By Hannah Jellen
Collection Overview
Title: Richard P Arsenty Papers, 2003-2013
ID: 26/20/192
Primary Creator: Richard P. Arsenty (1945-2013)
Extent: 7.75 cubic feet
Arrangement: Materials are organized in four series: Series 1, Libretti, 1812-2008; Series 2, Research and Publications, 1909-2013; Series 3, Audiovisual Materials, 1931-2005. Materials in Series 1 and 2 are arranged in alphabetical order. Materials in Series 2 are in original order.
Date Acquired: 11/21/2013
Subjects: Meyerbeer, Giacomo, Opera
Languages: English, German, French, Russian
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of opera librettos, drafts of libretto translations, audio and video recordings, research notes on various Italian operas and languages, copies of sources, scholarly articles, sheet music, information regarding MRF Records, and working and final drafts of Arsenty's publication, Meyerbeer: A Reader. The papers document Arsenty's opera research and his life-long work on documenting the performances, recordings, and music of Giacomo Meyerbeer.
Biographical Note
Richard P. Arsenty was born in 1945 in Woodstock, Illinois. As a young man, he attended the University of Illinois, earning degrees in both biology education and library science. He taught at the high school and collegiate levels for seven years, before working as a libretto translator for MRF Records for eight years. Following his employment with MRF, he worked as a reference librarian at Purchase College in New York. After retiring early, he continued his work with libretti, translating over 160 opera libretti for the Opera Orchestra of New York, the New York City Opera, Orfeo Records, and Opera Rara among other organizations.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Source:
Mrs. Rogene Kyle
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Libretti],
Series 2: Research and Publications],
Series 3: Audiovisual Materials],
- Series 1: Libretti

- Box 1

- Folder 1: "L'Africaine"Libretto, master copy, 2003

- Folder 2: L'Africaine Libretto, undated

- Folder 3: "L'Africaine" Libretto, undated

- Folder 4: L'Africaine original Libretto and other Libretti, undated

- Folder 5: L'Africaine acts 1 - 3 libretto, master printout, October 2, 2002

- Folder 6: L'Africaine acts 4 - 5 libretto, master printout, October 2, 2002

- Folder 7: The African Maiden Libretto, undated

- Folder 8: L'Ambassadrice and Zampa French libretti, undated

- Folder 9: Armida libretto, 1983-1995

- Folder 10: Assassinio Nella Cattedrale libretto, undated

- Folder 11: The Brandenburg Gate libretto, 2002

- Folder 12: Das Brandenburger Tor libretto, master printout, October 1, 2002

- Folder 13: Le Chemineau libretto, undated

- Folder 14: Crociato in Egitto, original Venice 1824 libretto and selections from 1825 libretti, undated

- Folder 15: Crociato in Egitto libretto, Opera Rara version, undated

- Folder 16: Crociato in Egitto drafts, undated

- Folder 17: The Demon libretto, undated

- Folder 19: Dinora libretto, undated

- Folder 20: Emma Di Resburgo, original 1819 libretto, undated

- Folder 18: Les Diamants de la Couronne libretto, undated

- Folder 21: L'Esule di Granata, original 1821 libretto, undated

- Folder 22: L'Etoile du Nord original 1854 libretto, undated

- Folder 23: L'Etoile du Nord libretto, undated

- Folder 24: L'Etoile du Nord libretto draft, undated

- Folder 25: L'Etoile du Nord texts from libretto, undated

- Folder 26: La Falena libretto, undated

- Folder 27: Ein Feldlager in Schlesien original 1844 libretto, undated

- Folder 28: Ein Feldlager in Schlesien libretto, undated

- Folder 29: Host and Guest; Or, A Joke Turns Serious libretto, 2002

- Folder 30: Les Huguenots libretto, undated

- Folder 31: Les Huguenots, various libretti and fragments from a variety of sources [sic], undated

