Title: Computational Science and Engineering Subject File, 1994-2009
ID: 11/18/6
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Computational Science and Engineering
Extent: 1.3 cubic feet
Arrangement: By subject.
Date Acquired: 12/16/2014
Subjects: Computational Science and Engineering, Engineering Research
Languages: English
Computational Science and Engineering Subject File (1994-2009), includes annual reports, implementation plans, briefing booklets concerning external advisory boards, annual reviews, and team reviews; brochures, correspondence, memos, meeting notes, proposal plans, publication reviews and transcripts concerning program requirements; the formation of the Computational Science and Engineering Program; budget plans; PSAAP project information; proposal ideas; publication and paper reviews; course information; evaluation rubrics; and correspondence with editors.
Computational Science and Engineering is a research unit of the College of Engineering created in the mid-1990s. It is an interdisciplinary initiative. Faculty from Physics, Mathematics, Materials Science, Computer Science, Bioengineering, Astronomy, and others have been associated with it during its first twenty years. It aims to combine research and design from diverse disciplines, using computing, simulation, and analysis.
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/1118006.pdf
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