Description: Physics Department Subject File includes correspondence with administrators, deans, department heads, and faculty; reports, memoranda, and publications of the department of Physics related to academic policy, admissions, affirmative action, American Institute of Physics, appointments and promotion, Argonne National Laboratory, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, betatron, budgets, building projects, cataracts, College of Engineering, colloquia and seminars, Control Systems Laboratory, Coordinated Science Laboratory, courses and curricula, department,
. . . moreschool, and campus committees, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Graduate College, High Energy Physics Group, Materials Research Laboratory, McMillan Award, Midwestern Universities Research Association, National Science Foundation, nonacademic personnel, Nuclear Physics Laboratory, patents, Physics Research Laboratory, picnics, PLATO, professional societies and organizations, research grants, salaries, safety, space allocation, sabbaticals, teaching evaluation, Undergraduate Studies Committee, U. S. Office of Naval Research, and University Research Board. Principal correspondents include Gail Adams, Gerald Almy, Ansel Anderson, Peter Axel, Robert Becker, George Beggs, Gilberto Bernardini, David Campbell, D. C. Drucker, W. L. Everitt, Donald Kerst, P. Gerald Kruger, F. Wheeler Loomis, Bess Matteson, Clark Robinson, Harry Edward Seidel, Frederick Seitz, and Ralph O. Simmons.