- Folder 32: Les Huguenots Italian libretto, undated

- Folder 33: Irrelohe libretto and synopsis, undated

- Folder 34: Jephtha Gelubde, original 1812 libretto, undated

- Folder 35: Jephtha Gelubde libretto, master printout, October 24, 2002

- Folder 36: Jephthah's Vow libretto, 2002

- Folder 37: La Juive, master copy, 2004

- Folder 38: "La Juive" libretto, undated

- Folder 39: "Le Juif Errant" libretto, undated

- Folder 40: Le Juif Errant libretto master copy, 2004

- Folder 41: Le Juif Errant libretto master copy, 2002

- Folder 42: Le Juif Errant libretto, master printout, August 29, 2002

- Folder 43: Le juif Errant libretto drafts and notes, undated

- Folder 44: La Lepreuse French-English libretto, undated

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Libretti collection, undated

- Folder 1 of 2. Contains Dinorah, L'Africaine, Le Prophete, L'Etoile du Nord, and Vielka.
- Folder 2: Libretti collection, undated

- Folder 2 of 2. Contains Robert le Diable, Les Huguenots, and Ein Feldlager in Schlesien.
- Folder 3: Libretto collection, undated

- Contains Jephtas Gelubde, Wirth und Gast, Romilda e Costanza, Seiramide Riconosciuta, Emma di Resburgo, Margherita d'Anjou, L'Esule de Granata, and Il Crociato in Egitto.
- Folder 4: The Man without a Country libretto, undated

- Folder 5: Margaret of Anjou libretto, 1999

- Folder 7: Margherita d'Anjou, original 1820 libretto, undated

- Folder 6: Margarita d'Anjou libretto, 2002

- Master printout, 3/10/02.
- Folder 8: Maria Tudor libretto, undated

- Folder 9: Marriage libretto, undated

- Folder 10: The Merchant of Venice libretto, undated

- Folder 11: The Merchant of Venice libretto draft, undated

- Folder 12: Mlada and Oedipus libretti, undated

- Folder 13: Nerone libretto, published, 1980

- Folder 14: Nerone annotated libretto, mastercopy, undated

- Folder 15: Nerone annotated libretto, mastercopy of Act IV through bibliography, 2005

- Folder 16: Nerone annotated libretto, mastercopy of cover through Act III, 2005

- Folder 17: Le Pardon de Ploemel original 1859 libretto, undated

- Folder 18: Le Pardon de Ploermel libretto, undated

- Folder 19: Petrella libretto, undated

- Folder 20: Le Prophete original 1849 libretto, undated

- Folder 21: Le Prophete libretto, undated

- Folder 22: Le Prophete libretto, undated

- Folder 23: Quo Vadis? libretto, undated

- Folder 24: Rienzi libretto, 1973

- Folder 25: Rienzi libretto, undated

- Folder 26: Risurrezione libretto, undated

- Folder 27: Robert le Diable libretto, undated

- Folder 28: Robert le Diable, copy of libretto based on new 1999 critical edition of the score, undated

- Folder 29: Romilda e Costanza, original 1817 libretto, undated

- Folder 30: Russlan and Lyudmilla libretto draft, undated

- Folder 31: Salammbo libretto, undated

- Folder 32: Salammbo libretto, master copy #1, 2004

- Folder 33: Salammbo libretto, master copy #2, 2004

- Folder 34: Salammbo libretto master printout (9/12/02), 2002

- Folder 35: Salammbo libretto, bound, 2004

- Folder 36: Salammbo libretto in Russian, undated

- Folder 37: Der Schatzgraber libretto and synopsis, undated

- Folder 38: Semiramide, original 1819 libretto and 1820 libretto, undated

- Folder 39: Semiramide libretto, master printout (6/15/02), 2002

- Folder 40: Semiramis libretto, undated

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Si libretto, undated

- Folder 2: Sigurd libretto, undated

- Folder 3: Le Songe D'une Nuit D'Ete French libretto, undated

- Folder 4: Das Spielwerk libretto draft, undated

- Folder 5: Il Trionfo Dell'Amicizia libretto draft, undated

- Folder 6: Vielka originial 1847 libretto, 1999

- Folder 7: Vielka libretto draft, 2000

- Folder 8: The Wandering Jew libretto, 2002

- Folder 9: William Tell libretto, 1973

- Folder 10: Wirth und Gast, original 1813 libretto, undated

- Folder 11: Wirth und Gast; Oder aus Scherz Ernst libretto, master printout (10/01/02), 2002

- Folder 12: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, A, ca. 1990s

- Folder 13: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, B-C, ca. 1990s

