By Hannah Jellen
Collection Overview
Title: Richard P Arsenty Papers, 2003-2013
ID: 26/20/192
Primary Creator: Richard P. Arsenty (1945-2013)
Extent: 7.75 cubic feet
Arrangement: Materials are organized in four series: Series 1, Libretti, 1812-2008; Series 2, Research and Publications, 1909-2013; Series 3, Audiovisual Materials, 1931-2005. Materials in Series 1 and 2 are arranged in alphabetical order. Materials in Series 2 are in original order.
Date Acquired: 11/21/2013
Subjects: Meyerbeer, Giacomo, Opera
Languages: English, German, French, Russian
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of opera librettos, drafts of libretto translations, audio and video recordings, research notes on various Italian operas and languages, copies of sources, scholarly articles, sheet music, information regarding MRF Records, and working and final drafts of Arsenty's publication, Meyerbeer: A Reader. The papers document Arsenty's opera research and his life-long work on documenting the performances, recordings, and music of Giacomo Meyerbeer.
Biographical Note
Richard P. Arsenty was born in 1945 in Woodstock, Illinois. As a young man, he attended the University of Illinois, earning degrees in both biology education and library science. He taught at the high school and collegiate levels for seven years, before working as a libretto translator for MRF Records for eight years. Following his employment with MRF, he worked as a reference librarian at Purchase College in New York. After retiring early, he continued his work with libretti, translating over 160 opera libretti for the Opera Orchestra of New York, the New York City Opera, Orfeo Records, and Opera Rara among other organizations.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Source:
Mrs. Rogene Kyle
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Libretti],
Series 2: Research and Publications],
Series 3: Audiovisual Materials],
- Series 1: Libretti

- Box 1

- Folder 1: "L'Africaine"Libretto, master copy, 2003

- Folder 2: L'Africaine Libretto, undated

- Folder 3: "L'Africaine" Libretto, undated

- Folder 4: L'Africaine original Libretto and other Libretti, undated

- Folder 5: L'Africaine acts 1 - 3 libretto, master printout, October 2, 2002

- Folder 6: L'Africaine acts 4 - 5 libretto, master printout, October 2, 2002

- Folder 7: The African Maiden Libretto, undated

- Folder 8: L'Ambassadrice and Zampa French libretti, undated

- Folder 9: Armida libretto, 1983-1995

- Folder 10: Assassinio Nella Cattedrale libretto, undated

- Folder 11: The Brandenburg Gate libretto, 2002

- Folder 12: Das Brandenburger Tor libretto, master printout, October 1, 2002

- Folder 13: Le Chemineau libretto, undated

- Folder 14: Crociato in Egitto, original Venice 1824 libretto and selections from 1825 libretti, undated

- Folder 15: Crociato in Egitto libretto, Opera Rara version, undated

- Folder 16: Crociato in Egitto drafts, undated

- Folder 17: The Demon libretto, undated

- Folder 19: Dinora libretto, undated

- Folder 20: Emma Di Resburgo, original 1819 libretto, undated

- Folder 18: Les Diamants de la Couronne libretto, undated

- Folder 21: L'Esule di Granata, original 1821 libretto, undated

- Folder 22: L'Etoile du Nord original 1854 libretto, undated

- Folder 23: L'Etoile du Nord libretto, undated

- Folder 24: L'Etoile du Nord libretto draft, undated

- Folder 25: L'Etoile du Nord texts from libretto, undated

- Folder 26: La Falena libretto, undated

- Folder 27: Ein Feldlager in Schlesien original 1844 libretto, undated

- Folder 28: Ein Feldlager in Schlesien libretto, undated

- Folder 29: Host and Guest; Or, A Joke Turns Serious libretto, 2002

- Folder 30: Les Huguenots libretto, undated

- Folder 31: Les Huguenots, various libretti and fragments from a variety of sources [sic], undated

- Folder 32: Les Huguenots Italian libretto, undated

- Folder 33: Irrelohe libretto and synopsis, undated

- Folder 34: Jephtha Gelubde, original 1812 libretto, undated

- Folder 35: Jephtha Gelubde libretto, master printout, October 24, 2002

- Folder 36: Jephthah's Vow libretto, 2002

- Folder 37: La Juive, master copy, 2004

- Folder 38: "La Juive" libretto, undated

- Folder 39: "Le Juif Errant" libretto, undated

- Folder 40: Le Juif Errant libretto master copy, 2004

- Folder 41: Le Juif Errant libretto master copy, 2002

- Folder 42: Le Juif Errant libretto, master printout, August 29, 2002

- Folder 43: Le juif Errant libretto drafts and notes, undated

- Folder 44: La Lepreuse French-English libretto, undated

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Libretti collection, undated

