPEG & TIF files. Some photos taken at Iron Post, performers not identified. Performers identified in other set of photos.
- Folder 19: Lara Driscoll & Friends, undated

- JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 20: Laurence Hobgood, undated

- JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 21: Micheal Stryker, undated

- JPEG files. Performer identified.
- Folder 22: Miscellaneous Players' Photos, undated

- JPEG & TIF files. Performers identified.
- Folder 23: Morgan Powell, Ray Sasaki, Woody Woodward & Friends, undated

- JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 24: Morgan Powell's Traditional Jazz Orchestra, 2009

- One performance at Iron Post. Other groups appear to be included in this folder. PEG & TIF files. Groups & performers identified.
- Folder 25: Paige McQuigg Stephens, undated

- JPEG files. Performer unidentified.
- Folder 26: Ray Sasaki & Family, 2010

- Includes photos of Ray Sasaki Quintet at the Iron Post, May 19, 2010. Also other photos. JPEG & TIF files. Performers identfied.
- Item 13: Music Archive Photographs, Volume 4, 2012

- DVD.
- Folder 1: Brad Wheeler, undated

- JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 2: Brad Wheeler Fusionery Band, undated

- JPEG files. Performers identified.
- Folder 3: Third Annual Iron Post Jazz Festival, May 19, 2012

- Performing groups identified; some individual performers identified. JPEG & TIF files.
- Item 14: Music Archive Photgraphy, Volume 5, 1993

- DVD.
- Folder 1: Cuba Blow Out 1993 at Jumers in Urbana, 1993

- TIF files. Performers unidentified in some files. Performers identified in other files.
- Folder 2: Sculptured Bass, undated

- JPEG files.
- Item 15: Miscellaneous Photography & Tearsheets, 1985-1987

- CD.
- Folder 1: Miscellaneous Photos, undated

- JPEG files. Photos labeled.
- Folder 2: Music & Musicians, 1985

- JPEG files. Photos identified.labeled
- Folder 3: News Gazette Photographs, undated

- JPEG file. Photos labeled.
- Folder 4: Portraits & Model Portfolio Photography, 1987

- JPEG files. Photos labeled.
- Folder 5: Tabletop Photography, undated

- JPEG files. Photos labeled.
- Folder 6: Tearsheets & Photos, 1986 - 1987

- JPEG & TIF files. Photos labeled. Commercial photographs.
- Item 16: Road Song: Demo Movie of Sample Video Clips, September 9, 2010

- DVD video. Aroma Cafe Courtyard. John McMahon, guitar & vocals; Ann Schuldt Nelson, bass guitar & vocals. Songs: 1. Tales of Patrick; 2. It's Easy; 3. Back in Champaign; 4. Rock Wall.
- Item 17: Dorothy Martirano & Armand Beaudoin, March 12, 2011

- DVD video clip. Songs: 1. Many Rivers to Cross; 2. Bessarabian Girl.
- Item 18: John McMahon: Solo Acoustic Guitar, October 8, 2011

- Video DVD. At the Phoenix in Champaign, IL Songs: 1. Positively Fourth Street; 2. Lay Down Sally; 3. Waiting for the Man; 4. Friend of the Devil; 5. 1979; 6. Creep.
- Item 19: Hard Bop Collective Reunion, The, December 6, 2011

- DVD video clip. At the Iron Post, Urbana, IL. Performers: Karim Yangsep, bass; Tito Carrillo, trumpet & flugelhorn; Joan Hckey, piano; Jay Sawyer, drums; Euan Edmonds, trombone; Jonathan Becket, tenor sax.
- Item 20: Surreal Deal, The, August 7, 2013

- DVD video. In Meadowbrook Park, Urbana, IL. Performers: Jesse Brown, Keyboards; Billy Galt, electric bass & vocals; Jeff Kerr, guitar & vocals; Josh Quirk, drums.
- Item 21: Brad Wheeler's Fusionery Band, February 26, 2017

- DVD movie clip. At the Iron Post, Urbana, IL. Performers: Brad Wheeler, saxes; Justin Copeland, trumpet; Larry Gray, bass; Chip Stephens, keyboards; Marc Widenhofer, drums; Ricardo Flores, percussion.
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Music Photographs, 1983-1985],
Series 2: Non-Music Photographs & Portraits, 1974-2002],
Series 3: Digital Data, 1985-2018],