- Folder 14: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, D-F, ca. 1990s

- Folder 15: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, G-J, ca. 1990s

- Folder 16: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, L-M, ca. 1990s

- Folder 17: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, N-P, ca. 1990s

- Folder 18: Opera Orchestra of New York libretti, R-W, ca. 1990s

- Folder 19: Opera Orchestra of New York programs, B-L, 1982-1987

- Folder 20: Opera Orchestra of New York programs, N-W, 1982-1987

- Folder 21: Libretti not by Opera Orchestra of New York, D-H, 1974-2008

- Folder 22: Libretti not by Opera Orchestra of New York, L-S, 1974-2008

- Folder 23: Bound copies of libretti, 1888-1971

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Aureliano in Palmira libretto, undated

- Folder 2: Il Barbiere di Siviglia libretto, undated

- Folder 3: Bianca e Falliero, undated

- Folder 4: La Cambiale di Matrimonio libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 5: La Cenerentola, libretto

- Folder 6: Ciro in Babilonia libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 7: Le Comte Ory libretto, undated

- Folder 8: Demetrio e Polibio libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 9: The Demon libretto in Russian, undated

- Folder 10: La Donna del Lago libretto, undated

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Demon libretto in Russian, English, and a transliteration, undated

- Folder 2: Eduardo e Cristina libretto, undated

- Folder 3: L'Equivoco Stravagante libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 4: Elisabetta, Regnia D'Inghilterra, undated

- Folder 5: Ermione libretto draft, undated

- Folder 6: Fausta notes, articles, synopses, libretti, undated

- Folder 7: Die Feen libretto, undated

- Box 6

- Folder 1: La Gazzetta libretto, undated

- Folder 2: La Gazza Ladra libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 3: Guillaume Tell libretto, undated

- Folder 4: L'Inganno Felice libretto, undated

- Folder 5: L'Italiana in Algeria libretto, undated

- Folder 6: Libretto library information, undated

- Folder 7: Macbeth libretto, undated

- Folder 8: Maometto II libretto, undated

- Folder 9: Marriage libretto in Russian, undated

- Folder 10: Matilde di Shabran libretto, undated

- Folder 11: Moise et Pharaon libretto, undated

- Box 7

- Folder 1: L'Occasione Fa Il Ladro libretto drafts, undated

- Folder 2: Otello libretto, undated

- Folder 3: La Pietra del Paragone libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 4: Ricciardo e Zoraide libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 5: Robert Bruce libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 6: Rome and Juliet libretto, undated

- Folder 7: La Scala di Seta libretto, undated

- Folder 8: Semiramide libretto, undated

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Le Siege de Corinthe, undated

- Folder 2: Sigismondo libretto draft, undated

- Folder 3: Il Signor Bruschino text, undated

- Folder 4: Das Spielwerk libretto and synopsis, undated

- Folder 5: The Taming of the Shrew libretto and drafts, undated

- Folder 6: Tancredi libretto, ca. 1978

- Folder 7: Torvaldo e Dorliska libretto and drafts, drafts

- Folder 8: Il Turco in Italia libretto and draft, undated

- Folder 9: Il Viaggo a Reims libretto draft, undated

- Folder 10: Zelmira libretto, undated

- Folder 11: Adelaide di Borogogna libretto, undated

- Folder 12: Adina libretto, undated

- Folder 13: Moise in Egitto libretti, undated, 1978

- Folder 14: Robert le Diable (for OONY), undated

- Folder 15: Der Sigende Teufel and der Schmid von Gent synopses, undated

- Box 11

- Volume 1: Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Complete Libretti in Five Volumes, 2004

- In the Original and in English Translations by Richard Arsenty with an introduction by Robert Letellier. Volume 1. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd., London.
- Volume 2: Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Complete Libretti in Five Volumes, 2004

- In the Original and in English Translations by Richard Arsenty with an introduction by Robert Letellier. Volume 2. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd., London.
- Volume 3: Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Complete Libretti in Five Volumes, 2004

- In the Original and in English Translations by Richard Arsenty with an introduction by Robert Letellier. Volume 3. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd., London.
- Volume 4: Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Complete Libretti in Five Volumes, 2004