- Folder 1 of 2. Contains Dinorah, L'Africaine, Le Prophete, L'Etoile du Nord, and Vielka.
- Folder 2: Libretti collection, undated

- Folder 2 of 2. Contains Robert le Diable, Les Huguenots, and Ein Feldlager in Schlesien.
- Folder 3: Libretto collection, undated

- Contains Jephtas Gelubde, Wirth und Gast, Romilda e Costanza, Seiramide Riconosciuta, Emma di Resburgo, Margherita d'Anjou, L'Esule de Granata, and Il Crociato in Egitto.
- Folder 4: The Man without a Country libretto, undated

- Folder 5: Margaret of Anjou libretto, 1999

- Folder 7: Margherita d'Anjou, original 1820 libretto, undated

- Folder 6: Margarita d'Anjou libretto, 2002

- Master printout, 3/10/02.
- Folder 8: Maria Tudor libretto, undated

- Folder 9: Marriage libretto, undated

- Folder 10: The Merchant of Venice libretto, undated

- Folder 11: The Merchant of Venice libretto draft, undated

- Folder 12: Mlada and Oedipus libretti, undated

- Folder 13: Nerone libretto, published, 1980

- Folder 14: Nerone annotated libretto, mastercopy, undated

- Folder 15: Nerone annotated libretto, mastercopy of Act IV through bibliography, 2005

- Folder 16: Nerone annotated libretto, mastercopy of cover through Act III, 2005

- Folder 17: Le Pardon de Ploemel original 1859 libretto, undated

- Folder 18: Le Pardon de Ploermel libretto, undated

- Folder 19: Petrella libretto, undated

- Folder 20: Le Prophete original 1849 libretto, undated

- Folder 21: Le Prophete libretto, undated

- Folder 22: Le Prophete libretto, undated

- Folder 23: Quo Vadis? libretto, undated

- Folder 24: Rienzi libretto, 1973

- Folder 25: Rienzi libretto, undated

- Folder 26: Risurrezione libretto, undated

- Folder 27: Robert le Diable libretto, undated

- Folder 28: Robert le Diable, copy of libretto based on new 1999 critical edition of the score, undated

- Folder 29: Romilda e Costanza, original 1817 libretto, undated

- Folder 30: Russlan and Lyudmilla libretto draft, undated

- Folder 31: Salammbo libretto, undated

- Folder 32: Salammbo libretto, master copy #1, 2004

- Folder 33: Salammbo libretto, master copy #2, 2004

- Folder 34: Salammbo libretto master printout (9/12/02), 2002

- Folder 35: Salammbo libretto, bound, 2004

- Folder 36: Salammbo libretto in Russian, undated

- Folder 37: Der Schatzgraber libretto and synopsis, undated

- Folder 38: Semiramide, original 1819 libretto and 1820 libretto, undated

- Folder 39: Semiramide libretto, master printout (6/15/02), 2002

- Folder 40: Semiramis libretto, undated

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Si libretto, undated

- Folder 2: Sigurd libretto, undated

- Folder 3: Le Songe D'une Nuit D'Ete French libretto, undated

- Folder 4: Das Spielwerk libretto draft, undated

- Folder 5: Il Trionfo Dell'Amicizia libretto draft, undated

- Folder 6: Vielka originial 1847 libretto, 1999

- Folder 7: Vielka libretto draft, 2000

- Folder 8: The Wandering Jew libretto, 2002

- Folder 9: William Tell libretto, 1973

- Folder 10: Wirth und Gast, original 1813 libretto, undated

- Folder 11: Wirth und Gast; Oder aus Scherz Ernst libretto, master printout (10/01/02), 2002

- Folder 12: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, A, ca. 1990s

- Folder 13: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, B-C, ca. 1990s

- Folder 14: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, D-F, ca. 1990s

- Folder 15: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, G-J, ca. 1990s

- Folder 16: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, L-M, ca. 1990s

