Series 1: Subject Files, 1973-2018
This series contains Professor Loui's research correspondence, research and course notes, conference materials, college and department committee minutes, and awards. In addition, it contains material related to his affiliation with the NSF and numerous other professional organizations and academic journals such as the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). It also contains Professor Loui's notes, pedagogical training materials (including AV), and conference materials related to ethics research and education. It is organized alphabetically.
Series 2: Correspondence, 1980-2007
This series contains Professor Loui's professional correspondence with individuals in his fields of research and pedagogy. It is organized alphabetically.
Series 3: Conferences, Lectures, Talks, 1983-2015
This series contains notes and materials from professional conferences in which Professor Loui participated, as well as his lectures and talks on a variety of topics, from professional development to his research on computational complexity. It is organized alphabetically.
Series 4: Courses, 1980-2011
This series contains a selection of courses developed or taught by Professor Loui about engineering ethics, computational complexity, and early courses about on-line computing and computer networks. It is organized alphabetically, then by course number, and then chronologically.
Series 5: Publications, 1975-2010
This series contains Professor Loui's journal articles, book chapters, reviews, newsletter articles, and his 1975 Yale undergraduate thesis.�?� It is organized chronologically.