- In the Original and in English Translations by Richard Arsenty with an introduction by Robert Letellier. Volume 4. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd., London.
- Volume 5: Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Complete Libretti in Five Volumes, 2004

- In the Original and in English Translations by Richard Arsenty with an introduction by Robert Letellier. Volume 5. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd., London.
- Series 2: Research and Publications

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Drafts of MRF indexes, undated

- Folder 2: Indexes to MRF-1 through MRF-198, Chrubini Series, and BARD Series, undated

- Folder 3: MRF Records information, undated

- Folder 4: MRF Records, Inc.: A History and Catalog of Issued Recordings, undated

- Folder 5: MRF Records, Inc.: A History and Catalog if Issued Recordings, undated

- Folder 6: MRF cover pictures sources, undated

- Folder 7: MRF casting information, undated

- Folder 8: Meyerbeer Discography, undated

- Folder 9: Meyerbeer Discography notes, undated

- Folder 10: Meyerbeer discography, undated

- Folder 11: Meyerbeer Discography edition, 1986-1988

- Folder 12: Meyerbeer Discography edition, 1989

- Folder 13: Meyerbeer Discography edition, 1990

- Folder 14: Meyerbeer Discography edition, 1991

- Folder 15: Meyerbeer Discography edition, 1992

- Folder 16: Meyerbeer Discography edition, 1993

- Folder 17: Meyerbeer Discography edition, 1994-1996

- Folder 18: Meyerbeer Discography revision, 1997

- Folder 19: Meyerbeer Discography revision, 1999

- Folder 20: Meyerbeer Discography revision, 2000

- Folder 21: Meyerbeer Discography revision, 2001

- Folder 22: Meyerbeer Discography revision, 2004

- Folder 23: Giacomo Meyerbeer: A Discography of VIntage REcordings, 1889-1955 revision, 2006

- Folder 24: Articles and Discographies Relating to Meyerbeer [sic], undated

- Folder 1 of 2.
- Folder 25: Articles and Discographies Relating to Meyerbeer [sic], undated

- Folder 2 of 2.
- Box 10

- Folder 1: "Discographies, Thoughts, and Ideas" [sic], undated

- Folder 2: Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Non-Operatic Texts, 2007

- Folder 3: Library sources of non-operatic Meyerbeer texts, 2001

- Folder 4: List of Meyerbeer compositions that can't be found, Uvnukho Yomar, Denkspruch, undated

- Folder 5: Meyerbeer by Juilus Kapp, undated

- Folder 6: Meyerbeer: A Reader, 2007

- Folder 7: Meyerbeer's Way to Mastership from The Musical Quarterly, Vol XII, undated

- Folder 8: Meyerbeer Collection (short version, sans prices), undated

- Folder 9: Meyerbeer List of Records in World's Encylopedia of Recorded Music, undated

- Folder 10: Meyerbeer Opera Excerpts on 78 rpm Discs, undated

- Folder 11: Meyerbeer non-operatic texts, undated

- Folder 12: Meyerbeer non-operatic texts, original sources, undated

- Folder 1 of 2.
- Folder 13: Meyerbeer non-operatic texts, original sources, undated

- Folder 2 of 2.
- Folder 14: Meyerbeer score excerpts, undated

- Folder 15: Miscellaneous Photocopied Information about Meyerbeer Operas and Songs [sic], ca. 1982

- Folder 16: Musical numbers for Eight of Meyerbeer's Operas, undated

- Folder 17: Scholarly articles about Meyerbeer, undated

- Folder 18: Adelaide di Borgongna, undated

- Folder 19: Adina libretto, undated

- Folder 20: Africaine critique from Dictonnaire des Operas [sic], undated

- Folder 21: The Annotated Nerone of Arrigo Boito, 2005

- Folder 22: Autographed portrait, 1978

- Folder 23: A Brief Biography of Thomas Alva Edison, undated

- Folder 24: Brandenburger Tor photocopies of German introductory material, additional information, undated