- Folder 17: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, N-P, ca. 1990s

- Folder 18: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, R-W, ca. 1990s

- Folder 19: Opera Orchestra of New York programs, B-L, 1982-1987

- Folder 20: Opera Orchestra of New York programs, N-W, 1982-1987

- Folder 21: Libretti not by Opera Orchestra of New York, D-H, 1974-2008

- Folder 22: Libretti not by Opera Orchestra of New York, L-S, 1974-2008

- Folder 23: Bound copies of libretti, 1888-1971

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Aureliano in Palmira libretto, undated

- Folder 2: Il Barbiere di Siviglia libretto, undated

- Folder 3: Bianca e Falliero, undated

- Folder 4: La Cambiale di Matrimonio libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 5: La Cenerentola, libretto

- Folder 6: Ciro in Babilonia libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 7: Le Comte Ory libretto, undated

- Folder 8: Demetrio e Polibio libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 9: The Demon libretto in Russian, undated

- Folder 10: La Donna del Lago libretto, undated

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Demon libretto in Russian, English, and a transliteration, undated

- Folder 2: Eduardo e Cristina libretto, undated

- Folder 3: L'Equivoco Stravagante libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 4: Elisabetta, Regnia D'Inghilterra, undated

- Folder 5: Ermione libretto draft, undated

- Folder 6: Fausta notes, articles, synopses, libretti, undated

- Folder 7: Die Feen libretto, undated

- Box 6

- Folder 1: La Gazzetta libretto, undated

- Folder 2: La Gazza Ladra libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 3: Guillaume Tell libretto, undated

- Folder 4: L'Inganno Felice libretto, undated

- Folder 5: L'Italiana in Algeria libretto, undated

- Folder 6: Libretto library information, undated

- Folder 7: Macbeth libretto, undated

- Folder 8: Maometto II libretto, undated

- Folder 9: Marriage libretto in Russian, undated

- Folder 10: Matilde di Shabran libretto, undated

- Folder 11: Moise et Pharaon libretto, undated

- Box 7

- Folder 1: L'Occasione Fa Il Ladro libretto drafts, undated

- Folder 2: Otello libretto, undated

- Folder 3: La Pietra del Paragone libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 4: Ricciardo e Zoraide libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 5: Robert Bruce libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 6: Rome and Juliet libretto, undated

- Folder 7: La Scala di Seta libretto, undated

- Folder 8: Semiramide libretto, undated

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Le Siege de Corinthe, undated

- Folder 2: Sigismondo libretto draft, undated

- Folder 3: Il Signor Bruschino text, undated

- Folder 4: Das Spielwerk libretto and synopsis, undated

- Folder 5: The Taming of the Shrew libretto and drafts, undated

- Folder 6: Tancredi libretto, ca. 1978

- Folder 7: Torvaldo e Dorliska libretto and drafts, drafts

- Folder 8: Il Turco in Italia libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 9: Il Viaggo a Reims libretto draft, undated

- Folder 10: Zelmira libretto, undated

- Folder 11: Adelaide di Borogogna libretto, undated

- Folder 12: Adina libretto, undated

- Folder 13: Moise in Egitto libretti, undated, 1978

- Folder 14: Robert le Diable (for OONY), undated

- Folder 15: Der Sigende Teufel and der Schmid von Gent synopses, undated

- Box 11

- Volume 1: Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Complete Libretti in Five Volumes, 2004

- In the Original and in English Translations by Richard Arsenty with an introduction by Robert Letellier. Volume 1. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd., London.
- Volume 2: Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Complete Libretti in Five Volumes, 2004

- In the Original and in English Translations by Richard Arsenty with an introduction by Robert Letellier. Volume 2. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd., London.
- Volume 3: Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Complete Libretti in Five Volumes, 2004

- In the Original and in English Translations by Richard Arsenty with an introduction by Robert Letellier. Volume 3. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd., London.
- Volume 4: Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Complete Libretti in Five Volumes, 2004

- In the Original and in English Translations by Richard Arsenty with an introduction by Robert Letellier. Volume 4. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd., London.
- Volume 5: Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Complete Libretti in Five Volumes, 2004

- In the Original and in English Translations by Richard Arsenty with an introduction by Robert Letellier. Volume 5. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd., London.
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Libretti],
Series 2: Research and Publications],
Series 3: Audiovisual Materials],