- Folder 25: Christopherus score, articles, and synopsis, undated

- Folder 26: La Colomba sheet music photocopy, undated

- Folder 27: Composer-Opera Handbook Project, undated

- Folder 1 of 4.
- Folder 28: Composer-Opera Handbook Project, undated

- Folder 2 of 4.
- Folder 29: Composer-Opera Handbook Project, undated

- Folder 3 of 4.
- Folder 30: Composer-Opera Handbook Project, undated

- Folder 4 of 4.
- Folder 31: Il Crociato in Egitto program, 1979

- Folder 32: Death Takes a Holiday, undated

- Folder 33: Early Opera Recording on Cylinders and Discs, undated

- Folder 34: German Alphabet, undated

- Folder 35: German grammar index, undated

- Folder 36: Index to Schatz Collection of Libretti, undated

- Master copy section 1-Detailed List of Libretti of All Important Composers.
- Folder 37: Index to Schatz Collection of Libretti, undated

- Section 2-List of Intriguing Titles.
- Folder 38: Index to Schatz Collection of Libretti, undated

- Master copy section 3-Complete List of Important Composers.
- Folder 39: Index to the Schatz Collection of LIbretti on Microfilm, ca. 1985

- Folder 40: Information about Printers and Publishers, undated

- Folder 41: Illustration of manchineel tree, undated

- Folder 42: Intro to Africaine (Deuxieme Parte); Huguenots (Act III, unused aria for Marcel), undated

- Folder 43: Library of Congress photoduplication request, 2002

- Folder 44: Lists of Opera Pieces with Key Signatures, undated

- Folder 45: List of television programs and films, undated

- Folder 46: Loose Leaf Motion Picture Collection Vol. II books, 1921

- Folder 47: Marchand de Venise (Hahn) Acte I Vocal Score, undated

- Folder 48: Marchand de Venise (Hahn) Acte II Vocal Score, undated

- Folder 49: Marchand de Venise (Hahn) Acte III Vocal Score, undated

- Box 11

- Folder 1: Master Copies of Book Introduction and Title Pages, undated

- Meyerbeer Libretti
- Folder 2: Master copy of pictures for La Juieve, Salammbo, and Le Juif Errant, undated

- Folder 3: Newspaper articles (1931-1993) related to musical instruments, undated

- Folder 4: Opera Orchestra of New York Silver Anniversary Program, 1996

- Folder 5: Opera recording cast list, 1990-1991

- Folder 6: Performance cast list, undated

- Folder 7: Performance list, undated

- Includes list of location, date, performers, orchestra, and conductor.
- Folder 8: Polydor and Deursche Grammaphon record, undated

- Folder 9: Reyer Biography, pt. 2: English translation manuscript, undated

- by Adolphe Jullien. Originally published by Librairie Renouard, Henri Laurens, editor. Paris, 1909.
- Folder 10: Russian language appendices and participles, undated

- Folder 11: Schirmer's Photoplay Series books, undated

- A loose leaf collection of dramatic and descriptive musical numbers especially composed for use with motion pictures. Includes Vol. I: Violin I, Vol. 3: Violin II, Trombone, Bass, Clarinet I, Vol. 4: Harmonium, Piano, Schirmer's Special Series of Novelties for Orchestra: Piano.
- Folder 12: Salammbo synopsis, pictures, photographs, and notes., undated

- Folder 13: Salammbo pictures, articles, and information, undated

- Folder 14: Salammbo photographs, synopsis, notes, and Punic script, undated

- Folder 15: Translator's Note: Gott und die Natur, U'vnukho Yomar, undated

- Folder 16: Useful Files, undated

- Folder 17: University of Illinois Music and Performing Arts Library information, 2007

- Box 12

- Folder 1: Personal papers, 2000-2013

- Folder 1 of 2.
- Folder 2: Personal papers, ca. 2009-2013

- Folder 2 of 2.
- Series 3: Audiovisual Materials

- Box 13

- Item 1: Veronique, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 2: Les P'Tites Michu, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 3: Le Chevalier D'Harmental, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 4: La Basoche, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 5: La Basoche, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 6: La Basoche, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 7: Il Crociato in Egitto, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 8: Il Crociato in Egitto, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 9: Il Crociato in Egitto, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 10: Il Crociato in Egitto, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 11: L'Africaine, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 12: Robert Le Diable, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 13: Emma Di Resburgo, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 14: Marguerite D'Anjou, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 15: Romilda e Costanza, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 16: Opera libretti and score microfilms, undated

- These items were left in the box in which they arrived because the creator had organized them in a specific way, complete with an alphebetic chart. (3/21/2014)
- Reel 17: Albert Schatz Collection of Opera Librettos, Item Nos. 8858-8922, undated

- Reel no. 182. Microfilm.
- Reel 18: Albert Schatz Collection of Opera Librettos, Item Nos. 4354-4405, undated

- Reel no. 89. Microfilm.
- Reel 19: Albert Schatz Collection of Opera Librettos, Item Nos. 9871-9017, undated

- Reel no. 184. Microfilm.
- Reel 20: Albert Schatz Collection of Opera Librettos, Item Nos. 8748-8797, undated

- Reel no. 180. Microfilm.
- Reel 21: Albert Schatz Collection of Opera Librettos, Item Nos. 1686-1733, undated

- Reel no. 36. Microfilm.
- Reel 22: Albert Schatz Collection of Opera Librettos, Item Nos. 4406-4445, undated

- Reel no. 90. Microfilm.
- Reel 24: Albert Schatz Collection of Opera Librettos, Item Nos. 9072-6118, undated

- Reel no. 186. Microfilm.
- Reel 23: Albert Schatz Collection of Opera Librettos, Item Nos.9018-9071, undated

- Reel no. 185. Microfilm.
- Reel 25: Albert Schatz Collection of Opera Librettos, Item Nos. 8923-8970, undated

- Reel no. 183. Microfilm.
- Reel 26: Margherita d'Anjou piano-vocal score, undated

- Microfilm.
- Item 27: Jephtas Gelubde, undated

- German. Munich, 1812. Microfilm.
- Item 28: Wirt und Gast, undated

- German. Stuttgart, 1813. Microfilm.
- Item 29: Romilda e Costanza, undated

- Italian. Padua, 1817. Microfilm.
- Item 30: Semiramide Riconosciuta, undated

- Italian. Bologna, no date. Microfilm.
- Item 31: Emma di Resburgo, undated

- Italian. Dresden, 1820; Venice, 1819. Microfilm.
- Item 32: Margherita d'Anjou, undated

- Italian. Milan, 1820; Munich, 1822. Microfilm.
- Item 33: L'Esule di Granata, undated

- Italian. Milan, 1822. Microfilm.
- Item 34: Il Crociato in Egitto, undated

- Italian. Venice, 1824; Munich, 1825; Naples, 1826; Dresden, 1826; London, no date. Microfilm.
- Item 35: Robert le Diable, undated

French. Paris, 1835.
German/Italian. Berlin, 1850.
Italian. Florence, 1840; Naples, 1856.
German. Munich, 1834; Vienna, 1835; Berlin, no date; no location, no date.
- Item 36: Les Huguenots, undated

French. Paris, 1836.
Italian. Milan, 1843; Naples, 1861; Rome, 1864; Florence, no date.
German. Cassel, 1839; Karlsruhe, 1864; Leipzeig, no date; Munich, 1838; no location, no date; Vienna, no date; Riga, 1875.
- Item 37: Ein Feldlager in Schlesien, undated

- Berlin, 1844. Microfilm.
- Item 38: Vielka, undated

- German. Vienna, no date. Microfilm.
- Item 39: Le Prophete, undated

French. Paris, 1850.
Italian. Florence, 1852.
German. Leipzig, 1850; Riga, 1874.
- Item 40: L'Etoile du Nord, undated

French. Paris, 185_; The Hague, 1853.
Italian. Milan, 1867.
German. Berlin, 1854.
- Item 41: Dinorah, undated

French. Paris, 1859.
Italian. Milan, 1865.
German. Vienna, 1872.
- Item 42: L'Africaine, undated

French. Paris, 1866.
Italian. Florence, 1866; Berlin, 1865; Boston, 1866.
- Box 14

- Disc 1: Guillaume Tell- for OONY, 2005

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 2: Mignon- for OONY, 2004

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 3: Backup Copy of La Juive for OONY, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 4: Adelia for OONY, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 5: OONY Librettos Masnadieri Straniera, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 6: OONY Librettos, 1993-1999

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes librettos for the following: Armida, Caterina Cornaro, Giovanna D'Arco, Jerusalem, Polituo, and Puritani.
- Disc 7: Il Corsari- For OONY, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 8: Donna Del Lago- For OONY, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 9: Librettos for OONY (and other miscellaneous), undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes librettos for the following: Africaine-notes, Meyerbeer arias-texts, Attila, Donna del Lago, and Juive.
- Disc 10: Meyerbeer French Recordings List for Ward Martson's Project, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 11: Professional Biography, Personal Files, Letters of Recomendation, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 12: Email Correspondence Files 1-9, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 13: Letters from Various Individuals, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes letters from: Nauck, Holderidge, Riggs, and Moran.
- Disc 14: Hobbies Index, 1997

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 15: Hobbies Articles for Introduction, 2002

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 16: Hobbies Backup Diskette Main Entry Sections, 1997

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 17: Hobbies Backup Diskette Index Sections, 1997

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 18: Hugenots-Early version of French text only, 1996

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 19: Hobbies Index 1931-1995, 1997

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 20: Abbreviations and Symbols used in idex, 1997-1998

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Contains many different files, title of disc taken from first file name. Files include: Artsay biography, Chronology of music events in Hobbies, Corrections submited by proof readers, Diagram/chart of hobbies precursors, fill in chart used to compile index, Gracyk article on Walsh, Holderidge letter 1 re Artsay, Holderidge letter 2 re Artsay, Index section titles (main enteries), Introductory material for index, letter to proof readers, page statistics for hobbies, page and article statistics for hobbies, progress (status of sections) on index, Wehling biography, and Wehling letter to daughter.
- Disc 21: Hobbies A-Z, 1997

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 22: Hobbies Magazine layout of precursor journals, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 23: Hobbies Index, 1997

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes the following files: Chronology of music events thru 1942, Introductory materials, and Outline of projected index sections.
- Disc 24: Hobbies Index, 1997

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes the following files: Outline of projected index sections, and previous indexes to Hobbies.
- Disc 25: Hobbies Index, 1996

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 26: Hillandale Journal List and Journal Materials, 1995-1998

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes the following files: List of missing journal issues, and Victrola and 78 Journal Article (text).
- Disc 27: Miscellaneous Discographical Files, 1993-1994

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes the following files: Bettini catalogues, Bettini cylinders arranged by artist, bettini cylinders in private collections, Columbia cylinders, Edison 2-minute wax cylinders (list), Edison 4-minute wax cylinders (list), Edison blue Amberol cylinders (list), Edison grand opera cylinders (list), IRCC recordings list, and Miscellaneous early opera cylinders.
- Disc 28: Opera Index, 1996-2001

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 29: Opera Magazine Index Enteries, 1992

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes the following files: Enteries for A-Byz and Va-Vyvyan (nine total files).
- Disc 30: Opera Index, Letter A, B, V, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 31: Star Trek Series, 2005

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 32: Star Trek Files, 1995-1998

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes the following files: Deep Space Nine, Original Series, Statistics, The Next Generation, and Voyager.
- Disc 33: Miscellaneous Files, ca. 1994

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes the following files: APM Index, Bettini Cylinders, Columbia Cylinders, Early Cylinders, Edison Cylinders, Mostly Mozart, Sorcerers Apprentice, X-mas Letter
- Disc 34: Miscellaneous Files, 1993-1998

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes the following files: Christmas letter, Christmas letter, CLPGS subscription letter, Recipies (low Calorie), Ukranian Artis Information, U.S. Presidents, and Weather.
- Disc 35: Miscellaneous files, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files." Includes the following files: Video BioPics List and List of Opera translated.
- Disc 36: Recipies and Xmas letters, undated

- Flopy Disc in Box of discs labeled "Miscellaneous Libretto Diskettes, Professional Files, Star Trek, Hobbies Index, Opera Index, Personal Files."
- Disc 37: Untitled Disc Box, undated

- Box containing Floppy discs in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions." Includes three discs labeled "Denkspruch," Publication Version Meyerbeer Foreign Language Originals, and Publication Version Meyerbeer English Translations.
- Disc 38: Das Brandenburger Tor, 2002

- Box containing a single Floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 39: L'Affricane, 2002

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 40: Le Pardon de Ploermel, 2002

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 41: L'Etoile du Nord, 2002

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 42: Le Prophete, 2002

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 43: Vielka, 2002

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 44: Ein Feldlager in Schlesien, 2002-2004

- Box containing two floppy discs in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 45: Les Hugenots, 2000-2002

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 46: Robert le Diable, 1999-2002

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 47: Il Crociato in Egitto, 2001

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 48: L'Esule di Granata, 2001

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 49: Margherita d'Anjou, 2002

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 50: Emma di Resburgo, 2003

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 51: Semiramide ricconosciuta, 2002

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 52: Romilda e Costanza, 2001

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 53: Wirth und Gast, 2003

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 54: Jephtas Gelubde, 2003

- Box containing a single floppy disc in larger box labelled "Meyerbeer-Master Diskettes All Operas and All Non-Operatic Compositions."
- Disc 55: Meyerbeer Discography Set #1, ca. 1997

- Box containing three floppy discs.
- Disc 56: Meyerbeer Discography-Set #2, ca. 1999

- Box containing three floppy discs.
- Disc 57: Unlabeled Disc, undated

- Bound with four disc boxes labeled together "Older versions Do not use"
- Disc 58: Nerone, Arrigo Boito, undated

- Bound with three disc boxes and a single floppy disc labeled together "Older versions Do not use." Contains three unlabeled floppy discs.
- Disc 59: Salambo, 2002

- Bound with three disc boxes and a single floppy disc labeled together "Older versions Do not use." Contains two unlabled floppy discs
- Disc 60: La Juive, Jacques F. Halevy, undated

- Bound with three disc boxes and a single floppy disc labeled together "Older versions Do not use." Contains two unlabeled floppy discs.
- Disc 61: Le Juif Errant, Jacques F. Halevy, 2002

- Bound with three disc boxes and a single floppy disc labeled together "Older versions Do not use." Contains two unlabeled floppy discs.
- Disc 62: Miscellaneous Meyerbeer Files, undated

- Floppy Disc.
- Disc 63: Meyerbeer, undated

- Floppy Disc, contains tables for musical numbers
- Disc 64: Meyerbeer libretti tables for musical numbers, undated

- floppy disc
- Disc 65: Translaters note and table of contents for publication of libretti, 2002

- floppy disc
- Disc 66: Meyerbeer libretti, undated

- floppy disc
- Disc 67: Meyerbeer lists of all non-operatic works, undated

- floppy disc
- Disc 68: Four language Translation of Meyerbeer arias, undated

- floppy disc
- Disc 69: Meyerbeer texts arranged by Act and Scene, 1992

- floppy disc
- Disc 70: Jephthas Gelubde translation, 2002

- floppy disc
- Disc 71: Semiramide-1819 version, undated

- floppy disc
- Disc 72: List of Differences between feldlager and Vielka, 2004

- floppy disc
- Disc 73: Atheisim Biblical contradictions, undated

- Floppy disc
- Disc 74: Seven Unlabeled discs, undated

- Seven variously colored floppy discs
- Disc 75: MRF Records index, 2008

- Box containing two floppy discs.
- Disc 76: Meyerbeer discography Files, undated

- Floppy disc in a clear floppy disc box
- Disc 77: List of Reyer operas and Arias, undated

- Floppy Disc in a clear floppy disc box.
- Disc 78: New Working Copy of Meyerbeer Dicography, undated

- floppy disc
- Disc 79: Contemporaneous Premiers List, undated

- floppy disc
- Disc 80: My Biography My weight fluctuations, 1960-2007

- floppy disc
- Disc 81: Three New Texts, undated

- floppy disc
- Disc 82: Continuation of Discography, undated

- floppy disc
- Disc 83: Personal Meyerbeer Collection, 2007

- Single Floppy Disc in pink Floppy disc box.
- Disc 84: Reyer Salambo, 3, undated

- Compact Disc
- Disc 85: Salambo Reyer, 1, undated

- Compact Disc
- Disc 86: Schmeles arsen, undated

- Compact Disc
- Disc 87: Reyer Salambo, 2, undated

- Compact Disc
- Disc 88: Aramburo for Arsenty, undated

- Compact Disc
- Disc 89: Meyerbeer vols. 1-4, undated

- Compact Disc
- Disc 90: Meyerbeer vols. 1-4, undated

- Compact Disc
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Libretti],
Series 2: Research and Publications],
Series 3: Audiovisual Materials],